5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Information bulletin operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, of development. models and tools. C O M M U N I C AT I N G W I T H O U R M E M B E R S A N D S TA K E H O L D E R S J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 11 RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice this issue... System Safety Learning..... 01 System Safety Learning At its meeting in May 2011, the RSSB Board was presented with a paper on System Safety Learning. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents the content). See Annual Safety Performance Report for the financial year 2010/2011 ................. 02 Changes to research programme governance..... 02 Itproduced highlighted three significant learning RAIB report contained a number by the M&EE Networking Group on The the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx Passenger risk at the opportunities: of general learning points for the platform-train interface....... 03 website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). industry, some of which focused on the • RAIB general lessons for the For further information aboutManagement the publicationofof documents need to improve controls associated industry following a review of a Route Knowledge............... 03 the design Theformal M&EEinvestigation Networking Group is dedicated to with the sharing of and development contact MarieofMarks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk into a signal RSSB helps industry safety critical software. This generated failure at Milton Keynes following professional engineering and railway operations information boost knowledge much debate resulting in Network the installation and commissioning capability............... 04 and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating For further information aboutsharing M&EE Networking Group Rail to supporting an industry workshop, of new infrastructure in 2008. Pink Pages get by the Railwaydocuments Industry contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk operational and technical safety of plant. It is hosted a meeting of the a makeover........................ 04 • The Congressional Report into the Association in the autumn, to explore professional headsHorizon of mechanical and engineering BP Deepwater accident in electrical Tranche 4 of the the issues surrounding the control Macondofrom field, Gulf of Mexico. andthe operations infrastructure contractorsofoperating Rule Book.......................... 04 softwareonand actions that may be appropriate to address. •track Lessons presented the Tranche 5 of the machines outside by of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Rule Book.......................... 05 Nuclear Sector at this year’s Risk Recognising that the industry is the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected Management Forum. embarking on a series of major Safety Risk Model – representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Date Event Location Version 7 update................ 05 changes including reorganisation All of these findings identified the need plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of within plant and Network Rail, the new approach for competent independent challenge SRM Risk Profile Tool......... 06 to franchising and Rail Value for Money and process. technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York RSSB and TRL forge implementation, the next Industry strategic partnership.......... 06 While the industry may have no Safety Meeting on 16 September formal process for cross industry The World Congress on The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 2011 will be considering ‘Safety 30the Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London learning, the existence of the RSSB Railway Research 2011 . ... 06 Implications of Change’. This will (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) good practice for all members of the industry and they have hosted Industry Safety Meetings, the Events................................ 07 provide industry leaders with the learning from operational experience previously only been available on several disparate websites. opportunity to understand the planned capability in RSSB and periodic Board For more information on these RSSB organised events, changes; identify risk implications and reports do provide an opportunity for opportunities consider how to For conference details of changes to Railway contact Stella Okezie, manager on In order lessons to make to thebeCodes of Practice available to a wider and then please industry debated and Group Standards view the Latest address. disseminated. 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the Updates page on the RGS Online RSSB Events 2009 website www.rgsonline.co.uk M&EE Networking remainsBulletin responsible all ofwebsite. You can subscribeGroup to Information on thefor RSSB http://www.rssb.co.uk/Publications/Lists/infosubform.aspx FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE Front page photo: Courtesy of Network Rail RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 02 Railway Standards consultations The SRM Group templates, which forthcoming are produced to help transport If you would like any further information, assistance or training See http://www.consultation.rssb.co.uk/pdf/Forthcomingconsultations.pdf operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback of development. In 2010/11, there were 1.4 billion passenger journeys (an 8% increase on 2009/10), 54.5 billion passenger kilometres (a 6% increase) and 18.3 billion tonne kilometres of freight moved (a 4% decrease). models and tools. the number of fatalities to members of the public due to trespass. Annual Safety Performance Report the or templates and are keen to hear Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe from usersfor of the bulletin Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages about our members particular needs for risk information, financial year 2010/2011 published Against this setting, the headlines are: • Eight passengers died in separate incidents, all at stations. When non-fatal injuries are also taken into account, the total level of passenger harm was 42.6 FWI; this in an increase of 10% on the 38.7 FWI (five fatalities) recorded for 2009/10. Both the fatality total and the FWI total were the highest since 2006/07. When normalised by passenger journeys, the rate of harm shows a 2% increase compared with 2009/10. RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice • There were no passenger or workforce fatalities in train accidents in 2010/11. This is the fourth year in succession with no such fatalities. There were also no fatalities to members of the public in train accidents. • There were 18 potentially higher-risk train accidents. This is a significant reduction on the previous year’s total of 42, which, at the time, was the lowest number on record. In contrast, the Precursor Indicator Model (PIM), which measures changes in train accident risk based on the occurrence of precursors, stood at 50.4 at the end of the year, compared with 44.0 at the end of 2009/10. At the end of 2010/11, the estimated level of risk from signals passed at danger (SPADs) was higher than the level at the end of 2009/10, but 16% lower than the September 2006 baseline level. • There were 40 accidental fatalities, 395 major injuries, From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents 11,075 minor injuries and 1,331 cases of shock/trauma. produced by level the M&EE Networking Group on the The total of harm was 100.4 fatalities andrgsonline weighted 1 injuries (FWI) , compared with 130.0 FWI recorded in website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). 2009/10. The main cause of the reduction was a fall in • There was one workforce fatality during 2010/11: an infrastructure worker died as a result of a fall from height. Including non-fatal injuries, the total level of workforce harm was 22.9 FWI. This is a reduction of 8% compared with the 25.0FWI (three fatalities) recorded in 2009/10. The rate of harm normalised by workforce hours reduced by 10% compared with 2009/10. • There were 31 fatalities to members of the public, excluding those due to suicide or suspected suicide. Of the total, 27 were trespassers, and the remaining four were pedestrians at level crossings. Including non-fatal the injuries, content).the See total level of public harm was 34.8 FWI, which is 48% lower than the 66.3 FWI recorded for 2009/10. http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx At 208, the number of suicides was close to the average of the previous nine years. For further information about the publication of documents 1 The M&EE Group isshows dedicated to the sharing Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk Fatality andNetworking Weighted injuries (FWI) the number of each injuryof type that iscontact deemed to be ‘statistically equivalent’ to one fatality. Fatality = 1; Major Injury = 10; RIDDOR Reportable minor injury and Class 1 shock/trauma = 200; Non-RIDDOR reportable minor injury and Class 2 shock/trauma = 1000. professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group A copy of the report can be found on RSSB’s website at documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk http://www.rssb.co.uk/SPR/REPORTS/Pages/default.aspx operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating on- RSSB Events 2009 track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Changes to research programme governance the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected The rail industryfrom needs access to research and innovation in representatives other infrastructure renewal companies, order for it to address the challenges of the present and the plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and future. These challenges include cutting costs and carbon, technical but at the services. same time increasing capacity and customer satisfaction; they include growing the business of the railway to generate revenue; and being a long term partner in a The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as sustainable transport system. good practice for all members of the industry and they have However, global financial restraints mean that there is less previously only beenavailable, available on disparate websites. government funding andseveral the shape of demand for research is changing. In response, RSSB has made significant reductions in costs associated with research In order makethrough the Codes of Practice available to a wider (£1m pa to saved) a 25% headcount reduction. At the same time RSSB has increased the resources available audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the for technology watch and knowledge searches. M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE ToDate further enhance Event the research capability, a number Location of important changes have been made to the way that RSSB governs research which will affect all stakeholder groups. They came into effect on 1 JulyWorkshop 2011. This reflects 22 Sept Freedom to Train York changes in the research environment, experience of managing the programme, feedback from industry, and principles of good 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London governance. (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) The changes will: • Provide wider access to research and development so that For more information on these RSSB organised events, any formally constituted cross-industry group can sponsor please contact Okezie, conference manager on research, notStella just RSSB-facilitated groups. 3142 5329industry or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk • 020 Give greater oversight across the whole programme and RSSB’s management of it. RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from page 02 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport operators creategovernance a comprehensive risk and profile for their • Apply good principles robust decision making,inbysupport separating thesafety roles of project sponsor and operations of their management activities, authoriser: low budget projects under £100k would be are approved due to be by released inexecutive August. A team tool for undertaking RSSB’s whereas projects over £100k would in beaccordance approved by an ‘Taking industrySafe investment Cost-Benefit Analysis with committee (currently the RSSB Board). Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages • Require demonstration of industry commitment to of development. the implementation of research outcomes within the initial case for it. This includes requiring at least two RSSB members support for all projects and an industry ‘champion’ to lead on the ‘case’ for research. Page 03 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in thenew usearrangements of the SRMv6will andbe itskept associated outputs, The under review byplease the RSSB Board ensureBearfield, they continue meet industry’s manager objectives. contacttoGeorge safetytorisk assessment on There will be an initial review in October 2011. Those people 020 3142 risk@rssb.co.uk. welcome who chair 5464 RSSBorstakeholder groupsWe that sponsorfeedback research activity have written to, and the groups themselves from users ofall thebeen bulletin or templates and are keen to hear are being briefed. An updated stakeholder guide will be about our members particular needs for risk information, published on the website very shortly, and a summary of what models and tools. the changes are available to download at http://www.rssb.co.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/pdf/research_ misc/Research%20governance%20changes%202011-12_ summary.pdf RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice For more information, email: enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk, telephone 020 3142 5400. Passenger risk at the platform-train interface The platform-train interface gives rise to a risk unique to rail transport. This risk forms a significant proportion of the total risk faced by rail passengers, especially fatality risk. Mindful of an increase in the number of accidents since 2005, the Operations Focus Group requested that RSSB undertake analysis into accidents occurring to passengers at the platform-train interface. The report, published in June 2011, contains analyses into the many possible factors that can influence the occurrence of accidents of this type. RSSB’s research continues in this area; From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline the final results will be presented to the Operations Focus Group during 2011. The rail industry is also taking steps to deal with these issues, including improving platform markings, implementing a slip, trip and fall toolkit, risk-assessing train dispatch plans, and fixing reflective strips to door edges and handles to increase visibility. In addition, RED 28 focuses on the PTI issue, by featuring a dramatisation of an incident and suggestions to station operators on how to minimise the hazards. the content). See http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx The report entitled ‘Passenger risk at the platform-train interface’ is available on the RSSB website. website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). For further information about the publication of documents The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk and to provide focus 2007 to thearail industry relating to At 16:38 on 22 aAugust train service from London Paddington to Worcester passed signal at operational and technical Shrub safety Hill of plant. It isSB2209 a meeting of the danger at Didcot North Junction and came to a stand foul of professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering the Up Oxford line shortly after another train had passed clear and from infrastructure contractors operating on-on of theoperations junction. RAIB was advised of the incident and took the responsibility for investigating the incident. track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, For further information about M&EE Networking information supplied it was identified that RSSB Group should produce a Rail Industry will provide a common documents contact MickStandard James atthat mick.james@rssb.co.uk approach to route refreshing, training and assessment. This work was sponsored by the Operations Focus Group. Management of Route Knowledge professional engineering and railway operations information In report 23/2008 which followed, one of the theRAIB’s Rail Plant Association, London Underground andnine elected safety recommendations required RSSB, in consultation with representatives other to infrastructure renewal companies, ATOC, and with from reference project T655, to carry out further research into the of driving turns/refresher plant owners, andperiodicity manufacturers/suppliers of plant andtraining required to acquire and retain route knowledge. technical services. (T655 investigated how route knowledge affects various routes when running in degraded conditions). To get the views of stakeholders, a workshop was held at RSSB on 5 January 2010. The members present confirmed that stakeholders would benefit from the development of a Rail Industry Standard that will include drivers and other Datewithin itsEvent Location staff scope and provide a consideration of what should be included in a route learning policy. It was felt that guidance should also be included on risk mitigation measures, 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop methods York of route competence assessment and alternative refreshing. The M&EE Group produces Codes of Practice as ATOC wroteNetworking to Train Operating Companies requesting information about their route refreshing policies. the good practice for all members of the industry andFrom they have 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) RSSB Events 2009 previously only been available on several disparate websites. The guidance - RIS-3702-TOM Management of Route Knowledge for information Drivers, Driver Managers and otherevents, For more on these RSSB organised Staff was approved by the Traffic Operations and Management Standards Committee and will be please contact Stella Okezie, conferencepublished manager on In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider in September 2011 on www.rgsonline.co.uk audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Page 04 The SRM templates, whichindustry are produced to help transport knowledge If you would like any further information, assistance or training RSSB helps boost operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please sharing capability operations in support of their safety management activities, contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on are due tochallenge be released in August. A toolgrowing for undertaking Industry’s of simultaneously the business and reducing costs is supported by access to research Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe and innovation, with joined-up efforts and cross-industry and Decisions’ andcooperation ORR guidance is also in the final stages cross-country to get the best value. of development. The research and development programme managed by RSSB covers all cross industry and system issues from engineering to operations to management topics and from the short-term to strategic time horizons. The programme is the place the GB rail industry chooses to work together on research. 020 3142Designed 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback summer to enable information to be found easily and quickly, at the heart of SPARK will be a library where all from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear users have the opportunity to contribute their knowledge and about our members needswill for effectively risk information, find something new.particular SPARK users become an on-line network of professionals working together to reduce models and tools. duplication, speed up innovation and maximise value. SPARK will be the point of entry to a wealth of information about research projects, strategies and initiatives, centres of expertise, testing facilities, data sources, publications and expertise of the community of users. RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice To help increase the return on investment in R&D for industry and all funders, RSSB is committed to: • Broadening industry’s access to the programme. • Creating mutually beneficial knowledge sharing partnerships with other organisations which undertake rail-related research. • Opening a new on-line web portal for rail industry ‘knowledge sharers’. In support of this, RSSB is launching a password-protected web portal to be known as SPARK (Sharing Portal for Access to Rail Knowledge) which is to be launched later in the To further maximise the return on investment in both knowledge and SPARK, access is focussed on RSSB members and cross-industry groups (organisations who make up the GB mainline rail industry). But these will not be the only ‘knowledge sharers’; indeed, RSSB is also looking for other organisations (such as universities and other specialist companies or non-GB mainline rail companies) to set up knowledge sharing partnerships. Knowledge sharing partners will agree to regularly exchange information, such as research or publications, with RSSB and allow it to be captured in SPARK, and in return have access to SPARK themselves as users. More information about SPARK will become available throughout the summer as it is launched. For more information on knowledge sharing partnerships, contact RSSB, email: enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk, telephone From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents the content). See 020 3142 5400. produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Pink getis dedicated a makeover The M&EEPages Networking Group to the sharing of For further information about the publication of documents professional and Staff railway operations information The Working engineering Manual for Rail Handling the Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Pink Pages) will be republished and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to for implementation in December 2011. This is the first re-issue operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the since 2006 and takes into account changes to Railway Group professional heads of mechanical electrical engineering Standards and company standardsand and instructions. The changes have followed industry consultation and approval and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onby the Traffic Operations and Management Standards track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, Committee. the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected The principal change is that Section E concerning hazard warning labels and placards withdrawn. However, most of For further information about is M&EE Networking Group the instructions will be moved into Section B. documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk A briefing leaflet outlining the changes will be available in September. representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk RSSB Events 2009 Date Event plant owners, and 4 manufacturers/suppliers of plant and Tranche of the Rule Book – New Approach technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop Module AC and Module DC electrified lines The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as Module AC and Module DC electrified lines have been goodreviewed practice in forline all members of the industry and and the theynew have fully with the New Approach documents were approved for publication by the Traffic previously only been available on several disparate websites. Operations and Management Standards Committee in May. They will come into force in December 2011. The instructions remaining review have been split into In order tofollowing make thethe Codes of Practice available to separate a wider documents. audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the • Instructions for train drivers, guards, designated persons M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of (DP), signallers, crossing keepers, shunters and persons in charge of sidings will be shown in a re-issued Rule FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE Location York 30Book SeptModule DRACAS Seminar RSSB London AC and Rule Book Module DC. (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) • Instructions for track workers will be shown in a new Handbook 16 and Handbook 17 respectively. For more information on these RSSB organised events, Handbooks 16 and 17 will only contain basic instructions pleasetocontact Stella specific Okezie, to conference manager relating track safety AC electrified lines on and DC electrified lines. 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk The detailed instructions for working on or close to AC overhead line equipment are covered in the Network Rail Specification NR/SP/ELP/29987 Working on or about 25kV RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 Continued from page 04 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport operators createLines. a comprehensive profileinstructions for their A.C. Electrified Similarly, therisk detailed for working in onsupport or closeoftotheir the safety conductor rail equipment operations management activities, are covered in the Network Rail work instruction NR/WI/ are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking ELP/3091. Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe Other key changes to note are Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages • Emergency isolation is no longer referred to as an of development. isolation, but as an emergency switch off as it is technically not an isolation. The term PICEI has been changed to PICEE Person In Charge of Electrical Emergency. • The rules concerning rescuing a person who is at least 1 metre from live OLE have been & discontinued. No-one may go above or within 2.75 m (9 feet) of live OLE to carry out Page 05 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in the use of without the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please a rescue an emergency switch off. contact George Bearfield, safety risk manager on • A new section 15.5 in Module ACassessment has been added to allow coast up to permissible withfeedback pantographs 020trains 3142 to 5464 or at risk@rssb.co.uk. Wespeed welcome lowered when the OLE is damaged or isolated under from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear specific circumstances. The driver can lower the about our members particular needs forthe riskpantograph information,at any pantograph at any speed and raise speed up to 80 mph, or 125 mph if company instructions models and tools. allow it for the type of traction, provided the location meets the laid down criteria documented in Network Rail instructions. New high speed coasting signs have been introduced which are: an ‘advance lower pantograph’ sign, a ‘lower pantograph’ sign, a ‘raise pantograph’ sign and a ‘do not raise pantograph’ sign. RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice Section 15.5 was introduced following the findings of a research project T778 Feasibility study into raising and lowering pantographs while trains are in motion sponsored by the Vehicle/Train Energy System Interface Committee and published on the RSSB website. Tranche 5 of the Rule Book – New Approach Modules TS9 Level crossings - signallers’ instructions and TW8 Level crossings - driver’s instructions have been fully reviewed in line with the New Approach and the new documents were approved for publication by the Traffic Operations and Management Standards Committee in May. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents They will come into force in December 2011.There are a number of changes to both documents and these are outlined in the Rule Book Briefing Note which will be published on the RGS Online website www.rgsonline.co.uk in September 2011. the content). See produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). Safety Risk Model – Version 7 update The Safety Risk Model (SRM) is a comprehensive model of The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of railway risk on the GB mainline network. It comprises 120 professionalevents engineering and lead railway operations information hazardous that could to injury or fatality during the operation and maintenance of the railway. and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to The results of each update of theofSRM the operational and technical safety plant.are It iscontained a meetinginof the Risk Profile Bulletin (RPB). The RPB is available to download professional heads of mechanical(registration and electrical engineering from www.safetyriskmodel.co.uk required) as a pdf by Excel data sheets. anddocument operationsaccompanied from infrastructure contractors operating onData to populate 7 had a cut-off date of 30 track used machines outsideversion of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, September 2010 this was followed by 6 months of modelling the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected work, with the risk figures being available from 30 March representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, 2011. These were then documented in the RPB which was launched to the industry on 30 June 2011. plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and The SRM services. outputs are being used by the DfT and ORR for technical measuring industry performance against the High Level Output Specification (HLOS) safety metrics. Since the start of Control 4, the Group passenger safetyCodes metricofshows thatas The M&EEPeriod Networking produces Practice there has been a 1.8% reduction of passenger risk and a good practice for all members of the industry and they have 7.4% reduction in workforce risk. previously only been available on several disparate websites. For further information about the publication of documents The overall level of risk, predicted for the railway, in the v7 contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk update, is 141.6 Fatalities and Weighted Injuries per year (FWI/yr). This takes account of predicted under-reporting that was identified in the review of Network Rail’s RIDDOR For further information about M&EE Networking Group reporting. The figure excludes direct risk from suicide and documentssuicide contactexcept Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk attempted for where there are secondary affects upon passengers and workforce. This can be further broken down into: 52.0 FWI/yr RSSB Events 2009 • Passengers • Workforce 27.9 FWI/yr • Date Member of Public Event 61.7 FWI/yr Location The greatest contribution to overall risk comes from trespass with 48.6 FWI/year. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 The SRM templates, are produced to help transport SRM Risk which Profile Tool operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their The SRM - Risk Profile Tool (previously called the SRM operationstool) in support of their safety activities, Template has been updated to management include the SRMv7 data. This tooltoallows railwayin undertakings to for develop a risk profile are due be released August. A tool undertaking of their own operation, using as its basis the SRM. Users can Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance with ‘Taking Safe import their own data from SMIS in order to individualise their Decisions’ guidance is also in the final stages profile and and theyORR can also manually enter alternative data and compare their results with their expected profile based upon of development. the input of company normalisation data. Page 06 If you would like any further information, assistance or training in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please The SRM Template tool is provided free to RSSB member contact George assessment on companies and Bearfield, training in safety its userisk is also availablemanager from RSSB. Non-members purchase the tool and all non-safety 020 3142 5464can or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback certificate holders are charged for appropriate training in its from users of the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear use. about our members particular needs for risk information, models and tools. Further details are available from risk@rssb.co.uk. RSSB to publish M & EE Group Codes of Practice RSSB and TRL forge strategic partnership RSSB and TRL have agreed a strategic partnership that is set to combine research expertise in rail alongside broader transport research experience. Each organisation shares a common vision to enhance the value of their services to members and customers around the world. The organisations are no strangers to each other; TRL has supplied services to RSSB on a number of past industry research projects. This new partnership has been established to build on the existing relationship and enable the development and application of world class transport research, innovation and technology. It will provide a joint platform to deliver better value and efficiencies that will benefit RSSB members. From 1 August 2009 RSSB will be publishing documents The primary focus of the partnership will be: produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline • Exploring and securing new initiatives and funding streams website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). at an international level (both in Europe and across other areas of the world). The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of • Establishing a joint knowledge platform to provide broader access to transport, road and rail research and develop better integration of thinking to deliver real value solutions. • Drawing together technical expertise on transport sustainability, climate change and energy issues so that the UK is recognised as the lead authority on protecting and future-proofing critical transport networks. All the above will be dependent on both organisations jointly exploiting intellectual property, software development and knowledge management with a critical factor being the sharing of resources, thinking and facilities. The joint working is a prime example of a knowledge sharing partnership; agreements RSSB and other organisations to the content). between See regularly share information for mutual benefit. Ultimately the http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx benefit for the rail industry will be a higher return in knowledge and benefits on the initial investment in R&D, which would have been more difficult to achieve acting in isolation. For further information about the publication of documents contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk professional engineering and railway operations information For more information, contact Guy Woodroffe, and to provide a focusand to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group head of research development, guy.woodroffe@rssb.co.uk operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating onThe World Congress on Railway Research 2011 RSSB Events 2009 track machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, WCRR 9th WorldLondon Congress on Railwayand Research, the Rail2011, Plant the Association, Underground elected was held in Lille, France, from 22 to 26 May 2011. The representatives from other infrastructure renewal congress, hosted by SNCF and organised by the companies, WCRR Organising and Executive Committees and onplant which RSSB plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of and represents the GB rail industry, was attended by over 800 technical services. participants from 35 countries, representing operators, infrastructure managers, research institutes, the supply industry, academia and other organisations. The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as The theme WCRR 2011 was “Meeting goodoverall practice for allofmembers of the industry andthe they have challenges for future mobility.” The Congress was organised previously only been available on several disparate websites. around eight challenges: • A more energy-efficient railway In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider • An environmentally-friendly railway audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the • Increasing freight capacity and services M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of • A world of services for passengers FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE • Bringing the territories closer together at higher speeds • Even more trains even more on time Date Event Location • An even more competitive and cost efficient railway • 22For an even safer and moreWorkshop secure railwayYork Sept Freedom to Train There were 49 sessions, 220 papers presented and 85 posters displayed, as well as an exhibition. There were 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London major contributions from across the GB rail industry, (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) including speakers, chairs, presenters and ambassadors. Representatives were there from ATOC, Network Rail, suppliers, academia, Focus, High events, Speed2, For moreand information on Passenger these RSSB organised DfT and RSSB. The Best Young Researcher Award was please contact Stellahuman Okezie,factors conference manager presented to a RSSB specialist for a on presentation of work on non-technical skills. 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED 5 The SRM templates, which are produced to help transport Events Page 07 If you would like any further information, assistance or training operators create a comprehensive risk profile for their Vehicle/Track Systems Interface Committee operations in support of their safety management activities, Annual Seminar 26 October 2011, London are due to be released in August. A tool for undertaking in the use of the SRMv6 and its associated outputs, please Cost-Benefit Analysis in accordance ‘Taking Safe ‘Taking a whole-system approach with to the vehicle/track interface’ Decisions’ and ORR guidance is also in the final stages fromAdhesion users of Research the bulletin or templates and are keen to hear • about our members particular needs for risk information, • Wheelset Management Best Practice models and tools. • P12 wheel profile The purpose of the V/T SIC is 'to assist the railway industry of development. to manage all aspects of the vehicle to track interfaces in the most cost-effective and efficient way.' Whilst the primary focus of the V/T SIC is set upon the point of contact between the wheel and the rail, it is recognised that many other parameters of the track and rolling stock also affect this interface. & contact George Bearfield, safety risk assessment manager on 020 3142 5464 or risk@rssb.co.uk. We welcome feedback • Industry Decision Support Tools – VTISM and Track-Ex •Noise • Case studies RSSB to publish M EE Group Codes of Practice On 26 October 2011, the V/T SIC will hold a one-day seminar in London. The seminar will present the work undertaken by V/T SIC over the last year and a review of progress since the last event. Speakers from the V/T SIC and industry-players who have participated in the work will describe the very latest technical understanding, the steps taken in implementing emerging best practice and the focus areas for the next year. The seminar will also provide the opportunity to meet with many of the experts in this critical field. Topics to be covered are: • Developments in Wheel/Rail Understanding and Theory • European projects • Future research ideas Copies of VT SIC’s Wheel/Rail Best Practice Handbook will be available for purchase at the event. The handbook is a comprehensive compilation of articles, sponsored by V/T SIC, from industry experts and practitioners describing the theory and management of vehicle/track interaction on mixed traffic railways. The seminar is free. If you would like to attend, please send your name, job title, organisation, contact telephone number and email address to conferences@rssb.co.uk. You will receive confirmation of your booking in due course. For 1further work of the SICs, please visitthe content). See From Augustinformation 2009 RSSB on willthe be publishing documents http://www.rssb.co.uk/groups/SIC/VTrack/Pages/default.aspx produced by the M&EE Networking Group on the rgsonline http://www.rgsonline.co.uk/Pages/M_and_EE.aspx website (www.rgsonline.co.uk). For further information about the publication of documents The M&EE Networking Group is dedicated to the sharing of contact Marie Marks at marie.marks@rssb.co.uk professional engineering and railway operations information and to provide a focus to the rail industry relating to For further information about M&EE Networking Group operational and technical safety of plant. It is a meeting of the documents contact Mick James at mick.james@rssb.co.uk professional heads of mechanical and electrical engineering and operations from infrastructure contractors operating ontrack machines outside of possessions, Network Rail, RSSB, RSSB Events 2009 the Rail Plant Association, London Underground and elected representatives from other infrastructure renewal companies, Date Event Location technical services. 22 Sept Freedom to Train Workshop York The M&EE Networking Group produces Codes of Practice as 30 Sept DRACAS Seminar RSSB London (Defect reporting and Corrective Action System Seminar) plant owners, and manufacturers/suppliers of plant and good practice for all members of the industry and they have previously only been available on several disparate websites. For more information on these RSSB organised events, In order to make the Codes of Practice available to a wider please contact Stella Okezie, conference manager on audience, RSSB has agreed to publish them (though the 020 3142 5329 or stella.okezie@rssb.co.uk M&EE Networking Group remains responsible for all of FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF RSSB ’ S PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PLEASE CONTACT THE RSSB BLOCK 2 ANGEL SQUARE RSSB ENQUIRY DESK ON 020 3142 5400 1 TORRENS STREET LONDON EC1V 1NY OR ENQUIRYDESK@RSSB.CO.UK WWW.RSSB.CO.UK ©©2011 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDS 2009 RAIL SAFETY AND STANDARDSBOARD BOARDLIMITED LIMITED