Journal of Molecular Structure, 48 (1978) 9-23 @Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands MICROWAVE SPECTRUM, CONFORMATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM, INTRAMOLECULAR HYDROGEN BONDING, THERMODYNAMIC PARAMETERS, DIPOLE MOMENTS AND CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION OF 2-AMINO-1-PROP ANOL (ALANINOL) BJØRN H. ELLINGSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK and HARALD MQlLLENDAL Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 21 October 1977) ABSTRACT Two conformations of 2-amino-1-propanol, CH3CH(NH2)CH2OH, each with an intramolecular hydrogen bon d are assigned from the microwave spectrum in the 18.6-39.7 GHz region. Rotamer I has the methyl group approximately anti to the C-O bond; this group is gauche to the C-O bond in con former Il. The OCCN angle is 54° :t 2° in form I and 61.5° :t 2° in Il. Hydrogen bond parameters are more favourable in I than in Il and I is energetically favoured with tJ.G ° = -0.58 :t 0.17 kcal mole-', tJ.HO = -0.50 :t 0.19 kcal mole-', and tJ.So = 0.3 :t 0.1 e.u. Further conformations are at least 0.5 kcal mole-Iless stable than Il. The dipole moment is J.1a= 3.03 :t 0.01 D, J.1b= 0.54 :t 0.03 D, J.1e = 0.57 :t 0.19 D, and J.1tot = 3.13 :t 0.05 D, respectively, for I, while J.1a= 2.19 :t 0.03 D, J.1b = 1.46 :t 0.08 D, J.1e= 1.172 :t 0.003 D, and J.1tot = 2.88 :t 0.07 D, respectively, for Il. Four vibrationally excited states belonging to three different normal modes are assigned for I as are two vibrationally excited states for Il, mode frequencies being determined by relative intensity measurements. Centrifugal distortion analyses for the ground vibrational states of the two conformers and the quartic coefficients are reported. INTRODUCTION In recent years, several 2-substituted ethanols have been studied in the free state [1,2]. In cases where the substituents were proton acceptors the conformations having intramolecular hydrogen bonds were always found to predominate [1,2]. In the closely related mono-substituted propanols where the proton acceptor and the hydroxyl group are placed on neighbouring carbon atoms, two rotamers each with a hydrogen bond are thus expected to be the favoured forms of the molecule. This situation is demonstrated in Fig. 1 in the case of 2-amino-1-propanol (alaninol), CH3CH(NH2)CH2OH. An equilibrium exists between conformation I, which has the methyl group approximately anti to the C-o bond, and rotamer Il where the said group is roughly gauche to the C-O bond. The hydroxyl gro up is undoubtedly the proton donor and the amino group the acceptor since this was found in 2-aminoethanol [3]. I and Il are of course interchangeable by appropriate rotations about the C-C, C-O and C-N bonds. 10 H CH3 Hr6lH Hl'!.\VH "'HO -.- ~ H H C H3C .,~H2 OH'" Il Fig, 1. The two possible intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded conformations of 2-amino-lpropanol viewed along the CH2OH-CH(NH.) bond, An equilibrium exists between these two rotamers. Dots indicate hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group as proton donor and the amino group as acceptor. The object of this investigation has been to study the equilibrium of Fig. 1 and to provide characteristic spectral, structural, and thermodynamic data. It was also hoped that this information could perhaps give some indication of the forces responsible for delicate conforrnational equilibria of the kind shown in Fig. L Prior to this work, two other similar propanois, viz. CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 [4], and CH3CH(OH)CH2F [5], have been studied in this laboratory. In the former molecule, only one conformation similar to rotamer I was assigned. Other forms were estimated to be at least 1.0 kcal mole-1 less stable. In CH3CH(OH)CH2F again only one rotamer was found, while other conformers were estimated to have at least 0.75 kcal mole-1 higher energies. This conformation was, rather surprisingly, similar to I. EXPERIMENT AL L-2-amino-1-propanol (Puriss) and DL-2-amino-1-propanol (Purum) from Fluka A.G., Buchs, Switzerland, were used without further purification. The microwave spectra of the two enantiomers are of course identical. The compound has a vapour pressure of about 0.2 torr at room temperature. Most measurements were made with the cell cooled to about O°C. Lower temperatures could not be utilized because of the low vapour pressure of the compound. Most studies were made in the 26.5-39.7 GHz spectral region while a few lines were measured in the 18.6-26.5 GHz region. Vapour pressures of 20-50 microns were employed when the spectra were recorded. A conventional spectrometer described briefly in ref. 6 was used. RESULTS Microwaue spectrum and assignment of conformation I Preliminary rotational constants were computed for rotamers I and Il by combining structural parameters taken mainly from 2-aminoethanol [3] and --- 11 propane [7]. Bond moment calculations [8] yielded = 2.57 D, J.Lb = 1.00 D, J.La and J.Lc= 0.37 D for conformation I, while these parameters were found to be J.La= 3.68 D, J.Lb= 0.36 D, and J.Lc= 0.24 D by the CNDO/2 method [9]. A major component of the dipole moment along the a-axis was thus expected. The molecule was found to possess a moderately rich microwave spectrum. Search was first made in the 26.5-40 GHz region where the a-type R-branch lines were expected to be the strongest ones in the spectrum. The J = 3 -+ 4, 4 -+ 5, and 5 -+ 6 transitions of this kind were found dose to their predicted frequencies and a set of unrefined rotational and centrifugal distortion constants were determined. These parameters could not predict the frequencies of the much weaker a-type high J Q-branch transitions accurately. These lines were therefore found by a trial and error procedure. A total of 39 a-type transitions were ultimately assigned as shown in Table 1. The highest value of J was 64. The rotational constants appearing in Table 2 are accurately determined while the centrifugal distortion coefficients are of much poorer quality. However, they resemble those determined for CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 [4] as one would expect since these two molecules are presumed to have similar geometries and force fields. N o b-type or c-type lines could be assigned with certainty, although their hypothetical frequencies could be well predicted. This is in keeping with the fact that the corresponding dipole moment components are as small as J.Lb= 0.54:t 0.03 D and J.Lc= 0.57 :t 0.19 D, respectively, producing insufficient intensities for the transitions in question. Vibrationally excited states The ground state lines were accompanied by several satellite transitions which are presumed to belong to vibrationally excited states. Four of these were assigned to three different normal modes. * Sixteen lines of the strongest satellite series were assigned, and the derived rotational constants are shown in Table 3. The centrifugal distortion constants obtained for this state were too inaccurate to warrant publication. Relative intensity measurements made large ly as described by Esbitt and Wilson [10] yielded 126:t 10 cm-1 for this fundamental which is believed to be the heavy-atom torsional mode. This frequency as well as the changes in the rotational constants upon excitation are dose to their counterparts in the dosely related molecule 1-amino-2-propanol [4]. Attempts were made to see whether the changes in the rotational constants upon excitation could be reproduced by opening up the OCCN dihedral angle keeping the other structural parameters fixed. The change in the B-rotational constant was well reproduced while poor agreement was found *The microwave spectra of the excited states of the two conformations are available from the authors upon request, or from the Microwave Data Center, Molecular Spectroscopy Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. 20234, U.S.A., where the y have been deposited. 12 TABLE 1 Microwave spectrum Transition 20,2 - Observed frequencya (MHz) 30,3 30,3 3,,2 - 4,,3 3.,3 2". 3.,2 40,4 4,,4 32,1 -+ 42,2 40,4 - 50,s 4,,3 -+ 5,,4 4,,4 5.,5 - 42,2 42,3 43" 43,2 50,s of the ground vibrational - 52,3 -- 52,4 53,2 - 60,6 53,3 - 6,,5 --- 18680.56 20419.83 24427.88 27053.14 23547.28 26579.69 29951.36 33506.27 29265.24 33647.29 31664.05 32489.64 32266.67 35371.35 39707.16 34913.06 6.,6 37774.70 52,4 62,s 39314.27 53,2 63,3 38751.84 53,3 63,4 37463.22 122,11 122,,0 27850.20 133,,, 133,10 35473.25 174,,4-174,13 28061.02 195,15 - 195,14 26822.70 226,'6 226,17 34699.09 236,'8 236,'7 30585.96 298,22 -+ 298,2' 39554.67 308,23 308,22 27704.38 329'24 329,23 36699.40 339,25 339,24 36,0,27 - 3610,26 33324.05 3911,29- 39",28 29622.19 39403.41 40",30 40",29 43'2,32 43'2,31 35190.40 30810.66 4613,33 4613,34 49'4,36 49'4,35 26459.16 50'4,37 50 '4,36 36307.02 53" ,38 31380.13 53",39 57 '6,42 57 '6,4' 36778.03 36697.54 64'8,47 64'8,46 5.,4 5,,5 - - - -- - - -- Obs. -calc. frequency (MHz) state of conformation Centrifugal distortion (MHz) 0.02 0.13 0.14 0.03 -D.05 -D.14 0.08 -0.13 0.13 -0.02 -0.10 -0.05 -D.18 -0.06 -0.30 -0.10 -0.30 -0.11 -D.23 -D.4 7 0.05 0.11 -0.21 -D.32 -0.65 -0.61 0.05 0.22 0.02 0.00 -0.01 -D.17 -D.02 -D.10 0.10 0.05 -D.08 0.02 -D.07 0.11 0.01 -0.15 0.07 0.00 0.16 -D.02 -D.07 0.18 -0.04 -D.06 -0.19 0.11 -0.18 -D.44 -0.18 -0.45 -0.92 --0.82 -5.14 -6.26 -13.92 -16.62 -23.50 -30.35 -51.50 -65.09 -62.60 -80.25 -95.37 -109.48 -139.29 -157.93 -173.85 -185.84 -241.37 -256.99 -346.96 -474.94 a:t0.10 MHz. ---- -- I of CH3CH(NH2)CH2OH 13 TABLE 2 Spectroscopic (NHJCH2OH Ao AJ oJ constantsa = 7948.403 = 0.51 :t for the ground 0.077 MHz Bo 0.18 kHz = 0.163:t 0.024 kHz aUncertainties TABLE AJK oK :t represent vibrational = 3640.570 = 3.84 :t = 3.23:t one standard state of conformation :t 0.011 MHz Co 0.63 kHz 0.56 kHz AK I of CH3CH- = 2747.727:t 0.011 MHz = 1.5 :t 3.2 kHz deviation. 3 Rotational CH20H Vibrational constantsa for vibrationally state First ex. heavy-atom torsionb Second ex. heavy-atom torsionc First ex. methyl torsiond First ex. bending mode, or C-N, or C-O torsion e aUncertainties represent sitions. e4 transitions. excited states of conformation I of CH3CH(NH2)- Av Bv Cv (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) 7904.88 7873.80 :t 1.03 :t 0.42 7930.10 7957.3 :t 0.82 :t 2.2 one standard deviation. 3636.404 :t 0.086 3632.502:t 0.016 3638.024 :t 0.034 3633.753:t 0.051 b16 transitions. 2745.944 :t 0.087 2743.808 :t 0.014 2745.458 :t 0.040 2743.646:t 0.048 c9 transitions. d7 tran- for the A and C rotational constants. This mode is therefore believed to be more complicated than a simple torsion about the C--c bond. Nine lines of the second excited state of this mode were assigned. Relative intensity measurements yielded 181 :t 30 cm-I for this frequency. As seen in Table 3, the variations upon excitation of this mode are quite linear. It is therefore concluded that this frequency is nearly harmonic [11]. As indicated in Table 3, the first excited state of the methyl torsion is believed to be assigned. Since none of the 7 lines measured was split by the methyl group tunnelling effect this assignment is slightly more uncertain than in the case of the heavy-atom torsional mode. However, calculations assuming a hypothetical barrier of about 3 kcal mole-I indicate that the splitting should be less than the resolution power of our spectrometer. Relative intensity measurements place this frequency at 199 :t.49 cm-I close to 221 cm -I derived for 1-amino-2-propanol [4] for its methyl torsion. Moreover, the changes in the rotational constants upon excitation are similar in the two aminopropanols. The origin of the fourth excited state assigned is uncertain. Our belief is that this is the lowest bending mode, but it could well be the lowest torsional mode of the amino- or the hydroxyl group. 14 Dipole moment The Stark coefficients of 21,1 -+ 31,2 and 31,2 -+ 41.3 transitions were used to determine the dipole moment. Stark splittings in the 4-11 MHz range were measured. The experiment was perforrned as previously described [12], and the inverse squares of the standard deviations of the Stark coefficients shown in Table 4 were us ed as weights in the least squares procedure. The results are also presented in Table 4. The total dipole moment is 3.13 :t 0.05 D which is close to 3.05 :t 0.05 D found for 2-aminoethanol [3]. Bond moment ca1culations [8] yielded 2.78 D, while 3.71 D was found by the CNDO/2 method [9]. Assignment of conformation Il A preliminary set of rotational constants was computed for conformation Il based on the same structural parameters as for I. Bond moment calculations and CNDO /2 computations again indicated that Ila should predominate. The former method yielded Ila = 2.55 D, Ilb = 1.14 D, and Ile = 0.59 D, respectively, while the CNDO/2 results were Ila = 3.21 D, Ilb = 0.54 D, and Ile = 1.56 D, respectively. After the assignment of rotamer I was completed severallines of medium intensity remained in the spectrum. Among these lines searches were made for the relatively strongest a-type R-branch transitions. The 30 3-+ 40 4, 40 4-+ 50 5 and 41 3 -+ 514 transitions were found slightly away from their p~edicted freque~cies, ~ainly because the OCCN dihedral angle is about 7° larger than the value found in 2-aminoethanol as will be discussed in the section on structure determination. The assignments of these three transitions were confirmed by their Stark effects and a set of unrefined rotational constants was computed from them. The frequencies of further a-type R-branch lines TABLE 4 Stark coefficients and dipole moment of conformation certainties represent one standard deviation) Transition 2... -->3'.2 3'.2 -->4,,3 = 3.03 = 3.13 - :t Cale. 0.01 0.03 0.15 -0.21 -1.96 -7.21 M=O 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.14 -0.20 -0.34 -0.78 -1.51 =l IMI = 2 1MI = 3 Iltot (MHz V-'em')'10' Obs. M= O -0.21:t IMI = l -1.99:t IMI = 2 -7.23:t IMI Ila !:.v/E' 0.01 D :t 0.05 Ilb -0.21:t -o.34:t -0.77:t -1.52:t = 0.54 D. - :t 0.03 D Ile = 0.57 I of CH3CH(NH,)CH,OH :t 0.19 D (Un- ' 15 were then predicted and readily assigned. A total of 10 transitions of this type were measured. Moreover, 23 b-type and 3 c-type Q-branch lines were also assigned. No a-type Q-branch lines could be identified owing to their small intensities. The spectrum is shown in Table 5 and the derived spectroscopic constants appear in Table 6. TABLE 5 Microwave CH20H spectrum Transition 30 3 --> 40 4 3"2 --> 4"3 3"3 --> 4"4 3;,-->4;2 32:2 --> 42:3 40,4 --> 50" 4'3-->5'4 4"4 -->5,', 42:3 --> 52:4 43" --> 53,2 16,,'2 --> 166,,1 166,10 --> 167,9 176,,2 --> 177,,, 186,13 --> 187,12 19,,15 --> 196,14 197,,2 --> 19.,12 217 15 --> 218 '4 218:13 218,13 238,15 248,16 249,15 258,'7 259,16 279,'8 --> 219:,2 --> 219,13 --> 239,14 --> 249,15 --> 24,0,15 --> 259,16 --> 2510,15 --> 27'0,'7 2810,18 299,20 309,2, 30,0,20 3110,21 33,0,23 3311,22 34",23 35",24 36,2,24 3712,25 --> 2811,'7 --> 2910,19 --> 3010,20 --> 3011,,9 --> 31",20 --> 3311,22 --> 33'2,2' --> 3412,22 --> 35,2,23 --> 3613,23 --> 3713,24 a:t0.10 MHz. of the ground vibrational Observed frequencya (MHz) Obs. -calc. frequency (MHz) 28503.60 31101.68 28013.68 31197.72 29782.49 35105.03 38388.50 34817.89 37009.97 38265.71 32174.90 26769.03 33930.60 35029.30 39601.26 28140.62 39377 .88 36176.20 35028.07 30461.76 28538.55 38110.04 28067.11 36328.41 31320.95 39335.94 32299.93 35615.70 34056.40 33627.74 38723.81 36750.28 36365.89 , 38081.54 39407.49 39080.94 0.04 -0.04 0.03 -0.16 0.14 0.01 -D.01 0.07 0.06 -D.14 0.34 -D.16 -0.25 0.13 -0.27 0.31 0.05 -D.23 -0.12 0.01 -0.02 0.12 0.22 -0.01 0.06 -0.07 -0.17 0.21 0.11 -0.08 0.19 0.03 -0.09 -D.12 0.17 -D.21 state of conformation Centrifugal distortion (MHz) -D.37 -0.54 -0.38 -D.67 -0.62 -0.70 -1.00 -0.69 -1.05 -1.45 -14.76 -12.48 -17.20 -20.20 -25.00 -19.57 -30.90 -28.81 -28.12 -32.77 -33.58 -41.50 -34.22 -45.14 -46.90 -62.61 -48.01 -51.22 -63.24 -62.47 -66.24 -82.88 -80.83 -80.38 -106.05 -102.27 Il of CH3CH(NH2)- 16 TAB LE 6 Spectroscopic (NH2)CH2OH Ao constantsa = 6461.620 :!: for the ground 0.032 MHz Bo !:..J = 1.65 :!:0.69 kHz oJ = 0.3420 :!:0.0094 kHz aUncertainties represent Vibrationally vibrational = 4144.442 state of conformation :!: 0.030 MHz Co !:..JK = 6.35 :!:0.15 kHz oK = -0.034 :!:0.117 kHz one standard Il of CH3CH- = 3336.163 !:..K = -7.02:!: :!: 0.030 MHz 0.40 kHz deviation. excited states Two vibrationally excited states were assigned for conformation Il. On ly a-type R-branch lines were identified. b-type Q-branch transitions were searched for extensively but could not be assigned presumably because of insufficient intensities. Nine transitions were measured for what is believed to be the heavy-atom torsional mode and the rotational constants appearing in Table 7 were found by the least squares method assuming a rigid rotor mode!. A frequency of 144:!: 26 cm-1 was determined for this mode by relative intensity measurements. This is not too different from 126 :!:10 cm-1 found for the corresponding fundamental of rotamer I. Attempts to reproduce the observed changes in the rotational constants up on excitation by opening up the OCCN dihedral angle were also made in this case. It was found that the change observed for the C rotational constant agreed closely with the calculated pattern while discrepancies were seen for the A and B rotational constants. It is thus concluded that this mode also is more complicated than a simple torsion about the C-C bonds. Seven lines of another normal mode were also assigned and the rotational constants of Table 7 determined in the same manner as for the previous frequency. The assignment of this mode to a particular fundamental is uncertain. The assumption that this is the first excited state of the methyl torsion is favoured, but it could well be the first excited state of the lowest bend ing mode or the torsional frequency of the amino or hydroxyl group. A frequency of 225 :!: 26 cm-1 was found for this mode by the relative intensity method. TABLE 7 Rotational CH20H constantsa Vibrational state First ex. heavy-atom Uncertainc,d aUncertainties -- for vibrationally excited Ay (MHz) torsionb represent By (MHz) 6471.64:!: 6454.80:!: one standard states of conformation 1.13 0.72 deviation. Cy (MHz) 4138.216:!: 0.073 4141.01 :!:0.33 b9 transitions. Il of CH3CH(NH2) 3323.088:!: 0.065 3332.80 :!:0.25 c7 transitions. dSee text. ~-- 17 Amino group inversion is a prominent spectral feature in many compounds. This is absent for both conformations, presumably because there are no two identical forms to in vert between in either rotamer. Dipole moment Star k coefficients were measured for 40,4 --* 50,s and 41,4 --* 51,s transitions utilizing splittings in the 2-6 MHz range. The statistical treatment of the data was as for conformation I with the results shown in Table 8. The dipole moment of this rotamer is seen to be 0.25 D less than for conformer I. Bond moment calculations predict that these dipole moments should be almost identical, viz., 2.86 D for n and 2.78 D for I. The CNDO/2 method only partially reproduces the difference observed for the dipole moment. Computations with this method yielded 3.71 D for rotamer I, and 3.61 D for Il. Searches for further conformations After completion of the assignments of the two forms there remained only a few rather weak transitions in the spectrum. It is not unlikely that most of these belong to unassigned high J transitions of vibrationally excited states. That large fractions of further rotamers coexist with the two conformations already accounted for is ruled out. It is felt that further rotamers would have been noticed if their individual concentration hild exceeded 10-15% of the total. Conformation n, the less stable of the two forms, is thus conservatively estimated to be at least 0.5 kcal mole-I more stable than any third rotamer . Structure of the two conformations Only three rotational constants were determined for each of the two conformations. Consequently, a complete molecular structure cannot be TABLE 8 Stark coefficients and dipole moment of conformation certainties represent one standard deviation) Transition 4.,4 --.5.,5 (Un- t::.v/E' (MHz V-'cm')'10. Obs. 40,4 --. 50,5 Il of CH3CH(NH2)CH,OH 0.6 IMI= 1 -11.9:t IMI= 2 -45.7 :t 0.6 IMI= 3 -102.8 :t 1.0 M =O IMI= 1 IMI= 2 IMI= 3 -0.58 :t 0.03 12.3 :t 0.6 50.5 :t 1.9 114.6 :t 4.6 = 2.19 :t 0.03 D = 1.46 :t 0.08 D J.ltot = 2.88 :t 0.07 D Calc. -11.96 -45.90 -102.46 -0.58 12.23 50.63 114.63 J.le = 1.172 :t 0.003 D --- 18 determined. Instead, we had to restrict ourselves to fitting three structural parameters for each rotamer . The dihedral angles OCCN and OCCC as well as the CCC angle were selected for fitting because the rotational constants of the two forms are sensitive to these parameters and because they are chemically interesting. The interesting dihedral angles HOCC and CCNH were not chosen because the rotational constants are insensitive even to rather large variations in these parameters. These angles, as well as the rest of the structural details of the -CH(NH2)CH2OHfraction of the molecule, were taken from 2-aminoethanol. Structural data for the methyl gro up and the CCC angle were transferred from propane [7]. The selected parameters are shown in Table 9 and the dihedral angles illustrated in Fig. 2. The three angles OCCN, OCCC and CCC, were fitted by minimizing the sum of the per cent differences between the observed and the calculated rotational constants. The results are displayed in Table 9. Error limits given are believed to encompass reasonable structural differences between the assumed structural parameters and the real ones. It is seen in Table 9 that the methyl group is almost exactly anti to the C--D bond in conformation I, and nearly exactly gauche in rotamer IL The TABLE 9 Plausible structural parametersa and observed two rotamers of CH3CH(NH2)CH2OH and ealeulated rotational eonstants Assumed structural parameter common for conformations I and Il O-H C-O C-H C--C C-N N-H 1.139 1.396 1.095 1.526 1.475 1.017 Fitted A A A A A A structural LCOHb LHCOa LCCO LCCN LCNHb LCNHc LCCH Rotational I Conformation 54.0:!: 2.00 from syn 180.0:!: 2.00 from syn 112.4 :!: 1.00 28.3 78.2 159.5 Il 61.5 :!:2.00 from syn 60.0 :!:1.00 from syn 112.4 :!: 1.00 constants Conformation Obs. AD (MHz) Bo (MHz) Co (MHz) LCCOHa LCCNHb LCCNHc parameters Conformation LOCCN LOCCC LCCC 103.70 109.80 112.10 108.10 110.40 111.30 109.80 7948.403 3640.570 2747.727 I Conformation Il Cale. Diff. Obs. Cale. Diff. 7951.06 3655.65 2753.71 0.03% 0.41 % 0.22% 6461.620 4144.442 3336.163 6465.67 4147.96 3330.25 0.06% 0.08% 0.18% aSee text and Fig. 2. bSee Fig. 2 for definition of Ha' Hb and Hc' -- -- of the 19 CONFORMA TION [ CONFORM ATION Il H VIEWED THE ALONG H@H C-C - BOND H2N 54'C HO H C H3C NH2 60' 61.5' H@H OH HH VIEWED THE ALONG Hy;r Ho O-C - BOND : C2H4NH2 , 283' Ho H2NH4C2 :'283', , .--:.. Hb VIEWED ALONG THE -N- C - BOND 159.5' H,cQ) H c Fig. 2. Definition CH,oH H Hc N 78.2' H;cQCH,oH Hb H of fitted and assumed dihedral angles of the two conformations. CCC angle is indistinguishably similar in the two forms and identical to that of propane within the error limits. However, there is a large, significant difference in the OCCN dihedral angle of the two conformers. As shown in Table 9 this angle is approximately 7.5° larger in conformation Il than in I. The increase in the OCCN angle observed upon going from rotamer I to Il must lead to a less favourable hydrogen bond situation in the latter conformer. This is bome out by the distances and ang les shown in Table 10. The hydrogen bond distanee between H and N is seen to increase by about 0.12 Å from I to Il, and the O-H, , , N angle to decrease from 115.0° to 112.6°. Both structural differences presumably lead to less hydrogen-bond stabilization in conformation Il than in I. Energy difference between the two forms Relative intensity measurements were used to determine Gibbs' free energy difference of the two conformations in the following manner. The peak absorption coefficient o: (cm -1) of any asymmetric-top spectrum line [13] is given approximately by V2 2A l o: = 3.85,10-14 Tt2f!.(tl~), T Fu(ABC)2 gl exp(-E~/kT) (1 ) -- 20 TABLE 10 Structural CH20H parametersa of the hydrogen Structural parameter Conformation Ha,..N Ha...Hb 2.11 2.73 2.82 2.79 115.0° 43.3° 21. 7° Ha'" O...N He LO-Ha", N LHa-o... N LHa...N...O bond in conformations I A A A A Conformation 2.23 2.90 2.89 2.86 112.6° 45.9° 21.5° I and Il of CH3CH(NH2)- Il A A A A Sum of van der Waals' radiib H,..H2.4A O...N H...N2.7A 2.90 A aFor definitions of Ha' Hb and He see Fig. 2. bTaken from ref. 16. where F v is the fraction of molecules in the particular state under observation A, B, and C are the rotational constants, T is the absolute temperature, v is the absorption frequency, /J.g is the dipole moment component (Debye ) along the g principal inertial axis, A is the line strength of the transition under study, E; is the rotational energy of the lowest state involved in the transition, k is Boltzmann's constant, (~v h. is the line breadth at half intensity (MHz) at T = 300 K and p = 1 torr, a is the symmetry number, and gl is the reduced nuclear weight. Both conformations have Cs symmetry and therefore one assumes that a = gl = 1. It is further assumed that (~v) 8 times the dipole moment [14]. This leads to the following relation between the fraction of molecules in the ground vibrational state of conformation I (F~=o)relative to the corresponding fraction of rotamer Il (Fv~o) 2 I F~;o Fv=o . =~ an ~ 2.1.. J AnBnCn ( VI ) ( AIBICI ) 2 An / exp(-E/,nlkT) AI /J.gIexp(-E T,IlkT) (2) Only a-type transitions were utilized to calculate FJ=o/FJ!o. Substituting the values for the rotational constants and the components of the dipole moments of the two conformations along the a-axes, eqn. (2) reduces to F~~o Fv=o = 0.766 al An an AI (.!:lL VI ) 2 eXP(-E~.nlkT) (3) exp(-ET,IlkT) This equation is related to Gibbs' free energy difference of the ground vibrational states, ~G~=o, by FJ=o o ~Gv=o - -RT ln lI (4) F v=o ~ 21 In order to minimize systematic errors arising from reflections in the wave guide or different frequency-dependent properties of the detector system, transitions which were reasonably near each other in frequency were selected for relative intensity measurements. Care was taken to en sure that these lines were completely modulated and not contaminated by Stark components. Moreover, it was hoped that the selected lines were not overlapped by other weaker unassigned transitions. The results are presented in Table 11. A value of ilG~;o -o.58:t 0.17 kcal mole-1 was derived from six selected measurements. Since the variation of the free energy with temperature was not studied, it is not possible to derive the entropy difference of the two rotamers by the familiar eqn. (8). An alternative method was therefore used to evaluate this quantity. The partition function is given approximately by [15] . Q = Q rot. Q.v,b. 3/2 =~ ( 8n3 l A l B l e )t (kT ) TT. ( 1 a . h3 - e-hw ilkT)-l where a, k, and T have the same meanings as was discussed for lA, IB, and le are the principal moments of inertia, h is Planck's and Wi the normal mod e frequency. Jf it is assumed that the products of all normal modes of the are identical with the exception of the aCCN torsional modes, ratio of the partition functions is found I Q v;o - A Il B Il C Il t 1 - e-1.44wIlIT A IB I CI ' 1 - e-1.44wIIT Q I~ v-o - ( (5) l eqn. (1), constant, two rotamers the following ) (6) where WI and WIIare the torsional modes of the two farms determined 126:t 10 cm-1 and 144:t 26cm-l, respectively. The entropy difference is given by [15] to be TABLE 11 Relative intensities and Gibbs' free energy difference conformations I and Il Conformation Conformation I Transition Freq uency Transition (MHz) 3,,2-->4,,3 133,11 -->133,,0 195,,5 -->195". 195,15 -->195". 4,,4 -->5,,5 40,4 --> 50,5 27053.14 27850.20 28061.02 28061.02 29265.24 29951.36 of the ground Il Frequency vibrational states of T l:I.Go "'n (K) (kcal mole-') 3.82 1.12 1.65 1.14 2.10 5.03 276 268 268 276 275 273 -0.59 -0.74 -0.77 -0.60 -0.28 -0.47 Av. -o.58:t (MHz) 3,,3--> 4". 3,,3 -->4". 3,,3 -->4,,4 30,3 -->4o,. 30,3 --> 4o,. 32,2 --> 42,3 28013.58 28013.58 28013.58 28503.60 28503.60 29782.49 0.17 22 flSO- v-o = RIn Q~=o+ RT~ II dT Q v=O (In Q~=o ) Q II v=O (7) At 273 K the entropy difference is calculated to be 0.3 :!:0.1 cal mole-l K. The enthalpy difference flH~=o at 273 K is then calculated from flG~=o = flH~=o - TflS~=o (8) and found to be -0.50:t 0.19 kcal mole-l. Thus, conformation I is favoured energetically while there is very Httle entropy difference between the two rotamers. This result contrasts with that obtained by the CNDO /2 method which predicted conformation n to be the more stable by about 1 kcal mole-l. It would be desirable to construet a potential surface for the conformational behaviour of 2-amino-1-propanol. Unfortunately, this is not possible because of insufficient data. Even a reasonable path between conformations I and n is impossible to construet because it is probably quite complicated as the C---C, C-N, and C-O torsional mod es would have to be considered. Inversions of the amino- and hydroxyl groups could also be of importanee for the transformation of I into n and vice versa. DlSCUSSION Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is undmlbtedly an important factor in determining why 2-amino-1-propanol prefers the two conformations of Fig. 1 to other forms which necessarily would lack this kind of favourable interaction. It is also interesting to note that conformation I is more stable by about 0.5 kcal mole-l. The hydrogen-bonding conditions are probably better in this rotamer than in Il as indicated in Table 10 and this may be the reason why I is preferred to n. The worsened hydrogen-bonding situation in n relative to I was caused by the 7.50 OCCN angle opening. It is possible that this increase of the OCCN angle results from steric repulsion. Calculations indicate that there are two critical non-bonded contacts between hydrogen atoms in conformation n. The first of the se exists between the methyl group and the hydroxyl group while the other is found between the methyl and amino groups. Both these hydrogen-hydrogen distances were found to be slightly less than the sum of their van der Waals' radii which is 2.4 Å [16]. Furthermore, it was found that an opening of the OCCN angle resulted in increased distances between both the se hydrogen-hydrogen distances. The observed conformation thus seems to represent a compromise between steric repulsion and hydrogen bond attraetion. Finally, we wish to discuss why the title compound exists with two intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded conformations while only one rotamer corresponding to I was found for the closely related 1-amino-2-propanol [4]. The hypothetical conformation n of the latter molecule is sketched on the 23 H H Hr<:xH H3C~.~H2 O-H'" H $ H C. H3C H2N.' . ..~ CONFORMATION Il OF CONFORMATlON Il 2-AMINO -1- PROPANOL 1-AMINO - 2 -PROPANOL OF Fig. 3. Rotamer Il of 2-amino-1-propanol (left) and of 1-amino-2-propanol (right) viewed along the C-C bond. Note the crowded situation between the methyl and amino groups of the latter conformer and the possibility of interaction between the methyl group and the oxygen lon e pairs of the former rotamer. right in Fig. 3. This rotamer must, if it exists, be at least 1.0 kcal mole-1 less stable than the identified form which was similar to I [4]. A prominent non-bonded steric interaction resulting from the faet that the amino group is proton acceptor and the hydroxyl gro up proton donor in the two aminopropanols is perhaps the reason for the difference in their conforrnational behaviour. Computations indicate that the methyl group is rather close to the hydroxyl group in rotamer Il of 2-amino-l-propanol and dose to the amin o group in rotamer Il of l-amino-2-propanol. In the title compound there could be some stabilization between the methyl gro up and hydroxyl gro up lone pair. An opposite situation presumably exists in conformer Il of ref. 4. It is likely that there is a repulsive interaction between the amino and methyl groups in this conformation. The presumed opposing non-bonded interactions present in the two rotamers are thus perhaps the cause for their different conforrnational equilibria. REFERENCES 10. Bastiansen, H. M. Seip and J. E. Boggs, in J. D. Dunitz and J. A. 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