Updated March 2016 Railway Group Standards containing National Technical Rules Control, Command and Signalling Note: Combined Control, Command and Signalling High Speed and Conventional Rail Technical Specification for Interoperability applies from 25 July 2012 Note: Changes are highlighted in yellow RGS BR1654 Title Issue No. Issue date Mandatory date Radio Electronic Token Block System 2 Dec-86 Dec-86 National Technical Rule: relevant clause(s) All requirements For compatibility Yes For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI clause(s) TSI clause(s) None None Part 2 compliance requirements Comment BR1654 is relevant for Class B CCS system. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Note the intention is to analyse this document to determine if it can be withdrawn. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GERT8012 Controlling the Speed of Tilting Trains through Curves 1 Dec-99 Apr-00 All requirements Yes None None Part A and Part B compliance requirements GERT8018 Mechanical Trainstop System Interface 2 Sep-12 Dec-12 All requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Subject of standards change proposal when further work will be carried out to determine the way forward for this standard. Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 5 compliance requirements Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. GERT8019 Tilting Trains: Controlling Tilt Systems to Maintain Clearances 1 Apr-00 Apr-00 All requirements Yes None None Part A and Part B compliance requirements GERT8026 Safety Requirements for Cab Signalling Systems 1 Dec-00 Feb-01 All requirements Engineering Requirements for Dispatch of Trains from Platforms 2 Jun-10 Sep-10 All requirements None Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. Yes None None Part A and Part B compliance requirements GERT8060 Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Subject of standards change project when further work will be carried out to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. GERT8071 Proceed-on-Sight Authorities 2 Dec-11 Mar-12 All requirements Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change project and the intention is to propose it is withdrawn. GERT8075 AWS and TPWS Interface Requirements 2 Mar-15 Jun-15 All requirements and Appendices A to H Part 3 compliance requirements Yes None None GERT8075 is relevant for Class B CCS system. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change proposal. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 1 of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GERT8402 Title ERTMS/ETCS DMI National Requirements Issue No. Issue date Mandatory date National Technical Rule: relevant clause(s) For compatibility 1 Mar-12 Jun-12 All requirements (for CCS TSI specific case: Yes For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI clause(s) TSI clause(s) None GIRT7033 Lineside Operational Safety Signs 3 Jun-15 Mar-16 All requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. CCS TSI specific case for 4.2.12 (ETCS DMI and the alphanumeric keyboard) Part 4 compliance requirements Yes None Comment None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. Identification of Signalling and Related Equipment 4 Jun-11 Sep-11 All requirements Yes None None None Note an error has been identified in the CCS TSI - it references Index 51 when it should reference Index 6. A note has been made on the TSIs Issues Log that the CCS TSI was published with an error. Part 3 compliance requirements GKRT0009 Changes to requirements since December 2015 update Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GI/RT7033 issue three was revised to remove the lineside signs from the RGS. The lineside signs are now published separately in the RGS Catalogue together with supporting guidance (GIGN7634 Index for Lineside Signs). Refer to the Impact Assessment for details of the changes and the clarification against Figure A.1 and Figure B.1. None Part 3 compliance requirements Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. GKRT0028 Infrastructure Based Train Detection Interface Requirements 2 Dec-14 Mar-15 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements GKRT0044 Permissive Working 3 Dec-14 Mar-15 All requirements and Appendix A Part 5 compliance requirements Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change project. The intention is to propose this RGS for withdrawal. GKRT0045 Lineside Signals, Indicators and Layout of Signals 4 Dec-14 Mar-15 All requirements and Appendix A Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 8 compliance requirements Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change project. The intention is to propose this RGS for withdrawal. GKRT0053 Control of Unwanted Voltages on Telecommunications Equipment at Stations 1 Dec-11 Mar-13 All requirements Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 2 of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GKRT0055 Title Issue No. Issue date Mandatory date Block System Interface Requirements 1 Sep-13 Dec-13 National Technical Rule: relevant clause(s) 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 For compatibility For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI clause(s) TSI clause(s) Comment Changes to requirements since December 2015 update Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements GKRT0057 Lineside Signal and Indicator Product Design and Assessment Requirements 1 Dec-14 Mar-15 All requirements Part 5 compliance requirements Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. GKRT0058 Lineside Signal Aspect and Indication Requirements 1 Dec-14 Mar-15 All requirements and Appendices A to D Yes None None Part 3 compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Note further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. GKRT0075 Lineside Signal Spacing and Speed Signage 4 Sep-15 Dec-15 All requirements and Appendices A to E and X Part 4 compliance requirements Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GKRT0075 issue four modifies the requirement for the provision and position of warning boards for temporary speed restrictions. Other minor changes have also been made. Refer to the Impact Assessment for details of the changes. GKRT0077 Ground Frames and Shunters' Releases 1 Sep-13 Dec-13 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 4 compliance requirements GKRT0094 Train Voice Radio Systems 1 Mar-13 Jun-13 All requirements and Appendices A and B Part 10 compliance requirements GKRT0192 Level Crossing Interface Requirements 2 Dec-12 Mar-13 All requirements and Appendix A Note CCS TSI (clauses Annex A index 32, index 33, index 67) does not adequately address some issues but the requirements are needed in GB for technical compatibility between subsystems. Further work is needed to identify specific requirements as national technical rules. Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 4 compliance requirements Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change proposal. GKRT0212 Signalling Lockout Systems to Protect Railway Undertaking Personnel 1 Aug-07 Oct-07 All requirements Yes None None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part 3 compliance requirements Note this RGS is the subject of a standards change proposal. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 3 of 13 Updated March 2016 Railway Group Standards containing National Technical Rules Energy Note: Combined Energy High Speed and Conventional Rail Technical Specification for Interoperability applies from on 01 January 2015 RGS GLRT1210 Title Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date One Dec-14 Mar-15 AC Energy Subsystem and Interfaces to Rolling Stock Subsystem National Technical Rule: relevant clause(s) Part 2, Part 3 (except 3.1.5, 3.9) NTRs for technical compatibility For compatibility Yes 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.6 (for ENE TSI specific case: For open points: relevant TSI and clause(s) ENE TSI open point: (contact ENE TSI specific case: for wire height at level crossings) (contact wire height) EN 50122, clause 4 Contact line zone and current collector zone, and clause 4.1 Overhead contact line systems 3.1.6 (for ENE TSI specific case: For specific cases: relevant TSI and clause(s) Comment Changes to requirements since December 2015 update Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None ENE TSI specific case: for, 4.2.10 (maximum lateral deviation and pantograph gauge) ENE TSI specific case: for 4.2.18 (protective provisions against electric shock) (for ENE TSI specific case: ENE TSI specific case: (conformity assessment of OCL as component) 3.9 (for ENE TSI specific case 3.1.5 (for ENE TSI open point 3.2.1 (for ENE TSI open point 4.1) Part 4 compliance requirements GLRT1212 DC Conductor Rail Energy Subsytem and Interfaces to Rolling Stock Subsystem One Sep-15 Dec-15 Part 2, Part 3 (for ENE TSI specific case: Yes None ENE TSI specific case: (for 4.2.3 voltage and frequency) Yes None ENE TSI specific case: (for Note the exception to the general compliance date New standard in the gauging suite of RGSs, maximum lateral deviation and for the lower sector vehicle gauge requirements in superseding GMRT2149 issue three which will 4.2.10 Pantograph gauge) of 04 December 2021. be withdrawn in March 2016. New standard incorporates the new standard GMRT2173 sets out the pantograph For other applications see rolling stock listing. lower sector vehicle gauge; sets out improved sway of UK rolling stock in clause 3.4 methods for calculating the pantography and Appendix E Part 1 sets out a list of documents that contain sway; provides clarify when calculating swept relevant requirements. Refer to the RGS Catalogue envelopes and takes account of deviations for any amendments or clarifications. associated with shoegear and tripcocks. See the impact assessment for details of the changes. Part 4 compliance requirements GMRT2173 Requirements for the Size of Vehicles and Position of Equipment One Sept 15 Mar 16 3.4, Appendix E (for ENE TSI specific case: Part 5 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 4of 1 Updated March 2016 Railway Group Standards containing National Technical Rules Infrastructure Note: Combined Infrastructure High Speed and Conventional Rail Technical Specification for Interoperability applies from 01 January 2015 (The combined INF TSI includes in Appendix Q a list of the notified National Technical Rules for the UK-GB Specific Cases) Note: Changes are highlighted in yellow RGS GC/RT5021 Title Track System Requirements Issue No. Issue Date 5 Dec-11 Mandatory National Technical Rule: relevant date clause(s) Mar-12 4.7 (for INF TSI specitfic case: For For open points: relevant TSI compatibility and clause(s) Yes None Yes None Part 5 compliance requirements GC/RT5033 Terminal Tracks - Requirements for Buffer Stops, Arresting Devices and End Impact Walls 2 Dec-07 Feb-08 All requirements For specific cases: relevant TSI and clause(s) Comment INF TSI specific case: for Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or and Appendix J (maximum unguided length clarifications. of fixed obtuse crossings) None Revised INF TSI and earlier TSI is silent on this issue but is needed for GB compatibility for subsystems. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None None Part 3 compliance requirements Refer to RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GIRT7073 Requirements for the Position of Infrastructure and for Defining and Maintaining Clearances 1 Dec-15 Mar-16 All requirements, Appendices A and B (for INF TSI specific cases:,,, Yes None Part 4 compliance requirements INF TSI specific cases: Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or for 4.2.1 (categories of line: gauge clarifications. for (structure gauge) for (distance between track centres) for (platform offset) GIRT7073 is a new standard that supersedes GC/RT5212 Requirements for Defining and Maintaining Clearances issue one. GC/RT5212 will be withdrawn as of March 2016. Part 1 sets out a list of documents that contains relevant requirements. New standard in the gauging suite of standards. GIRT7073 clarifies the lower sector requirements so that the requirements now include all infrastructure not only structures. See the impact assessment for details of the changes. GE/RT8006 Assessment of Compatibility of Rail Vehicle Weights and Underline Bridges 2 Sep-10 Dec-10 All requirements, Appendix A (for INF TSI open point: 4.2.1 and Appendix E/F and INF TSI specific case: and Appendix F) Yes INF TSI open point: 4.2.1 and Appendix E/F (TSI categories of line) Part 5 compliance requirements GE/RT8073 Requirements for the Application of Standard Vehicle Gauges 3 Dec-15 Mar-16 All requirements and Appendices A to N (for INF TSI specific cases:,, and LOC&PAS TSI Yes None Part 5 compliance requirements INF TSI specific case: and Appendix F Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or (resistance of existing bridges and clarifications. earthworks to traffic loads) Note the specific case is an implicit specific case that is actually in the main text. INF TSI specific cases: for 4.2.1 (categories of line) for 4.2.3 (line layout) for and (structure gauge) Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None GERT8073 issue three was published in December 2015 and supersedes GERT8073 issue two, which will be withdrawn in March 2016. Revised standard in the gauging suite of standards. Changes include withdrawing W11, UK1 and C1 gauges and Appendix A that dealt with the W6a gauge. New gauges have been introduced; W10a, Passenger-Gauges 1 and 2 and lower sector vehicle gauge. Methods for calculating dynamic movements of W6 to W12 gauges and locomotive gauges revised for better accuracy of clearances. LOC&PAS TSI: for (gauging) Part 1 sets out a list of documents that contain relevant requirements. See the impact assessment for details of the changes. GI/RT7016 Interface between Station Platforms, Track and Trains 5 Mar-14 Jun-14 All requirements (for INF TSI specific cases:,,, Part 13 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication Yes None INF TSI specific cases: for 4.2.1 (TSI categories of line) for 4.2.3 (line layout), for 4.2.9 (platforms) Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Note some of the provisions from the PRM TSI will be transferred to the revised INF TSI and the specific case in the PRM TSI is now included in the INF TSI. 5of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GI/RT7019 Title Requirements for Lighting in Railway Tunnels Issue No. Issue Date 2 Sep-13 Mandatory National Technical Rule: relevant date clause(s) Dec-13 All requirements For For open points: relevant TSI compatibility and clause(s) Yes None For specific cases: relevant TSI and clause(s) None Comment Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Part 3 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 6of 13 Updated March 2016 RGSs containing National Technical Rules Rolling Stock and Plant Note: Combined Rolling Stock High Speed and Conventional Rail Technical Specification for Interoperability applies from 01 January 2015 Relevant Technical Specifications for Interoperability: Conventional Rail Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock (LOC&PAS, Rolling Stock (Freight Wagons (WAG) and Noise (NOI) Note: Changes are highlighted in yellow RGS GERT8014 Title Axlebox Condition Monitoring - Hot Axlebox Detection Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 2 Jun-11 Sep-11 NTR: relevant clause(s) 2.3 (for WAG TSI open point: For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes WAG TSI open point: (axle bearing condition monitoring) Comments LOC&PAS TSI specific case: (for Note the specific case is required for acoustic bearing axle bearing condition detection and the open point in WAG TSI for on-board monitoring) detection. 3.1, 3.2 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 4 compliance requirements GE/RT8073 Requirements for the Application of Standard Vehicle Gauges 3 Dec-15 Mar-16 All requirements, Appendices A to N (for INF TSI specific cases:,, Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific case: INF TSI specific cases: for 4.2.1 (categories of line) for 4.2.3 (line layout) for and (structure gauge) Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GERT8073 issue three was published in December 2015 and supersedes GERT8073 issue two, which will be withdrawn in March 2016. Revised standard in the gauging suite of standards. Changes include withdrawing W11, UK1 and C1 gauges and Appendix A that dealt with the W6a gauge. New gauges have been introduced; W10a, Passenger-Gauges 1 and 2 and lower sector vehicle gauge. Methods for calculating dynamic movements of W6 to W12 gauges and locomotive gauges revised for better accuracy of clearances. LOC&PAS TSI specific case: for (gauging) Part 5 compliance requirements Part 1 sets out a list of documents that contain relevant requirements. See the impact assessment for details of the changes. GMRT2040 Calculation of Brake Force Data for Rolling Stock Library 1 May-95 Jul-95 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 NTRs for calculation of braking data needed for compatibility with GB business systems Yes None None Note the requirements determine data for operational compatibility and addresses of the OPE TSI. None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Part A and Part B compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2041 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Trailer Coaching Stock 2 Apr-00 Jun-00 5.1, 5.2, 11.1 NTRs for braking performance needed for compatibility with existing GB network Part A and Part B compliance requirements Yes None None Note determines requirements for compatibility with Class B signalling systems. None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 7of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMRT2042 Title Braking System Requirements and Performance for Traction Units Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 2 Apr-00 Jun-00 NTR: relevant clause(s) 5.1, 5.2, 7.1 f), 7.1 g), 11.1 NTRs for braking performance needed for compatibility with existing GB network For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes None None Comments Note determines requirements for compatibility with Class B signalling systems. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Part A and Part B compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2043 Braking System and Performance for Freight Trains 2 Jun-11 Sep-11 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 10.1, 10.2, 11.2 NTRs for braking performance needed for compatibility with existing GB network Yes None None Determines requirements for compatibility with Class B signalling systems. None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Part A and Part B compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2044 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Multiple Units 4 Jun-01 Aug-01 5.1, 5.2 5.4, 5.6, 7.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, 7.1.5, 7.1.6, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 NTRs for braking performance needed for compatibility with existing GB network Yes None None Braking Principles for Rail Vehicles 3 Sep-11 Dec-11 7.3.1 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notifiction. Part A and Part B compliance requirements GMRT2045 Determines requirements for compatibility with Class B signalling systems. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific case for 7.3.1 of GM/RT2045 provides an alternative arrangement for (power/brake controller) power/brake controller as per of LOC&PAS TSI. Part A and Part B compliance requirements None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2046 Braking System Requirements and Performance for Trains which Operate above 125 mile/h 1 Apr-00 Jun-00 5.1, 5.2, 5.4.1, 5.4.2 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: NTRs for braking performance needed for compatibility with existing GB network Refer to Part A and Part B compliance requirements. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific case for (emergency braking) Note determines requirements for compatibility with Class B signalling systems. None GM/RT2040 - GM/RT2046 has been rationalised into one Railway Group Standard - GMRT2045. GMRT2045 published in March 2016, compliance in June 2016 when it will be proposed for notification. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. 8of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMRT2100 Title Requirements for Rail Vehicle Structures Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 5 Jun-12 Sep-12 NTR: relevant clause(s) 3.3.3, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 7.2, 8.1.6, 9.3 NTRs for compatibility with the GB network For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes LOC&PAS TSI open point LOC&PAS TSI specific case (for (for Interior passive Vehicle end couplings) safety) 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9 (for LOC&PAS open point: Comments LOC&PAS TSI is an implicit open point for glazing. LOC&PAS TSI is an implicit open point for interior passive safety to support missing requirements in chapter of LOC&PAS TSI. LOC&PAS is a specific case for for vehicle end couplings. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. 8.1.2 (for LOC&PAS specific case: Part 10 compliance requirements GMRT2111 Rolling Stock Subsystem and Interfaces to AC Energy Subsystem 1 Dec-14 See comment 2.4.2 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: 3.2, 3.5 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: 4.2, 4.5 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific cases:, Yes None LOC&PAS TSI: for (power supply) for and for (pantograph) for (shore supply) From 07 March 2015 to 02 June 2017 projects for new or modified vehicles (this excludes like for like replacement of components) can comply with either GM/RT2111 issue one (for AC vehicles) or: [Section B 4.8 of GE/RT8025 issue one, sections 4, 4.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2 of GM/RT2181 issue three and sections B4.1, B4.3, B4.8, B5.2.1 of GM/RT2304 issue three] From 03 June 2017, GM/RT2111 issue one shall be complied with for all new or modified vehicles. See the None Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific cases (for power supply) (for operation within range of voltages and frequencies) None Parts 2, 3, 4 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network From 05 December 2015 to 03 June 2017, for new or modified vehicles, (this excludes like for like replacement of components) projects shall comply with GM/RT2113 issue one or: GE/RT8025 issue one (sections B5.5 and B5.6) GM/RT2304 issue three (sections B4.1, B4.3 and B4.8) From 03 June 2017, GM/RT2113 issue one shall be complied with for all new or modified vehicles. Part 5 for compliance requirements The amendment obviates the need for an exception to the general compliance date, therefore clause 5.4.1 is withdrawn. Part 5 compliance requirements GMRT2113 GMRT2130 Rolling Stock Subsystem and Interfaces to DC Conductor Rail Energy Subsystem Vehicle Fire, Safety and Evacuation 1 4 Sep-15 Dec-13 See comment Mar-14 3.1 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: 3.3 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: 2.2, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network Yes LOC&PAS TSI open point:, (fire safety and evacuation) None 2.8 of GM/RT2130 supports the alternative solution provided in clauses and of the LOC&PAS TSI . None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. 2.8 (for LOC&PAS TSI open point: Part 8 compliance requirements GMRT2132 On-board Energy Metering for Billing Purposes 1 Sep-10 Dec-10 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 (for LOC&PAS TSI open point: Part 4 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication Yes LOC&PAS TSI open point: and Appendix D - part 5 (on-board energy measurement system) None Supports open point in TSI. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. 9of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMRT2141 Title Resistance of Railway Vehicles to Derailment and Roll-Over Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 3 Jun-09 Aug-09 NTR: relevant clause(s) For LOC&PAS TSI specific case: and WAG TSI specific case: For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes None 2.2, 2.3 NTRs for test conditions of the vehicle 2.4 NTR for specific assessment for safety against roll-over (part of running dynamic assessment) 2.5, 2.6 NTR for applying the method for running dynamic behaviour (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: Appendix D and Appendix E sets out method for running dynamic behaviour. Projects can adopt either method. Comments LOC&PAS TSI specific case: for Supports application of GB methodology. (running dynamic behaviour) Specific cases in the WAG TSI ( and the LOC&PAS TSI WAG TSI specific case: for ( for running dynamic behaviour states that national (running dynamic behaviour) rules can be used to carry out the assessment set out in Appendix D or Appendix E of GM/RT2141 (projects can adopt either method). NB: GM/GN2688 suggests modifications to the running dynamic behaviour assessment method in EN 14363:2005 for the assessment of wagons and these modifications are allowed between the EN 14363:2005 rules as modified by ERA/TD/2012-17/INT. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None For the specific cases dealing with safety against derailment running on twisted track (WAG TSI, and (LOC&PAS TSI GB should use the method specified in the specific cases. There is a copy and paste error in WAG TSI specific case - the specific case should read: 'For technical compatibility with the existing network it is permissible to use national technical rules amending EN 14363 and the ERA/TD/2012-17/INT requirements and notified for the purpose of running dynamic behaviour. This specific case does not prevent the access of TSI compliant rolling stock to the national network. The modifications to tests and procedures of EN 14363 clause 5 shall additionally include: Base condition for use of simplified measuring method shown in EN 14363 clause should be extended to static axle loads up to 25.4 t (~250 kN) '. Part 3 compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2142 Resistance of Railway Vehicles to RollOver in Gales 4 Dec-14 Mar-15 2.1(for LOC&PAS TSI open point: and Yes LOC&PAS TSI: and (crosswind) None No value for PASS/FAIL criteria. None Transitional measure for crosswind requirements specified in the HS RST TSI 2008 that is applicable until revision of clause of the present TSI. 2.2 NTR for compatibility with existing GB network Note vehicle design requirements are to be complied with by 05 September 2017, refer to Part 3 compliance requirements. Part 3 compliance requirements Refer to the RGS Catalogue for the impact assessment and any amendments or clarifications. GMRT2160 Environment Inside Railway Vehicles (Audibility of detonators) 4 Dec-10 Mar-11 2.1 NTR for compatibility with GB network Yes None Requirements for Driving Cabs of Railway Vehicles 1 Aug-95 Oct-95 6.1.1 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: Parts A and B compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication Not addressed in either LOC&PAS TSI or NOISE TSI, needed for compatibility with operational rules. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 3 compliance requirements GMRT2161 None Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific case: for Required to support GB specific case, LOC&PAS TSI, clause (front visibility) None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. 10of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMRT2173 Title Requirements for the Size of Vehicles and of Equipment Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 1 Dec 15 Mar 16 NTR: relevant clause(s) 3.2 and Appendix A (for PRM TSI specific case: For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes None 3.3, 3.4.3 and Appendix E, 3.5 and Appendix B and 3.6 and Appendix C (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: LOC&PAS TSI specific case: for (gauging) PRM TSI specific case: (table 25) for (step position for vehicle access and egress) Comments The requirements are needed to address specific cases and for compatibility with existing GB network and existing vehicles. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 5 compliance requirements Changes to requirements since December 2015 update New standard in the gauging suite of RGSs, superseding GMRT2149 issue three which will be withdrawn in March 2016. New standard incorporates the new standard lower sector vehicle gauge; sets out improved methods for calculating the pantography sway; provides clarify when calculating swept envelopes and takes account of deviations associated with shoegear and tripcocks. Part 1 sets out a list of documents that contain relevant requirements. See the impact assessment for details of the changes. For other applications see energy listing. Note the exception to the general compliance date for the lower sector vehicle gauge requirements in of 04 December 2021. GMRT2185 Train Safety Systems 2 Dec-01 Feb-02 B5.1, B5.2, B5.3 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB operating practices Yes None Yes None (table 25) for (step Required to support operational rules. position for vehicle access and egress) Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. None Part A and Part B compliance requirements GMRT2400 Engineering Design of On-track Machines in Running Mode 5 Sep-13 Dec-13 LOC&PAS TSI permits NTRs for OTMs, as an alternative solution Part 2 and Part 3 None Sanding Equipment Fitted to Multiple Units and On-Track Machines 1 Aug-01 Dec-01 Alternative solution to CCS TSI, Annex A, Index 77 clause 3.1.4 as permitted by the Application Guide to the LOC&PAS TSI 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 10 None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 4 Compliance requirements GMRT2461 LOC&PAS TSI permits NTRs for OTMs, as an alternative solution to not applying whole of LOC&PAS TSI. Yes Clause 10 is closing the CCS TSI open point: for sand characteristics CCS TSI (Index 77) (ERA/ERTMS/033281) INTERFACES BETWEEN CONTROL-COMMAND AND SIGNALLING TRACKSIDE AND OTHER SUBSYSTEMS open point for the type of sand None Permitted alternative to CCS TSI, Annex A, Index 77 clause 3.1.4 as set out in the Application Guide to the LOC&PAS TSI. None Clause 10 of GMRT2461 is closing the open point for sand characteristics. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. This document is the subject of a standards change project. Part A and Part B compliance requirements GMRT2466 Railway Wheelsets 3 Feb-10 Apr-10 Alternative solutions as permitted by the LOC&PAS TSI: and WAG TSI: 2.1.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.4 LOC&PAS TSI specific case: and WAG TSI specific cases: 2.3, 2.6 Yes None LOC&PAS TSI: for (geometric dimensions of wheelsets) Required to enable use of alternative solutions (as per LOC&PAS TSI and WAG TSI and for geometric dimensions of wheelsets compatible with existing infrastructure. None WAG TSI: for (characteristics of Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or wheelsets) clarifications. for (characteristics of wheels) This document is the subject of a standards change project. Part 6 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 11of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMRT2472 Title Requirements for Data Recorders on Trains Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 2 Jun-14 Dec-15 NTR: relevant clause(s) parts c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, n, o, p, q, r parts a, b, d, e, f 3.1.2, 3.1.3 NTRs to support operation on the GB network For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes None None Comments identifies additional recording requirements in addition to OPE TSI and 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 to address the need for identification. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part A and Part B compliance requirements GMRT2473 Power Operated External Doors on Passenger Carrying Rail Vehicles 2 Jun-13 Sep-13 B7.6, B8.2, B8.4, B12 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network Yes None None Part A and Part B for compliance requirements Required for either existing operational requirements or (B12) to enable SDO compatibility with existing short platforms. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. This document is the subject of a standards change project. GMRT2477 GMRT2131 Track Circuit Assister Configuration for Rail Vehicles Audibiility and Visibility of Trains 2 1 Aug-09 Dec-15 Oct-09 Mar-16 B5.1, B5.2, B6.1, B6.2, B6.3, B7.1, B7.2, B7.3, B7.4, B8.1, B8.2 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network Part A and Part B compliance requirements 2.2 (for LOC&PAS TSI specific case: Yes None None Only applicable when TCAs fitted. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Yes None Yes None LOC&PAS TSI specific case: for (warning horn sound pressure levels) 3.1.2 NTR for control of head lamp glare 3.2.1 NTR for ambient temperature ranges 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 NTR for controls for switching of the lamps for compatibility with existing operating practice 3.8 NTR for portable lamps for technical compatiability with existing operating practice 3.10 NTR for front end colour of shunting locomotives and snow ploughs for technical compatibility with existing operating practices EN 15153-1:2013 provides two methods for controlling glare. GMRT2131 issue one, supersedes GMRT2483 (Visibility 3.1.2 of GM/RT2131 specifies the method in clause 5.3.4, Requirements for Trains and GMRT2484 (Audibility table 3 of EN 15153-1:2013. Requirements for Trains). GMRT2483 and GMRT2484 are withdrawn from March 2016. Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 4 compliance requirements GMRT2491 Design Requirements for a Driver's Reminder Appliance (DRA) 2 Oct-09 Dec-09 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network None Aspect not addressed by LOC&PAS TSI. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 1 and Part 2 compliance requirements G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 12of 13 Updated March 2016 RGS GMTT0088 Title Permissible Track Forces for Railway Vehicles Issue No. Issue Date Mandatory date 1 Oct-93 Dec-93 NTR: relevant clause(s) 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.2, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.2, 8.3 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network For For open points: relevant For specific cases: relevant TSI compatibility TSI and clause(s) and clause(s) Yes None None Comments Required for compatibility with existing GB infrastructure. Changes to requirements since December 2015 update None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 2 and Part B compliance requirements GOOTS303 Secondary Door Locking - Operational Requirements 1 Jan-93 Jan-93 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 NTRs for compatibility with existing GB network Yes None None Applicable to existing vehicles only. None Refer to the RGS Catalogue for any amendments or clarifications. Part 2 and Part B compliance requirements Note: The NOI TSI has two GB specific cases for 4.2.1 for Limits for stationary noise and for 4.2.2 for Limits for starting noise. The GB technical requirements are set out in these two specific cases. G:\Standards Policy\National_rules\Proposing_NTRs_and_NSRs_to_DfT\NNTRs\2015-11-06-NTRs-to-DfT-Mar-2016-publication 13of 13