V/TE SIC Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee

Vehicle / Train Energy
System Interface Committee
Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee
Issue 2
System Interface Committees shall be comprised of Members, who shall consist of
representatives of the Industry Categories, a Chair, Participants and Observers
The Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee (V/TE SIC) was established
on 24 Oct 08 as a consequence of the Vehicle / Traction Supply SIC taking on the
wider role of energy encompassing energy sources and their usage within the rail
industry and energy as defined by the TSIs.
This document outlines the remit for V/TE SIC to undertake its business, including its
Purpose, Objectives, Scope, Specific Actions and Structure.
The purpose of Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committees shall be to
assist the Railway Industry to manage all aspects of identified system and it’s
interfaces as directed by the Technical Strategy Advisory Group (TSAG) in the most
cost effective and efficient way, therefore the V/TE SIC is to assist the Railway
Industry to manage all aspects of vehicle to energy interfaces, and the usage of
energy, in the most cost effective and efficient way.
The scope of the V/TE SIC is energy and its usage in the Rail industry; this scope is
defined in more detail in the system matrix (V-TE System Matrix Update.xls).
The scope includes relevant aspects of human factors, managerial, and process
issues as well as technical engineering matters.
The V/TE SIC will deliver the energy aspects of the DfT’s Rail Technical Strategy as
directed by the TSAG.
V/TE SIC will sponsor Research & Development projects relevant to its scope,
through acting as client for projects managed within the RSSB R&D programme as
the V/TE SIC will be the lead client group for the Energy Topic Research Plan
(ETRP). The aim of this research is to provide the knowledge and information
necessary to support key decisions made by the SIC and advice given by it to the
The committee’s role in relation to the research and other valuable work undertaken
by different groups (outside it’s Working Groups) would be to act as a “clearing
house” and therefore acting as a central location from where the research and other
work findings can be shared amongst the industry. The SIC will not decide on the
Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY
Vehicle / Train Energy
System Interface Committee
types or nature of research these “independent groups” can undertake, as this will be
governed by their own individual remits and scopes.
This scope does not affect the legal duties of duty holders.
The V/TE SIC may regulate its proceedings as it sees fit provide they meet the
objectives of this remit
Unless otherwise decided by the V/TE SIC, it shall meet at least once every
Unless otherwise decided by V/TE SIC, its meeting shall only be quorate if at least
three quarters of its members are present, and in so deciding must consider whether,
for any decisions, those most likely to be affected are present.
If there are insufficient agenda items to be discussed at any single meeting the
Chairman will, with consultation, cancel the meeting with 6 days notice.
Notes of the meeting (minutes of the meeting) will be approved at the following
The current membership of the committee will require to be supplemented with
members from Future Fuels Technology Group, various ATOC energy initiative
groups, Sustainability Working Group, Carbon Reduction Working Group, 3G DMU
Drivetrain Working Group, RSSB to support and provide the SIC with the necessary
technical expertise in the “energy field”.
Sub Groups
Where applicable, the V/TE SIC shall form separate sub groups to review and report
on specific issues. These groups should be disbanded once their remit has been
delivered, however the V/TE SIC shall appoint a Standing Sub Group specifically
looking into the electrical interfaces issues (meeting on bi-monthly basis, alternate to
the SIC and reporting back to it on bi-monthly basis).
Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY
Vehicle / Train Energy
System Interface Committee
See separate chart (amended July 08 to reflect current membership)
Vehicle / Train Energy System Interface Committee
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY