Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 Molecular structure of propargylgermane (2-propynylgermane) determined by gas-phase electron diffraction and quantum chemical calculations Tatyana Strenalyuka, Svein Samdala,*, Harald Møllendala, Jean-Claude Guilleminb b a Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, PO Box 1033 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo, Norway Laboratoire de Synthèse et Activation de Biomolécules, UMR CNRS 6052, Institut de Chimie de Rennes, ENSCR, F-35700 Rennes, France Received 29 April 2005; accepted 7 June 2005 Available online 26 August 2005 Dedicated to Jean Demaison on the occasion of his retirement Abstract The molecular structure of propargylgermane, HCbCCH2GeH3, has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction. The electrondiffraction investigation has been supported by density functional theory and ab initio calculations. The ra value of the bond lengths (pm) are: r(C–Ge)Z197.2(1); r(C–C)Z143.9(2); r(CbC)Z123.1(1); r(H–Cacetylene)Z108.5(3); r(C–H)Z111.6(3) and r(Ge–Haverage)Z153.7(2). The Ge–C–C angle is 111.7(1)8 and the C–CbC angle is 178.3(4)8. The uncertainties are one standard deviation from the least-squares refinement. q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Propargylgermane; Electron diffraction; Molecular structure; Quantum chemical calculations 1. Introduction The structures of relatively few gaseous compounds possessing the germyl (GeH3) group have been reported. Accurate structures have so far been determined for germane (GeH4) [1,2] the germyl halides (GeH3X, XZF [3], Cl [4,5], Br [5,6] and I [5,6]), germylacetylene (HCbC– GeH3) [7], methylgermane (CH3GeH3) [8], ethylgermane (CH3CH2GeH3) [9,10] and cyclopropylgermane (C3H5 GeH3) [11]. Some structural information is available for vinylgermane (H2CaCHGeH3) [12] (fluoromethyl)germane (CH2 FGeH3) [13] and (chloromethyl)germane (CH2ClGeH3) [14]. Ab initio calculations at a relatively high level of theory (MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) have been performed for allylgermane (H2CaCHCH2GeH3) [15]. A review of germane and the germyl halides has been given by Bürger and Rahner [16]. * Corresponding author. Tel.: C47 2285 5458; fax: C47 2285 5441. E-mail address: (S. Samdal). 0022-2860/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2005.06.047 Gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) can be used to determine an accurate structure of propargylgermane. It is fortunate that the degree to which electrons are scattered by the germanium atom is high, which means that the bond lengths of atoms attached to germanium can be accurately determined. The present work was undertaken to extend the knowledge of the structures of compounds containing the germyl group. The electron-diffraction work has been supplemented by quantum chemical calculations. 2. Synthesis 2.1. Materials Germanium tetrachloride, 1,2-propadienyltri-n-butylstannane, tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (tetraglyme) and lithium aluminum hydride were purchased from Aldrich and were used without further purification. Caution! Propargylgermane is pyrophoric and potentially toxic. All reactions and handling should be carried out in a well-ventilated hood. 158 T. Strenalyuk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 Propargylgermane was prepared in a two-step reaction, starting with germanium tetrachloride and 1,2-propadienyltributylstannane, followed by the chemoselective reduction of the formed propargyltrichlorogermane [17]. GeCl4 + SnBu3-(Bu3SnCl) GeCl3 LiAlH4 tetraglyme GeH3 . 2.2. Propargyltrichlorogermane Into a two-necked flask equipped with a nitrogen inlet and a magnetic stirring bar was introduced germanium tetrachloride (4.3 g, 20 mmol). The propadienyltri-n-butylstannane (6.6 g, 20 mmol) was slowly added at room temperature and the mixture was stirred for 30 min at 50 8C. The flask was then attached to a vacuum line and the propargyltrichlorogermane was purified by selective condensation in a trap cooled at K30 8C. The product was kept in a freezer (K20 8C). Yield: 2.3 g (53%). bp: 25 8C (0.1 mm Hg). 1H NMR (CDCl3): d 2.33 (t, 1H, 4JHHZ 2.9 Hz, CH); 2.93 (d, 2H, 4JHHZ2.9 Hz, CH2). 13C NMR (CDCl3): d 20.9 (t, 1JCHZ141.0 Hz, CH2), 73.0 (d, 2JCHZ 51.1 Hz, HCbC); 73.7 (d, 1JCHZ254.0 Hz, CH). 3. Quantum chemical calculations Two rotamers, denoted eclipsed and staggered, are possible for propargylgermane. These two forms are shown in Fig. 1, where the atom numbering is also indicated. Density Functional theory (DFT) calculations for the eclipsed and the staggered conformers were first performed using the GAUSSIAN 03 suite of programs [19]. The main objectives of these calculations were to predict a force field for the title compound and to explore its conformational composition. The functional of Becke [20] (B3LYP) was used in conjunction with the 6-311G** basis set. Full geometry optimizations were conducted for the eclipsed and staggered forms. No negative vibrational frequencies were computed for staggered rotamer indicating that this form is a minimum on the potential energy hypersurface [21]. One imaginary frequency (K132 cmK1) was calculated for eclipsed isomer, which suggests that this geometry is not true minimum, but a first-order transition state [21]. The atomic movements associated with this imaginary vibration showed that it represents a rotation around the Ge1–C2 axis. The total energy of the hypothetical eclipsed rotamer was 2.3. Propargylgermane The apparatus was similar to that described for the preparation of 2-propynylphosphine [18]. In a 250 mL twonecked flask the reducing agent (LiAlH4, 1.14 g, 30 mmol) and tetraglyme (50 mL) were introduced. The flask was attached to a vacuum line, immersed in a cold bath (0 8C) and degassed. The propargyltrichlorogermane (2.2 g, 10 mmol) in tetraglyme (10 mL) was slowly added via a flex-needle through the septum over the course of 5 min. During and after the addition, the formed propargylgermane was distilled off in vacuo from the reaction mixture. A cold trap (K80 8C) selectively removed less volatile products and propargylgermane was condensed in a second cold trap (K120 8C) to remove the most volatile products (mainly GeH4). After disconnecting from the vacuum line by stopcocks, the product was kept at low temperature (!K50 8C) before analysis. The propargylgermane was thus obtained in a 78% yield (0.90 g). bp: zK90 8C (0.1 mmHg). 1H NMR (CDCl3): d 1.95 (t, 1H, 4JHHZ 2.9 Hz, CH); 1.87 (dq, 2H, 4JHHZ2.9 Hz, 3JHHZ3.2 Hz, CH2); 3.87 (t, 3H, 3JHHZ3.2 Hz, GeH3). 13C NMR (CDCl3): dK3.7 (t, 1JCHZ135.3 Hz, CH2); 67.4 (d, 1JCHZ248.7 Hz, CH); 82.8 (d, 2JCHZ48.6 Hz, HCbC). HRMS: m/z calcd for C3H5Ge [MKH]C, 114.9603; found, 114.959. Fig. 1. Models of the staggered (top) and eclipsed (bottom) forms of propargylgermane with atom numbering. T. Strenalyuk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 159 Table 1 Calculated and experimental structural parametersa of propargylgermane Parameter Eclipsed B3LYPb Staggered b Ge1-C2 C2-C3 C3bC4 C4–H5 Ge1–H10 Ge1–H8d C2–H6d Angles :Ge1C2C3 :C2C3C4e :H5C4C3e :Ge1C2H6 :C2Ge1H10 :C2Ge1H8e :H8Ge1H9e :C3C2H6e C3C2Ge1H10 E0 DE GED c B3LYP MP2 ra rg ucalc uexp 200.6 145.0 120.3 106.2 153.3 153.8 109.3 199.5 145.0 120.3 106.2 153.9 153.5 109.4 195.5 145.0 121.7 106.2 151.8 151.5 109.0 197.2(1) 143.9(2) 123.1(1) 108.5(3) 154.0(2) 153.6(2) 111.6(3) 197.4 144.0 123.2 109.0 154.6 154.2 112.1 5.4 4.7 3.5 7.3 9.0 8.9 7.7 5.8(1) 4.3(2) 3.9(2) 7.3 9.5(2) 9.4(2) 7.7 113.1 178.5 179.3 107.5 110.1 109.2 108.7 110.6 0.0 K2194.82562 5.9 111.9 178.0 179.1 107.8 108.7 109.4 109.9 110.9 180.0 K2194.82788 110.1 177.3 179.6 108.9 109.3 108.8 110.1 110.6 180.0 111.7(1) 178.3(4) 180.0 104.9(3) 110.9(9) 111.6 111.8 108.0 180.0 Rf,Z5.85 a Distances in pm, angles in degrees, parenthesized values are the least-squares standard deviations in units of the last digit, energies in Hartree, rotational barrier, DE, in kJ molK1. b B3LYP/6-311G**. c MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ. d These distances were calculated as Ge1–H8ZGe1–H10–0.45, and C2–H6ZC4–H5C3.18;-dependent parameter; see text. e The dihedral angle Ge1C2C3C4 is 08, with the C4 atom bent towards the Ge atom. The dihedral angle C2C3C4H5 is 1808, with the H5 atom bent away from the Ge atom. calculated to be 5.9 kJ molK1 higher than the energy of the staggered form. Selected results of the B3LYP calculations of the two rotamers are collected in Table 1. It has been shown that a second order Møller-Plesset perturbation treatment of electron correlation [22] employing a relatively large basis set predicts an accurate equilibrium structure [23]. It is of interest to compare the approximate equilibrium structure obtained in this manner with the GED structure. Dunning’s correlation-consistent, triple-z basis function with polarized valence electrons and diffuse functions was chosen in the present case. Calculations were only carried out for the staggered conformation. The results of the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ optimization made for this rotamer are listed in Table 1. 4. Microwave experiment Attempts were made to obtain the microwave spectrum of the title compound using the Oslo spectrometer [24]. However, no spectrum was observed. It is believed that this is a consequence of a small electric dipole moment of the molecule. This is in accord with the B3LYP/6-311G** quantum chemical calculations described above, which predict the principal-axes dipole moment components to be maZ0.38, mbZ0.53 and mcZ0 Debye. It is the experience of these authors that the theoretical dipole moments are in general larger than the experimental ones. 5. Electron diffraction 5.1. Experimental The GED data were recorded using a Balzers KD-G2 unit [25]. The experimental data were recorded on BAS-III image plates, which were scanned using a BAS-1800II scanner. Both the image plates and the scanner are manufactured by FujiFilm. The image plates are more sensitive, have a higher resolution, a much higher linear response and dynamic range than photographic plates. Owing to the high linear response of the image plates, no blackness correction is needed. Each image plate was divided into four sectors, two in x-direction (left and right), and two in y-direction (up and down). Data for each sector were treated separately and the two sectors in x-direction were averaged to give one modified intensity curve in the x-direction and similarly, one modified intensity curve in y-direction. The data range in x-and y-direction is slightly different as a consequence of the rectangular shape of the image plate. This procedure applies for both camera distances, and gave four curves as shown in Fig. 3. These four curves were used in the leastsquares structure analysis. The raw data were further processed as described in the experimental section of Ref. [26]. The necessary modification and scattering functions were computed from tabulated atomic scattering factors 160 T. Strenalyuk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 5.2. Structure refinement Fig. 2. Radial distribution curve. Interatomic distances are indicated. [27] for the proper wavelength and s-values. The experimental backgrounds were computed using the program KCED12 [28], where the coefficients of a chosen degree of a polynomial function are determined by the leastsquares method by minimizing the differences between the total experimental intensity and the molecular intensity calculated from the current best geometrical model. The average experimental intensities were modified by s/jf 0 Cf 0 Gej, where f 0 denotes the coherent scattering factors. The nozzle temperature was 22 8C. The molecular intensities were obtained in the s ranges 17.5–117.5 nmK1 and 20.0–145.0 nmK1 for y and x direction respectively, with DsZ1.25 nmK1 and a camera distance of 498.65 mm, and correspondingly 40.0–247.5 nmK1 and 40.0– 285.0 nmK1 with DsZ2.50 nmK1 and a camera distance of 248.88 mm. The experimental and theoretical radial distribution and intensity curves for the best model are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. The electron wave length is 5.820 pm. Fig. 3. Intensity curves; see text for details. According to the quantum chemical calculations above, the staggered rotamer with Cs symmetry is the most stable. For a complete description of the molecular geometry eighteen parameters are needed, and those selected are the bond distances: r(Ge1C2), r(C2C3), r(C3C4), r(C4H5), r(C2H6)Zr(C2H7), r(Ge1H8)Zr(Ge1H9), r(Ge1H10); the bond angles :(Ge1C2C3), :(Ge1C2H6)Z:(Ge1C2H7), :(C3C2H6)Z: (C3C2H7), :(C2C3C4), :(C3C4H5), :(C2Ge1H8)Z: (C2Ge1H9), :(C2Ge1H10), :(H8Ge1 H 10)Z:(H 9Ge 1 H10); and the dihedral angles: f(C3C2Ge1H10), f(Ge1C2C3C4), f(C2C3C4H5). The dihedral angles are all fixed at values of 0 or 1808. Owing to the low scattering power of the H atoms, it is often not possible to determine all of the structural parameters involving H atoms. Therefore constraints have to be imposed on the molecular geometry and the choices were: r(Ge1H8)Zr(Ge1H9)Zr(Ge1H10)CD1, where D1 is the difference between r(Ge1H8) and r(Ge1H10) taken from the B3LYP quantum chemical calculations. Analogously: rðC2 –H6 ÞZ rðC2 –H7 ÞZ rðC4 –H5 ÞC D2 :ðC3 C2 H6 ÞZ :ðC3 C2 H7 ÞZ :ðC1 C2 H6 ÞC D3 :ðC2 Ge1 H8 ÞZ :ðC2 Ge1 H9 ÞZ :ðC2 Ge1 H10 ÞC D4 :ðH10 Ge1 H8 ÞZ :ðH10 Ge1 H9 ÞZ :ðC2 Ge1 H10 ÞC D5: The D 0 s are adjustable parameters or fixed to their B3LYP/6-311G** values which are 0.45 pm, 3.18 pm, 3.078, 0.658, 0.928, for D1–5 respectively. Root-mean-square amplitudes of vibration (u-values) and perpendicular correction coefficients (D-values) were derived from the B3LYP/6-311G** force field using the ASYM program [29,30]. Some of the calculated u-values are given together with the refined structural parameters in Table 1. Attempts were made to refine the f(C3C2Ge1H10) dihedral angle in order to ascertain whether it would be possible to determine the barrier to internal rotation of the germyl group. However, owing to the small contributions to the total scattering from the C3/HGe, and C4/HGe distances, this angle could not be determined with sufficient accuracy. The standard deviation of this parameter was about 10–138, its value was close to 1808 and it was not significantly influenced by the other parameters. It was therefore not possible to determine the barrier to internal rotation of the germyl group by including a dynamic model in the electron-diffraction analysis. Furthermore, the f(C3C2Ge1H10) dihedral angle was kept constant at 1808 in the final refinement. The nearly linear C3C4H5 angle could not be determined for the same reasons as mentioned above. Its value was therefore fixed to 1808. The experimental structure and its B3LYP and MP2 counterparts are given in Table 1. T. Strenalyuk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 6. Discussion In Table 1, the B3LYP, MP2, ra and rg structures of propargylgermane are listed. The MP2 and B3LYP structures are approximations of the equilibrium (re) structure. They agree rather well with two exceptions, viz. the Ge–C and Ge–H bond lengths. The Ge–C bond is 4 pm longer in the B3LYP structure than in the MP2 structure. A similar tendency is found in the case of the Ge–H bond lengths (Table 1). The difference between these values would appear to be a result of the quantum chemical treatment of the large number of electrons belonging to the germanium atom (32). Comparison of the approximate re structures obtained in the MP2 and B3LYP calculations with the ra and rg GED structures (defined in Ref. [31,32]), which are not equilibrium structure, is not straightforward. The ra and rg bond lengths are always longer than the re bonds by definition [31,32]. Comparison of ra and rg bond lengths in Table 1 with the corresponding bond lengths obtained in the MP2 calculations, which is assumed to be close to the equilibrium structure [23], is in accord with this theory with the exception of the C2–C3 bond length. This bond length is predicted to 145.0 pm both in the DFT and MP2 161 calculations, while the GED gives a significant shorter bond distance (143.9(2) pm). Table 2 lists structural parameters, barriers to internal rotation of the germyl group and dipole moments of selected germanes. The germyl group is attached to carbon atoms that are in different states of hybridization. The distance between the carbon atom and the attached germyl group is expected to be a function of the hybridization of the carbon atom. The carbon atom is sp3-hybridized in propargylgermane. Comparison of the C–Ge ra distance of this compound (197.2(1) pm; Table 1) with its counterparts in methylgermane [8] (194.53(5) pm) and ethylgermane [10] (195.9(5) pm; Table 2) shows that the bond length in the title compound is perhaps slightly longer than in the two other cases. However, the bond lengths in methyl-and ethylgermane have been determined from microwave data. A direct comparison of bond lengths determined by the two different methods should therefore be viewed with some caution. However, it is interesting to note that the MP2/aug-ccpVTZ calculations predict the C-Ge bond lengths both in propargylgermane (Table 1) and in the anticlinal conformer of allylgermane (Table 2) [15] to be about 195 pm, practically the same as in methyl- and ethylgermane (Table 2). Table 2 Important structureal data, rotational barriers and dipole moments of selcted germyl compoundsa Compound Structural parameters H3GeCbCH [7] germylacetylene r(Ge–C)Z189.6(1) r(CbC)Z120.8(1) r(Ge–H)Z152.1(1) :HGeHZ109.9(10) r(Ge–C)Z194.53(5) r(Ge–H)Z152.9(5) :HGeHZ109.3(5) r(Ge–C)Z195.9(5) r(C–C)Z153.2(5) r(Ge–H)Z152.5(5) :CCGeZ112.3(5) r(Ge-C)Z192.6(12) r(CaC)Z134.7(15) r(Ge–H)Z152.1(5) :CGeHZ109.7(6) r(Ge–C)Z191.8(1) r(C–C)Z152.0(1) r(Ge–H)avZ153.5(1) CH3GeH3 [8] methylgermane CH3CH2GeH3 [10] ethylgermane CH2CHGeH3 [12] Vinylgermane C3H5GeH3 [11] cyclopropylgermane CH2ZCHCH2GeH3 Allylgermaneb [15] a b r(Ge–C)Z196.1 r(Ge–H)Z151.7 :HGeCZ107.7 r(Ge–C)Z195.1 –(CaC)Z133.7 r(Ge–H)avZ151.8 r(C–C)Z149.0 Bond lenghts in pm, angles in degree, barriers in kJ molK1 and dipole moments in debye. Anticlinal conformer. MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ values; see Ref. [15]. Dipole moment mtotalZ0.136(2) DEZ5.2(1) mtotalZ0.635(6) DEZ5.9(1) maZ0.71(1) mbZ0.27(1) mtotalZ0.76(2) DEZ5.2(3) maZ0.49(2) mbZ0.12(2) mtotalZ0.50(3) DEZ5.58(20) maZ0.684(7) mcZ0.261(8) mtotalZ0.739(9) maZ1.00(3) mbZ1.30(3) mtotalZ1.64(3) DEZ5.8(2) CH2FGeH3 [13] (fluoromethyl)germane CH2ClGeH3 [14] (chloromethyl)germane Rotational barrier DEZ7.3(1) maZ0.04 mbZ0.51 mbZ0.02 mtotalZ0.51 162 T. Strenalyuk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 780–781 (2006) 157–162 The Ge–H bond length is another interesting parameter. It can be seen in Table 2 that the values of this parameter lie between 151.7 pm in (chloromethyl)germane [14] and 152.5(3) pm in ethylgermane [10]. This is somewhat shorter than 154.0(2) pm and 153.6(2) pm obtained in our case (Table 1). The values of this bond length, as determined by spectroscopy, is similar to the MP2 results of the title compound and of the anticlinal form of allylgermane (about 151.8 pm). Acknowledgements T.S. thanks the International Student Quota Program for financial support. The Aurora exchange program between France and Norway is gratefully acknowledged for grants to H. M. and J-C. G. The Research Council of Norway (Programme for Supercomputing) is thanked for a grant of computer time. J-C. G. thanks PCMI(INSU-CNRS) for financial support. George C. Cole is thanked for his thorough reading and correction of the manuscript. References [1] K. Ohno, H. Matsuura, Y. Endo, E. Hirota, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 118 (1986) 1. [2] H.W. Kattenberg, W. Gabes, A. Oskam, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 44 (1972) 425. [3] M. Le Guennec, W. Chen, G. Wlodarczak, J. Demaison, R. Eujen, H. Bürger, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 150 (1991) 493. [4] J. Demaison, G. Wlodarczak, J. Burie, H. Bürger, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 140 (1990) 322. [5] S. Cradock, D.C. McKean, M.W. MacKenzie, J. Mol. Struct. 74 (1981) 265. [6] S.N. Wolf, L.C. Krisher, J. Chem. Phys. 56 (1972) 1040. [7] E.C. Thomas, V.W. Laurie, J. Chem. 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