L II POSITIVE LIGHTNING AND BIPOLAR LIGHTNING PATTERNS: OBSERVATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS by Cynthia Dorothy Kidder Engholm B.S., North Carolina State University (1985) Submitted to the department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (October 1988) (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author Department of Eart1Atmospheric, andi lanetary Sciences October 1988 Certified by Earle R. Williams Thesis Supervisor Certified by Randall M. Dole Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Thomas H. Jordan Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students i-;Tta ABSTRACT (1) to The primary objectives of this study are: document the characteristics of positive (anomalous polarity) cloud-to-ground lightning focusing on the differences between (2) to determine the the summer and winter environments; extent to which current observations support or refute the and inverted dipole hypotheses for the dipole tilted production of positive lightning; and (3) to document the life cycles of mesoscale bipolar patterns of lightning distributions. In order to meet these objectives, advantage is taken of the extensive data on lightning distributions now available from lightning detection networks. The primary data source for this study was the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE) dataset, which includes sounding data, radar data from the MIT radar in North Carolina, corona point records from the radar site, and SUNYA the from information cloud-to-ground lightning This data is taken as network. detection lightning winter the in activity lightning representative of compared then were analyses these of Results environment. from taken with summertime radar and electrical data Alabama. Huntsville, The results of these analyses largely agree with results Areas in which from previous studies about lightning. positive flash (1) are: results disagree with past findings and the locations flash locations upshear from negative currents positive small region of strongest reflectivity; (2) (3) positive lightning at shear levels in summer storms; (4) active charge below a previously defined threshold; which is also region separation in trailing stratiform cloud and (5) the flashes; producing a few positive cloud-to-ground to the isotherm relationship of the height of the -10*C importance. primary of not is percentage of positive flashes (1) an expansion on the Major new findings include: relationship between positive flashes and colder climatic conditions, including the result that the percentage of positive flashes increases with increasing latitude along the East coast; (2) an examination of the diurnal variation in (3) an no diurnal cycle; showing activity lightning and Stream; Gulf the by activity enhancement of electrical The patterns. lightning bipolar (4) the life cycle of level upper and patterns alignment between bipolar lightning winds favors the tilted dipole hypothesis. geostrophic Evidence is given of occurrences of both tilted dipole and inverted dipole mechanisms for positive lightning production. - 2 - Table of Contents Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Chapter 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Chapter 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Chapter 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Chapter 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Introduction Objectives . . . . . Review of Past Work Data Sources . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 S . . . . . . . . . 18 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Climatological Phenomena Introduction . ................ Geographic Variability . ............. First Stroke Peak Currents . ........... Diurnal Effects . ................ Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 39 41 57 69 .. 73 Convective Scale Phenomena Introduction Summer Storms Winter Storms Comparison and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 . . 78 . ...... .......... . ................. 98 Summary .............. .117 Mesoscale Phenomena Introduction . ............... .. 122 ... .124 Environment of Anomalous Lightning Events . . .. 128 Symmetric Instability .......... Bipolar Lightning Patterns ............ .150 Summary . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .187 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189 Chapter 5 Conclusions Appendix A Symmetric Instability Appendix B List of Upper Air Sounding Stations Appendix C Bipole and Environmental Characteristics . . . . .205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 . . . . . . .204 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 References - 3 - List of Tables Chapter 2 2.1 Chapter 3 Climatological Phenomena Number of flashes and average first stroke peak currents for the Yearly, Winter and . . . . . . 58 Summer observations . ......... Convective Scale Phenomena 3.1 vertical Values used in calculating the with the associated reflectivity of gradient and flash negative a of location strike point . . . . . 82 . ...... ... . flash of a positive 3.2 Cloud-to-ground flashes detected by the SUNYA network associated with field changes in the corona point record form Fort Fischer ...... 3.3 3.4 Chapter 4 4.1 .104 Summary of mean reflectivities associated with strike point locations for Huntsville and GALE data . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .118 and vertical for the two presented in . . .. . . . . . .119 Determination of magnitude of deviation of bipole orientation that can be explained by inability to accurately determine geographic . . . . .. . . . . centers . . . ........ . . .160 Summary of cloud top height gradient means reflectivity summer and two winter storms . chapter 3 . . . ........ . Mesoscale Phenomena - 4 - LIST OF FIGURES Section 1.1 Review of Past Work 1.1 Life-Cycle of a thunderstorm (Krehbiel, 1986) 1.2 Inverted Dipole 1.3 Tilted Dipole 1.4 Percent of lightning flashes to ground lowering positive charge as a function of month (Orville, et al, 1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 28 The variation inthe number of flashes (solid line) and median peak radiation field (dashed line) by month for negative flashes (Orville, et al, 1987) . ....... 29 As in 1.5a except for positive flashes . ........ 29 1.5a 1.5b Section 1.2 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 . .... . .................. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . 27 . . . . . . . . . . 27 Data Sources Inner and Regional GALE Area rawinsonde network. Open circles are surrounding NWS sites, closed circles are NWS sites in the Regional Area. Stars are VIZ sites, squares are GMD sites and triangles are CLASS sites. The Inner Area extends from LHW-SRL in the southwest to WA in the northeast. The Research Vessels Cape Hatteras and Endeavor are also shown . ......... 35 The GALE Doppler radar network. Circles indicate the ground-based Doppler radars: NASA SPANDAR (SPA), NCAR CP-3, NCAR CP-4, and MIT C-band (farthest south at Fort Fischer). Range circles are at 200, 140, 140, and 140km for the respective radars. The University of Washington TPA-11 is shown by a square . ........ 36 Locations of the SUNYA lightning detectors and their area of coverage during GALE (Orville, personal communication) ................... .. 37 Location of MIT C-band radar in Huntsville Alabama. Circle indicates range of observation which was 56km . . 38 1.10 Location of corona point recorder sites for the experiment in Huntsville. Site number 25 is located near the radar ................... . . 38 - 5 - Section 2.2 2.1a Geographic Variability Spatial coverage of the SUNYA lightning detection network in 1985 (Orville, et al, 1987) . ........ 51 2.1b Comparison of area of coverage by the SUNYA lightning detection network for the Summer, Winter and Yearly datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 2.2a Number of positive flashes observed within a one degree latitude belt divided by the total number of flashes observed within that same belt for the entire GALE timeperiod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.2b Total number of flashes of either polarity observed within a one degree latitude belt for the entire GALE timeperiod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.3 Sea Surface Temperature contours drawn for every degree Celsius, with an outline of the area of negative flash densities greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer . . . . . . 53 during the GALE timeperiod . ........ 2.4a Negative Flash Densities per square kilometer for the . . . . . . . 54 entire GALE timeperiod . ......... 2.4b Positive Flash Densities per square kilometer for the . . . . . . . . . 54 entire GALE timeperiod . ....... 2.5 Mean number of thunderstorm days in February for the years from 1951 through 1975 (Kessler, 1986) . ..... 55 2.6 Topographic map of the eastern United States, with (U.S. and 500 meters. 200 at drawn contours Geological Survey) . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 2.7 Geographic Distribution of the Percentage of Positive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flashes . . . . . Section 2.3 56 First Stroke Peak Currents 2.8a Number of flashes of positive polarity observed within the region of the lightning detection network in the Yearly dataset (Orville, et al, 1987). . ........ . 64 2.8b As in 2.8a except for negative flashes (Orville, et al, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 1987) . 64 As in 2.8a except for the Winter dataset . ....... 65 2.8c - 6 - 2.8d As in 2.8c except for negative flashes . ........ 65 2.8e As in 2.8a except for the Summer dataset . ....... 66 2.8f As in 2.8e except for negative flashes . ........ 66 2.9a Average first stroke peak current for negative flashes in kiloamperes for the Winter dataset . ........ 67 2.9b As in 2.9a except for positive flashes . ........ 67 2.10 Estimate of net current per unit area . ........ 68 2.11 Average first stroke peak current versus flashrate . . Section 2.4 Diurnal Effects 72 . ......... 2.12a Percent Positive vs Hour of the Day 2.12b Number of Flashes vs Hour of the Day ......... Section 3.2 . 68 . 72 Summer Storms 3.1a Solid 500 millibar chart for June 22, 1987, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . . 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . temperature 3. 1b Solid Surface chart for June 22, 1987, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . .......... lines . 87 3.1c NWS radar summary chart for June 21, 1987 20:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 3.1d Sounding from Nashville Tennessee (BNA) 1987, 0 UTC. for June 22, Temperature and dewpoint are plotted . . . 88 3.2a-c in radar Constant elevation scans from the MIT Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a Huntsville. . 89 is earliest time, c is latest . ........... 3.3a-c As in figure 3.2 but for constant azimuth Contours are drawn for 15, 30, and 45 dBz. indicate range and first stroke peak current in of lightning flashes within 7.5km and 3 minutes observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Sample of reflectivity versus height for a negative flash strike location (solid line) and a positive flash - 7 - scans. Arrows kamps of the . . . . 90 strike location (dashed line). ............ . 91 3.5 Stations run Corona point records for June 21, 1987. east (top) to west (bottom). See figure 1.10 for exact locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.6a Solid 500 millibar chart for July 12, 1988, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . . . . ............... . . . . . . temperature .. 3.6b 3.6c 3.6d 93 NWS radar summary chart for July 12, 1988 1:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined .............. . . . . . . . . . ... 1988, 0 UTC. 3.7a-d lines Solid Surface chart for July 12, 1988, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . ........... Sounding from Nashville Tennessee (BNA) for 93 July 94 12, Temperature and dewpoint are plotted . . . 94 in radar Constant elevation scans from the MIT Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a Huntsville. .... ........... is earliest time, d is latest 95 scans. Arrows kamps of the bright . . . . 96 3.8a-b As in figure 3.7 but for constant azimuth Contours are drawn for 15, 30, and 45 dBz. indicate range and first stroke peak current in of lightning flashes within 7.5km and 3 minutes observation. Dashed parallel lines indicate band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Stations run Corona point records for July 12, 1988. for exact 1.10 figure See (bottom). west to (top) east . 97 locations. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Section 3.3 Winter Storms 3.10a Solid 500 millibar chart for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .105 . . . .. . . . . temperature . . . .......... 3.10b Surface chart for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines .105 are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ 3.10c NWS radar summary chart for January 30, 1986 2:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are . .106 .. . . . . underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . ... - 8 - 3.10d Sounding from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (HAT) for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. Temperature and dewpoint are plotted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .106 3.11a-c Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Ft. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is Fischer. earliest time, d is latest .............. .107 3.12a-b As in figure 3.11 but for constant azimuth scans . 3.13 Corona point record for January 30, 1986 from . ......... Fischer, North Carolina ....... . . .108 Ft. .109 3.14a 500 millibar chart for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .110 3.14b Solid Surface chart for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . ........... lines .110 3.14c Solid 500 millibar chart for March 15, 1986, 0 UTC. lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 3.14d Solid Surface chart for March 15, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed ........... 3.14e NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 6:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined ....... . . . . ... . ....... . .112 3.14f Sounding from Wilmington, North Carolina (ILM) for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. Temperature and dewpoint are plotted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 3.15a-d Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Ft. Fischer. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is .113 earliest time, d is latest .............. 3.16a-b As in figure 3.15 but for constant azimuth scans . . . 3.16c-e As in figure 3.15 but for constant azimuth scans . . . .115 3.17 Corona point record for March 14, 1986 Fischer, North Carolina ................ Section 4.2 4.1 from lines . . .111 .114 Ft. .116 Environment of Anomalous Lightning Events Probability of the production of a positive flash related to magnitude of wind speed shear (Takeuti, 1984) . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. 127 - 9 4.2 Section 4.3 Probability of the production of a positive flash related to the height of the -10C isotherm (Takeuti, 1984) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...127 Symmetric Instability 4.3a Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. .134 Lightning strike points are also noted ........ 4.3b Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. .134 Lightning strike points are also noted ........ 4.3c Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for March 12, 1986, 12 UTC. .135 Lightning strike points are also noted ........ 4.3d Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for March 14, 1986, 12 UTC. .135 Lightning strike points are also noted ........ 4.4a Solid 500 millibar chart for January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .136 . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . temperature 4.4b Surface chart for January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines .136 are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ 4.4c NWS radar summary chart for January 25, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are . .137 underlined . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5a Solid 500 millibar chart for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .138 . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . temperature 4.5b Surface chart for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines .138 are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ 4.5c NWS radar summary chart for February 5, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are . .139 .. . . . . underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4.6a Solid 500 millibar chart for March 12, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .140 . . . . . . . . . temperature . . . ......... . - 10 - 4.6b Solid Surface chart for March 12, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . ........... lines .140 4.6c 500 millibar chart for March 13, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 4.6d Surface chart for March 13, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ lines .141 4.6e NWS radar summary chart for March 11, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .142 4.6f NWS radar summary chart for March 12, 1986 12:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 4.6g NWS radar summary chart for March 12, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 4.7a Solid 500 millibar chart for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. lines are lines are height contours, dashed temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144 4.7b Solid lines Surface chart for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . . . . . . . . . . . .144 4.7c 500 millibar chart for March 15, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are lines are height contours, dashed temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 4.7d Solid lines Surface chart for March 15, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed . . . . . . . . . . . .145 4.7e NWS radar summary chart for March 13, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 4.7f NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 12:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147 4.7g NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined .............. . . . . . . . . . ....... . .147 4.8a Symmetric instability cross-section for January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. Origin of x at 35.0 north latitude, 84.7 west longitude, aligned with wind from 344 degrees . . .148 - 11 - 4.8b Symmetric instability cross-section for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. Origin of x at 34.0 north latitude, 87.2 west longitude, aligned with wind from 335 degrees . . .148 4.8c Symmetric instability cross-section for March 12, 1986, 12 UTC. Origin of x at DAY, aligned with wind from 322 . .149 . . . ... . . . . degrees . . . .......... . 4.8d Symmetric instability cross-section for March 14, 1986, 12 UTC. Origin of x at 36.4 north latitude, 85.0 west longitude, aligned with wind from 317 degrees. ... . . .149 Section 4.4 Bipolar Lightning Patterns .164 4.9 Example of a bipolar lightning pattern ........ 4.10 Locations of the six bipoles that will be examined in Bipoles are labelled by the date on this chapter. which they started. Arrows point from the negative geographic center to the positive geographic center . .165 4.11a Solid 500 millibar chart for January 24, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .166 . . . . . . . . . . ......... temperature . . 4.11b Surface chart for January 24, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines .166 are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ 4.11c NWS radar summary chart for January 23, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are . .167 . . . .. . . . . underlined . . . . .......... . 4.12a Solid 500 millibar chart for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .168 . . . . . . . . . . . . temperature . . ...... . 4.12b Surface chart for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ .168 4.12c NWS radar summary chart for January 29, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are . .169 . . .. . . . . underlined . . . . . . . . . .... 4.13a 500 millibar chart for February 21, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid are lines dashed contours, height are lines . .170 . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . temperature . . . 4.13b Solid Surface chart for February 21, 1986, 0 UTC. .170 ........ lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed - 12 - 4.13c 500 millibar chart for February 22, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 4.13d Surface chart for February 22, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed ........ .171 4.13e NWS radar summary chart for February 20, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined ........ . ............. . . .172 4.13f NWS radar summary chart for February 21, 1986 12:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined ................... ...172 4.13g NWS radar summary chart for February 21, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined ................... ...173 4.14a 500 millibar chart for March 7, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 4.14b Solid Surface chart for March 7, 1986, 0 UTC. are isobars, fronts are analyzed ............ lines .174 4.14c NWS radar summary chart for March 6, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .175 4.15a 500 millibar chart for March 11, 1986, 0 lines are height contours, dashed temperature ................... 4.15b Solid lines Surface chart for March 11, 1986, 0 UTC. .. 176 are isobars, fronts are analyzed . . ........ 4.15c NWS radar summary chart for March 10, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 4.16 Comparison of geostophic wind speed and direction the levels of 850, 700, 500, and 250 millibars ... 4.17 Comparison of orientations of mean geostrophic wind, See text for further cloudmass. bipole, and . . . . . .. ..... .179 explanation. ........... 4.18 Fictitous bipole that was created to illustrate the . .180 mean relative orientations for the six bipole cases - 13 - UTC. Solid lines are .. .176 for . .178 4.19 Comparison of the wind speed shear in the layers of 850 - 700, 700 - 500, and 500 - 250 millibars for the six bipole cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 4.20a Each dashed line Movement of the January 30 bipole. represents the size and orientation of the bipole for a given hour, which is labelled at the negative geographic center. Positive geographic centers are marked with a "+". .. .. ...... ......... . .182 4.20b As in 4.20a, but for the February 21 bipole. . ... . . .182 4.21a Distance between the geographic centers as a function of time for the January 30 bipole. Error bars were estimated using the standard deviation of the mean latitude and longitude for each geographic center. . . .183 4.21b As in 4.21a, but for the February 21 bipole. . ... . . .183 4.22a Storm-wide flashrate for the January 30 bipole as a function of time. Negative flashrate is shown as a solid line with boxes, positive flashrate is shown as a dashed line with triangles .............. .184 4.22b As in 4.22a, but for the February 21 bipole. . ... . . .184 4.23a Maximum cloud top height of the cloudmass as reported by NWS radar summary charts for the January 30 bipole. .185 4.23b As in 4.23a, but for the February 21 bipole. . ... . . .185 4.24 Example of the westward tilt of the cold air aloft as represented by a trough in the height contours at a standard pressure level. Each line represents a single time spaced twelve hours apart. Hatched area indicates time during which a bipole existed .......... .186 4.25 As in 4.24, but averaged over the six bipole cases . . .186 Chapter 5 Conclusions 5.1a Sketch of a single tilted dipole. Cloud-to-ground lightning flashes are noted, with "x" for negative strike point and "+" for positive strike point ... . .197 5.1b Top view of a group of tilted dipoles. Symbols as in figure 5.1a. . .................... .. . .197 5.2a Row of identical tilted dipoles. Symbols as in figure 5.1a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..198 - 14 - 5.2b Row of tilted dipoles illustrating the effect of temperature. Symbols as in figure 5.1a. . ....... .198 5.3 Sketch of one way of creating a bipole with a combination of upright and inverted dipoles. Symbols as in figure 5.1a. . ................... . .199 5.4 Sketch of a second way of creating a bipole combination of upright and inverted dipoles. as in figure 5.1a. . .................. Appendix A A.1 with a Symbols .199 Symmetric Instability Sample symmetric instability plots .......... - 15 - .203 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Objectives With the implementation of lightning detection networks has come the ability to study cloud-to-ground lightning from a new perspective. of Lightning studies are no longer restricted to special observations individual storms over lightning flashes that occur within large Since areas. limited all cloud-to-ground detection areas, network as within the SUNYA network, are recorded, it is now possible to such determine certain properties climatological of lightning such as seasonal and geographical differences in cloud-to-ground lightning. The focus of lightning only study cloud-to-ground (i.e. will events. lightning cloud-to-ground refer to this In this thesis "lightning" will events. Normal polarity lowering negative charge to ground) will be referred to as "negative", and the reverse "anomalous" polarity lightning be called "positive". electrical will "Peak current" will always refer to the peak current of the first stroke of the flash. gross of on lightning the characteristics be structure of "Dipole" will indicate the the cloud, and in particular the two - 16 - Introduction The word "bipole" will be used to main charge regions. describe the of strike points of cloud-to-ground flashes (see chapter organization 4, section 4). A objective basic relationships between occurrences temperature, vertical wind shear, of positive and cloud The will be geographic cloud-to-ground flashes known as a "bipole" will also be of An examination will be made of documented. of production the the and lightning structure Evolution of the mesoscale organization of examined. document to of positive lightning in the winter environment. characteristics location is study this of positive hypotheses two for the the "inverted dipole" hypothesis lightning: and the "tilted dipole" hypothesis. This study will concentrate on observed winter, since indicated that the highest percentages observed (Orville, et positive this is when previous studies have the in lightning of features of positive lightning are General characteristics of winter al, 1987). lightning will be identified, with a major goal being to identify key differences in the characteristics of positive and negative lightning. Convective scale compared with lightning patterns will results of previous work. will be presented and the characteristics described. The also be documented and Six case studies of bipoles and evolution of bipoles results will then be used as a basis for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the inverted dipole and tilted hypotheses. - 17 - dipole Introduction 1.2 Review Of Past Work been study under than more for fifty Figure 1.1 shows a years. when negative lightning will have its is associated usually heavy with (Simpson and Scrase, 1937; Kuettner, 1950; Jacobson and precipitation Following the active phase Krider, 1975). in increase relative phase This highest flashrate. the production of toward tendency a is Although 1983). the picture shows occurring between the ground and a positive into a positive lightning in the mature and late stages (figure 1.lf) (Rust, et al, 1981a; Orville, al, is Note that there typical thunderstorm life-cycle (Krehbiel, 1986). an "active" phase (figure 1.1d), has thunderstorms of The life-cycle of the electrical activity the et late stage lightning charge extending region the anvil, positive lightning has been documented as originating from anywhere in the cloud (Simpson and Scrase, 1937; Rust, al, et 1981b). The tripolar structure of the thunderstorm's electrical field has been established, well the idea that the location (Simpson and related and there is substantial evidence supporting of Scrase, the centers charge 1937; Simpson and Kuettner, 1950; Reynolds, 1954; Pierce, 1955b; Magono, et al, 1983; Takahashi, 1978). Christian, above. isotherm. be The temperature Robinson, 1941; al, 1983; et The negative charge center is found somewhere around -5 to -20oC with the center is main positive charge 0 lower positive charge center occurs near the 0 C This charge center - temperature dependence is believed related to to the ice-physics involved in the charging mechanism of - 18 - Introduction the thunderstorm (Jayaratne, et al, will tend to become negatively charged at particles and temperatures lower through fall, will and a positive are particles charge ice with collisions charged at higher positively graupel The temperatures, for typical values of cloud water content. particles -100 C approximately At reversal temperature such that graupel particles charge a is there 1983). creating a negative charge center around -100C center carried below. the by The ice charged positively updraft into the top of the cloud or anvil, creating an upper positive charge center (Takahashi, 1978). Observations indicate that the but spherical has more of a negative charge particles the (Takahashi, 1978). horizontal et al, 1983; The lower positive charge is usually localized and 1986). relatively weak, possibly because some of the charge is by not layer structure, with the horizontal extent much larger than the vertical depth (Christian, Krehbiel, is center when carried away they precipitate out the bottom of the cloud The upper positive charge center may cover a large area, extending into the cirrus anvil of the thunderstorm. The result is a tripolar structure, with the main dipole consisting of a concentrated negative layer charge in the region of the -100C isotherm, an extensive region of positive charge above, and localized positive region OOC, near dipole. - 19 - a lower, which is not part of the main Introduction Two hypotheses have been suggested to account for of positive lightning. the existence One is the "inverted dipole" hypothesis. The inverted dipole hypothesis suggests that the main dipole consists of a negative charge region above, possibly located positive charge region below (see figure 1.2). near -10 C, and a Lightning then between the lower (positive) charge region and the earth. dipole could occur in a moderately were updraft not strong enough convective charge earlier but now structure region. with now is a above environment. If the not be significant a upper This would result in a tripole as described the charge main a inverted. regions dipole positive charge below, with charge An inverted to attain heights above the charge reversal temperature, then there would positive occurs The tripolar of negative charge near -100C and relatively weak region of positive the negative charge region that is not part of the main dipole. In this case, the inverted dipole would be shallow clouds. characterized by Since convective clouds during winter are typically shallower than during summer, this hypothesis would suggest a seasonal preference for positive lightning. It also suggests an association between positive flashes and shallow clouds of low radar reflectivity. The tilted dipole hypothesis proposes that vertical wind shear is responsible for slanting the updraft and thus creating a dipole that is tilted with respect to the vertical. region upper positive charge is then located downshear from the main negative charge region as shown in figure 1.3. al, The 1982), Based on observational evidence (Brook, et a threshold value of 1.5 m/s/km has been suggested as the - 20 - Introduction minimum wind shear necessary for the production of positive lightning. In winter, the meridional temperature gradient in mid-latitudes is typically much greater than in summer. predicts greater wind temperature gradient. Greater wind shear increases the probability of updrafts, winter. This mechanism may region be making closer the tilted also dipole more likely to form in require that that the the upper positive to the ground than is found in the typical summertime thunderstorm in order to produce suggests relationship shear in the vertical for a larger horizontal slanted charge The thermal wind positive lightning, and probability of producing a positive flash will be directly related to the closeness of the positive charge region to the ground (Takeuti, 1985). Since the main dipole is tied to temperature, the winter's lower surface dipole, increasing temperatures would yield a lower main the likelihood of producing positive lightning in this season. The tilted dipole hypothesis predicts a lightning for relationship positive and the winter between the the environment. likelihood magnitude of the of preference It a charge region. positive also suggests a direct lightning event being wind shear, and a relationship between the probability of positive lightning and the positive of height of the Since lower temperatures are associated with both lower charge regions and shallower clouds, it is expected that shallow clouds will have higher percentages of positive lightning than deep clouds. This does not necessarily mean relationship between that there will be a flash polarity and cloud height within the same - 21 - Introduction group of thunderstorm cells. Because of the prediction that positive flashes may be associated with the anvil cloud part, and this part may be nearly as tall as the tallest cloud part, direct relationship between flash may there polarity and not cloud be the top height predicted by the inverted dipole hypothesis. Many early observational studies of positive lightning considered storms had that only a small number of positive flashes per storm. These flashes were most often seen in the late stages and on the of development back side of the storm system (Simpson and Scrase, 1937; Predominantly Simpson and Robinson, 1941; Kuettner, 1950). positive storms were seen and documented in the winter season in Japan, Sweden, and the United percentage States. positive of The positive correlation between the flashes to the strength of the vertical wind shear (Brook, et al, 1982), and also percentage of positive flashes to isotherm -10 C height (Takeuti, 1985) detection networks further documented that have a much higher ratio of positive were recognized. stage late flashes Lightning thunderstorms in the final hour (Orville, et al, 1983) and showed that the positive flashes are more spatially dispersed than the negative flashes (Rust, 1986; Orville, et al, 1988). Positive lightning was found to be associated with low radar reflectivities and light precipitation (Rust, 1986). Yearlong statistics compiled from SUNYA network data (Orville, et al, 1987) have revealed an 80 percent increase in the percentage of flashes with positive polarity in the winter (see this region (area figure 1.4). For shown in figure 1.8) in the months of January and - 22 - Introduction February 1985, positive lightning dominated over Figure 1.5 the shows actual number flashes (solid line), of clearly indicates that the total number of flashes follows the same seasonal cycle. lightning. negative Because of each dominant polarity the number of negative flashes drops below the number of positive flashes there is in and a switch polarity for the winter months of January, February, and March. Another result from this work is that on the average the first stroke peak current in a positive stroke is significantly greater than the first stroke peak current in a negative stroke (figure 1.5 lines). The negative peak dashed currents ranged in strength from a mean radiation value of 135 (30 kiloamperes) to 290 (65 kiloamperes) with a value of 140 negative (30 kiloamperes) during the time of the maximum number of flashes. kiloamperes) to The 410 positive (90 currents kiloamperes) ranged with a kiloamperes) during the time of maximum number of from value of positive 185 (40 210 (45 flashes. This indicates that positive peak currents were 1.5 times the negative peak currents. As the area covered by lightning detection networks increased, new phenomenon cloud-to-ground "bipole" was seen. flashes (Orville, et The existence of mesoscale organization of was al, documented 1988). The and became bipole is known 1988). lower positive The centers of as defined systematic polarity pattern in the strike points of lightning that a the as "a flashes and negative charge to ground" (Orville, et al, the strike points - 23 - for each polarity were Introduction as defined the of contours of constant flash density. centers bipole length is the distance between the centers its and direction determined is connecting the negative center the by to positive the each polarity, between the line of angle The center North. and are known to occur year round, but are more likely to be seen Bipoles in fall and winter. individual cloud kilometers. wind. Bipole sizes lengths and have The bipole direction Cloud heights are substantially been is than observed between 60 and 200 aligned with the geostrophic are lower over the positive part of the bipole compared to those over the negative part. show larger observed to present. In at least one case, a little Upper level winds have been directional shear, although speed shear is surface front has separating the positive and negative charge centers. been observed (Orville, et al, 1988). The new data obtained from lightning detection combined with past work about the electrical thunderstorms to evaluate hypotheses for the lightning. dipole" shallow the hypothesis lightning 1987). Both in the "inverted predict winter, a as dipole" which and relationships points between toward the of the further production - processes of of preference for positive has yet to be investigated. hypothesis also requires wind shear for lightning be positive positive been documented (Orville, et al, They also suggest an association clouds production can hypothesis and the "tilted seasonal has networks 24 - of lightning The tilted dipole production of investigation positive and positive into lightning the and Introduction environmental characteristics. - 25 - H +4 + +++ ++ + +++++ S+ + + + +_+ + + n+, + + ,+ I.4 + + + + +7- ++ + + + + + + ++ + . + -, + . + +. . + + 4. + .-- + 4 .. *. . ...... ( e Figure 1.1: Life-Cycle of a thunderstorm (Krehbiel, 1986). + t R" 0 o o + + + 4 4. , - P77 ++ + + d '7 4 e- + + . + c 4 + + - +,. + I 77-/ 4. - S--+ + b a ++++ +.,'.,.+.., . +"+ ,.+ ++ 77*7 Introduction Figure 1.2: Inverted Dipole 4 K 1- Figure 1.3: + Tilted Dipole - 27 - Introduction 100 C, U, 80 LL .) 60 U, 0 CL >, 40-C _ 20-- June 84 Aug 84 Oct 84 Figure 1.4: Percent of lightning positive charge as a function of - 28 - Dec84 Feb 85 Apr 85 flashes to ground lowering month (Orville, et al, 1987). Introduction 500 200 400 150 100 200 CD z ~~1 50- 100 0 June 84 Aug 84 Oct 84 Dec 84 Feb 85 Apr 85 Negative Flash Summary Figure 1.5a: The variation inthe number of flashes (solid line) and median peak radiation field (dashed line) by month for negative flashes (Orville, et al, 1987). 500 5000 S 4000 / \ t ^ / 4-1 400 300 N' 3000, = C, 2000, 200 1000. 100 0 June 84 Aug 84 Oct 84 Dec84 Feb 85 Apr 85 Positive Flash Summary Figure 1.5o: As in 1.5a except for positive flashes. - 29 - : The Libraries Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Institute Archives and Special Collections Room 14N-118 (617) 253-5688 This page is intentionally blank. SC) Introduction 1.3 Data Sources A dataset lightning to investigate should have: the (1) time, cloud-to-ground lightning events; the earth's surface; phenomena. location, of of (2) electric field records taken at (3) radar data of and positive polarity lightning; and (4) sounding data of mesoscale characteristics the storms producing the sufficient resolution to study The data should cover several storms during the winter when positive lightning is most prevalent. In addition, it would be highly desirable to have corresponding data for summertime to examine differences in the production different environmental conditions. of positive lightning The observations taken during the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment make up an excellent studying under dataset episodes of positive lightning in the winter. for Data taken at Huntsville, Alabama for a field study of microbursts, provide a highly useful summertime complement. The Genesis of Atlantic Lows designed specifically 1986. (GALE) at synoptic and in cyclogenesis. mesoscale features a project was aimed East Coast It of Data collection occurred between January 15 and "Operations Carolina. March 15, Central" was located at Raleigh-Durham Airport in North Carolina, with a secondary operations center at North was to gather an extensive database to study scale interactions, mesoscale phenomena and their role cyclones. Experiment Sounding Cape Hatteras, stations in the main area of interest are shown in figure 1.6, including locations of special sounding set up for the experiment and approximate location of ships. - 31 - stations Introduction were observations GALE radar, aircraft, from obtained soundings, atmospheric Soundings were taken and boundary layer platforms. at three hourly intervals by 39 National Weather Service (NWS) 17 special land At seven Cross-chain LORAN-C sites, and two ships. Atmospheric Sounding System (CLASS) sites, 90 of deployed. Aircraft used were the P-3 (NOAA) Administration Atmospheric minutes National Oceanic taken at Atmospheric and National Citation; and Sabreliner, (NCAR) Electra, Research were soundings Over 300 dropwinsondes were also or more. intervals sites, for Center King and Air; University of Washington (UWA) C-131A (Convair); National Aeronautics and Administration (NASA) Electra of (MIT) Space Institute Technology scanning Doppler and Baron; ER-2; North Massachusetts radars; scanning MIT Doppler SPANDAR; UWA vertically pointing Doppler radar; five NWS two State Carolina Radar data was taken by the NCAR University (NCSU) Cessna. CP-4 and CP-3 radar; radars; NASA and Boundary radars on board the NOAA P-3, one of which was Doppler. Layer Platforms including lightning direction finders, and PAM stations, The Program was organized around a series of Intensive Observing NOAA buoys, and C-MAN platforms were also used. Periods (IOP). soundings and observations There aircraft were thirteen missions were IOP's coordinated. case which special These special were primarily aimed at times of rapid cyclogenesis, and accordingly were not necessarily coincident bipole during studies done here. discretion of the individual site. Radar with data the of the were recorded at the Figure 1.7 shows the - 32 - times location of Introduction the various radar sites. This study concentrated on the land sounding data, MIT radar data and lightning detection Other data used included the GOES-6 data. satellite pictures, NWS surface and upper air maps, and radar A charts. summary point and tipping bucket rain gauge from near the corona MIT radar were used to supplement the MIT radar data in the small scale analyses (see chapter 3). The lightning data was taken by the State University of New at York (SUNYA) lightning detection network, which covers the East Albany and Gulf Coasts of the commercial direction Detection, Tucson, United States (see figure 1.8). It uses finders (manufactured by Lightning Location and Arizona) that provide information on time, location, peak magnetic field and polarity of the first return stroke, and also the number of strokes per flash. The coverage available for this work was limited to the area north of 29N. Some problems associated with lightning detection efficiency, detection at Detection efficiency least 70 percent within a 400 kilometer range of the high gain direction finders corrections were systematic errors. positive are: systematic angle errors, and the acceptance of intra-cloud flashes as positive return strokes. is networks (Orville, applied to Current cloud-to-ground et 1987). al, the SUNYA studies flashes by In network SUNYA 1985, site error to compensate for indicate that the recorded by the network are indeed cloud-to-ground events and not intra-cloud events. - 33 - Introduction The summer dataset used in this study was Alabama (see figure 1.9). recorded by at Huntsville, The data were taken as part of a project by the Federal Aviation Association (FAA) were taken to study microbursts. the MIT C-band radar and an FAA radar. Data Ten corona point recorders covered the main area of interest, a circular zone 10 kilometer radius around the radar site (see figure 1.10). from the SUNYA lightning detection network within 56 kilometers of radar data were recorded. was added for the of Data area the MIT radar, which is the area for which Eighteen storms occurring in Huntsville in 1987 were used in the study beginning on the following dates: May 30 June 1 June 14 June 21 June 23 June 25 June 26 July 4 July 13 July 23 July 27 August 10 August 18 September September September September September The storms producing the greatest number began on June 21 and August 10, electrically active storms began on: September 13. In addition to of and 6 10 11 13 17 cloud-to-ground a group of slightly less June 25, July 4, these storms, beginning on July 12, 1988 was also included. - 34 - flashes data July from 13, and a storm Introduction .1 ALB FN'T ":I .. "...... '" ...... : , " ", :!" " ..".I- :.. ... 1 .- " K I 1p /~ "1 .so I . .. ... . ": AYS .;.: -- d -. .. • :. '" ""*"" ' ; """4 : "" .. ..... ;::..:.'-z - - - --'- -: j BNA . "I~ '"" "', i.' . -. I . " -- MYR - -i :~i'' 35N ... ." . .'. - RVC':' . >S 1 ." •) .. 40N ' :: .o" a ......... ......... I-~ DRY 51. .... ..... .. -.. - f .. ' '..D 30N 80W 85W 75W Figure 1.6: Inner and Regional GALE Area rawinsonde network. Open circles are surrounding NWS sites, closed circles are NWS sites in the Regional Area. Stars are VIZ sites, squares are GMD sites and triangles are CLASS sites. The Inner Area extends from LHW-SRL in the southwest to WA in the northeast. The Research Vessels Cape Hatteras (GALE Field Program Summary, 1986). and Endeavor are also shown - 35 Introduction : Wal lops (SPANDAR radar) \ I I //k'Range of SPANDAR radar Roleigh NORTH ../ CAROLINA Ocracoke "- -r..AR radar # . . .'Wilmingtol SOUTH i CROLIN \ \ ....- NCAR radar #/ CaI ope Hatteras (NCAR radar I# anl U. of Wash. radar) Range of ... ./ _\ dual-Doppler ---- coverage Fort Fisher (MIT radar) Georgetown ,-Range of . Roneof RCAge /- radar #2 / ATLANTIC OCEAN SChar leston '/ v Range of MIT radar 0 I 100 km I Figure 1.7: The GALE Doppler radar network. Circles indicate the ground-based Doppler radars: NASA SPANDAR (SPA), NCAR CP-3, NCAR CP-4, and MIT C-band (farthest south at Fort Fischer). Range circles are at 200, 140, 140, and 140km for the respective radars. The University of Washington TPA-11 is shown by a square (GALE Field Program Summary, 1986). - 36 - Introduction SUNY-Albany Figure 1.8: and their area communication) Lightning Detection Network Locations of the SUNYA lightning detectors of coverage during GALE (Orville, personal - 37 - Introduction Figure 1.9: Location of MIT C-band radar in Huntsville Alabama. Circle indicates range of observation which was 56 kilometers. Figure 1.10: Location of corona point recorder sites for the experiment in Huntsville. Site number 25 is located near the radar. - 38 - CHAPTER 2 Climatological Phenomena 2.1 Introduction typical This study begins with analyses aimed at identifying the Data taken in of lightning during the winter season. characteristics et summer in Huntsville, Alabama, and annual results by Orville, (1987) respective datasets will be The comparison. for used are All referred to as "Winter", "Summer", and "Yearly". the areas. section positive This chapter will between and between latitude is confirmed. the winter from divided sections. three into The first are of densities flash both polarities. Yearly and Winter observations will be explained by the difference in the relationship are examine the geographic variability in the percentage of lightning Differences is data network, but for different times and detection lightning SUNYA al, area by covered percentage of the flashes two that datasets. The are positive and Geographic distributions of flash densities in described. These analyses provide evidence that the Gulf Stream enhances cloud-to-ground lightning activity. - 39 - Climatological Phenomena of is not the currents It will show that the geographic pattern in peak flashes patterns to related are data Winter the in mean number of or density flash of It will show that although nearly thunderstorm days. of lightning flashes (hereafter referred to as "peak cloud-to-ground current"). currents peak The second section will consider the first stroke percent twenty positive, the net charge transfer to the earth over areas of 500 square kilometers or larger is negative in all areas under coverage. The activity. result basic lightning in cycle diurnal a The third section will look for was that no prominent cycle was found. (1984), This agrees with previous results by Shands (1948) and Colman which also found no diurnal cycle in winter thunderstorm development. was During GALE there through continued the storm a that Such a highest flashrates and some of the highest peak currents. the analyses done in this chapter were all this introduced by storm this to assess storm. the overall The performed effects of could and For this reason, any analysis done on the whole Winter dataset. without and It was also responsible for storm might not be representative of typical winter storms bias 13 March on end of the experiment, producing more than 25 percent of the lightning flashes in GALE. the began with both and bias that could be percentage positive of lightning during this storm period was only slightly lower than during the rest of GALE; 14 percent for this storm compared with overall. 17 percent Because the results without this storm were nearly identical to results obtained for all of GALE, only results based on all of GALE - 40 - Climatological Phenomena will be presented. 2.2 Geographic Variability This section will consider the geographic variability in (1) the of percentage positive It will be polarity. polarity positive lightning that shown increases and (2) the flash density of each the of percentage with flashes with increasing latitude, and that this relationship explains the difference in overall percentage of positive between flashes Winter the This section will and Yearly datasets. show geographic distributions of flash density, which the the Gulf Stream in the winter is to enhance lightning of effect that indicates activity. The Winter data includes roughly 116,000 percent are positive. flashes. percent positive. 2 flashes in figure 1.4 in the Introduction. increase to 80 percent positive in the month winter season, the (80 which are in 1987, The figure indicates an of February. For the average Yearly percentage of positive flashes is estimated as the mean of the percentages February 17 A seasonal dependence in the percentage of positive flashes detected was documented by Orville, et al, shown this The Summer data has 6,000 flashes which are 2 percent positive, and the Yearly data has 738,000 also Of percent), and March (40 for January percent). (55 percent), This mean is 60 percent, which is more than three times the percentage observed in the Winter data. The first task of this chapter will be to explain this discrepancy. - 41 - Climatological Phenomena The main difference between the observations in The coverage observations is the area covered by the network. Yearly for the Yearly data is shown in figure 2.1a. and Winter the Winter Coverage for the data is the GALE area shown in figure 1.6, and for the Summer data the Figure 2.1b shows Huntsville area shown in figure 1.9. of the three of areas Winter area is not given a The coverage. comparison a as the network coverage. The Yearly data is centered to the north of The following analyses will show the center of the Winter data. the that positive flashes between the of percentage the in difference north far northern boundary since the observations did not extend as Winter and Yearly data is due to the difference in the area covered by the lightning detection network at these times. Both the tilted dipole and the inverted dipole hypotheses predict that for the percentage of flashes with positive polarity should increase shallower percentage surface latitude. of This positive results in temperature the should flashes tied closely is depth Climatologically, temperature. increasing Cloud clouds. to decreases with that expectation increase latitude, and is also consistent with previous results surface the increasing with that indicate that positive flashes are relatively more prevalent in colder climatic conditions (Orville, et al, 1987). Figure predicted 2.2a trend with latitude. shows that the Winter observations match the of an increase in the percentage of positive flashes This confirms previous results and supports tilted dipole and the inverted dipole hypotheses. - 42 - both the It is believed that Climatological Phenomena latitudinal in difference the is coverage the that reason the of positive flashes in the Yearly data is three times that percentage of the Winter data. polarity In order to justify that the relationship between flash responsible for this difference, it is desirable to is latitude and Therefore, quantify the magnitude of the effect of this relationship. a of total number of flashes with latitude will be used to breakdown estimate a mean latitude for the Winter data. be will data Yearly an in estimated A mean latitude for the analogous manner and the 3AN the percentages of positive lightning at these latitudes compared. is Even though the central latitude of the Winter data further is latitude mean Figure 2.2b shows that the total south. number of flashes decreases with increasing latitude. The Winter data be dominated by the characteristics of flashes occurring between will 30 and 33N, since more than 50 percent of the flashes occurred in this latitude belt. Figure 2.2a indicates that in the range of 30 to 3N, 15 percent of the flashes were positive, which is nearly the the overall percentage of 17 percent. 38N. through that This implies the Yearly data the of months of March should contain a higher percentage of positive flashes than the Winter data, by as much as three times. dependence In 38N is 45 percent positive, three times greater than the data overall percentage. January as By similar analogy, the Yearly data is dominated by flashes occurring in the range of Winter same polarity of flash The latitude predicts a percentage of positive flashes in the Yearly months of January through March three times that - 43 - Climatological Phenomena observed in the Winter data, which is approximately the actual difference. The latitude difference is not the only cause for a difference in Winter and Yearly coverage areas is flashes over Another difference between the positive flashes. of percentage the the warm Gulf that the Winter data Stream waters, whereas the Yearly data coverage includes only a small portion of the Gulf Stream. Stream The Gulf location as represented by sea surface temperature is shown in The outline represents an area of negative figure 2.3. density point includes strike greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer over the of GALE time period. flash temperature The contours are of sea surface means for the month of February 1986, and are drawn at one degree intervals. Sea surface temperature values are also shown. the Gulf Stream What is the effect the production of lightning? on of In the winter the Gulf Stream is warmer than the land, so its effect would tend to be to statically de-stabilize the lower atmosphere. to increasing convection and lightning activity. of the Gulf This would contribute The expected effect Stream is therefore an enhancement of the production of lightning. The effect of the Gulf Stream can most easily be seen 2.3, which in figure shows the correlation between the sea surface temperature (thin lines) and the negative flash relationship presented is clear. densities (heavy line). The The warm sea surface temperatures of the Gulf Stream yield high flash densities that will be shown to reach twice those detected over land. It will be shown that these higher - 44 - Climatological Phenomena positive lightning. relatively with flash densities are associated of percentages low Thus, the effect of the Gulf Stream is to lower Again, the overall percentage of positive flashes in the Winter data. location differences between the Winter and Yearly data predict higher percentages of positive flashes in the Yearly compared data the to Winter data, which is the observed relation. This section will next consider how typical data the this for winter is compared to a winter-time climatology (Kessler, Thunderstorm distribution will It 1983). Dynamics, Morphology and the compare geographic of flash densities of both polarities to the mean number February, of of thunderstorm days for the month averaged the over If the Winter observations are typical, a years of 1956 through 1975. similarity between the patterns of flash density and mean number of thunderstorm days will be seen. The negative flash density distribution is shown in figure The contours are in drawn logarithmic intervals. The outermost contour for both polarities is 10 flashes/square kilometer. negative flash densities, contours dashed lines. flashes/square striped. southern end. the kilometer in The area of greater than 1000 flashes/square kilometer is dotted, and the area of greater than 100 is For 100 and 1000 flashes/square of kilometer are drawn in solid lines, 500 2.4a. The area of flashes/square kilometer flashes was artificially cut at 29N, the The main area of negative flash densities (greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer) forms a "V" shape in the southern end of the detection area. The pronounced maximum in the eastern - 45 - branch of Climatological Phenomena Note that the the "V" is coincident with the Gulf Stream (see above). flash densities in this eastern part of the "V" are twice in the western part which is over land. those seen There is also an area of high density of negative flashes in eastern North Carolina, extending into Virginia, surrounded by lower flash densities, and a few other smaller areas of flash densities greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer. The positive flash densities are more than an order of less than the negative flash densities, with no area reaching as high as 100 flashes/square kilometer (figure 2.4b). 25 striped (enclosing (enclosing hatched area). than 25 and area), 50 The main area kilometer) flashes/square flashes/square flash of is The contours are: "V" farther extending flashes/square Virginia, which overlaps in North eastern with 10, kilometer (greater similar to the the "V", negative There is a minimum (less than 10 northward. kilometer) density shaped, negative pattern, but centered one degree east of and magnitude an Carolina and middle area of negative flash densities greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer. There is also a minimum in positive flash densities in northwest South Carolina. A comparison with the mean number of thunderstorm month land available). high for the of February is used to support the idea that the Winter data is typical of the winter season. over days values is shown in The mean number figure of thunderstorm days 2.5 (values over the ocean were not The pattern shows a maximum in Louisiana, and a tongue of that pushes northward and eastward up through Kentucky. The Virginia - North Carolina area is covered - 46 - by a tongue of low Climatological Phenomena values. The "V" shaped area of high flash densities is located to the east of the tongue of high numbers of thunderstorm days five degrees of by at least It is believed that because the network longitude. detection area did not extend far enough to the west, the total number of of If the east-west offset is ignored for the tongue detected. values, Arkansas, and Missouri was not Louisiana, in occurring flashes the mean number of thunderstorm days and flash of patterns high densities are similar. The exception to this similarity is the area of negative of greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer in Virginia and density North Carolina. A possible explanation for this area is the effect of the topography (shown in figure 2.6). extent north-south As in the is convection the of area as seen the of density is to the southeast Survey). flashes of an 500 the The area of high negative flash centered mountains, meter contour (U. Gulf Stream, an increase in S. along the Geological enhancement to the electrical activity of thunderstorms, primarily affecting the production of negative flashes. The lightning of effectiveness networks detection has not yet perfect. likelihood of a flash being detected is related to the magnitude studied the peak and revealed current. that the system flashes. The of Since positive flashes have higher peak currents, their probability of detection at long negative is been This in results ranges the is greater than for edges of the network area appearing to be highly positive with large peak currents. The peak current distribution is shown in figure 2.9 and does exhibit a maximum - 47 - Climatological Phenomena in peak currents around the edges. section 2.3 first on stroke More discussion will be The increase in the currents. peak in given percentage of positive flashes at the network edges can be seen in figure 2.7. Figure 2.7 shows the percentage of flashes with positive polarity in a one The dotted latitude by one degree longitude grid. degree regions are less than 5 percent positive, hatched are 5 to 10 and positive, striped are 10 to 25 percent positive. and 75 percent are also drawn. are an order the pattern in densities, Because the negative percent Contours of 50 flash densities of magnitude larger than the positive flash densities, 2.7 figure very closely. 2.4a, negative flash resembles figure As above, the areas of convective noted enhancement by the mountains and Gulf Stream are both seen as areas of low percentages of positive flashes. In the percentage valley Mississippi there is a probability of a flash being in can detect flashes. detected is related to the peak Since current of the flash (Beasley, 1985). higher gradient of positive flashes and this is attributed to the location being at the outer reaches of where the network The strong positive flashes have peak currents than negative flashes (by as much as a factor of 1.5, see section 2.3), positive flashes are more likely to be detected by the network. This would cause a bias toward more positive flashes at the boundaries of the network. It has also been suggested that the polarity of the flash may not be correctly resolved at large distances (Brook, 1988), such that negative flashes - 48 - would be reported as Climatological Phenomena This bias in favor of positive flashes is clear at both the positive. The southern edge was artificially cut eastern and western edges. 29N, which is still well within the range of the network, so no bias The northern edge of lightning strike points would be expected. not reach at northern the edge of does network, so no bias would be the expected here. The gradient in the percentage of positive flashes at the western edge is The smoothing of the much greater than at the eastern edge. Since the effect of gradient is due to the effect of the Gulf Stream. the Gulf Stream is a decrease in the percentage of positive flashes, this would temper the effects of the bias edge of the network. produced by reaching The result is that the gradient on the eastern edge is not as concentrated as the gradient on the western edge. bias in detection negates the only two lightning dominates. southeastward into regions where Since eastern Tennessee, the region will Tennessee region. it can The second southward into Virginia, and will There are, said that positive be The first region extends from Georgia. This ability of the network to determine whether or not positive lightning dominates at the edges. therefore, the western Kentucky the center of this region is in be referred region be Pennsylvania region. - 49 - to from extends referred as to as the eastern Pennsylvania the western Climatological Phenomena between coverage of area This section has shown that the difference in the Winter data area and the Yearly data area would cause the of dependence latitude difference in the percentages of which is present in the Winter data is which lightning, positive associated the is The Gulf Stream, difference (60 percent versus 17 percent). observed greater a factor of three predicts polarity flash The lightning. positive Yearly data to have a higher percentage of area an with of 500 negative flashes/square kilometer which is a factor than of two larger than the negative flash densities observed over land and an magnitude of order observed. then greater the positive flash densities percentage The Gulf Stream's effect is to decrease the of positive lightning in the Winter data relative to the Yearly data. In to explaining the difference addition responsible for associated low with flashes/square (approximately kilometer) 25 in percentage of positive lightning the that this section has documented average flashes/square Carolina - Virginia region is eastern flash negative and are differences location how is than 10 flash positive with region (less densities kilometer). associated Tennessee eastern North negative flash The high densities densities (greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer) and low positive flash densities (less than 10 flashes/square kilometer), effect of the mountains to the west. - 50 - due to the Climatological Phenomena Figure 2.1a: Spatial coverage of the SUNYA lightning detection network in 1985 (Orville, et al, 1987). SUNYA by the area of coverage of Comparison Figure 2.1b: datasets. Yearly and lightning detection network for the Summer, Winter - 51 - Climatological Phenomena Percentage of Positive Flashes versus Latitude 80 55 '50 -45 s4o I- 40 IL U -i c3s a U30 a (L2S 20 15 10 3 30 31 32 33 34 36 35 La titude 37 38 39 40 41 4 Figure 2.2a Number of positive flashes observed within a one degree latitude belt divided by the total number of flashes observed within that same belt for the entire GALE time period. Number of Flashes versus Latitude 2400 2 220 2100 20 1900 1800 a 1700 01600 _j1400 - 1300 0 LI1 , 39000 7000 2S1 ,33 34 35 36 Lat tude 37 38 39 40 41 Figure 2.2b Total number of flashes of either polarity observed a one degree latitude belt for the entire GALE time period. 52 - within Climatological Phenomena /L " .- 4 5/ .X, - 2 a S.. , , C .20I 6,-, / .1 20. .414 19 6 39. 19 9,A 49.8 3.5 1.6 1.3 " 5"33.8 19.6 0. 3.4 9 s 8 sI . s9. S. I 1.5 15.3 19.5 19.7 39. 19.1 1s 1 1.3 1.4 . .5 1 5 19.4 .5 18 2 . 8.3 186.1 .I3. 1 . , I. 0" 0 l 6 8.3 18.2 3.4 9.4 19.5 19.4 9. 19.6 19.9 19.6 40N . 8 to 2 1 .0 18.6 10.4 18.4 16.4 18.4 35N I 33i t 6 23.0 22.4 ZX2 2.8 22. L 23.2 1- i . 3.2 6 2 S 22. 0 .322 3.8 23.\ 3. 23. 23.5s9i - . 1" 2. 20 139.819.7 3.5 13.5 13.6 13.4 3 .9 38.8 38.5 18.3 20.0 20.1 20.1 2 9.6 20 208 .7 2.2 22.2 23.7 4 4.4 .19.8 s9 .6 .1.7 19.8 3 . 0 . . 3 a 20.7 . - l 23. 1. 2 2 .4 2.11 30 N 2i2., 23.3 231. 3.2 23 3 22.5 22.6 22.5 22.5 22 4 22.7 22 9 3.3 23. 23.1 23.3 23.7 2 23.4 . 2 .3 22.5 22.6 21.6 i- 22 5 22 .5 2 .21. 1 3.19 I3s.SIs9.7 .9 20.6 20.4 20.3 20. 1 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.6 29 20.6 20. 1 20.5 9 21.6 21 23.G. . 9 .52.2 213 21 21 2-3.9 23.2 23.5 23.9 23.0 23.5 23.1 - 20 2 20 4 21.8 21.7 21.4 21. 22.322. 23.2 19.6 19. 20.3 20.1 20.4 20.3 20.4 20.3 20.3 20.2 2 21.4 21. 22 4 22.4 22.4 23. 3.1 21 .8 2 1.8 22.8 4.G 21 1 20 0.7 20.1 .0 Z?23 -. I3 . 22. 9 .9 23.6 23.4 23.4 23.5 2.23.7 24.6 24. , 4.0 2 24 . 0 22.9 23.5 23.4 23.8 25N 25N Figure 2.3 Sea surface temperatures and contours drawn for every degree Celsius, with an outline of the area of negative flash densities greater than 100 flashes/square kilometer during the GALE time period. - 53 - Climatological Phenomena 37 38 J -C z 34 33 0 32 31 30 29 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 Degrees West Longitude 76 74 72 .70 68 Figure 2.4a Negative flash densities per square kilometer for the entire GALE timeperiod. Striped area indicates flash densities of greater than 100 flashes per square kilometer, dashed lines are drawn at 500 flashes per square kilometer, and dotted area is greater than 1000 flashes per square kilometer. 41 40 39 38 37 36 S35 o z U ) o 0 34 33 30129 96 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 Degrees West Longitude 76 74 72 70 68 Figure 2.4b: Positive flash densities per square kilometer for Striped area indicates flash densities the entire GALE timeperiod. between 25 and 50 flashes per square kilometer, and hatched area is greater than 50 flashes per square kilometer. - 54 - Climatological Phenomena 00 37 -j 36 o0 Z 35 I 01.0 ,34 33 3231 300 29 96 . 94 92 I20 90 88 86 84 Degrees 82 80 78 West Longitude 76 74 72 70 68 Figure 2.5: Mean number of thunderstorm days in February (Kessler, 1986). for the years from 1951 through 1975 #0 -O 40 39 38 S37 0 36 - , 34 4 33 32 31 29 96 ___ 94 92 90 88 86 84 Degrees 82 West 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 Longitude Figure 2.6: Topographic map of the eastern United States, with contours drawn at 200 and 500 meters. (U.S. Geological Survey). - 55 - V 37 - 36 - 35 0 Z t, 34 a, 29 '96 ' I 94 I I 92 11 -II 90 , 88 i i m.Ir 86 84 82 1 80 I8 s - 1 78 IV 76 I 74 I a 72 I rI 70 Degrees West Longitude Figure 2.7: Flashes Striped Geographic Distribution of the Percentage of Positive area indicates between ten and twenty-five percent positive, hatched area is between five and ten percent dotted area is less than five percent positive. positive, and 68 Climatological Phenomena 2.3 First Stroke Peak Currents The relationship between the cloud's electrical structure and the peak current of well understood. currents the No theoretical argument for the differences in between flashes scientific community. related to first stroke of a cloud-to-ground flash is not has been accepted It is here suggested environmental by that peak a majority of the peak currents are conditions (affecting cloud structure) and not factors such as topography. Past work by Orville, et al, (1987) reported that the mean of the positive peak currents is substantially greater than the mean of the negative peak currents for the Yearly data. the This data is dominated by summer environment, more than 80 percent of the flashes occurring during the months of June, July, August, and September. This section will confirm the finding by positive currents. peak currents et to contribute Winter and Yearly data. been identified to the extent that not be differences in peak currents between the Since areas of predominantly positive flashes (see section 2.2), an estimate of a quantity directly proportional to net current per unit area determine al, of greater magnitude than negative peak It will be shown that geographic variability would expected have are Orville, to which these significant. - 57 - will anomalous be areas made to may be Climatological Phenomena For the Yearly data (presented by positive peak currents et Winter positive flashes also times the negative peak current average. believed that conditions environmental difference of the Summer data, the low number averaged Summer positive flashes While show the same average peak current as the negative flashes. is the 1987), al, averaged 1.6 times the negative peak current average (see table 2.1 below). 1.6 Orville, it are responsible for the of positive flashes available for this analysis reduces the confidence in this belief. Data Figure Source Flash Number of Flashes Polarity (thousands) 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 positive negative positive negative positive negative a b c d e* f Yearly Yearly Winter Winter Summer Summer Mean Peak Current (camp) Mode Peak Current (kAmp) 55 35 90 55 30* 30 18 720 20 96 0.1 6 30 25 60** 33 5 17 Table 2.1: Number of flashes and average first stroke peak currents for the Yearly, Winter and Summer observations. *Note that Summer positive flashes are only 100 in number, which may not be sufficient for a reliable estimate of peak current. **Note that the mode for the Winter observations was taken to be midway between the two peak current values having 1420 flashes each. Although the ratio of the averages of the positive peak to the negative currents peak currents is the same for the Yearly and Winter observations, the actual peak currents are approximately 1.5 times large in the Winter observations than in the Yearly observations. number of flashes observed is related to peak current in The mean as The figure 2.8. and mode of the peak currents are marked with arrows. Note that the mode for the Winter observations - 58 - was taken to be midway Climatological Phenomena between two the current values having 1420 flashes each. peak The analyses show that in all cases (1) the mode is less than the mean and (2) the difference between the mode and the mean is greater for the positive flashes than for the negative flashes. described This could also be the positive peak current distribution having more of a as tail of high peak values current than the negative peak current distribution. variation One aim of this section is to eliminate geographic current peak as explanation an currents average 1.5 Toward this aim, times the Yearly the geographic of maps of fact that the Winter peak and (figures peak Summer first stroke currents. peak currents longitude averaged over a one degree latitude by one degree presented in box are The positive peak currents (figure 2.9 a and b). 2.9b) do not make a simple pattern, but the centers two of minimum (less than 60 kiloamperes) cover the North Carolina - Virginia border. The maximum is at about 39.25N, 72.0W, off the coast (Recall that of New Jersey. high current values at the edges of the network are due to network detection biases; see section 2.2.) The negative first stroke peak currents were analyzed in the same manner. The results (figure 2.9a) present a smoother picture, ostensibly because there are five times as many observations. clear that there is Carolina and Virginia. this area. a It is in negative peak currents in North minimum The peak currents increase radially away from This predicts higher negative peak currents in the Yearly data compared to the Winter data. This is not what is observed. - 59 - The Climatological Phenomena mean of the Yearly data negative peak currents is 35 kiloamperes compared to the Winter average of 55 factors kiloamperes. Since geographic are not responsible for the observed relationship in negative flashes and there is not evidence against positive flashes, (including, but it not environmental factors is hypothesized that environmental differences limited to season) are differences in first stroke peak currents. responsible through its control of the for the The picture presented here is one in which the environment influences the magnitude of current, for thunderstorm the structure peak and development. It has different been from shown that summertime lightning (Orville, et al, percent of all winter lightning 1987, lightning lightning in section is significantly the percentage of positive 2.2). Since Models 100 occurs in the summer, past work involving lightning has been aimed at summertime lightning which is negative. almost 98 percent of atmospheric electricity fields are based on the concept of the normal thunderstorm where negative charge is lowered to the earth's surface and positive charge question this study will attempt to answer is: positive cloud-to-ground results of models that do lightning not in include lightning? - 60 - the the is left in the air. Is winter there The sufficient to question the production of positive Climatological Phenomena In order to answer this quantity believed question an estimate was made Areas of net positive charge transfer could be from quantity to identified the magnitude of charge and areal determine coverage of the positive region. about a to be directly related to total charge transferred to ground. this of The following assumptions were made net charge transferred by cloud-to-ground lightning in the the estimation: (1) it is directly related to first stroke peak current (2) it is directly related to number of strokes per flash which leads to: (3) net charge transfer is directly related to the product of first stroke peak current and the number of strokes. A one degree latitude by one degree longitude and the was defined sum of the products of peak current and number of strokes in each box was plotted. noted grid before, The results are contoured in figure 2.10. As artificial areas of positive charge transfer are to be expected at the edges of the data region due to detection inaccuracies at large distances. There are two areas where by this estimate, positive charge was transferred to ground during the GALE The areas are the predominantly positive same as flashes. those noted These - 61 - are experiment. in section 2.2 as having the eastern Tennessee Climatological Phenomena region and the western Pennsylvania square kilometers in size. these areas is region, each of which is 500 The magnitude of net charge transfer in an order of magnitude less than the land maxima, and therefore would not be significant for analyses averaged over areas first stroke peak larger than 500 square kilometers. The current into investigation has tried to determine the effect of environmental factors on lightning production in general. also affecting factors It has been established here and in previous literature (Orville, et al, 1987) that positive peak currents are larger than negative peak currents. Do these larger peak current flashes occur at the same rate as lower peak current flashes? Figure flashrate. 2.11 shows a graph of average were separated into one hour bins and the number of minutes yielded the flashrate, and was flashes/minute). flashes of a given polarity occurring at summed and divided flashes of each The total number of flashes divided by sixty polarity was determined. (0.1667 versus All the Winter flashes The graph was created as follows. flashes/hour current peak rounded All a to the flashrate specific 10 currents for peak the nearest were by the number of flashes in the same category to give the "average peak current" value used as the ordinate. The results of this analysis show that positive first stroke peak currents decrease with increasing flashrate where entire storm system, and the is flashrate averaged over an hour. over The peak currents ranged from 97 kiloamperes at 0.2 flashes/minute to 73 kiloamperes 2.6 flashes/minute. No positive flashes - 62 - an occurred at at storm-wide Climatological Phenomena averaged flashrates greater than 2.6 flashes/minute in change The above percent hour. negative first stroke peak currents was significantly less than for that of positive peak currents. 10 one over The initial values were mean value, decreasing to 3 percent below the the mean value between 6 and 7 flashes/minute. The analysis presented suggests lightning should emphasize low flashrates throughout a storm positive system for flashrates sustained for an hour. of producing for mechanisms that production As the storm more flashes/minute), the mean positive lightning increases (i.e. of first stroke peak currents of those flashes should decrease. Other results of this section confirm that positive peak currents are larger in magnitude than negative peak currents, and that there is Peak currents in the Winter a factor of 1.5 difference. were times 1.5 the observed peak currents. Yearly in distribution of peak current is similar minimum in the currents peak the Yearly data. peak currents electrical a area, and increasing why averaged 1.5 times the average peak current in in This suggests that the difference the between activity, with The geographic pattern does not explain magnitudes on all sides. Winter The geographic polarities both Virginia and Carolina North observations is Winter tied to and the structure and development. - 63 - Yearly magnitude flashes, environment i.e. through of the cloud Climatological Phenomena Peak Current (kA) 0 200 100 I L 400 300 ~& I 100 I I p p P 50+ t I I I II -I II I II II III I i I i - i I i i i I Figure 2.8a: Number of flashes of positive polarity observed within the region of the lightning detection network in the Yearly dataset (Orville, et al, 1987). Mode (left arrow) and mean (right arrow of the distribution are marked. Peak Current (kA) 400 300 200 100 0 1000- D 500 E 0 l ibIIlili 1 i 1 ; 1 1 ;, Figure 2.8b: As in 2.8a except for negative flashes (Orville, et al, 1987). - 64 - Climatological Phenomena Nu Ir-M -- w ber of Positive I I 1''''I''T'I 177 ri ~r rjrrrrrr Flashes versus Average r~rr rr II rrrlrrrr(rrr rl r r r rl r r rr I ( r Ti- Peak Current I II1 ' 11' I 1" ' 1400 1300 1200 1100 £1000 908 Lam800 o 700 . 608 z 50 r C 400 300 200 100 2 0 %Th7 25 50 75 Figure 2.8c: 12;VinR¢ -w" 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 480 425 45( Average Peak Current (kiloamperes) As in 2.8a except for the Winter dataset. NJuI ber of Negative Flashes versus Average Peak Curren.. . .... 11i0 1000 S000 7000 4- o 6000 O 5000 S4000 3000 1000 0 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 Average Peak Current (ki loamperes) Figure 2.8d: As in 2.8c except for negative flashes. 65 - Climatological Phenomena 34 Number of Positive Flashes versus Average Peak ,1, 1 I . . . . . I I . . . . Current I 32 30 28 -I - 24 o20 "*. L16 14 =12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 Average Peak Current (kiloomperes) Figure 2.8e: As in 2.8a except for the Summer dataset. Number of N Negative Flashes versus Average Peak Current ,,, ,111 11,, ,J ,11111,] 1000 900 o ,800 o 400 300 /1 25 I -". , 50 It Itl ltI Ili tII..li1 I,,I,, , , ,,11111 it ... i I 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 408 425 450 Average Peak Current (kiloamperes) Figure 2.8f: As in 2.8e except for negative flashes. 66 - Climatological Phenomena 37 , 36 Z 35 z 34 33 a, 31 96 94 90 92 88 78 80 82 84 Degrees West Longitude 86 76 74 72 70 68 Figure 2.9a: Average first stroke peak current for negative flashes in kiloamperes for the Winter dataset. 6 o 31 -J Z 31 a) a, 3: 0 120 .1 96 94 92 90 Figure 2.9b: 88 86 84 82 80 78 Degrees West Longitude 76 74 f.j 72 70 68 As in 2.9a except for positive flashes. - 67 - Climatological Phenomena 2 Net Current per KM Figure 2.10: Estimate of net current per unit area. Average Peak Current versus Storm-wide Flashrate SS 9100 aesso 85 L L S80 S 75 aoaiS S 70 V * 60 0 1 2 3 4 Flashes per S '6 7 8 9 10 11 Minute (over whole Gale area) 12 Figure 2.11 Average first stroke peak current versus flashrate. Dashed line with triangles represents positive flashes, solid line with boxes represents negative flashes. Solid horizontal lines mark the mean first stroke peak current for each polarity. - 68 - Climatological Phenomena 2.4 Diurnal Effects One change in the environment occurs every the sun day. Every morning rises and heats the earth's surface, and every night it sets allowing the earth's surface to cool heating of the earth tends the planetary general, the to de-stabilize the planetary boundary layer, increasing the likelihood of stabilizes In radiatively. The convection. night cooling layer, and is often related to a boundary What is the diurnal effect on the production decay in the convection. of lightning during the winter environment? for The diurnal variation can be looked positive 2.12a Figure flashes. flashes for each hour of the day. Eastern The UTC. Zone, Time solid All line with 70 and between capacity than vegetation expected to be as boxes located data 90W. and large Since soil, the represents is in the Winter flashes water has a much higher heat diurnal effects would not be in magnitude over the ocean as over land. Therefore, the data was divided into two parts: points of so sunrise is near 1100 UTC and sunset near 2200 o occurring Winter the percentage percentage of positive the shows the in flashes with strike on the land surface (dashed line with triangles), and those located on the water surfaces of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (dash-dot line with diamonds). The Winter data showed very little diurnal variation in the percentage of flashes with positive polarity between 0400 UTC and 0000 UTC. For both land and ocean, there was an increase in the percentage - 69 - Climatological Phenomena of flashes with positive polarity approximately four hours after sunset. that thunderstorms percentages of hypothesized around Since it has positive that There flashes (Orville, et is coincides constant been al, EST), documented 1983), also an with a percentage it is within of positive increase in the percentage of positive Figure 2.12b shows that this decrease in the total number of flashes. Around this time the number of positive flashes remains (21 after sunset the storms begin to decay and thus at flashes over land at 1700 UTC (12 EST). increase UTC in their late decaying stages tend to have higher that time there should be an increase in the flashes. 0200 25 percent, flashes decreases by 40 percent. occurring while This is not each hour the number of negative the normal summertime pattern of a peak in negative flashes in mid-afternoon. The total number of flashes (figure 2.12b) also diurnal variation shows is confined to one part of the day. the hour of 2300 UTC (18 EST). in the winter, flashes The two graphs in figure 2.12 indicate that diurnal effects are not visible lightning the There is a 30 percent increase from the mean value of 5000 per hour to 6500 in that in the production of except after sunset from 2300 UTC to 0400 UTC. As noted before, this is in contrast to the summertime situation and may reflect that winter thunderstorms are more related to lifting of potentially unstable air (as over de-stabilization by surface heating. - 70 - frontal surfaces), than to Climatological Phenomena Support for this finding can be found (1948) and Colman (1984) in the works of Shands on storms occurring in the winter season. Shands found "a tendency toward the equalization of all four (six hour) periods of the day". probabilities in Colman confirmed this result and went on to state that the phase and magnitude of the diurnal cycle of the convection are dependent on the frontal type. observations include storms of all frontal types, the and magnitudes would obscure a diurnal cycle. - 71 - Since the Winter mix of phases Climatological Phenomena Positive Flashes versus Hour of Day Percentage of 38 36 -4 34 32 30 I a 28 -26 A 04 12 0 2 4 8 6 10 12 14 Hour (UTC) 16 18 20 Figure 2.12a Percent positive versus-hour of the day. boxes represents all GALE flashes, dashes 22 24 Solid line line with represents flashes with strike points on land, dash-dot line diamonds represents flashes with strike points over the ocean. Number of Flashes versus Hour of Day 6500 6000 V a 4600 ,, 0 h~ S4000 A&..A L 24. p. w3000 ZSO .4... --1-,1.4.. "' - ;-- .- .0 A -t " -. " - . , 4 a -cI C -41 .. * 44 20001 00 I ' 1000~, I 2 II 4 I 6 I I I I , I 10 12 14 Hour (UTC) 8 T 16 18 I 20 I 22 Figure 2.12b As in 2.12a but for number of flashes. - 72 - with triangles t 24 with Climatological Phenomena Summary 2.5 The analyses presented picture climatological of in this chapter have created lightning characteristics. positive a The dependence on latitude of both the likelihood of producing a flash and flash polarity results. The been documented, and is consistent with previous has effect demonstrating that of the the warm Gulf Stream has This is explained an enhancement to the convection which is seen as deep clouds that are more electrically active. of determined, ocean surface is associated with flash densities that are twice that observed over land. as been positive lightning Geographic areas showing a predominance are noted in the eastern Tennessee region and the western Pennsylvania region. densities but high negative An area showing low flash Carolina and Virginia, and believed densities to be located in North is a flash positive result of convection enhanced by topography. An analysis of first stroke peak currents confirms result previous that positive peak current averages are 1.5 times the negative peak current averages. times the Winter currents of both polarities those observed in the Yearly and Summer data. are associated with storm system-wide positive less an than 2.6 flashes/minute positive peak currents decrease flashrate increases. over significantly increasing averaging and it is noted that as the storm system The geographic distributions of peak currents of both polarities average minimum peak currents in Virginia, 1.5 Positive flashes flashrates hour, are in magnitude - 73 - in all North Carolina directions. and Results Climatological Phenomena presented here suggest that the environment is the controlling in the electrical activity, through its relationship factor with cloud structure and development. An analysis lightning of shows the diurnal relatively variation little in the shortly after values by 0000 for sunset, from 2200 to 0400 UTC. the total number of flashes increases 30 percent normal UTC. UTC. the period At 2300 UTC decreasing back to At 0100 UTC the percentage of positive flashes increases by 10 percent, falling back to its normal 0400 of variability in the percentage of positive flashes and total number of flashes, except occurring production value by This lack of diurnal cycle in winter thunderstorm activity is consistent with previous work by Shands (1948) and Colman (1984). - 74 - CHAPTER 3 Convective Scale Phenomena 3.1 Introduction Both the tilted dipole and the inverted dipole hypotheses account for the of a positive cloud-to-ground flash by describing existence the electrical structure of a single thunderstorm cell. will chapter This look at phenomena associated with occurrences of cloud-to-ground lightning on the scale of a single convective cell, or group of cells. predicts The tilted dipole hypothesis emanates that positive This predicts that from the upper part of a tilted updraft. positive lightning is associated with anvil clouds, or "down-tilt" side of the main The updraft. lightning least at cloud producing flashes of either polarity, but the production the is capable of of positive flashes is restricted to the down-tilt area beneath the upper positive charge region. radar Positive flashes will occur reflectivity than that of the negative associated with the main part of the updraft. the same height beneath areas flashes of lower which are The top of the cloud is for both polarities of flashes in this case, but as the cloud begins to decay, it may shrink in height and the lowering of - 75 - Convective Scale Phenomena the positive charge region associated with this decay may lead to an increased likelihood of the lightning. A production relationship between would not necessarily be clear flashes may in of this case. Since the positive be associated with high anvil clouds, there may not be a field at positive flashes. The the ground for a group of tilted dipoles would be dominated first by the lower negative charge directly cloud-to-ground cloud height and flash polarity direct link between the shallower clouds and electric positive overhead. The field would then polarity as the downtilt side of the updraft region) moves overhead. regions when switch they are to fair weather (upper positive charge This predicts positive lightning occurring in fair weather polarity electric fields at the surface. produce The inverted dipole can positive polarity only. Negative cloud-to-ground flashes of flashes would come from separate upright dipole cells existing in the same environment. The inverted dipoles are expected to be associated with weaker updrafts and smaller clouds. in This would result in lower reflectivities than would be upright dipoles, and possibly a stratiform-like cloud structure characterized by small vertical gradients in dipoles are seen reflectivity. Inverted expected to be shallower than the upright dipoles in the same environment, meaning that a relationship between cloud height and flash polarity would be expected. Beneath an inverted dipole the field at the ground would be dominated by the region. This predicts that positive lower charge lightning will occur in fair weather polarity electric fields at the surface. - 76 - positive Convective Scale Phenomena Four storms will be presented in extent to which two summertime There The storms will be representing the wintertime environment. January 30 June 21 (1987), July 12 The relationships and March 14 (1986). (1986), the environment thunderstorm referred to by the dates on which they began: (1988), examine to the observations support the two hypotheses. are two storms representing the and chapter this that will be shown are those between: (1) the points any altitude, (2) location and and maximum reflectivity at location of strike vertical gradient of reflectivity, (3) location and cloud height, (4) the field electric which radar, was 1987-1988 summers, and Fort (1986) Data data. from corona point recorder located near ground the at in located Fischer, with associated The data presented cloud-to-ground events. C-band at were taken Huntsville, North Carolina by Alabama for and positive the MIT for the the GALE the SUNYA lightning detection network, the Fort Fischer, and corona point network the MIT radar in Huntsville, will be used to relate the electrical activity to the convective phenomena. Section 3.2 will present two summer storms, and section winter storms. 3.3 two Considerations of boundary layer temperature lead to the expectation that the summer storms will have more energy available for convection. This would lead higher maximum reflectivity values. to taller summertime clouds with This convection would be expected to by typified by distinct thunderstorm cells. As was seen in chapter 2, peak currents in these storms are observed to be lower than in winter storms. the The winter boundary layer temperatures are less than - 77 - Convective Scale Phenomena summer temperatures, and this would be seen by the stratiform structure summer storms, the maximum than winter reflectivities is seen storms and radar in the summer. should higher be as more Compared to the shallower overall a with lower percentages of positive flashes. 3.2 Summer Storms This section Huntsville, will associated with dipole lower flashes and (2) positive gradients in two summer storms occurring in The relationships predicted by both the tilted Alabama. dipole and inverted present hypotheses maximum the negative relationship flashes than negative smaller vertical values with associated than relationship to be examined is (1) positive reflectivity flashes reflectivity are: flashes. The between third cloud top and flash polarity, and the fourth is the relationship between height positive strike points and the sign of the electric field at the surface prior to the lightning. The first summer storm took place on June 21, 1987. observation from 2030 UTC to 2130 UTC. time is shown in figure 3.1. pressure areas It was under The synoptic situation at this Huntsville lies between two surface high with light (10 knots) southerly winds at the surface. Winds aloft are westerly at about 30 knots and the 0000 UTC sounding shows that the air is very moist at all altitudes except for a dryer layer around 500mb. shows Nashville The radar summary chart that the convection is very cellular in nature. - 78 for 2035 UTC There are many Convective Scale Phenomena pockets of tall clouds with high reflectivity particular interest values. The area of (outlined with a heavy line) includes the 46,000 foot radar top noted in northern Alabama. Detailed radar observations for this storm cover a radius kilometers. evolution Four of the approximately 20 constant storm elevation in minutes figure angle 3.2. of 56 scans (PPI's) show the The observations are apart and cloud-to-ground lightning strike points for the period from three minutes before to three minutes after the observation time have been added. An "x" is used to indicate the location of a negative strike point and a "+" location of a positive strike point. 45, and 60 dBz. used to indicate the Contours are drawn for 15, 30, The first PPI is taken while the storm is decaying; where decaying is defined as decreasing in maximum reflectivity value, or as a decrease in the area of the maximum reflectivity region. cloud The continues to decay over the next 40 minutes (figure 3.2b and c) as the storm loses its distinct cells and becomes a more uniform band. Twenty minutes later the observations show that although the northern part of the band continues to decay the southern part begins to grow. The overlaying of strike points and reflectivity values was to determine the reflectivity associated with each cloud-to-ground lightning event occurring within three There used minutes of the observation. were 401 negative flashes and 43 positive flashes meeting these criteria. kilometers For was each flash recorded. the The maximum reflectivity within two mean reflectivity values were approximately the same for both polarities - 79 - -- 41 dBz for negative Convective Scale Phenomena flashes and 40 dBz for positive flashes, with standard deviations of 9 and 11 respectively. A comparison of mean reflectivity values for all storms will be presented in section 2.4. Constant azimuth scans (RHI's) depict the vertical the thunderstorm. of of Figure 3.3a shows an RHI taken at 2049 UTC which is closest in time to figure 3.2b. points structure The RHI is overlain with the strike lightning flashes in the vicinity of the observation. The criterion used for acceptable strike points was that the difference in azimuth between the radar RHI observation and the flash must result in a difference of less events occurring included. many than within 7.5 kilometers. three cells. The seem to merge distinct cells. so cell is composed As time progresses the Figure 3.3b shows an RHI taken at 2115 UTC, about after the of that it becomes more difficult to identify previous observation. The azimuth part of of the 25 this cloud producing positive lightning, as shown in figure 3.2c, a PPI taken 30 seconds after the RHI. tilted is at 20 to 25 kilometers is actively observation is two degrees, which is through the that lightning minutes of the observation time were producing negative flashes (shown as arrows). minutes only The RHI shows that at this time the storm distinct cells Again, dipole in This picture seems to be an ideal that the main reflectivity region (greater than 50 dBz) shows a tilt away from the radar with down-tilt region. - 80 - positive flashes in the Convective Scale Phenomena The RHI in figure 3.3c, which is closest in time to figure 3.2c, shows positive and different cells in the same storm. closer to the main negative at 30 points occur flashes seen in figure degrees azimuth, 20 kilometers, that would be associated with the tallest clouds seen at 5 and 15 kilometers in the RHI. could be in region than the positive flashes. This RHI is prior to the flurry of negative 3.2c PPI flashes associated with The negative strike reflectivity the This a case where the timing of the observation would make a big difference in the observed relationship between the strike point locations and cloud characteristics. The RHI-lightning relationship being plots examined vertical reflectivity gradient. was calculated were used to evaluate in this chapter: the second flash polarity versus The vertical gradient of reflectivity as the difference in reflectivity between the maximum and values divided by the minimum difference in height between the two values. Figure 3.4 and table 3.1 show an example. representation of the reflectivity values for Figure 3.4 shows a each kilometer of altitude for a negative flash (solid line with circles) and a positive flash (dashed line with squares). To calculate the vertical reflectivity gradient: (1) determine the maximum reflectivity value (table 3.1 line 1) (2) determine the highest altitude at which this reflectivity is observed (table 3.1 line 2) (3) determine the minimum reflectivity value (table 3.1 line 3) (4) determine the lowest altitude at which this reflectivity is observed (table 3.1 line 4) (5) subtract the minimum reflectivity from the maximum reflectivity (table 3.1 line 5) (6) subtract the height of the maximum reflectivity value from the height of the minimum reflectivity value (table 3.1 line 6) - 81 - Convective Scale Phenomena (7) divide (5) by (6) to get the vertical gradient of reflectivity (table 3.1 line 7) Line 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Quantity maximum reflectivity max height of max reflectivity minimum reflectivity min height of min reflectivity reflectivity difference height difference vertical gradient Positive Flash 45 dBz 0 km 15 dBz 7 km 30 dBz 7 km 4.3 dBz/km Negative Flash 35 dBz 4 km 15 dBz 8 km 20 dBz 4 km 5.0 dBz/km Table 3.1: Values used in calculating the vertical gradient of reflectivity associated with the strike point location of a negative flash and of a positive flash. June 21 contained 14 negative flashes 12 and flashes positive The mean that were considered "good" by the criteria described above. vertical reflectivity gradients were: and 4.4 dBz/km for positive flashes with standard deviations of 2.7 associated negative flashes. with positive flashes vertical the As predicted by both hypotheses, and 0.8 respectively. gradient 5.8 dBz/km for negative flashes less than that for was For June 21 the vertical gradient was 24 percent less for positive flashes than for negative flashes. The RHI-lightning plots can also be used to compare cloud and For polarity. flash each of height the 14 negative and 12 positive flashes the height of the cloud was defined as the maximum altitude of reflectivity kilometer. negative of 15 dBz or greater, and was taken to the nearest 0.1 The means of the cloud heights flashes and 11.2 standard deviations of 1.3 kilometers and 1.6 were for positive kilometers - 82 - 9.5 kilometers for flashes with respectively. This Convective Scale Phenomena result is in hypothesis, contradiction where the to the concept of the inverted dipole flashes positive are associated with the shallower clouds. The fourth relationship to be investigated in this chapter is the relationship between positive strike points and the electric field at the ground. Ten corona point recorders in figure 1.10) used to measure the electric field at the ground. Figure were (locations 3.5 shows the output from these ten recorders. such that the recorder farthest west shown The figure is arranged (number 22) is at the top, progressing downward to the recorder farthest to the east (number 30). The figure shows cloud-to-ground that an were flashes "active phase", confirmed by when the network, existed from 2030 to 2150 UTC. detection SUNYA field), there were cloud-to-ground evidence of an flashes A lightning few cloud-to-ground detection (foul of both polarity "anomalous phase", when intra-cloud or positive cloud-to-ground flashes are recorded, is seen from 2150 UTC. lightning overhead The electric field then changes to fair weather polarities. and and negative The electric field at the surface is positive indicating negative charge weather many network are flashes during the confirmed period and through by 2240 the SUNYA these have substantially greater currents than the events shown in figure 3.3 for the active phase. the network ground. The positive cloud-to-ground occurred in strong flashes detected by fair weather electric field at the This evidence is consistent with either the tilted dipole the inverted dipole hypothesis. - 83 - or Convective Scale Phenomena Noted in chapter 2 but worth repeating here is the the positive lightning figure 3.3). for in the active phase of this summer currents storm to be systematically smaller than the normal (see tendency currents negative This result contrasts with the findings for winter storms (recall figure 2.8). The second summer storm occurred on July 12, 1988 and observation for the from hour 0055 UTC to 0155 UTC. was The synoptic At this time, Huntsville was picture is shown in figure 3.6. under in the western part of a surface high pressure region with surface winds from the south to southwest west-southwest around to 10 knots. aloft Winds are about 1000 kilometers to the west. The moist air with the tropopause above 150mb. very shows 5 20 knots below 400mb and west-northwest above. There is a 500mb trough sounding at The radar summary chart shows that the area of interest has reported cloud tops as high as 50,000 feet at the tallest point. The southeastern portion of United States is covered by many scattered clouds, although three-quarters of Alabama is covered by the same cloud-mass. Detailed observations of the storm were taken for a 40 radius from radar the site in Huntsville. During the hour under of observation the storm was mainly composed of two bands shown in 3.7a. figure The clouds as band to the northeast of the radar has reflectivities as high as 55 dBz and the clouds reach The kilometer 14 kilometers. cloud band to the west is much shallower, reaching no more than 9 kilometers and is a stratiform-like cloud with reflectivity gradient either horizontally or vertically. - 84 - very little Convective Scale Phenomena The movement of the bands is shown in figure 3.7. The eastern band is decaying over the 30 minutes it was under observation (figures 3.7 a through c), area observation activity and the cloud-to-ground lightning The decreases. shown in the RHI in figure 3.8a. the in vertical structure of the band is The shown cells are producing is decaying, exclusively negative lightning at this time. The evolution of the western band it that shows in the northern part of the area of observation. especially some cloud-to-ground lightning associated with the eastern There is edge at 0058 UTC plus or minus three minutes (figure 3.7a) and to the south of the radar at 0114 UTC (figures 3.7 b and 0154 plus UTC and d, respectively). or minus three minutes The vertical structure of the band is shown in figure 3.8b, which shows the location of the negative flash shown at 30 kilometers, 135 degrees azimuth in the PPI in figure 3.7d. The cloud appears quite homogeneous below the bright band at 4 kilometers. The relationship between reflectivity and flash be conclusively positive flashes. examined polarity cannot for this storm because there were only two The mean reflectivity values were 19 dBz for the 33 negative flashes and 30 dBz for the two positive flashes with standard deviation of 20 and 8 respectively. that satisfied the There were no positive criteria to be mapped to an RHI. negative flashes that were considered "good" flashes and to RHI's. flashes There were ten were mapped For the ten flashes the mean vertical reflectivity gradient was 4.0 dBz/km and the mean cloud height was 11.1 - 85 - kilometers. These Convective Scale Phenomena values be will compared to the values from June 21 and the winter storms in section 3.4. The corona point records for this storm are similar the previous storm to fair weather field at the ground. positive. area, From indicating the that standpoint the of dominant followed by, a This change coincides with the movement of the western band of this storm network of There is an active phase with (see figure 3.9). confirmed cloud-to-ground flashes of both polarities, change that to over charge storm-relative wind the corona overhead shear is and electrostatics, this case strongly supports the tilted dipole concept. >From the standpoint of the storm relative lightning locations, a more confused picture is presented, but accuracy of locations is problem for comparisons on these scales. - 86 - millibar 500 Figure 3.1a: chart for June 22, 1987, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. Figure 3.1b: Surface chart for June 22, 1987, 0 UTC. Solid lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed. Convective Scale Phenomena N55 Figure 3.1c: NWS radar summary chart for June 21, 1987 20:35 UTC. levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. 870622/0000 72327 VIP BNA ....... ................................... ................................... ........................ .................... ....................... ............. ... .............................. ........... ............................................... ................. ... ......... ur, SJ L3J ................. ... .:..............,:........... ......................... ~5$/ oY \Y, ............ ........ ........ ......... ..... ........ .... 1000 -40 Figure 3.1d: 1987, 0 UTC. ..-.. . .. . .. . .. -20 .. uL, uy \y, ... ' 850 ............ . . .............................. .... .... \yv s~ uv ~ luL :... . .. ...................................................... ..... ..--. .. .---. 0 ..... .. ................... .... .....--..............--. .... ..... 20 Sounding from Nashville Tennessee (BNA) Temperature and dewpoint are plotted. - 88 - . 40 for June 22, Convective Scale Phenomena 6/21/87 20:56 35 6/21/87 6/21/87 21:16:06 21:35:57 Figure 3.2 a through c: Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Huntsville. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is earliest time, c is latest. Range is 56km, elevation angle 0.7 degrees. Contours are (lightly dotted), 30 (densely dotted), and 45 (striped) drawn at 15 dBz. - 89 - Convective Scale Phenomena 6/21/87 20:49:26 Azimuth 300.0 degrees ,:: = 0 5 10 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 -60 6/21/87 21: 15' 34 +15+8 6/21/87 21:28:38 Azimuth 2.0 degrees +8 Azimuth 35 - 40 27.0 degrees 45 50 55 Figure 3.3 a through c: As in figure 3.2 but for constant azimuth Contours are drawn for 15, 30, and 45 dBz. Arrows indicate scans. range and first stroke peak current in kamps of lightning flashes within 7.5km and 3 minutes of the observation. - 90 - Vertical 0 5 10 15 Distribution of 20 25 Reflectivity 30 (dBz) Reflectivity 35 40 45 Figure 3.4 Sample of reflectivity versus height for a negative flash strike location (solid line with boxes) and a positive flash strike location (dashed line with triangles). 50 Convective Scale Phenomena 06/21/8'7 14 23 +3.5 z 16 Z 24 FOUL 28 25 -35 FAIR 18 20:10:00 20:30 20:50 21:10 21:30 TIME (UTC) 2150 22:10 22:30 22:50 Figure 3.5 Corona point records for June 21, 1987. Stations run (top) to west (bottom). See figure 1.10 for exact locations. - 92 - east II0 C) is.~~~? . "56,2. 65.so t 5 po are temperature.s" .. . c a •?-20 59 R1 ,7 , - 6- - " Z ;. CT " 3 - 121 (D / . J*q- 159 (D sl jj 59-- Cs 10 *r .*t*l( 62 fI -; .Iss 7 OQ~ i . 6 o68 'IIG -/ i4 14b 222, 59 U 0( are isobars, to 57i; analyzed. 65fronts 90,~c 65 -14 . G li ~ IJ4 \v G4-*jej -1 6 11 f.,,''- 11Q0 rs 52V r~l;~qh T.)75 143L , j . " 02 '-';. 1(752 " - ...... . 4 48"1 +J. +~ c: 3Li . 72 .8i f 11I £ 0!.. 4 4 I \L 76t 2 3 ts -051~- ;/vr L7 -e., ,5 7P" '~ t I !I 72 is i7 7 IG a I' 513+1411 t% , are contours, 173 0- ?7-107'f ...... Figure 3.6b: Surface chart .72for July . 74t 3 78 0 UTC. Solid lines are 12, 1988, a 74;o~I 77;0 temperature. dashed lines Figue 36b: 12f Figure 11 5 82: i 24 are height - %? 7- a,, 5 _6.1 9 21 for chart 500 0millibar Figure lines Solid TC July 123.6a: 4 1988, "" " - " -" -': "i ,. ' = L5 . 6 6 183 60,3 3.6a 5isobars, urfce hartforJul UC. Slidline ar 988,0 fronts are analyzed.16 'i ~ (D Convective Scale Phenomena Figure 3.6c: NWS radar summary chart for July 12, 1988 1:35 UTC. levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. 72327 880712/0000 .. .100 -40 .... BNA .......- -20 VIP °............ 0 40 20 Figure 3.6d: Sounding from Nashville 1988, 0 UTC. Temperature and dewpoint are plotted. - 94 - Tennessee (BNA) for July 12, Convective Scale Phenomena 7/12/88 7/12/88 0: 58:13 7/12/88 1:27:03 7/12/88 1:1434 r54:20 Figure 3.7 a through d: Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Huntsville. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is earliest time, d is latest. Range is 40km, elevation angle 0.7 degrees. Contours are (lightly dotted), 30 (densely dotted), and 45 (striped) drawn at 15 dBz. - 95 - Convective Scale Phenomena 7/12/88 0:59:49 Azimuth 54.3 degrees 15- 10- : = =: :?c. ~f~i~f~i~ = ~~ 5 10 15 20 Z5T 30 35 40 -15 7/12/88 15 1:53:18 Azimuth 134.0 degrees - 10 5 S I0° 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -36 Figure 3.8 a and b: As in figure 3.7 but for constant azimuth Contours are drawn for 15, 30, and 45 dBz. Arrows indicate scans. range and first stroke peak current in kamps of lightning flashes within 7.5km and 3 minutes of the observation. Dashed parallel lines indicate bright band. - 96 - Convective Scale Phenomena TIME (UTC) Figure 3.9 Corona point records for July 12, 1988. Stations run (top) to west (bottom). See figure 1.10 for exact locations. - 97 - east Convective Scale Phenomena 3.3 Winter Storms occurred that storms winter This section will present two on January 30, 1986 and March 14, 1986, respectively, with detailed radar Fischer, and corona point observations based* at Ft. The th,e pattern follow will presentation lower with associated flashes positive reflectivity than negative flashes, top height flash and vertical in gradients (3) the relationship between cloud (4) the and polarity, cloud-to-ground positive smaller with associated flashes than negative flashes, (2) values reflectivity maximum Carolina. of the previous section (1) positive looking for the same relationships: North between association and electric field at the surface. flashes >From several considerations, it is expected that the storms winter be much shallower, with lowex vertical gradients in reflectivity will than summer storms. The first storm occurred on January 30, with in area observation the from back are winds The synoptic The storm under study occurred situation is shown in figure 3.10. the UTC to 0315 UTC. 0300 side of a cold front which moved in from the west. northerly west-southwesterly at at 40 15 knots, winds The knots. aloft are The figure 3.10d. the rest of closest other soundings. or storm studied here is at the the 500mb sounding was taken at Hatteras and is shown in The layer from 600 to 650mb looks quite different the on Surface westerly coast of North Carolina at 0300 UTC, and so is just behind trough. activity lightning from sounding, but this feature is not supported by any Since not all radar sites reported at 0335 UTC, - 98 - the Convective Scale Phenomena The storm summary chart shown in figure 3.10c is for 0235 UTC. radar - Carolina North of interest is the band along the Carolina South coast. approximately are PPI's 17 minutes last and first observation apart, with no cloud-to-ground The times. throughout this period, where decay is cloud as defined around windows minute six lightning activity occurring in the The 3.11. figure in The evolution of the cloud band is shown the band is decaying in the previous section. Two RHI's are presented in figure 3.12 to illustrate the vertical structure of the band. The first RHI was taken at 57 degrees azimuth, midway in time between the first two PPI's. of positive a flash with associated Assuming the accuracy of the strike point, inverted dipole. example The RHI shows an the anvil part of the cloud. this is clearly not an The second RHI is also taken midway in time between the first two PPI's and was taken at 269 degrees azimuth. This RHI shows a negative flash associated with the main reflectivity region of the largest cell. There were eight negative and 15 positive flashes associated with the PPI's. The mean reflectivity values were 42 dBz and 43 dBz with standard deviations of 11 and 7 respectively. As was the case in the summer storms there is no reflectivity difference between positive and negative flashes. This is contrary to expectations based on the tilted dipole hypothesis or the inverted dipole hypothesis. - 99 - either Convective Scale Phenomena to One negative and four positive flashes were able to be mapped For the negative flash the vertical reflectivity gradient was RHI's. 7.0 dBz/km and the cloud height was positive flashes, 6.0 the vertical reflectivity gradients were 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, and 5.0 dBz/km, yielding a mean of 4.5 dBz/km. The cloud mean was 5.5 kilometers with a standard deviation of less than half height With so few observations there is little a km. four the For kilometers. results, but these in confidence the results do agree with the predictions in this case. The positive flashes are associated with lower vertical reflectivity gradients and shallower clouds than the negative flashes. 3.12a The vertical structure shown in figure tilted dipole, and be to appears a it would therefore be expected that the dominant an electric charge over the radar site would be negative, producing field at the ground of foul weather polarity. The corona point record for Ft. Fischer at this time shown in figure 3.13 is consistent with this expectation. The second storm to be presented in this section is part storm occurring on March 14. characteristics the As was noted in chapter 2, although this storm produces much more lightning than electrical of are typical any of other all GALE GALE storm, its storms. The detailed radar observations used here will cover only the period 1445 UTC to 1800 UTC. - 100 - from Convective Scale Phenomena The synoptic situation shown in figure 3.14 cloud band under study 3.14b. By (figure 3.14d). and c). 0000 UTC surface the analysis in UTC on March 15, the two fronts have merged There is a broad trough at 500mb (see figures 3.14a The sounding in figure 3.14f shows that although winds at the surface are light, there is a low level jet from the 55 that is associated with the area between the two occluded fronts shown in the March 14 0000 figure indicates knots at 950mb. south, reaching Above this the flow is south-southwest, gradually increasing from 30 knots at 725mb to 95 knots just above 200mb. The radar summary chart from 1635 UTC shows that the area under study here is an intense section of a continuous cloud region that covers the northeastern United States. The evolution of the storm in shown by four PPI's in figure 3.15. The area of observation covers a radius of 100 kilometers. Throughout the period the cloud band broadens and develops two sections UTC by 1730 (figure 3.15c), with the front section containing an area of very high reflectivity (50 dBz) and the back section having less horizontal gradient in reflectivity. This is similar to the July 12 storm, though on March 14 there are not two distinct cloud bands. One phenomenon shown by the four PPI's is that can occur in any part of the cloud-mass. positive In the first PPI (figure 3.15a) there is a positive flash at 10 degrees azimuth, in the PPI second a positive flash at 190 degrees azimuth, and in the fourth PPI at 30, 90, 155, and 270 degrees azimuth. there flashes was On the large scale (not shown), a preference for positive flashes downwind (to the north). - 101 - Convective Scale Phenomena A detailed discussion of the relationship between and wind flash polarity will be given in the next chapter. In the time period under study there were flashes positive negative and 47 met the criteria for being overlain on PPI's. that An analysis of the reflectivity values point reflectivity locations 314 yielded mean associated with values of the strike 33 dBz for negative flashes and 27 dBz for positive flashes, which is 20 percent For this storm there was a tendency for positive flashes to be less. associated with lower reflectivity than negative flashes. The vertical structure is shown in shows the 3.15a). cell-like structures The cloud band is negative producing figure 3.16. Figure that comprise the first PPI growing cloud-to-ground at this flashes. time and Figure is 3.16a (figure actively 3.16b shows a tilted reflectivity region of reflectivity greater than 40 dBz, and positive flash in the vicinity. a This observation supports the tilted dipole hypotheses, but since the flash is not unambiguously associated with the high reflectivity region it does not rule out the possibility of an inverted dipole. Figure 3.16c was included to show the similarity between the back section of the March 14 cloud band and the stratiform-like cloud of July 12 (see figure 3.8b). horizontal and vertical The reflectivity is fairly uniform in both directions below the bright band. can be contrasted with one taken through the front section 38 later (figure 3.16d). This RHI seconds The back band is shown from 0 to 15 kilometers, - 102 - Convective Scale Phenomena a slight break in reflectivity of 30 kilometers, and or greater exists at 15 then a more cell-like structure is seen farther away from the radar. associated dBz As is typical of this storm, the negative flash is with the highest reflectivity region (at 35-45 kilometers) and the positive flash is in cloud of lower reflectivity to the north. Figure 3.16e again shows the two bands, Both stratiform flashes. is and convective sections but 20 minutes are producing later. positive There is nothing to indicate that the flash at 40 kilometers associated with a tilted The dipole. cloud reflectivities and stratiform-like structure expected of has an the low inverted dipole. There were 17 negative and 8 positive flashes that were mapped to RHI's. 4.0 dBz/km standard mean vertical reflectivity gradients were 4.8 dBz/km and The for negative deviations and positive flashes were 2.0 and 1.9 dBz/km. respectively. As in all the previous cases the vertical gradient in reflectivity was greater flashes than for positive flashes. The for negative The mean cloud heights were 6.9 kilometers and 6.0 kilometers for negative and positive flashes, with a standard deviation of 1.7 for both polarities. The corona point record for this storm is very detailed to the compared other storms, and also much longer, spanning three hours. the storms under study it is the best source evidence The of the inverted dipole. of data look for inverted dipole hypothesis predicts positive cloud-to-ground flashes occurring - 103 - to Of in fair weather Convective Scale Phenomena polarity field at the ground. A sample of an "anomalous phase" of this storm is shown in figure 3.17. confirmed by cloud-to-ground Seven field 3.17. The flashes could be strikes detected by the SUNYA network. These seven field changes are noted with a number figure changes associated with in the parenthesis in field changes are described in table 3.2. Flash (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Time (UTC) 17:21:27 17:26:50 17:34:13 17:37:14 17:40:23 17:44:14 17:46:12 Polarity of Flash positive positive positive positive positive positive negative Range (km) 41 26 14 5 44 45 12 Polarity of Electric Field foul foul foul foul foul foul foul Table 3.2: Cloud-to-ground flashes detected by the SUNYA network associated with field changes in the corona point record form Ft. Fischer. A similar analysis was done for the entire record. cloud-to-ground flashes confirmed by flashes occurred inconsistent with both in foul weather hypotheses for lightning and remains a puzzle. - 104 - positive the SUNYA lightning detection network occurred with a fair weather polarity All No field fields. the at This production the ground. evidence is of positive millibar 500 Figure 3.10a: 0 UTC. 1986, 30, January chart for contours, height are Solid lines dashed lines are temperature. Surface chart for Figure 3.10b: Solid 1986, 0 UTC. January 30, are fronts isobars, lines are analyzed. Convective Scale Phenomena Figure 3.10c: NWS radar summary chart for January 30, 1986 2:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. 72304 860130/0000 UTC. HAT 100 - . ........................................................... 250 300 *. 400 * * ............ ............... .................. ................ .............. ................................. ....................... 700 .*..... -40 . ............. ................. -20 0 20 40 Figure 3.10d: Sounding from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (HAT) for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. Temperature and dewpoint are plotted. - 106 - Convective Scale Phenomena 1/30/86 3:00:47 1/30/86 1/30/86 3:17:43 3:35:59 Figure 3.11 a through c: Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Ft. Fischer. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is earliest Range is 100km, elevation angle 0.0 degrees. time, d is latest. Contours are drawn at 15 (lightly dotted), 30 (densely dotted), and 45 (striped) dBz. - - 107 -107 - Convective Scale Phenomena 1/30/86 15 30 3'8:13 45 57.0 degrees Azimuth 60 75 +230 1/30/86 0 3"10:2 Azimuth 45 15 60 269.0 degrees 75 -51 Figure 3.12 a and b: As in figure 3.11 but for constant azimuth scans. - 108 - 0 POINT DISCHARGE FT FISHER, CURRENT o- N.C. .- JAN 30 1986 IO1A FOUL FAIR 400 300 UTC Figure 3.13 Corona point record for January 30, 1986 from Ft. North Carolina. Fischer, 0 0(D 3 1.,6 5 0' .- '.. ,6 _ "t? a-s Z} ... P'o? G7 29 " .' -:. °- .1. 14 16 '1 k, 6-1 ,9 • I 85A o J0 C. 7I 0 o.-3 .46 429 .- / , vQ s * ."-l-31, /- 7P"-, . S2 57- . N ., . Qr1~ 4S.- 2j1 10ur LOW 31 ,- Figure7 5052lia 30 3.14a -3 fr Marh 1F , ar 51 b S 10 s-Q( 2-) L7 2 s 01fo T March 1 mllibar50 186,0 UC. 3 43 14a: a c 1 t -)' ./ are47 sobars 18f Mrch U 50 0 - ;a 0 ts6~Z 3sati 'V s,, 1 S? 0~,~? 1 4 Figure 500 br3491 4 Sr. J 18 chart 14, 3 j- v-I a1 IH31o chat 5-43 1 . \ 0 S ~S 75 1 74 1 7 7 2 Figur 3.1b: Srfac Marh 4,196,0 TC are isobrs, frots are chat fo Sli lne nalyzed 75 1606 LO 0 0 .5(1 \16 )9epJ,5g : 869 91 S ), 3-,--/ .i /-4 . U r t /5982!13 O As 8 H ., C *. 43 /7 6a \ , Hi6 263a 0 30 P_1. (D 2.7"' 'ON, *.A q7))~ ' ',. '-' l ?7 .l ES 36 are isobars, fronts are analyzed. 64 , -Q.. ,-.,' . -3044 /CT ns;S ./ / rt i 314 q6 8'(s63s 34 1 - 153~ ,43 , ,,," *-i.. ,.5wi I~S log 41.,, :"-35 T.5x+"1; ). 5 "!q" 4 321 8 -4 4.52,~ o,2 91l ' 7O, G 5344? P\j 17 5 Solid ae 21, 8 22 1- 2Q;6 34Z 46 ~33 __ 0141 52 lnontort .34 7 17 1VJ )) 4 57*4L3 I '3,dI -14 4411 4-~69 ei"1i" I'S 44 I1 33r 20 1 T ~ 5 7 .. 4A HIGH h0i i" 2 bts fo.r1 1 15 char Mac 24 2913 o 5;0 'j_ 45 01- IQ 3 ' 4 fj - 52 i~ te 3 Figure3.14: 3 4. 50 0 UTC. March 15, 1986, ,14 lines Solid 4? 1&3,_ 53 .,1 M0 March nr 2,.s ioam 5 t 15~~~5, i 53.s~ 56 796 fo T, oi r aayzd ie \Q\1~ Convective Scale Phenomena Figure 3.14e: NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 6:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. 860314/1200 99903 ILM 150 ****. . . 200 150 .... * 400 ... .- - - ..... l i . .. .... .. .................... *..." / 112. -. 112 ... .... " ... .."..." .. .... ..." , 50 .. " ......:..................... ..................... ...... 2 ... " .................... .. ... ............................ ..... ....... .""" . 700..... ... .............. ........ .......... . . ........................ .. 100... .. ....... .. .................................... : ................................. 1 50.............. .. ." ..." .. Figure~ ~ ~~.. 2 ... " ... " rm~timntn •1 i .. ":Sudn .................. :.-,::n .................. T e.-:-::r ............... 100 -.0 -20 0 arln ot p l 20 IM o ac td 40 Figure 3.14f: Sounding from Wilmington, North Carolina (ILM) for March 14, 1986, 0 UTC. Temperature and dewpoint are plotted. Convective Scale Phenomena 3./14/86 3/14/86 3/14/86 14:46: 35 17:29:14 16;17:52 3/14/86 18:01:10 Figure 3.15 a through d: Constant elevation scans from the MIT radar in Ft. Fischer. Dates and times (in UTC) are labelled; a is earliest Range is 100km, elevation angle 0.0 degrees. time, d is latest. Contours are drawn at 15 (lightly dotted), 30 (densely dotted), and 45 (striped) dBz. - 113 - -113 - Convective Scale Phenomena 3/14/86 14:50-6 Azimuth 205.0 degrees 15 105 O O -86 3/14/86 15:7:16 Azimuth 25.0 degrees IS- 5- 60 O 75 +58 Figure 3.16 a and b: As in figure 3.15 but for constant azimuth scans. - 114 - Convective Scale Phenomena 3/14/86 0 17:25 4 30 15 3/14/86 0 15 Azimuth 45 17:25"42 145 30 300.0 degrees 60 Azimuth 60 0 15 30 17:45:41 7 45 45.0 degrees -75 1 Azimuth 60 45.0 degrees 75 +72 +86 Figure 3.16 c through e: scans. As in figure 3.15 but - 115 - 90 +65 -117 3/14/86 90 75 for constant azimuth -1720 -1730 - 1740 + 45 FOUZ /1)5) - 45 FAIR Figure 3.17 Corona point record for March 14, 1986 from North Carolina. Ft. Fischer, Convective Scale Phenomena 3.4 Comparison And Summary This chapter has considered phenomena related to of positive lightning relationships chosen to inverted dipole that confirm hypotheses on occur or the refute of production convective the tilted scale. The dipole and (1) the location of strike points were: and maximum reflectivity at any altitude, (2) gradient the location and vertical reflectivity, (3) location and cloud height, and (4) the electric field at the ground associated with positive cloud-to-ground Predicted results for the tilted dipole hypothesis are: events. positive strike positive points strike associated points reflectivity, (3) slight positive and lower reflectivities, (2) with lower vertical gradients of associated difference strike negative with (1) cloud in top height between point locations, with positive strike points being associated with lower cloud tops, and (4) positive strike points associated with fair weather polarity electric fields at the surface. Predicted results for the inverted dipole are the all the but third relationship. The inverted predicts that positive strike points will be same for dipole hypothesis associated with lower cloud tops than negative strike point locations. The first relationship is between strike points and values. In both storms presented in section 3.2 and also in all of the Huntsville storms studied, there is no reflectivity strike polarities. 3.3. There values associated with The actual mean reflectivities is reflectivity difference are points in for presented the the in mean two table considerable difference in the actual measured means - 117 - Convective Scale Phenomena for the two storms (approximately 10 dBz), but the difference between the mean reflectivities associated with the two polarities is only one dBz. Mean Positive Reflectivity 41 30 37 Number of Negatives 401 33 828 Mean Negative Reflectivity 41 29 38 6/21 7/12 Huntsville Number of Positives 43 2 66 1/30 3/14 GALE 15 47 62 8 314 322 43 27 31 42 33 33 Total 128 1150 34 37 Time Period associated Summary of arithmetic mean reflectivities Table 3.3: with strike point locations for Huntsville and GALE data. For the winter storms the relationship between mean polarity is not clear. flash and values polarities, but the table 3.3). The mean table in presented representative. flashes is for values The 3.3. means, by values March 14 has been two these storms combined a for shown is however, are not necessarily negative March 14 which contained 98 percent of the combination flashes accounting for 24 percent. characteristics both The mean reflectivity is the March 14 storm shows a difference of 6 dBz (see dominated flashes reflectivity for values The mean reflectivity value associated with negative flashes. positive The January 30 storm shows reflectivity essentially no difference in mean reflectivity of value the associated be This invalidates a typical of the two storms, January 30 comparison the combination of the two storms. to with winter storms of Because in the examined in chapter 2, it is believed that it is also - 118 - Convective Scale Phenomena typical of the winter storm in these results. The result of this analysis is different exhibit that characteristics. summer The and summer does support the relationship between storms Huntsville storm The March 14 winter results are inconsistent with the two hypotheses. storm winter flash polarity and reflectivity predicted by the two hypotheses. be The second relationship to between flash considered is the relationship and vertical gradient in reflectivity. polarity Both hypotheses predict that positive flashes will be associated with lower vertical gradients. The observations do support this relationship. Only three of the storms had positive flashes meeting the criteria for this analysis. All three reflectivity associated with storms had smaller vertical gradients in positive flashes than with negative flashes (see table 3.4). Time Period 6/21 7/12 1/30 3/14 Mean Cloud Top Height (km) Positive Negative 9.5 11.2 11.1 --6.0 5.5 6.9 6.0 Mean Vertical Reflectivity Gradient (dBz/km) Negative Positive 5.8 4.4 4.0 --7.0 4.5 4.8 4.0 Table 3.4: Summary of cloud top height and vertical reflectivity gradient means for the two summer and two winter storms presented in this chapter. - 119 - Convective Scale Phenomena The third relationship is height and flash polarity. the relationship between support the predicted mean cloud top height locations greater was top Again, only one of the summer storms had positive flashes meeting the criteria for analysis. not cloud relationship. associated with This storm does For the June 21 storm the the positive strike point than that associated with the negative strike point locations by 15 percent. The winter situation is exactly the For both winter storms the positive flashes were associated opposite. with lower mean cloud of interpretation top heights (by 8 and 14 The percent). this analysis is that since only the tilted dipole hypothesis can explain positive flashes associated with higher cloud heights, inverted dipoles were not responsible for the production top of positive flashes on June 21. The final observations relationship and predictions shows inconsistency between based on the two hypotheses. Both the tilted dipole hypothesis and the inverted fair polarity weather flashes. electric fields an dipole at hypothesis predict the ground for positive No flashes confirmed as positive cloud-to-ground strikes by both corona point data and SUNYA lightning detection data originate in a fair weather electric field at the ground. There is electrostatic documentation on July 12 that the cloud band is a tilted dipole. western The inverted dipole hypothesis does not allow for the production of negative flashes and yet band This is based on is associated with flashes of both polarities. flashes observed by the SUNYA lightning - 120 - detection this network, but cloud not Convective Scale Phenomena confirmed with matching field changes in the corona records. lightning results present a more confused picture and do not The provide clear support for the tilted dipole picture. The results hypothesis over of the this chapter other. against each of the hypotheses. do not convincingly favor one Indeed, there is evidence both for and A weakness in all the analyses done here, however, is that they assume (1) that the strike point locations are accurate to within a few kilometers and (2) propagation between not significant. the that the horizontal origin of the flash and the strike point is The extent to which flashes propagate horizontally and that effect on the above analyses has yet to be determined. - 121 - CHAPTER 4 Mesoscale Phenomena 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, we consider mesoscale aspects of its organization, and focusing on the relationship between lightning and the synoptic and mesoscale also lightning environmental characteristics. We will examine the mesoscale organization of lightning strike locations which Orville, et al, (1988) have termed the "bipole". The first section will hypothesis. separating deal directly with the tilted dipole The environmental characteristics related to horizontally the considered. charge We will regions through wind shear will then be also examine the relationship between positive flashes and the height of the -100C isotherm, which is a measure of the height of the positive charge region. The heart of the tilted dipole hypothesis is charge region charge region. conditions were is displaced horizontally that relative Such a displacement could result if the such that the positive to the negative environmental the updraft of the cloud was tilted with - 122 - Mesoscale Phenomena given a in speed direction containing the charge regions. larger the The more the wind speed increases As the negative charge regions. height over the layer with increases centers the between displacement the wind One way for this to happen is that the respect to the vertical. tilted the increases, shear wind the positive and of dipole hypothesis predicts that the probability of the occurrence of a relationship This increase. also will has been positive flash examined by several investigators, with results summarized in a graph by Takeuti (1984) which will be presented in section 4.2. It has been suggested that positive lightning is in temperature, charge regions are tied to conditions wintertime charge region comes and closer height of an isotherm, and to the ground, prevalent al, 1987) because the et therefore lead to lower charge regions. positive flash increases. because (Orville, conditions climatic colder more colder that As the positive probability the of a Climatic temperature can be assessed by the Takeuti has chosen the of its link with the negative charge region. isotherm -10 C His results and GALE observations will be presented in section 4.3. One way to displace the positive charge region is with to displacements in symmetrically can be gradients. and a tilted slanted or unstable (see appendix A). assessed momentum tilted tilted updraft is possible if the atmosphere is unstable A updraft. a by potential i.e. it is Moist symmetric instability cross-sections constructing equivalent direction, temperature of pseudo-angular and comparing their This analysis will be shown for four cases in section 4.2. - 123 - Mesoscale Phenomena The results of these analyses show that, in most cases, the atmosphere In only one case is there evidence is unstable to upright convection. that instability symmetric may play a central role, suggesting that occurrence symmetric instability is not a necessary condition for the of positive lightning. lightning bipolar negative shallower a in flashes predominantly occur flashes positive The part of the There is not a clear division between regions of positive cloud-mass. and the from the that indicate downwind of Three are located over the ocean and three over land. patterns. results cases six Section 4.4 will then examine strike negative points, upwind the but end has the lowest percentage of positive flashes in the storm, and the downwind end Results The life-cycle of the bipole is then presented. the highest. has of this analysis indicate that a decrease in bipole size is coincident with an increase in the negative flashrate of the storm as a whole. 4.2 Environment Of Anomalous Lightning Events dipole tilted The responsible of percentage charge region. positive flashes It compiled by wind shear is of positive Takeuti has been Figure 4.1 shows a graph of events versus wind shear. (1985) that observed the increases with increased wind shear (Brook, et al, 1982; Takeuti, 1985). probability that for a displacement of the positive charge region relative negative to the predicts hypothesis shown are by a the Previous results variety of symbols GALE results are shown as circles. indicating the source of the data. - 124 - Mesoscale Phenomena The filled circle is based on sounding data from the NOAA P-3 aircraft, while other GALE results are based on routine sounding data. The wind shear is calculated by subtracting the wind speed lower level This environment balance. shear wind and the of is system that storm 4.1) suggested the idea of production estimate results Previous a to represent the negative charge region from the chosen wind speed at an upper level chosen to represent the region. at positive (triangles a cutoff positive of both the representative perturbs charge the geostrophic and filled squares in figure in wind shear for necessary When all results including GALE lightning. observations are considered a cutoff at 1.0 m/s/km is indicated, which is in reasonable agreement with the 1.5 m/s/km cutoff originally proposed by Brook (Brook, et al, 1982). One idea central to the tilted dipole hypothesis is that the closer the area of positive charge is to the ground the more likely it Since the heights is to produce a positive event. regions of charge been have shown center and thus should a main lower positive be more likely to produce anomalous of the -10 C isotherm and the probability of the occurrence of a positive flash (using the same symbols as in figure GALE two Figure 4.2 shows the relationship between the events (Takeuti, 1985). height the to be tied to temperature (see section 1.2), a lower -10*C isotherm would suggest charge of data there are anomalous events is very relatively high. a 4.1). In the number of cases in which the probability of high even though the -10 C isotherm is This is interpreted to indicate that while there is - 125 - Mesoscale Phenomena a weak relationship between the height of the -100 C isotherm probability of anomalous events, and the it is not likely to be of primary importance. - 126 - Mesoscale Phenomena %0 (5) 00. 0.. In o x cio) x (3) 80.0- L.W Symbols 60.0O (4) O W 40.0 02 o 0- (11)0 L- 0 Gale X Norway Winter Takeuti 1984 Japan May - Sept Funuki / 020.0 O 0. ) .0 Sweden Summer Takeuti 1980 ' (12) (6) 0 2.0 0I I I I 4.0 3.0 Wind Shear 5.0 I 7.0 km) (m/s/ SJapan Winter Brook et al, 6.0 A P 3 March 22:30 Figure 4.1: Probability of the a positive flash of production related to magnitude of wind speed shear (Takeuti, 1984). Numbers in parenthesis indicate date during GALE (00. (1o) (5) (3) A (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) -n u, U- 80.-0 "0 .0- (2) 0 .0 60. N 0 a (It) 0O 40 .0- 0 20 .0 (12) o=0 .0U% 1.0 2.0 3.0 Height of -IOOC (12( 4.0 5.0 Isotherm 6 6.0 7.0 (Km) the Probability of Figure 4.2: flash a positive of production related to the height of the -10C isotherm (Takeuti, 1984). 127 - Jan. Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar 19 00o 20 12_ Mar 12 122 14 12 2 Mar 26 30 2 I 22 5 6 002 17 122 21 122 OOZ 12 Mesoscale Phenomena 4.3 Symmetric Instability charge is region that is One idea charge region. wind the causes shear charge region to be advected downwind of the negative charge positive An idea suggested in this thesis is that region (Brook, et al, 1982). the vertical positive to the negative relative displaced horizontally the that The heart of the tilted dipole hypothesis is if, result would updraft operates mechanism charging a tilted updraft. along for example, to assessing the A tilted were atmosphere symmetrically unstable. In the simplest approach stability is assessed whether determining or displacement the along instability, convective displacing a parcel of air vertically and by net the buoyancy force displacement. is opposed In the case of symmetric instability (see appendix A), the parcel is displaced in direction, rather than in the the to vertical direction. a slantwise Pseudo-angular momentum (M) is defined as the sum of the velocity and the product the Coriolis parameter (f) and of the distance along the line of the cross-section from the origin (x) to the evaluated, i.e. M = v + fx - 128 - point where M is being Mesoscale Phenomena In symmetric instability theories, the quantity M is be conserved slantwise than the slope the of slope the e surface, a If, however, the slope of the displacement will be stable. eesurface is greater than to Thus, for a moist process, if the slope in the motion. of the M surface is greater assumed of the surface, M slantwise displacements may be unstable (see appendix A). Four upper air sounding times were chosen to evaluate whether the convection is stable or unstable for moist processes. symmetrically The times were chosen as having: hour surrounding the (1) lightning during activity the sounding launch time, (2) sounding stations in and beyond the extent of the lightning activity, and (3) sounding stations aligned roughly perpendicular to the direction of wind shear. Figures 4.3a-d show the lightning activity for the sounding launch time. the The symbols used are: hour surrounding "x" for a negative flash strike point, "+" for a positive flash strike point, and a indicating line the location of the cross-section used for the analysis in direction figure 4.8, which is chosen as the perpendicular to the of wind shear. January 26, 0000 UTC (figure exclusively positive lightning. in figures 4.4a-c. areas of clouds. 4.3a) represents a case of The synoptic situation is illustrated The lightning is associated with three separate The location is east of a trough at 500mb, but west of a front associated with the surface low in Georgia. - 129 - Mesoscale Phenomena The second case, February 6, 0000 UTC (figure 4.3b), has a pocket of positive (directly north lightning illustrated is situation synoptic the of cloud, and cloud band. station pockets of negative with a The TBW). identifier The primary figures 4.5a-c. in associated region of lightning activity is two between sandwiched lightning single band of near the deepest cells in the southern end of the occurs This area is in the warm sector of the cyclone, surface and east of a trough at 500mb (figure 4.5). 1200 The third case, March 12, (figure UTC is 4.3c), highly anomalous, with fifteen positive flashes and four negative flashes (80 percent positive). of cases highly The region of analysis was chosen to anomalous lightning production, associated with the warm front lightning is edge of the long cloud band extending northern from Texas to Ohio (see figure 4.6a-g). the two and two cases of The region of primarily negative lightning production. provide This cloud band is north of associated with the surface cyclone, and east of the 500mb low. The fourth case, March 14, 1200 UTC (figure 4.3d), the most electrically strike points. shown in the storm active frontal eventually become of bands as analysis for March 14, 0000 UTC, figure 4.7b. The eastern band moved slowly compared to the western band they part in GALE and shows two bands of This storm was associated with two surface was one cloud-mass, chart for 1235 UTC (figure 4.7f). such that shown in the radar summary Both bands are organized such that the center of the positive strike points is north of the center of the - 130 - Mesoscale Phenomena negative strike points. front. The lightning is associated with the surface As in the other three cases, the 500mb height field indicates the lightning region is east of a trough, in an area of southwesterly winds. The potential for moist symmetric taking a cross-section instability temperature. The figures 4.8a-d, respectively. points assessed by perpendicular to the direction of wind shear and contouring the fields of pseudo-angular potential was momentum and equivalent results for the four cases are shown in The latitudes of the at which x equals zero are listed in the figure captions. The latitude and longitude coordinates appendix B. of and the longitudes stations are listed in The orientation of the cross-section in degrees is also noted in the figure captions, and is taken in coordinates those used for wind directions. similar to The locations and orientations of the cross-sections are illustrated in figure 4.4. January 26, 0000 UTC, slantwise 4.8a). shows a near neutral configuration to convection through the region of lightning activity (figure Between AYS and TBW there is very little change with height in the values of equivalent potential temperature, indicative of vertical convection in the recent past. instability in There is an indication of symmetric a layer from roughly 650 - 400mb over AYS and of weak conditional instability to upright convection above 600mb over TBW. - 131 - Mesoscale Phenomena The cross-section for the (figure over a 4.8b), case, depth for the of the troposphere. 6, 0000 UTC In the contrast, third case, March 12, 1200 UTC (figure 4.8c), shows evidence of slantwise adjustment, slantwise February is suggestive of the potential for upright convection substantial cross-section second i.e. the cross-section neutral in the area of 900 to 500mb around the station HTS. This suggests that slantwise convection is likely to have occurred the is recent past in the area of lightning activity. problem with this interpretation is the absence of NWS in One possible radar echoes (figure 4.6f) and the lack of rainfall (based on NWS surface analyses, not shown) In the vicinity of the observed which we do not understand. lightning (figure The southeastern end of the cross-section between 99A and GSO shows evidence of past vertical convection. 14, 4.3c), March UTC (figure 4.8d), also shows evidence of the potential for 1200 upright convection, with slantwise instability suggested in the lower troposphere between SSC and AHN. The conclusion from these analyses, is that the winter that occurred during GALE was associated lightning primarily with vertical have instability, although conditional symmetric instability may also contributed in some cases. Although there was evidence of slantwise instability without upright conditional instability in the other one case, in three, conditional instability also existed, and therefore symmetric instability does not appear to be a necessary ingredient for the production of positive lightning. dipole hypothesis requires a tilted This implies that if the tilted updraft, - 132 - there must be other Mesoscale Phenomena sources of tilted updrafts besides symmetric instability. The analyses done in these two sections are directly the tilted dipole hypothesis. related to The original result by Brook, et al, (1982) indicating that wind shear in the vertical is directly related to the percentage of flashes with positive polarity has been confirmed along with a cut-off value for the production of positive lightning at 1 m/s/km of vertical wind speed shear. that the height of the -10oC isotherm percentage The result of Takeuti (1985) is inversely related to of flashes with positive polarity is also confirmed. the This continues to support the idea that positive lightning is produced when the positive charge region is displaced horizontally relative to the negative charge region, and is lower to the ground than in the typical summertime thunderstorm. The idea of a tilted updraft resulting from symmetric instability was also examined. Although cases show that the lightning convection, and the analysis is not conclusive, most activity is associated with upright that symmetric instability does not appear to play a necessary role in the production of positive lightning lightning times. - 133 - during active Mesoscale Phenomena x -negative, + positive Figure 4.3a: Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. Lightning strike points are also noted. Kx x LSF x x AQw TBW* FEBRUARY 5, 1986 23:30 - 0:30 UTC x - negative, + positive Figure 4.3b: Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. Lightning strike points are also noted. - 134 - Mesoscale Phenomena MARCH 12,1986 11:30-12:30UTC x-negative + positive Figure 4.3c: Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for March 12, 1986, 12 UTC. Lightning strike points are also noted. AUL* x + x x x.x MARCH 14 ,1986 11:30 -12" 30 UTC x- negative + positive Figure 4.3d: Location of cross-section and stations for symmetric instability analysis for March 14, 1986, 12 UTC. Lightning strike points are also noted. - 135 - Figure 4.4a: 500 millibar chart for Solid January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. Surface chart for Figure 4.4b: Solid January 26, 1986, 0 UTC. are lines are isobars, fronts analyzed. Mesoscale Phenomena UTC. Figure 4.4c: NWS radar summary chart for January 25, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 137 - 500 millibar chart for Figure 4.5a: Solid February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. for Surface chart Figure 4.5b: Solid UTC. 0 February 6, 1986, are fronts isobars, lines are analyzed. Mesoscale Phenomena __ Figure 4.5c: NWS radar summary chart for February 5, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 139 - UTC. 1C(D 42 CO 0 -2474 X Be 6 1 "7~r 14 a1 2 S3 a \16 1 5 26 '42 S18 3 \k2 It'4 ;ij i3 ' -- 'r, 22-'2; : I- 25,4 22 M4 z-23 r '0 -0 176 a .94 13( 24-3 3 o S18 A 1-1=5s;~e 33 2 Z v 36 27 240 -~-sff1 . Marc a re i n f a 6616 '8 & 1;-; '14 62 I m 1( a :j IQio 46 3a -M I 11 1 13? 46 -165;ut~ 95O741. h-'"e (D 0 1 233k ft'4' 13 20 0, O / b . .:'~ 8 . 1 3~~53y4I 2 Z41 if 01 S. 'I~~~~ u' :LO' / / L: l 1 27o 3 -- ; ?.~ / 51 are tepeau. I ~H1W62- "I:! 6 ;P 66 ?2 JB 61 .- 71 \ 12 I . 7~51 sln Q3' 118*33 1 113 63 " 6 68G6 Figure March 500 millibar chart for 4.6a: Solid lines8218 12, 1986t 0 UTC. are height contoursf are temperature. dashed lin m 63~ 044 7 6-L~l-oZ Soo18I 7,\ ?S _Ole861I~ fr Figure March are 4.6b: 12, 059\ Surface 1986, 0 UTC. isobars, fronts chart for Solid lines are analyzed. (D CO * .Cj/.C / ( -12 C I-l !7~~ 10=;i r- B ,2 6919 1.a 2 A-0-1 / S1 ! , -3 :14 a, -1 3 8 T S4 - (D 36, Utz, Fiur 4.d uraechrpo 34?- ;_ 41 2 fib -32 31 54 MarchA are i4, a1 -1 12 a 312 57 69:4 1963.T. a f 4 -J': 45 1~64 ie ( 64 24"bs' LW noi .. -'II '2V 3 HIGH C--------------- V-1 1 ? -07 ~L,/K' j 58 1 S? 09 OCOam 42 Figure 4.6c: March 13r 69 551C 51-5 1 ! 75156 16idlie 1986r are height are temperature. .12 j 500 millibar chart for 0 UTC. dashed contoursr 2 7 lines ~6~~7-~ i~ 5 J for chart Surface 4.6d: Figure lines Solid UTC. 0 13t 1986, march are isobars, fronts are analyzed- Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.6e: NWS radar summary chart for March 11, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 142 - UTC. Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.6f: NWS radar summary chart for March 12, 1986 12:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. Figure 4.6g: NWS radar summary chart for March 12, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 143 - UTC. (D 0 fo EO zl 19261( 14, .' l;, 8066 ), t ... 32 g. -r., I t . . it i2 %, I ) !1 701" 576 'f; .3M F 43414 - 4 1 R I 53; 5 1 40 6 401 4,4. Mach14.186. UC.Soidli/ 3'J +,~ 326 * 8 4 41IN 46 mprtr are te 1,. 1 Marc 02 ' (:-'€: 44 ,4q , '- I),.',0 o\ _.,.-. 3 1"'' 4-'11'r 3201~i'! . %5 .0o, r S1 + - / .. . .• to , <- ar jj f l a ioranl0 aree53LN)552 ~I M1~' ' 4",8 512 34 rr 5?t 41 d j Yl 53 ~ltu 43 l 50 ;8 58X6 t 1 -14-~P 70 6/1. '5 :6 11 ia Figure 4.7a: 500 millibar chart for 14f 1986f 0 UTC. Solid lines421 \ 132( 4- March areheihtcontoursr are temperature. dashed lines 5 10 Figure 4.7b: Surface March 14, 1986r 0 UTC. are chart for Solid lines isobars, fronts are analyzed. 0 ZII - ~ W /lc/< ' .... 6 *~ '$G ? .'-4 -- '_*. s. IGI Z, das areeight tat"" II '~ (D 13 1-- " :"""'''Sufc41d Figur HIG ><~ a F_ M1 0 1 15, MarIc 582 7 Ilie aly r, lo Figurje c Marh sbr, S_ r . " 4.7d: 50i so; f 4 W'! /101 100 5, oi cart j,'r m tepeatre 42 5' 5 2 31: ,1 IN ~ ar i1 are isbas are~J 0(D 4 3 _OV " "" .t ""I "--- I~~ls~s~~c \ - /1-IV 12, 1 6 -,3- .3s* I.-Io (P O D o arre ? rnsae Sufc 0Uo 53-s chart C1 har 51. lne ?4 114li nlzd fo li fo Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.7e: NWS radar summary chart for March 13, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 146 - UTC. Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.7f: NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 12:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. UTC. Figure 4.7g: NWS radar summary chart for March 14, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. UTC. - 147 - Mesoscale Phenomena E 500 -40 for M. 850 300 1000 AHN T8W AYS LSF Figure 4.8a: Symmetric instability cross-section for January 26, 1986, Origin of x at 35.0 north latitude, 84.7 west longitude, 0 UTC. aligned with wind from 344 degrees. Units are Kelvin for E , and m/s for M. E 50( 60 tJ ... , i,i :D hi 0 (n 30 50 0. 40 CKL LSF ' AQQ TBW Figure 4.8b: As in 4.8a but for February 6, 1986, 0 UTC. Origin of x at 34.0 north latitude, 87.2 west longitude, aligned with wind from 335 degrees. - 148 - Mesoscale Phenomena Z50 325 I 325 S S500 320 w 1 50 60 70 700040 DAY I I HTS 99A I GSO Figure 4.8c: As in 4.8a but for March 12, 1986, 12 UTC. at DAY, aligned with wind from 322 degrees. Origin of x 250 330 60 325 E 500 X60 S700 50 40- 325 30, AYL SSC AHN Figure 4.8d: As in 4.8a but for March 14, 1986, 12 UTC. Origin of x at 36.4 north latitude, 85.0 west longitude, aligned with wind from 317 degrees. - 149 - Mesoscale Phenomena 4.4 Bipolar Lightning Patterns This section will present six cases of bipolar lightning patterns in Appendix C lists the characteristics of each of the bipoles and wind. its relationship the orientation and the direction of the geostrophic bipole the between large scale and their emphasizing environment, mesoscale meteorological to them relate will It orientation. the size as such similarities and differences in their characteristics, and examine will It locations. lightning cloud-to-ground the to information provided reader than the of source a as is It environment. contents of more detailed graphical the presentations in this section. A bipole is defined as a strike points in figure "+"s 4.9. An example of a of negative flashes. The of mean is between the strike locations of each positive will be referred to as the geographic centers. is defined as the distance bipole represent the polarity is marked by "N" for negative and "P" for and the indicate the strike points of positive flashes and tend to be northeast of the "x"s, which points in pattern lightning flashes that lower positive and negative of charge to ground" (Orville, et al, 1988). given polarity "systematic geographic flashes, The bipole's size centers of the positive and negative flash locations, and is illustrated with a thick line. In this is orientation example the bipole is size as is kilometers. Its determined by drawing a line from the negative center to the positive center and taking the angle line, 110 done for wind directions. - 150 - between north and this For example, if the positive Mesoscale Phenomena center was orientation directly would north be of 180 the negative degrees. For center the the example bipole bipole the positive and orientation is 230 degrees. In order to accurately define the locations of the negative geographic centers number of flash locations. at least ten interest. one flashes it is necessary to have a sufficient For this study "sufficient" was defined as of each polarity per hour in the area of For this reason the evolution of the bipole was studied hour intervals beginning and ending at the aforementioned cutoff. Only bipoles lying entirely within the main area of the lightning detection network and within the GALE time period were studied. were six bipoles meeting the above criteria. the date on which it began, e.g. bipole locations the bipole beginning at 1700 UTC on illustrated are represents a bipole. The arrows center the and end at There Each case was "named" by January 23, 1986 will be referred to as the January 23 bipole. six in begin in at figure 4.10. the negative These Each arrow geographic positive geographic center to indicate each bipole size and orientation. The centers were determined as the mean location of all flash strike points detected in the bipole area during the lifetime of the bipole, i.e. when there were "sufficient" flashes to define a bipole. When studying lightning it is helpful to have a of the synoptic environment. As general was demonstrated in section 4.2, lightning is usually associated with upright convection. of the bipoles, the picture In the case convection was sufficiently intense to produce - 151 - Mesoscale Phenomena lightning for several hours; the shortest bipole lifetime six being hours, and the longest fourteen hours. of The lightning area for the January 23 bipole is off the coast South and North Carolina. The radar summary chart for 2335 UTC on with January 23 (figure 4.11c) shows that the lightning is associated an area of clouds that is entirely over the ocean by this time, which occurs in the middle of the bipole lifetime. cold front at the surface, moved well out to sea. The area behind is a associated with a surface low that has height The 500mb field trough a indicates coincident with the lightning area. to similar the January 23 environment in that (1) the bipole occurs in the 500mb height area bipole behind a cold front and (2) the trough is 4.12) The synoptic picture for the January 30 bipole (figure field. is coincident with a The area of cloud in this case hour seems to match the shape of the coastline at 0000 UTC, the first of the bipole lifetime. The February 5 bipole lifetime surrounds the February 6 0000 sounding time shown in figure 4.5. As noted in section 4.2, the lightning occurs in a band of clouds beginning in the Gulf and running northward along the east coast. - 152 - of Mexico The lightning is located in the warm sector of a surface cyclone and just east of a the 500mb height field. UTC trough in Mesoscale Phenomena The February 21 bipole had the longest duration of the six bipole It hours. fourteen -- cases is associated with a cloud mass that moved through Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New England, ending east coast the at at 2335 UTC, two and one half hours before the end of the with is As in other cases, the bipole bipole lifetime (see figure 4.13g). associated up a trough in the 500mb height field, and is initially associated with an occluded front at the surface (see figure 4.13c). for The March 6 bipole is located over the ocean and is too far east coverage at 2335 UTC (see figure 4.14c). The significant the lightning is in associated radar warm of sector with a trough at 500mb. the surface and cyclone is The March 10 bipole is associated with a cloud band in Kentucky and Ohio at 2335 UTC (see figure 4.15c). The area is just west of a surface cold front and is associated with a height field trough at 500mb. All six bipole cases are associated with a trough height surface. in this section. cyclone does 500mb the in This feature will be discussed in more detail later The connection between the bipoles and not seem very direct. the surface Two bipoles occurred in the warm sector of the surface cyclone, three behind the cold front and the remaining bipole was associated with an occluded front at the surface. Electrically active convection in the winter can any front or sector of a surface cyclone. - 153 - be associated with Mesoscale Phenomena The most striking feature of the bipole and its alignment with the geostrophic wind. predicts an alignment with the upper upper positive charge. a winds which direction difference of five degrees for the six bipole cases. For Figure The winds 4.16 arrows with vary in direction shows the geostrophic winds at 850, 700, indicate speed and direction any way. and all the directions is not February 5 has the least amount of directional shear, with a variation of only ten degrees in direction with where of (see appendix C for actual speeds and directions). The dashed line is the mean of the four wind directions, in the and 500, and 250mb. weighted advect height, height. geostrophic is The bipole orientation is always within twenty all six bipole cases the geostrophic winds do not with environment The tilted dipole hypothesis level degrees of the geostrophic average wind averages its are to the nearest five degrees. height, There is no pattern in the change of direction with height found amongst the six bipoles. In this environment where the wind direction varies than twenty degrees with height, the 4.17 shows no more six bipole exist and show a general alignment with the geostrophic wind as Figure by well as wind shear. a comparison between the average direction of the wind labeled "W" corresponding to the dashed line in figure 4.16, the bipole orientation, labeled "B". The lines labeled "C" represent the cloud distribution and will be discussed later. January 23, January 30, February 5, and In four 154 - cases, February 21, the bipole direction differs from the geostrophic wind direction by no more - and than Mesoscale Phenomena five degrees. In more north-south the remaining two cases the bipole orientation is than the wind direction. In other words, the positive geographic center of strike point locations is north of where the center of positive charge would be advected to by the wind if the negative geographic center was geostrophic coincident with the negative charge center. Both the inverted dipole and tilted dipole hypotheses between relationship shallow To check this lightning. performed. A cloud relationship the was following analysis was determined by comparing the relative locations of the center of the tallest clouds and the of a and the production of positive clouds "orientation" predict center the shallowest clouds in the same cloud-mass, as documented by the NWS radar summary different charts. vertical The development intent in was to compare clouds of similar environments in order to isolate the effect of vertical development on lightning The if the taller clouds were orientation was defined such directly south of the shallow clouds degrees. that the orientation by would be 180 This orientation was determined for each radar summary chart available during the bipole lifetime, and the average shown production. the line labeled "C" in figure 4.17. orientation (See appendix C for actual orientations, and the variation in orientation over the lifetime.) - 155 - is bipole Mesoscale Phenomena For January 23, the bipole and the cloud are the average geostrophic wind. bipole or wind aligned with Four out of the five remaining cases show a cloud orientation with a stronger the both orientation. north-south component than The final case, January 30, seems backward in terms of the relative directions of the bipole, cloud wind. geostrophic the Since relative majority to of the of explanation of this has not been determined. the bipoles an idealized orientations by a that bipole, of similar orientations was taken and "P", and from the The bipole the six bipole cases. geographic centers are located at "N" emphasized exhibit environment, an idealized picture can be created. their Figure 4.18 shows averages The and the bipole thick line drawn between the two centers. is The wide arrow represents the geostrophic wind directional average with height. The contours are of reflectivity, the hatched area indicating higher reflectivities, as would be seen on an NWS radar summary higher reflectivities were The chart. assumed to be associated with the taller clouds, in order to orient the cloud-mass relative to the bipole and wind directions. The fact that the bipole is aligned with the geostrophic wind a is strength of the tilted dipole hypothesis which relies on wind shear to advect the positive charge region relative to the region. charge The tilted dipole hypothesis goes beyond just predicting the orientation of the bipole, by predicting more negative that positive flashes likely in a more highly sheared environment (see figure 4.1). test of this relationship is now made for the six bipoles. - 156 - are A Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.19 shows the wind speed shear in three layers bipole. The difference for each in geostrophic wind speed between the upper and lower surfaces of the layers 850 - 700, 700 - 500, and 500 - 250 mb is plotted halfway between the heights of the two pressure surfaces and was rounded to the nearest m/s/km. noted for all six bipoles. - 700mb is nearly the same: 500mb is greater than Two systematic features are (1) The speed shear in the layer from 850 (2) The shear from 700 - about 3 m/s/km. the shear from 500 - 250mb. Because of the relationship between temperature and electrical structure of the cloud (see section 1.2), the negative charge region would be located in the layer from 700 - 500mb, and the positive charge in the layer above, so that the negative charge region is typically in a layer of greater speed shear than the positive charge region. There is not a pattern between the overall percentage of positive flashes and wind shear as predicted by the tilted dipole hypothesis, when only these six observations are (see considered appendix C). Figure 4.1 however, showed that these six observations do fit into the larger picture and support the idea that the percentage of lightning that is positive increases with increasing wind speed shear. The objective in this portion of the effects of the of that examination as dipole and tilted dipole hypotheses. difference that has already been shown to play production, is is to examine the environment on the production of lightning, and then consider the results inverted study the they relate to the One main environmental a role in lightning difference between land and ocean at the surface - 157 - Mesoscale Phenomena period, and provides a source of low level moisture GALE the during ocean and half over land. the the be made between two to types located were bipoles In this study, half of the during convection. over land The ocean surface is generally warmer than the (see chapter 2). This allowed for a comparison to the of effects the determine different locations. by the lightning, largest land covering bipole square 330,000 covers which kilometers (see average the ocean bipoles cover twice the area of The bipole size shows a similar pattern: ocean bipole, appendix C). On the the averaging the twice the largest land bipole is sizes. land bipoles. land There correlation between bipole lightning coverage and is bipole ocean 150 kilometers and the smallest is 180 kilometers, with sizes square 360,000 smallest kilometers, which is roughly the same as the covered area The three ocean bipoles are larger in terms of the pronounced no bipole The size. longer bipoles are not associated with the largest areal coverage, nor the shorter with the smallest areal coverage. Another way this ocean/land surface environmental difference is of the bipoles: ocean bipoles moving southeastward and land bipoles moving eastward. Figure observed 4.20 in is direction the illustrates of movement bipole paths, January 30 and February 21. two negative geographic center is represented by an "x" and center by a "+". A positive dashed line connects the two illustrating the bipole size and orientation. which the The Each bipole is labeled by the the observations were used, i.e. - 158 - hour for the "2" bipole was determined Mesoscale Phenomena using all the flash locations occurring in the bipole area between 2 and 0300 UTC on January 30. The distances traveled presented in appendix C were derived by tracking the midpoint of the line connecting the geographic positive and negative centers. Although the paths of the positive and negative geographic centers are not smooth the orientation of the bipole seems consistent for January 30, varying only thirty degrees in orientation (see appendix C). Four of the six cases varied by no more than forty degrees in orientation. The other two cases varied by 135 degrees (March 6) and 150 degrees (February 21, see figure 4.20). Consider the variation in the January 30 bipole first. The initial hour (0000 UTC) shows a bipole about 10 kilometers in length just north of 36 N, 73 W (see figure 4.21 for more exact bipole size). deviation in the geographic centers than 10 kilometers. this case. The standard (mean of flash locations) is greater Obviously, the true orientation cannot be resolved in Now consider February 21. The hours not showing an orientation within 30 degrees of the overall orientation are 1300, 1800, 1900, and 2000 UTC. The bipole sizes for these times are: 55, 30, 30, and 30 kilometers, respectively. Elementary trigonometry shows that the orientation can be resolved only within a range defined by the arctangent of the standard Table 4.1 shows deviation divided by half the size. the bipole sizes, orientations, and accuracy to which the orientation can be determined. The results show that the distribution of flashes cannot explain the majority of the deviation of the bipole unless instrumental error is included. - 159 - Mesoscale Phenomena instrumental error is included. hour 13 18 19 20 unexplained deviation 155 120 100 40 deviation from overall bipole angle 165 165 145 75 accuracy of orientation 10 45 45 35 standard deviation 5 15 15 10 bipole size 55 30 30 30 bipole Determination of magnitude of deviation of Table 4.1: determine orientation that can be explained by inability to accurately geographic centers. The central question is: what environmental characteristics shape the bipole evolution, and how does this relate to the production one will first be presented. life-cycle bipole of a maintaining its moves that bipole or eastward 21. shows the of the Thus far, the picture is southeastward, orientation (see figure 4.20). roughly No discussion of the evolution of other bipole characteristics has been 4.21 picture To approach this question, a of positive lightning? included. Figure evolution of bipole size for January 30 and February These plots are representative of all six cases. The bipole has a general characteristic of being initially relatively short, and then The maximum size occurred in the hours of 0300 fluctuating in length. UTC on January 30 and 1600 UTC on February 21 (marked with dashed lines on figures 4.21, 4.22, and 4.23). The next largest size during 0800 UTC on January 30 and 2200 UTC on February 21 with a dashed line). -In both cases the after the largest size. second largest What happens in the interim? - 160 - occurs (also marked size occurs Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.22 shows that in the interim (over the entire decreases again. storm area) increases Thus, large bipole sizes the negative to its are flash maximum and then associated hours of higher percentages of positive lightning. with the Higher percentages of positive lightning are associated with shallow clouds in environment. rate the same Are the clouds shallower at the times of largest bipoles than during the shorter bipole times? Figure 4.23 presents evidence that the cloud some point in top is at higher the interim than during the hours of longest bipoles. On January 30, the hour of maximum cloud top height occurred one after the maximum bipole size, and was 1,000 feet higher. hour On February 21, the hour of maximum cloud top height occurred four hours after the maximum bipole size, and is estimated to be 1,500 feet higher. maximum in negative flashrate always occurred in the the interim between middle The hour of bipole maxima, but only for February 21 did the maximum in cloud top height occur in the middle of the interim period. For January 30, the maximum in cloud top height occurred in the beginning of the interim period. Why do bipolar that locations convection. they lightning do? patterns Lightning occur occurs at - 161 - times and in regions of vigorous Bipoles occur when vigorous convection is the upper level colder air directly aloft. the combined with Mesoscale Phenomena The Figure 4.24 shows this relationship for the March 10 bipole. the minimum in the height field at the same latitude as of longitude the a the cold air aloft for west, farthest Each line represents the location of field was analyzed. height different the with time, The layer initially 850-500mb from time earliest The striped area and progressing eastward with time. represents the bipole lifetime. which at the March 10 bipole (39.5N) is plotted against the pressure shows a westward tilt with height in the location of colder air aloft, and then loses its tilt. As the bipole occurs. eastward, tilt to starts aloft air cold the The bipole ends, and the cold air gains a greater eastward tilt with height. This pattern is visible in all six cases to varying degrees. case "average" each level and of lengths was created by taking the mean of the longitudes for bipole. time, initial -- at least the data twelve bipole, the Because were hours bipoles bipole. If more than two sounding times occurred two slots for each bipole. 4.25. a during the bipole of them were averaged in order to have four time Missing data were linearly interpolated. The result is a picture of the movement of during beginning and final -- at least twelve hours after the ending then bipole, the to varying for four time slots: into organized prior endured bipole, lifetime, An the cold air aloft hypothetical average bipole lifetime and is shown in figure The figure shows that the bipole occurs when has no east-west tilt between 850 and 500mb. the coldest Geostrophy requires that the wind direction at all levels be the same in this situation. - 162 - air This Mesoscale Phenomena is believed to be the explanation for the lack of directional variation in the wind shown in figure 4.16. The results of this section have led to a picture of an idealized bipole. not The vary bipole appreciably development in the is aligned with the geostrophic wind which does in cloud direction with geographic center The vertical is such that taller clouds are associated with the negative geographic center, and positive height. (to within shallower ten clouds degrees). with the The bipole organization occurs when the cold air aloft is between a westward tilt phase and an eastward tilt phase. The bipole life-cycle consists of growing and shrinking in length, with marked increases in the negative flashrate between times of maximum bipole length. - 163 - Mesoscale Phenomena Example Bipole .. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. X :x 8s 81 82 .. .; ~ + +. '$qX . .... .. 40 w ... .. ..:. . .. .. . . . ... x x : XX )x X /'rbruary 21, :10 30- X X negoatve 4-positive( N : negative geographic center P : positive geographic center Bipole size = 110 km. Bipole orientation = 230 degrees. Figure 4.9 Example of a bipolar lightning pattern. - 164 - S1986 1Z30 GMT Mesoscale Phenomena Bipole Locations * 70 .. 4 .35 January23 .38 ..........Six Dpole 29 Areao +.positive Cases During GALE 79.8 42 ON 9. 0W to xanegative ctr ctr ON Figure 4.10 Locations of the six bipoles that will be examined in this chapter. Bipoles are labelled by the date on which they started. Arrows point from the negative geographic center to the positive geographic center. - 165 - 500 millibar chart Figure 4.11a: for January 24, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. Surface chart for Figure 4.11b: Solid January 24, 1986, 0 UTC. are fronts isobars, lines are analyzed. Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.11c: NWS radar summary chart for January 23, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 167 - UTC. Figure 4.12a: 500 millibar chart for January 30, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. Surface chart for Figure 4.12b: Solid 0 UTC. 1986, 30, January are fronts isobars, lines are analyzed. Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.12c: NWS radar summary chart for January 29, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 169 - UTC. -2 -45 45 1.9 ',6,' -30 ,30 r,40 34 a 1 -27 3N 5 a 2 11-112 2-1 \2 4.1 \L -4 2- -~ ar ~33 lanalyzed ........ .B ' A ~; V"32:2%i.nF-I 421 i! . iL1;l69 194\ 2 593 525S gr61 1. 41 Y~c3 ~P 1 6 54 50 0 - !1\ . IrntEr o 55; '12 1 5 8 q lr 2 -0 !9 1, Ila a i , , , Figure 4.13a: 500 millibar chart for February 21, 1986, 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. = -6 1 SLe 7 lines~~~~L1 cotors ar dahe hegh Z~ I 3- 7 February 21 196 254, 41 lines ar isbrs 28-9 .. 3 .1b4', -8* vi>- i',, 23 5 tepraue.f- Fiur .7 13'(2Q C:) I 3 's* a'~b ~ 3 / I 15 7"-__ ,o (D 'LJSQ 18 21 f2r-./NtJ -159-1 91 ,~ W7 S-- lines~~~t ~ - -3 -32! (- -201 /I I-)'L ( 19 L . CD 21 291 HIGH .J\ 00 27&.-IGH 28 3%, OU -42, IL9 'InI 8 I77 213 6 6 7 4 66 ; 6'513, 4=rr 5 .1610 7 1 Figure 4.13b: Surface chart for February 21, 1986r 0 UTC. solid lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed. (D 2 . .. . 56I I / I o 552 -- "' "14 *1 481~i _ 1 1.4Z.61~ 57I-- 238 1 46 43 -2 14, *, 4~? b 1% s- I J,,,1 1 1,; - 4=2 i I3,2 -9 0. (D . ' & 4 *P 941 1 to 0 (D9 227 2I1 3 Ce! a All Icnalyze.20 3 I . -31~ !4ZY a ot 14 0; \\r lines are heightI s contours dashe Z"," 33s 2 u', ?5s 8? Ia ;Ir4 analyzed. 4 13 0 Figure~~~ mliarcat fronts 'g, 11-1- l~ ~~ ~.- il~ldr 65 ( . 63 5- '9' m, 63a 42 500 millibar chart Figure 4.13c: for February 22, 1986r 0 UTC. Solid lines are height contours, dashed lines are temperature. 11162 .81 4,0 ,\E 80 n ?5 IV 4 are Q 2892 !73 ie ' 45-9( 0o 1400-i 35LOZI 14. 112~ 206-e / .. 4 A0I ,J 3" I - l1ies2, -4 , X 2' 1028 1 ,3, U 5- ,q - I c" - 54 fo21 2.I e1 ,e LOW if.-,,, - "<' ' I"" . * -2& -00A) 4 2121 5 -40 / 5S I \\2 ISO// 16, , ;30 -45 , ~ ., 69,~ A Figure 4.13d: Surface chart for February 22, 1986F 0 UTC. Solid lines are isobars, fronts are analyzed. Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.13e: NWS radar summary chart for February 20, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. Figure 4.13f: NWS radar summary chart for February 21, 1986 12:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 172 - Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.13g: NWS radar summary chart for February 21, 1986 23:35 UTC. VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 173 - N 124 0"0 0 (0 I @ iuG *132022 I 25 27 -- "LI ,,'--I, I _I IQ -C2 a+,2l .c K+r.;l---1 . -- Z4 t 2"-4 !26, 14I S ii linear /4e for Mac 7, 1986, 0 UC. Figure!6C ilba line ar tmertue 3 oli 4q3 hr lc~:La! are 34f 50 4 4 ~S 7, 1986, 0 UTC. 58 IS are nalyzed. Surfce chrt fo Figure 4.14b Figure 4.14b:986r Surface chart lne for Sli 0 TC 7, March areisoar, frMarch 4n, le, 0. ronts srr 4 41 2 551 l S a /277 tepertur. 4 9 'C8 392 . 05QI," Q U10 f 261(?- 2 are 45-i .. 41 b 1948 -2 -- N ... 0. A l -I'1 4 1 0 ... 3 , ,CD'41 49ra:AN LM 1:- 2 -,39, .1 ,1 ;45' (D (.-31 7.I 4 , Solidlie font ae aalyed Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.14c: NWS radar summary chart for March 6, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 175 - UTC. 98 -,j ' /0 a 42 6522 .."" , 1 92 98 0% (D . O0 - v -" : 5IQ - "i-h 23~ N4~ ~37c1721, - y 0 _A 4 !-P (D &4 4 4P '(D 0- 324 55' . "> 60£4 , "7 'o2 '-"4 19Ira 2 3-0- L .,_,.-- ~ 211 i i '2 0= i LL4Q £4 jC 1.1 '0 . , I~~l? 4 ~; 6 5:44 .4 are isobars, fronts 6 are analyzed. r:/ : 60&N'.S1S c 45a Fiur bar --- forMarh for March lines are 1, 500. height 1986, 0 UTC. , fo ~I~b-! 5ljf Surfce 4.15b Solid contours, dashed are temperature. , chrt 6 415a: 500millibarchart Figure 1986, 0 UTC. Solid~r: ii, 6 5 1 E5 Figure March Marh ar sbr, Figure 2,i 1986,:, 0 UTC. Solid lines rnsae 3. nlzd .lines 4.15b: 4 Surface chart for Mesoscale Phenomena Figure 4.15c: NWS radar summary chart for March 10, 1986 23:35 VIP levels are contoured, maximum cell heights are underlined. - 177 - UTC. Mesoscale Phenomena - Geostrophic Winds 10 m/s February 5 January 23 February 21 January 30 March 10 March 6 Figure 4.16: Comparison of geostophic wind speed and direction for the levels of 850, 700, 500, and 250 millibars. - 178 - Mesoscale Phenomena B January 23 januav 23 w February 5 W B February 21 January 30 March 10 March 6 Figure 4.17: Comparison of orientations of mean geostrophic bipole, and cloudmass. See text for further explanation. - 179 - wind, Mesoscale Phenomena Idealized Bipole Picture North Figure 4.18: Fictitous bipole that was created to illustrate the mean relative orientations for the six bipole cases. Large arrow indicates geostrophic wind direction, solid line represents bipole with negative center N and positive center P. Contours are of cloud reflectivity in imitation of NWS radar summary charts. - 180 - Mesoscale Phenomena Wind Shear vs 11 I I I I Height i I I 10 9 8 ,7 3 2 1I 1 I I I 0 2 3 4 Wind 9 8 7 5 Speed Shear (m/s/km) 10 11 12 Figure 4.19: Comparison of the wind speed shear in the layers of 850 700, 700 - 500, and 500 - 250 millibars for the six bipole cases. - 181 - Mesoscale Phenomena t,. . . . . . . . .. .. * ... . ............. 2' rr . . . . . .•. . . . . . -L... .. _ , . - Y I . * •s . '. .. 7r... ',1,6 *.II . .. . 1/ I v. .3:.. . . ... 76e6 .r.,@ITr .r .,.t.r .rr Figure 4.20a: Movement of the January 30 bipole. Each dashed line represents the size and orientation of the bipole for a given hour, which is labelled at the negative geographic center. Positive geographic centers are marked with a "+". Figure 4.20b: As in 4.20a, but for the February 21 bipole. - 182 - Mesoscale Phenomena t 10 S70 N SO o / Figure 4.21a: Distance between the geographic centers as a function of time for the January 30 bipole. Error bars were estimated using the standard deviation of the mean latitude and longitude for each geographic center. 110 180 70- E 60 a s 0 -; 4 i Figure 4.21b: As in 4.21a, but for the February 21 bipole. - 183 - Mesoscale Phenomena Fiosn-a te vs Time 7 1 5 4L 4 - AY J3 CE 0L - 1 2 I 3 4 S Hour 7 E (UTC) 10 8 I11 Figure 4.22a: Storm-wide flashrate for the January 30 bipole as a Negative flashrate is shown as a solid line with function of time. boxes, positive flashrate is shown as a dashed line with triangles. vs 7 I Time asrroI 1' 5E 5C - o--I L I I. i 0 10 ~.. 12 1... i 12 13 Figure 4.22b: 14 15 18 117 hour (uTC) 19 20 21 2 ,3 24 As in 4.22a, but for the February 21 bipole. - 184 - Mesoscale Phenomena P ' Cloud . , '- ,I uv -lmQ I ' I I I - r I -- 7 . 'KI- rur I1 o Clod SBi l~l I -I @ I I I 1 2 3 4 5 H igh I t -1 vsTim \ 6 7 5 or( UTC ) 1 15 i I I 5 11 12 15 IA Figure 4.23a: Maximum cloud top height of the cloud~mass as reported by NWS radar summary charts for the January 30 bipole. 34 0 Cloud ke~th us Time "1 i C30 o2 - o I \ I -i .L - L L !I 1i 11 1i Figure 4.23b: 13 14 5S 1S 17 1 Hour (UTC) is 2 21 3 24 As in 4.23a, but for the February 21 bipole. - 185 - Mesoscale Phenomena ne,VL 3/10 .0n n2 197 I 3/11OE "C sin 12 3/12 ~-3/12 02 Oz Sr S500 W r a i, iv W Cr nu e"f ! I I0001 I10 sIEn 100 i • \ \ Degrees ... 1 80 90 West I I 60 t( L onllude Figure 4.24: Example of the westward tilt of the cold air aloft as represented by a trough in the height contours at a standard pressure level. Each line represents a single time spaced twelve hours apart. Hatched area indicates time during which a bipole existed. 250 700 a- 850 1000 100 Figure 4.25: 95 90 85 West Degrees 80 75 Longilude 70 65 As in 4.24, but averaged over the six bipole cases. - 186 - Mesoscale Phenomena 4.5 Summary The first analyses of this chapter show that the GALE observations are roughly consistent with previous analyses that assess how the probability of varies with producing a positive cloud-to-ground flash wind shear and -10°C isotherm height (which is a measure of proximity between the charge regions in the cloud and the ground). Both results are consistent with the tilted dipole hypothesis, as well as the relationship between shallower clouds and increased likelihood of positive flashes. The idea displacement that a between tilted positive updraft may produce a horizontal and negative charge regions led us to investigate whether symmetric instability was an important source the convective activity. for Since a symmetrically unstable atmosphere accelerates parcels in a slantwise direction, the resulting convection would have a tilted updraft. The result of these analyses suggest that, although symmetric instability may occur in some cases, it is not necessary for the production of positive lightning. Confirmation of the existence and basic bipole were given in section 4.4. ranging up to 310 kilometers. geostrophic characteristics is the Bipole lengths are confirmed to be The alignment of the wind is visible in all the observations. bipole with the In addition, an alignment between the bipole and a "cloud orientation" is It of documented. shown that the orientation of the cloud top heights associated with the bipole has a larger north-south - 187 - component than the bipole Mesoscale Phenomena itself. The life-cycle of the bipole reveals that the length of the bipole is related to the lightning activity. are observed near Minimum to lengths maxima in the storm-wide negative flashrate. bipole itself occurs when the cold air aloft has west bipole moved in from The the be directly overhead, resulting in winds that do not vary in direction with height by more than thirty degrees. - 188 - CHAPTER 5 Conclusions characteristics and of analyses of positive lightning. both the likelihood of documented, with began thesis This a producing The dependence on latitude of flash is the active. polarity associated convection with flash the that seen as deep twice that clouds that are more electrically latitudes in the GALE area, where temperatures of lightning flashes is positive. expectations based on both the inverted are activity is At the northern influenced by the environmental conditions. percentage ocean This is explained qualitatively by an enhancement The picture presented is one in which lightning strongly warm are that densities was The effect of largely agrees with previous results. observed over land. of flash and the Gulf Stream was examined, and it was found surface climatological the lower, a higher This is consistent with dipole and tilted dipole hypotheses. An analysis of first stroke peak currents confirms result the previous (Orville, et al, 1987) that positive peak current averages are 1.5 times the negative peak current averages. - 189 - Winter currents of both Conclusions polarities are 1.5 times those observed in the Yearly and Summer data. shallower average, this considerations, environmental to Due and 12, July 1986 14, June on 21, (figures 3.3 and 3.8) associated with tall 1988 observed summer clouds, and the larger currents March the are associated with larger peak currents. clouds In support of this are the small peak currents observed 1987 on that suggests and 3.16), associated with shallower and 3.12 (figure 30 January on winter clouds. More support for the idea that the environmental conditions shape electrical the Huntsville summer scale convective studying by found Evidence has been presented of three phenomena. the is activity between differences The first storms and the winter GALE storms. difference is that on the average in the summer storms, positive flash locations were than the tops associated with 3.4). This result not is cloud top heights that were greater with associated locations flash negative consistent inverted the with hypothesis hypothesis, and is consistent with the tilted dipole if it observations show flash positive clouds. anvil locations dipole only of lightning is located on flash location accuracy can rather the convective affect - which Firm conclusions on these points consistent with both hypotheses. are prevented on account Winter associated with shallower clouds than negative flash locations (see table 3.4), is table is assumed that in the case of a tilted dipole the majority of the positive flashes are associated with tall storm (see poor scales. the 190 - accuracy with which An example of how the observed cloud top height Conclusions associated with that location can be seen by looking at figure 3.3c. An error of five kilometers in one of the reported flash negative locations could change the cloud top height associated with that flash by as much as four kilometers, a thirty percent change. second The difference observed lightning is the summer evidence for positive flashes cloud-to-ground field with an initially large fair weather polarity electric (see surface winter and summer between 3.5). figure Winter positive flashes are noted during times of foul weather polarity electric field (see figure 3.17). winter the at This result is not consistent with expectations based on either the inverted dipole or the tilted dipole hypotheses. The third difference between summer lightning current. of 1.5 in is phenomena the winter and cloud-to-ground of the first stroke peak magnitude This was documented by season in figure 2.8, where a difference in currents was observed. current factor magnitudes between summer and winter In chapter three the current magnitudes can be compared between four storms shown in figures 3.3, 3.8, 3.12 and 3.16. Results indicate a difference in seasonal magnitudes of first stroke peak currents of both polarities. In support of a common phenomenon in both seasons are three characteristics that winter and summer episodes of positive lightning have in common. These are (1) positive flash negative flash locations (see section 4.4 for winter example), figure 3.2 locations for downwind summer example and (2) a predominance of negative - 191 - of flash Conclusions locations in deep convection to the east and positive flash locations in a trailing mesoscale band as was seen in the July 12, 1988 and March 14, 1986 examples given in chapter 3, and (3) the association of some positive flashes with bright bands seen in the trailing mesoscale bands of July 12, 1988 and March 14, 1986 (see especially figure 3.16e). The existence of the bipole yields three points that can be used to evaluate the tilted dipole and the inverted dipole hypotheses. (1) Bipole lengths are on the order of hundreds of kilometers, an order of magnitude larger than the convective scale (see appendix C). bipole is aligned with 4.17). (3) The upper region level geostrophic winds (2) The (see figure of positive flash locations is not distinct from the region of negative flash locations in most cases, as seen in both chapters three and four. A tilted dipole structure can be created in way several ways. One is for the updraft itself to be tilted, such as would result from The results presented in section symmetric instability. support this idea. A inside the cloud to vary negative second with direction of the geostrophic height such that the or may wind. not The be positive charge region. This not third interpretation same way is away as the for the from the of the tilted dipole hypothesis predicts a cloud electrical structure that would - 192 - and The direction the geostrophic wind to advect the positive charge region negative do way is for the horizontal velocities charge regions become horizontally displaced. of displacement in this case may 4.3 force an Conclusions A alignment of a bipolar lightning pattern with the geostrophic wind. the test of this interpretation is whether or not is wind able to displace the positive charge far enough to explain the observed bipole lengths. This test can be approximated by a that the simple calculation. time of peak positive space charge production occurs at the time of peak lightning rate (0600 UTC on January 30 and February 1900 January 30 and 2200 UTC on February 21). wind speed as the average of the geostrophic millibars: UTC winds at 500 and 250 on The estimate of advective distance is 400 kilometers and 375 kilometers on February 21. 30 These estimates are a does not idea of advection of space charge as the explanation for the bipole lengths. scales (0800 Estimate the geostrophic factor of four larger than the actual bipole lenghts, which support on 55 m/s (200 km/hr) on January 30 and 35 m/s (125 km/hr) on February 21. January UTC Then consider the advection of this space charge from 21). this point in time until the time of maximum bipole length on Assume would Advection of tend to the positive space charge on these isolate the positive flash locations from the negative flash locations, which is not consistent with observations. A single tilted dipole would produce distinct regions of positive and negative flash locations (see figure 5.1a). The negative flash locations would be found associated with the main updraft region. The positive flash locations would be located downwind of the main updraft region. a It is necessary then to consider a group of dipoles bipolar lightning pattern (see figure 5.1b). - 193 - creating Figure 5.1b shows a Conclusions sketch of a top view of a group of tilted dipoles. all negative flashes directly beneath The sketch depicts a confined convective scale region associated with the updraft (drawn as a circle). dipole is exactly relative to the circular updraft located region. cloud-to-ground lightning presented is one of a and negative flashes. tilted identical to the others in that it produces three negative flashes and two positive flashes, all place Each flash location regions, The bipole created is much with larger in The the same picture of mixture of positive clusters of negative than the size of any individual cloud, but not necessarily an order of magnitude larger. One explanation of how the tilted dipole hypothesis for can bipoles that are an order of magnitude larger than the individual cloud sizes is to realize that not all tilted dipoles will This is depicted in figures 5.2 a and b. be flash. In this case the bipole convective scale of the cloud. changes when the dipoles are not equal. have shown that the probability directly related to higher of shows right side how this picture The results of this thesis producing a positive flash is Figure 5.2b takes The left side of the picture is the temperatures, and therefore the deepest cloud, and the cloud with the least probability of producing The negative exactly equal to the is temperature and cloud depth. this relationship into account. with length Figure 5.2b equal. Figure 5.2a shows a row of identical tilted dipoles each producing one positive and one side account has lower temperatures, highest percentage of positive flashes. - 194 - a positive flash. shallower clouds, and the In these sketches the bipole Conclusions sized has been increased by a factor of 3 by including the effects of temperature. from This effect combined with the increase in bipole considering a group of length tilted dipoles could result in bipole lengths an order of magnitude greater than the convective scale. The inverted dipole hypothesis lends itself scales to organization on larger than the convective scale because it requires a mixture of upright dipoles and inverted dipoles in order to create lightning pattern. figure 5.3. a bipolar A simple picture resulting in a bipole is shown in The upright dipoles are shown to the left (and are likely to be associated with warmer air). The bipole depicted in this sketch is on a much larger scale than the convective scale, and is created by two distinct regions of flashes. An alignment with the upper level geostrophic wind is not evident from this picture. mixture of upright and inverted dipoles, again with a preference for the inverted dipoles to be bipole Figure 5.4 shows a is length much to toward larger right. the than Again, that the alignment of the expected scale, but no convective It alignment with the geostrophic wind is in evidence. therefore, the is concluded bipole with the upper level geostrophic wind favors the tilted dipole hypothesis over the inverted dipole hypothesis. The results presented in this thesis do either not convincingly favor the tilted dipole hypothesis or the inverted dipole hypothesis as being lightning. the dominant There is mechanism evidence dipoles and tilted dipoles. The for for the the production positive existence of both inverted characteristics - 195 - of of the bipole do Conclusions tilted the favor dipole hypothesis, but not conclusively. question of the accuracy of the reported lightning strike points, the of neglect Further results. deeper A understanding mechanisms and charge dipoles and tilted convective the work in this area could be done to link the magnitude of the peak current and cloud. and the effects of propagation between the origin of the flash and the strike point lend skepticism to some of scale The the of distributions dipoles might electrical of structure the the differences in the charging associated yield with both differences distinguish between cases of the two electrical structures. - 196 - inverted that would Conclusions + ++ + ++ 4- - + + + 4 bipole length convective scale 1 Figure 5.1a: Sketch of a single tilted dipole. Cloud-to-ground lightning flashes are noted, with "x" for negative strike point and "+" for positive strike point. bipole length convective scale Figure 5.1b: Top view of a Symbols as in figure 5.1a. group - 197 - of tilted dipoles. Conclusions i I--- bipole length convective scale Figure 5.2a: Row of identical tilted dipoles. as in figure 5.1a. bipole length warm I i Symbols cold convective scale Figure 5.2b: Row of tilted dipoles illustrating effect of temperature. Symbols as in figure 5.1a. - 198 - the Conclusions cS44 f -+ V -- .L -4- bipole length convective scale Sketch of one way of creating a bipole with Figure 5.3: a combination of upright and inverted dipoles. Symbols as in ficure 5.la. xx - i- ) -- bipole length convective scale Figure 5.4: Sketch of a second way of creating a bipole with a combination of upright and inverted dipoles. Symbols as in figure 5.1a. - 199 - APPENDIX A SYMMETRIC INSTABILITY Bennetts and Results from several studies (e.g. 1979; Hoskins, Emanuel, 1983b; Wolfsberg, et al, 1986) have provided evidence for the atmospheric instability symmetric of importance phenomena. a variety of mesoscale appendix will briefly review the basic This assessing toward ideas and approaches in symmetric instability. the description that is adopted closely follows the basic approach parcel described in Emanuel (1983a,b). Symmetric instability can Consider a an f-plane. -- = - dt assessed in the following way. basic flow v(x,z), that is in geostrophic wind balance on The equation of motion for v can be written as: 1 ap dv (1) be - -- p ay Fx - fu + -- = -fu FX + -- where t is time, p is density, f is the Coriolis parameter, u is the in the x direction, and FX is the frictional acceleration in the flow x direction. dx u = -dt But df and -- = 0 dt - 200 - SYMMETRIC INSTABILITY so in the absence of viscous effects (2) (F = 0) d(v+fx) dv -- + fu = ------- = 0 dt dt In this case a quantity which is a local approximation to the absolute angular momentum M can be defined by (3) M = v + fx >From (2), M is conserved following the motion. The inviscid u momentum equation can be written as (4) du -- = fv, dt = f(v-v3 ) Assuming that the basic state v(x,z) is in geostrophic balance, M = + fx then (5) du -- = f(M' - M) = fM' dt The vertical component equation is just dw (6) g(e-e) --. dt 8 g' -e If it is assumed that the parcel and environment are saturated, then' and8 should be replaced by ' and 5 in (6). - 201 - SYMMETRIC INSTABILITY The basic state is assumed to be in thermal wind assuming balance which, saturation, can be written (Durran and Klemp, 1982; Emanuel, 1983a) as dM dv g fdln dz dz f e dx Therefore, the vertical gradient of M and the horizontal gradient in eare connected through the thermal wind relation. The susceptibility stability can of the atmosphere figures on following page). acceleration. symmetrical and G, of the parcel (see If M' = M - M > 0, then from (5) there is If 8' = a net eastward (outward) acceleration. or moist then be assessed by displacing a parcel in a slantwise direction and assuming conservation of M processes, to 8 ) - > 0 for dry e > 0 for moist, then from (6) there is a net upward If the net forces act in the direction of the displacement, for a given slantwise displacement Ss as = dxi + dzj then the environment is unstable for displacements in that slantwise direction (see figure b on following page). In all appropriate analyses, in it was assumed that moist processes were the region of convection, and therefore stability was assessed relative to ( surfaces. - 202 - SYMMETRIC INSTABILITY -- 0 Displacement a. Stable Configuration Acceleration x \M 3 b. Unstable Figure A.1: Configuration Sample symmetric instability cross-sections. - 203 - APPENDIX B LIST OF UPPER AIR SOUNDING STATIONS Station Latitude Location Longitude AHN 33.95 83.32 Athens, GA AQQ 29.73 85.03 Apalachicola, FL AVL 35.35 82.47 Asheville, NC AYS 31.25 82.40 Waycross, GA CKL 32.90 87.25 Centreville, AL DAY 39.87 84.12 Dayton, OH FNT 42.97 83.73 Flint, MI GSO 36.08 79.95 Greensboro, NC HTS 38.37 82.55 Huntington, WV IAD 38.98 77.47 Washington/Dulles, DC LSF 32.35 85.00 Lawson Field, GA PIT 40.53 80.23 Pittsburgh, PA SSC 33.85 80.32 Sumter, SC TBW 27.70 82.40 Tampa Bay, FL 99A 36.96 81.35 Wytheville, VA - 204 - APPENDIX C BIPOLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS This appendix environmental consists a characteristics, graphically presented organized of by grouping in figures lightning of bipole the contents of in section 4.4. hour in which The first set of the and are The data location and polarity information. end of the bipole was determined by detecting less per lightning also table is together the three bipoles occurring over the ocean and the three land bipoles. from table bipole area. The therefore, given to the nearest hour. area derived The beginning and than duration The is ten flashes each bipole is, of given is the area encompassing cloud-to-ground flash densities of greater than 3 flashes per 10,000 square kilometers, rounded to kilometers. The number of flashes the is nearest the 10,000 total number cloud-to-ground flashes produced in the bipole area during the lifetime. The square of bipole percent positive is the number of observed flashes in the bipole area that were positive divided by flashes, The geographic centers are rounded to the nearest percent. the total number determined by taking the mean latitude and longitude of all the locations of a given polarity. of flash The size is the distance between these - 205 - BIPOLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS nearest two geographic centers rounded to the is orientation reported to for orientation observed the all degrees in "d(orientation)" is the difference The five degrees, and the row nearest the kilometers. ten observed the between maximum hours, and the minimum observed orientation. The second set of data is determined in the same the the describing information is the which was Following this the upper air sounding launch time were used. environment meteorological The environment was derived from the NWS real-time analyses. assumed be typified by the analysis coincident with the bipole location as Heights were interpolated from the analysis shown in figure 4.10. the as except that only the flashes occurring within thirty minutes of first to manner to center of the bipole, and the gradient in the height field around this point was used to The wind. geostrophic calculate row "d(direction)" direction in degrees minus the minimum wind direction is and speed the is direction the direction. orientation (row 10). in The height between the the wind average The overall The wind speed shear was calculated by subtracting the wind speeds at two levels and difference maximum just the arithmetic mean of the four observations. row "ave dir-orient" is the average wind direction minus bipole of the dividing two levels. information is described in section 4.4. - 206 - this by the The cloud structure BIPOLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS LAND OCEAN Start 1/23 1/30 3/6 2/5 2/21 3/10 time 17 0 18 17 10 22 duration (min) 600 720 480 480 840 360 area (10e5km2) 3.3 5.0 5.7 1.4 3.6 2.2 2094 1419 1655 879 2244 319 fl/min 3.5 2.0 3.4 1.8 2.7 0.9 10e-5fl/min/km2 1.1 0.4 0.6 1.3 0.8 0.4 %positive 13 34 28 12 11 44 size (km) 310 180 190 80 90 150 orientatn (deg) 235 235 220 250 255 230 d(orientation) 25 30 135 40 150 35 distance East 245 90 135 240 750 240 distance South 145 345 55 10 45 20 ave speed (km/hr) 30 30 20 35 60 50 Soundg time (UTC) 0 0 0 0 12 0 301 15 244 106 246 39 %positive 12 73 36 7 5 69 size (km) 380 90 210 10 100 140 orientatn (deg) 240 220 205 240 190 240 #flashes num of flashes - 207 - BIPOLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS 850mb SURFACE AND GEOSTROPHIC WINDS height (m) direction (deg) speed (m/s) 1525 1470 1350 1500 1410 1400 240 250 255 250 235 235 5 25 20 10 15 30 700mb SURFACE AND GEOSTROPHIC WINDS height (m) direction (deg) speed (m/s) 3080 3020 2880 3100 2970 2980 225 235 235 260 255 235 10 30 25 15 20 35 500mb SURFACE AND GEOSTROPHIC WINDS height (m) direction (deg) speed (m/s) 5660 5560 5380 5760 5580 5500 230 220 230 255 255 240 15 45 40 45 30 40 250mb SURFACE AND GEOSTROPHIC WINDS height (m) direction (deg) 10440 10420 10200 10700 10360 10420 235 220 245 250 265 260 speed (m/s) 30 65 60 25 40 45 d(direction) 15 30 25 10 30 25 235 230 240 255 255 245 0 -5 20 5 0 15 ave direction ave dir-orient WIND SPEED SHEAR (m/s/km) 850-700 3 3 3 3 700-500 2 6 6 11 500-250 1 4 4 4 850-250 3 4 5 2 - 208 - BIPOLE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS CLOUD BAND STRUCTURE ave orientation d(orientation) cloud-bip orient 220 235 245 200 225 235 35 45 15 15 25 15 0 10 -20 -25 -20 -10 Explanation of some rows below, for more information see text section 4.4. area = area of cloud-to-ground lightning flash locations d(orientation) = maximum hourly orientation - minimum hourly orientation (for bipoles only sizes > 25km were used) d(direction) = maximum direction - minimum direction ave direction = (sum of four observed directions ) / 4 ave dir-orient = laverage wind direction - overall bipole orientationJ in degrees - 209 - Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the following people their assistance in this effort: for Bob Boldi Steve Cohn Dole Prof. Randall M. 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