Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan for Control Period 5, 2014 – 2019 Issue Two 2015 - 2016 Approved by the Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee 28 July 2015 ISCC/014 Email: Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan ISSUE RECORD Issue Date Comments One (draft one) One (draft two) Two February 2014 Original document. September 2014 Updates (hyperlink on section 1.1.1 and Appendix A list). Revised to better align with ISCCs Strategic Plan, whilst taking into consideration the revised OPE TSI and the Strategy for Standards. September 2015 Issue two – September 2015 Page 2 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 The purpose of the strategic plan 4 1.2 The scope of the standards committee 5 1.3 Relevant strategies or initiatives 5 1.4 Summary of key changes to the plan for 2015 – 2016 6 1.5 Communicating the strategic plan 6 2 Strategic issues and key activities for 2015 – 2016 6 2.1 Produce a coherent and efficient suite of standards for the GB mainline railway that are aligned with European requirements 6 2.2 Improve decision taking on standards 2.3 Improve industry’s understanding of the European regulatory framework 9 2.4 Engage effectively with European and international institutions to influence the development of European-wide and international standards 9 2.5 Communicating with industry about standards so that industry is able to use standards efficiently, proposing changes to them where necessary 10 3 Priorities for 2015 - 2016 10 Appendix A TOM Standards Portfolio 12 Issue two – September 2015 8 Page 3 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan 1 Introduction 1.1 The purpose of the strategic plan The Industry Standards Coordination Committee (ISCC) has produced a strategic plan setting out the direction that ISCC wishes to take for Control Period 5 (CP5) for the years 2014 – 2019. It is anticipated that the strategic goal and strategic issues will remain unchanged for the whole of CP5, although these will be reviewed for each issue of the strategic plan. ISCC discussed Issue Two of the strategic plan for 2014 - 2019 in January 2015 and approved it subject to agreed updates. ISCC, in turn, has asked each Standards Committee (SC) to create a strategic plan in support of ISCC’s objectives and key activities for CP5. Plans should include the scope of the SC and how the SC intends to address the following objectives and key activities: a) Producing a coherent and efficient suite of standards for the GB mainline railway that are aligned with European requirements. b) Improving decision taking on standards. c) Improving industry’s understanding of the European regulatory framework. d) Engaging effectively with European and international institutions to influence the development of European-wide and international standards. e) Communicating with industry about standards so that industry is able to use standards efficiently, proposing changes to them where necessary. In achieving these objectives and key activities, the SC is mindful of the development and implementation of the Fourth Railway Package, which (amongst other less relevant legislation) includes revised Interoperability and Safety Directives and changes to responsibility for approvals. Some of the key activities, for example changes in the number and nature of requirements in RGSs due to the scope extension of Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs) and improved understanding of authorisation and safety management processes will continue over several years. Issue Two of the Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) Strategic Plan was agreed by the members of the TOM SC on 28th July 2015, for the period 2015 – 2016. It sets the SC’s overall strategy for the period and priorities. This plan will be submitted to ISCC for endorsement, and re-submitted if it is later revised and there are any substantial changes. Issue two – September 2015 Page 4 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan 1.2 The scope of the standards committee The operation of TOM SC is governed by its remit which was approved by ISCC on the 19 September 2014. Within the scope defined in the remit, the Committee’s coverage includes train operation, signalling and infrastructure operation, workforce safety and safety management systems. It includes working instructions for people employed in a range of activities on the main line railway network (the Rule Book and other National Operations Publications). The coverage therefore includes: a) European and GB standards and working instructions for passenger and freight train operations (including train dispatch). b) GB train signalling regulations. c) GB standards for planning, managing and investigating accidents, incidents and emergencies. d) GB standards and working instructions for safe systems of work on infrastructure. e) European and GB standards for safety management systems, including safety information and communications. f) Operations technical content of GB National Occupational Standards for competence. The coverage excludes engineering requirements for rail vehicles, track, signalling and communications systems and the maintenance and renewal of these systems. The Committee’s coverage includes consideration of requirements relating to activities dealt with in general, multifunctional documents in so far as they affect items within the Committee’s coverage. Such activities include drugs and alcohol policies and working hours. The technical scope of the Committee is co-terminus with the scope of the Traffic Operation and Management sub-system, as defined in the Interoperability Directive 2008/57/EC. 1.3 Relevant strategies or initiatives TOM SC will be regularly updated on the initiative to develop a National Implementation Plan for the Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability (OPE TSI). TOM SC will be kept informed of the work being undertaken on the emerging Strategy for Standards. TOM SC will continue to support the Digital Railway programme through the timely delivery on GB standards, operating instructions and train signalling regulations. Issue two – September 2015 Page 5 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan TOM SC will continue to oversee the work being undertaken by its subgroups: Driver Selection Governance Group and GSM-R Failures Working Group. TOM SC will be the Client Group for the project to develop a Digital Rule Book, responsible for: a) establishing a vision, championing the project to others, ensuring that the right people are involved at all stages, b) representing stakeholder interests, making decisions on their behalf and documenting the decision-making process; and c) provide steering group members from their organisation to help scope project requirements. 1.4 Summary of key changes to the plan for 2015 – 2016 This version of the strategic plan has been rewritten to better align it with ISCC’s Strategic Plan, whilst taking into consideration: a) The revised Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability (2015/995/EU), published on 30 June 2015. b) The forthcoming Strategy for Standards. 1.5 Communicating the strategic plan The content of this plan will be communicated to relevant industry members by publishing the plan on the RSSB website. 2 Strategic issues and key activities for 2015 – 2016 This section sets out the Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee key activities in relation to ISCC’s strategic objectives. The ‘issue description’ and ‘what success would look like’ statements for each of ISCC’s strategic objectives have been included to avoid the need for the reader to cross reference (see boxed text). 2.1 Produce a coherent and efficient suite of standards for the GB mainline railway that are aligned with European requirements Issue description Industry would benefit from establishing the concept of having a suite of standards with a hierarchy of documents – Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs), national technical rules, national safety rules, voluntary standards (for example, European standards (ENs) and Rail Industry Standards) and guidance as necessary – that are aligned with European requirements as set out in the directives on interoperability and safety. Issue two – September 2015 Page 6 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan What success would look like Standards contain the minimum number of necessary requirements to provide a set of coherent documents, where any current gaps, duplication or perceived contradictions are resolved. The documents will be aligned with European directives on interoperability and safety. In line with guidance from ISCC and following the scope extension of the TSIs, TOM SC has developed a plan to review all documents within its scope to determine the continuing relevance of each measure. This will consider: a) Whether the measure is required to support a GB specific case or an open point (explicit or ‘hidden’) in the TSI. b) Whether the measure is required for assessment of compatibility with the existing network. c) Whether the measure is duplicating requirements in TSIs. d) Whether the measure is duplicating requirements in European Standards (ENs). Each document will be reviewed either at its next five year review or earlier if already under review for other reasons. This review will determine, on a clause by clause basis, whether the above criteria are met. Measures that do not justify retention as national rules will be removed from RGSs. Where appropriate, production of a Rail Industry Standard (RIS) or Guidance Note (GN) will be considered. In addition, TOM SC will be considering the following key developments, which are likely to influence its activities for the remainder of CP5: a) The publication of the revised Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability (2015/995/EU), published on 30 June 2015, b) The forthcoming RSSB led Strategy for Standards; and c) Digital Rule Book proposal. The impact of these will need to be considered within the context of this objective and the RGSs for which TOM SC is the designated Lead Standards Committee (see Appendix A). a) The OPE TSI activities include: I. The development of the National Implementation Plan, which it is assumed RSSB will lead on behalf of the member state (Department for Transport). II. An evaluation of the impact of the National Implementation Plan on RGSs. III. The development of a migration plan that satisfies the commitments defined within the National Implementation Plan. Issue two – September 2015 Page 7 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan IV. The generation of evidence/data that will support potential challenges/changes to the content of TSIs in an objective manner. V. The delivery of issue 2 of GO/GN3615 Guidance on the Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability. b) The Strategy for Standards activities include: the development and implementation of an effective implementation plan that satisfies the high level requirements defined within the strategy in an efficient manner. c) The Digital Rule Book is a proposal to develop a digital product that enables the user to access the content of GE/RT8000 in a variety of ways [internet based and mobile applications], key activities include: 2.2 I. The definition of the project scope. II. The development of a positive business case. III. The development of an effective delivery plan. Improve decision taking on standards Issue description Industry should take decisions about standards in a manner that ensures that standards promote a cost-effective, efficient and compatible means of rail system delivery, whilst providing for a safe railway. What success would look like An approach to decision taking on standards that ensures the economic benefits and all other relevant factors of delivering the rail system are incorporated appropriately when taking decisions on proposals, standards changes and deviations and when drafting standards and compiling impact assessments. When taking decisions on proposals, standards changes and deviations, TOM SC will take note of guidance provided by ISCC and will follow the principles set out in the RGS Code and in the TOM SC remit. The basis on which a decision is made by TOM SC will be recorded as appropriate in the minutes of the meeting when the decision was made. TOM SC’s remit was revised in September 2014, at which point the Committee decided to invite RSSB’s Head of Standards Policy to join the committee as an observer. This has added to the quality of discussions and decision making, and has ensured that key regulatory issues are highlighted and clarified immediately during the committee’s deliberations and discussions. Issue two – September 2015 Page 8 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan 2.3 Improve industry’s understanding of the European regulatory framework Issue description Industry needs to understand the use of TSIs, national technical rules and national safety rules in authorisation for placing into service, checking technical compatibility and demonstrating safe integration, and their use in managing the operational railway system, in order to contribute to influencing the development of the European regulatory framework. What success would look like The industry is able to contribute to influencing the development of the European regulatory framework and improving the quality of European regulations. RSSB’s Standards Policy team and TOM SC Chair have worked together closely to enhance the committee’s understanding of the regulatory framework and standards, as well as RSSB and the SC’s roles and responsibilities within that framework, for example: a) In January 2015 a Legal and Regulatory Framework briefing was given to the SC. b) In September 2015 a briefing session concerning the application of the Common Safety Method – Risk Assessment (CSM-RA) is scheduled. c) In January 2016 a briefing related to the assessment and responsibilities associated with deviation applications is planned. 2.4 Engage effectively with European and international institutions to influence the development of European-wide and international standards Issue description Industry needs to engage effectively with European and international institutions in order to influence the development and content of European-wide and international standards. What success would look like ISCC is able to influence the development and improve the quality of European-wide and international standards, namely TSIs, ENs and International Standards Organisation (ISO) standards, on behalf of the GB rail industry. The membership of TOM SC includes representatives that fulfil active roles with the European Arena i.e. National Safety Authority (NSA), Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER) and European Infrastructure Managers (EIM). Issue two – September 2015 Page 9 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan The TOM SC agenda includes standing items which ensure the Committee’s European mirroring responsibilities are routinely considered. This provides the NSA, CER and EIM representatives with the opportunity to advise the Committee on their activities. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for the Committee to influence related decisions. 2.5 Communicating with industry about standards so that industry is able to use standards efficiently, proposing changes to them where necessary Issue description Improve industry’s understanding about the role of standards, how to use them, and how to provide feedback on their effectiveness. What success would look like GB industry has a well-developed understanding of the benefits that standards bring to the rail industry and how standards work. GB industry – individuals and groups at all levels of industry – provides Standards Committees and ISCC with useful and enthusiastic feedback and Standards Committees and ISCC act on that feedback. 2.1 TOM SC notes that briefing material on standards will be produced and that TOM SC has a role in using this material to help inform industry about standards. Once the briefing material is available, TOM SC will consider how best to use this in support of the overall aim. 2.2 TOM SC acknowledges the importance of keeping constituency members up to date with work that is underway to address concerns about standards, whether on specific standards or more generally, and relevant policies on standards that are being developed in Europe and GB. 2.3 More generally, TOM SC notes the need to continue to correct misunderstanding and faulty perceptions about standards wherever they arise. 2.4 RSSB, in support of TOM SC, will continue to use opportunities to brief constituencies on the purpose and content of standards. In particular efforts will be made to brief the role of NTRs and NSRs in authorisation and approvals processes. This will complement wider briefing by RSSB in conjunction with industry partners on the CSM RA. 3 Priorities for 2015 - 2016 3.1 OPE TSI National Implementation Plan: development of a Plan, as required by Article 3d of the OPE TSI. The plan is required to be notified to the Commission no later than 1st July 2017. 3.2 Strategy for Standards: implement a systematic review of RGSs for which TOM SC is the designated Lead Standards Committee, with a view to determining the continued relevance of each measure (see 2.1.1 and 2.1.2). Issue two – September 2015 Page 10 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan 3.3 Digital Rule Book: assume the role of Client Group for the project (see 1.3.5) and support the development of the project initiation phase (see 3.4 Continue to identify opportunities to enhance TOM SC’s knowledge and understanding of the decision making and legal frameworks, through the delivery of regular briefing sessions (see 2.3.1). 3.5 Project 15/001: determine a revised project plan for issue 2 of GO/GN3615 Guidance on the Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability, due to the interdependencies with the OPE TSI National Implementation Plan. Issue two – September 2015 Page 11 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan Appendix A TOM Standards Portfolio National Operations Publications (NOPs): Document Reference Document Title GERM8000-master-module Iss 1 Master Module Manual GERM8000-signallerssignallingtechnician Iss 1 Signaller and Signalling Technician Manual GERM8000-trackworkers Iss 1 Track Workers Manual GERM8000-traindriver Iss 1 Train Driver Manual GERM8000-trainoperationsstaff Iss 1 Train Operation Staff Manual GERT8000-AC Iss 3 AC electrified lines GERT8000-DC Iss 3 DC electrified lines GERT8000-G1 ERTMS Iss 1 General safety responsibilities and personal track safety responsibilities for non-track workers on ERTMS lines GERT8000-G1 Iss 5 General safety responsibilities and personal track safety for non-track workers GERT8000-Gloss Iss 1 Glossary of Railway Terminology GERT8000-HB1 Iss 3 General duties and track safety for track workers GERT8000-HB10 Iss 3 Duties of the COSS or SWL and person in charge when using a hand trolley GERT8000-HB11 ERTMS Iss 1 Duties of the person in charge of the possession (PICOP) on ERTMS lines GERT8000-HB11 Iss 4 Duties of the person in charge of the possession (PICOP) GERT8000-HB12 ERTMS Iss 1 Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) on ERTMS lines GERT8000-HB12 Iss 4 Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) or safe work leader (SWL) in a possession GERT8000-HB13 Iss 2 Duties of the person in charge of the siding possession (PICOS) GERT8000-HB14 Iss 2 Duties of the person in charge of loading and unloading rail vehicles during engineering work GERT8000-HB15 ERTMS Iss 1 Duties of the machine controller (MC) and on-track plant operator on ERTMS lines GERT8000-HB15 Iss 3 Duties of the machine controller (MC) and on-track plant operator GERT8000-HB16 Iss 2 AC electrified lines GERT8000-HB17 Iss 2 DC electrified lines GERT8000-HB18 ERTMS Iss 1 Duties of a level crossing attendant on ERTMS lines GERT8000-HB18 Iss 3 Duties of a level crossing attendant GERT8000-HB19 Iss 2 Work on signalling equipment - duties of the signalling technician GERT8000-HB2 Iss 1 Instructions for track workers who use emergency protection equipment GERT8000-HB20 Iss 1 General duties of a safe work leader (SWL) working outside a possession GERT8000-HB21 Iss 1 Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a line GERT8000-HB3 Iss 3 Duties of the lookout and site warden GERT8000-HB4 Iss 2 Duties of a points operator and route-setting agent - moving and securing points by hand GERT8000-HB5 Iss 2 Handsignalling duties GERT8000-HB6 Iss 4 General duties of an individual working alone GERT8000-HB7 Iss 4 General duties of a controller of site safety (COSS) GERT8000-HB8 ERTMS Iss 1 IWA, COSS or PC blocking an ERTMS line GERT8000-HB8 Iss 4 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line GERT8000-HB9 ERTMS Iss 1 IWA or COSS setting up safe systems of work within possessions on ERTMS lines GERT8000-HB9 Iss 4 IWA or COSS setting up safe systems of work within possessions GERT8000-M1 ERTMS Iss 1 Dealing with a train accident or train evacuation on ERTMS lines GERT8000-M1 Iss 2 Dealing with a train accident or train evacuation GERT8000-M2 ERTMS Iss 1 Train stopped by train failure on ERTMS lines GERT8000-M2 Iss 3 Train stopped by train failure GERT8000-M3 ERTMS Iss 1 Managing incidents, floods and snow on ERTMS lines GERT8000-M3 Iss 1 Managing incidents, floods and snow GERT8000-OTM Iss 6 Working of on-track machines (OTM) GERT8000-P1 Iss 5 Single line working GERT8000-P2 ERTMS Iss 2 Working single and bi-directional ERTMS lines by pilotman GERT8000-P2 Iss 3 Working single and bi-directional lines by pilotman GERT8000-PoSA Iss 2 Proceed-on-Sight Authority Issue two – September 2015 In Force Date 12m review date 60m review date 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 05/06/2010 05/06/2011 03/06/2016 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 03/12/2011 02/12/2012 01/12/2017 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 02/06/2012 02/06/2013 01/06/2018 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 02/06/2012 02/06/2013 01/06/2018 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 02/06/2012 02/06/2013 01/06/2018 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 02/06/2012 02/06/2013 01/06/2018 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 Page 12 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan NOPs continued: Document Reference GERT8000-S4 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-S4 Iss 4 GERT8000-S5 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-S5 Iss 5 GERT8000-S6 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-S7 Iss 1 GERT8000-SP ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-SP Iss 4 GERT8000-SS1 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-SS1 Iss 3 GERT8000-SS2 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-SS2 Iss 4 GERT8000-T10 Iss 4 GERT8000-T3 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-T3 Iss 5 GERT8000-TS1 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TS1 Iss 9 GERT8000-TS10 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-TS11 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TS11 Iss 1 GERT8000-TS2 Iss 4 GERT8000-TS3 Iss 5 GERT8000-TS4 Iss 4 GERT8000-TS5 Iss 4 GERT8000-TS7 Iss 5 GERT8000-TS8 Iss 4 GERT8000-TS9 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TS9 Iss 3 GERT8000-TW1 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TW1 Iss 9 GERT8000-TW5 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TW5 Iss 5 GERT8000-TW7 ERTMS Iss 1 GERT8000-TW7 Iss 5 GERT8000-TW8 ERTMS Iss 2 GERT8000-TW8 Iss 6 GERT8001 Iss 46 GORT3053 Iss 4 GORT3056 Iss 3 RS516 Iss 1 RS520 Iss 1 RS521 Iss 2 RS522 Iss 2 Issue two – September 2015 Document Title Trains or shunting movements detained, or vehicles left on ERTMS running lines Trains or shunting movements detained on running lines Passing an end of authority (EOA) without a movement authority (MA) Passing a signal at danger ERTMS cab signalling Observing and obeying fixed signals: Train warning systems: Reporting signalling failures and irregularities Speeds (ERTMS lines) Speeds Station duties and train dispatch on ERTMS lines Station duties and train dispatch Shunting on ERTMS lines Shunting Duties of a designated person (DP) and people working on rail vehicles Possession of an ERTMS running line for engineering work Possession of a running line for engineering work General signalling regulations ERTMS General signalling regulations ERTMS level 2 train signalling regulations Failure of, or work on, signalling equipment on ERTMS lines - Signallers' regulations Failure of, or work on, signalling equipment - signallers' regulations Track circuit block regulations Absolute block regulations Electric token block regulations Tokenless block regulations No-signaller token regulations One-train working regulations Level crossings - signallers' regulations ERTMS Level crossings - signallers' regulations Preparation and movement of trains on ERTMS lines Preparation and movement of trains Preparation and movement of trains on ERTMS lines: Defective or isolated vehicles and on-train equipment Preparation and movement of trains. Defective or isolated vehicles and on-train equipment Wrong-direction movements on ERTMS lines Wrong-direction movements Level crossings on ERTMS lines - driver's instructions Level crossings - drivers' instructions Changes to National Operations Publications for June 2015 Working Manual for Rail Staff Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods Working Manual for Rail Staff Freight Train Operations Cab Secure Radio (CSR) Handbook GSM-R (IVRS) Radio system Handbook Signals, handsignals, indicators and signs handbook AWS and TPWS Handbook In Force Date 12m review date 60m review date 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/06/2008 07/06/2009 06/06/2014 04/12/2010 04/12/2011 02/12/2016 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 Page 13 of 14 Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee Strategic Plan A4 Railway Group Standards: Document Reference GEGN8516 Iss 1 GEGN8532 Iss 4 GEGN8540 Iss 2 GEGN8570 Iss 2 GERT8040 Iss 2 GERT8046 Iss 2 GERT8047 Iss 6 GERT8054 Iss 2 GERT8070 Iss 3 GERT8217 Iss 3 GOGN3518 Iss 1 GOGN3519 Iss 3 GOGN3615 Iss 1 GOGN3637 Iss 1 GOGN3653 Iss 3 GOGN3655 Iss 2 GOGN3676 Iss 3 GOGN3677 Iss 1 GORT3118 Iss 1 GORT3119 Iss 3 GORT3208 Iss 3 GORT3215 Iss 3 GORT3279 Iss 8 GORT3350 Iss 5 GORT3407 Iss 2 GORT3413 Iss 1 GORT3421 Iss 3 GORT3436 Iss 3 GORT3437 Iss 7 GORT3440 Iss 2 GORT3451 Iss 4 GORT3452 Iss 1 GORT3600 Iss 2 RIS-3701-TOM Iss 1 RIS-3702-TOM Iss 2 RIS-3703-TOM Iss 2 RIS-3751-TOM Iss 3 RIS-3776-TOM Iss 1 Document Title Guidance on Recording and Monitoring of Spoken Safety Communications Guidance on Railway Fog Signals (now known as 'Signals, Railway Track, Explosive') Guidance on Low Adhesion between the Wheel and the Rail - Managing the Risk Guidance on the Management of Drugs and Alcohol Low Adhesion between the Wheel and the Rail-Managing the Risk Spoken Safety Communications Reporting of Safety Related Information Management of Shared Information Systems Testing Railway Safety Critical Workers for Drugs and Alcohol Introduction and Use of Axle Counters - Managing the Risk Guidance on Incident Response Planning & Management Guidance on Accident and Incident Investigation Guidance on the Operation and Traffic Management Technical Specification for Interoperability Guidance on Defective On-Train Equipment Guidance for Safe Freight Train Operation Guidance on Medical Fitness for Railway Safety Critical Workers Guidance on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Guidance on Operational Criteria for the Provision of Lineside Telephony Following GSM-R Introduction Incident Response Planning & Management Accident and Incident Investigation Arrangements Concerning the Non-operation of Track Circuits During the Leaf Fall Contamination Period Requirements for the Weekly Operating Notice, Periodical Operating Notice and Sectional Appendix High Visibility Clothing Communication of Urgent Operating Advice Train Operation - Exceptional Load Documentation Provision of Information and Signs for Access on the Railway Dangerous Goods - Rail Conditions of Acceptance Information for Safe Train Operation Defective On-Train Equipment Steam Locomotive Operation Train Drivers - Suitability and Medical Fitness Requirements Train Movement - Medical Fitness Requirements Requirements for Operational Security Response Planning Rail Industry Standard for a Confidential Reporting System for Rail Staff Rail Industry Standard for Management of Route Knowledge for Drivers, Train Managers, Guards and Driver Managers Rail Industry Standard for Passenger Train Dispatch and Platform Safety Measures Rail Industry Standard for Train Driver Selection Rail Industry Standard on the Use of Mobile Telephonic Equipment in Driving Cabs In Force Date 12m review date 60m review date 04/10/2008 04/10/2009 03/10/2014 01/09/2012 01/09/2013 31/08/2018 05/09/2015 04/09/2016 03/09/2021 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 04/04/2009 04/04/2010 03/04/2015 01/12/2007 01/10/2009 30/09/2014 01/03/2014 01/03/2015 28/02/2020 03/12/2011 02/12/2012 01/12/2017 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 06/02/2010 06/02/2011 05/02/2016 06/12/2008 01/09/2011 30/08/2016 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 07/06/2014 07/06/2015 05/06/2020 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 04/12/2010 04/12/2011 02/12/2016 06/12/2008 01/09/2011 30/08/2016 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 04/08/2007 03/08/2008 02/08/2013 05/09/2015 04/09/2016 03/09/2021 01/03/2014 01/03/2015 28/02/2020 03/03/2012 03/03/2013 02/03/2018 06/02/2010 01/09/2012 31/08/2017 04/10/2008 04/10/2009 03/10/2014 06/02/2010 01/03/2014 28/02/2019 01/06/2013 01/06/2014 31/05/2019 07/12/2013 07/12/2014 06/12/2019 05/12/2009 05/12/2010 04/12/2015 06/09/2014 06/09/2015 04/09/2020 06/09/2014 06/09/2015 04/09/2020 05/12/2009 05/12/2010 04/12/2015 04/09/2010 04/09/2011 02/09/2016 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 06/06/2015 05/06/2016 04/06/2021 05/12/2009 05/12/2010 04/12/2015 Other: Document Reference RS100 Iss 1 RS232 Iss 1 RS504 Iss 1 RSSB-ERTMS-OC Iss 2 RSSB-GBMR-OC Iss 2 Issue two – September 2015 Document Title Good Practice Guide on Competence Development Good Practice Guide on Cognitive and Individual Risk Factors Fatigue Management - A Good Practice Guide Operational Concept for ERTMS Operational Concept for the GB Mainline Railway In Force Date 12m review date 60m review date 02/03/2013 02/03/2014 01/03/2019 04/10/2008 04/10/2009 03/10/2014 01/09/2012 01/09/2013 31/08/2018 06/12/2014 06/12/2015 04/12/2020 01/03/2014 01/03/2015 28/02/2020 Page 14 of 14