AGENDA ITEM: D1.a [Min.nos. RSSB.15/24-15/31] RSSB: MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 07 May 2015 rd 14:15 Parker, 3 Floor, Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NY. Attendees: Anna Bradley (AB) Chairman Chris Fenton (CF) Chief Executive Alan Emery (AE) Charles Horton (CH) Dolores Byrne (DB) Geoff Spencer (GS) Jeremy Candfield (JC) Malcolm Brown (MB) Paul Kirk (PK) Steve Murphy (SM) Apologies: Anson Jack (AJ) Observers: Jane Simpson (JS) Network Rail Ian Prosser (IP) ORR Robin Groth (RG) DfT In attendance: Elizabeth Fleming (EF) RSSB Secretary John Abbott (JA) RSSB (Agenda Item A2) George Bearfield (GB) RSSB (Agenda Item A1) Eileen Pevreall (EP) RSSB (Agenda Item A1) Colin Dennis (CD) RSSB (Agenda Item C2) MINUTES The chairman welcomed Dolores Byrne and Geoff Spencer to the board and their first meeting. She also welcomed Jane Simpson as observer for Network Rail. RSSB.15/24 A1 SMIS+ PROJECT SCOPING FOR APPROVAL George Bearfield (GB) and Eileen Pevreall (EP) attended for this item. The circulated paper on the SMIS+ project was taken as read. GB briefly emphasised the benefits of the project and EP set out the various project Stage Gates, projected costs and funding options. The directors considered the various cost ranges for the project and the funding options that were currently being explored. There was some concern that while it was clear there would be a funding gap, it was not possible to understand how big this might be. Paul Kirk (PK) suggested that amortisation of the costs for the project should be over a 5 rather than a 3 year period and directors agreed that adopting this policy would reduce any funding gap. The directors considered the future savings that the system would bring but were keen to understand where the ‘up front’ cash to do the work would come from. Caution was advised if this was to come from the companies cash reserves as much of the cash reserves already had a designation. Therefore any re-designation of reserves would need to be agreed by the RSSB board. The directors asked that the next paper to the board would need to clearly set out this information. Other points to be addressed in the next paper to the board included: Targets on what was to be achieved (i.e what would be better) with the new system Information on how the costs of integration/hooking members existing RSSB Board Meeting 07 May 2015: Final for signing Page 1 of 5 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] systems into the new system would be borne Further thoughts on cyber security Clarity on what formed part of the core system and the optional elements The directors agreed that communication of the costs and benefits would be key in any engagement process in the industry. Having noted and discussed the various funding options that were currently being explored and providing guidance, the directors resolved to APPROVE expenditure of {redacted} to complete Stage Gate 2 and move on to Stage Gate 3. RSSB.15/25 A2 OUTLINE SPAD RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY John Abbott (JA) and Mike Carr (MC) attended for this item. The circulated paper which updated the board on progress with development of the SPAD Strategy and provided an outline of the proposed framework to be adopted was taken as read. JA advised that the strategy will comprise three key phases: Phase 1: Review of existing management activity, tactical improvement and good practice Phase 2: Next generation of risk mitigation Phase 3: Delivering the long term plan Work had already commenced on Phase 1 and a steering group was being established to oversee the work. Steve Murphy (SM) COO MTR Crossrail had agreed to chair this group. Alan Emery (AE) queried the 10 year timeframe for the strategy and was advised that this was an accelerated programme but there would be some relevant output within 2 years. Jeremy Candfield (JC) queried whether looking at good practice in Phase 1 was more beneficial that starting with Phase 2 and 3. SM advised that he felt there was more to get from investigating this area than moving onto the next phase. In considering the outline strategy the directors suggested that thought be given to: Impact of the ERTMS implementation 10 year plan Impact of behaviours and human factors Funding and focussing the funding on elements of the strategy that would have most impact What is preventing the spread of current good practice in this area. SM welcomed the challenge on timing from the board advising that public perception on this was that it had been addressed some years ago with the introduction of TPWS, however the trend was currently going in the wrong direction. The directors were all agreed that the strategy was a hugely important piece of work. RSSB Board Meeting 07 May 2015: Final for signing Page 2 of 5 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] Dolores Byrne (DB) asked whether the strategy would have a target or a view on where the industry would want to be – was back to a reducing trend sufficient? She also queried whether any international benchmarks were available in this area and whether the steering group had considered bringing in representatives from other safety critical industries. SM agreed to consider this. Chris Fenton (CF) confirmed that there was engagement both with other sectors and internationally but that RSSB was always open to learning more. Having discussed the specific questions posed in the paper the directors resolved to: RSSB.15/26 ENDORSE the outline framework for the SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy subject to consideration of the issues raised in discussion ENDORSE the Chairman of the SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy Steering Group as Steve Murphy, and the proposed ‘Terms of Reference’ for the group subject to the issues raised in the discussion ENDORSE that an update is provided to the November 2015 RSSB board meeting. B1 CHIEF EXECUTIVES REPORT Taking the circulated paper as read, the chief executive drew the following to the directors attention: The summary safety information in Annex A including the number of SPADs that occurred in February and March 2015 – 46 in total, 13 of which were ranked 16-19 and 2 ranked potentially severe at 20+. Paul Kirk (PK) asked for clarity in future as to whether work related road incidents were included in the summary statistics The recent ISM at which support was given to the development of the Rail Health and Safety Strategy The provision of support to members such as Crossrail in the provision of comments on the National Technical Rules being developed for the central operating section of Crossrail {redacted} The action being taken in the following areas as a result of the output from the employee survey: Leadership, Career Development and Management of Change The announcement of the retirement of Colin Dennis and departure of Helen Goodman from RSSB. Mark Phillips to take on responsibility for R&D from 1 May. The move to the new Offices is on target for 26th May 2015. Alan Emery (AE) queried whether there was an adequate process of approval of all contracts/projects over £250k. The chairman suggested that this be picked up in the meeting following the board meeting. It was unclear to some directors how the safety information in the annex was used RSSB Board Meeting 07 May 2015: Final for signing Page 3 of 5 JA [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] by RSSB and clarity was requested. Was it provided for information only or used to drive the company’s future work. In conclusion CF advised that the CEO report was currently under review in terms of format and content. The directors NOTED this report RSSB.15/27 C1 a) ANNUAL REPORT FROM ISCC and b) ISCC CHAIRMANSHIP AND SUCESSION PLANNING The circulated paper reporting on standards related activities carried out by RSSB over the last 12 months under the auspices of the Industry Standards Coordination Committee (ISCC) was taken as read. The paper also set out issue 2 of the ISCC Strategic Plan for Control period 5 for board endorsement. The directors were content with the activities undertaken. CF asked directors to note that Mark Phillips wished to engage more with the forward Strategy for ISCC and would come back to the board with the Standards Strategy later in the year. The directors NOTED the content of the report C1 b) ISCC CHAIRMANSHIP AND SUCCESSION PLANNING STRATEGY CF briefed the directors that ISCC current chairman’s term was ending. A proposal that Jane Simpson of Network Rail become the new chairman had been put forward and was supported by ISCC. CF asked the directors to formally note the excellent work that Tim Gilbert had done as chairman of ISCC for the last 9 years. The directors SUPPORTED the appointment of Jane Simpson as the next ISCC chairman and wished to formally record their thanks for Tim Gilbert’s chairmanship of ISCC over the years. RSSB.15/28 C2 R&D BUDGET AUTHORISATIONS Colin Dennis (CD) joined the meeting for this item. The circulated paper which sought authorisation for a programme of three related research projects on fatigue was taken as read. The directors discussed the issue of fatigue and the scope of the projects in front of them. CD confirmed that the issue of personal responsibility for fatigue (in personal life) in addition to work related fatigue was within scope. DB suggested consideration of the development and use of Apps by which individuals could assess themselves and their fitness for work, in the R&D being undertaken. The directors resolved to AUTHORISE the budget for the programme of the three new related R&D projects on fatigue. RSSB Board Meeting 07 May 2015: Final for signing Page 4 of 5 [Min.nos. RSSB.15/12-15/23] RSSB.15/29 C3 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT DATABASE PROJECT The Directors noted the circulated paper which sought board endorsement for additional time and budget for the Requirement Management Database (RMDB) project. Malcolm Brown (MB) asked whether RSSB was confident that there would be no further movement in terms of time and money. CF explained the surrounding circumstances which led to the current request advising that while not ideal RSSB was confident that it was the right thing to do. The directors resolved to ENDORSE the extended timescale by four months. {redacted} RSSB.15/30 D1 GOVERNANCE a) Draft minutes 05 March 2015 meeting The circulated draft minutes of the board meeting held on 05 March 2015 were approved for signature by the chairman. b) Matters arising All actions were reviewed and it was noted that all were either done or in hand. c) Forward Agenda The directors noted the forward agenda. d) Update from the Remuneration Committee Meeting: 07 May 2015 Redacted RSSB.15/31 AOB There being no further items, the chairman concluded the meeting. Date of next meeting: Thursday 09 July 2015 at 15:00hrs, to be held at Block 2, Angel Square. Signed………………………………….. Date…………… Chairman RSSB Board Meeting 07 May 2015: Final for signing Page 5 of 5