5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Information bulletin operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. C O M M U N I C AT I N G W I T H O U R M E M B E R S A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S M AY 2 0 1 0 RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice this issue... Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report Road-Rail Interface Special Topic Report ......... 01 RSSB Annual Review......... 02 level crossings, bridge strikes and Feedback on RSSB’s incursions through fences, bridges management of research... 02 access points) account for From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing and documents the content). See Engineering Requirements approximately 12.5 fatalities and for Dispatch of Trains produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx weighted injuries (FWI) per year and from Platforms.................... 03 website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). represent 9% of the total system risk Research to develop (excluding suicides). For further information aboutnew the publication of documents supplier assurance framework.......................... 03 rail industry The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to The the sharing of has therefore contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk Train headlamps research focussed on mitigating the risk at professional engineering and railway operations information leads to standards the road-rail interface through the 04 and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information aboutproposal............................. M&EE Networking Group combined actions of the Road-Rail RSSB input to the Network operational and technical of plant. It is Interface a meetingSafety of the Group documents at mick.james@rssb.co.uk (R-RISG)contact and Mick James In general, statistics showsafety that the Modelling Framework......... 05 theengineering specific actions of Network Rail railways of Great Britain are safe and electrical professional heads of mechanical Risk Management and the law enforcement agencies. relative to all other forms of transport. Forum 2010........................ 05 and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onRecognition has also been given to However, analysis shows that the risk Industry turns to RISAS for track outside ofremains possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, worldwide good practice, expressed at the machines road-rail interface an wheelset assurance........... 06 through the 5 Es; engineering, the Rail Association, London Underground and elected issue forPlant the following reasons: Common Safety Method enforcement, education, engagement representatives from other in infrastructure renewal companies, on risk evaluation and Date Event Location By virtue of improvements other and evaluation. assessment . ..................... 06 areas, road-railand interface risk now plant owners, manufacturers/suppliers of plant and This report examines the roadIndustry encouraged to represents almost half of all train technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York share safety intelligence rail interface safety performance accident risk (two of the three most using Rail Notices ............. 07 recorded on Network Rail managed recent multi fatality train accidents Guidance for Safe infrastructure (NRMI) over the lastDRACAS ten The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as were caused by road vehicles). 30 Sept Seminar RSSB London Freight Train Operation...... 07 years and the estimated underlying (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have > Most level crossings risk arises Events................................ 08 level of risk derived from version 6 of from users themselves previously onlyexposing been available on several disparate websites. the Safety Risk Model (SRMv6). The to local hazards (either wilfully or For more information on these RSSB organised events, report presents data trends around Railway Group accidentally); this makes the risks leveltocrossings, bridge please strikes contact and Stella Okezie, conference manager on Standards changes In order to make the Codes of Practice available a wider much harder for the industry to incursion incidents. It provides a 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk For details of changes to Railway audience, control.RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the picture of the risk and safety situation Group Standards view the Latest Accidents and incidents M&EE Networking Groupoccurring remains responsibleatfor of theallinterface, using data up to 31 Updates page on the RGS Online at the road-rail interface (including website www.rgsonline.co.uk December 2009. RSSB Events 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from front page The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport Page 02 If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators a comprehensive riskwebsite profile for their in theSpecial use of the SRMv6 and itsitassociated outputs,safety please The reportcreate is published on the RSSB titled Road-Rail Interface Topic Report and provides practical knowledge to support our members enable informed safety decisions and planning to beBearfield, based onsafety all available information. operations in of theirtosafety management activities, contact George risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit in accordance ‘Taking Safe senior safety from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear For more Analysis details please contactwith Siona Pitman, intelligence analyst on 020 3142 5485 email siona.pitman@rssb.co.uk Decisions’ and ORRorguidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. RSSB Annual Review 2009, RSSB continued its work to improve safety, reduce RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes ofIn Practice costs, and improve business performance for our members. RSSB has recently published a high level overview of the & company’s activities during the calendar year 2009. The succinct account sets out progress and key achievements co-ordinated and delivered by the company in all our major areas of responsibility. At the same time we and our governance groups have been considering how RSSB can deliver better products and services, and do so even more cost effectively. For more details see the Annual Review published on our website www.rssb.co.uk Feedback on RSSB’s management of research The rail industry’s research and development programme is managed by RSSB and funded primarily by the Department for Transport. The programme provides a capability to develop new knowledge to support industry action and decision making across a range of issues. Research is From 1 August 2009by RSSB will be publishing documents generally proposed RSSB members through stakeholder groups, and it can be undertaken in any area supports the produced by the M&EE Networking Group on that the rgsonline improved performance of the GB railway system. It focuses on website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). industry-wide research that no individual company or sector of the industry can address on its own. A recent RSSB survey of key R&D industrytoclient groups of The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated the sharing in November 2009 highlighted broad satisfaction among professional engineering and railway operations information stakeholders with RSSB’s overall management of the and to provide focus to the industry programme anda feedback on rail areas whererelating it couldtoimprove – including providing industry clientofgroups clarity operational and technical safety plant. Itwith is afurther meeting of the on their role in relation to the research they sponsor, and how professional of mechanical and electrical engineering outputs mightheads be taken up, together with managing timescales in accordance needs contractors and expectations. and operationswith fromindustry infrastructure operating ontrack machines outside back of possessions, Network RSSB, RSSB has now written to the industry clientRail, groups and is initiating the following steps to address the learning points: the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected >representatives RSSB will befrom reviewing the processesrenewal involved in the other infrastructure companies, R&D lifecycle to identify improvements in the areas of plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and documenting formal requirements and expectations at technical services. the initial stages of projects, visibility of process, business cases, and reporting. Where changes are likely to be they will be introduced through communication Thebeneficial M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as with relevant client groups during the course of 2010/11. good practice for all members of the industry and they have > For all projects, RSSB is going to change the arrangements for publishing, to enhance the engagement of industry client groups in the sign off and publication process. This will be done by having publication coincide with the date that the client groups decide what action it the content). See will take with the findings – so that publication or reports http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx or briefs will be done in support of the industry client group’s decision, rather than an end in itself. This change would be made client group-by-client group and be fully For further information about the publication of documents implemented by the end of 2010. contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk > If any member of a client group has concerns about an individual project you are encouraged to raise it with Guy Head ofabout research andNetworking development or Anson ForWoodroffe, further information M&EE Group Jack, who is theMick Director withatresponsibility for research. documents contact James mick.james@rssb.co.uk RSSB will be involving client groups as and where appropriate on the detail of any changes to ensure they work for the benefit of all RSSB members. RSSB Events 2009 Date Event Location 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. If you have any further observations or thoughts, then please feed them back either directly to Guy Woodroffe, For more information on these RSSB organised events, guy.woodroffe@rssb.co.uk, Anson Jack, anson.jack@rssb.co.uk or through your main RSSB contact. In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 03 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport Engineering Requirements forIf you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Dispatch of Trains from Platforms operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on arepart dueof toits bereview released in August. tool for undertaking As of all RailwayAGroup Standards (RGS), RSSB has been reviewing GE/RT 8060 Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking(Technical Safe Requirements for Train Dispatch). It was noted that the Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages intention of GE/RT8060 issue 1 should not, by implication, of development. include establishing if train doors are closed – door interlocking systems establish this – but to facilitate the checking that nothing is trapped in the train doors. Clarity was also sought regarding the use of the ‘station work complete’ term in relation to the utilisation of camera/monitor systems for train dispatch purposes. & 020 reference 3142 5464toorthe risk@rssb.co.uk. welcome any scene providedWe to the driverfeedback in assisting the train dispatch operation should be regarded as from users of the bulletin or templates and are keenan to hear operational requirement rather than a technical requirement in about our members particular needs for risk information, an engineering standard. models and tools. In producing the re-titled GE/RT8060 issue 2, these problems have been addressed by: Replacing throughout the document the phrase ‘station work complete’ with the phrase ‘checking that no one on the platform is potentially trapped in the train doors’. This removes a potential misinterpretation of the standard: it can no longer be interpreted to mean that confirmation of the closing of train doors is established by the facilities mandated by the standard. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice In the context of the above questions, the Rule Book and GM/RT2473 (Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicle) were also reviewed. As a result the following problems were identified: 1) The definition of ‘station work complete’ in the standard is different from the requirements for ‘station work complete’ in the Rule Book. 2) It was not clear in practice how it would be possible to ensure compliance for all train dispatch modes with the requirement for the design of trains. 3) In addressing the performance of the station-mounted camera/monitor system, reference to the scene observed – ‘all the train doors and the platform edge area’ – was an attempt to define the optical properties of the system rather than the scene it surveyed. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents In considering possible to the standard response produced by the M&EE changes Networking Group on theinrgsonline to the above problems, it became apparent that in particular website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Identifying the possible need for provision of operational requirements in this area, a proposal has been accepted by Traffic Operations and Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) to consider developing operational requirements in this area of train dispatch as part of TOM SC’s wholesale review of train dispatch triggered by both research conducted in this area and as a response to a number of accidents that have taken place as trains move along the platform. Additionally, where specifically relevant to on-train cameramonitor systems, requirements identified as the responsibility of a single duty holder were withdrawn in accordance with the the content). See Railway Group Standards Code. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx For further information about the publication of documents For more information contact John Stafford, control-command system & The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk signalling engineer on 020 3142 5525 or email john.stafford@rssb.co.uk professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering Research to develop new and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onsupplier assurance framework RSSB track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Management assurance of theUnderground supply chainand presents the Rail Plant and Association, London elected many varied and challenging issues. Senior rail industry representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, decision makers on RSSB’s Board – and in particular plant owners, and the manufacturers/suppliers of plant and Network Rail and train operating companies – are technical services. keen to see findings taken forward from research already published by RSSB (T833: A review of potential efficiency and effectiveness improvements in rail industry supplier The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as assurance). good practice for all members of the industry and they have T833 has shown that there is an opportunity to help previouslyreadily only been availablethe onmainline several disparate websites. suppliers understand railway industry’s needs and demonstrate compliance through universally recognised evidence and processes. wouldtorealise an In order to make the Codes of PracticeThis available a wider opportunity of £35m time-cost savings per annum to the GB audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the rail industry and act as an enabler in building a sustainable M&EE chain Networking supply for theGroup future.remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE Events 2009 In response, the cross-industry Supplier Assurance Sponsor Group (SASG), which includes Network Rail, Association Date Event Location of Train Operating Companies (ATOC), freight operating companies,, rolling stock companies (ROSCOs) and the Rail IndustryFreedom Association, hasWorkshop asked RSSB to commission 22 Sept to Train York further research – T908 Developing the supplier assurance framework. This work is now underway and involves 30 Sept the DRACAS RSSB London reviewing existingSeminar arrangements and developing, (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) in conjunction with stakeholders, proposals for industry governance and a framework for an efficient and ‘world class’ supplier assurance process. For more information on these RSSB organised events, The work is nowStella at a stage which will seemanager increased please contact Okezie, conference on stakeholder communication to obtain industry consensus 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk and buy-in for future GB rail policy arrangements. This will involve: RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from page 3 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport > Development future policy objectives and operators create aofcomprehensive risk profile forprinciples their these have been agreed by SASG. operations in support of their safety management activities, > Building these into a practical working framework using are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 10 essential elements – these have been presented in a Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe concept paper for agreement by SASG. Decisions’ and ORR guidance is 2010, also inon thethe final stages > Consultation during summer future GB rail policy arrangements in relation to the 10 essential of development. elements. A dedicated information website has been set up for the project (www.rssb-safp.com) which contains all approved Page 04 If you would like any further information, assistance or training consultation material and other relevant indocuments, the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please resources – these include documents designed to promote contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on a common understanding of existing arrangements. 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback RSSB’s role includes managing the project as part of the from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear rail industry’s research and development programme, about ourprimarily members needs for information, funded byparticular the Department forrisk Transport, as well asand providing models tools. a wealth of technical expertise on risk, communications and IT, boosting the overall efficiency of the project delivery using in-house resources. RSSB to publish Mon & EE Group Codes Practice More details can be found www.rssb-safp.com Forof more information, contact Sohail Ullah, research manager, email sohail.ullah@rssb.co.uk Train headlamps research leads to standards proposal Train headlamps serve an important safety purpose by providing visual warnings of a train’s presence to people working on the line. However, train operating companies were indicating that their drivers were being dazzled by headlamp glare from oncoming trains. their functional and performance requirements. This has led the industry to use the new performance requirements specification, developed as part of the research, as their technical basis for inputting into the drafting of a new European standard, prEN15153-1:2010. This was supported by concerns reported directly through CIRAS, and the view that glare could lead to increased incidents of station stopping faults and signals passed From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents at danger, or trackside workers losing their footing. The challenge cited by the industry through the cross-industry produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline Rolling Stock R&D Group was how to achieve the balance website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). between delivering sufficient brightness for visibility and also controlling glare. In parallel, the Rolling Stock Standards Committee, facilitated by RSSB, is proposing a standards change for GM/RT2483 to align with European requirements, provide a common the content). approach to See the provision of train head lamps and reduce the current concerns relating to glare from train head lamps. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx The supporting guidance note on train headlamp alignment will also reduce the instances of reported glare from train For further information about the publication of documents headlamps due to mis-alignment. The M&EE Networking dedicated the sharing In response, the RollingGroup Stock is R&D Group to asked RSSB of professional engineering and railway to commission research project T530operations Review of information train headlamps optical performance. The work led to a range and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to of solutions. A series of workshops led to requirements operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the specifications for function, performance and testing, as well professional heads mechanical and engineering as consideration forofthe role played by electrical the mandate to have yellow front-ends on infrastructure rolling stock. contractors operating onand operations from contact Marie to Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk The benefits industry include access to a comprehensive analysis of the issue, including 18 separate reports on the range of issues examined. For further information about M&EE Networking Group track machines outsidefound of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Crucially, the research a mis-match has developed over time, between the optical properties of headlamps the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected (as specified in Railway Group Standard GM/RT2483) and representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, In addition,contact the GBMick rail industry is mick.james@rssb.co.uk able to stay in line with documents James at European standards developments, and can influence the debate with up-to-date research with an assured data-todecision making audit trail on the issues. RSSB Events 2009 Date Event Location plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and All are available to RSSB members on request – email enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk, telephone technical services. Freedomfrom to Train Workshop 020 3142 5400. A research brief summarising the work can22beSept downloaded York www.rssb.co.uk (project reference T530). The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as good practice for all members of the industry and they have 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 05 The SRM templates, whichto are produced help transport If you would like any Framework further information, assistance or training RSSB input the toNetwork Modelling operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their What effect will different investment scenarios have on the operations in support of GB theirrailway safety industry? management activities, safety risk profile of the are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking The Network Modelling Framework (NMF) is a mathematical Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe model that has been created by the Department for Transport (DfT) to analyse specific investment Decisions’ and ORR guidance is alsoscenarios in the finalincluding stages a prediction on what effect these will have on safety for the GB of development. railway industry. The DfT NMF model contains different modules for analysing different types of data. These include a Safety Module, Demand Module, Performance Module, Infrastructure Cost Module and a number of others. & RSSB was originally involved in the development of the Safety Module for the first version of the NMF used to support the High Level Output Specification (HLOS) for Control Period 4 (2009 – 2014). The NMF was used to analyse a number of investment scenarios and the results from the safety module were used to determine the target risk reductions that could be expected from the investment. The resultant HLOS safety targets require a reduction in risk to passengers and workforce of 3% over Control Period 4. For details on the HLOS safety targets see www.rssb.co.uk and search HLOS and Common Safety Targets. in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please The Safety Module makes use of the structures and data contact Bearfield, risk assessment on from theGeorge industry’s Safety safety Risk Model (SRM) and manager is designed 020 3142 5464 risk@rssb.co.uk. Wewill welcome to estimate howorthe safety risk profile changefeedback on each strategic route section in future years given different from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear investment scenarios. Where possible the Safety Module uses about our members particular needs for risk information, data from the other NMF modules to make the risk profile models and tools.strategic route section specific for each RSSB’s input to the next development of the NMF will consist of three phases of work. Phase 1, which is currently underway, is to update the NMF with data from the latest version of the SRM, version 6. Phase 2 will consist of improvements to the accuracy and quality of the modelling within the Safety Module and Phase 3 will see the update of the Safety Module to version 7 of the SRM (which is due to be released July 2011). RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice When Phase 3 of the update is complete, the DfT will use the NMF to decide on the HLOS for Control Period 5 (2014-2019), ensuring that the level of safety on the network is maintained for the chosen investment scenarios. The updated safety module will also be used by RSSB as a tool to enable the prediction of changes in risk in future years. For any further enquiries about RSSB’s work to support the Network Modelling Framework please contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on 020 3142 5464 or email george.bearfield@rssb.co.uk From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents the content). See produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Risk Management Forum 2010For further information about the publication of documents The Risk M&EE Networking Forum Group is dedicated sharing of The Management (RMF) existstotothe promote, develop and steer good practice in risk management for professional engineering and railway operations information Britain’s railways. RSSB has been hosting RMF on behalf and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to of the industry for a number of years. If you were unable to operational and technical safety of plant.on It is meeting the attend the event held at RSSB’s offices 21aApril, the of audio from the event was of recorded and this been engineering matched up professional heads mechanical and has electrical with the slides and formatted as small movies. These can be and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onviewed at; http://www.safetyriskmodel.co.uk/Bulletin/Pages/ track machines outside of possessions, Rail, RSSB, RMF-2010.aspx (for which registration isNetwork required). the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected 100 delegates from across the railway industry assembled to representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, hear a number of presentations in the following areas: plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and > Human Factors technical services. > Europe and Legislation > Change Management The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as > Safety Management Systems good practice for all members of the industry and they have contact Marie marie.marks@rssb.co.uk The day was Marks chairedatby Colin Dennis, RSSB’s Head of Safety Knowledge and Planning, who also facilitated lively panel discussions at the end of each session. The event For further information about M&EE Networking Group made the most of our facilities at Angel Square and the documents contact received Mick James mick.james@rssb.co.uk positive feedback fromatthe delegates’ points towards future RMF events being held here again. RSSB Events 2009 Date Event Location 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 The SRM templates,turns which are produced to help transport Industry to RISAS for operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their wheelset assurance operations in support of their safety management activities, are due tothe be announcement released in August. tool for undertaking Following that AGM/RT2470 is to be withdrawn, the rail industry is gearing up to embed RISAS Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe (Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme) into its Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages procurement philosophy for wheelsets and major wheelset of development. components. The withdrawal of the Railway Group Standard GM/RT2470, which currently specifies the minimum entry requirements for supply of wheelsets to industry, ceases to be in force on 5 June 2010. This represents a challenge for train operators & and maintainers to ensure they continue to have adequate supplier assurance arrangements in place, which are more cost-effective and robust. Page 06 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on 020 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. welcome The3142 benefit to industry from RISASWe is access to feedback a scheme which aims to be universally recognised as the GB railhear from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to sector’s most effective and efficient method of assuring its about our members particular needs for risk information, most critical supply chains. It means a customer (eg a train models andcompany) tools. operating isn’t working in isolation, but as part of a consensus-driven industry approach to manage the requirements of key health and safety legislation. RISAS provides the basis for customers to have faith in a supplier’s core ability and capability to consistently deliver products and services meeting customer needs, but it also translates as safer practices with significant cost and time savings. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice Last year, the Association of Train Operating Companies, freight operators and rolling stock companies (ROSCOs) together made a joint industry decision to recognise RISAS as the preferred means of assuring the supply of critical products and services associated with bogie overhaul. Now the industry is gearing up to make a similar move on wheelsets, building on the 2009 decision, and further establish RISAS into the industry’s supply chain psyche. RISAS is currently the only industry-agreed scheme which will provide the necessary assurance levels required. As a ready-to-use, established, and cost-effective process, RISAS avoids the duplication and unnecessary cost of multiple generic2009 audits of suppliers, by embracing a rigorous From 1 August RSSB will be publishing documents ‘gumption’ audit represented by a RISAS certificate. produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline In addition, RISAS is independent and managed for the benefit of the whole rail sector, collaboratively developed by GB mainline rail companies and suppliers through RSSB, and recognised by all mainline railway operators and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR). the content). See http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). For more information, download the RISAS briefing note BN-004 (RISAS M1A - Wheelsets and M1B For further information about the publication of documents - Wheelset Components) from www.risas-online.org or contact Andy Tandy, RISAS administrator The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk on 020 3142 5376 or email risas.admin@rssb.co.uk. professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group Common Safety Method on professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onrisk evaluation and assessment operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, A European Commission Regulation mandating use of the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected a Common Safety Method (CSM) on risk evaluation and representatives from other renewal companies, assessment became law oninfrastructure 19th May 2009 and will apply from July 2010 to significant technical changes plant19 owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant affecting and vehicles to significant changes concerning structural technicaland services. sub-systems where required by the Railway Interoperability Directive or by a Technical Specification for Interoperability. The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as good practice for all members of the industry and they have documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk RSSB Events 2009 The European Railway Agency (ERA) has produced a fourpage summary and guidance on the application of the CSM Date Event and assessment. The ORR Location on risk evaluation is producing guidance for the GB rail industry to supplement the ERA guidance. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 07 The SRM templates,encouraged which are produced to help transport would like anyintelligence further information, assistance or training Industry to shareIf yousafety operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please using Rail Notices – www.railnotices.net operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on An rail industry is how and share areissue due toforbethe released in August. A to toolbest for record undertaking Urgent Operating Advice Notices and other types of Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safesafety alert. In response, Network Rail and RSSB are leading an Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages industry-wide project to improve the process. of development. As a result, Rail Notices was launched in January, a secure website which is the gateway to a range of notices and alerts including operational irregularities covered under Railway Group Standard GO/RT3350. recommendations report producedWe by welcome the Buncefield Major 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. feedback Incident Investigation Board, following the explosion and from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hearfire at the Buncefield oil depot in December 2005. about our members particular needs for risk information, The development of the new system was mainly funded models and tools. and managed by Network Rail and delivered by Interfleet Technology Ltd. Ongoing management and development of new alert templates is being provided and funded by RSSB. RSSB’s role in the partnership also included development work undertaken as part of the rail industry’s research and development programme, funded primarily by Department for Transport. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice If a specific safety event is identified and it warrants the & industry being notified then the information is recorded by the user and automatically disseminated to subscribers. The system builds on the successful National Incident Reporting (NIR) On-Line model, which covers vehicle-related safety defects under Railway Group Standard GE/RT8250, and which is linked to the Rail Notices system to allow users access to the full suite of ‘templates’ for different types of alert, but will still operate via the existing NIR On-Line website as before. The use of the NIR model means that Rail Notices is built on an example cited as industry best practice by the The benefit to industry is the access to a single suite of reporting systems covering all aspects of reporting, spanning the whole industry, with consistent information that satisfies standards, companies’ duty of co-operation under ROGS and above all facilitates practical safety management. Rail Notices went live in January 2010 and new templates covering internal Network Rail systems plus industry-wide Workforce Safety Alerts were introduced between February and April 2010. Further templates are expected to follow. For more information, contact Maurice Wilsdon, head of national programmes, railway operations, email maurice.wilsdon@rssb.co.uk. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents the content). See produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Guidance for Safe Freight Train Operation For further information about the publication of documents The M&EEthe Networking Group is dedicated to the sharingfor of Following withdrawal of GO/RT3400 (Requirements professional and railway operations information Safe Freight engineering Train Operation), the content of GO/RC3900 (Recommendations for Safe Freight Train Operation and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to and Loading) has been revised and transferred to a new guidance operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the note GO/GN3653 Guidance for Safe Freight Train Operation professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering This document includes guidance on the loading, preparation and operation operationsoffrom infrastructure contractors operating onand freight vehicles and trains. It also provides track machines of possessions, Network Rail, they RSSB, guidance on theoutside information that staff need to ensure clearly understand matters relating to design, loading, the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected preparation and operation of freight vehicles. representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, contact MarieGuidance Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk GO/GN3676 on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail provides guidance to help ensure that the various requirements relating toabout the safe carriage of dangerous For further information M&EE Networking Group goods are properly considered when checking existing arrangements documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk or when new traffic flows are accepted. RSSB Events 2009 Date Event Location plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and For more information contact the RSSB Enquiry Desk on 020 3142 5400 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop or email enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk technical services. The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as good practice for all members of the industry and they have York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 08 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport Events: If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance Assessment of the safety intelligencewith that‘Taking can beSafe derived from railway operations is vital to understanding risk and Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages determining safety priorities. To assist the industry, RSSB of development. produces an Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR). The ASPR reviews safety performance and assesses progress in the Key Risk Areas identified by the Strategic Safety Plan (SSP). It also benchmarks rail safety in Britain against other transport modes and overseas railways, and & discusses the European developments that are having an effect on the way safety is managed. from of the bulletin or templates are keen toevent hear The users 2009-10 ASPR will be presentedand at an industry on 1 July that will also cover the release of the next phase of about our members particular needs for risk information, SMIS Vision (SMIS 9). The Safety Management Information models and tools. System (SMIS) is the industry’s national database for recording safety related events that occur on the network. Annual Safety Performance Report and SMIS Vision Presentation operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on Date: 1 July 2010 Venue: RSSB Angel Offices 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking This new release of SMIS is aimed at meeting industry’s safety data intelligence and knowledge requirements. The aim of the joint presentation is to provide RSSB members with an overview of progress at the national level, together with a vision of how national safety information may in the near future be made more accessible and more readily linked to individual company’s performance. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice In the past, the ASPR has been aligned to the calendar year. However, the next edition will cover the financial year 200910. This will bring the document in line with Control Period 4, its associated High Level Output Specification (HLOS) and the SSP. During the SMIS Vision presentation there will be an opportunity to view the new safety intelligence and knowledge software If you are interested in attending the event, please email us (aspr@rssb.co.uk) or call Michal Jordan on 020 3142 5477. The ASPR will be published electronically (online and on memory sticks) together with all the charts and associated data. An A6 Key safety facts and figures booklet will be published with a small number of the full A4 version. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents the content). See produced the M&EE of Networking Group on rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx To obtainbyquantities the A6 booklet forthe a future meeting or conference, send your order (free for up to 10 website copies)(www.rgsonline.co.uk). to stuart.carpenter@rssb.co.uk. Please state the meeting planner’s name, the title of the meeting/ conference and the number of booklets required. The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of For further information about the publication of documents contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating ontrack machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, RSSB Events 2009 the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Date Event Location technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and good practice for all members of the industry and they have previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED