5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Information bulletin operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. C O M M U N I C AT I N G W I T H O U R M E M B E R S A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S J A N U A RY / F E B R U A RY 2 0 11 RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice this issue... Summary of safety performance in 2010.......... 01 Summary of safety performance in 2010 Independent review of RIDDOR reporting.............. 02 Introducing the Close From 1 was Augustthe 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents 2010 third year running with no passengertheorcontent). See Call System........................ 02 produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx RED 28 – Risk at the workforce fatalities in train accidents, and showed reductions in Platform/Train Interface...... 03 website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). train accidents and fatalities to members of the public at level signalling For further information aboutRevised the publication of documents crossings. standards........................... 03 The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk The RSSB Standards • Three members of the workforce At the same time there were more professional engineeringatand railway operationswere information Programme........................ 03 fatally injured, compared with fatalities to passengers stations, one workforce fatalities andto Signals and to provide a focus the railPassed industry relating to in 2009. For further information aboutEvents. M&EE .Networking Group .............................. 03 at Danger. The overall performance operational and technical safety of plant. It is •a At meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk six, the total number of fatalities should be viewed in the context of occurring to members of the public, professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering increasing passenger usage, with and not involving trespass or suicide, and operations from infrastructure onlevels having increased by around contractors operating Railway Group was the lowest for more than 10 Standards changes 25% over the last five years. track machines outside of possessions, Networkyears. Rail, RSSB, Four of the fatalities occurred For details of changes to Railway level crossings, compared with 13 The headlines for 2010 were: the Rail Plant Association, London Undergroundatand elected Group Standards view the Latest for 2009. •representatives For the third year succession, frominother infrastructure renewal companies, Updates page on the RGS Online Date Event Location website www.rgsonline.co.uk • At 306, the number of category A there were no passenger or plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and SPADs for 2010 was higher than the workforce fatalities in train accidents. technical services. 22 The Septlevel Freedom to Train Workshop York 261 occurring in 2009. • Nine passengers died in separate You can subscribe to Information of SPAD risk stood at 76% of the incidents. All occurred in stations. Bulletin on the RSSB website. September 2006 baseline, compared http://www.rssb.co.uk/ The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as This is the highest number since 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London with 63% at the end of 2009. Publications/Lists/infosubform. 2004. (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have aspx • Fatalities arising from trespass •previously At 26, theonly number potentially been of available on several disparate websites. and suicide totalled 258 in 2010, higher-risk train accidents (PHRTAs) For more information on these RSSB organised events, compared to 266 in 2009. was the lowest recorded; and please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on Incompares order to make Codes of Practice available to a wider with the 42 for 2009. 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the A copy of the overview of safety performance 2010 report can be found on RSSB’s M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of website at http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/reports/ picture supplied by DB Schenker ASPR%202010%20Overview.pdf RSSB Events 2009 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 02 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operations in support of their safety management activities, In June 2010, RSSB was requested by the Chairman of are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking Network Rail to carry out an independent review of RIDDOR Cost-Benefit Analysis Rail in accordance with ‘Taking Safe reporting by Network staff and its contractors. This followed initial concerns by the Office of Rail Regulation Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages (ORR) about the comparative number of lost time injuries of development. reported to the total number of RIDDOR major injuries being reported and subsequent discussions with the Unite trade union. contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on The report confirms that significant under-reporting has taken 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback place – and estimates that between 500 – 600 RIDDOR from users accidents of the bulletin templates are keen to and hear reportable wereornot reportedand between 2005 2010. Some of the under-reporting relates to misinterpretation about our members particular needs for risk information, of the RIDDOR requirements, but the majority is explained by models tools. staff andand contractors choosing not to report accident events. This was caused by both real and perceived pressure, and in some cases fear, felt by Network Rail staff and contractors if they reported accidents. operators create a comprehensive risk profile of for their use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Independent review RIDDORin thereporting On 25 January, RSSB handed the report of its independent RIDDOR review to Network Rail Chairman – Rick Haythornthwaite. The report details & the unintended consequences of management actions designed to improve safety and to increase the efficiency of contracting. The reason this was not identified by Network Rail itself because it believed that the significant efforts it was RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes ofwasPractice What is RIDDOR? The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) require deaths, certain injuries (including being unable to do the full range of their normal duties for more than 3 days after an accident), instances of specified diseases and specified dangerous occurrences that arise out of or in connection with work activities to be reported to the Office of Rail Regulation. making to improve safety, including investment in protective clothing, quantified targets and league tables, were driving the numbers of accidents down. Now that Network Rail has changed its internal guidance on reporting, the level of RIDDOR reporting has returned to more expected levels. RSSB was asked to consider whether the presence of monetary bonuses was a driver to the under-reporting of injuries. The review found no evidence of a link between under-reporting and Directors’ or senior managers’ bonuses. The full report is now available on the RSSB website. Introducing the Close Call System A key 1 function a good Safety Management System From Augustof 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents is to prevent accidents through the understanding and produced by the M&EE Networking onthe theaccidents rgsonline management of accident precursors,Group before occur. The recording and monitoring of ‘Close call’ incidents website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). has been identified as a means of helping this process. At the request of Network Rail and its contractors, RSSB The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of has been developing a new internet based system that will professional engineering and railway operations allow the industry to centrally record and analyseinformation ‘Close Call incidents’. This will be known as the Close Call System. and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to A ‘Close Call’ has been defined the Network Rail project operational and technical safety by of plant. It is a meeting of the team as “an event that had the potential to cause injury professional heads mechanical and call electrical engineering or damage….”. Theof definition of close excludes near misses with trains or infrastructure other on trackcontractors plant machinery which and operations from operating onwill continue to be reported into the Safety Management track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Information System (SMIS). the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected Initially the Close Call system will be used by Network Rail representatives from infrastructure companies, and its contractors forother capturing close callrenewal data relating to the activities of track workers. If the system proves to be plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and successful, it is the intention to roll it out to the rest of the technical services. industry so that it can becomes a fully inclusive, centrally The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as good practice for all members of the industry and they have accessed industry the content). See resource for learning from close call incidents. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx Validated ‘Close call’ data will be made available in the Safety Management Information System (SMIS) for users to analyse through theinformation new SMIS about Visionthe intelligence and For further publication of knowledge documents software. contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk There will be a number of different ways a Close Call incident can be recorded. This will include: For further information about M&EE Networking Group 1. Any member of staff via the internet which will be documents contact Mick Jamesalthough at mick.james@rssb.co.uk www.closecallsystem.co.uk at present this is not active 2. Reporting a Close Call event to line managers RSSB Events 2009 3. Possibly via a confidential telephone reporting service. Implementation across Network Rail and its principal contractors is scheduled for April 2011. Network Rail, who is Date Event Location responsible for all aspects of this project’s communication, guidance and training, will be providing further details to all relevant and staffWorkshop over the coming months. 22 Septorganisations Freedom to Train York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 03 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operations in support of their safety management activities, RED is a series of programmes - distributed on DVD - that are due to be released in August. toolGB forrailways. undertaking aims to improve operational safetyAon Each programme provides a reconstruction of an operational Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe incident and then analyses the practises and behaviours Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the at final which contributed to the incident and looks thestages root causes and remedies. RED aims to drive down the level of risk of development. by improving standards of safety critical communication, situational awareness and overall safety. contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on Operations Focus Group (OFG) will be placing particular 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. WeTrain welcome feedback emphasis on incidents at the Platform Interface (PTI) over the next year. The latest DVD, Red 28, concentrates from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hearon a dramatisation illustrating how routine events can all too easily about in ourtragedy members particular needs riskdispatch information, result if the procedures forfor train are not followed to the letter. models and tools. operators 28 create a–comprehensive profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please RED Risk atriskthe Platform/Train Interface Copies of the DVD have been circulated to company trainers and should be briefed out to all relevant front-line staff. For more information see www.opsweb.co.uk or email contact@redvideos.co.uk RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice Revised signalling standards GE/RT8071 Control Facilities for use During Lineside Signal Failures, GK/RT0036 Transition between Lineside Signalling and Other Systems of Train Control and their associated guidance notes are scheduled to commence consultation in February and can be viewed at http://www.consultation.rssb.co.uk/ guidance note and will be considered by the relevant standards committees by February. GK/RT0075 Lineside Signal Spacing and Signage will be published with a supporting Guidance Note in February. This will supersede GK/RT0034 and GK/RT0038, which will be withdrawn. Consultation has now closed on GK/RT0009 Identification of Signalling and Related Equipment and its associated For more information on these Railway Group Standards contact Denise McDonald, senior project manager onbe020 3142 5568 or denise.mcdonald@rssb.co.uk From 1 August 2009 RSSB will publishing documents the content). See produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). For further information about the publication of documents The RSSB Standards Programme The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of The RSSB Standards Programme, theinformation full forward professional engineering and railwayproviding operations plan for all standards change projects, will continue to be and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to updated on a monthly basis and is available at: http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/rgs/ operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the standards-programme.pdf professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk For further information about M&EE Networking Group documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk and operations from infrastructure contractors operating on- For further information or any feedback on the list please contact Taela Walters, 2009 RSSB Events standards information manager, on 020 3142 5564 or email at taela.walters@rssb.co.uk. track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Date Event Location technical services. Events: 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York Risk Management Forum The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as Date: 6 April 2011 good practice for all members of the industry and they have 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and previously only been available on several disparate websites. The Risk Management Forum steering group is pleased to present a one-day seminar on 6 April 2011 to be held at RSSB’s offices at Angel Square, London EC1. The day will In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider be divided into four sessions and each session will comprise audience, agreed to publish them short back RSSB to backhas presentations followed by (though an openthe discussion panel. AGroup networking reception will end M&EE Networking remains responsible for the all ofday which it is hoped that all attendees will stay for. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE The proposed presentations are as follows: For more information on these RSSB organised events, New Approaches to Risk Assessment please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on • European Common Safety Method for Risk Assessment 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk -associated tools and research. • Managing the Risks of Organisational Change – A Nuclear Industry approach. RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from page 03 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their Safety Culture in support of their safety management activities, •operations Completed the Safety Culture Survey – what next? are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking • Maintaining a positive safety culture alongside cutting Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe costs, Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages • ORR’s Railway Maturity Management Model. of development. Health • Introducing the broader concept of Occupational Health to an infrastructure company. • Latest developments in LUL’s approach to occupational & health. Page 04 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in the use ofRail the perspective) SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Network contact Georgeand Bearfield, safety riskPerformance assessment Indicators manager on • Identifying selecting Safety – 020experiences 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback from Arriva Trains Wales. from users of Safety the bulletin or templates are keen to • Managing Assurance duringand development ofhear a new railway line in Victoria, Australia about our members particular needs for risk information, models and tools. content has been devised in consultation The programme with the ATOC Safety Forum, the Infrastructure Safety Liaison Group and the Rail Freight Operators Group. A non-refundable charge of £45.00 per attendee is being made to cover lunch, refreshments, documentation and administration. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice • UIC guidance on managing stress associated with critical incidents Assurance • Working together to seek and provide assurance (a TOC / Additional Event for RSSB members Exclusively for RSSB members, there will be a workshop on the afternoon of 5 April covering the latest updates to the Safety Risk Model and interactive discussions on the railway’s approach to risk assessment. If you would like to attend please provide your contact details to conferences@rssb.co.uk and the programme and registration form will be sent to you. In view of the popularity of this event, and the space available, where possible we ask companies not to register more than two delegates. International rail research forum coming up: WCRR Date: May 2011 From 1 August 2009open RSSB documents Registration is now forwill thebe 9thpublishing World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR) 2011, which will be held 22-26 produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline May 2011 in Lille, France. website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Under the theme of Meeting the challenges for future mobility, more than 700 participants from all over the world Thegather M&EEtoNetworking is dedicated to the sharing of will share theirGroup expertise and experience and how professional engineering railway operations information research is helping meet and the challenges ahead for all world railways. and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to The event provides GB railsafety with aofunique to of the operational and technical plant. Itopportunity is a meeting showcase its own research, but more importantly to learn professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering from other countries. Network Rail, academics and RSSB andall operations from infrastructure contractors operating onare presenting some of their work on a range of subjects track machines outside ofcontact possessions, Rail, RSSB, including reducing rolling fatigueNetwork by improving track geometry, overcoming the constraints caused by nodes on the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected the rail network and defining the training needs for future representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, train drivers. plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and the See Thecontent). Congress is centred around eight customer-focused challenges: http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx • A more and more energy efficient railway For further information about the publication of documents • An environmentally friendly railway contact Marie Marks marie.marks@rssb.co.uk • Increasing freight at capacity and services • A world of services for passengers For further information about M&EE Networking Group • Bringing the territories closer together at higher speeds documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk • Even more trains even more on time • An even more competitive and cost efficient railway • An evenEvents safer and more secure railway RSSB 2009 Date Event Location technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train York Further information is available on the WCRR 2011 website www.wcrr2011.org or contact GuyWorkshop Woodroffe, head of research and development, at guy.woodroffe@rssb.co.uk. RSSB is the UK based member of the WCRR organising committee Group and has coordinated theofinvolvement GB based participants. The M&EE Networking produces Codes Practice as of all the 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2010 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED