TEXAS TECH UNIIVERSITY Dep partment oof Mechan nical Engin neering Biomedi B ical Micro- and Nanoflu uidics Prrof. Shuichi Takaayama Departme D ent of Bio omedicall Engineeering University U y of Mich higan Absstract: Micro/nano M otechnolo ogy and regenerattive mediicine havve the pootential to o syneergisticallly advan nce science and enhance e healthcarre througgh more efficient deveelopmentt of theraapeutics and diag gnostics. This preesentationn will prrovide an n overrview of efforts to o apply such s tech hnologies to cell ttherapies,, drug tessting, and d advaancing understan u nding diisease physiologyy. The micro- and naanofluidicc techhnologies to be discussed d include microfluuidic swiitches, aqqueous ttwo-phasee system biop printing, 3D celll culturres, and fracturee fabricaation off tunablee medical applicatio a ons that will be discussedd includee nanoochannelss. Specific biom orgaans-on-a-cchip systems succh as ov viduct-onn-a-chip ffor vitroo fertilizaation and d hearrtbeat-on--a-chip, 3D 3 cultu ures tech hnologies of canccer, chrom matin annalysis in n fractture-fabriicated nanochann n nels, and d technoologies tto help developp protein n diaggnostics. Bio: Prof. Shuich hi Takayama’’s research interests i (B.S. & M.S. fro om the Univversity of Tokyo o, Ph.D. fro om the Scrip pps Researcch Institute) started witth organic ssynthesis. Subseequently he pursued po ostdoctoral studies in bioengineerred microsyystems at Harvaard University as a Leukemia and Lymphoma L Society S Fello ow. He is ccurrently Profeessor at the University of Michigan in the Biom medical Engi neering Deppartment and M Macromolecu ular Science and Engineeering Prograam, and Adjuunct Professsor at the Ulsann National Institute of Science and d Technologgy (UNIST) in Korea. He is an assocciate editor of o Integrativee Biology. Ressearch topiccs include m microfluidic m models of the bbody such ass the oviducct, lung, gutt, and cancer metastasiss. He also develops aqueo ous two phase system m micropattterning tecchnologies, studies tim ming and rhythms of cell signaling, constructs self-switchingg fluidic cirrcuits, and pperforms nanoffluidic single strand chro omatin analyysis. Awards and honorrs include thhe NSF CAR REER award,, Pioneers of o Miniaaturization Prize P from the t Royal So ociety of Ch hemistry, annd AIMBE FFellow. Dissclosures: Co-founder & shareeholder PHA ASIQ, Inc; So ome stock op ptions and licensed techhnology to 3D Biomatrixx. Friday, April A 1, 2016 Liivermore Center 101 | 1 1:30 – 3:00 pm Co oordinator: Dr. D Jungkyu (Jay) Kim (J ungkyu.kim@ @ttu.edu)