AGENDA ITEM: B3 MEETING: RSSB Board Meeting DATE: 03 July 2014 SUBJECT: Technical Strategy Leadership Group/Innovation SPONSOR: Chris Fenton AUTHORS: Anson Jack and David Clarke 1. Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this paper is to summarise the RSSB accountabilities for the management of innovation funding in Control Period 5 (CP5) including the role of the RSSB board. 2. RSSB and FutureRailway Through TSLG and FutureRailway RSSB provide the focal point for the management of innovation in support of the Rail Technical Strategy. The strategic vision and direction for the industry is set by the Rail Delivery Group. This informs, alongside inputs from the rest of the industry (e.g. Rail Supply Group), the Rail Technical Strategy which is prepared by the crossindustry TSLG and then endorsed by RDG through its Tech & Ops workstream. Innovation is undertaken by many parties across the industry and its supply chain and by academia, non-industry suppliers and SME’s. FutureRailway manages the calls for innovation and reporting of progress where these are not otherwise addressed by the industry. In particular it aims to address the “innovation gap” where technologies are not proven. So, whilst others set the strategy and others provide the innovation, RSSB through its governance of TSLG and the FutureRailway team provide an essential role in managing the innovation process to address gaps that for too long were unaddressed in rail. The funding through various sources creates the opportunity for industry to fill this gap during CP5. Cross-industry participation at RSSB board and on TSLG, the role of RSSB Directors (CF/AJ) on TSLG (and its Core Group) and in RDG Tech and Ops provide a coordinated approach. The involvement of the supply chain at RDG Tech and Ops and on RSSB board and TSLG also ensure co-ordination with the opportunity for RSG to review and endorse the approach. The FutureRailway activity, consisting of the Research and innovation teams of both RSSB and Network Rail working to deliver the technical strategy supports this alignment. This paper considers the role of RSSB board within this process and in particular the governance of funding. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 03 July 2014 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 3. Funding 3.1 The TSLG research development and innovation programme is developed by RSSB/ FutureRailway staff for annual approval by TSLG and endorsement by RDG (T&O) Group. This programme sets the framework against which funds are then spent. 3.2 There are currently four major sources of CP5 innovation funding in the Network Rail/ RSSB collaboration – the FutureRailway Programme: 3.3 1. The £50m Network Rail strategic R&D fund which is managed directly by NR; 2. The £52m specified in the High Level Output Specification (HLOS) – the Enabling Innovation Fund (EIF) which will be managed through RSSB; 3. RSSB Strategic Research Fund (SRF) consisting of a proportion of the research grants from DfT as delegated from the Board to TSLG (likely to be at least £30m during CP5 (£20.4m in 2014/15 and around £4m pa for the following 4 years) 4. The Innovation in Franchising Pilot. This is expected to be c£50m over three years and three franchises. The RSSB role will be as administrator of the process but not the funds. The costs of administration will be recoverable from the fund holders. There is opportunity to leverage much of this funding through collaboration with other funders and with innovators (typically suppliers) through co-funded projects. To date FutureRailway have supported £56m of activity from £33.5m of funding. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 03 July 2014 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 4. Funding Governance 4.1 The funding governance arrangements can be summarised as follows: Fund 1. £50m Network Rail Strategic R&D Fund 2. £52m Innovation Fund 3. c£22.5m Strategic Research Fund 4. £50m Innovation in Franchising Pilot Source of Funding NR RAB NR RAB DfT Grant Franchise Revenue Classification of Funding Government Government Government [Private] Fund Holder NR NR (fund management delegated to TSLG via RSSB) RSSB Franchisee Role of RSSB Board None Delegates funds to TSLG and approves/oversees governance None Role of RSSB None Acts as Contracting Body Employs administration team (FutureRailway) Employs FutureRailwayTeam (which takes the lead on most of those items immediately below) Enters commitments and holds IP rights on behalf of industry Reports and accounts to source of funding (NR/ DfT) for the efficient utilisation of the funds Facilitates TSLG and associated groups Prepares an annual plan for endorsement by TSLG and RDG (T&O) Coordinates all activity Collaborates with Network Rail Body that approves specific expenditure NR Technology and Innovation Board TSLG Development of the plan NR Technology and Innovation Team FutureRailway team (RSSB) for TSLG FutureRailway team (RSSB) for TSLG Franchisee Endorses plan TSLG and RDG (T&O) Group NR T&I Board and RDG (T&O) Group NR T&I Board and RDG (T&O) Group RDG (T&O) Advises on plan content Delivery Management 4.2 Generally delegated to TSLG Core Group (RSSB director on Core Group) Portfolio Champions NR Technology and Innovation Team FutureRailway team (RSSB) Innovation Board appointed by RDG (T&O) TSLG FutureRailway team (RSSB) Franchisee The principle RSSB accountabilities are therefore associated with funds 2 & 3 and are further detailed in the RACI in section 3. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 03 July 2014 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 RSSB Board, TSLG, and Future Railway RACI for the management of innovation funding Activity RACI RSSB Board TSLG R = Responsible RSSB incl FutureRailway team 5. 1. Annually delegate authority to TSLG to determine the utilisation of research and innovation funds, setting conditions as deemed appropriate A C I 2. Annually receive a report from TSLG to demonstrate the funds are being spent in accordance with delegated authorities and are delivering value. A R R 3. Act as contracting body to deliver projects and competitions approved by TSLG I C A/R 4. Enter commitments and holds IP rights on behalf of industry I C A/R 5. Enters into collaborative agreements on behalf of industry to facilitate innovation. For example with other funders such as TSB I C A/R 6. Reports and accounts to source of funding (NR/ DfT) for the efficient utilisation of the funds through quarterly reports I C A/R 7. Develops and implements effective innovation management processes I C A/R 8. Employs RSSB portion of FutureRailway team using the allocated funds and takes employment risk I C A/R 9. Provides technical, research, stakeholder support, business services, facilities and other resources to support the FutureRailway team and TSLG activity using the allocated funds and takes employment risk I C A/R 10. Facilitates TSLG and associated groups, coordinating cross industry activity I C A/R 11. Collaborates with Network Rail to ‘deliver the future railway through research and innovation’ I C A/R 12. Annually submit for RDG T&O Group endorsement a Future Railway multi-year budget and plan comprising of the TSLG approved Strategic R&D and Innovation Plans and the TSLG endorsed Network Rail R&D Plan I A R A = Accountable C = Consulted I = Informed 6. Recommendations The board are asked to: NOTE the arrangements which have been established by RSSB for the management of innovation funding and provide any further guidance. NOTE that it is TSLG’s intention to work to simplify these arrangements for CP6 including making the case for funding which spans control periods recognising the long term nature of the RTS. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 03 July 2014 Page 4 of 4