6.5 x and sp -charts • When both µ and σ are unknown, estimates of these parameters should be computed based on m preliminary samples that are assumed to come from an in-control process. • For larger sample sizes, another option for tracking process variability is the sp -chart which is based on a pooled estimate of the variance. Pm Pm 2 (ni − 1)s2i 2 i=1 i=1 (ni − 1)si = P • The pooled variance estimate is sp = Pm m i=1 (ni − 1) i=1 ni − m where m is the number of samples and ni is the ith sample size. • s2p is the MSE in a oneway ANOVA with m levels and ni observations for treatment i. • For equal sample sizes (ni = n for all i), we form control limits in a fashion analogous to the x and s-charts but use sp instead of s and σ b = sp /c4 . • The trial control limits for the x-chart are: UCL = x + 3 Centerline = x LCL = x − 3 • The trial control limits for the sp -chart are: UCL = B4 sp Centerline = sp LCL = B3 sp where B3 and B4 can be found in the table. • These trial control limits must be tested in the same fashion as the trial control limits for the x- and R-charts and for the x- and s-charts. SAS Code for x and sp Charts DATA in; INPUT sample day shift @@; DO ITEM = 1 TO 4; INPUT index @@; OUTPUT; END; LINES; 1 1 3 218 224 220 231 2 3 1 4 280 228 228 221 4 5 2 1 243 240 230 230 6 7 3 2 240 238 240 243 8 9 3 4 238 233 252 243 10 11 4 4 218 232 230 226 12 13 5 1 224 221 230 222 14 15 5 3 224 228 226 240 16 17 6 4 243 250 248 250 18 19 7 1 224 228 228 246 20 ; TITLE ’XBAR AND S CHARTS (USING SYMBOL1 V=DOT WIDTH=3; 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 3 4 228 210 225 244 228 226 230 232 247 236 236 249 250 248 238 231 220 240 238 230 247 241 258 265 220 236 227 241 244 230 234 246 244 234 230 242 226 232 230 232 POOLED S_P)’; PROC SHEWHART DATA=in; XSCHART index*sample=’1’ / SMETHOD = RMSDF TESTS = 1 TO 8 LTESTS = 2 TESTS2 = 1 TABLE ALLN SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL index = ’AVERAGE RESPONSE/POOLED STD DEV’; RUN; 65 XBAR AND S CHARTS (USING POOLED S_P) The SHEWHART Procedure XBAR AND S CHARTS (USING POOLED S_P) The SHEWHART Procedure Means and Standard Deviations Chart Summary for index 3 Sigma Limits with n=4 for Mean Subgroup Sample sample Size Lower Subgroup Limit Mean 3 Sigma Limits with n=4 for Std Dev Special Upper Tests Lower Subgroup Limit Signaled Limit Std Dev Special Upper Tests Limit Signaled 1 4 219.71509 223.25000 250.35991 0 5.737305 21.326240 2 4 219.71509 236.25000 250.35991 0 7.932003 21.326240 3 4 219.71509 239.25000 250.35991 0 27.366342 21.326240 4 4 219.71509 236.50000 250.35991 0 17.972201 21.326240 5 4 219.71509 235.75000 250.35991 0 6.751543 21.326240 6 4 219.71509 244.25000 250.35991 0 14.056434 21.326240 7 4 219.71509 240.25000 250.35991 0 2.061553 21.326240 8 4 219.71509 247.75000 250.35991 0 12.919623 21.326240 9 4 219.71509 241.50000 250.35991 0 8.103497 21.326240 10 4 219.71509 229.00000 250.35991 0 7.393691 21.326240 11 4 219.71509 226.50000 250.35991 0 6.191392 21.326240 12 4 219.71509 233.75000 250.35991 0 6.849574 21.326240 13 4 219.71509 224.25000 250.35991 0 4.031129 21.326240 14 4 219.71509 225.75000 250.35991 0 4.193249 21.326240 15 4 219.71509 229.50000 250.35991 0 7.187953 21.326240 16 4 219.71509 236.25000 250.35991 0 4.924429 21.326240 17 4 219.71509 247.75000 250.35991 0 3.304038 21.326240 18 4 219.71509 239.75000 250.35991 0 7.500000 21.326240 19 4 219.71509 231.50000 250.35991 0 9.848858 21.326240 20 4 219.71509 232.00000 250.35991 0 2.828427 21.326240 6 6 66 1 6.6 6.6.1 Control Charts for Unequal Sample Sizes x and R Charts • So far we have considered samples of constant size (n). Often, however, this cannot be achieved. We will, therefore, consider the case of control charts with variable sample size. That is, all samples do not consist of the same number of observations. • Quality control charting software will create variable sample size x and R-charts. • SAS calculates the variable R-chart centerline and control limits based on the following: – Let d2 (ni ) = the d2 value when the ith sample size is ni . – Recall: Under the normality assumptions, µRi = d2 (ni )σ. Ri (i = 1, . . . , m) is an unbiased estimate of σ. Then each d2 (ni ) – σ b is the mean of these m estimates of σ: σ b= th Hence, for the i R1 d2 (n1 ) + R2 d2 (n2 ) + ... + Rm d2 (nm ) m sample, Ri = d2 (ni )b σ • The control limits for the ith sample are: UCL = Centerline = Ri LCL = where D3 (ni ) and D4 (ni ) are constants in the table corresponding to sample size ni . 6.6.2 x and s Charts • The x and s-charts also lead to a changing centerline and control limits on the s-chart when the sample size is not constant. • SAS calculates the variable s-chart centerline and control limits based on the following: – Let c4 (ni ) = the c4 value when the ith sample size is ni . – Recall: Under the normality assumptions, µsi = c4 (ni )σ. si (i = 1, . . . , m) is an unbiased estimate of σ. Then each c4 (ni ) s1 + c4 s(n2 2 ) + . . . + c4 (n1 ) – σ b is the mean of these m estimates of σ: σ b= m sm c4 (nm ) • If we define si = c4 (ni )b σ , then the control limits for the ith sample are: UCL = Centerline = si LCL = where c4 (ni ), B3 (ni ) and B4 (ni ) are constants in the table corresponding to sample size ni . 67 SAS Code for x and R Charts with Unequal ni DM ’LOG; CLEAR; OUT; CLEAR;’; * ODS LISTING; * ODS PRINTER PDF file=’C:\COURSES\ST528\xrunequa.pdf’; OPTIONS NODATE NONUMBER LS=120 PS=120; *******************************************************; *** Mean and Range Charts with Varying Sample Sizes ***; *******************************************************; DATA wire (DROP=i size); INPUT day size @; INFORMAT day DATE7.; FORMAT day DATE7.; DO i=1 TO size; INPUT brstr @@; OUTPUT; END; LINES; 20JUN94 5 60.6 62.3 62.0 60.4 59.9 21JUN94 5 61.9 62.1 60.6 58.9 65.3 22JUN94 4 57.8 60.5 60.1 57.7 23JUN94 5 56.8 62.5 60.1 62.9 58.9 24JUN94 5 63.0 60.7 57.2 61.0 53.5 25JUN94 7 58.7 60.1 59.7 60.1 59.1 57.3 60.9 26JUN94 5 59.3 61.7 59.1 58.1 60.3 27JUN94 5 61.3 58.5 57.8 61.0 58.6 28JUN94 6 59.5 58.3 57.5 59.4 61.5 59.6 29JUN94 5 61.7 60.7 57.2 56.5 61.5 30JUN94 3 63.9 61.6 60.9 01JUL94 5 58.7 61.4 62.4 57.3 60.5 02JUL94 5 56.8 58.5 55.7 63.0 62.7 03JUL94 5 62.1 60.6 62.1 58.7 58.3 04JUL94 5 59.1 60.4 60.4 59.0 64.1 05JUL94 5 59.9 58.8 59.2 63.0 64.9 06JUL94 6 58.8 62.4 59.4 57.1 61.2 58.6 07JUL94 5 60.3 58.7 60.5 58.6 56.2 08JUL94 5 59.2 59.8 59.7 59.3 60.0 09JUL94 5 62.3 56.0 57.0 61.8 58.8 10JUL94 4 60.5 62.0 61.4 57.7 11JUL94 4 59.3 62.4 60.4 60.0 12JUL94 5 62.4 61.3 60.5 57.7 60.2 13JUL94 5 61.2 55.5 60.2 60.4 62.4 14JUL94 5 59.0 66.1 57.7 58.5 58.9 ; SYMBOL V=dot WIDTH=3; TITLE ’XBAR/R CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES’; PROC SHEWHART data=wire; XRCHART brstr*day / NPANELPOS=25 TABLETEST ALLN HMINOR=1 VMINOR=3 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL brstr = ’AVERAGE BREAKING STRENGTH/RANGE’; RUN; SAS Code for x and s Charts with Unequal ni (all code before the TITLE statement is the same as above) TITLE ’XBAR/S CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES’; PROC SHEWHART data=wire; XSCHART brstr*day / NPANELPOS=25 TABLETEST ALLN HMINOR=1 VMINOR=3 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL brstr = ’AVERAGE BREAKING STRENGTH/STD DEV’; RUN; 68 XBAR/R CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES The SHEWHART Procedure XBAR/S CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES The SHEWHART Procedure 69 70 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 4 56.744814 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 7 57.533602 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 6 57.337860 5 57.086004 3 56.244853 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 6 57.337860 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 4 56.744814 4 56.744814 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 5 57.086004 21JUN94 22JUN94 23JUN94 24JUN94 25JUN94 26JUN94 27JUN94 28JUN94 29JUN94 30JUN94 01JUL94 02JUL94 03JUL94 04JUL94 05JUL94 06JUL94 07JUL94 08JUL94 09JUL94 10JUL94 11JUL94 12JUL94 13JUL94 14JUL94 60.040000 59.940000 60.420000 60.525000 60.400000 59.180000 59.600000 58.860000 59.583333 61.160000 60.600000 60.360000 59.340000 60.060000 62.133333 59.520000 59.300000 59.440000 59.700000 59.414286 59.080000 60.240000 59.025000 61.760000 61.040000 Lower Subgroup Limit Mean 20JUN94 Subgroup Sample day Size 62.867222 62.867222 62.867222 63.208412 63.208412 62.867222 62.867222 62.867222 62.615366 62.867222 62.867222 62.867222 62.867222 62.867222 63.708373 62.867222 62.615366 62.867222 62.867222 62.419623 62.867222 62.867222 63.208412 62.867222 62.867222 Upper Limit 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.06224788 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.06224788 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.24325396 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 3.4260765 2.6283074 1.7426991 1.3301002 1.9026298 2.8110496 0.3391165 1.7271364 1.9145931 2.6632687 2.0700242 1.8105248 3.3575289 2.0574256 1.5695010 2.4783059 1.3579396 1.5946787 1.3638182 1.1767591 3.7532652 2.5412595 1.4818344 2.3554193 1.0502381 Lower Subgroup Limit Std Dev 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.4981243 4.4981243 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.0379695 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.9036757 4.2307006 4.0379695 4.2307006 4.2307006 3.8907290 4.2307006 4.2307006 4.4981243 4.2307006 4.2307006 Upper Limit 14JUL94 13JUL94 12JUL94 11JUL94 10JUL94 09JUL94 08JUL94 07JUL94 06JUL94 05JUL94 04JUL94 03JUL94 02JUL94 01JUL94 30JUN94 29JUN94 28JUN94 27JUN94 26JUN94 25JUN94 24JUN94 23JUN94 22JUN94 21JUN94 20JUN94 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 4 56.809426 4 56.809426 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 6 57.390615 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 3 56.319460 5 57.143795 6 57.390615 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 7 57.582444 5 57.143795 5 57.143795 4 56.809426 5 57.143795 60.040000 59.940000 60.420000 60.525000 60.400000 59.180000 59.600000 58.860000 59.583333 61.160000 60.600000 60.360000 59.340000 60.060000 62.133333 59.520000 59.300000 59.440000 59.700000 59.414286 59.080000 60.240000 59.025000 61.760000 61.040000 Lower Subgroup Limit Mean 5 57.143795 Subgroup Sample day Size 62.809431 62.809431 62.809431 63.143800 63.143800 62.809431 62.809431 62.809431 62.562610 62.809431 62.809431 62.809431 62.809431 62.809431 63.633766 62.809431 62.562610 62.809431 62.809431 62.370781 62.809431 62.809431 63.143800 62.809431 62.809431 Upper Limit 3 Sigma Limits for Mean 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.43230151 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 8.4000000 6.9000000 4.7000000 3.1000000 4.3000000 6.3000000 0.8000000 4.3000000 5.3000000 6.1000000 5.1000000 3.8000000 7.3000000 5.1000000 3.0000000 5.2000000 4.0000000 3.5000000 3.6000000 3.6000000 9.5000000 6.1000000 2.8000000 6.4000000 2.4000000 Lower Subgroup Limit Range 10.384520 10.384520 10.384520 9.920001 9.920001 10.384520 10.384520 10.384520 10.723107 10.384520 10.384520 10.384520 10.384520 10.384520 9.201044 10.384520 10.723107 10.384520 10.384520 10.987971 10.384520 10.384520 9.920001 10.384520 10.384520 Upper Limit 3 Sigma Limits for Range Means and Ranges Chart Summary for brstr Means and Standard Deviations Chart Summary for brstr 3 Sigma Limits for Std Dev The SHEWHART Procedure The SHEWHART Procedure 3 Sigma Limits for Mean XBAR/R CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES XBAR/S CHARTS -- UNEQUAL SAMPLE SIZES 6.6.3 The I-chart and MR-chart • In some circumstances, it may be necessary to restrict the sample size to n=1. In such a case, the methods discussed so far for estimating process variability are not applicable. • Instead, we use the moving range MR as an estimate of the process variability. • A moving range is computed by taking the absolute value of the difference between two consecutive observations. • The ith moving range is M Ri = |xi − xi−1 |. • To set up trial control limits for the MR-chart and I-chart (where I represents ‘individual measurement’) with unknown µ and σ, a set of m preliminary samples must be taken. Pm−1 M Ri MR • The estimator of σ is σ b = d2 , where M R = i=1 is the average of the m−1 consecutive m−1 moving ranges in m observations. • In essence, the estimate of the process variability is based on samples of size n=2, the two consecutive observations (ignoring the fact that the samples are no longer independent). Therefore, we use the d2 table value for n = 2. SAS allows for moving ranges for n > 2. • The trial control limits for the MR-chart are: UCL = µ bM R + 3b σM R = Centerline = µ bR = M R (10) LCL = µ bM R + 3b σM R = where D3 and D4 for n = 2 can be found in the table. These control limits are the same as the UCL and LCL for an R-chart but with M R replacing R. • These trial limits must be tested to see if they are acceptable for monitoring the process variability. To do so, plot the M Ri values and use the same procedure as discussed for testing the trial control limits for the R-chart. • Once acceptable control limits have been computed for the MR-chart, construct the I-chart. • The trial control limits for the I-chart are: MR UCL = x + 3 d2 Centerline = x MR LCL = x − 3 d2 Pm where x = i=1 xi m (11) • These control limits are the same as the UCL and LCL for an x-chart but with M R replacing R and with n = 1. 71 • As before, check to see if these limits are acceptable for monitoring the process characteristic. • To do so, plot the xi values on the I-chart and use the same procedure as discussed for testing the trial control limits for the x-chart. • If the trial control limits are satisfactory, proceed with process control analysis. SAS Code for IMR Charts DM ’LOG; CLEAR; OUT; CLEAR;’; ODS PRINTER PDF file=’C:\COURSES\ST528\CRSNOTES\imr1.pdf’; OPTIONS NODATE NONUMBER; **************************************; *** Individual Measurements Chart ***; *** (1) Mu And Sigma are unknown ***; *** (2) Mu And Sigma are specified ***; **************************************; DATA engines; INPUT id weight @@; LABEL weight = ’Engine Weight in lbs’ id = ’Engine ID Number’; LINES; 1711 1270 1712 1258 1713 1248 1714 1715 1263 1716 1260 1717 1259 1718 1719 1260 1720 1246 1721 1238 1722 1723 1249 1724 1245 1725 1251 1726 1727 1249 1728 1274 1729 1258 1730 1731 1248 1732 1295 1733 1243 1734 1735 1258 ; SYMBOL1 VALUE=dot WIDTH=2; 1260 1240 1253 1252 1268 1253 /* IMR CHART FOR UNKNOWN MU AND SIGMA */ PROC SHEWHART DATA=engines; IRCHART weight*id=’1’ / TESTS = 1 to 8 TEST2RUN = 7 LTESTS = 2 TABLETESTS ZONES ZONES2 ZONELABELS ZONE2LABELS VMINOR=1 HMINOR=1 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL weight = ’ENGINE WEIGHT/MOVING RANGE’; TITLE ’IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA unknown)’; RUN; /* IMR CHART WITH SPECIFIED VALUES OF MU AND SIGMA */ PROC SHEWHART DATA=engines; IRCHART weight*id=’1’ / MU0 = 1250 SIGMA0 = 8 XSYMBOL = MU0 RSYMBOL = R0 TESTS = 1 to 8 TEST2RUN = 7 LTESTS = 2 TABLETESTS ZONES ZONES2 ZONELABELS ZONE2LABELS VMINOR=1 HMINOR=1 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL weight = ’ENGINE WEIGHT/MOVING RANGE’; TITLE ’IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA specified)’; RUN; 72 73 0 0 0 0 19.000000 0 20.000000 0 14.000000 0 0 15.000000 0 0 0 0 1715 1220.4709 1263.0000 1291.3691 1716 1220.4709 1260.0000 1291.3691 1717 1220.4709 1259.0000 1291.3691 1718 1220.4709 1240.0000 1291.3691 1719 1220.4709 1260.0000 1291.3691 1720 1220.4709 1246.0000 1291.3691 1721 1220.4709 1238.0000 1291.3691 1722 1220.4709 1253.0000 1291.3691 1723 1220.4709 1249.0000 1291.3691 1724 1220.4709 1245.0000 1291.3691 1725 1220.4709 1251.0000 1291.3691 1726 1220.4709 1252.0000 1291.3691 5.000000 0 1735 1220.4709 1258.0000 1291.3691 0 47.000000 1732 1220.4709 1295.0000 1291.3691 0 10.000000 0 20.000000 1731 1220.4709 1248.0000 1291.3691 0 52.000000 0 10.000000 1730 1220.4709 1268.0000 1291.3691 1734 1220.4709 1253.0000 1291.3691 0 16.000000 1729 1220.4709 1258.0000 1291.3691 1733 1220.4709 1243.0000 1291.3691 0 25.000000 1728 1220.4709 1274.0000 1291.3691 3.000000 0 1.000000 6.000000 4.000000 4.000000 8.000000 1.000000 3.000000 1727 1220.4709 1249.0000 1291.3691 1 0 12.000000 1714 1220.4709 1260.0000 1291.3691 2 0 10.000000 1713 1220.4709 1248.0000 1291.3691 3.000000 0 12.000000 1712 1220.4709 1258.0000 1291.3691 Upper Limit 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 43.553759 . 43.553759 Moving Range 0 weight Special Upper Tests Lower Limit Signaled Limit 1711 1220.4709 1270.0000 1291.3691 id Lower Limit weight 1735 1226.0000 1258.0000 1274.0000 1734 1226.0000 1253.0000 1274.0000 1733 1226.0000 1243.0000 1274.0000 1732 1226.0000 1295.0000 1274.0000 1731 1226.0000 1248.0000 1274.0000 1730 1226.0000 1268.0000 1274.0000 1729 1226.0000 1258.0000 1274.0000 1728 1226.0000 1274.0000 1274.0000 1727 1226.0000 1249.0000 1274.0000 1726 1226.0000 1252.0000 1274.0000 1725 1226.0000 1251.0000 1274.0000 1724 1226.0000 1245.0000 1274.0000 1723 1226.0000 1249.0000 1274.0000 1722 1226.0000 1253.0000 1274.0000 1721 1226.0000 1238.0000 1274.0000 1720 1226.0000 1246.0000 1274.0000 1719 1226.0000 1260.0000 1274.0000 1718 1226.0000 1240.0000 1274.0000 1717 1226.0000 1259.0000 1274.0000 1716 1226.0000 1260.0000 1274.0000 1715 1226.0000 1263.0000 1274.0000 1714 1226.0000 1260.0000 1274.0000 1713 1226.0000 1248.0000 1274.0000 1712 1226.0000 1258.0000 1274.0000 1 5 6 1.000000 3.000000 8.000000 3.000000 1.000000 6.000000 4.000000 4.000000 0 5.000000 0 10.000000 0 52.000000 0 47.000000 0 20.000000 0 10.000000 0 16.000000 0 25.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.000000 0 0 14.000000 0 20.000000 0 19.000000 0 0 3.000000 0 12.000000 0 10.000000 0 Upper Limit 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 29.487093 . 29.487093 0 12.000000 0 Moving Range 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for Moving Range Special Upper Tests Lower Limit Signaled Limit 1711 1226.0000 1270.0000 1274.0000 id Lower Limit 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for weight Individual Measurements Chart Summary for weight Individual Measurements Chart Summary for weight 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for Moving Range The SHEWHART Procedure The SHEWHART Procedure 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for weight IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA specified) IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA unknown) IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA unknown) The SHEWHART Procedure IMR CHARTS (MU and SIGMA specified) The SHEWHART Procedure 74 SAS Code for IMR Charts with Transformed Data DM ’LOG; CLEAR; OUT; CLEAR;’; * ODS PRINTER PDF file=’C:\COURSES\ST528\CRSNOTES\imrtrns.pdf’; OPTIONS NODATE NONUMBER; *****************************************; *** Individual / Moving Range Charts ***; *** With and Without Transformation ***; *****************************************; DATA liquid; INPUT sample viscos @@; logvis = log(viscos); LINES; 1 13.68 2 17.49 3 18.87 6 6.84 7 8.46 8 48.60 11 37.20 12 28.78 13 21.17 16 31.85 17 20.02 18 39.24 21 10.95 22 20.46 23 33.22 26 13.72 27 40.28 28 18.05 31 23.49 32 15.72 33 9.01 36 37.30 37 18.25 38 48.16 ; SYMBOL1 VALUE=dot WIDTH=2 ; 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 13.79 19.38 20.79 23.99 13.76 16.54 17.14 24.96 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 15.36 20.57 28.27 17.05 12.71 18.06 19.92 26.54 PROC SHEWHART DATA=liquid; IRCHART viscos*sample=’1’ / NPANELPOS=40 LTMPLOT = SCHEMATICID LTMARGIN = 8 TESTS = 1 to 8 TABLETESTs LTESTS = 2 ZONELABELS ZONE2LABELS VMINOR=3 HMINOR=4 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL viscos = ’VISCOSITY/MOVING RANGE’; TITLE ’IMR CHARTS (no transformation)’; PROC SHEWHART DATA=liquid; IRCHART logvis*sample / NPANELPOS=40 LTMPLOT = SCHEMATICID LTMARGIN = 8 TESTS = 1 to 8 TABLETESTs LTESTS = 2 ZONELABELS ZONE2LABELS VMINOR=3 HMINOR=4 SPLIT = ’/’; LABEL logvis = ’LOG(VISCOSITY)/MOVING RANGE’; TITLE ’IMR CHARTS (with log transformation)’; RUN; 75 39 -5.9491968 24.960000 50.431197 0 23.200000 34.635289 40 -5.9491968 26.540000 50.431197 0 34.635289 1.580000 IMR CHARTS (with log transformation) The SHEWHART Procedure Individual Measurements Chart Summary for logvis 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for logvis sample Lower Limit logvis 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for Moving Range Special Upper Tests Lower Limit Signaled Limit Moving Range Upper Limit 30 1.7914316 2.8936995 4.2120603 0 0.0879179 1.4870271 31 1.7914316 3.1565748 4.2120603 0 0.2628753 1.4870271 32 1.7914316 2.7549338 4.2120603 0 0.4016410 1.4870271 33 1.7914316 2.1983351 4.2120603 0 0.5565987 1.4870271 34 1.7914316 2.8414149 4.2120603 0 0.6430798 1.4870271 35 1.7914316 2.9917243 4.2120603 0 0.1503093 1.4870271 36 1.7914316 3.6189933 4.2120603 0 0.6272691 1.4870271 37 1.7914316 2.9041651 4.2120603 0 0.7148282 1.4870271 38 1.7914316 3.8745288 4.2120603 0 0.9703637 1.4870271 39 1.7914316 3.2172745 4.2120603 0 0.6572543 1.4870271 40 1.7914316 3.2786530 4.2120603 0 0.0613785 1.4870271 76 IMR CHARTS (no transformation) IMR CHARTS (with log transformation) The SHEWHART Procedure The SHEWHART Procedure Individual Measurements Chart Summary for viscos 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for viscos sample Lower Limit viscos Individual Measurements Chart Summary for logvis 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for Moving Range Special Upper Tests Lower Limit Signaled Limit Moving Range 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for logvis Upper Limit sample Lower Limit logvis 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for Moving Range Special Upper Tests Lower Limit Signaled Limit Moving Range Upper Limit 1 -5.9491968 13.680000 50.431197 0 1 1.7914316 2.6159349 4.2120603 0 2 -5.9491968 17.490000 50.431197 0 3.810000 34.635289 2 1.7914316 2.8616293 4.2120603 0 0.2456944 1.4870271 3 -5.9491968 18.870000 50.431197 0 1.380000 34.635289 3 1.7914316 2.9375734 4.2120603 0 0.0759441 1.4870271 4 -5.9491968 13.790000 50.431197 0 5.080000 34.635289 4 1.7914316 2.6239437 4.2120603 0 0.3136297 1.4870271 5 -5.9491968 15.360000 50.431197 0 1.570000 34.635289 5 1.7914316 2.7317667 4.2120603 0 0.1078230 1.4870271 6 -5.9491968 6.840000 50.431197 0 8.520000 34.635289 6 1.7914316 1.9227877 4.2120603 0 0.8089790 1.4870271 7 -5.9491968 8.460000 50.431197 0 1.620000 34.635289 7 1.7914316 2.1353492 4.2120603 0 0.2125614 1.4870271 8 -5.9491968 48.600000 50.431197 0 40.140000 34.635289 8 1.7914316 3.8836235 4.2120603 0 1.7482744 1.4870271 9 -5.9491968 19.380000 50.431197 0 29.220000 34.635289 9 1.7914316 2.9642416 4.2120603 0 0.9193819 1.4870271 10 -5.9491968 20.570000 50.431197 0 1.190000 34.635289 10 1.7914316 3.0238337 4.2120603 0 0.0595921 1.4870271 11 -5.9491968 37.200000 50.431197 0 16.630000 34.635289 11 1.7914316 3.6163088 4.2120603 0 0.5924751 1.4870271 12 -5.9491968 28.780000 50.431197 0 8.420000 34.635289 12 1.7914316 3.3596807 4.2120603 0 0.2566281 1.4870271 13 -5.9491968 21.170000 50.431197 0 7.610000 34.635289 13 1.7914316 3.0525851 4.2120603 0 0.3070956 1.4870271 14 -5.9491968 20.790000 50.431197 0 0.380000 34.635289 14 1.7914316 3.0344721 4.2120603 0 0.0181130 1.4870271 15 -5.9491968 28.270000 50.431197 0 7.480000 34.635289 15 1.7914316 3.3418012 4.2120603 0 0.3073291 1.4870271 16 -5.9491968 31.850000 50.431197 0 3.580000 34.635289 16 1.7914316 3.4610374 4.2120603 0 0.1192362 1.4870271 17 -5.9491968 20.020000 50.431197 0 11.830000 34.635289 17 1.7914316 2.9967318 4.2120603 0 0.4643056 1.4870271 18 -5.9491968 39.240000 50.431197 0 19.220000 34.635289 18 1.7914316 3.6696966 4.2120603 0 0.6729649 1.4870271 19 -5.9491968 23.990000 50.431197 0 15.250000 34.635289 19 1.7914316 3.1776371 4.2120603 0 0.4920596 1.4870271 20 -5.9491968 17.050000 50.431197 0 6.940000 34.635289 20 1.7914316 2.8361502 4.2120603 0 0.3414869 1.4870271 21 -5.9491968 10.950000 50.431197 0 6.100000 34.635289 21 1.7914316 2.3933395 4.2120603 0 0.4428107 1.4870271 22 -5.9491968 20.460000 50.431197 0 9.510000 34.635289 0 0.6251323 1.4870271 IMR CHARTS (no transformation) 0 12.760000 22 1.7914316 3.0184718 4.2120603 34.635289 23 1.7914316 3.5031521 4.2120603 IMR CHARTS (with log transformation) 0 0.4846803 1.4870271 34.635289 24 1.7914316 2.6217658 4.2120603 The SHEWHART Procedure 0 0.8813863 1.4870271 . 34.635289 23 -5.9491968 33.220000 50.431197 24 -5.9491968 13.760000 50.431197 The SHEWHART Procedure 0 19.460000 25 -5.9491968 12.710000 50.431197 0 1.050000 34.635289 Individual Measurements Chart Summary for viscos 26 -5.9491968 13.720000 50.431197 0 1.010000 34.635289 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for 27 -5.9491968 40.280000 50.431197 0 Moving 26.560000 34.635289 viscos Range 28 -5.9491968 18.050000 50.431197 Special 0 22.230000 34.635289 Lower 16.540000 50.431197 Upper Tests Lower0 1.510000 Moving 34.635289 Upper 29 -5.9491968 sample Limit viscos Limit Signaled Limit Range Limit 5 . 1.4870271 25 1.7914316 2.5423891 4.2120603 0 0.0793767 1.4870271 Individual Measurements Chart Summary for logvis 26 1.7914316 2.6188546 4.2120603 0 0.0764655 1.4870271 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for 3 Sigma Limits with n=2 for 27 1.7914316 3.6958551 4.2120603 0 Moving 1.0770004 1.4870271 logvis Range 28 1.7914316 2.8931457 4.2120603 Special 0 0.8027094 1.4870271 Lower 2.8057817 4.2120603 Upper Tests Lower0 0.0873640 Moving 1.4870271 Upper 29 1.7914316 sample Limit logvis Limit Signaled Limit Range Limit 30 -5.9491968 18.060000 50.431197 0 1.520000 34.635289 30 1.7914316 2.8936995 4.2120603 0 0.0879179 1.4870271 31 -5.9491968 23.490000 50.431197 0 5.430000 34.635289 31 1.7914316 3.1565748 4.2120603 0 0.2628753 1.4870271 32 -5.9491968 15.720000 50.431197 0 7.770000 34.635289 32 1.7914316 2.7549338 4.2120603 0 0.4016410 1.4870271 33 -5.9491968 50.431197 0 6.710000 34.635289 33 1.7914316 2.1983351 4.2120603 0 0.5565987 1.4870271 34 -5.9491968 17.140000 50.431197 0 8.130000 34.635289 34 1.7914316 2.8414149 4.2120603 0 0.6430798 1.4870271 35 -5.9491968 19.920000 50.431197 0 2.780000 34.635289 35 1.7914316 2.9917243 4.2120603 0 0.1503093 1.4870271 36 -5.9491968 37.300000 50.431197 0 17.380000 34.635289 36 1.7914316 3.6189933 4.2120603 0 0.6272691 1.4870271 37 -5.9491968 18.250000 50.431197 0 19.050000 34.635289 37 1.7914316 2.9041651 4.2120603 0 0.7148282 1.4870271 38 -5.9491968 48.160000 50.431197 0 29.910000 34.635289 38 1.7914316 3.8745288 4.2120603 0 0.9703637 1.4870271 39 -5.9491968 24.960000 50.431197 0 23.200000 34.635289 39 1.7914316 3.2172745 4.2120603 0 0.6572543 1.4870271 40 -5.9491968 26.540000 50.431197 0 34.635289 40 1.7914316 3.2786530 4.2120603 0 0.0613785 1.4870271 9.010000 1.580000 77 6.7 Specification, Control, and Natural Tolerance Limits • For a manufactured product, the specifications are the desired measurements for the quality characteristic of interest. • The upper specification limit (USL) and the lower specification limit (LSL) are, respectively, the largest and smallest allowable values for a quality characteristic of interest. • The specification limits for individual measurements, USL and LSL, are determined externally. They are often set by management, the manufacturing engineers, the customer, or by product developers and designers. • For means, the control limits, UCL and LCL, are driven by the natural variability of the process (measured by the process standard deviation σ). • Thus, there is no mathematical or statistical relationship between data-derived process control limits (LCL and UCL) and specification limits (USL and LSL). • Natural tolerance limits UNTL and LNTL for individual measurements are also driven by the process standard deviation σ. They are typically set at ±3σ around the process mean. • When control charting individual measurements, it is helpful to include the specification limits with the tolerance limits. Do not include specification limits on control charts when n ≥ 2. 6.8 Introduction to Process Capability We will look at two ways of assessing the capability of a process. 1. Find the probability of meeting process specifications given the distribution of the individual process measurements. 2. Calculate the process capability ratio Cp = • If σ is not known, we use an estimate σ b = R/d2 cp = USL − LSL C 6R/d2 or or σ b = s/c4 : cp = USL − LSL C 6s/c4 The larger the Cp , the better the process is for potentially meeting specifications. • Warning: This still does not mean that in practice we are actually meeting specifications because the Cp does not involve the mean of the process. • Interpretation of Cp values: Assuming the process is running on aim (i.e., the process mean µ = (LSL+USL)/2), then Cp is a measure of the capability of the process for meeting specifications. – Cp ≥ 1 indicates a process that is capable of meeting specifications because the natural tolerance limits can be contained within the specification limits. If measurements are normally distributed, we would expect at least 99.7% of the measurements to fall within specifications. – Cp < 1 indicates a process not capable of meeting specifications because the natural tolerance limits cannot be contained within the specification limits. If measurements are normally distributed, we would expect less than 99.7% of the measurements to fall within specifications (with the percentage decreasing as Cp → 0). 78 • The Cp can be interpreted in another way. The ratio P = 1 100% is the percentage Cp of the specification band that the process covers. 1 • When σ is unknown we use Pb = 100% as an estimate of P . cp C 6.9 Process Performance Measures • The operating characteristic (OC) curve for X associated with samples of size n is a plot of β = P {LCL ≤ x ≤ UCL |µ = µ1 = µ0 + kσ} against various process shifts from the on-aim process mean µ0 . The shifts are represented in standard deviation units. • For a process whose measurements are N (µ0 + kσ, σ) with k 6= 0, we get β = where typically L = 3. When k = 0, the process is in-control yielding 1−α = • Thus, 1 − β is the probability of getting an out-of-control signal from a single sample of size n. It is a measure of the ability of the X-chart to detect shifts in the process average. • For any Shewhart control chart, the average run length (ARL) = the average number of samples before an out-of-control signal is detected is 1 when the process is in-control. α 1 ARL1 = when the process is out-of-control having mean µ1 . 1−β ARL0 = • If samples are taken are regularly spaced time intervals h, another measure of process performance is the average time to signal (ATS) = ARL × h. The ATS is the average total time until an out-of-control signal occurs. • The SAS code to generate the following OC and ARL curves is posted on the course webpage. 79 OC Curves for Xbar Charts -- mu, sigma known beta 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Shift in Population Mean (Unit=Std Dev) Sample Size n: 1 2 3 4 80 5 10 15 20 ARL Curves for Xbar Charts -- mu, sigma known arl 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Shift in Population Mean (Unit=Std Dev) Sample Size n: 1 2 3 4 81 5 10 15 20