DMJ Distributed Media Journaling • !#"%$'&( )* !#+,-.) ( -!%/ $"0+%( !0(1$%/.* !0 $'( !%/32 / 4 "0* ! ( !05 , +6* -7$%( +.+, / 4 ( * 8)( !%/.2 ! ( 9+6* :!%/5-) ( -7!%/ $4 !4 4 +4 • !#2 $')( +%-;$%( "05"0* !'$%( +.+, /! <6!%/$%/3$+'( $%( !%/3*%!%"0+*0/3+,)4 !%*0 /!0, !%/.! =6!0( 41+6"0" )*%* >? 3( @!#4 !%4 4 + Database .7 1999 - 2002 .7¢¡£¤' Address and devise solutions for an extensible framework for on-line content analysis, indexing and annotation of (live) networked multimedia sessions. ¥ 7¦F;£F§¨§F£¤ ¤ ©F¡ª7¦¢ Network On-line content analysis of networked multimedia sessions under uncertainty (evidence of content missed or hallucinated). Event Sensor Content analysis ALARM Retrieval «¬ª£;§­ Control A 'BC 'B 6 DE1 'F 6 . 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S5T U V W"X metadata Y[Z 4 Z=\=Z1] 0 ? @ ? @ ( ) ÷ ö õ õò ó > @ Â Ç ¼ ½À * ÷ñ ö õ ô ÷ ô õ ô ñ ô ¹;ºQ»d¼ ½»d¼d¾?¿1½À ÁD »Ã based on conceptual information through the use of concept templates which define possible concept relations and how concepts can be decomposed into media processing algorithms. ¹;ºQ»dĽ żd¼ ½Æ3Å;Ç Èd¼ ½É (Bayesian network objects) construction/ customization on the fly through instance-based learning. Automatic construction of resource- and reliability-aware media processing strategies based on classification (decision) trees. ¹;ºQ»d¼ ½Ðd¼ Ë ÑÀ½½Èd¼ ¼ À Íd¿1¼ ½7Ã_ÀÈQÆeÆÈ#À'É combined with OOBNs to achieve a more expressive framework. Ê ½Ç  ÈdÍ#Â Ç Â ¼ Á?ËÈ#»QÌ¢À½Éºd¿QÀ6Ä½Ë ÈQÎÈdÀ½Äº1»d¼ ½»d¼#ÈQ»Q»#ºQ¼ Èd¼  º1» achieved through dynamic cooperation with a resource manager. ®¯ª7¢£F¤;ªFe°ªÒÓ0Ô3¢eÕÓÖD×Ø­¤ ÚÙ e The focus of this thesis is system support for distributed analysis of distributed media. The following sub areas will be addressed: ÛFÜ ½»#¼#ÍQÀ6ºdݽÀ;ÈQÀÄÞ? ¼ ½Ä¼ ¿1À½Ï > Â Ç ¼ ½À mediastream Mediastream (from camera 1) Distributable architecture based on event broker service Partitioning, composition and deployment of processing units for analysis and filtering. Ê ½Éºd¿1À6ĽFÆeÈQ»QÈýƢ½»d¼ Ï Reliability and latency adaptable to resources currently available. Improve resource usage by load balancing processing between different nodes. mediastream ? -/.1032541687:9<;=037 @ ^ ÷ ÷ ôñ õ ö ô õ ô ñ ô ÷ ö õ õò ó ( ) This thesis will focus on how object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBNs), an effective hierarchical and modular framework for knowledge representation and reasoning under uncertainty, can support generic hierarchical representation of multimedia content, representation and use of domain knowledge, and annotation under uncertainty. The following sub topics will be examined: ß ½ Å;Ç ºÁ#Æ¢½»d¼_º ÑÅ7ÀºQĽÉÉ »Ã_Ï ACB"D EF G'H:I JKLEMI B:N/H"O JI I JPMH:F I JNQJ D:R O Mediastream (from camera 2) ÷ ®¯ª7¢£F¤;ªFe°­±¬¤ F²6³´§ª ¦;F°°¢µ¶£F©·¸ An event broker is the glue which connects the DMJ components, as illustrated in figure “Distributed analysis object”. Important issues are scalability and performance. ' 'F æ0 ?'&0 B' + , Combination of probabilistic, knowledge-based content analysis and QoS/resource awareness, packaged into a generic extensible framework. Ê ½Éºd¿1À6ĽËÈQ»dÌ¢À½Ç  ÈdÍ#Â Ç Â ¼ Á?Ë ÈQÎÈdÀ½FÆ¢½Ì_ È.Å7ÀºQĽÉ6É »Ã_Ï ä; BC B6å ´Få'B6 ' 0 7 'æ éê ëñ ò ì óí î ô ë õ ï ò ð ê ö ÷ óô ÷ ñ ö õ ô Computational complexity of feature extraction and object recognition and massive amount of data to be analyzed under real-time requirements. PD: primitive event detector CD: composite event detector P: event producer C: event consumer ઺á­ÈdÎÈQÀ½Qâº#¿À»#ÈdÇ Â »Ã_Ï The quality of the journal may depend on events detected by the analysis system. For example, the video sequences containing moving persons may be stored in high quality video while other sequences are stored in low quality. ¥ 7¦ªãª¤ ¦¢ 2 papers submitted to conferences 6 presentations/invited talks First prototype under development (office journaling)