Vehicle/Train Control and Communications
System Interface Committee
Vehicle Communications Advisory Group
Vehicle Communications Advisory Group (VCAG)
Issue (1) Wednesday 26 September 2012
This document defines the working arrangements for the Vehicle Communications Advisory
Group (VCAG) in accordance with the SIC Protocol.
Purpose / Scope of VCAG
VCAG covers the mandated systems for train communication, voice and data as listed
 Cab Secure Radio (CSR)
 National Radio Network (NRN)
 Radio bearer aspects of Radio Electronic Token Block (RETB)
 Global System Mobile Communication – Public (GSM-P*)
 GSM-R and IVRS (Interim Voice Radio System)
 ERTMS data bearer over GSM-R
 Any systems identified by FC&PS AG or V/TC&C SIC.
* GSM-P as used for SMS service on the Cotswolds and Chiltern lines (forecast to be
withdrawn with the introduction of GSM-R).
The VCAG can work as a drafting review group for standards on telecommunication
protocols for optional systems as they arise, such as:
 Radio Frequency Identification Systems (RFID)
 Driver Advisory Systems (DAS)
VCAG recognises FC&PS AG leads in the area of new and emerging technologies.
The Vehicle Communications Advisory Group previously supported CSR, NRN and radio
aspects of RETB. The group was made dormant in 2008 as no new issues had arisen over
a six month period and all other issues had been resolved.
The GSM-R voice radio project reached the point towards the end of 2011 where extensive
fitment of infrastructure and specific fleets brought the need for VCAG to be reinstated.
Furthermore, other communication based systems have been emerging, requiring
assessment of the vehicle/infrastructure interface.
Objectives of VCAG
Work plan
3.1.1 VCAG will:
 Oversee the management of obsolescence and decommissioning of legacy radio
 Where available, monitor the performance of communications systems including
contributions to delay minutes and maintenance issues; consider potential areas for
 Quantify opportunities with cost models as appropriate and make recommendations on
telecommunications system improvements for a way forward.
 Liaise with related industry groups including the System Interface Committees,
Standards Committees, other sub-groups and relevant project teams.
3.1.2 The measurement for success for the group is satisfaction from stakeholders in addressing
the following targets throughout the period of transition from legacy radio systems through
to the end of life of GSM-R (estimated to be 2025).
 Maintain, and where practical, improve the safety, reliability, availability, performance
and functionality of the communication systems.
 Provide a forum for the management of change control within the scope of the systems
defined in section 2 of this remit.
 Identify opportunities to improve system performance and industry costs including any
degradation issues.
 Provide advice and assistance in the development and maintenance of documents.
 Improve operability of the telecommunication bearer.
 Actively pursue upgrades in systems which reduce costs or improve train performance.
 Liaise with mirror groups (for example, EOSRG) to achieve European change where
necessary, including European standards.
 Reduce whole life costs.
 Support the application and utilisation of a national Defect Recording and Corrective
Action System (DRACAS) system.
Conditions under which VCAG will cease activity
Complete resolution of all outstanding issues for vehicle to infrastructure communication
systems following complete replacement of the legacy radio systems and the absence of
any new issues for at least six months.
Membership of VCAG
Membership should comprise the following:
Voting Members:
 Chair
 Network Rail (Infrastructure Manager)
 TOCs
 RoSCos
 Suppliers (as nominated by RIA).
 System Providers
 Other Infrastructure Managers as appropriate (for example, High Speed 1).
 Dft
 Others, as appropriate.
Disclosure of Interests
4.1.1 If a member, or a person for whom that member works, has a direct or indirect personal
interest in a matter to be discussed by the committee, as distinct from a common interest of
the industry category as a whole, the member shall declare that interest to the Chair of the
committee of which they are a member at the earliest opportunity.
4.1.2 On the first occasion at which the matter is discussed, or
4.1.3 If a member is not aware of an interest at that time, at the next committee meeting after
which they become aware of that interest, regardless of whether the matter is being
discussed at that meeting.
4.1.4 Once disclosed, an interest need not be disclosed again.
4.1.5 When a member declares an interest, the other members shall decide whether that
member may continue to participate in discussions on the matter concerned or whether that
member shall be excluded from the meeting while the matter is discussed.
Specialist Skills and Knowledge
The group collectively should have knowledge and skills in the following areas:
 GSM-R: understanding of project and delivery
 Understanding of current use, telecommunication protocols (data and voice) and
 Wide understanding of data applications and operational issues
 Knowledge of train and infrastructure-based sub-systems
 Standards and legislation
 Operations (as appropriate)
 Human factors (as appropriate)
Where specialist skills and knowledge do not exist within the group, this can be bought in
as necessary (co-opted).
Delegation of Authority
Decision Making
6.1.1 VCAG is a formal sub-group of the V/TC&C SIC. Where appropriate, the VCAG may make
recommendations to SICs, EOSRG and Standards Committees.
6.1.2 If a decision cannot be reached, refer to section 8.5 of this remit.
Reporting / Recommendations
6.2.1 The Vehicle Communications Advisory Group will ensure that the V/TC&C SIC is kept
informed of progress through a written report twice per calendar year.
SIC Funding and Budget Management
VCAG has no budget.
Representation by the stakeholders on the VCAG shall be in kind.
Process to elect and appoint new members / chairpersons
Members shall be appointed from their industry category. The spread of membership needs
to ensure the skills and knowledge identified in section 5 and the representation in section
Further members may be co-opted to provide further expertise as needed and agreed by
the group.
All full members shall agree to act as chair should they be called upon to do so.
The members shall appoint a chair from the membership. The chair will ideally remain in
office for at least a year and will offer themselves up for re-election after a period of three
The Chair’s role is not to represent the constituency to which he/she belongs but is to
encourage fair representation of views through other members and seek whole-industry
solutions through consensus. Where a decision cannot be reached, arbitration will be via
the V/TC&C SIC.
Members will appoint a named alternative, in writing, to the Chair. The alternative will carry
out committee and other duties when the member is not available.
Industry category nominees shall:
Normally belong to a company which is a member of RSSB
Have a professional background
Demonstrate commercial and technical competence in the area concerned
Have relevant practical experience
In the event that more than one candidate volunteers to fill a particular industry category,
the group can contact RSSB to arrange voting in a constituency.
Organisation / Operation of Meetings
The meeting will operate to a pre-agreed agenda (minimum of four meetings per calendar
year though this can remain under review). Minutes of the meeting will be approved at the
following meeting.
Ad-hoc meetings can be called in between scheduled meetings if necessary.
If there are insufficient agenda items to be discussed at any single meeting the Chair will,
with consultation, cancel the meeting with at least five days’ notice.
Meeting Quorum
A meeting quorum must consist of a minimum of 1 x Chair, 1 x Network Rail, 1 x Train
Operator, 1 x RSSB, or their nominated alternates. If the meeting is not quorate absent
members will have two weeks after the distribution of the draft minutes to make an
objection to any decision taken in the meeting. If no objections are made the decision will
Reporting Structure
11.1.1 The VCAG reports to V/TC&C SIC. VCAG will operate on a consensus basis to achieve
their purpose, in line with the SIC Protocol.
Meeting Documentation
11.2.1 The SIC Support Agreement for V/TC&C SIC sets out the timeframes for producing and
distributing minutes.
11.2.2 Meeting agendas and packs will be distributed no later than five working days in advance of
the meeting.
11.2.3 All draft minutes will be sent to the Chair within ten working days of the meeting.
11.2.4 The Chair is expected to return any comments within five working days of receipt.
Remit Review
Production and maintenance of the SIC remit will be provided by the nominated secretary
for the group and will be reviewed annually.