5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Information bulletin operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. C O M M U N I C AT I N G W I T H O U R M E M B E R S A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S J U LY 2 0 1 0 RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice this issue... GB railway safety 2009/10 - Another year of sustained safety performance Another year of sustained safety performance ........... 01 CCTV level crossings within a possession............ 02 What happened after analysis of trendsthe in train accident RSSB published its Annual Safety TPWS? A fresh look at From 1has August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents content). See SPAD risk........................... 02 precursors using the Precursor Performance Report (ASPR) for the produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx Non-technical skills............ 03 Indicator Model (PIM) shows the financial year 2009/10. The headlines website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). overall risk at 39% of March 2002 are: Paul Thomas is new Chairman of Hazards baseline level, compared to 46% at For further information about the publication of documents > On the basis of fatality risk per Forum................................ 04 the end of 2008/09. kilometre, rail travel Thetraveller M&EE Networking Group is is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk Events................................ 04 > information There were 42 potentially highernearly 1,500 times safer professional engineering andthan railway operations risk train accidents (PHRTAs). This travelling by motorcycle, over 500 and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group is 6 lower than for 2008/09, and the times safer than walking, over 400 Railway Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk lowest number recorded. times safer than cycling, over 30 Standards changes times safer thanof travelling by car professional heads mechanical and electrical > engineering The total level of harm in 2009/10 For details of changes to Railway and around 3 times safer than was theonsame as 2008/09,129.7 and operations from infrastructure contractors operating Group Standards view the Latest using a bus or coach. Updates page on the RGS Online FWI (fatalities track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, and weighted > It’s estimated that there were about website www.rgsonline.co.uk injuries). the 1.25 Rail Plant London Underground and elected billionAssociation, passenger journeys > Five passengers died in separate Rule Book – New Approach made in the last year, representatives fromfinancial other infrastructure renewal companies, Date Event Location incidents, all at stations. This is but there were no passenger See http://www.rssb.co.uk/RGS/ plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant theand same figure for 2008/09, and Pages/rulebookandnational.aspx or workforce fatalities in train remains the lowest passenger technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York accidents in 2009/10. This is the fatality total recorded for either a fourth financial year in the last five calendar or financial year. no such fatalities. You can subscribe RSSB to Thewith M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar London Information Bulletin on the > Three members of the workforce >good 2009/10 saw lowest financial (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) practice for the all members of the industry and they have RSSB website. died in accidents during year total on record for category previously only been available on several disparate websites. 2009/10, all were working on the http://www.rssb.co.uk/ A signals passed at danger, which For more information on these RSSB organised events, Publications/Lists/infosubform. infrastructure. The overall level stood at 277. This is a decrease aspx 24.5 FWI Stella Okezie, conference manager on please contact of 15 to onmake the number recorded In order the Codes of Practice available of to workforce a wider harm was which is a 6% reduction on the for 2008/09. has been 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk audience, RSSB There has agreed to publish them (though the 2008/09 figure, and a 4% reduction a substantial overall reduction M&EE Networking Group remains responsible forwhen all of normalised by hours worked. in SPAD risk and train accident risk over the last decade. An RSSB Events 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from front page The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport a comprehensive risk profile for their >operators Twelvecreate members of the public died while using level crossings; the same number for management 2008/09. Six activities, were operations in support of their safety one was a cyclist,Aand were road vehicle are pedestrians, due to be released in August. tool five for undertaking occupants, three of whom died in the same vehicle at an Cost-Benefit Analysis accordance with ‘Taking Safe is the accident in Halkirk.in While the number of fatalities Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages same as 2008/09, the number of train collisions with road vehicles dropped from 21 in 2008/09 to 14. of development. Page 02 If you would like any further information, assistance or training inOver the use of the andindustry its associated outputs, please the last 10SRMv6 years, the has been able to effect the biggest safety improvements in assessment areas wheremanager it has direct contact George Bearfield, safety risk on control and responsibility – particularly the risk from train 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback accidents and more generally the overall risk to passengers from of the or templates and are keen to hear and users members of bulletin the workforce. about our members particular needs for risk information, models and tools. > A further 49 members of the public were killed while trespassing; this is an increase of five on 2008/09. To view the full report on the RSSB website see RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice http://www.rssb.co.uk/SPR/REPORTS/Pages/default.aspx CCTV level crossings within a possession Since September 2007 there have been a number of incidents of rail movements proceeding over CCTV level crossings within possessions without the correct authorities. Most of these appeared to relate to a Person in Charge of Possession (PICOP) or Engineering Supervisor (ES) authorising a movement to take place past the signal protecting the crossing before the barriers had been lowered, despite the rule (and the non-compliance before it) requiring the PICOP or ES to obtain the signaller’s assurance that the barriers have been lowered and that the crossing is clear before the train to pass thepublishing protectingdocuments signal. From 1allowing August 2009 RSSB will be This issueby was in great depth byon the Operations produced thediscussed M&EE Networking Group the rgsonline Focus Group (OFG) at its February 2010 meeting and an website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). initiative was taken to progress the proposal to develop briefing documents for the industry. In order to do this a cross industry sub group, led by RSSB, was set up. It The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of was agreed by the sub group that three separate briefing professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to documents were required to be developed to ensure that there would be no dubiety or misunderstanding regarding other people’s duties. The three audiences identified are: 1) Planners 2) Those giving movement authority such as ES & PICOP 3) Those undertaking movements such as drivers, On Track Machine (OTM) operators The decision was taken for Network Rail to provide the document planners because they need to comply with the content).forSee their company standards NR/L3/NDS303. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx The guidance to ‘people authorising rail movements and for people driving trains or controlling on-track plant’ has now been completed and circulated Network of Rail. It has also For further information about the by publication documents been made available on Opsweb www.opsweb.co.uk. contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk For further information about M&EE Networking Group For further information about this or any other OFG activities contact documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk Susan Cassidy email susan.cassidy@rssb.co.uk operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating ontrack machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, RSSB Events 2009 representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Monthly analysis of trends in the risk from signals passed plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant anda at danger (SPADs) has taken place since 2002, using baseline level of SPAD risk at the March 2001 level. Since technical services. that time, SPAD risk has decreased significantly, with recent levels being consistently more than 90% below the baseline. The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as The main reason for the improvement has been the good practice for all members of the industry and they have implementation of the Train Protection and Warning System previouslybut only available on several disparate (TPWS), thebeen industry has also instigated a rangewebsites. of other initiatives and rolling stock improvements that have played their part. In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider At the annual Operations Safety Conference in 2009,the the audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though discussion on SPAD risk raised concerns about whether it M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of was still useful to make comparisons against a 2001 baseline when the current risk was so much lower. Some people felt Datedoing so Event Location that could mask recent changes. There were also concerns that the method used to assess the risk was unduly sensitive one or two SPADs: for example, the 22 Sept to Freedom tohigh Trainrisk Workshop York near-doubling of the risk measure in 2007 was an artefact of the method and did not reflect a genuine dramatic increase Sept DRACAS RSSB London in30the underlying levelSeminar of risk. (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) Accordingly, RSSB has developed a new and more robust method for evaluating the underlying level of SPAD risk. Put For more information these RSSB organised events, simply, it smoothes outonthe distribution of SPAD rankings. The result is an Stella approach that conference is less sensitive to small please contact Okezie, manager on numbers of high-ranking SPADs. In addition, the greater 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk smoothness of the distribution makes it possible to use SPAD data over 12 months rather than 24, so the new measure has the benefit of being able to track changes in the What after and TPWS? A fresh look at SPAD risk the Rail Planthappened Association, London Underground elected FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 operators create a risk comprehensive risk profile for their underlying level of more immediately. operations in support of their safety management activities, Using the new methodology, RSSB has re-baselined SPAD are due to be released in August. A tool for date undertaking risk assessment to September 2006. This has been selected because it reflects a time when Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with TPWS ‘Takingwas Safefully operational, and is a full year after the removal of Mark I Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages rolling stock. of development. Both the old and new measures will be published in tandem for the time being. The old measure reflects the seriousness of SPADs that actually occurred, while the new measure better reflects the underlying SPAD risk. At the end of 2009/10, SPAD risk stood at around 70% of the & measured using the new new September 2006 baseline, as methodology. Page 03 Both the old and new measures will be published in tandem for the time being. The old measure reflects the seriousness of SPADs that actually occurred, while the new measure better reflects the underlying risk.information, At the end of 2009/10, SPAD risk at around If you would like anySPAD further assistance or stood training 70% of the new September 2006 baseline, as measured using the new methodology. in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please 600% Observed risk (24 -month data period) contact George Bearfield, safety riskUnderlying assessment manager on risk (12 -month data period) SPAD risk (% of September 2006 baseline) Continued from page 2 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport 500% 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback 400% users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear from about our members particular needs for risk information, 300% New 100% baseline set at September 2006 models and tools. 200% 100% 0% RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 For more information contact Marcus Dacre, senior safety intelligence analyst, marcus.dacre@rssb.co.uk Non-technical skills For more information contact Marcus Dacre, senior safety intelligence analyst, Non-technical skills are generic skills such as decision making, workload management and marcus.dacre@rssb.co.uk situational awareness. Research has shown that non-technical skills (NTS) underpin safe performance at work for safety critical staff. They enhance technical task performance, and improve safety by helping people to anticipate, identify and reduce the occurrence of errors. Non-technical skills Non-technical skills are generic skills such as decision making, workload management and situational awareness. Research has shown that non-technical skills (NTS) underpin safe performance at work for safety critical staff. They enhance technical task performance, and improve From 1by August 2009 RSSB be publishing safety helping people to will anticipate, identifydocuments and reduce the occurrence of errors. produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline Interest recognition of non-technical skills is growing website and (www.rgsonline.co.uk). across the rail industry worldwide, and NTS training courses have already been developed in Australia and the United The M&EE Networking Group is in dedicated sharing of States of America. Evaluations a range to of the safety critical professional engineering andtype railway operations information industries suggest that this of training can result in improvements in safety, knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to – and bring financial benefits. operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the RSSB has begun a project with representatives from across professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering the rail industry in Britain to develop, pilot and evaluate and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onNTS training and reinforcement activities (project reference track machines possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, T869). This pilotoutside courseofwill focus on drivers; however, the guidance and core materials developed will be applicable to the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected other operational roles. representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Interest and recognition of non-technical skills is growing across the rail industry worldwide, and NTS training courses have already been developed in Australia and the United States of America. Evaluations in a range of safety critical industries suggest that this type of training can result in improvements in safety, knowledge, behaviour, and attitudes – and bring financial benefits. In this project, task analysis methods have been used to RSSB has begun a project with representatives from across the Rail industry in Britain to mappilot NTS each the driveractivities role. A totalreference of 26 develop, andonto evaluate NTSelement training andof reinforcement (project T869). This pilot course focus on drivers; however, guidance core materials NTS have beenwill identified as being keytheskills for and train drivers. developed will be applicable to other operational roles. In this project, task analysis methods have been used to map NTS onto each element of the A report outlining these skills is available on the RSSB driver role. A total of 26 NTS have been identified as being key skills for train drivers. website: http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/ the content). Seeskills is available on the RSSB website: A report outlining these reports/Research/T869_int_rpt.pdf. http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/reports/Research/T869_int_rpt.pdf. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx A research brief the outlining project A research brief outlining project is the available here: is available here: http:// http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/reports/Research/T869_rb_final.pdf. www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/reports/ For further information about the publication of documents Research/T869_rb_final.pdf. contact Marie at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk Over the nextMarks few months, RSSB will be facilitating the work of a group of trainers from across the industry to develop materials reinforcement activities for the course. For further and information about M&EE Networking Group This course will be piloted at Northern Rail and evaluated documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk before the materials and implementation guidance are made available in a final report. The intention is that other companies in the industry will be able to use this information to roll out the course; and that ultimately, NTS training can be integrated with technical training across the industry. RSSB Events 2009 Date Event Location plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and The technical specialist, who can be contacted at technical services.leader on T869 is Kate Bonsall, human factors 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop Kate.Bonsall@rssb.co.uk or on 020 3142 5629. York The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as You can also refer to RSSB’s Non-Technical Skills webpage, information in this area: 30which Sept provides DRACASfurther Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) http://www.rssb.co.uk/EXPERTISE/HF/Pages/NON-TECHNICALSKILLS.aspx. good practice for all members of the industry and they have previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 04 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Paul Thomas is new Chairman of Hazards Forum operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on Paul Thomas RSSB’s Chairman hasforbeen appointed to are due to be CB, released in August. A tool undertaking lead the Hazards Forum. Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe The Hazards agenda is is also to: in the final stages Decisions’ andForum’s ORR guidance >of development. Promote the Public understanding of Risk; > Promote the understanding of specific technological and natural hazards; > Identify key lessons from catastrophes; > 3142 Providing contributing to education material; 020 5464and or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback from users of close the bulletin or relationships templates andwith are other keen Learned to hear > Seeking working Societies and Institutions involved with risk issues. about our members particular needs for risk information, models and tools. Paul Thomas’ background in the Royal Navy was as a submariner, including responsibility for procurement of the Trident submarines, missile systems and nuclear warheads. After leaving the Royal Navy in 1998, he joined AEA Technology Nuclear Engineering and in 2001 moved to British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BFNL) as Group Director Environment, Health, Safety & Quality. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice > Work for the application of risk & reduction and control strategies. This agenda is primarily, but by no means exclusively, focused on the UK and is aimed at professional communities and the public. > Providing a high level forum for reasoned debate; > Arranging discussion meetings for opinion formers and experts; For more details on the Hazards Forum see http://www.hazardsforum.org.uk/content/index.asp?CONTENT_ID=17 From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents Events: the content). See produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx The purpose M&EE Networking the sharing of The of the V/T Group SIC is is ‘todedicated assist thetorailway industry to manage allengineering aspects of and vehicle to track interfaces in the professional railway operations information most cost effective and efficient way.’ Whilst the primary and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to focus of the V/T SIC is set upon the point of contact operational technical safety of plant. It isthat a meeting of the between theand wheel and rail, it is recognised many other professionalofheads of mechanical electrical engineering parameters the track and rollingand stock also affect this interface. and operations from infrastructure contractors operating on- contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk The seminar will present the work undertaken by V/T Vehicle/Track System Interface Committee Seminar ‘Taking theory into practice’ website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Date: 20 October 2010 Venue: RSSB Offices, Angel, London EC1about the publication of documents For further information track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, SIC over the last year and a review of progress since For information about from M&EEthe Networking thefurther last event. Speakers V/T SIC Group and those who havecontact participated in theatwork will describe the documents Mick James mick.james@rssb.co.uk technical details and key results. The seminar will also provide the opportunity to meet with many of the experts inEvents this critical2009 field. RSSB the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected To register an interest in attending this free event, please email conferences@rssb.co.uk. Date Event Programme details will be finalised in the coming weeks and will be sent out to those who plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and have been in contact. representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Location technical services. 22 Sept The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have Freedom to Train Workshop York previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED