Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 ISCC INDUSTRY STANDARDS CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE (ISCC) Approved Minutes of meeting held on 09 September 2015 Conference Room Shinkansen, RSSB’s offices, London Present Representing Status Jane Simpson (JS) Mark Phillips (MPh) Laurence Gregory (LG) Stephen Collicott (SC) Mark Molyneux (MMo) Tim Shakerley (TS) Malcolm Beard (MBe) Anna Bradley (AB) Vaibhav Puri (VP) Tom Lee (TL) Independent RSSB ROSCOs Suppliers Passenger Train Operators Freight Operators NOBOs RSSB Chairman RSSB Chairman Control Command and Signalling Standards Committee Chairman Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee RSSB Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Co-opted Member Guest Alternate Member Guest (for item 4) Infrastructure Contractors Office of Rail and Road (ORR) Department for Transport (DfT) Suppliers Infrastructure Manager Infrastructure Manager Passenger Train Operators Non-passenger Train Operators Member Observer Observer Alternate Member Alternate Member Alternate Member Alternate Member Alternate Member Gary Portsmouth (GP) Faye Trousdale (FT) Marie Marks (MM) Apologies Neil Whisler (NW) Paul Hooper (PH) Ian Jones (IJ) Jim Lupton (JL) Maya Petkova (MPe) Martin Biggin (MBi) Neil Ovenden (NO) Ian Dougherty (ID) Page 1 of 12 Guest (for item 5) Guest (for item 7) Secretary Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 Number Minute 1 Introductions 1.1 Introductions were made for the benefit of new member Stephen Collicott and for Anna Bradley, the Chairman of RSSB’s Board. Anna was observing how the committee operates and its relationship with RSSB’s Board. The chairman highlighted that the expectation is for presenters to assume that the papers have been read and spend only five to ten minutes highlighting the key points. This will allow more time for discussion. 2 Minutes of meeting of 12 August 2015 The minutes for 12 August 2015 were agreed with the following amendments: 2.1 a) b) 3 3.1 ISCC Action Item 8.4 – DfT workshop is about 4th railway package – not interoperability. Item 7.2f) – contains a spurious “is”. Review of actions arising from previous meetings’ minutes Refer to the actions table at Appendix B. For Discussion 4 Control Command and Signalling Standards Committee Chairman’s report (presentation) 4.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Tom Lee (TL), Chairman of the Control Command and Signalling (CCS) Standards Committee (SC). TL highlighted the key points in his presentation. The information had been updated to take account of TSI issues and was re-circulated to members immediately after the presentation. 4.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Comment: The DfT observer was seen as a very helpful addition to DfT/IJ the committee and the DfT representative on ISCC was asked to look into providing a suitable representative. b) Question: Why is there reluctance to produce a Rail Industry Standard (RIS)? Response: It is more a reluctance to have requirements in anything other than a Railway Group Standard (RGS). It is a lack of understanding of the context of a RIS and historic familiarity with RGSs. c) Question: So is this more about communications? Response: Yes – engagement is key – on this issue particularly with those interested in signalling principles. Page 2 of 12 Approved Minutes Number Meeting on 09 September 2015 Minute d) Question: The RIS can provide everything in one place so will this be a wasted opportunity if we produce an RGS now and a RIS later? Response: No. The [signal sighting] standard was developed as an RGS (in the expectation that it would be a National Safety Rule(NSR)). But an improved understanding of NSRs and the new standards strategy will mean that the content is most likely published as a RIS instead. e) Question: In relation to the draft satellite navigation document versus a finalised version – was it the view that a draft is better than nothing? Response: A lot of time was spent on this in the [Standards Committee] workshop. The view was that delay should be avoided, and getting comments on a draft would be helpful rather than going straight to a final version. One of the key things that emerged however, was that there is a will for a shorter, more targeted consultation to achieve faster publication of the issued document. Draft documents didn’t have sufficient credibility for many users. f) Question: Presumably this is because suppliers want a clear set of requirements? Response: Yes. Publishing a draft is not always helpful as, if the requirements change between draft and final versions, suppliers can be left with non-conforming products. g) Question: Why is ERTMS not backwardly compatible on the Cambrian Line? Response: It was based on an early version of the TSI and whenever technology moves forward there is a limit to what can be made to be backwardly compatible. h) Question: In respect of baseline 3, maintenance release 2, and the evolution of a GB solution that works for us, what should the GB industry do? Response: Most of the changes are not a significant problem and many offer benefits. There are however some very detailed and specific things that are causing problems. If, as is being suggested, there is likely to be a five year specification freeze, there are probably issues that will not yet have been identified, due to limited application to date on particular types of line. GB has a strong allegiance with the Dutch and the Danish to work through some of the emerging issues. Many other countries have not yet experienced these problems but they will probably find them when they do further ETCS deployments. Two change requests that look likely not to be included may have significant implications for GB (not just on ETCS-fitted lines). Page 3 of 12 ISCC Action Approved Minutes Number Meeting on 09 September 2015 Minute i) Question: Should GB be applying for a deviation? Response: Possibly. This has been discussed with Network Rail, train operators, ROSCos, DfT and ORR. Much is being done to ensure the change requests are included. If it does not happen, there are other options – one of which is to seek a derogation from the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI). j) Question: In respect of the signal sighting RIS issue, are the requirements currently in an appendix to the RGS? Response: Yes, but not expressed as requirements, more as a definition of a reference system. k) Question: Regarding item 5 – train detection parameters, design freeze – and the clarification published to address this. What was the policy at the point of design? ISCC Action Response: If a standard changed during the course of a project, it was not clear at what point the design requirements were frozen. The clarification was to set out that it was a project decision (the clarification amended the compliance clause). The amended clause is now incorporated into the standard template. l) Question: Was the rationale for dimensions (mentioned in the report) for the TSI or the RGS? Response: The RGS – the TSI specifies absolute values, but for safe application in the design of signalled layouts, practical tolerances need to be defined. m) Comment: It should be noted that no deviations for two months is a very positive thing for standards. n) Comment: In terms of ensuring training and knowledge of the right people, it is worth making contact with the National Training Academy for Rail (NTAR). 4.3 Decisions: a) ISCC NOTED the content of the presentation 4.4 Actions: a) DfT to look into providing an observer for CCS SC. Page 4 of 12 DfT/IJ Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 Number Minute 5 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Chairman’s report (presentation) 5.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Gary Portsmouth (GP), Chairman of the Traffic Operation and Management (TOM) Standards Committee (SC). ISCC Action GP highlighted the key points of his presentation. GP also introduced the strategy for TOM SC. The key points were drawn to the committee’s attention were: 5.2 a) alignment with ISCC strategic plan and strategy for standards b) inclusion of key activities concerning the development of the OPE TSI Implementation Plan and c) Digital Rule Book. ISCC comments/observations: a) Question: In respect of the workshop being held on deviations – is it something that other SCs might be interested in too? Response: Yes – not just the SCs but with member organisations – a whole programme of work is being done. b) Question: On quality of deviations – is there anything more that can be done? Response: There is a guidance document but there is more to do. The SCs need to identify what good looks like and perhaps develop a presentation template. c) Comment: A new form (that includes guidance) will be made available from November. This should help. d) Comment: When RSSB is aware of a potential deviation application, it often supports the applicant through the process, if required. e) Question: What are the other national implementation plans for TSIs? Could this be a forward agenda item? Response: It is the responsibility of the member state – but the plans RSSB/MM should be available yes. It will be added to the forward agenda for DfT to action. f) Question: On page 7 of the strategy document, it states ‘… it is assumed RSSB will lead on behalf of the member state (Department for Transport)’, did you not say RSSB were leading? Response: Yes – GP agreed to amend the document to clarify the fact that RSSB is leading on behalf of the DfT. 5.3 Decisions: a) ISCC NOTED the content of the presentation and ENDORSED the TOM SC strategy. 5.3 Actions: a) Add TSI implementation plans to the forward agenda for DfT. Page 5 of 12 RSSB/MM Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 ISCC Number Minute Action 6 Strategy for Standards (Communications Plan and Implementation Plan) 6.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Vaibhav Puri (VP) from RSSB. VP delivered a presentation (to be circulated separately and attached to the published minutes) highlighting the key points. 6.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Comment: The Requirements Management Database project should RSSB/MM be on the forward agenda. Response: Agreed. MM to add. b) Comment: Can the key be more intuitive (eg use “T” for Twitter, rather than “C”). Response: Yes – this will be changed. RSSB/VP c) Comment: Relating to national operations publications, it is the most significant change being made and the plan shows that the status will be changed in September but the communication will not happen until 2016. This is a risk. Response: That is an error and will be corrected – the change in status will not happen ahead of RSSB November Board meeting and comprehensive communication with industry RSSB/VP d) Comment: The biggest issue will be with the leaders in industry who are not in touch with this. The communications plan does not address communication with the leaders of industry – this will be something that must be discussed at RSSB Board level. Response: Agreed. e) Comment: It was agreed that ISCC members would feedback comments on the implementation plan and the communications plan by 25 September 2015 – as it was not circulated beforehand. 6.3 Decisions: ISCC NOTED the contents of the communications and implementation plans for the standards strategy, and ENDORSED the related governance and reporting structure 6.4 Actions: a) MM to add RMDB project to the forward agenda. ISCC members RSSB/MM b) All to provide comments on the implementation plan and the communications plan for the strategy for standards by 25 September 2015. ISCC members c) VP to update both the communications plan and the implementation plan (with comments received from ISCC members by 25 September) and present to ISCC in November. RSSB/VP Page 6 of 12 Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 Number Minute 7 RSSB’s online standards catalogue (demonstration) 7.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Marie Marks (MM) and Faye Trousdale (FT) from RSSB. FT demonstrated the online standards catalogue to highlight the improved functionality. ISCC Action MM offered to visit member organisations if required. ISCC members to advise. 8 Any other business 8.1 AOB item 1: TSI Issues Log This item, raised by LG, was about issues not getting onto the TSI issues log (the concern was shared by Paul Hooper). It was suggested that it could be a standing agenda item. The SC Chairmen’s reports previously covered TSI issues log items. What is happening with the SC Chairmen’s reports? Separately, how often should the TSI issues log be reviewed at ISCC? Response: The SC Chairmen will cover TSI issues log items specific to their discipline in their presentations to ISCC. The purpose of the SC Chairmen’s reports is to provide ISCC members with confidence that the chairmen are managing the work of their committees competently. In terms of a communications document for our members, MPh will take that up with the SC Chairmen. Actions: a) MPh to look at what needs to be done to understand the scale of the issue in terms of what is being logged in the TSI issues log. RSSB/MPh b) MPh to discuss with SC Chairmen how best to provide a brief for industry members on SC related issues. RSSB/MPh No items were proposed as ‘not for discussion’ 9 Next meeting 9.1 12 November 2015 at The Helicon in Moorgate Page 7 of 12 Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 ISCC Appendix A: Forward Agenda Items DfT/IJ A.1 OPE TSI implementation plan (action no. 2015-01-21 – 01 refers) – November 2015 A.2 Contracts supported by Standards Committee – May and November A.3 Report from Chairman of Infrastructure (INS) Standards Committee –May and November RSSB/BE A.4 Report from Chairman of Rolling Stock (RST) Standards Committee - May and November RSSB/HO A.5 How to deal with issues around implementation of TSIs – issues – November 2015 ORR/PH A.6 Implementation plans for TSIs – November 2015 A.7 ISCC’s strategic plan – review of progress and key activities – November 2015 RSSB/VP A.8 RSSB Standards Activities Report - January and July 2016 RSSB/MP A.9 Requirements Management Database – January 2016 RSSB/AC A.10 Report from Chairman of Energy (ENE) Standards Committee –and January and July 2016. RSSB/SV A.11 Update on cyber security work –January and July 2016 RSSB/MV A.12 Report from Chairman of Plant (PLT) Standards Committee – March RSSB/NH A.13 Report from Chairman of Traffic Operation and Management (TOM) Standards Committee – March and September RSSB/GP A.14 Report from Chairman of Control Command and Signalling (CCS) Standards Committee – March and September RSSB/TL A.15 Report from Chairman of EOSRG – March and September RSSB/TL Page 8 of 12 RSSB/MM DfT/IJ Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 ISCC Appendix B: Actions Table Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-05-14 - 01 Bring a proposal regarding IM membership on ISCC. Owner Status RSSB/MPh Closed RSSB/MPh Closed DfT/IJ Open ORR/PH Open RSSB/GB Open Update: 12-08-2015: MPh will bring a proposal to the September meeting. Update: 09-09-2015: Met with Nichola Shaw at HS1 – they are actively considering the type of membership they want to take up at RSSB. When decided, it will come back to ISCC. Closed. 2015-05-14 – 04 Raise with RAIB the ranking of recommendations and seeking feedback on their services. Update: 12-08-2015: Outstanding. Update: 09-09-2015: Spoken with Simon French – was amenable to discussing recommendations and meeting arranged with ORR. Closed. [Post meeting note: RAIB will not prioritise recommendations but suggest that we engage more with ORR in agreeing timescales to close out RAIB actions.] 2015-05-14 – 05 Take up the issue of DfT representation at INS SC. Update: 12-08-2015: Tim Kendall was previously on INS SC (on behalf of DfT). There may not be a replacement from DfT. Update: 09-09-2015: Not in attendance. Outstanding. 2015-05-14 - 09 ORR to produce a paper to support issues around implementation of TSIs. Update: 12-08-2015: Outstanding. Update: 09-09-2015: Not in attendance – outstanding. 2015-08-12 - 01 RSSB to produce a short briefing note and, subsequently, a more detailed guidance note setting out: b) how to use the CSM-DT c) how not to use it and d) how to best navigate through this complex area. Timescale to be advised. Update: 09-09-2015: David Griffin reported that the short briefing note should be available by 11 September 2015. Page 9 of 12 Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-08-12 – 02 Regarding the EMF directive, RSSB to put a proposal to the relevant SCs to take forward both the research and developing a guidance note at the same time. ISCC Owner Status RSSB/DK Closed RSSB/VP Closed RSSB/MM Closed Post meeting note: The proposal for the Guidance Note has been put to ENE SC as the lead committee, and circulated to all other committees for support in accordance with RSSB normal practice. The proposal is now progressing through the Standards Department who will directly let the external contract to support the development of the guidance. Update: 09-09-2015: RSSB is starting the work on the guidance which will avoid external costs. Completed – closed. 2015-08-12 – 03 In respect of the strategy for standards, RSSB to bring to ISCC in September 2015 a communications plan, next steps, timescales and owners. Update: 09-09-2015: Agenda item – closed. 2015-08-12 – 04 Add a column to the agenda identifying whether or not a supporting paper/presentation is available. Update: 09-09-2015: Completed - closed. 2015-09-09 - 01 DfT to look into providing an observer for CCS SC. DfT/IJ Open 2015-09-09 – 02 Add TSI implementation plans to the forward agenda for DfT. RSSB/MM Open 2015-09-09 – 03 Add the Requirements Management Database project as a forward agenda item. RSSB/MM Open 2015-09-09 – 04 All to provide comments on the implementation plan and the communications plan for the standards strategy by 25 September 2015. All ISCC members Open 2015-09-09 – 05 VP to update both the communications plan and the implementation plan (with comments received from ISCC members by 25 September) and present to ISCC in November. RSSB/VP Open 2015-09-09 – 06 MPh to look at what needs to be done to understand the scale of the issue in terms of what is being logged in the TSI issues log. [Post meeting note: paper on the agenda for November 2015 meeting. Closed.] RSSB/MPh Open 2015-09-09 – 07 MPh to discuss with SC Chairmen how best to provide a brief for industry members on SC related issues. RSSB/MPh Open Page 10 of 12 Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 ISCC Appendix C: Future meeting dates: Nov 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016 May 2016 Jun 2016 Jul 2016 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017 Apr 2017 ISCC 12 -- 20 -- 16 -- 18 -- 14 -- 15 -- 17 -- 24 -- 21 -- RSSB Board 12 07 03 APPROVED ______________________________ Jane Simpson, Chairman Marie Marks, Secretary, ISCC Page 11 of 12 Tel: 020 3142 5575 Date_____________________ Fax: 020 3142 5669 Email: Approved Minutes Meeting on 09 September 2015 Appendix D – attachments to minutes Attachment 1 CCS SC Chairman’s presentation Attachment 2 TOM SC Chairman’s presentation and TOM SC strategy Attachment 3 Strategy for Standards – communications plan Attachment 4 Strategy for Standards – implementation plan Page 12 of 12 ISCC