V/TE SIC Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee Diesel Metering Group Diesel Metering Group (DMG, Formerly the Biodiesel Group) Introduction System Interface sub-Committees shall be comprised of members, who shall consist of representatives of the industry categories, a Chair, Participants and Observers. The Biodiesel working group have been investigating Biodiesel for rail vehicles over the last year and have produced a desk top study and a test bed report. In addition to this output the group have also managed to facilitate suppliers of „Fuel enhancers‟ research. In doing so a realisation of the importance of metering for diesel trains has emerged. As a result the group believes that it has a suitable quorum of technical representatives from the rail sector to grasp the subject of metering diesel trains and produce guidance for individual companies who wish to meter vehicles This document outlines the remit for DMG to undertake its business, including its Purpose, Objectives, Scope, Specific Actions and Structure. Purpose The purpose of DMG is to produce useful guidance for stakeholders on the various strategies for metering diesel trains. Scope The work of DMG can be split into several work streams. These are shown below:Review and consolidation of existing work packages across the industry This work package will try to consolidate the current activities in fuel metering and ensure there is no overlap between the various projects. Metering for validation of energy efficiency schemes In order to validate energy efficiency schemes, reliable, consistent metering is required by engineers to capture detailed data. This metering is designed to be fitted to a subset of vehicles and will draw a variety of data from the vehicle. The exact data requirements are still to be defined from the project. This is a short term work package. Metering for guidance This metering is used for guidance to drivers, planners and the control room. This metering is based more on estimation of fuel consumption and to be fitted to all vehicles. This is a short term work package. Standardising metering requirements from new rolling stock This is a medium term project that will aim to standardise the data requirements from new rolling stock such that energy consumption can be monitored. Standardising the interface between the fuelling infrastructure and the vehicle Whilst the majority of UK rolling stock are filled with bulk feeders there are still some vehicles requiring „pistol guns‟. Furthermore, there are no standards on what data should be stored by the system and how this should be done, i.e. time and location of filling, vehicle number, etc. Fuel metering data management Diesel Metering Group Remit Vehicle/ Train Energy System Interface Committee Tel: 020 3142 5300 Fax: 020 3142 5301 Contact Address: Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY Page 1 of 2 V/TE SIC Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee Diesel Metering Group Whilst other industry groups are looking at communications to vehicles, GPS, and data processing it is still important to understand the requirements for diesel fuel metering. This work package will look all aspects of what the requirements are concerning processing and managing the data for diesel trains. Deliverables A coordinated strategy for fuel metering investigation. Guidance notes on the requirements for fuel metering systems, for different applications. Templates for how this equipment can be integrated into vehicles. Guidance on how to manage and process the data received from these systems and how it should be interpreted. Standards for the vehicle/fuelling interface and the data requirements of the system. Best practice on energy saving schemes investigated during evaluation of the capabilities of the metering systems. The scope includes relevant aspects of human factors, managerial, and process issues as well as technical engineering matters. The DMG will contribute to the delivery of the energy aspects of the DfT‟s Rail Technical Strategy. DMG can sponsor Research & Development (R&D) projects relevant to its scope, through acting as client for projects managed within the RSSB R&D programme. The aim of this research is to provide the knowledge and information necessary to support key decisions made by the V/TE SIC and advice it gives to the industry. This scope does not affect the legal duties of duty holders. Meeting RSSB will facilitate the meetings of this group, but the DMG may regulate its proceedings as it sees fit provided they meet the objectives of this remit. Unless otherwise decided by the DMG, it shall meet at least once every six weeks. Unless otherwise decided by DMG, its meeting shall only be quorate if at least half of its members are present, and in so deciding must consider whether, for any decisions, those most likely to be affected are present. If there are insufficient agenda items to be discussed at any single meeting the Chairman will, with consultation, cancel the meeting with 6 days notice. Notes of the meeting (minutes of the meeting) will be approved at the following meeting. Membership The memberships of the DMG Shall comprise representatives of the rail sector with the necessary technical expertise in the “energy field”. Sub Groups Where applicable, the DMG shall form separate sub groups to review and report on specific issues. These groups should be disbanded once their remit has been delivered. Diesel Metering Group Remit Vehicle/ Train Energy System Interface Committee Tel: 020 3142 5300 Fax: 020 3142 5301 Contact Address: Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY Page 2 of 2 V/TE SIC Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee Diesel Metering Group Vehicle Train Energy System Interface Committee (V/TE SIC) Chair: Tony Mercado Admin – Natasha Jones Diesel Metering Group Remit Future Electrification Group Future Fuels Technology Group Diesel Metering Group Chair: Kevin Lydford Admin – Frances Modebe Chair: Mark Gaynor Admin – Frances Modebe Chair: Bryan Donnelley Admin – Frances Modebe Page 3 of 2 Vehicle/ Train Energy System Interface Committee Tel: 020 3142 5300 Fax: 020 3142 5301 Contact Address: Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY