Office of Field Services Licensure Program Concern Conference Cleveland State University Concern Conference There are occasions when Cleveland State University College of Education faculty, school mentor teachers or administrators, university supervisors, or other personnel may feel that a College of Education student has a problem meeting the minimum expectations of a CSU student and/or a future teacher. When this occurs, there are many ways to communicate this concern to a student: e.g., the faculty member might communicate orally or in written comments on an assignment or on an evaluation form. Another way of communicating concern is through a “Concern Conference” with the student. This is a formal procedure in which one of more faculty members (or other personnel listed above) and the CSU student communicate with each other about a perceived problem, collaboratively develop ways in which the problem can or should be addressed, and write these out in a document. You will find a copy of a Concern Conference form below. A Concern Conference is a serious matter that if agreed upon stipulations are not met may result in a change of mentor match (within the same or at a different school) or removal from the student’s licensure program. If the Concern Conference results in a change of mentor match, any additional Concern Conferences may result in dismissal from the licensure program. Only one change in mentor is allowed. The College of Education has an Ombudsperson whose job is to assist students with academically related problems that have not been resolved to the student’s satisfaction. The Ombudsperson is prepared to objectively arbitrate issues that may develop at a Concern Conference, should that be necessary. The Ombudsperson may be contacted by calling the Education Student Services Offices (ESSC) at 216.687.4625. Office Of Field Services Objective Form Spring, 2015 Intern: ___________________________ CSU ID _____________ Disposition in Question Attendance Punctuality Completes Work in a Timely Manner Demonstrates Organizational Skills Sample Objective Observe all Pertinent Policies and Procedures Lesson Planning Intern will report to the field site each day as scheduled. If the intern misses _____ days in the field/seminar as of (date), he/she will be required to meet with OFS who could at that time terminate the remainder of this experience. Intern will report to the field site each day scheduled by (time). If the intern is tardy _____ more times to the field/seminar as of (date), he/she will be required to meet with OFS who at that time will schedule make up days in the field or terminate the experience. Intern will submit completed lesson plans (with all supplemental materials) to mentor teacher(s) on _______ (Thursday/Friday) for the following week. Intern will submit observation lesson plans to supervisor at least 48 hours before the scheduled observation. Intern will complete (specific assignment) by (due date) Intern will keep a binder with tabs to separate work for field and seminar. Intern will submit completed lessons, reflections, artifacts, and other portfolio requirements only. No more partial assignments will be accepted. Attend all field experiences, classes and seminars fully prepared to submit assignments due. (They are on my computer, flash drive, I have them) will no longer suffice. If you don’t have them, they will be marked as missing. Intern will not use cell phone while at the site or in seminar. Intern will not check personal email on school computers. Intern will cover tattoo while in the field. Intern will not form inappropriate “friendships” with students. Intern is to take on the role of the professional. Intern will follow CSU format when completing all lesson plans for both the mentor teacher and the supervisor. Intern will revise lesson plans as needed. Lesson plans must be legible To Be Completed By: On -going On-going Friday’s date Date which is 48 hours before next formal observation Specific due date of the assignment On-going Specific due date(s) of the assignment(s) in questions Specific due date(s) of the assignment(s) in questions On-going On-going On-going The dates will be specific to the due dates of the lesson plans. Create a “window of time” to allow students to revise plans. On-going Office of Field Services Objective Form Spring, 2010 Intern: ___________________________ CSU ID _____________ Accepts and Responds to Feedback Project an Appropriate Professional Appearance in Professional Settings Intern uses suggestions from mentor teacher and revises plans accordingly. Intern completes and submits Follow-Up Form after formal observations. Intern uses supervisor suggestions to correct Artifacts to receive a rating of Proficient or Above Intern will not wear jeans in the field except on special days like Spirit Days or Field Trip Days Intern’s skirt will be at least fingertip length or longer. Intern will not allow undergarments of any kind to show when in the field or at seminar. Intern will not wear body piercings when in the field. Intern will cover tattoo when in the field. Mentor teacher has addressed oral hygiene with the intern and intern agrees to make a conscious effort to be mindful of the situation. Supervisor has discussed bodily odor with the intern. Intern agrees to shower daily and wear clean clothes to the field and to seminar. Intern agrees to iron clothes so as not to have a disheveled appearance when in the field. Intern will not eat or drink in the classroom other than for class parties or activities Create a “window of time” to allow students to revise plans. Create a “window of time” to allow students to complete Follow Up Form. Create a “window of time” to allow students to revise and resubmit Artifacts. On-Going Office of Field Services Conference Record Intern: ___________________________ ID: ____________________ Date of Conference: _________________ Practicum Student Teacher Undergraduate Graduate Licensure Program: _______________ Does intern have a FLAG Form on file in Student Services? Yes No Initiator of Conference: Supervisor: ____________________________________ Intern: _______________________________________ Other: ________________________________________ Mentor(s): _________________________________________ OFS Staff: __________________________________________ Area(s) of Concern: Professional Relationships Intern-Supervisor and/or OFS Staff Intern-Mentor Teacher(s) Intern-Other: ____________________________________________________ Professional Responsibilities Meeting Field Obligations Low Assessment Scores Meeting Syllabus Requirements Professional Competency Content Knowledge Intern-Peer(s) Intern-Students Lesson Planning Lesson Delivery Classroom Management Lack of initiative Attendance/Tardiness Disposition(s) _______________________________________ Skills: _____________________ Clinical Experience Oral/Written Expression Brief Explanation of Problem: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning and Progress Chart Objective Objective Met Signatures: OFS Staff: __________________________________ Intern: ________________________________________ Mentor Teacher: _____________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________________ Other: __________________________________________