Terms of Reference for the Data and Risk Strategy Group TITLE:

Terms of Reference for the Data and Risk Strategy Group
TITLE: Data and Risk Strategy Group (DRSG)
GOVERNANCE: The DRSG terms of reference is approved by SSRG
FREQUENCY: Every 12 weeks - 4 hours (Maximum).
CHAIR: Brian Tomlinson
DEPUTY CHAIR: Jay Thompson
MEETING MANAGER: Irene Grabowska
Core Members: 3*Network Rail, 4*TOC, 1* Freight, 2*Infracos, 1*Supplier, 1*ROSCO, 3*RSSB
Associate Members: 1*TfL, 1*ORR,
External guests: Where appropriate, DSRG may invite external guests to contribute to specific topics to
further the work of the group
Location: RSSB or member offices.
The GB railway industry has very well developed systems and processes in place for the collection of safety
related data. The industry also has well developed, and world leading approaches to risk modelling. This
capability has been developed individually through each company’s ongoing commitment to safety reporting,
and risk based decision making and each companies own related systems and processes and collectively
through the industry’s long term support of RSSB and its development and management of various systems
and models. Together these processes, systems and models strongly support the industry in its
understanding and management of safety risk.
A coordinated strategy is needed for the evolution of the systems, processes, and models overseen by the
industry to ensure that they continue to evolve to best meet the needs of the GB railway industry, in
particular given  The desire to use these systems and processes to drive continual improvement in the industry.
 The need for the integration with the systems and ways of working of RSSB’s member companies.
 The need to consider the benefits of the industry working collectively on them, in certain circumstances.
 The long term nature, and potential expense of changing the systems.
 The pace of technological change associated with Information Technology related systems and the
opportunities and problems this creates.
 Regulatory changes, and the different requirements regulations place on the collection, analysis and
reporting of safety related data, and on the analysis and evaluation of risk.
The purpose of the Data and Risk Strategy Group (DRSG) is to Develop and oversee the delivery of the industry-wide strategy for the collection, analysis and reporting of
safety related data, and the development and use of risk tools and models. This involves:
 Overseeing the ongoing development, release, dissemination and use of industry information systems,
and related tools, models and processes that support the development of risk and safety intelligence in
the industry.
 Review of the scope of data collection in the industry to help link data sources and identify gaps in data
and knowledge. Submit suggestions for improvements to the SSRG for approval.
 Overseeing the delivery of risk and safety intelligence to the industry.
 Championing safety monitoring, and the use of safety performance indicators within the industry.
 Championing and encouraging the use of risk based analysis and appraisal techniques in support of
industry requirements such as the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment.
 Promoting and supporting the improvement of industry data quality.
 Commissioning, sponsoring and overseeing research projects which enhance the industry’s capabilities
in the area’s covered by this remit.
 Ongoing consideration of future technology practice in other industries and other relevant developments
in order to understand how these might:
o Create opportunities to increase the benefit of the systems, processes, tools and models to RSSB
member companies.
o Create problems for the continued maintenance, delivery or use of them.
 Promote the use of similar approaches in Europe and across the international railway community, to
create an environment in which UK derived practice thrives.
 Fulfil the role of the SMIS Programme Board as defined in the ‘Systems code’
 Act as the review body for regular RSSB produced briefings on changing and updated Health and Safety
The scope of DRSG work and consideration is that relating to all aspects of the safety of the workforce (both
employees and contractors), passengers, and members of the public to which the conduct of our members’
collective business activity relates, and the entirety of the Railway System. It should also consider, where
deemed appropriate, risks, systems and data relating to performance, environment, reliability, health and
The scope of DRSG work is focussed entirely upon rail in Great Britain. Any commercial opportunities
overseas related to the DRSG work and outputs, would only be pursued if it were to provide a net benefit to
the railway in Great Britain and to RSSB’s member companies.
The DRSG is to consider a range of existing outputs relating to risk and safety intelligence such as:
 The Safety Management Information System (SMIS)
 Close Call
 The Safety Risk Model (SRM) and related tools such as the SRM Risk Profile Tool
 the Precursor Indicator Model (PIM)
 The Annual Safety Performance report
 The Industry Shared Risk Database (ISRD)
 Incident Factors Classification System (IFCS)
In addition to any new systems in this area that might be developed such as the GeoSRM.
It is also to consider industry guidance such as  Taking Safe Decisions
 Rail industry guidance notes on application of the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and
 Measuring Safety Performance
DRSG will have relationships with  The SSRG
 RSSB (RSSB will be the delivery resource for DRSG and the meeting manager)
 SMIS User Group
 SMIS Management Group
 Close Call User Group
 Close Call Steering Group.
 High Integrity Software Group
 Risk Management Forum Steering Group
 Taking Safe Decisions Steering Group
Members and nominated alternates to be inducted in to the ‘Purpose and Operation’ of the DRSG, only
inducted and/or invited members shall attend DRSG. No other alternates will be accepted and the same
applies to associate members.
Administrative support
Produce the draft minutes and action list for approval by the chair 1 week after the meeting
- Meeting Manager
Send out chair approved minutes and action list to members 2 weeks after the meeting
- Meeting Manager
Prepare draft agenda to be approved by chair using template 4 weeks before the meeting
- Meeting Manager / Chair
Request inputs for pack 4 weeks before the meeting: deadline for submission, 2 weeks before meeting
- Meeting Manager
Review action list and follow up actions 5 weeks before the meeting - Meeting Manager
Compile meeting pack 2 weeks before meeting - Meeting Manager
Send out the Railway Safety Legislation Update 2 weeks before meeting - Meeting Manager
Send out meeting pack 1 week before meeting - Meeting Manager