AGENDA ITEM: D1.a [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] RSSB: MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 05 March 2015 rd 15:00 Parker, 3 Floor, Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NY. Attendees: Paul Thomas CB (PT) Chairman Anna Bradley (AB) Chair Designate Chris Fenton (CF) Chief Executive Alan Emery (AE) Jeremy Candfield (JC) Anson Jack (AJ) Mark Carne (MC) (Alternate for Gareth Llewellyn) Paul Kirk (PK) Charles Horton (CH) Neil McDonald (NMcD) Malcolm Brown (MB) Apologies: Steve Murphy (SM) Observers: Ian Prosser (IP) ORR Robin Groth (RG) DfT In attendance: Elizabeth Fleming (EF) RSSB Secretary John Abbott (JA) RSSB (Agenda Item A1) David Clarke (DC) RSSB (Agenda Item A3) George Bearfield (GB) RSSB (Agenda Item A4) Eileen Pevreall (EP) RSSB (Agenda Item A4) Helen Goodman (HG) RSSB (Agenda Item B2) Jon Grayson (JG) RSSB (Agenda Item B2) Colin Dennis (CD) RSSB (Agenda Item C1) MINUTES The chairman opened the meeting and noted apologies from Steve Murphy (SM). He welcomed Mark Carne as alternate for Gareth Llewellyn. RSSB.15/12 A1 Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy: briefing paper John Abbott (JA) introduced the paper taking it as read. He briefly brought the directors up to date on the progress in the development of the Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy and asked them to consider and endorse the arrangements for the review of the work on this to date, at the ISM in April. Following the last board meeting where the direction of travel was set out an industry workshop was held in January, chaired by Charles Horton (CH) to consider the approach to the Strategy development. CH reported that the workshop had gone very well with considerable consensus on the need for a Rail Health & Safety Strategy. As a result a consultation document had been developed setting out a statement of principles and approach for the strategy, and circulated to all main stakeholder groups. In parallel scoping and development of the strategy has commenced and headline content is being determined. It is proposed that a summary of the headline content is submitted to the ISM on 15th April for review and endorsement. RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 1 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] JA confirmed that this is one of three items for the ISM agenda in April – the other two being a review of current Health and Safety performance and consideration of a proposal for a single common currency for risk classification. There was some concern about the summary/draft strategy document and its need to be concise and have clear meaning. It was agreed that all industry CEOs should feel able to sign up to it as a clear measurable way forward in health and safety management and not view it as the previous incarnation which had some negative connotations. CH advised that this approach clearly demonstrated a maturity in industry understanding of associated risk especially at the local dutyholder level. There were differing views among the directors as to whether the Strategy should favour a top down focus or a local level and bottom up focus and it was suggested that it was so important that consideration be given to having an outside facilitator to facilitate this discussion at the ISM. Ian Prosser (IP) believed that this Strategy was a vital component in helping the duty holders fulfil their duty of co-operation obligations. IP advised that there were a number of big issues in the Health and Safety Management arena including’ behaviours’ and they would be supporting this initiative and providing help where possible. RSSB’s role in relation to such a Strategy prompted further discussion with a concern emerging that in looking at system wide issues RSSBs role was at odds with a local level and bottom up approach to the Strategy. The role of the RSSB board and its representation would need consideration. JA confirmed that this had been discussed at the workshop and a visual developed that showed how all parties contributed to the Strategy including RSSB. The DfT suggested that it would be helpful if all parties could sign up to this visual. The directors concluded that this stage in the development of the Strategy was not about defining/outlining roles but about the industry setting out how it will collaborate on issues that require collaboratively addressing – all concluded that a Strategy straw-man was required to review and discuss in the first instance and that roles, including RSSB’s role would be developed at the next stage. On that basis the directors resolved to NOTE the progress with development of the proposed Rail Industry Health and Safety Strategy and ENDORSE the planned review arrangements of it at the next ISM. RSSB.15/13 A2 Commercial Strategy Taking the paper as read Anson Jack (AJ) confirmed that as part of the development of the commercial strategy, it had been determined that RSSB would not proceed in creating a commercial consultancy arm despite considerable interest from a number of railway industry entities both in the UK and abroad. However this did not mean that it would not be considered again at a later date. The directors supported this decision. RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 2 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] The directors considered the two tactical proposals put forward for development on training and the exploitation of IP behind data and risk tools. It was confirmed that the proposals formalise what RSSB already does rather than ventured into something new. CF clarified that this is a proposal to further develop the areas into revenue generating activities in support of the wider industry needs. The directors confirmed that they were content with this direction and would be interested to see the business cases for both in due course. CF advised that communication of this work would be considered once the business cases were available. The chairman thanked all who had contributed to the current position. The directors noted the development of the commercial strategy and resolved to endorse the two proposed areas for development. RSSB.15/14 A3 Innovation Report on 2014-15 progress David Clarke (DC) took the circulated paper which updated the board on progress of the Innovation Programme and confirmed that the delegated governance responsibilities had been properly carried out, as read. He gave a short presentation on the Future Railway Programme – specifically around progress on the Rail Technical Strategy and Innovation project progress. Three issues of note were: The NR/RSSB funding agreement was not yet finalised The RDG Technology and Operations Group was reviewing its role Establishment of the RSG is likely to lead to a Rail Industrial Strategy by end 2015. The directors noted the significant ramp up in activities. Anna Bradley (AB) requested clarity with respect to the governance arrangement of TSLG. Governance could not be delegated and in this instance it was the management of funds and not the governance arrangements that had been delegated to TSLG. She suggested that the directors might like to see reports from these groups (including TSLG) that gave them assurance that the funds/grants had been spent as expected and appropriately. CF referred to annex E of the paper which showed the ‘scrambled mess’ around this issue and acknowledged the mixed components and different organisations involved had created a confused governance process. He advised the NR/RSSB funding agreement was not yet finalised because RSSB could not accept the terms proposed by Network Rail. He agreed that TSLG had a funding management aspect but acknowledged that governance could not be delegated. There was he agreed a need for clarity around this. He further acknowledged that there was extensive quarterly reporting on fund /grant spend to the DfT that could provide some assurance. CF will give further consideration to the issues raised around governance and reporting and come back to the board with proposals in due course. RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 3 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] The directors NOTED the progress to date with the Future Railway Programme and the intention to provide programme updates to every CF/DC other board meeting. They also NOTED the intention to come back to the board for further discussion on governance and reporting in due course. RSSB.15/15 A4 SMIS Upgrade Update The circulated paper which provided an update on progress on the SMIS+ programme and highlighted considerations for investment that would be needed to deliver the project was taken as read. CF advised that this paper was an update and that RSSB was not looking for any approvals at this stage. This will be requested later with the publishing of the business case. There were, however firmer cost estimates for consideration now that it is proposed that the scope of the project is extended to re-develop Close Call within the SMIS+ solution. The integration of Close Call into the project would deliver big benefits in terms of efficiency of operation and use. Information redacted for publication IP considered that this project was as important as any innovation project in moving the industry forward. CF confirmed that the contracting was slower than originally planned and that scoping work was continuing as planned. The addition of Close Call will have added time to the scoping work. IP agreed to help move the project forward if he could. The directors NOTED the proposed addition of Close Call to the scope of the SMIS+ solution. They also NOTED that the resulting business case would be presented to the board in May along with some proposals on how the funding gap could be addressed. RSSB.15/16 B1 Chief Executive’s Report The chief executive took the circulated report as read. He asked the directors to reflect on the safety performance statistics in the Overview of Safety Performance for 2014 published at the end of January which weren’t showing any substantial adverse trends. He also drew the directors attention to the following points: The interest from SNCF and more recently DB in how safety is managed in the UK and specifically RSSB’s role The development of a new organisational structure for the Standards Directorate under Mark Phillips The key achievement of the R&D programme including the availability of 20,000 records on SPARK. The public announcement by the Mayor of London to commit to the formal adoption of the CIRAS scheme across the whole of TfL from 1 April A request to admit Abellio Scotrail Ltd as a member of RSSB with effect from 1 April 2015. The directors RESOLVED to admit Abellio Scotrail Ltd as members of RSSB in the Train Operating Company category That there had been a c90% response rate to the employee survey RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 4 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] A request to approve the standstill in fixed charges and the 1.5% increase in call off charges for 2015/16 for RDDS documents. The directors RESOLVED to approve this. The directors briefly discussed the key safety reports set out in Annex A of the paper noting some slight increases both projected and actual in areas such as incidents at level crossings and major injuries. They also noted the update on the development of R2. The discussion concluded with directors acknowledging the importance of the PTI work and CF advised directors that there was an update on the PTI Launch in the recent Communications report. The directors NOTED this report and ENDORSED individual items as noted above. RSSB.15/17 B2 Budget 2015/16 The circulated paper seeking endorsement for the 2015/16 budget was taken as read. CF drew attention to the slow-down in the rate of use of R&D reserves and a move towards matching income and expenditure. Malcolm Brown reminded the meeting that the previous discussion on budget allowed a degree of flexibility under the constitution agreement, to cover unexpected and unplanned issues that might arise. Having reviewed the figures provided the directors resolved to endorse the 2015/16 budget as a reserved resolution*. *Post meeting note – Although not expressly stated at the time, the resolution met the requirements of and was approved as a reserved resolution. RSSB.15/18 B3 Company Objectives The circulated paper which set out the RSSB Company Objectives for 2015/16, for approval, was taken as read. AJ advised the directors that these objectives built on those for the 14/15 year and had been simplified and reduced in number. In response to a query he further advised that the breakdown of detail supporting these objectives, including the measures to be used for judging performance would come to the next Remuneration Committee in May, but that as presented the objectives were a basis for individuals to develop that detail down through the company. All relevant staff, he reminded the directors, had attended training on smart objective setting during the last year. The directors discussed the presented weightings between the objectives for the purpose of calculating the company element of the bonus scheme and were content that they were clear and appropriate. RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 5 of 9 AJ [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] Following discussion the directors resolved to approve the Company Objectives for 2015/16 and their weightings as presented. RSSB.15/19 C1 R,D&I Implementation Monitoring The circulated paper which provided a progress update on initiatives to improve the implementation success of both R&D and Innovation (R,D&I) investments and sought the support of the board in engaging industry stakeholders in the future monitoring of their use and impact was discussed. It was noted that in CP05 almost £100M would be invested in R,D&I which RSSB will manage on behalf of the industry. The potential benefits are immense but only if the projects invested in are of genuine value and implemented effectively. RSSB has already, with DfT support, put in place a proportionate mechanism for monitoring implementation and the DfT have also introduced a new R&D grant condition that requires RSSB to provide an annual report on the state of R&D implementation from 2016. CD advised the directors that RSSB now proposed to introduce a new activity on implementation planning and monitoring – the details of which were set out in the paper. The directors discussed the proposal and queried whether the type and frequency of reporting outlined within it would include reporting to the RSSB board. CD advised that there was no specific plan to report to the RSSB board but agreed to consider this and to report back to the board following the review of R,D&I projects completed over the last 2 years. CD The directors noted progress on this area to date and endorsed the proposed approach to implementation monitoring and agreed to support industry input. RSSB.15/20 C2 System Interface Committees – reappointment of Chairs The circulate paper seeking approval to reappoint the chairmen of the following System Interface Committees(SICs) - Vehicle/vehicle SIC, Vehicle/Train Control and Communications SIC and Vehicle/Track SIC - was taken as read. AJ advised the board that following the last board meeting CF had written to all SIC chairs to acknowledge their significant input and work within the committees. To put this into some context he advised the directors that when the Vehicle/Track SIC was originally established (as the Wheel Rail Interface System Authority) there were 990 broken rails a year to deal with and following the work of this group there were less than 100 a year now. The directors discussed the good work of SICs and the fact that to maintain the momentum and continuity each chair put in a lot of time and personal effort to keep things going and deliver the outputs for the industry. It was observed that the current chairmen had been doing the role for some considerable time and the directors asked that its gratitude for this long term commitment would be placed on record. In addition, they suggested it prudent RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 6 of 9 AJ [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] that AJ speak to all of the SIC chairmen about long term succession planning. The directors resolved to re-appoint the three SIC chairs as presented in the paper. RSSB.15/21 D1 GOVERNANCE a) Draft minutes 08 January 2015 meeting The circulated draft minutes of the board meeting held on 08 January 2015 were approved for signature by the chairman. b) Matters arising All actions were reviewed and it was noted that all were either done or in hand. c) Forward Agenda The directors noted the forward agenda. RSSB.15/22 D2 Formal appointment of Anna Bradley as chairman of RSSB The circulated paper was taken as read and the directors supported the chairman’s preference to step down as chair of RSSB with effect from midnight on 5th March 2015 (noting that he will remain a non-industry non-executive director of RSSB until 31 March 2015) and appoint Anna Bradley as chairman of RSSB with effect from 6 th March 2015. The directors wished to formally record their appreciation and gratitude to Paul Thomas for his humour, due diligence and ‘commander’ like attitude displayed in his chairmanship of RSSB since 2008. They were equally appreciative of the significant contribution he had made to the company and its standing within the industry and wished him well in the future. They also wished to note Neil McDonald’s resignation from the RSSB board (effective from 13 March) and record their appreciation of his significant contribution to the company over the years. They wished him well in his new role. RSSB.15/21 D1 Governance (Continued) e) Update from the Audit Committee Meeting 05 March 2015 Paul Kirk advised that the audit committee had met earlier in the day and considered the following: The audit plan for the year end audit which was presented by the auditors and was agreed. The revised risk register which had been updated to evaluate the risks after application of mitigation measures. Further noting that there would be a root and branch review of it in August 2015 Impact of the public contract regulations RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 7 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] Review of the treasury position including IR35 analysis and appointment of auditors going forward Insurance premiums Triennial valuation of the pension scheme Remuneration Committee Update redacted for publication. RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 8 of 9 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] CF RSSB.15/23 AOB There being no further items, the chairman concluded the meeting. Date of next meeting: Thursday 07 May 2015 at 15:00hrs, to be held at Block 2, Angel Square. Signed………………………………….. Date…………… Chairman RSSB Board Meeting 05 March 2015: Final for signing 07 May 2015 Page 9 of 9