Simple and Effective Confidence Intervals for Proportions and Differences of Proportions Result from Adding Two Successes and Two Failures Author(s): Alan Agresti and Brian Caffo Reviewed work(s): Source: The American Statistician, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Nov., 2000), pp. 280-288 Published by: American Statistical Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 28/10/2011 10:35 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Statistical Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Statistician. Teacher's Corner Simple and EffectiveConfidenceIntervalsforProportions and Differencesof ProportionsResult fromAdding Two Successes and Two Failures Alan AGRESTI and Brian CAFFO * An approximate100(1 - cv)%confidenceintervalfor P1 - P2 iS The standardconfidenceintervalsforproportions and their differences used in introductory statisticscourseshave poor P (2) +) P2 (-P2) ( -1-32) + Z/2 Pl(I the actual coverage probabilityoftenbeing performance, of muchlowerthanintended.However,simpleadjustments theseintervalsbased on addingfourpseudo observations, These confidenceintervalsresult from invertinglargehalfof each type,performsurprisingly well even forsmall sample Wald tests, which evaluate standard errors at samples.To illustrate, fora broadvarietyof parameterset- the maximumlikelihoodestimates.For instance,the intingswith 10 observationsin each sample,a nominal95% terval for p is the set of po values for which IP intervalfor the differenceof proportionshas actual covPoI/ (l - p3)/n < Z./2; that is, the set of po having P erage probabilitybelow .93 in 88% of the cases withthe value exceedingaein testingHo: p = po againstHa p :&PO standardintervalbutin only 1% withtheadjustedinterval; usingtheapproximately normalteststatistic.The intervals the mean distancebetweenthe nominaland actual cover- are sometimescalled Waldintervals.Althoughtheseinterage probabilitiesis .06 forthestandardinterval,but .01 for vals are simple and naturalfor studentswho have previtheadjustedone. In teachingwiththeseadjustedintervals, ously seen analogous large-sampleformulasfor means,a one can bypassawkwardsamplesize guidelinesand use the considerableliterature showsthattheybehavepoorly(e.g., same formulaswithsmall and large samples. Ghosh 1979; Vollset1993; Newcombe 1998a, 1998b). This can be trueevenwhenthesamplesize is verylarge(Brown, Cai, and DasGupta 1999). In thisarticle,we describesimof theseintervalsthatperformmuchbetter ple adjustments but can be easily taughtin the typicalnon-calculus-based statisticscourse. These referencesshowed thata muchbetterconfidence 1. INTRODUCTION intervalfor a single proportionis based on invertingthe Let X denote a binomial variatefor n trialswith pa- test with standarderrorevaluatedat the null hypothesis, rameterp, denotedbin(n,p), and let p = X/n denotethe whichis the score testapproach.This confidenceinterval, sample proportion.For two independentsamples,let X1 due to Wilson (1927), is the set of po values for which be bin(nl,pl), and let X2 be bin(n2,p2).Let Za denotethe P - Po | Po(i - Po)b2 < Za/2, whichis 1- a quantileof thestandardnormaldistribution. Nearlyall statisticstextbookspresentthefollowingconfielementary Z /2 n_ _ dence intervalsforp and P1 - P2: 1 ' 2/2) n+ z/ 2) n( KEY WORDS: Binomial distribution; Score test; Small sample;Wald test. _ * An approximate100(1 - c)% confidenceintervalfor p is Alan Agrestiis Professor, andBrianCaffois a GraduateStudent,Departmentof Statistics,Universityof Florida,Gainesville,FL 32611-8545 (Email:AA@STAT.UFL.EDU). This workwas partiallysupportedby grants fromthe National Institutesof Health and the National Science Foundation.The authorsappreciatehelpfulcommentsfromBrentCoull and YongyiMin. 280 TheAnmericani November2000, Vol.54, No. 4 Statisticiani, a/+Zc,/2 [/2) ( ( 2?>/) + (2) G) (t22+z/ )] The midpointis a weightedaverage of p and 1/2, and it equals the sampleproportionafteraddingZ /2 pseudo observations,halfof each type.The square of the coefficient .ofZa/2 in thisformulais a weightedaverageof thevariance of a sample proportionwhenp = p and the varianceof a sample proportionwhenp = 1/2,using n + z 2 in place of theusual sample size n. For the 95% case, Agrestiand to motivateapproxiCoull (1998) used thisrepresentation matingthe score intervalby theordinaryWald interval(1) ? 2000 AmericanStatisticalAssociationi CoverageProbability CoverageProbability 1.00 .9 950/ .95 v -.95 9090 .00 1.00 8 - .80 .80 .75 - .75 j0 0 .4 .2 .6 1 . ~~ 70p ~~~~p ~~~~~ |------- 1.00 - . .95 . Wald .85 - .80 - 80 .75- 7 .70 .6 .8 1 6 8 1 .6 .8 1 4 CoverageProbability 1.00 .95 - .85 - - 80 5 p .70 0 .2 .4 .6 n=10 n=5 2 Adjusted .90- .85 - p 0 1 6 - .90- .4 4 .. .90- .2 7p 2 '1.00 ,95 0 :75 - CoverageProbability CoverageProbability , ,, ,, ,90 85 - -. .80 - 99% : ,- CoverageProbability 1 ':1.00 'V + .8 1 p .70 0 .2 .4 n=20 Figure 1. Coverage probabilitiesforthebinomialparameterp withthe nominal95% and 99% Waldconfidenceintervaland the adjusted interval based on adding fourpseudo observations,forn = 5, 10, 20. two of p of p and 1/2 ratherthan the weightedaverage of the afteraddingz.025= 1.962 4 pseudo observations, each type.That is, theiradjusted"add two successes and variances;by Jensen'sinequality,the adjusted intervalis two failures"intervalhas the simpleform widerthanthe score interval. of in performance For small samples,the improvement Wald interval theadjustedintervalcomparedto theordinary (3) is dramatic.To illustrate, iZ. 025 V/P( - p/t Figure 1 shows theactual cover95% Wald and adjusted the nominal for age probabilities but withn = (n + 4) trialsand p (X + 2)/(n + 4). The forn = 5, 10, and 20. function of p, plotted as a intervals midpointequals thatof the 95% score confidenceinterval occurs forp near 0 or 1. For For all great improvement n of butthecoefficient (roundingZ.025to 2.0 forthatinterval), that whenp = .01, the (1999) stated Brown et al. instance, Z.025 uses the variancep(l - p)/niat the weightedaverage size of n requiredsuch thattheactualcoverageprobability at least .94 of a nominal95% Wald intervalis uniformly Coverage Probability forall n above thatvalue is n = 7963, whereasforthead1.0 .10 the justed intervalthis is truefor everyn; when p = 11 for values are n 646 forthe Wald intervaland n theadjustedinterval.The Wald intervalbehavesespecially .8 partlybecause poorlywithsmalln forp neartheboundary, of the nonnegligibleprobabilityof havingp = 0 or 1 and .6 thus the degenerateinterval[0, 0] or [1, 1]. Agrestiand Coull (1998) recommendedtheadjustedintervalforuse in elementarystatisticscourses,since the Wald intervalbe.4 haves poorlyyetthescore intervalis too complexformost coursesare students.Many studentsin non-calculus-based are neededto solve equations (which by quadratic mystified .2 using the forthe score interval)and would have difficulty it is ofIn formula above. such courses, weightedaverage 2 4 6 8 0 teneasier to show how to adapt a simplemethodso thatit t Pseudo Observations workswell ratherthanto presenta morecomplexmethod. Let It (n,x) denotethe adjustmentof the Wald interval Figure 2. Boxplots of coverage probabilitiesfornominal95% ad- thatadds t/2 successes and t/2 failures.With confidence justed confidenceintervalsbased on adding t pseudo observations;disCoull approxtributions referto 10,000 cases, withn1 and n2 each chosen uniformly levels (1 ca)otherthan.95, theAgrestiand between 0 and 1. imationof the score intervaluses It (n, x) with t = z2 between 10 and 30 and p 1 and p2 chosen uniformly - November2000, Vol.54, No. 4 The Amterican Stcatisticicani, 281 Table 1. Summary of Performanceof Nominal 95% Confidence Intervalsfor Pi - P2 Based on Adding t Pseudo Obserfor(Pl,P2). vations,AveragingwithRespect to a Uniform Distribution n Characteristic 0 Numberof Pseudo Observationst 2 4 6 .949 .960 .958 .945 .954 .952 20 .924 .949 .956 .955 .948 .953 .951 30 .933 .949 .954 .954 .949 .950 .951 30, 10 .895 .948 .959 .959 .950 .950 .952 10 .059 .014 .013 .020 .035 .014 .012 20 .026 .008 .008 .012 .022 .009 .007 30 .017 .006 .006 .008 .016 .008 .006 30, 10 .055 .018 .012 .013 .023 .010 .011 10 .647 .670 .673 .668 .659 .654 .647 20 .480 .487 .488 .487 .485 .481 .477 30 .398 .401 .401 .401 .401 .398 .396 30, 10 .537 .551 .553 .551 .545 .537 .536 10 .880 .090 .010 .100 .235 .072 .046 20' .404 .016 .002 .046 .175 .020 .008 30 .180 .005 .000 .023 .131 .009 .002 30, 10 .934 .112 .004 .028 .173 .029 .018 Length Cov. Prob. < .93 NOTE: Table reportsmean of coverage probabilitiesCt(n,pl; n,p2), mean of distances Ct(n,pi; n,p2) - .951 fromnominallevel,mean of expected intervallengths,and proportionof cases <.93. insteadof t = 4, for instanceadding2.7 pseudo observationsfora 90% intervaland 5.4 fora 99% interval.Many instructors in elementary courseswill findit simplerto tell studentsto use the same constantfor all cases. One will do reasonablywell, especiallyat high nominalconfidence levels, by the recipe of always using t = 4. The performanceof theadjustedinterval14(n,xc)is muchbetterthan the Wald interval(1) for the usual confidencelevels. To illustrate,Figure 1 also shows coverage probabilitiesfor nominal99% intervals,when in = 5, 10, 20. Since the .95 confidencelevel is the mostcommonin practiceand since this"add two successes and two failures"adjustmentprovides strongimprovement over the Wald for otherlevels as well,it is simplestforelementary coursesto recommend thatadjustment textsthatrecuniformly. Of theelementary ommendadjustmentof theWald intervalby addingpseudo observations,some (e.g., McClave and Sincich 2000) direct studentsto use 14(n,c) regardlessof the confidence coefficient whereasothers(e.g., Samuels and Witmer1999) recommendt = z2 The purposeof thisarticleis to show thata simpleadjustment,adding two successes and two failures(total), also worksquite well fortwo-samplecomparisonsof proportions.The simpleWald formula(2) improvessubstan282 Approximate Bayes .891 Distance n,p2) Hybrid Score 10 Coverage with Ct(n,p1; 8 Teacher'sCornier tially afteradding a pseudo observationof each type to each sample, regardingsample i as (nm+ 2) trials with Pi = (Xi + 1)/(mn+ 2). There is no reason to expect an optimalintervalto resultfromthismethod,or in particular fromaddingthe same numberof pseudo observations to each sample or even the same numberof cases of each to thisformbecause of the attention type,butwe restricted simplicityof explainingit in a classroomsetting. 2. COMPARING PERFORMANCE OF WALD INTERVALS AND ADJUSTED INTERVALS we now For the two-samplecomparisonof proportions, of theWald confidenceformula(2) studytheperformance t/4of each typeto each afteraddingt pseudo observations, whentheintervalforP1 -P2 containsvalsample,truncating ues < -1 or > 1. Denote thisintervalby It (n1, x1; n2, X2), or It for short,so 1o denotesthe ordinaryWald interval. Our discussionrefersmainlyto the .95 confidencecoefficient,but our evaluationsalso studied.90 and .99 coefficients.Let Ct(nm,pi;n2,P2), or Ct for short,denotethe truecoverageprobabilityof a nominal95% confidenceintervalIt. We investigatedwhetherthereis a t value for which ICt((nl,pl;n2,P2) - .951tendsto be small formost ProportionBelow .93 ProportionBelow .93 1 1 .8 .8 .6 .6 nl = n2 = 10 .4 .4 .2 .2 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nl = 30 n2 = 10 _0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l l l l l l l l l I 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 t Pseudo Observations t Pseudo Observations Figure3. Proportionof (p1, p2) cases withp1 and p2 chosen uniformly between 0 and 1 forwhichnominal95% adjusted confidenceintervals based on adding t pseudo observationshave actual coverage probabilitiesbelow ,93, forn1 = n2 = 10 and n 1 = 30, n2 = 10. evenwithsmall nr and n2, withCt rarelyveryfar fora vari(say .02) below .95. To exploretheperformance etyof t withsmallnT, we randomlysampled10,000values of (ni, P1; n2,P2), takingP1 and P2 independently froma uniformdistribution over [0,1] and takingn, and n2 independently froma uniform distribution over{10, 11,.. ., 30}. For each realizationwe evaluatedCt(ni, P1; n2, P2) fort between0 and 8. Figure2 illustratesresults,showingskeletal box plotsof Ct fort = 0, 2,4, 6, 8 (i.e., adding0, .5, 1, 1.5, 2 observationsof each typeto each sample). (P1, P2), Coverage Probability The ordinary95% Wald intervalbehavespoorly.Its coverageprobabilitiestendto be too small,and theyconverge to 0 as each pi moves toward 1 or 0. The coveragesfor It improvegreatlyfor the positivevalues of t. The case 14 withfourpseudo observationsbehaves especiallywell, havingrelativelyfew poor coverageprobabilities.For instance,theproportion of cases fort = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) thathad were < .93 (.572, .026, .002, .046, .171). Similarly,the Ct proportionof nominal99% intervalsthathad actual coverbelow .97 were(.310, .012, .000, .000, .000), age probability and the proportionof nominal90% intervalsthathad ac- Coverage Probability Coverage Probability 1.00- 1.00- * .95- tVV$ 1.00- .95- .90 - .90 .85 - .85 - i :: wtAA?AAt:4 I V IV ;.95t :h&~~~~~~.A~~ h~~I) hfv~~~~h %"-i j~t .Y. ti~~X% 0 90 .85 ------- Wald Adjusted .80 l_ l_ 0 .2 l_ l___ .4 P2 =.1 .6 p1 '. .8 1 .80 l_l 0 _l .2 .4 P2 =.3 _l .6 __ .8 p1 1 p1 .800 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 P2 =.5 of Figure4. Coverage probabilitiesfornominal95% Waldand adjusted confidenceintervals(adding t = 4 pseudo observations)as a function p1 whenp2= .1,.3,.5, withn1 = n2= 20. The Amzericani November2000, Vol.54, No. 4 Statisticiani, 283 Coverage Probability Coverage Probability 1.00 Coverage Probability 1.00 - 1.00- m 7 95 50 , 95 14,u .J95 .90 ' ', ' - '90 .85 ", .80 - ------ Wald ''""''"'v\'"- .90'P"'"'"'e"' ""'n"'""'''r'"G 85 8 .80 - .80 - - .75 - '" Adjusted .75 -75 .70 __ 0 _ __ .2 _ .4 __ .6 nl = n2 = 10 p1 _ .8 1 .70 - _ 0 _ .2 _ __ .4 p1 .6 nl= 20, n2= 10 .8 1 .70 - p1 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 nl= 40, n2= 10 of Figure5. Coverage probabilitiesfornominal95% Wald and adjusted confidenceintervals(adding t = 4 pseudo observations)as a function p1 whenp2 = .3 when n1 = n2 = 10, n1 = 20, n2 = 10, and nl = 40, n2 = 10. tual coverageprobabilitybelow .88 were (.623, .045, .016, (nm,n2) = (10, 10), (20, 10), and (40, 10). Figure6 showsC0o .131, .255). The patternexhibitedhere is illustrativeof a and C4 as a functionofP1 whenP1 -P2 = 0 or .2 and when varietyof resultsfromanalyzingCt more closely,as we the relativeriskP1/P2 = 2.0 or 4.0, when ni = n2 = 10. In Figures4-6, onlyrarelydoes the adjustedintervalhave now discuss. below thenominallevel.On theother We analyzed the performanceof the It intervalfor coveragesignificantly various fixed (nl, n2) combinations.Table 1 summarizes hand,Figures4 and 6 showthatit can be veryconservative in an average sense based on tak- when P1 and P2 are both close to 0 or 1, say with (P1 +P2)/2 some characteristics, ing (P1, P2) uniformfromthe unit square, for (n1, n2) = below about.2 or above about.8 forthesmall samplesizes however,to the verylow (10,10), (20, 20), (30,30), (30,10). Although the adjusted studiedhere. This is preferred, of Wald in these cases. Figures 7 the interval coverages interval14 tends to be conservative,it compareswell to 8 their showing surfaceplotsof C0o and behavior, illustrate othercases in themean of thedistancesICt - .951and esand C4 overtheunitsquarewhenni = n2 = 10. The spikes of cases forwhichCt < .93. For n. peciallytheproportion for 10, instance,theactualcoverageprobability is below at values of pi in Figures4 and 5 become ridgesat values in .93 for 88% of such cases withthe Wald interval,but for of P1 P2 thesefigures. The poor performance of theWald intervaldoes not oconly 1% of themwith 14. Figure 3 shows the proportions cur because it is too short.In fact,for moderate-sizedpi of coverageprobabilitiesthatare below .93 as a function it tendsto be too long. For instance,when nr = 12 = 10, of t, for(n1, n2) = (10, 10) and (30, 10). The improvement Io has greaterexpectedlengththan14 forP2 between.11 over theordinaryWald intervalfromaddingt = 4 pseudo and .89 when P1 = .5 and for P2 between .18 and .82 observationsis substantial.Remainingfiguresconcentrate when P1 = .3. When n, = n2 = n and when Pi = on thisparticularadjustment, whichfaredwell in a variety P2 = P, Io has greaterlengththanIt when p falls within of evaluationswe conducted. /.25 - n(4n + t)/[24n2 + 12nt+ 2t2] of .5. For all t > 0, over theunitsquare for (P1, P2) thisintervalaround.5 shrinksmonotonically Averagingperformance as n increases can mask poor behaviorin certainregions,and in practice to .50 i .50/v3, or (.21,.79), which applies also to the certainpairings(e.g., JP1- P21 small) are oftenmorecom- Agrestiand Coull (1998) adjustedintervalin the singlemon or moreimportant thanothers.Thus,besides studying samplecase. As in thesingle-proportion case, theWald inthese summaryexpectations,we plottedCt as a function tervalsuffers fromhavingthemaximumlikelihoodestimate of P1 for variousfixedvalues of P2, P1 - P2, and P1/P2. exactlyin themiddleof theinterval. To illustrate,Figure4 plots the Wald coverageCo and the Thereis nothinguniqueaboutt = 4 pseudo observations coverage C4 for the adjustedinterval,fixingP2 at .1, .3, in providinggood performance of adjustedintervalsin the and .5, for ni = n2 = 20. The poor coverage spikes for one- and two-sampleproblems.For instance,Figure 3 and the Wald intervaldisappear with 14, but this adjustment Table 1 showthatotheradjustments oftenworkwell. A reis quite conservativewhen P1 and P2 are both close to 0 gion of t values providesubstantialimprovement over the or bothclose to 1. The adjustment14 performsreasonably Wald interval,withvalues near t = 2 being less conservaevenwithvery tive thant = 4. We emphasizedthe case t = 4 earlierfor well,and muchbetterthantheWald interval, smallor unbalancedsamplesizes. Figure5 illustrates, plot- the two-samplecase because it rarelyhas poor coverage. to some conservativeness tingCo and C4 as a functionof P1 withP2 fixedat .3, for We believeit is worthpermitting 284 Teacher'sCorner Coverage Probability 1.0 Coverage Probability P1 -P2=0 l 1.0 .9 .9g- .8 - - ."- - - ..8 Wald .7 Adjusted p1 .6 0 .2 Coverage Probability 1.0 .4 .6 .8 p1 .6 1 .2 .4 Coverage Probability P1/P2=2 1.0 .9 -|, .8 .8 .7 -.7 .6 P1 -P2=.2 p1 l I 0 P1/P2=4 ' ,-- ,'K j1/~Ai .' - l~~~~~~~~p - .8 .6 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 .6 ,' - p1 l I 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 of Figure6. Coverage probabilitiesfornominal95% Wald and adjusted confidenceintervals(adding t = 4 pseudo observations)as a function p1 whenp1-p2 = 0 or .2 and whenp1/p2 = 2 or 4, forn1 = n2 = 10. courses,it focuseson the simpleIt adjustmentratherthan methodsthatmaybe suggestedby statisticalprinciples.To one approachis to invert finda good methodmoregenerally, = A thathas good properties,such a testof Ho: P1 P2 as using the large-samplescore test(Mee 1984) or profile likelihoodmethods(Newcombe 1998b). The score testof P1 - P2 = 0 is the familiarPearson chi-squaredtest,so thisapproachhas theadvantagethattheconfidenceinterval is consistentwith the most commonlytaughttest of the samenominallevel.The methodof obtainingtheconfidence intervalis too complex for elementarycourses,however, partlybecause thetestof P1 - P2 = A requiresfindingthe maximumlikelihoodestimatesof (P1, P2) forthe standard errorsubjectto theconstraint P1 - P2 - A. Newcombe(1998b) evaluatedvariousconfidenceinterval methodsforP1 - P2. He proposeda methodthatperforms betterthan the Wald intervaland similarto substantially simpler(althe score whilebeingcomputationally interval, THE 3. COMPARING ADJUSTED INTERVAL courses). statistics most elementary complex for though too WITH OTHER GOOD INTERVALS Many methodshave been proposedforimprovingon the His methodis a hybridof resultsfromthe single-sample let (ej,ui) be the ordinaryWald confidenceintervalforP1 - P2. Since this score intervalsforP1 and P2 Specifically, articledicussesmethodsappropriate in elementary statistics rootsforpi in Z, /2= I-Pil/ pi (l - pi) ni. Newcombe's ensurethatthecoverageprobability rarelyfallsmuchbelow thenominallevel. In the one-samplecase the adjustedinthe terval'2(n, x) is betterthan14(n, x) in approximating score intervalwith small confidencelevels, such as 90%. An advantageof the interval12(n,x) forp is consistency betweenthe single-samplecase and our recommendedadjustment14(n1, x1; n2,x2) for two samples. For instance, as ri2 ~+oc and the second sample yields a perfectestimate,the resulting"add two successes and two failures" two-sampleintervaluses the firstsample in the same way as does the"add one success and one failure"single-sample interval.However,forthesingle-sampleproblemwe prefer the 14(n,x) interval,since .95-is by farthe mostcommon confidencelevel in practiceand thisintervalworkssomewhatbetterthan'2 (n, x) in thatcase. TheAmericanStatisticiani, November2000, Vol.54, No. 4 285 hybridscore intervalis (il - P2) - Z 1 /2 ) + U2(1-U2) (Pl-_p2+Zo2 Ul(1-Ul) ni +? 2(l1-2)1 1 n2 Comparedto the adjustedintervalI4, the hybridscore intervalalso is conservativewhenP1 and P2 are bothclose to however,withmean 0 or 1; overall,it is less conservative, coverageprobabilitycloser to thenominallevel (see Table 1). Likewise, it tends to be a bit shorter.It has a somewhathigherproportionof cases withcoverageprobability being too small,mainlyforvalues of JP1- P21 near 1; for the 10,000 randomlyselected cases with ni also random was between10 and 30, theminimumcoverageprobability .92 forthe95% adjustedintervaland .86 forthe95% hybrid score interval. The adjusted intervalI4 and the hybridscore interval bothhave a greatertendencyfordistal non-coveragethen For instance,forthe 10,000randomly mesialnon-coverage. selected cases, the mean probabilityfor which the lower limitexceeds P1 - P2 whenP1 - P2 > 0 or the upperlimit is less thanP1 - P2 whenP1 - P2 < 0 was .030 for14 and .033 forthe 95% hybridscore interval,whereasthe mean probabilityfor whichthe upperlimitis less thanP1 - P2 whenP1 - P2 > 0 or the lowerlimitexceeds P1 - P2 when P1 - P2 < 0 was .013 forI4 and .014 forthe 95% hybrid score. As t increasesforIt, theratioof incidenceof distal non-coverageto mesial non-coverageincreases;for these randomlyselectedcases, fort = (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) it equals (.7, 1.2,2.2, 4.3, 8.1). Unliketheadjustedintervaland theWald thehybridscoreintervalcannotproduceovershoot, interval, CoverageProbability CoverageProbability 1 95 .9 .7 .7 p2 for95% nominaladjustedconfiFigure8. Coverageprobabilities for95% nominalWaldconfidence dence interval Figure7. Coverageprobabilities ofp1 as a function (addingt = 4 pseudo observations) ofp1 andp2, whenn1 = n2 = 10. as a function interval and p2, whenni1= n2 = 10. 286 Teacher'sCorner Finally,an alternativeway to improvethe Wald method withthe intervalforP1 - P2 extendingbelow -1 or above + 1 and thusrequiringtruncation. OvershootforIt is less is witha continuity correction(Fleiss 1981,p. 29). As with commonas t increases.For instance,for these randomly othercontinuity corrections,this generallyresultsin conselectedcases, the mean probabilityof overshootfort usually more so thanthe adjusted servativeperformance, (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) was (.048, .033, .016, .006, .000). like those of interval.However,the coverageprobabilities, Since standardintervalsforp andP1 -P2 improvegreatly the Wald interval,can dip substantially below the nominal to shrinkageof pointesti- level whenbothpi are near0 or 1. withadjustmentcorresponding mates,one wouldexpectintervalsresultingfroma Bayesian approachwithcomparableshrinkagealso to performwell sense. Carlin and Louis (1996, pp. 117in a frequentist 4. TEACHING THE ADJUSTED INTERVALS 123) providedevidence of this typefor estimatingp. For P1 - P2, considerindependentuniformpriordistributions Agrestiand Coull (1998) motivated theiradjustedinterval of pi is beta with forP1 and P2. The posteriordistribution forthe as a simpleapproximation (3) fora singleproportion meanPi = (Xi + 1) j (ni + 2) and variancePi (I -Pi)/ (ni + 3). score 95% confidenceinterval.We know of no such simforthedistribution of Using a crudenormalapproximation ple motivationforthe adjustedintervalforthetwo-sample of theposteriorbeta variatesleads to theinthedifference withtheBayesian incomparison,otherthanthesimilarity terval terval(4). A problemforfutureresearchis to studywhether theoreticalsupportexists for this simple yet effectiveadjustment,suchas Edgeworthor saddlepointexpansionsthat forthetail behav+ P2(l-P2) (4) mightprovideimprovedapproximations i1(l-i3) (P1-P2)?Za/2 ior of Pl - P2The motivationneeded for teachingin the elementary How can one motivate statistics course is quite different. This has the same centeras the adjusted interval14 but In the observations? single-samplecase we adding pseudo uses ni + 3 insteadof ni + 2 in the denominatorsof the binomial distributionis highly that the remind students standarderror.For elementarycourses,this intervalwas and because ofthisperhaps skewed as 0 and 1, approaches p suggestedby Berry(1996, p. 291). Like Newcombe's hybe of interval. As supportfor should not the the midpoint p brid score interval,it tends to performquite well, being ExplorStat (available use the software students this, we have slightlyshorterand less conservativethan14 but suffering simulation Through at occasionalpoorercoverages(see Table 1). For sample size of statisticalmethods combinationswe considered,its minimumcoverageproba- it showshow operatingcharacteristics sizes and populationdistrisample as students vary change bilitywas onlyslightlybelow thatfortheadjustedinterval. such as .10 or when takes values p butions. For instance, If conservativeness is a concern(e.g., if bothpi are likely of Wald observe a students relatively high proportion .90, to be close to 0), the approximateBayes and hybridscore size to when is the sample p n 30, failing contain intervals intervalsare slightlypreferableto 14. inference for is adequate large-sample their text suggests The adjusted interval14 (and the similar approximate Bayes interval(4)) is simplerthanothermethodsthatim- fora mean. Most students,however,seem more convincedby speprove greatlyover the Wald interval.Thus, we believe it cific exampleswheretheWald methodseems nonsensical, is appropriateforelementarystatisticscourses.We do not such as whenp = 0 or 1. We oftenuse data froma quesclaim optimalityin any sense or thatothermethodsmay to the studentsat the beginningof tionnaire administered notbe betterforsome purposes.Some applications,forinone of us (Agresti)taughta class to 24 term. For instance, stance,may requirethatthe true confidencelevel be no in honors students fall 1999. In responseto the question, lower thanthe nominallevel, mandatinga methodthatis "Are you a vegetarian?",0 of the 24 studentsresponded (e.g.,Chan and Zhang 1999). Also, necessarilyconservative we recommend14 forintervalestimationand notforan im- "yes,"yettheyrealizedthattheWald intervalof [0, 0] was We populationproportion. plicittestof Ho: P1 - P2 = 0, althoughsuch a testwould notplausiblefora corresponding be morereliablethanone based on theWald interval.For have also used homeworkexercisessuch as estimatingthe whenall of success fora new medicaltreatment a significance test,we would continueto teachthePearson probability chi-squaredtestin elementarycourses. The testbased on 10 subjectsin a sample experiencesuccess, or estimating of deathdue to suicidewhena sampleof 30 14 is too conservativewhen the commonvalue of pi un- theprobability der the null is close to 0 or close to 1, for most sample deathrecordshas no occurrences.(Again,theWald interval sizes more conservativethanthe Pearson testfor such pi. is [0, 0], but the National Centerfor Health StatisticsreAlthoughthe adjustedintervalis notguaranteedto be con- portsthatin theUnitedStatestheprobabilityof deathdue sistentwiththe resultof the Pearson test,it usually does to suicideis about .01.) Althoughone can amendtheWald agree.For instance,forcommonvalues (.1, .2, .3, .4, .5) of methodto improveits behaviorwhenp 0 or 1, such as the endpointsby ones based on the exact bitestwithnominal by reeplacing Pi, the95% versionof 14 and thePeareson significancelevel of .05 agree withprobability(.972, .996, nomialtest,makingsuch exceptionsfroma generalrecipe themainidea of takingtheestimate .9996, 1.000, 1.000) whennl = 2=30 and (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, distractsstudentsfreom multipleof a standarderror. 1.0, 1.0) whennl = 2=10. plus and minusa normal-score November2000, Vol.54, No. 4 The AmericanStatistician, 287 [ReceivedSeptemnber 1999. RevisedFebru-cary 2000.] In thesingle-samplecase Whyfoutr pseudo observations? we explain that this approximatesthe resultsof a more complex methodthatdoes not requireestimatingthe unREFERENCES knownstandarderror;here,we explainthe conceptof invertingthetestwithnullstandarderror,or findingsolutions Agresti,A., and Coull, B. A. (1998), "Approximateis Betterthan'Exact' of (p - p) = 2 /p(l -p)/n thatdo not requireestimating forIntervalEstimationof BinomialProportions,"TheAmericanStatistician,52, 119-126. /p(l - p)/n. In thetwo-samplecase one could explainthat Berry, D. A. (1996), Statistics.A Bayesian Perspective,Belmont,CA: prior thisapproximatesa statisticalanalysisthatrepresents Wadsworth. (Some inbeliefsabout each pi by a uniformdistribution. Brown,L. D., Cai, T. T., and DasGupta,A. (1999), "ConfidenceIntervals of course,will prefera more fullyBayesian apstructors, fora BinomialProportionand EdgeworthExpansions,"technicalreport proach,as in Berry1996.) StatisticsDepartment. 99-18, PurdueUniversity, The poor performanceof the ordinaryWald intervals Carlin,B. P.,and Louis, T. A. (1996), Bayes anidEmpiricalBayes Methods London: Chapmanand Hall. for-Data Anialysis, for p and for P1 - P2 is unfortunate, since they are the simplestand most obvious ones to presentin elementary Chan,I. S. F., and Zhang,Z. (1999), "Test-BasedExact ConfidenceInterBiomet7ics,55, forthe Differenceof Two Binomial Proportions," courses.Also unfortunate fortheseintervalsis thedifficulty vals 1202-1209. of providingadequate sample size guidelines.Introductory Fleiss, J. L. (1981), StatisticalMethoclsfor-Rates anidPr-oportions (2nd butthese textbooksprovidea varietyof recommendations, ed.), New York:Wiley. have inadequacies (Leemis and Trivedi1996; Brownet al. Ghosh,B. K. (1979), "A Comparisonof Some ApproximateConfidenceInStatistical Journ-7Zal of theAmericani tervalsfortheBinomialParameter," 1999). And, needless to say, most texts do not indicate Association,74, 894-900. what to do when the guidelinesare violated,otherthan perhapsto consult a statistician.The resultsin this arti- Leemis,L. M., and Trivedi,K. S. (1996), "A Comparisonof Approximate IntervalEstimatorsforthe BernoulliParameter,"The Anmericani Statiscle suggestthatfor the "add two successes and two failticiani,50, 63-68. ures" adjustedconfidenceintervals,one mightsimplyby- McClave, J. T., and Sincich,T. (2000), Statistics(8th ed.), Englewood pass sample size rules. The adjusted intervalshave safe Cliffs,NJ:PrenticeHall. forpracticalapplicationwith al- Mee, R. W. (1984), "ConfidenceBounds fortheDifferenceBetweenTwo operatingcharacteristics 40, 1175-1176. Probabilities," Biomiietr-ics, mostall samplesizes. In fact,we notein closing(and with tonguein cheek) that the adjustedintervals14(n, x) and Newcombe,R. (1998a), "Two-Sided ConfidenceIntervalsforthe Single Proportion:Comparisonof Seven Methods,"Statisticsin Medicinle,17, 14(n1, x1; n2, X2) have theadvantagethat,as withBayesian 857-872. methods,one can do an analysiswithouthavingany data. (1998b), "IntervalEstimationfor the DifferenceBetween IndeIn thesingle-samplecase theadjustedsamplethenhas p = pendentProportions:Comparisonof Eleven Methods,"Statisticsin 2/4, and the 95% confidenceintervalis .5 i 2A/(.5)(.5)/4, Medicinie,17, 873-890. or [0, 1]. In thetwo-samplecase theadjustedsampleshave Samuels,M. L., and Witmer,J.W. (1999), Statisticsfor theLifeScienices (2nd ed.), EnglewoodCliffs,NJ:PrenticeHall. P, = 1/2 and P2 = 1/2,and the 95% confidenceintervalis S. E. (1993), "ConfidenceIntervalsfor a Binomial Proportion," Vollset, or Both (.5 .5) i 2\ [(.5) (.5)/2] + [(.5) (.5)/2], [-1, +1]. Statisticsin Medicine,12, 809-824. as one would hope froma freanalysesare uninformative, E. B. (1927), "Probable Inference,the Law of Succession, and quentistapproachwithno data. No one will get into too Wilson, StatisticalAssociationl, StatisticalInference,"Journ71al of theAmnerican muchtroubleusingthem! 22, 209-212. 288 Teacher'sCoriier