UK remains one of the safest railways in Europe despite... numbers reaching highest ever point

9 March 2016
UK remains one of the safest railways in Europe despite passenger
numbers reaching highest ever point
The UK remains one of the safest countries in Europe for train travel, with no passenger or
workforce fatalities occurring on trains in 2015, according to annual figures released today by
rail safety experts, RSSB. This is against a sustained backdrop of increasing passenger usage,
which as reported last week amounted to 1.68 billion journeys.
The findings reveal that for a record breaking eighth year in a row, no passenger or workforce
fatalities in train accidents were reported in 2015, and there was an overall decrease in the
number of fatalities on the network (excluding trespass and suicide) over the past year.
Recent years have seen passenger journeys surge by around 5% per year and there are now in
excess of 1.6 billion passenger journeys made annually on the network. The last on-board
fatality in a train accident occurred in February 2007 when a passenger train derailed at Grayrigg.
George Bearfield, RSSB Director of System Safety, commented: “Our end of year figures serve to
highlight that despite the increasing challenge of capacity on the network, the UK still continues
to deliver one of the safest rail networks in Europe, if not globally.
“Even though we are pleased to see these results we can’t afford to be complacent as the
precursors to train accidents indicate that the potential for a major train accident remains. As
an industry we have to collaborate and work together to understand and manage potential risks,
with the safety of all those who interact with the railway remaining at the forefront of our
Key findings in the Overview include:
For the eighth calendar year in succession, there were no passenger or workforce
fatalities in train accidents.
Excluding trespass and suicide, the total number of fatalities in 2015 was 13, compared
with 18 in 2014.
T: +44 (0)20 3142 5300
F: +44 (0)20 3142 5663
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
The Helicon, 1 South Place
Registered office:
The Helicon, 1 South Place
London EC2M 2RB
London EC2M 2RB
Reg No. 04655675
Six of the fatalities were passengers, compared with three in 2014; all occurred at
The number of potentially higher-risk train accidents (PHRTAs) in 2015 was 26,
compared with 32 occurring in 2014.
At the end of 2015, the Precursor Indicator Model (PIM) measure related to passenger
risk from train accidents was 2.52 FWI, compared with 3.03 FWI at the end of 2014. The
overall PIM at the end of 2015 was 6.18 FWI, compared with 6.80 FWI at the end of
To download a full version of the report please visit
-EndsFor further information, please contact Emma Martin, Media Relations Manager via or 020 3142 5594. Alternatively, contact RSSB’s main press office line
via or 020 3142 5653.
Notes to Editors:
About the ‘Overview of Safety Performance for 2015’ report
On behalf of the rail industry, RSSB takes a key role in the monitoring and reporting of safety
performance on Great Britain’s mainline railway. In advance of our comprehensive reporting in
the Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR) we present a high-level overview of safety
performance for the calendar year 2015. The next ASPR will cover the 12-month period April
2015 – March 2016, and is due for publication in July 2016.
The latest RSSB Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR) ASPR can be downloaded via
About RSSB
T: +44 (0)20 3142 5300
F: +44 (0)20 3142 5663
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
The Helicon, 1 South Place
Registered office:
The Helicon, 1 South Place
London EC2M 2RB
London EC2M 2RB
Reg No. 04655675
RSSB was established in 2003 after the publication of the Review of Fatal Accident Inquiry
Legislation report by Lord Cullen. We are an expert, not for profit organisation which supports
the rail industry to improve safety and performance. We bring organisations together to help
deliver clear benefits to passengers and businesses while providing value to the taxpayer. Our
members include infrastructure companies, train and freight operators, rolling stock owners
and suppliers to the industry.
Twitter: @RSSB_rail
LinkedIn: RSSB
T: +44 (0)20 3142 5300
F: +44 (0)20 3142 5663
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited
The Helicon, 1 South Place
Registered office:
The Helicon, 1 South Place
London EC2M 2RB
London EC2M 2RB
Reg No. 04655675