Spectrochimica Acta. Vol. 24A. pp. 1669 to 1676. Pergamon Press 1968. Printed in Northern Ireland The molecular complexes of N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide and N,N-dimethylmethanesulphonamidewith iodine, iodine cyanide and phenol* H. MØLLENDAL,J. GRUNDNESand P. KLABOE Department of Chemistry, (Reeeived University of Oslo, Oslo 3, Norway 15 February 1968) Abstract-The charge-transfer complex between N,N-dimethyhnethanesulphinamide and iodine in solution was studied in the visible, ultra-violet and infrared regions and the thermodynamic functions and spectral parameters for the complex are reported. The corresponding interactions with iodine cyanide and phenol were investigated. The basicities of N,N-dimethyhnethanesulphinamide and dimethyl sulphoxide were found to be very similar. N,N-Dimethylmethanesulphonamide was such aweak base that the iodine and iodinecyanide interactions could not be studied quantitatively. The complex with phenol was investigated, revealing a close similarity to tetramethylene sulphone. INTRODUCTION DURINGthe last five years the complex formation between various sulphoxides and iodine [1-7], iodine cyanide [2] and phenol [l, 8] have been investigated. The data reveal that the sulphoxides are moderately strong donors to these acceptors. On the other hand, the related sulphones [l] seem to form very weak complexes. In the present paper we wanted to extend such studies to the corresponding amides in order to relate them with the sulphoxides and the sulphones. It is well known [9] that the ketoamides are much stronger bases to iodine than the ketones, explai~ed as a result of delocalization of the nitrogen lone pair electrons, giving a higher electron density on the carbonyl oxygen. Moreover, the cyanamides [10] give considerably stronger complexes with iodine and the interhalogens than do the nitriles. The main purpose of this research was to establish if a corresponding effect on the basicity of these sulphur compounds could be observed. Therefore the thermodynamic functions -!:lGo, -!:lHo and -!:lSo and various spectroscopic parameters for complexes of sulphin- and sulphonamides were determined. The two * This work was supported Humanities. [l] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] l in part by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the R. S. DRAGo, B. WAYLANDand R. L. CARLSON,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 85, 3125 (1964). E. AUGDAHLand P. KLABOE,Aeta Chem. Seand. 18, 18 (1964). P. KLABOE,Aeta Chem. Scand. 18, 27 (1964). P. KLABOE,Aeta Chem. Scand. 18, 999 (1964). J. GRUNDNESand P. KLABOE, Trans. Faraday Soe. 60, 1991 (1964). B. MUSULIN,W. J. JONES and M. J. BLEEM,J. Inorg. Nuel. Chem. 26, 239 (1964). M. C. GIORDANO,J. C. BAZANand A. J. ARVlA, J. Inorg. Nuel. Chem. 28, 1209 (1966). T. GRAMSTAD, Spectroehim. Aeta 19, 829 (1963). R. S. DRAGo, D. A. WENZ and R. L. CARLSON,J. Am. Chem. Soe. 84, 1106 (1962). E. AUGDAHLand P. KLABOE,Aeta Chem. 8cand. 19, 807 (1965). 1669 1670 H. MØLLENDAL, J. GRUNDNES and P. KLABOE simp1est mo1ecu1es were se1ected: N,N-dimethy1methanesu1phinamide (CHgk NS(O)CHg (SIA) and N,N-dimethy1methanesu1phonamide (CHg)2NS02CHg (SOA) which are derived from dimethy1 su1phoxide and dimethy1 sulphone, respective1y. We have studied not on1y the SIA and SOA comp1exes with iodine, but with iodine cyanide and pheno1 as well. The interactions were investigated in the visib1e and the u1travio1et spectroscopic regions and perturbations in the donor and the acceptor infrared spectra detected. EXPERIMENTAL Ohemicals SIA and SOA were synthesized as described [lI]. The PMR spectrum of SIA was identica1 with the one reported [11-12], but weak signals at 117, 171 and 180 c/s indicated small amounts of impurities, which cou1d not be removed by repeated distillations under reduced pressure. Since SIA is extreme1y hygroscopic, the impurities might part1y be water. SOA was re-crystallized from hexane (m.p. 48.4°C). Iodine and iodine cyanide we repurified as before [2, 3]. The solvents were of spectrograde qua1ity, Uvasole, from Merck. Carbon disu1phide was used without further purification, carbon tetrach10ride was dried over P 205 in a desiccator, and the other solvents were dried and distilled. Instrumental The ultraviolet and visib1e spectra were recorded with a Beckman DK-l recording speetrometer and a Zeiss PMQ Il manual speetrometer equipped with thermostatted cell ho1ders. Matched pairs of ground glass stoppered silica cells of thickness 1.00 cm were employed. A Perkin-E1mer model 21 speetrometer with NaC1 and CsBr optics and a Beckman IR-9 grating speetrometer were used for the infrared recordings. The temperature was controlled by p1acing the infrared cells inside a thermostatic box. Infrared cells of thickness 1-2 mm were employed for the quantitative studies in order to keep the solute concentrations low. RESULTS SIA-iodine complex When SIA was added to a solution of iodine in CC14the visib1e absorption band at 517 mfl was blue shifted to 440 mfl and for varying SIA concentrations an isosbestie point was observed at 485 mfl. No spectral changes were observed for several hours if the SIA-iodine solutions were kept in darkness neither with CCl4nor CH2C12 as solvents, but in CS2 rapid reactions occurred. The formation constant for the SIA-iodine comp1ex at 20°C was determined from the absorption data at 550 mfl for a series of mixed solutions, using a modified LANG equation [13] °nOAl E - EA l l E-E A = (O n+ OA+Be - BA) Be - BA K(Be - BA) [Il] R. M. MORlARTY,Tetrahedron Lett. 10, 509 (1964). [12] R. M. MORIARTY,J. Org. Chem. 30, 600 (1965). [13] R. P. LANG,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84, 1185 (1962). (l) The molecular complexes of N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide 1671 with iodine OD and 0..1are the initial donor and acceptor concentrations, respectively, E - EA is the difference in absorbance between a mixed solution of concentrations OD and 0..1 and a solution with acceptor concentration 0..1' Ba - BAis the difference in the molar extinction coefficients between the complex and the acceptor (the donor has no absorption in this region) and l is the celliength. In a cyclic iteration procedure a reasonable value for Ba - BAwas used as a first approximation and K and Ba - BA calculated. The procedure was worked out with a least-squares program for the IBM 1620 Il computer. A series of 9 mixed solutions were measured at 20°0, the iodine concentration kept at 1.466 X 10-3 M and the SIA concentration varying between 1.567 X 10-2 and 11.759 X 10-2 M. From the data at 550 mfl we obtained K = 11.7 l/mole. The absorbance of one particular mixed solution was measured at six temperatures at 550 mfl, assuming [14] a constant difference Ba BA = -596 l/mole cm. The formation constants at six temperatures between 17 and 41°0 were calculated from equation (1). The thermodynamic functions -tlHo and -tlSo - were determined in the usual way by a least 0.3 kcal/mole and -tlSo = 7 ::f: 1 e.u. squares procedure: tlHo = 3,4 ::f: Since 0014 is not transparent below 270 mfl, OH2012was used as a solvent for the ultraviolet studies. However, it was observed that photochemical reactions occurred in the SIA-iodine solutions in OH2012which produced 13- ions, as apparent from the absorption bands at 290 and 360 mfl. An absorption peak was detected at 261 mfl, undoubtedly caused by the SIA-iodine charge transfer band, but no quantitative studies were possible. The infrared spectrum of SIA was recorded as a capillary (4000-650 cm-l) and in solution (4000-300 cm-l) and the observed frequencies are listed in Table 1. Table 1. Infrared spectral data for N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide pure liquid and in solution Solution Liquid Ca 2900 1644 1458 1412 s s m m 1354 sh 1300 VW 1264 vw 1228 vw ll78 m ll35vw 1070 vs 923m 703m 666 vw Ca 2900 1666 1466 1452 1415 1395 1290 1247 s s m m sh vw vw vw Solvent CI.CCC!. C!.CCC!. C!. CCC!. CI.CCCI. C!.CCC!. CS. CS. es. ll73 w ll33 vw 1080 vs 918m 693m CS. OS. 635w 483m 420m 323 vw e6Hl2 C6H6 C6H6 °6H6 ess es. es. Tentative assignment VCR VSO + vcs J'""' VaCNC rCRs vso VSN VsCNO VOS def. modes }skeietal s = strong, m = medium, w = weak, sh = shoulder, v = very. [14] R. L. CARLSONand R. S. DRAGO,J. Am. Okern. SOC.84, 2320 (1962). as 1672 H. MØLLENDAL, J. GRUNDNES and P. KLABOE When iodine, iodine cyanide or phenol were added to an SIA solution, various changes occurred in the infrared spectrum. The perturbations are listed in Table 2, and it Table 2. Perturbed infrared bands in N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide complex formation Donor v Donor- 12 1666* 1080t 918t 693t 635t Solvents: v bov 1616 1022 946 715 50 58 -28 -22 * tetrachloromethylene; Donor-ION V 1626 1040 925 703 646 t carbon disulphide on Donor-phenol bov V bov 40 40 -7 -10 -11 1637 1048 925 703 645 29 32 -7 -10 -10 and t cyclohexane. appears that the same infrared band of SIA were shifted for each added acceptor. The largest shifts were observed in the iodine complexes, but irreversible reactions occurred for these high iodine concentrations. BIA complexes with iodine cyanide and phenol The SIA-iodine cyanide complex could best be studied in the infrared region, and spectral perturbations were observed both for the donor and the acceptor spectra. Quite concentrated, mixed SIA-iodine cyanide complexes were perfectly stable with time, and we found the displaced S=O stretching band at 1080 cm-l best suited for a quantitative calculation. It appeared that for a constant SIA concentration in CS2 an isosbestie point was observed. Series of mixed solutions were recorded at various temperatures between 20 and 35°C. The formation constants were calculated by the described method, using the absorbance values at 1080 cm-l. The following values were calculated: K = 83,1, 69.0, 67,5 and 59'81/mole at 20,25,30 and 35°C, respectively, giving b.Ho = -3.7 ::!::0.5 kcal/mole and b.Bo = -4,1 ::!::1.6 e.u. Iodine cyanide displays the C-I stretching band at 476 cm-l when dissolved in C6H6' This band was shift ed to 454 cm-l when SIA was added and an isosbestie point observed at 466 cm-l for constant iodine cyanide concentrations. It appears from Table 2 that addition of phenol to SIA perturbed the infrared spectrum somewhat less than adding iodine and iodine cyanide. The free O-H stretching band of phenol situated at 3611 cm-l in CCl4 was shifted 360 cm-l in the complex. The revised relationship suggested by EPLEY and DRAGO[15] gives the enthalpy of formation equal to: b.Ho = -6.8 kcal/mole. The formation constant for the SIA-phenol complex was determined at 20°C in CCl4 from the variations in the phenol absorption at 284 mfl, Kc = 155 l/mole. BOA complexes A very small increase in the absorption at the short wave length side of the visible iodine band was observed for SOA-concentrations approaching the saturation value in CCl4 at about 0.5 M. An attempt to analyze the data in the usual way [15] T. D. EPLEY and R. S. DRAGO,J. Am. Ohem. Soc. 89, 5770 (1967). The molecular complexes of N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide with iodine 1673 revealed that the PERSON criterion [16] was not satisfied. A formation constant could therefore not be determined and it must be smaller than 0'41/mole. No added ultraviolet absorption was detected in the region 360-240 mfl for SOA-iodine solutions in OH2012. The infrared spectrum of SOA was recorded (Table 3), but no perturbations were observed for saturated solutions of iodine or iodine cyanide in OS2' Thus SOA forms no (or an extremely weak) charge transfer complex with these acceptors. Table 3. Infrared spectral data for N,N-dimethylmethanesulphonamide obtained as KBr pellet and in so1ution Peilet Ca 2900 1486 w 1468 w 1415 w 1328 s 1256 w 1186 w 1150 s 1046 vw 960 s 942w 780m 669w * The spectral Solution Ca 2900 1474 1460 1408 1346 1267 1196 1156 1050 958 Solvent w w vw s vw vw s vw s CIsCCCIs CIsCCCIs CIsCCCIs CIsCCCIs CSs CSs CS. CSs CS. CS. 769m 653w * 512m 486 m 353 vw region between Tentative assignment VOR } bORa VaOSO rORa VsOSO VaONO VSN VsONO VOS CS. es. CaHa def. modes } skeIetal 650 cm-l and 560 cm-l was not studied. However, the OH-stretching vibration in phenol was shifted 155 cm-1 upon complexing with SOA. The formation constant for this complex was determined at 20°0 using the variations in the phenol absorption at 284 mfl, giving Xc = 15.2 l/ mole. The enthalpy of formation was determined from absorbance data at 10 temperatures between 19 and 40° in 0014, !lHo = -5,2 kcal/mole, in fairly good agreement with the frequency shift correlation [15], giving !lHo = -4.5 kcal/mole. Eventual perturbations in the SOA infrared spectrum with added phenol could not be detected in the symmetric and asymmetric S-O stretching vibrations because of the strong phenol absorption in these regions. DlseUSSION Our spectral data reveal that SIA forms moderately strong complexes with iodine, iodine cyanide or phenol. The isosbestic points observed for several bands of these systems and the small standard deviations obtained for the formation constants strongly suggest that these complexes are of 1:1 stoichiometry. The N, O and S atoms in SIA have lone pair electrons which might serve as the donor site. However, the "red shift" of the 1080 cm-l band (Table 2) on complex formation must be interpreted in terms of complex formation from the oxygen in agreement with the [16] W. B. PERSON,J. Am. Ohem.Soo.87, 167 (1965). 1674 H. MØLLENDAL, J. GRUNDJ'."'ESand P. KLABOE corresponding data for the sulphoxides [2]. Thus, SIA conforms with other oxo compounds which form complexes to the halogens from the oxygen, [2, 17-23]. The most significant conclusion to be reached from the present result is the striking similarity between SIA and dimethyl sulphoxide regarding their complexes. It appears from Table 4 that Xc and !:J..Ho as well as the various spectral parameters Table 4. Comparison between the thermodynamic and the spectral parameters for dimethylmethanesulphinamide (SIA), dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and their complexes with iodine, iodine cyanide and phenol SIA DThISO Donor vso Bdt VI/Ot Bd§ cm-l I/mole cm cm-l cm/m mole !1HO K(20°C) !1So BSmax CTm.x !1vso kcal/mole I/mole e.n. mfl mfl cm-l 1080 407 14 5,7 1072 444* 1I* 4.9* -3.4:1: 0.3 1I'7:1: 0.5 -7,0 440 261 58 - 3.7 :I: 0.3** 1I'5** -7.6** 446** 272** 51 H Donor/iodine !1Ho K(20°C) !1So !1VCI !1VSO Bet Vl/2t B,§ BclBd K(20°C) !1VSO !1voH Donor-iodine kcal/mole I/mole e.u. cm-l cm-l l/mole cm cm-l cm/m mol e I/mole cm-l cm-l cyanide -3.7 :I: 0,5 83 -4 22 40 410 32 13.6 2.3 Donor-phenol 155 :I: 5 32 360 -3'2:1: 0,5* 105* -3* 22U 36tt 310* 40* 12,5* 2,6* 182§§ 27*** 350* * * * This work. t Extinction coefficient. t Half intensity width. = B . jll/o' * * Ref. [3]. ti" Ref. [2]. U Ref. [34]. §§ Ref. [l]. * * * Ref. [8]. §B for the SIA and dimethyl sulphoxide complexes are nearly identical. Accordingly, the substitution of a methyl group in dimethyl sulphoxide with an amino group has a very small effect on the basicity. [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] r. LINDQVIST,Inorganic Addttct Molcculcs oJ Oxocompmlnds. Springer (1963). E. AUGDAHLand P. KLABOE,Acta Ohem. Scand. 16, 1637 (1962). H. YAMADAand K. KOZIMA,J. Am. Ohem. Soc. 82, 1543 (1960). C. D. SOHMULBAOH and R. S. DRAGo,J. Am. Ohem. Soc. 82, 4484 (1960). S. L SNAPRUDand T. GRAMSTAD, Acta Ohem. Scand. 16, 999 (1962). J. GRUNDNESand P. KLABOE,Acta Ohem. Scand. 18, 2022 (1964). [23] E. AUGDAHL, J. GRUNDNES and P. KLABOE, Inorg. Ohem. 4, 1475 (1965). The mo1ecular complexes of N,N-dimethylmethanesulphinamide with iodine 1675 The position of the charge transfer band for SIA-iodine also indicates that the ionization potential for SIA is slightly higher than for dimethyl sulphoxide. The question then arises if delocalization of the lone pair electrons on the nitrogen into the d-orbitals on the sulphur takes place in SIA, since this effect is not reflected in the donor ability of the oxygen. In the carbonyl compounds (the amides) the delocalization increases the electron density on the oxygen considerably in spite of negative inductive effect of the dimethyl-amino group. The PMR spectra revealed rapid rotation around the S-N bond down to -60°C [11-12], supposedly because the p7T-d7T overlap has no strict conformational requirements due to the five-fold degeneracy and diffuse character of the sulphur d-orbitals. However, a barrier to internal rotation was recently reported in N,N-dimethyltrichloromethanesulphinamide [24]. Thus, it might be proposed that the p7T-d7Toverlap in SIA is small, but is enhanced when the chlorine atoms are introduced into the S-methyl group. On the other hand the sulphur-nitrogen bond in SIA as in e.g. S4N4 is probably shorter than the S-N single bond [11]. Furthermore the medium intense infrared band at 918 cm-l appears to be mainly connected with the S-N stretching mode, compared to 698 cm-1 for a S-N single bond [25]. It has also been reported that a possible p7T-d7Tdelocalization in the sulphinyl and phosphoryl compounds is not transferred to the S-O and P-O bonds, as concluded from the nearly constant stretching frequencies [26-27]. In the N,N-dialkylaminophosphoryl compounds there are chemical evidence for delocalization [26]. Nevertheless, GRAMSTADhas found a lower donor strength in C2H5P(0)N(C2H5h compared to C2H5P(0)(C2H5)2 and concluded that the electron density on the oxygen was largely controlled by inductive effects [26]. For SOA it has been shown [28] that the sulphonyl group draws electrons from the nitrogen by resonance. Since the basicity of SOA towards phenol, iodine cyanide and iodine is lower than for a sulphone [l], the effect of delocalization for this molecule is again unlike the ketoamides. The d-orbitals on the sulphur and phosphorus evidently act as a "sink" for the P7Telectrons donated from the nitrogen. Because of the large number of atoms in SIA and SOA (around 40 fundamental vibrations) only certain skeIet al modes in the spectra will be discussed. The number of infrared bands observed is not large enough to account for all the methyl stretching, deformation and rocking modes, indicating partly degeneracy of several methyl modes. The spectra of SIA and SOA can be compared with those of dimethyl sulphoxide [29] and dimethyl sulphone [30] for which detailed vibrational analyses have been carried out. The very strong band at 1080 cm-l in SIA (Table 2) is red-shifted on complex formation and is undoubtedly connected with the S-O stretching mode. In dimethyl sulphoxide this vibration is located at nearly the same frequency [29], it is [24] H. J. JAKOBSEN and A. SENNING, Chem. Commun. 617 (1967). [25] A. J. BANISTER, L. F. MooREand J. S. PADLEY,Spectrochim.Acta 23A, 2705 (1967). [26] T. GRAMSTAD, Spectrochim.Acta 20, 729 (1964),and references cited there. [27] L.J.BELLAMYOrganicSuljurCompounds (EditedbyN.KHARAscH),Vol.l,p. 51.Pergamon Press (1961). [28] R. G. LAUGHLIN, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 89, 4268 (1967). [29] W. D. HORROCKS and F. A. COTTON, Spectrochim.Acta 17, 134 (1961). [30] W. R. FEAIRHELLERand J. E. KATON,Spectrochim. Acta 20, 1099 (1964). 1676 H. MØLLENDAL, J. GRUND1-."ESand P. KLABOE highly solvent sensitive [31], red shifted on complex formation and of nearly the same extinction coefficient. The bands at 1178 and 703 cm-1 are tentatively assigned to the asymmetric and symmetri c CNC stretching modes, respectively. The 923 and 635 cm-l bands are assigned, respectively, to the SN and the CS stretching modes. It seems quite significant thatthe 918,695 and 635 cm-l bands are all shifted to higher frequencies on complex formation (Table 4), suggesting increased bond order for the CN, SN and CS bonds. The intense band at 1666 cm-l which is solvent sensitive and red-shifted on complex formation, represents a puzzling problem. It was reported earlier [11, 12] and can hardly be an impurity peak. No fundamental is expected in this region and since there are no neighbour bands, a combination band cannot be enhanced by Fermi resonanee. We have tentatively assigned the band as 1080 + 635 = 1715 cm-l which is not quite satisfactory neither concerning the position nor the shift. In SOA no corresponding band around 1700 cm-l was observed. The OSO asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations are assigned to the strong bands at 1346 and 1156 cm-l in good agreement with dimethyl sulphone [30]. The strong band at 958 cm-l in solution is split into a doublet at 960 and 992 cm-l in the KBrpeIlet. These bands are assigned to the S-N stretching mode. For aromatie sulphonamides [32, 33, 25] the S-N stretching mode is generally found in the region 800-920 cm-1 suggesting a somewhat larger p7T-d7Toverlap in SOA. The 1050 and 769 cm-l bands are tentatively assigned to the asymmetric and symmetric CNC stretching modes, respectively. The 653 cm-l band is assigned to the CS stretching mode. Very few studies have been made of donor-iodine cyanide complexes. Thermodynamic functions for these interactions are more difficult to obtain than for the iodine complexes, since we are restricted to the ultraviolet region around 225 mfl or the infrared region [2]. From infrared data it was shown that for complexes to the sulphoxides [2,34] and to phosphinoxides [35] iodine cyanide give higher formation constants, but smaller infrared shifts ~'}J(S-O) or ~'}J(P-O) than iodine in agreement with the present results. For a few donors the enthalpies of formation (~HO) have been determined for interaction with iodine and iodine cyanide in the same solvent [21, 35, 36] indicating very similar values. The same conclusion can be drawn from the present SIA complexes with iodine and iodine cyanide and the data for dimethyl sulphoxide. Since iodine cyanide has a high dipole moment (3.74 D in C6H6) [37], the donor-iodine cyanide interactions with polar donors are undoubtedly caused partly by dipole-dipole effects. Since the enthalpy of formation ~Ho appears nearly identical for iodine and iodine cyanide complexes [35, 36] the dipole term in the latter is probably compensated by the higher contribution of dative forces in the former. [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] T. CAlRNS,G. EGLINGTONand D. T. GIBSON,Spectrochim. Acta 20, 31 (1964). A. MASCHKAand H. AusT, Monatsh. Ohem. 85, 891 (1955). G. TOSOLINE,Ohem. Ber. 94, 2731 (1961). R. DAHL, T. GRAMSTAD and P. KLABOE,Acta Ohem. Scand. 19, 2248 (1965). R. DAHL, Thesis, University of Oslo (1966). H. D. BIST and W. B. PERSON,J. Phys. Ohem. 71, 3288 (1967). F. FAIRBROTHER,J. Ohem. Soc. 180 (1950).