Journal of Molecular Structure, 49 (1978) 221-237 <9E1sevierScientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands MICROWAVE SPECTRUM, CONFORMATIONAL EQUILmRIUM, INTRAMOLECULAR HYDROGEN BONDING, INVERSION TUNNELLING, DIPOLE MOMENTS AND CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION OF ETHYLENEDIAMINE K.-M. MARSTOKK and HARALD M(])LLENDAL Department of Chemistry, The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 14 February 1978) ABSTRACT , The microwave spectrum of ethylenediamine, CHzNHzCHzNHz, has been investigated in the 12.4-39.5 GHz spectral region. Th~ two N-C-C-N gauche conformations denoted I and Il and shown in Fig. l, were assigned. The existence of large fractions of further conformations is ruled out. Both rotamers I and Il possess an intramolecular hydrogen bond. I is favoured by 0.3 :!:0.2 kcal mol-' relative to Il. The N-C-C-N angles are 63 :!:20 in both conformers. The average CCN angles are 109 :!:10 in I and 111. 5 :!:10 in Il. The spectra of both rotamers display splittings caused by double minimum potentials. In conformation I the a- and c-dipole moment components were of the "inverting" type, whiIe Il b is "non-inverting". The separation between the (+ )- and the (- )-energylevelsof the double minimum potential of I is 86.356 :!:0.021 MHz. In conformer Il the a-axis component of the dipole moment "inverts", while Ilb is "non-inverting". No c-type lines were observed for this conformation. The energy difference between the (+ )- and the (-)-states of the double minimum potential of conformation Il is 1.332 :!:0.018 MHz. The first excited state of the C-C torsional motion was assigned for this conformation and the energy difference between the (+)- and (-)-states determined as 1.564 :!:0.066 MHz. The dipole moments were Ila = 1.059:!: 0.007 D, Ilb = 0.787 :!: 0.032 D, Ile = = 1.179 :!: 0.023 D and Iltot = 1.770 :!: 0.033 D for conformation I; Ila = 1.952 :!: 0.002 D, Ilb = 0.867 :!: 0.006 D, Ile = 0.538 :!: 0.006 D and Iltot = 2.203 :!: 0.006 D for ri, respectively. All quartic and two sextie centrifugal distortion constants were determined for I, whiIe the quartic distortion coefficients were found for Il. INTRODUCTION Ethylenediamine is used extensively in both organic and inorganic (coordination) chemistry. The structural properties of the molecule have been studied by several methods. An electron diffraction study by Yokozeki and Kuchitsu [1] revealed that the free molecule prefers the gauche conformation with the N-C-C-Nangle 64:!: 4° from syn. The fraction of any other rotamer, if present, was estimated to be less than 5% [1]~ However, the gauche form is not preferred in the crystalline state. In this phase the molecule takes the N-C-C-N anti conformation [2]. Moreover, the IR 222 spectra of several isotopes have been studied in the gaseous, liquid and crystalline states as well as in solution [3-5]. Ah initio MO cålculations. have been made for the molecule by Pople and coworkers [6] who considered several rotameric forms. They found that the two conformations shown in Fig. 1 were the energetically favoured ones. The conformation which is designated Il, corresponding to their gGg' [6], was calculated to be 0.26 kcal mol-1 more stable than I (tGg' of Pople et al.). Further rotamers were calculated to be more than 1 kcal mol-1 less stable than Il. Both conformations I and Il are stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the two amino groups acting respectively as proton donor and acceptor within each conformation. In Fig. 1 the amino groups depicted to the right are acceptors and those to the left are donors. However, the roles of the amino groups of each conformation may be interchanged so that the groups to the right become donors and those to the left proton acceptors. This transformation may be made by appropriate rotation about both C-N bonds, or perhaps by a combined mot lon involving inversion of one or both amino groups and rotation about one or both C-N bonds. The conformatiom reached by such a transformation are completely identical to those of Fig. 1. The existence of two identical forms of each of the conformations I and Il is expected to lead to separate double minimum potentials for the appropriatE transformation motion in each of the two conformations. As will be discussed in later sections of this paper, the tunnelling frequencies.of the transformatiOl motion potential of each conformation has been identified. The situation encountered for ethylenediamine closely resembles that presumed to exist for ethylene glycol [7]. In the latter molecule, a tunnelling frequency of about 17.1 GHz and extensive coupling between overall rotation and tun'nelling was seen [7]. Fortunately, the situation in ethylenediamine is found to be more easily tractable. H 1/ / /00000000000, <-\ ;1-< </j'--\ H / I H <-- > Ho... '. o o.. \ ,0-< H/-\ H H Il Fig. 1. The most stable conformations of ethylenediamine. I is more stable than Il by 0.3 :t 0.2 kcal mol-t. Both rotamers are stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Interchange of the hydrogen bonding roles of the two amino groups of each conformation leads to identical forms with an associated double minimum potential for each conformer. 223 EXPERIMENTAL Commercial ethylenediamine was purified by ,gas chromatography before use. Studies were made in the 12.4-39.5GHz spectral region with the cell cooled to about -30°C in nearly all experiments. Lower temperatures could ' not be utilized because of insufficient vapour pressure. Vapour pressures of 10-50 microns were employed when the spectra were recotded. A conventional spectrometer described briefly in ref. 8 was ,used. RESULTS Microwave spectrum and assignment of conformation I Preliminary rotational constants were computed for rotamers I and Il by combining structural parameters taken Infiinly from the electron diffraction study [1]. The rotational constants of the two conformations were quite similar. Bond moment calculations [9] were then performed. The results were Ila = 0.7 D, Ilb = 0.2 D and Ile = 1.7 D for conformer I: Ila = 1.8 D, Ilb = 0.1 D and Ile = 0.2 D for Il. The agreementbetween bond moment calculations and experiment is often reasonably good, and conformation I was therefore expected to possess a strong c-type spectrum while Il was predieted to exhibit strong a-type transitions. , The microwave spectrum of ethylenediamine was found to be dense and complicated with absorptions occurring every few megahertz throughout the entire microwave spectral range. Stark effeet studies of strong transitions indicated that a majority of them were Q-branch lines. The faet that many of these were located below 22 GHz was in agreement with predictions for a c-type spectrum. The search was therefore concentrated on finding the low J members of the strong ,J1,J-l ~ J2.J-l c-type Q-branch series. The first line of this series to be identified by its Stark effect was 31.2~ 32,2 at 26612.54 MHz, while another transition with alm ost identical intensity and very similar Stark effect was observed at 26441.20 MHz. The splitting of 171.34 MHz between these two corresponds approximately to two times the tunnelling frequency which we will denote ~. Another pair of lines with characteristic Stark effects and identical intensities was located at 24866.12 and 25036.66 MHz and assigned as the 41.3 ~ 42.3 pair. The splitting in this case was 170.54 MHz which is nearly, although not exactly, that observed for the previous pair. The mean frequencies of each of these two pairs were used to obtain a preliminary determination for the average value of"A - C and Ray's asymmetry parameter". With this information, several more c-type Q-branch lines were predicted and subsequently measured. All of them were found to be split. The splittings were about 170 MHz for low value of J and gradually became smaller as J increased. b-Type Q-branch lines were also well predicted by the average A - C and " determined from the c-type Q-branch lines. The splittings of the b-type 224 lines were much less than in the case of the c-type transitions. Some of the former were not resolvably split while others were split by a fairly small amount, usually less than 3 MHz. The intensities of the individual components of the resolved b-type lines were identical. In order to make a first determination of all three rotational constants, low J R-branch b-type lines were searched for as these were expected to be relatively free from splitting complications. After some searching several of these were identified by their Stark effect and used to predict c-type R-branc lines which were readily found. All of these were split by roughly 170 MHz into two components of identical intensities. The a-type R-branch lines were next predicted. These transitions were found to be split by roughly 172 MHz as were the c-type lines. The intensities of the two individual lines of each pair were identical in this case too. Table 1lists a portion of the spectrum * . Our interpretation of the spectrum of conformation I of ethylenediamine is that it is typical of a molecule poss'essing a double minimum potential. ThE ground state is a symmetric or (+ )-state, while the first vibrational state is an antisymmetric or (-)-state. The separation, ~, between the (+ )-state and the (-)-state is about 86 MHz. The selection rules are that of a rigid rotor plus (+)""* (-) or (-)""* (+) for the a- and c-type transitions, while the b-tYPE lines obey the ordinary rigid rotor selection rules. The origin of the differenc of the selection rules are thought to arise from the internal motion of the amino groups described in the Introduction. An operation which interchangE the hydrogen bonding roles of the amino groups is presumed to invert the spatial direction of the a- and c-axes components of the dipole moment. No inversion takes place for the b-axis component of the dipole moment. Hence the ordinary rigid rotor selection rules apply in this case. In order to derive the spectroscopiC; constants characterizing conformatior I, a computer program written by Nielsen was utilized [10]. A total of about 180 transitions were assigned for this conformation and 164 of these were used to derive the spectroscopic constants appearing in Table 2. The assigned frequencies consisted of all b-type as well as of all c-type Q-branch transitions of sufficient intensities. The maximum J c-type Q-branch transitions thus assigned were the 589.49""*5810.49pair. Only low J R-branch lines of all three dipole moment component types were identified. Many intermediate and high J b- and c-type R-branch lines are predicted to occur in the spectrum, but it was not possible to assign them because of their smal] to moderate intensities making uniqu~ identification in the rich spectrum virtually impossible. A moderate num ber of high J a-type Q-branch lines were likewise not assigned for similar reasons. In the least squares procedure used to derive the parameters of Table 2, the rotational, the quartic centrifugal, as well as the two sextic constants HJ';" *The complete microwave spectra of the two conformations are available from the autho upon request, or Jrom the Microwave Data Center, Molecular Spectroscopy Section, Nati Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. 20234, USA, where they have been deposited. 225 TABLE 1 Selected transitions from the microwave spectrum of conformation Transition a-type 10.1-. 20,2 11,0 -.21.1 21,2-. 31.3 20,. -. 30.3 3... -. 4.,3 33.1-. 43,. b-type 00,0 -. 11,1 20.2-. 31,3 60,6 -.61,5 90,9 -. 9.,8 101.9 10.,8 121,11-. 12.,10 14,.,2 -.143,11 c-type 00,0 -. 1.,0 lo,. -.2.,. 5.,4 -. 60,6 31.. -. 3.,. 71.6-.7.,6 51,s -. 5.,3 9..7 -. 93,7 16.,,4 -. 163,14 Observed frequencya (MHz) Obs.-calc. frequency (MHz) (-)-. (+) (+)-.(-) f-)(+) (+)-. (-) (-)-. (+) (+)-. (-) (-)-.(+) (+)-.(-) (-)-.(+) (+)-.(-) (-)-. (+) (+)-. (-) 19130.53 19302.91 20006.70 20179.15 27551.03 27722.15 28608.77 28780.42 38412.35 38582.44 38552.14 38724.53 0.01 0.11 -0.18 0.09 -0.02 0.12 0.03 (+)-. (-) -. (+) (-) -. (+)-. (-) -. (+)-. (-) -. (+)-. (-) -. (+)-. (-)-. (+)-. (-) -. 18877.63 b 36108.56 b 20831.98 20833.16 36516.16 36519.53 28760.85 28762.40 36614.16 36617.40 37595.87 0.15 -0.04 -0.11 0.15 -0.05 0.04 0.00 -0.05 b 19614.92 19787.35 30073.35 30245.57 38876.46 39044.96 26441.20 26612.54 18261.11 18427.77 37006.44 37175.21 39002.71 39167.12 13349.26 13494.56 0.02 -0.06 0.06 0.00 0.14 -0.04 -0.19 -0.11 0.18 0.01 -0.04 0.21 0.08 -0.10 0.04 -0.05 (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (-)-.(+) (+)-.(-) (-)-. (+) (+) (-) (-)-. (+) (+)-.(-) (-)-.(+) (+)-. (-) (-)-.(+) (+)-. (-) (-)-.,(+) (+)->(-) (-)(+) (+) -., (-) (-)-.'(+) (+)-.(-) -o.O 0.13 -0.11 -0.03 0.07 I of CH2NH2CH2NH2 Splitting (MHz) 172.38 172.45 171.12 171.65 170.09 172.39 1.18 3.37 1.55 3.24 172.43 172.22 168.50 171.34 166.66 168.77 164.41 145.30 Centr. dist. Total (MHz) -0.14 --0.14 -0.18 -0.13 -0.17 -0.15 -0.44 -0.43 -0.87 -0.13 -2.01 2.45 -3.69 -3.75 -17.36 -17.64 -10.76 -10.85 -34.33 -34.57 -0.08 -0.05 -0.22 -0.19 -0.93 -0.83 -0.10 0.32 6.53 6.70 -1.96 -1.68 15.25 16.44 72.90 74.36 Sexti (MR: r 0.01 0.01 0.0' 0.0' 0.0' 0.0' 0.0' 0.0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 -0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0' 0.0' 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.1' 0.0 226 TABLE 1 (continued) Transition ,\ 19'.16"'" 194.16 223.19"'" 224.19 84.2 ..... 28..24 33..28 -> 336.28 396.33 .....397.33 477.40"'" 478.40 528.44 .....529.44 , 589.49"'" 5810.49 (-)->(+) (+).....(-) (-)-> (+) (+)..... (-) (-)->(+) (+)->'(-) (-).....(+) (+).....(-) (-)..... (+) (+)..... (-) (-).....(+) (+)->(-) (-)4(+) (+)->;(-) (-)..... (+) (+).....(-) Observed frequencya Obs.-calc. frequency (MHz) (MHz) 28945.58 29086.54 15279.93 15406.64 16539.18 16644.68 22252.00 22342.45 22988.60 23058.25 13930.45 13965.48 18595.13 18621.01 18994.47 19005.91 a:!:0.10 MHz. bNot used in least squares TABLE procedure Splitting (MHz) Total S (MHz) -0.04 0.11 -0.02 0.04 -0.02 0.01 0.09 -0.02' -0.09 -0.10 -0.05 -0.04 0.03 0.16 -0.02 187.41 190.05 211.26 216.03 467.40 479.10 949.36 970.01 1631.62 1669.52 1964.81 2043.89 3366.32 3474.69 4767.81 4925.56 140.96 126.7l 105.50 90.45 69.65 35.03 25.88 11.44 -0.12 because Centr. dist. of unresolved 4 ] splitting. 2 Spectroscopic constants for the (+)- and the (-)-states (+ )-state A (MHz) B (MHz) C (MHz) ~r (kHz) ~JK (kHz) ~K (kHz) oJ (kHz) o K (kHz) HJK (Hz) HK (Hz) ~ (MHz)a rms (MHz) I of CH2NH2CH2N (- )-state 1.4472.133 :!:0.012 5229.2072 :!:0.0050 4405.5612:!: 0.0051 4.85:!: 0.11 -22.52:!: 0.14 80.1 :!:1.6 1.3966 :!:0.0030 11.42 :!:0.21 0.317 :!:0.017 -i1.9:!: 6.2 a~ signifies theseparation one standard deviation. of conformation 86.356 0.105 14471.900:!: 0.012 5229.2043 :!:0.0050 4405.4596 :!:0.0051 4.80 :!:0.11 -20.13 :!:0.13 48.2 :!: 1.6 1.3903 :!:0.0030 10.54 :!:0.22 0.383 :!:0.019 -44.0 :!:6.8 :!:0.021 between the (+ )- and the (- )-states. Uncertainties represent and H K of both the (+ )- and the (- )-states were taken together with the separation between the (+)- and the (,- )-states, ~, as the variables. N o coupling terms between inversion and overall rotation were included. This model yielded a good fit to the observed frequencies as shown in Table 1, as the root mean square deviation of 0.105 MHz is comparable to the experimental uncertainty of 0.10 MHz. 227 Inspection of Table 2 reveals that there is a small but significant difference between the A and C rotational constants of the (+)- and (-)-states of 0.233 and 0.1016 MHz, respeetively. No difference was found for the B rotational constants. Centrifugal distortion is quite large in this molecule, especially for the high J transitions as indicated in Table 1. The maximum value for centrifugal distortion was found for the 559.46 -+ 5510.46 (-) -+ (+) transition which was distorted by + 6762.64 MHz. The centrifugal distortion constants of Table 2 are quite similar in the cases of !::.b!::.JK,Db DK and HJK' Large differences are seen for DKand HK, It is of course expected that all centrifugal distortion constants of the two states should be very similar as are the rotational constants. The reason for the discrepancies found for !::.Kand HK is perhaps the faet that the model used to fit the data does not take into account inversion-rotation coupling effects. The 14N nudeus is known to possess a small quadrupole moment, but no splitting of the lines was observed as a result of this effect, although some low J transitions appeared to be quite broad. Dipole moment' The unresolved b-type lines 61.5 -+ 62.4 and 91.8 -+ 92.8 as.well as the 21.1 -+ 31.2 (+) -,t-,(-) a-type and 10.1 -+ 21. I (+) -+ (-) c-type transitions were used to determine the dipole moment of conformation I of ethylenediamine. These lines ~ere selected mainly because the complicatiops arising from the tunnelling frequency, !::.,in the perturbationexpression of Golden and Wilson [11] were estimated to be negligible. The experimept performed as described be fore [12], and the inverse squares of the standard deviations of the Stark coefficients were used as weights i'n the least squares fit: The results are givenirfTable 3. The total dipole moment is 1.770:t 0.033 D, in good agreement with 1.8 D calculated by the bond moment method [9]. Strictly speaking, the a- and c-axes components of the dipole moment are transition moments rather than permanent dipole moments. However, no great difference between the two is expeeted in this case since the tunnelling frequency is so low (86.356:t 0.021 MHz). . . Assignment of conformation Il Mter the assignment of the spectrum of conformation I was made,"searches for the a-type R-branch J = 2 -+ 3 and J = 3 -+ 4 of Il were initiated. These transitions were predicted to be the strongest ones for this rotamer. These lines were soon found and their assignments confirmed by their Star k effects, rigid rotor fit and a characteristic ~splitting of about 2.6 MHz. Although this splitting is much less than the roughly 172 MHz observed for low J values in the case of conformation I, its origin is believed to be another independent double minimum potential analogous to that of rotamer I. 228 TABLE 3 Stark coefficients and dipole moment of conformation Transition /lv/E2 (MHz V-2 cm2) X lO. Obs. Calc. (+)-+(+) (-) -+ (-) (+)-+(+) (-) -+ (-) (+)-+ (-) (+)-+(-) (+)-+ (-) 6.,5 -+ 62,4 9.,8 -+ 92,7 1o,. -+ 2.,. 2,.. -+ 3..2 Ila = 1.059 Iltot I of CH2NH2CH2NH2 a :t 0.007 D Ilb IMI= 6 10.9:t 0.2 11.12 IMI = 9 10.7:t 0.1 10.84 M =O IMI= 1 IMI= 2 -2.16:t 0.02 22.8 :t 0.2 -9.25 :t 0.09 -2.156 22.32 -9.317 = 0.787 :t 0.032 D Ile = 1.179 :t 0.023 D = 1.770 :t 0.033 D aUnct:rtainties represent one standard deviation. The mean frequencies of the a-type R-branch lines were used to predict b- and c-type Q-branch transitions. Those of the b-type were easily assigned, while no c-type lines were found. This is in keeping with the small c-axis dipole moment component of 0.538 :!:0.006 D producing insufficient intensities for making unique assignments for these weak transitions in this dense spectrum. None of the b-type lines could be resolved into the (+ )-state and (-)-state components, presurnably because the rotational constants are very similar for these two states. This is expected since the inversion frequency is as small as -1.3 MHz. This conformation thus possesses an "inverting" a-axis dipole moment component and a "noninverting" Jl.b'Since no c-type lines were definitely identified, the question as to whether Jl.ebelongs to the "inverting" or "non-inverting" type cannot be settled. However, model considerations indicate that the c-axis component of the dipole moment is "inverting" . A total of 52 transitions were assigned for conformation Il. These inc1ude alllow J a- and most low'J b-type R-branch lines as well as all the b-type Q-branch transitions. High J R-branch transitions of b-type and high Ja-type Q-branch lines were not identified for similar reasons as for the corresponding lines of conformation L A portion of the spectrum is display ed in Table 4. In the least squares fitting procedure, the rotational constants of the (+)and the (-)-states were first taken as independent variables with a set of quartic centrifugal distortion constants assumed to be identical for the two states. The energy separation, ~, between the two states was also fitted simultaneously. The rotational constants obtained in this manner were identical to within their uncertainties for the two states. In the final calculations, the rotational constants of both the (+)- and the (-)-state were assumed to be identical. The same was assumed for the centrifugal constants. The results of this procedure are shown in Table 5. 229 TABLE 4 Selected transitions from the microwave Transition a-type 1.,. --+2", 1." --+2." 1". --+2." 2", --+3,,3 2." --+3.,3 2". --+3", 3", --+4", 3", --+4.,3 b-typeb 2." --+3.,3 3,,3 --+ 4.,4 4.,4 --+4.,3 9.,. --+9.,8 3", --+3", 6.,5 --+6,,4 9.,8 --+9,,7 12.,11 --+12".. 3, 3 --+3, , 6, :.--+ 6,: 5 10,,8 --+103,7 12".. --+123,. 14,,12 --+143,11 spectrum Observed frequencya (MHz) (-)--+ (+) (+)--+(-) (-)--+(+) (+)--+(-) (-)--+(+) (+)--+ (-) (-)--+(+) (+)--+ (-) (-) --+(+) (+)--+(-) (-)--+(+) (+)--+(-) (-) --+(+) (+)--+(-) (-)--+(+) (+)--+(-) of conformation Obs.-calc. frequency (MHz) Il of CH,NH,CH,NH, Centrifugal distortion (MHz) 18192.72 18195.53 18915.86 18918.33 19730,56 19733.57 27261.98 27264.44 28259.88 28262.45 28626.54 28629.25 38339.70 38342.20 39364.45 39367.14 -0.16 -0.02 0.19 0.00 -0.18 0.16 0.11 . -0.10 -0.01 -0.11 -0.11 -0.06 0.03 -0.14 0.09 0.11 0.04 0.04 -0.11 -0.11 -0.12 -0.12 -0.08 -0.08 -0.35 -0.35 -0.01 -0.01 -0.56 -0.56 -1.17 -1.17 35770.75 29965.11 14012.37 34524.85 26796.28 24202.67 25694.32 34617.14 31178.99 37194.93 39504.37 36894.96 36928.20 0.09 0.02 0.04 0.10 -0.05 -0.08 -0.08 -0.04 0.14 -0.11 -0.05 -0.05 0.04 0.08 -1.17 -0.60 -16.95 0.15 1.76 -3.12 -30.60 -0.37 -1.14 14.52 14.72 -1.50 a:l:0.10 MHz. bAll b-type lines include both (+ ) --+ (+) and (-) --+(-) transitions. Comparison of the rotational and quartic centrifugal distortion constants of Tables 2 and 5 shows that they are quite similar for both conformations. This is to be expected since the two rotamers possess fairly similar geometries and presumably also have similar force fields. As in the case of conformation I, no splittings due to the two nitrogen quadrupole nuclei were observed for Il. 230 TABLE 5 Average spectroscopic constants of the (+ )- and (- )-states of conformation Il of CH2NH2 CH2NH2 a Ground A (MHz) B (MHz) C (MHz) , tJ.J(kHz) tJ.JK (kHz) tJ.K (kHz) 6J (kHz) 6K (kHz) tJ. (MHz)C rms (MHz) aUncertainties vibrationalatate torsionalatate" ånd a (-}1Itate the separation stateb First exciteda C-C torsional state 14355.536 :!:0.020 5125.3014:!: 0.0090 4356.2924 :!:0.0085 3.85 :!:0.32 -19.73:!: 0.41 51.0 :!:5.1 1.3271 :!:0.0095 9.14 :!:0.45 1.332 :!:0.018 0.091 14451.195 :!:0.093 5090.458 :!:0.036 4338.028 :!:0.035 8.0 :!:1.2 -37.6:!: 2.0 152:!: 25 1.185 :!:0.043 57.1:!: 2.2 1.564 :!:0.066 0.270 represent one standard deviation. bThe "ground state" is the lowest composed of the (+ )- and the (- )-states. In the "first excited C-C the heavy atom torsion ia excited. This state too is composed of a (+ )of the transformation motion described in the Introduction. cA signifies between the (+ )- and the (- ~.tates. First excited C-C torsional state One vibrationally excited state of confonnation n was assigned. A total of . 34 tranaitionS'were measured and uSed to determine the spectroscopic constants shown in Table 5. These transitions were low J a-type R- as well as b-type a-branch lines as in the case of the "ground state" of the previous section..The a-type lines of this excited state were split by about 3.1 MHz which is only slightly more than that observed for the ground state. No splitting was seen for the b-type transitions. Since the changes of the rotational constants upon going from the ground to this state are very dose to those predicted for opening up thi! NCCN dihedral angle, we assign this motion as the lowest C-C torsional mode of conformation n. Relative intensity measurements.made largelyas recommended by Esbitt and, Wilson [13] yielded 181 :t 20 cm-1 for this fundamental frequency. This is dose to 186 cm-1 measured in solution by Raman spectroscopy [3]. The faet that the ground state (+)- and (-)-state energy level separation of 1.332:t 0.018 MHz is dose to 1.564;!: 0.066 MHz found for the corresponding separation of t~ fitst excited state of the C-C torsion presumably means that the transformation motion which interchanges the hydrogen bonding roles of the amino groups is almost independent of the C-C torsion. This supports the model discussed in the Introduction where it was assumed that th~ interchange of the amino groups depends primarily on the C-N torsional motions and/or inversion of the amino groups. 231 TABLE 6 Stark coefficients and dipole moment of conformation Transition 21.2'" 31.3b 61.6 ... 62.5 7...'" 72.5 Il of CH2NH2CH2NH28 ÅvlE2 (MHz V-2 cm2) X lO. Obs. Calc. M =0 IMi= 1 IMI=2 IMI=6 IMI= 7 ILa = 1.952 :!:0.002 D ILtot = 2.203 :!:0.006 D -2.01 :!: 0.03 9.52 :!: 0.09 43.8 :!: 0.4 -31.9 :!: 0.5 13.3 :!: 0.1 -2.012 -9.489 44.001 31.917 13.281 ILb = 0.867 :!:0.006 D 8Uncertainties represent. one standard had identical Stark effects. deviation. ILe = 0.538 :!:0.006 D b ( )... (-) and (-)... (+) components Dipole moment , ... , , The 21.2-+ 31.3(+) -+ (-)as well as the (-) '-+(+) transition, the 61.5-+ 62.5' and the 71,.6-+ 72.5transitions' were used ,to determine the dipole moment. The (+)- and (~)-leveLenergy difference is a very minor complication in this case and was neglected. The statistical treatment of the data was made in the same manner as for conformation I with the results shown in Table 6. The total dipole moment of 2.203 :t 0.006 D is in fair agreement with 1.8 D calculated by the bond moment method [9J. .. . The dipole moment has previously been measured. as 1.96 D in the gas phase by dielectric measurements [14], 1.92 D has been reported by Tronei [15] in benzene solution, while Kimura et al. [16] found 1.89 D at 25°C and 1.84 D1h benzene at 45°C, respeetively. It will be shown in a later seetion of this paper that the gas phase is. composed of roughly 2/3 of conformation l and 1/3 of conformation Il. The average dipole moment of the gas phase is thus 2/3 X 1.71 D + 1/3 X 2.20 D = 1.91 D which is very close to Zahn's old gas phase value of 1.96 D [14]. , The rotational constants shown in Tables 2 and 5 are quite similar for the ground states of both conformations, and a discrimination between the two cannot be made directly from only the rotational constants. To do so, the components of the dipole moments are very useful. The faet that conformation Il was found to have a predominating /J.a= 1.952 :t 0.002 D and a quite small /J.e= 0.538 :t 0.006 D, while Ile is the largest component of rotamer l, was taken as proof for the assignment as this is in quite good agreement .with the bond moment calculations. , 232 The remaining unassigned transitions of the spectrum A total of about 270 lines were assigned for the two conformations. This includes all the strongest lines of the spectrum as well as a majority of transitions of medium intensity. However, there remain approximately 200 unassigned lines of intermediate intensities and several thousand weak ones. The Stark effects of some few of the intermediate intensity lines have been well resolved; for several others partial resolutions have been achieved. A large fraction of these lines are undoubtedly Q-branch transitions. It is believed that most of these lines belong to unassigned vibrationally excited states. Especially the first excited state of the C-C torsion of conformation I should appear with considerable intensity since this frequency is expected to be roughly the same as for rotamer Il, namely 180 cm-l. The tunnelling frequency, .::l,of this mode is presumed to be similar to that of the ground state as the C-C torsional motion is believed to be almost completely independent of the transformation potential. Despite considerable efforts, no assignments could be made. The two C-N torsional modes of each conformation, however, are believed to be strongly dependent on the transforrnational barrier. According to the vibrational analyses [3-5] the lowest C-N torsional fundamental is 238 cm -1, and its first excited state should thus have a fairly intense microwavl satellite spectrum. The energy separation between the (+)- and the (-)states of this mode is presumed to be much larger than in the ground vibrational states of each conformation. This WQuid certainly add to the assignment complications, and no assignments could be made for this mode for either rotamer . Isotopic species where the amino group has been deuterated are expected to exhibit less complications from tunnelling and a study of such species will now be made in this laboratory. The existence of several other conformers as well as the two assigned in this work is of course theoretically possible for ethylenediamine. While the existence of small fractions of further rotamers cannot be completely precluded by its microwave spectrum, the absolute intensities of the assigned transitions yield strong evidence that the two identified gauche rotamers indeed predominate. This is supported by Stark effect studies on the strongest of the unassigned lines. Scheraga and coworkers [17] have very recently calculated by the empirical EPEN-method that the gGg conformation in the notation of the ab initio work [6] is even more stable than both I and Il by about 0.4 kcal mol-l. The gGg rotamer was calculated to have a small dipole moment of only 0.3 D, and a direct assignment of this conformation could have been difficult since the intensities of the spectrallines depend on the squares of the dipole moment components along the principal inertial axes. If the results of the EPEN-computations were correct, about 50% of the gas should consist of the gGg conformation. This would have led to much lower absolute intensities of the transitions of 233 I and Il than were actually observed. Thus, the microwave spectrum refutes these calculations. Moreover, the good agreement between the average dipole moment determined for the gas phase composed of 2/3 of I and 1/3 of Il, 1.91 D, and Zahn's gas phase average dipole moment of 1.96 D [14] is independent evidence against a dominating gGg conformation. Chemically, it seems improbable that the gGg rotamer should be preferred as it has no intramolecular hydrogen bond as well as a rather close non-bonded hydrogen-hydrogen contact between the two amino groups. It is also interesting to note that this conformation was calculated to be 2.02 kcal mol-1 less stable than Il by Pople et al. [6]. It is thus concluded that free ethylenediamine consists mainly, if not exclusively, of the two N-C-C-N gauche conformations shown in Fig. 1. Barrier to transformation Very little information is available about the path of the transformation motion, and no reliable quantitative barrier height can therefore be calculated. However, the rather small tunnelling frequencies of the two conformations on the one side, and the light amino groups on the other, lead us into estimating a rather moderate barrier height in the 4-6 kcal mol-1 range for each of the conformations. The barrier of rotamer Il is expected to be somewhat higher than that of I, since ~ is much less in the former case. Structure of the two conformations As no isotopic species were studied for the two rotamers, only three rotational constants are available for each of them. Therefore, a complete structure cannot be determined. Instead, we restricted ourselves to fitting two structural parameters for each conformer. The NCCN dihedral angle and the CCN angle were selected because the rotational constants depend strongly on these parameters and because they are chemically interesting. It is of course realized that, strictly speaking, a small difference presumably exists between the CCN angies when the amino group acts as a proton donor and when it is an acceptor. The assumed structural parameters were taken mainly from the electron diffraction study [1]. The amino groups were assumed to be placed in exactly staggered positions. The NCCN and CCN angles were then fitted by minimizing the sum of the per cent differences between the observed and calculated rotational constants. Good agreement was thereby obtained as shown in Table 7. The error limits given in this Table are believed to encompass reasonable structural differences between the assumed structural parameters and the real ones. The NCCNdihedral angleswhich are 63 :t 20 for both rotamers agree well with that of the electron diffraction study [1] where the existence of only one gauche conformation was assumed. The CCN angle was found to be 110.2:t 0.70 by Yokozeki and Kuchitsu [1] which is intermediate between 109:t 10 found for conformation I and 111.5 :t 10 found for Il. Since an 234 TABLE 7 Plausible structural parameters& and observed and calculated rotational constants 'of the two rotaIIlers of CH,NH,CH,NH, Assumed structural parameters common for conformations I and Il C-N 1.469 A LCCH 109.48° LHNCC 6000r 1800b C-C 1.546 A LCNH 109.48° C-H 1.093 A LHCH 109.48° N-H 1.017 A LHNH 109.48° Fitted structural parameters Conformation I LNCCN 63 :!:2° from syn LCCN 109.0:!: 1° Conformation Il 63 :!: 2° from syn 111.5:!: 1° Hydrogen bond parameters (A) N' . . N N-H"'N Rotational Obs. c 14472.017 5229.206 4405.511 2.893 2.52 2.987 2.64 constants (MHz) Calc. 14449.45 5223.59 4402.32 aSee text and Fig.!. rotational constants Obs. 14355.536 5125.301 4356.292 Diff. 0.16% 0.10% 0.07% b Amino groups assumed of (+ )- and (- )-states. average value was determined byeleetron agreement between the two methods. to be in exactly diffraetion, Calc. 14362.77 5091.65 4373.18 staggered positions. Diff. 0.05% 0.65% 0.39% cAverag there is thus good Energy difference between the two conformations Relative intensity measurements were made to determine Gibbs' free energy differenee between the two conformations. Most preeautions of Esbitt and Wilson [13] were observed. The peak intensities were taken by slowly seanning over the lines. The earefully seleeted transitions used were strong and, hopefully, not seriously perturbed by overlapping lines or Stark eomponents. The pair of lines seleeted for relative intensity measurements were not widely spaeed in the speetrum thereby minimizing effeets from wave guide refleetions and deteetor non-linearities. The experimental material is shown in Table 8. The equilibrium constant K was ealeulated from [18] 2 L J AnBnCn ' AnJlgneXp(-ET. n/k T) K = [I] =~ vn (1) [Il] Qn (VI) ( AIBICI ) AIJlgIeXp (-E~.I/kT) where the symbols have the same meanings as in ref. 18. Sinee only b-type Q-braneh transitions were employed for conformation one half of the observed intensities were used for Qn as these unresolved transitions are eomposed of both the (+) -+ (+) and (-) -+ (-) eomponents. I] 235 TAB LE 8 Intensity measurementsa,b, the ground vibrational Conformation I Il I Il I Il I Il I Il I Il K Av - - ill [Il] constants of conformations Temp. (K) Transition 3,,3 -->4.,. 12',10 -->123,9 5"s -->62,3 6,,6 -->62,s 203,17 -->20.,17 7,,6 -->72,6 132,11 -->133,11 8,,7 -->82,6 3,,3 -->4". 122,10 -->123,9 3,,3 -->4". 142,,2 -->143,11 203,17 -->20.,17 7.,6 -->72,s 203,,7 -->20.,17 707-->716 3,:3 -->4,:, 122,10 -->123,9 203,17 -->20.,17 7.,6 -->72,s 203,17 -->20.,17 70,6 -->7,,6 132,11 -->133,11 81,7--> 82,6 I Il I Il I Il I Il I Il I Il equilibrium states (+)-->(-) 243 (+) -->(-) 249 (-)-->(+) 249 (-)-->(+) (+) -->(-) 249 <+) -->(-) 249 (-)-->(+) 273 (-)-->(+) 273 (+)-->(-) 296 (-.,.-)-->(+) 289 (-)-->(+) 290 (-)-->(+) 290 +o -. 1 76 -. 38 "' 1 GÅv "lo.. 3.75 9.34 1.39 2.61 11.9 6.88 7.69 6.86 3.76 .9.34 3.76 11.6 11.9 6.88 11.9 4.11 3.76 9.34 11.9 5.88 11.9 4.11 7.69 6.86 261_ =-0.28 aSee text. blntensities of lines belonging in this Table. See text. and I and Gibbs' free energy differences of Il of CH2NH2CH2NH2 0/ (arbitrary unit) exp (-E/kT) 4.4 3.5 4.7 2.66 9.6 2.66 7.8 2.6 2.7 3.4 2.7 3.4 6.8 2.1 6.8 1.26 1.5 1.86 7.0 1.95 7.0 1.9 4.6 2.7 0.992 0.854 0.972 0.962 0.668 0.947 0.834 0.940 0.988 0.867 0.988 0.816 0.683 0.961 0.683 0.966 0.989 0.878 0.697 0.954 0.697 0.958 0.865 0.942 K Go kcal moC' 2.2 -0.38 2.5 -0.45 1.8 -0.29 2.2 -0.39 1.4 -0.17 1.6 -0.23 1.4 -0.18 1.6 -0.26 1.4 -0.20 1.8 -0.34 1.3 -0.16 1.9 -0.37 :!:0.10 kcal moC' to con format ion Il were twice the values shown Measurements were made at about -25, oDe and room temperature: It was hoped that !:lJIOand !:lSocould be determined from eqn. (2) > !:lGo = !:lHo -T!:lSo (2) If the data of Table 8 are fitted to this equation !:lHo and !:lSo are obtained with large standard deviations and correlations. !:lSo is found to be insignificantly different from zero from this fit. This is expected since the two gauche conformations are so similar, The standard deviation obtained for !:lHo from this fit, is felt to be bit worse than is actually the case. Since !:lSOis probably very dose to zero, !:lJIOis expected to be very dose to the average value of !:lGo = ~O,28:t 0.10 kcal morI. Thus, !:lHo= ~O.3:t 0.2 kcal morI is preferred for the energy difference with conformation I as the energetically favoured rotamer. The gas phase is then roughly composed of 2/3 of conformation I and 1/3 of Il. a 236 It is interesting to note that conformer n was calculated by Pople et al. [6] as being 0.26 kcal mori more stable than 1. Although this in opposition to the experimental findings, the fact that rotamers I and n were calculated to be very dose in energy is substantiated by this work. DlSCUSSION lntramolecular hydrogen bonding is undoubtedly an important factor in the preference for conformations l and nsinee conditions for forming this type of bond are optimal in these two rotamers. The hydrogen bonds are probably of rather moderate strength as can be conduded from the nonbonded distances shown in Table 7. The N. . . N distanee is 2.89 Å in conformation l, and is roughly 0.1 Å longer in Il. These values are very dose to 3.0 Å wttich is twice the sum of the van der Waals' radius of the nitrogen atom [19]. The N-H" . N distances of 2.52 and 2.64 Å for l and n, respectively, are more uncertainthan the corresponding N... N distanees, since the experimental data are relatively insensitive to the exact orientation of the amino groups. However, these two non-bonded distances are about 0.2 and 0.1 Å, respectively, shorter than the sum of the van der Waals' radii of a hydrogen and a nitrogen atom [19]. It is also interesting to note that the non-bonded distances of the hydrogen bond are more favourable in conformation l than in n. It is thus possible that the hydrogen bond in l is the stronger one, and that this may largely explain why this conformation is energetically favoured. Aremarkable finding of the electron diffraction work [1] was that even at 118°C at least 95% of ethylenediamine prefers the hydrogen-bonded N-C-C-..N gauche conformations. This means that both gauche rotamers are rather unexpectedly stable. It is difficult to believe that the rather moderate strength 'intramolecular hydrogen bonds present in the conformations alone can explain the high stabilities of the two gauche conformations. Some other additional stabilisation effect seems to be necessary to account for the electron diffraction observation. Recent studies have revealed that several other 1,2-disubstituted ethane derivatives, XCH2CH2 Y, prefer very stable X-C--C-Y gauche conformations provided that both X and Y contain electronegative elements, and provided that the molecules are isoelectronic to ethylenediamine. Thus, CH2OHCH2OH [20,21, 7]..CH2OHCH2F [22], CH2OHCH2NH2 [23] and CH2FCH2F [24] which all meet these requirements, are found to prefer very stable gauche conformations. lntramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in the first three of these compounds, but in CH2FCH2F this effect is not possible. Yet, gauche CH2FCH2F is considerably more stable than the anti conformation [24]. No universally accepted explanation exists to account for this observation. Since all these isoelectronic compounds prefer rather unusually stable gauche conformations, we believe that the kind of effect which stabilizes 237 CH2FCH2Falso exists in the other members of this series in addition to the intramolecular hydrogen bond thus augmenting the stabilities of the gauche rotamers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Cand. Scient. Claus J. Nielsen is thanked for making his program ASMIXX available, and for discussions. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Yokozeki and K. Kuchitsu, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 44 (1971) 2926. S. Jamet-Delcroix, Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B, 29 (1973) 977. A Sabatini and S. Califano, Spectrochim. Acta, 16 (1969) 893. A Diot and T. Theophanides, Can. J. Speetrosc., 17 (1972) 67. A-L. Borring and K. Rasmussen, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 31 (1975) 889. L. Radom, W. A Lathan, W. J. Hehre and J. A. Pople, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 95 (1973) 693. 7 K-M. Marstokk and H. MØllendal, J. Mol. Struct., 22 (1974) 301. 8 K-M. Marstokk and H. MØllendal, J. Mol. Struct., 5 (1970) 205. 9 C. 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