Journal of Molecular Structure, 32 (1976) 191-202 @Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands MICROWAVE SPECTRUM, CONFORMATION, BARRIER TO INTERNAL ROTATlON, CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION, AND DIPOLE MOMENT OF METHYLPROPARGYLETHER K.-M. MARSTOKK and H. M(j)LLENDAL Department of Chemistry, The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 30 September 1975) ABSTRACT The microwave spectrum of methylpropargyl ether, CH3OCH2C=CH, has been investigated in the 11.9-26.5 GHz region. Only the gauche rotamer with a dihedral angle of 68 o :t 2 o from the syn position was assigned. Other forms are not present in concentrations exceeding 10 % of the total. The barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group was determined to be 2512 :t 75 cal mol-I. The dipole moment components are /la = 0.290 :t 0.003 D, /lb = 0.505 :t 0.012 D, and /le = 1.016 :t 0.003 D. The total dipole moment is 1.171 :t 0.013 D. Extensive centrifugal distortion analyses have been carried out for the ground as well as for two vibrationally excited states. For the ground state, transitions up to J = 77 were assigned and a large centrifugal distortion exceeding 9 GHz enabled the determination of accurate quartic and significant sextic distortion coefficients. INTRODUCTION Molecules of the general form CH3OCH2X, where X can be any substituent, are generally found to exist in either the anti or gauche conformation (Fig. 1) or as a mixture of these two. These molecules thus offer an attractive opportunity for investigating the influence of oxygen on conformational behaviour. Several of them have therefore been studied in recent years by spectroscopic and diffraction techniques. It has been found that rather complex equilibria situations exist. For example, CH3OCH2CI [1-3] and CH3OCH2Br [3] prefer the gauche conformation although the anti forms cannot be ruled out. CH3OCH2CN also exists predominantly as the gauche form, [4, 5] while the anti form has be en determined to be 1.3 :t 0.4 kcal mol-1 less stable [4]. On the other hand, for CH3OCH2CH3 the anti form is the more stable [6, 7] . In the case of the title compound, very recent vibrational spectroscopic studies made independently by Seth-Paul et al. [8] and Bjeprseth and Gustavsen [9] conclude that the gauche rotamer predominates in solution, and in the crystalline, liquid, and gaseous states. The present work was undertaken as a confirmation and extention of these investigations. In particular, we wanted to leam more about the structure, the barrier to internal rotation of the 192 "$" x Anti HMH HMH "'VCH3 CH0V X x Gauche Fig.l. Anti and gauche rotamers of molecules of the CH3OCH2X type viewed alon g the XCH20-0 bond. methyl group, the dipole moment, and to search for additional rotamers. further forms were found although their possible existence cannot be completely eliminated by the present study. No EXPERIMENT AL The sample of methylpropargyl ether used in this work was the same as that used by BjØrseth and Gustavsen [9]. The microwave spectrum is relatively weak and the measurements were therefore made at dry ice temperature. The spectral region 11.9-26.5 GHz was investigated utilizing a conventional spectrometer described briefly in ref. 10. Resolution as good as about 0.3 MHz was obtained in favourable cases with free-running klystrons used as frequency sources. RESULTS Microwave spectrum and assignment of the ground vibrational state Based on the findings of the IR and Raman works [8,9], the gauche rota mer was presumed to be the more stable. The dihedral angle was expected to be dose to 69 o from the syn form because this is the value found in the dosely related molecule CH3OCH2CN [4] . The di pole moment and its components along the princiPal axes were predicted by vectorial addition of bon d moments taken from ref. 11. In addition it was assumed that the -CH2C=CH part of the molecule has a dipole moment of about 0.8 D with the acetylene group as the negative end. In this way, the dipole moment components were predicted to be roughly /.la= 0.4 D, /.lb = 0.2 D, and /.le = 1.0 D, respectively, for the gauche conformation. Analogous computations lead to /.la = 1.3 D, /.lb = 1.2 D, and, of course, /.le= O D for the hypothetical anti rotamer. Despite these rather accurate predictions for the gauche form, the assignment was not easily derived. This was due mainly to the relatively dens e spectrum, the comparatively weak low J transitions, and the rather large 193 centrifugal distortion perturbations of most lines. The initial assignment was achieved for the K_l = 2 3 c-type R-branch series using a systematic search procedure resembling the one introduced by van Eijck [12]. With A-C and K thus obtained, further b- and c-type Q-branch transitions were predicted and assigned readily. A rather weak line at 15080.58 MHz was then attributed to the 00,1 11,0transition on the basis of its Stark effect and position in the spectrum. Preliminary rotational constants were the n derived from these assignments and used to prediet further low J R-branch transitions. While the weak b- and the stronger c-type lines were found with ease, no a-type transitions were identified with certainty presurnably because of the 0.29 D dipole moment component producing insufficient intensities. Initially, the assigned transitions were fitted to Watson's [13] first-order centrifugal distortion formula and it became evident that there is a rather large contribution of centrifugal distortion to the spectrum. As higher J transitions were subsequently assigned, this expression was found to be insufficient and Watson's sec ond-order formula had to be utilized in order to obtain a standard deviation of the fit (a) comparable to the experimental uncertainty. Ultimately, a total of about 200 transitions were assigned for the ground state in the 11.9-26.5 GHz spectral region. The c-type Q-branches were followed up to the 7710,67"""* 7711,67transition, while the highest J-values assigned for the P- and R-branches involved a 65 64 and a 68 69 transition, respectively. At such high values of J the rotational energies are so high that quite weak transitions were observed. Searches for even higher J lines were not successful presurnably because intensities were too low to make definite assignments. Table 1lists 47 selected transitions* of the 193 used to derive the spectroscopic constants shown in Table 2. Computer programrnes MB07 [10] and ROTFIT [14] were used in the analysis and the latter program was employed to derive the constants of Table 2. Inspection of Table 1 reveals that centrifugal distortion can amount to more than 9 GHz even for such a large molecule as methylpropargyl ether. Contribution from the sextic coefficients are of importanee even for medium J values and amount to about 90 MHz for the highest Q-branch transitions. As shown in Table 2 this made it possible to determine significant values for all seven sextie coefficients. It should be mentioned that all transitions except several of the high J c-type Q-branch transitions were not split within the resolution obtainable with our instrument. The lo west J transition exhibiting res ol vable splitting was 466 40 467 40found to be split by 0.29 MHz. Splittings in the 0.290.45 MHz range 'were subsequently resolved for about half of the K_l = 6"""*7 to K_l = 9"""*10 Q-branch transitions. The other half of these lines appeared """* """* """* """* """* *The complete list of frequencies for the ground as well as for the vibrationally excited states is available from the authors upon request or from the Microwave Data Center, Molecular Spectroscopy Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. 20234 (U.S.A.), where it has been deposited. 194 TABLE 1 Selected transitions Transition for the ground vibrational state of CH3OCH2G=CH Observed frequencya (MHz) Obs.-calc. frequency (MHz) 23775.26 23059.70 21763.90 24165.59 0.03 --0.04 0.04 0.03 -1.78 0.83 1.82 -6.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15080.58 21728.00 13851.41 26152.23 23500.48 14114.28 24269.45 24269.45 25695.4 7 14332.72 14332.72 17391.63 17391.63 15804.86 15804.86 18503.28 18503.28 25145.30 25145.30 20093.40 20093.40 16796.46 16796.46 17780.64 17780.64 25297.82 23496.69 19082.33 13288.71 23595.54 14820.33 20896.68 23387.10 12761.16 13794.19 14716.32 19385.82 0.10 0.01 -0.02 --0.08 0.02 --0.08 0.05 --0.02 -0.15 0.01 0.01 -0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 -0.01 --0.01 -0.05 -0.05 0.07 0.07 0.02 0.02 -0.04 -0.04 -0.14 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.01 --0.01 --0.05 -0.11 0.04 0.04 --0.20 -0.09 -0.15 -0.47 -0.27 -42.65 -17.96 -64.98 -64.98 -180.43 -3.22 -3.22 -342.16 -342.15 54.79 54.79 105.36 105.36 -1348.18 -1348.18 287.34 287.34 -1804.11 -1804.11 -2072.45 -2072.45 -1.02 0.28 4.95 13.70 61.62 90.43 269.39 648.23 586.53 1096.61 1856.19 3261.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.44 0.44 0.37 1.01 1.01 1.21 1.21 3.57 3.57 8.15 8.15 12.89 12.89 18.14 18.14 19.82 19.82 25.76 25.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --0.03 --0.05 --0.29 -1.15 -1.26 -3.40 -7.82 -17.13 Centrifugal Total (MHz) dis tort ion Sextic (MHz) b- type 4.,4 -> 50,5 5..4 -> 52.3 8.,7-> 82,6 11,.,0 -> 112.9 c- type 00.0 -> 1..0 10,. -> 2.,. 3..2 -> 40.4 6.,5 -> 70,7 124.8 -> 133,10 166.11 -> 157,9 208..2 -> 199,10 208.13 -> 199,,, 248,'6 -> 257..8 3011,'9 -> 29'2,17 30".20 -> 29'2,'8 34'2,22 -> 35",24 3412.23 -> 35",25 4115.26 -> 40'6,24 4115,27 -> 40.6.25 49'8,31 -> 48,9.29 49'8.32 -> 48'9.30 55'9.36 -> 56'8.38 55.9.37 -> 56.8.39 6022,38 -> 5923.36 6022.39 -> 5923.37 6523.42 -> 6622,44 6523.43 -> 6622.45 6824.44 -> 6923,46 6824.45 -> 6923.47 2... -> 22.. 4..3 -> 42,3 7..6 -> 72.6 10..9 -> 102,9 152,13 -> 153.13 182,,6 -> 183,,6 243.2. -> 244.2. 314.27 -> 315,27 344.30 -> 345,30 415.36 -> 416.36 486.42 -> 487,42 547,47 -> 548.47 195 TAB LE 1 (continued) Transition 60. 52 62;54"" 69:60"" 70:61"" 60. 52 62:54 69,~ 60 70\0'61 76,~.66 76,:.66 77'0,67"" 77".67 Observed frequencya (MHz) Obs.-calc. frequency (MHz) 25149.73 16659.04 17881.11 14389.50 19412.86 15713.48 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 -0.09 Centrifugal Total (MHz) 5426.37 4425.57 6458.76 5664.61 9220.59 8091.31 distortion Sextic (MHz) -34.74 -30.46 -54.54 -49.44 -93.62 -84.65 a:t0.07 MHz. to be somewhat broad and are suspected to be split by a very unresolvable amount. The reason for this splitting is ascribed of the methyl gro up through its threefold barrier. In deriving Table 2 the lo w-frequency or so-called A-species components were utilized. First excited heavy-atom small but to tunnelling the constants of of the split lines torsiona/'state According to the vibrational spectroscopic work [9] the first excited state of the heavy-atom torsional mode is located at about 105 cm-1 the ground vibrational state. In accord with this, a series of lines of roughly half the intensities of their ground state counterparts were assigned relatively easily to this mode. A total of 121 transitions were assigned. The maximum J Q-branch line was the 567,49-+ 588.49transition while J = 54 -+ 55 R-branch and J = 53 -+ 52 P-branch lines were subsequently assigned. As in the case of the ground state these very high J transitions were quite weak. With the exception of several c-type Q-branch transitions the lines were not split. The low-frequency components of the named split lines were employed in the least-squares procedure with results shown in Table 2. Barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group In order to treat the effect of internal rotation observed in the spectrum of methylpropargyl et her a modification of our computer program described in ref. 15 was made. Instead of diagonalizing the full matrix of Herschbach [16] as was done in our previous work [15], the treatment was restricted to include only the even order terms of Pz to the fourth order. The necessary formulae employed were taken from Table 11-3 of ref. 17. This Hamiltonian was considered to be sufficient in this case because of the comparatively high barrier of methylpropargyl ether. It is generally advisable [18] to determine the barrier from the ground state transitions because possible coupling with other vibrational modes is 196 TABLE 2 Molecular constants for CH,OCH,O=CH in the ground and the first excited heavy-atom torsional states Vibrational state Number of transitions a (MHz) Ground First ex. C-O 193 0.0697 121 0.1196 11756.7861 :!:0.0070 3323.7926 :!:0.0020 2795.3321 :!:0.0016 2.8783 :!:0.0060 -20.712 :!:0.045 98.475:!: 0.020 0.90293 :!:0.00094 8.98 :!:0.11 0.0018 :!:0.0015 0.206 :!:0.028 -1.263 :!:0.063 4.15 :!:0.11 0.00381 :!:0.00038 -0.245 :!:0.035 4.43 :!:0.32 Ay (MHz) By (MHz) Cy (MHz) ÅJ (kHz) ÅJK (kHz) ÅK (kHz) /j J (kHz) /j K (kHz) HJ (Hz) HJK (Hz) HKJ (Hz) HK (Hz) hJ (Hz) hJK (Hz) hK (Hz) torso 11830.487 :!: 0.014 3317.5594:!: 0.0042 2790.8917 :!: 0.0036 3.002 :!: 0.014 -22.11 :!: 0.15 110.433 :!: 0.086 0.9257 :!: 0.0036 10.96:!: 0.38 0.018 :!: 0.015 0.11 :!: 0.40 -0.80 :!: 0.76 5.27 :!: 0.94 0.0008 :!: 0.0035 0.32 :!: 0.24 0.1 :!: 4.7 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. a is the standard deviation of the fit. T ABLE 3 Split ground vibrational . of CH,OCH,C,=CH Observed Transition 46..40 47..41"" 54, 4' 56;49"" 61:53"" 689' 59 state transitions 467.40 477.41 548 47 56;49 61;53 681~ 59 . Calculateda - vA (MHz) vE-vA b (MHz) vE-v A (MHz) 22410.86 18284.03 19385.82 12469.90 20586.22 22003.98 0.29 0.30 0.45 0.29 0.44 0.32 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.13 0.19 0.19 av, = 2512 cal mol-'. b:!:0.15MHz. normally minimal in this state. As shown in Table 3, splittings of less than 0.5 MHz were the only on es observed for the ground state. These splittings are small and inaccurately determined and therefore no precise value for the barrier can be derived from them. Instead we used the first excited state of the methyl group torsional mode where splittings are larger than in the ground state as indicated in Table 4. As criteria for the assignments of these trans i- 197 TABLE 4 Microwave spectrum of the first excited state of the methyl group torsional mode and calculated barriers of CH3OCH2C=CH Transition Observed Barrier (cal mor') frequenciesb vA (MHz) 15121.77 00.0 --+1'.0 --+ 114,. --+123,10 4.,3 --+ 42.3 6,.. --+ 62,s 7.,.--+72,. 8'.7 --+ 82.7 9,.. --+92.. 101 9 --+102 9 162:,4 --+ 16;.,4 172.,5 --+173,15 182.,. 20796.12 192,17 --+193,17 233,20 --+234,20 243,21 --+244,21 253,22 --+ 254.22 263,23 --+264,23 324.28 --+32..28 334,29 --+ 335.29 34..30 --+ 345.30 385,33 --+38.,33 405.35 --+ 40.,35 415,3. --+ aSplitting 0.7'4 -1.21 o.oa o.oa O.Oa 0.94 1.27 1.37 3.33 3.59 3.59 3.45 6.08 6.14 5.89 5.47 8.21 7.41 6.62 11.62 9.26 8.17 17833.76 14993.89 12350.90 24886.25 21174.96 17692.82 14513.39 19774.89 16181.00 13025.25 25856.44 17540.25 14123.85 183.,. --+ o.oa 18451.03 16038.80 12775.60 23619.84 20876.55 19199.10 17363.31 15409.57 13395.22 9'.9 82,7 --+ o.oa O.Oa 21769.13 2,., 4'.3 --+ 50.. 10., vA-vE (MHz) 41..36 not resolved. b:!:0.10 MHz. tions, spectral positions, intensities, Stark centrifugal tunnelling The distortion formula, were and direction first order the characteristic splittings due cosines of the methyl discussed this axis was group around the splittings exactly. These to be 2512 but :t75 cal mol-1 seems assumed The reasonable to be 3.20 to u N. when axis were taken from of inertia of the methyl V3 was in Table the n varied to 4. The average error limit is difficult to estimate, taking into account possible of the barrier height calculation that the calculated using this barrier are of the same symmetry moment values are shown cal mol-l. The errors. The parameters in Table 5. It is interesting to note group below. match systematic summarized effects, fit to Watson's used. the plausible structure barrier is found 2553 2514 2531 2521 2509 2507 2512 2515 2509 2509 2510 2506 2508 2507 2498 2505 2499 are splittings for the ground order of magnitude as the observed state ones 198 TABLE 5 Molecular constants Rotational AA AE for the first excited constants = 11798.74:t = 11798.87 :!: state of the methyl torsion of CR, OCR, C=CR (MHz) 0.07 BA 0.10 BE = 3323.75:!: = 3323.81 :!: 0.03 CA = 2794.83 0.05 CE = 2794.81 :!: 0.03 :!: 0.04 Centrifugal distortion constants (kHz) A-species AJ = 4.82 :t 0.29 oK = 18.5 :!: 1.8 AJK = -32.49 :!: 0.77 D.K = 244.2 :!: 6.5 OJ = 0.7185:!: = -31.31 :!: 0.97 AK = 233.1 :!: 8.9 OJ = 0.735:t .' 0.0077 E-species D.J = 4.46 oK = 18.3 :t 0.38 :t 2.2 AJK 0.010 Direction cosines Aa V, = 0.2738 = 2512 :!: Ab = 0.8674 75 ca! mol-' Ac = 0.4163 I~ = 3.20 uA' a Assumed moment of inerti a of methyl top about b Reduced barrier. Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Sb = 72.33 its symmetry axis. as shown in Table 3. Moreover, the torsional fundamental frequency is calculated to be 195 cm-i with this barrier. The solution value of 178 cm-i found by Bj«;6rsethand Gustavsen [9] seems to be in reasonable agreement with the calculated frequency since low-lying frequencies generally increase by 10-20 % on conversion from solution to the gas phase. The frequency at 232 cm-i assigned to this mode by Seth-Paul et al. [8] seems to be inc ompatible with our result. As mentioned above, several Q-branch transitions of the first excited state of the heavy-atom torsional state were split. It is shown in Table 6 that this effect is several times larger than in the ground state. The reason for this enhanced splitting is presumed to be coupling between the heavy-atom and methyl group torsional modes. A similar but mue h larger coupling was observed for CH3OCH2Cl [2]. As the coupling is much smaller than for chloromethyl methyl ether, no attempts have been made to determine the coupling parameters which can probably be determined only very inaccurately, if at all. However, we have fitted an apparent barrier to the observed splittings. As shown in Table 6 the splittings can be fitted reasonably well assuming an average apparent barrier of 1851 cal mol-i some 26 % lower than found from the first excited state of the torsional mode. Finally, we would like to compare the barrier of methylpropargyl ether of 2512:t 75 cal mori to that of three other molecules. For dimethyl ether [19] the barrier is slightly higher, viz. 2720 :t 150 cal mori. In anti ethyl methylether it is 2702 :t 7 cal mol-i [7], while a low value of 1.84 :t 0.05 kcal mor! was found for gauche chloromethyl methyl ether [2] . 199 T ABLE 6 Split c-type Q-branch transitions of the first excited apparent barrier of CH3OCH2=CH Transition 192,17 243,21 253,22 273,2' 31.,27 --+193,17 -+ -+ -+ -+ 24.,21 25.,22 27.,24 31,,27 32.,.. -+ 32,,28 34.,30 -+ 34,,30 39, 34 -+ 396 34 40,:" -+ 406:" 41,,36 -+ 416,36 466,40 --+ 467,40 476.1 --+477.. 54;.7 -+ 54:.7 55':.. -+ 558:.1 56,,-'9 -+ 568,'9 heavy-atom torsional mode and vaA (MHz) (MHz) Apparent barrier (ca! mol-') 12615.87 21651.64 18142.34 12062.24 24453.11 20416.19 13542.33 22320.00 18312.89 14804.14 24039.90 19732.76 21164.74 17184.04 13790.81 0.51 0.99 0.99 0.60 1.18 1.25 1.10 1.53 1.50 1.27 1.76 1.69 1.73 1.56 1.38 1861 1830 1819 1916 1888 1852 1826 1862 1835 1842 1867 1841 1860 1840 1820 Average 1851 VE-VAa a:!:0.10 MHz. Further rotamers Dipole moment calculations made as described above predict that additional hypothetical rotamers should have rather sizable dipole moments. A search was therefore made for them. In particular, spectral regions where the intense low J a-type R-branch transitions of the presurnably fairly polar anti form were predicted were searched thoroughly, however with negative results. Moreover, by the extensive assignments made for the gauche form, all the strongest, most medium intensity, and many weak lines were accounted for, We therefore feel that if additional forms were present, they would have been detected if their individual concentrations exceeded about 10 % of the total. This conclusion is supported by absolute intens it y measurements which were made as described in ref. 20. Although this method is rather crude, agreements between calculated and observed intensities were good assuming the presenee of only one, viz., the gauche rotamer, Structure The rotational constants of Table 2 fumish insufficient information for a detailed structure determination. The -CH2-o-CH3 part of the molecule was therefore assumed to be largely the same as in dimethyl ether [21]. The geometry of the C-G=C-H moiety was taken from propyne [22] and was -- 200 assumed to be linear. The C-C-O angle and the dihedral angle were then varied systematically until the best agreement with the observed rotational constants was found. The results were: LC-C-O = 112 o :t 2 o, and dihedral angle 68 o :t 2 o from syn. These values as well as the plausible structure and the calculated and observed rotational constants are found in Table 7. Dipole moment Stark coefficients of the 10,1 ,. 21,1, 31,2""" 32,2 and 61,s ,. 62,s transitions were used to determine the di pole moment. A d.c. voltage was applied between the Star k septum and the cell with the modulating square wave voltage superimposed. The d.c. voltage was calibrated using the OCS 1 ,. 2 transition with fJ.ocs = 0.71521 D [23]. While the 10,1 ,. 21,1 and (h,s""" 62,s transitions were found to have the usual sec ond order Star k effect, a marked fourth order contribution was found for the Stark lobes of the 31,2""" 32,2 transition. The second order coefficients for this transition were determined by plotting t:.v/E2 versus E2. The sec ond order coefficients and their standard deviations are given in Table 8. A least-squares fit using a diagonal weight matrix was performed. The weights were chosen as the inverse squares of the experimental standard deviations of the coefficients appearing in Table 8. From the fit, unrealistic low standard deviations were obtained. However, the standard deviations presente d in this table have been derived by taking possible systematic errors into account. TABLE 7 Plausible structural CH, OCHz C=CH parametersa Assumed parameters structural c-o C=C C-C C-Hacetylene and observed 1.410A 1.205A 1.459A 1.055A 1.093A C-Hmethylene and predicted rotational constants of LCOC 111.8o LCCC LHCC LCCH LOCH 180.0 180.0 o 109.5 109.5 o Fitted structural parameters LCCO 112 Dihedral angle 68 Rotational AD Bo Co aSee text. o o constants from syn (MHz) Observed Calculated Difference 11756.7861 3323.7926 2795.3321 11847.996 3384.674 2854.334 0.8 % 1.8 % 2.1 % o o 201 TABLE 8 Stark coefficients and dipole moment of CH,OCH,C=CH Transition Av/E' (MHzV-' cm') X lO' Observed 31" -+ 3,,2 IMI = 2 IMI= 3 6, " -+ 6", IMI= 5 IMI= 6 va ve 0.152 IMI= O IMI= 1 10,1 -+ 21,1 1.162:!: -1.86 -4.21 represent vb Vtot one standard 0.152 1.163 0.005 :!:0.02 :!:0.02 -1.82 -4.23 0.171 :!:0.001 0.345 :!:0.001 = 0.290 :!: 0.003 D = 1.016:!: 0.003 D Uncertainties :!: 0.001 = 0.505 = 1.171 :!: Calculated 0.170 0.345 0.012 D 0.013 D :!: deviation. DISCUSSION It is not easy to explain the remarkable stability of the gauche form of methylpropargyl ether in all investigated states. Perhaps a model which assumes that localized dipoles exist within a molecule can give areasonable explanation for this preference. Presumably , the dipole of the -CH2C=C-H part lies roughly along the line C-C=C-H with the negative end pointing in this direction. Areasonable assumption would be that the di pole of the -CH2-O-CH3 moiety lies in the plane of the heavy atoms bisecting the C-o-C angle with its negative end towards the oxygen atom. In the gauche form these dipoles would be almost antiparallel which is very favourable and leads to a stabilisation of this conformation. On the other hand, in the anti rotamer the se dipoles are predicted to be roughly 55 o from being parallel and they should thus repel each other. It is interesting to note that in the related compound CH3CH2CH2C=CH where the electronegative oxygen atom is replaced by a methylene group, the gauche and anti forms are approximately equally stable [24, 25]. In this molecule a destabilizing repulsion of dipoles is very unlikely in the anti form and may perhaps be the reason why this rotamer coexists with the gauche contrary to the findings for methylpropargyl ether. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Cand. scient. Claus J. Nielsen is thanked for making the computer program ROTFIT available to us and for helpful discussions. Mrs. Jorunn Gustavsen and cand. real. Alf BjiPrseth are thanked for donating the sample and discussions. 202 REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 M. C. Planje, L. H. Toneman and G. Dallinga, Rec. Trav. Chim., 84 (1965) 232. J.Ikeda, R. F. Curl, Jr. and H. Karlsson,J. Mol. Speetrosc., 53(1974) 101. M. Hayashi, K, Kuwada and H. Imaishi, Chem. Lett., (1974) 913. R. Kewley, Can. J. 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