AGENDA ITEM: C2 MEETING: RSSB Board Meeting DATE: 02 July 2015 SUBJECT: Information & Technology Strategy - Enabling the RSSB delivery priorities 2015-2017 SPONSOR: AUTHOR: Chris Fenton Eileen Pevreall 1. Purpose of the paper 1.1 The purpose of this paper is: To provide a top level outline of work planned on internal and external IT systems to future enable RSSB and the industry. 2. Background 2.1 RSSB has historically invested in IT across separate functional areas of the organisation, this has meant that getting the best value for money and leveraging IT in a holistic way for business and industry benefit has not been fully achieved. IT activity has not been clearly linked to the business strategy and thus how it plays a role in enabling/delivering to the industry has not been measurable. 2.2 There remain significant opportunities, particularly across our licensing and support contracts and reducing the number of systems/suppliers in use, to reduce both the risk and the costs associated with running numerous disparate systems. For example whilst evaluating the strategy we have been reviewing support and consultancy contracts which have resulted in a saving of 100k so far this year. 2.3 Due to previous investment in the IT infrastructure it is stable and secure but systems are weak operationally. There are legacy elements that need to be upgraded or replaced and opportunities to apply more up to date thinking and new technologies to deliver operational efficiencies and more value to our members and the industry. 2.4 In addition there is an opportunity with the way in which RSSB develops industry systems to align this more effectively to the investment in existing and future systems undertaken by its stakeholder groups. 3. Priorities The priorities for IT for 2015–2017 are to: Externally - Develop modern platforms for industry e.g. SMIS+ Internally - Deliver efficient systems to support and improve internal operational processes Infrastructure - Establish and maintain an efficient infrastructure. 4. Market factors 4.1 Benchmarking When deciding on what we do and how we go about this, it is important we ensure the business remains in line with what is happening in the external market where possible/relevant. The market trends as defined by Gartner for the next few years focus on the growth in the use of devices/mobility, business corporate apps, big data, hybrid cloud services and business information. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 1 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 4.2 Relevance to RSSB In terms of these market trends there are varying degrees of priority across the changing IT landscape but all have future relevance to RSSB. The key areas of focus most relevant are: 5. BI/Analytics - business and industry measurement/insights Infrastructure/Cloud/Legacy modernisation – simplification/business process mgt ERP – integrated resource, financial and project management Mobile - mobile productivity/access to anything from anywhere anytime Digital - opportunities in both digital business and the digital workplace Security – RSSB and industry systems Networking voice and Communication/BYOD Customer Relationship Management/Experience – CRM, Content, Online Industry Specific Applications/Data – SMIS+, R2, Toolkits, Learning Talent Management – upskilling, project management and focus on business delivery priorities. Approach This strategy describes our aim to move from an operational IT function to transforming our organisation through IT that enables RSSB to undertake its role. RSSB has to go on a transformation journey to ‘catch up’. The sections below provide more detail on the three priority areas (external, internal and infrastructure). 6. External Industry Business Systems RSSB providing up to date and relevant systems and solutions to the industry 6.1 Industry Specific Applications/Data (SMIS+, R2, CIRAS, Tools) With the provision of existing industry systems including SMIS, Close Call, CIRAS, RSL, Ravers, Online portals and various toolkits; RSSB has been successful in providing solutions that centralise the collection of data and thus provide insight to RSSB and knowledge to members to support day to day working. However we are ready to move on to more modern versions of these systems. Upgrading Our models for delivery will change to more hosted/data centre type COTS solutions that offer more opportunity to expand and integrate. The future activity and investment across these products will mean that the solutions will be easier to access, more configurable by user type and from a data perspective it will be easier to push and pull data between these and other industry systems. The plan is to upgrade and integrate our data sources more effectively, removing redundant technology and silo applications, reducing complexity and cost, wherever possible and sharing access to the data with our members. We would look to simplify so we can offer solutions which our members find easy to access and that complement their own ways of working/systems. Output RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 2 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 The output from these more modern solutions will also enable RSSB to create more sophisticated ways of modelling the data providing greater industry benefit. The sharing and hosting of data requires common standards around data ownership. These elements will be fully considered when specifying and implementing major change or new business systems. We will also be encouraging and participating in/facilitating the involvement of industry groups in the delivery of information governance and integration principles, including those directly involved in setting the future strategy of these, for example; The Future Railway portfolio teams, CIO Forum, Network Rail, TOC’s and FOC’s, to assist in ensuring where possible integrated ways of working are front of mind. 6.2 Digital RSSB will look to define an organisation-level vision and plan for digital, integrating our digital offer to demonstrate the wealth of information that RSSB develops and offers. Websites and intranets will develop to provide an information base that is easy for members to use, shifting from being information sources, to providing practical solutions. Our digital offer will ensure that RSSB retain their place in the market by remaining relevant. We will look to ensure the RSSB digital presence can be found across its four priority areas and that it is seen as the first port of call/expert body in its field. We will maximise strategic online partnerships to support knowledge dissemination across the industry. We will develop metrics, including member satisfaction and engagement levels, which will inform the RSSB on the quality of the digital content and identify new content, product and service opportunities. 7. Internal Business Systems Operational efficiencies through legacy system modernisation and enterprise applications To gain maximum internal efficiencies to free up time, the business must be encouraged to standardise and to re-engineer common business processes. The plan is that we can then utilise cloud based systems to assist with business process management that enable and join up activities more efficiently; covering resource planning, financial management, collaboration, project and document management. The requirement is to provide a flexible office environment with high levels of standardisation which is easy to support and can promote remote working. The service provision to staff and members must be flexible, robust, secure and able to respond to changing work patterns and service provision. The business systems provided will enable office, home and mobile working solutions. 7.1 ERP - Integrated financial & resource management tools The organisation has changed considerably and the way in which we undertake our finance processes has been streamlined and simplified. Our users find the current systems challenging and time consuming. In addition they have significant overheads in terms of hosting and support costs both externally and internally. They have not been upgraded for some time so there is a significant amount of manual effort. Business and management information is difficult to obtain and not of the required level. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 3 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 The proposal would be to invest in a Finance solution that reduces operational overhead and integrates with a CRM and Enterprise Resource Planning system. Our resource planning is currently done using combinations of individual excel spreadsheets, project tools and standalone time sheeting. Integrated tools would enable us to manage resources and projects in a more centralised way. 7.2 Customer Relationship Management/Experience (CRM) In the results from our last member survey, stakeholders said they would like RSSB to focus more strongly on industry objectives; improve the way it engages with the industry and publicises its work; do more to communicate the breadth and depth of its role to stakeholders; do more tailored communications to ensure relevance; be more open about the projects it is currently working on. To do this effectively RSSB needs the right tools to support its engagement. The proposal is for RSSB to build the foundations for the future but implement a simple Contacts management toolset that can later be integrated/is extensible. Building on its customer centric culture RSSB will look to align our activity more effectively with customer intent. By getting further insight into our members through CRM and understanding their intention for engaging we will be able to understand where we can bring together the best of our cross-group expertise to bring value-add propositions to our members. Building a single view of our member activity will result in RSSB being both more operationally efficient and able to serve members more effectively, providing a more seamless experience through tailored communications and solutions. 7.3 Embedding Knowledge Management (KM) The organisation as a research and innovation hub and a creator of large amounts of content and data for the industry has a disparate approach to how its shares knowledge. Through using technology to manage content assets and tacit knowledge it can start to leverage this and prevent re-inventing/duplication of effort. We would look to take a “One RSSB” approach to sharing knowledge, making key documents, research output, employee expertise (talent grids), project materials and client outputs easily searchable across the organisation, creating benefit for both RSSB and the industry. Future phases would be to effectively integrate this content with our proposed CRM system in order that we get a single view of our customer activity. 7.4 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) As a producer of rich content, RSSB will seek to leverage this more effectively. To structure and store this in order that it may be easily kept up to date, repurposed and tailored to member need. The plan will be that the knowledge output from RSSB is delivered to its stakeholders effectively and in the right structure whether that be Online, Apps, Events, Publications, Training etc. Through increasing the visibility of our output we will have the opportunity to seek to position and promote RSSB, influence and engage the non-member community, reinforce member benefits and increase customer choice (relevance). Disseminating information effectively not just to support our members but to build the brand and demonstrate the relevance and value of RSSB. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 4 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 8. Infrastructure 8.1 Migration to the Cloud The business currently has a significant part of its back office systems hosted onsite. Moving as much of the ecosystem to the Cloud enables scalability and external data/file access and sharing. Our plan would be to upgrade our platforms and at the same time move them to the Microsoft Cloud. This will provide greater functionality and staff and members will not need to think about how they go about accessing different systems as they will be fully integrated. Providing stability and potential heavy investment in infrastructure in the future. 8.2 Networking, Voice & Communication We will look to extend the use of Skype for Business and the use of audio and video conferencing to create efficiencies in terms of meetings and webinar type activity. We will investigate the use of BYOD (Bring your own device) for smartphones and tablets in line with our work anywhere approach. Across both of these we will be looking to create cost efficiencies. 9. Investment and Governance 9.1 Annual funding for IT including the cost of industry systems sits at £4.3m plus 650k of suggested capex (reviewed through individual project business cases). Going forward all activities will be linked to the delivery priorities at RSSB and across the industry. We will where possible look to create savings to reinvest and deliver better. We would look to demonstrate the financial benefits of these investments. For example, providing ERP solutions may require investment in technology but enable savings in operational business services. NB: Top level IT activity mapping by business priority in Annex A. 9.2 The investment process will use good governance arrangements. The remit and relationship of established boards will provide the framework for governance of projects. SLT will seek to ensure that only IT investments which support the recommendations agreed in this strategy gain approval. We will be actively seeking and will encourage and facilitate the involvement of professional groups in the delivery of this strategy as well as internal stakeholders in order to maximise the shared knowledge within and external to the business. We will continue to build our body of expert knowledge with the industry to deliver the highest benefits. We will provide management information related to an agreed delivery schedule. NB: Annex B - High level delivery timeline. 10. Talent Management 10.1 We will look to assess the skills needed in RSSB to support the new digital technologies, processes and environment (i.e., collaborative, with high levels of ambiguity and constant change and align these to the priorities going forward. 10.2 We will have a focus on skills sharing, learning from the industry in its wider context and training staff where appropriate. Where we bring in external skills through service providers, we will be looking to build internal knowledge and skills across the technologies and infrastructure needed. 10.3 In a competitive landscape our aim will be to maintain and provide staff opportunities, underpin cross functional working, motivate and inspire staff, provide continuous learning and increase organisational agility. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 5 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 11. Resourcing and Project Management To facilitate a changing organisation it is fundamental that we have the right skills focussed on the core priorities and that the team support business development effectively. This will be facilitated through: 11.1 Project Management - Action Plan and Work Programmes IT will be creating a Project Management Office (PMO) for the first time and the activities contained in this strategy will be gathered into a portfolio with separate work programmes cross referenced both to this document and relevant delivery priority plans. The work programme will be reviewed and progress monitored on a regular basis by the IT Director, SLT and relevant project groups to ensure projects are delivered on time and budget, are resource planned effectively and deliver agreed business outcomes. 11.2 Aligning Project Activity to Business Outcomes Resource allocation across Operations and Project staff is assigned on the basis of Business As Usual with the remaining resource unassigned for strategic development project work. On project activity we will ensure there is clarity around the resource allocated and the outcomes we wish to deliver. Our activity will be outcomes focussed by reducing where possible focus on BAU and redirecting it to value add as a priority. 11.3 Support Provision and creating cost savings by consolidating and reviewing unused services. We will undertake streamlining internal and external support provision, as part of our ongoing activities to simplify services where possible we will look at consolidating wherever we can. 11.4 Being less risk averse where possible In order that we remain agile it is important that we align activity with acceptable risk. We will be looking at any opportunities we may have to save costs through accepting more risk using structured and agile project management principles when appropriate and by project size. 12. Recommendations The board is requested to: NOTE the priorities detailed in this report as a basis for future discussions regarding RSSB investment RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 6 of 6 AGENDA ITEM: C2 Annex A – IT Activity Aligned to Business Goal IT Strategic Initiative Strategic Business Goal Innovation Standards Safety Knowledge Key Value Proposition Strategic Plan Initiative Deliverable Industry Specific applications Enabler ERP/BI Enabler Cloud Enabler CRM Deliverable Industry Specific applications Deliverable Requirements Management Database(RMD) > Enterprise Content Management(ECM) Enabler ERP/BI Enabler Cloud Enabler CRM Deliverable Industry Specific applications Deliverable E Learning & Tools Deliverable Digital Enabler ERP/BI Enabler Cloud Enabler CRM Enabler ERP/BI Enabler Cloud Enabler CRM Deliverable Digital RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Description Key Primes Working as part of the Information Portfolio group to define Information System Architecture map Resource, Financial Mgt, Programme planning and Skills management Office365 - Sharepoint collaboration, intranet knowledge mgt. Mobility Equip teams with effective stakeholder tools Working as part of the Information Portfolio group to define data standards/data frameworks. RTS, Digital Railway Improving vehicle information and maintenance planning R2 Content Management, repurpose, engage members Digital landscape Operational efficiencies. Programme/Priority Management/Measuring outputs Operational efficiencies. Effective member engagement Member insight, tailored industry engagement RTS, Digital Railway Expert body - Dissemination of content/knowledge Resource, Financial Mgt, Programme planning and Skills management Office365 - SharePoint collaboration, intranet knowledge mgt. Mobility Equip teams with effective stakeholder tools SMIS+ Modelling/Analytics CIRAS Health & Wellbeing, Risk incident reporting - NIR/Rail Notices Risk assessment management tools and guidance Strong online presence/offer. Campaign/Event management solutions Resource, Financial Mgt, Programme planning and Skills management Office365 - SharePoint collaboration, intranet knowledge mgt. Mobility Equip teams with effective stakeholder tools Resource, Financial and Programme planning, Skills management Office365 - SharePoint collaboration, intranet knowledge mgt. Mobility Equip teams with effective stakeholder tools Further develop online presence, leveraging body of knowledge in one portal. Content Management, repurpose, engage members Operational efficiencies. Programme/Priority Management/measuring outputs Operational efficiencies. Effective member engagement Member insight, tailored industry engagement Meeting industry’s safety data and risk business intelligence requirements Meeting industry’s safety data and risk business intelligence requirements Increased member engagement/satisfaction Operational efficiencies. Programme/Priority Management/measuring outputs Operational efficiencies. Effective member engagement Member insight, tailored industry engagement Operational efficiencies. Priority management Operational efficiencies. Effective member engagement Member insight, tailored industry engagement Strengthen brand . Engage members, Revenue generation Page 1 of 1 AGENDA ITEM: C2 Annex B – High Level Delivery Timeline RSSB Board Meeting Final: 02 July 2015 Page 1 of 1