Personal Financial Planning Department TEACHING / RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICATION R Number: Date of Birth: / / Name: (Last) (First) (Middle) Current Mailing Address: Street Unit # City Phone: ( ) State Zip - E-Mail Address: Proposed Level of Degree: Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) Master's Degree (M.S.) Proposed Term of Enrollment: ACADEMIC PREPARATION: List the Colleges / Universities you have attended up to (and including) the one conferring your highest degree. Name of Institution Major Dates Attended Degree & Date Granted SCHOOL and COLLEGE TEACHING EXPERIENCE Name of Institution Title Subjects Taught Dates of Employment Page # of ## PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (other than teaching): Include any pertinent experience in business, industry, and academic research. HONORS and AWARDS: PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Please indicate the level of participation. PUBLICATIONS: Please provide full bibliographic data. SKILLS: Please list any special skill sets you have. Page # of ## Are you interested in a 10-hour or a 20-hour assistantship? 10-hour 20-hour Which of the following positions are you interested in? (Check all that apply) Teaching Assistant (assisting the faculty who is teaching the class) Assistant Instructor (teaching the class) Research Assistant (assisting faculty with their research) Please check each of the following to indicated that you understand: All domestic applicants for graduate assistants will be required to apply for work study funding by submitting a work study application and FAFSA application. Graduate assistants must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours of classes, but are limited to taking no more than 10 credit hours (6 and 7 credit hour limits during the summer). Graduate assistants must report to work on the first day that faculty are on duty. This is typically several days before classes begin. Graduate assistants are required to work until the date final grades are due (typically the Monday following Commencement) or until they are released by their supervising faculty member. Students receiving assistantships are expected to dedicate their energy to making progress toward their degree completion and to contribute to the activities that provide the funding for their support. As such, additional income-generating activities within or outside the university are discouraged. REFERENCES: 1. Name Position Address Telephone Name Position Address Telephone Name Position Address Telephone 2. 3. PLEASE SUBMIT A CURRENT COPY OF YOUR RESUME WITH YOUR APPLICATION. Signature Field: Date Please submit via e-mail to and copy Page # of ##