Ion Transport through Biological Cell Membranes: From Electro-Diffusion to Hodgkin−Huxley via a Quasi Steady-State Approach Viktoria R.T. Hsu A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2004 Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Applied Mathematics University of Washington Graduate School This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a doctoral dissertation by Viktoria R.T. Hsu and have found that it is complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final examining committee have been made. Chair of Supervisory Committee: Hong Qian Reading Committee: Hong Qian Mark Kot David Perkel Date: In presenting this dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctoral degree at the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this dissertation is allowable only for scholarly purposes, consistent with “fair use” as prescribed in the U.S. Copyright Law. Requests for copying or reproduction of this dissertation may be referred to Bell and Howell Information and Learning, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, to whom the author has granted “the right to reproduce and sell (a) copies of the manuscript in microform and/or (b) printed copies of the manuscript made from microform.” Signature Date University of Washington Abstract Ion Transport through Biological Cell Membranes: From Electro-Diffusion to Hodgkin−Huxley via a Quasi Steady-State Approach by Viktoria R.T. Hsu Chair of Supervisory Committee: Professor Hong Qian Applied Mathematics Biological cells in tissue are in close proximity to neighboring cells and share a relatively small external environment. Ion concentrations in and the size of this external space vary significantly during conditions such as epileptic seizures or heart attacks. Hodgkin−Huxley-type models to date incorporate variable internal concentrations but static cell volume and external concentrations. In this sense, more accurate mathematical models of cells in tissue are needed. We extend current Hodgkin−Huxleytype models toward a mathematical model of a single-cell micro-environment incorporating variable external concentrations and variable cell volume. Variable external concentrations require a finite volume of the external compartment. Thus, mass conservation and electroneutrality need to hold for the entire, finite-volume system. This means, in particular, that a phenomenological approach neglecting electroneutrality may not be adopted, if we want a more physically grounded representation of the ionic fluxes and cross-membrane potential than current Hodgkin−Huxley-type models offer. The development of our model addresses this issue in detail. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures v List of Tables Chapter 1: 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1 1 1.1.1 Anatomic Structure of the Human Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1.2 The Hippocampus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.1.3 Neuron and Glia Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Signaling and the Role of Ionic Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2.1 Inhibition versus Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.2.2 Ion Species and Their Relevance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.2.3 Important Ion Species in Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Introduction to Hodgkin−Huxley Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.3.1 The Classic Hodgkin−Huxley Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3.2 An Overview of Mathematical Neuron Models . . . . . . . . . 20 Limitations of Current Models in Tissue Modeling . . . . . . . . . . 25 Reflection on Problems with Current Models . . . . . . . . . . 26 Toward Biophysically Consistent Tissue Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Chapter 2: 2.1 Review of Neuron Modeling The Brain and its Neurons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 1.5 viii Ion Transport by Electro-Diffusion 32 Setup and Assumptions for Simulating Electro-Diffusion and Poisson Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 33 2.2 2.3 2.1.1 Flux Conditions for Impermeant Species . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 2.1.2 Boundary Conditions for the Electrostatic Potential . . . . . . 38 The Quasi Steady-State Approximation (QSSA) and Relaxation Times to Donnan Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.2.1 Spatially Constant Bulk Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.2.2 Membrane Region at Steady-State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2.2.3 QSSA for Relaxation to Donnan Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.2.4 Relaxation Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.2.5 Comparison of Analytic and Numeric Approximations . . . . . 46 Analytic Equilibrium Solutions to the 1D Electro-Diffusion System . 47 2.3.1 Boundary Conditions at Donnan Equilibrium . . . . . . . . . 51 2.3.2 Equilibrium Solution With Valency j=-2 in the System . . . . 56 2.3.3 Equilibrium Solution Without Valency j=-2 in the System . . 62 Dynamic Approach to Donnan Equilibrium 66 Chapter 3: 3.1 3.2 Numeric Solution of Transient Electro-Diffusion System . . . . . . . 66 3.1.1 Discretization of the Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.1.2 Solving Poisson’s Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.1.3 Flux Densities from Electro-Diffusion Equations . . . . . . . . 70 3.1.4 Updating Concentrations by Various Solution Schemes . . . . 71 3.1.5 Time-Step Restrictions and Numeric Diffusion . . . . . . . . . 74 Numeric Solution of the Steady-State Problem Using an “AlmostNewton” Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 3.2.1 Full Newton Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 3.2.2 Gummel Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 3.2.3 Almost-Newton Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 3.2.4 Comparison of Iterative Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ii 3.3 3.4 Numeric Simulation of the Quasi Steady-State Approximation . . . . 91 3.3.1 Implementation of the QSSA 92 3.3.2 Dynamics of PDE Compared to Approximation of Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . by QSSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Chapter 4: From QSSA to the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model 99 4.1 Adjusting to end-of-membrane impermeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 4.2 Constant field approximation of the QSSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 4.2.1 . . . . 102 Numerical comparison of QSSA and CFA . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4.3 Linearization of the QSSA: the HH-plk Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 4.4 Dynamic approach to the equilibrium of a cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 4.5 Sustaining the living state of a cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 4.2.2 4.6 4.5.1 Simple model for ion pump currents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 4.5.2 Numerical simulations and results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Chapter 5: 5.1 Derivation of the constant field approximation (CFA) Conclusions and Future Work Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 143 Glossary 145 Bibliography 147 Appendix A: Dynamic Equations for Volume Change 156 A.1 Cell volume and cell surface area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 A.1.1 Elastic cell membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 A.1.2 Cell membrane with constant surface area . . . . . . . . . . . 159 iii A.2 Cell volume dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 A.3 Concentration dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Appendix B: Modeling Sophisticated Channels and Active Transport165 B.1 Channels and Pumps in the CFA framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 B.1.1 Diffusion coefficients in lipid membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 B.1.2 Diffusion coefficients in solute filled pores . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 B.1.3 Pump fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 B.1.4 Calcium sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.1.5 Volume dynamics via flux of water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 B.2 Including source terms in the QSSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Appendix C: Epilepsy: An Introduction 180 C.1 Pathology and Medical Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 C.2 Definition of Epilepsy in Vivo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 C.3 Definition of Epilepsy in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 C.4 Relevant Knowledge About Epileptic Neuron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 C.5 Nonlinear Dynamics and Epilepsy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Appendix D: Integrals of Equilibrium Solutions 192 D.1 Integrals in case of a mono-valent system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 D.2 Integrals in case no valency j = −2 is present . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 D.3 Integrals in case valency j = −2 is present and u1 6= u2 . . . . . . . . 197 iv LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Lobes of the human brain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Limbic system of the human brain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 Hippocampal slice preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 Pyramidal neuron and Purkinje cell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 A neuron cell and its components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.6 Flow of information along different types of neurons. . . . . . . . . . 6 1.7 Signal following stimulus for non-excitable and excitable cell. . . . . . 8 1.8 Coupling circuit of inhibitory and excitatory neuron. . . . . . . . . . 9 1.9 Sodium and potassium channels shape the action potential. . . . . . . 10 1.10 Schematic of leaky capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 Fast-slow phase-plane, flow directions. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.12 Fast-slow phase-plane, sub-threshold stimulus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.13 Fast-slow phase-plane, super-threshold stimulus. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.1 A cell and its environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2.2 Domain in 1D, zero flux at mid-membrane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.3 Chart of charge-carrier transport in various backgrounds. . . . . . . . 40 2.4 Comparison of PDE to approximation with relaxation constant. . . . 47 3.1 Discretized, mathematical domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 3.2 Grid refinement at equilibrium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 3.3 Number of iterations needed for convergence of MG, FN, and AN. . . 87 3.4 Maximum absolute residual for MG, FN and AN. . . . . . . . . . . . 88 v 3.5 Estimate of absolute relative error in for MG, FN and AN. . . . . . . 89 3.6 QSSA vs. PDE initialized with piecewise constant initial condition. . 95 3.7 QSSA and PDE initialized at non-equilibrium steady-state. . . . . . . 96 3.8 QSSA and PDE initialized at far-from-equilibrium steady-state. . . . 97 4.1 Domain for end of membrane impermeability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4.2 Steady-state concentration profiles, no protein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 4.3 steady-state and CFA potential profiles, no protein. . . . . . . . . . . 109 4.4 Steady-state and equilibrium bulk profiles, no protein. . . . . . . . . . 109 4.5 Error in equilibrium potential profiles at steady-state, no protein. . . 110 4.6 Steady-state concentration profiles, protein internal bulk. . . . . . . . 112 4.7 Steady-state and CFA potential profiles, protein internal bulk. . . . . 113 4.8 Steady-state and eqlb. bulk profiles, protein internal bulk. . . . . . . 113 4.9 Error in eqlb. potential profiles at steady-state, protein internal bulk. 114 4.10 Steady-state concentration profiles, protein both bulks. . . . . . . . . 116 4.11 Steady-state and CFA potential profiles, protein both bulks. . . . . . 117 4.12 Steady-state and equilibrium bulk profiles, protein both bulks. . . . . 117 4.13 Error in equilibrium potential profiles at steady-state, protein both bulks.118 4.14 To death: Concentration dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 4.15 To death: Current density dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 4.16 To death: Potential dynamics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 4.17 To death: Measure for EN self-regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 4.18 To death: Rel. measure for EN self-regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 4.19 Resting state of HH maintained by CFA and HHplk. . . . . . . . . . 133 4.20 Relative measure for EN self-regulation at rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 4.21 Action potential by CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models. . . . . . . . 135 4.22 Current densities for action potential by CFA, HHplk, and classic HH. 136 vi 4.23 Relative measure of EN self-regulation during an action potential. . . 137 A.1 Schema of cell with elastic membrane surface area. . . . . . . . . . . 157 A.2 Schema of cell with constant membrane surface area. . . . . . . . . . 160 C.1 Routine and epileptic EEG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 vii LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Appropriate sign combinations according to the net charge in each region of the domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 B.1 Permeability coefficients for membrane of human erythrocyte. . . . . 167 B.2 Equivalent conductivities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses her sincere appreciation to her thesis advisor, Hong Qian, for supporting an idea outside of his primary interests and for helping to form this idea into something exciting and meaningful. This work would not have been possible without him. The author further expresses her appreciation to her thesis advising committee consisting of Hong Qian, Mark Kot, David Perkel, Nathan Kutz, and Loyce Adams for their qualified advice, patience, and dedicated personal support in all matters. Special thanks are also extended to Bob O’Malley and to John Chadam for their friendly support, helpful advice, and interest in the author’s personal and academic where-abouts. The author expresses her gratitude to the GK-12 outreach program under NSF grant number DGE-0086280, to the Departments of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington, to the German National Merit Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, e.V.), in particular, to Dr. StrubRöttgerding, and to the Fachbereich 11 Mathematik at the Universität-GH Duisburg, in particular, professors Eberhard, Freiling, Schreckenberg,and Törner for their invaluable contributions to her professional development and their financial support during her time as a graduate student. ix DEDICATION Für meine Familie, insbesondere meine Eltern, Großeltern und Ingrid “Ingi” Söbbing, für deren Unterstützung meine Worte nicht ausreichen. For my husband, Terry, for making sure that I eat my veggies and for every other detail that does not fit onto this page. To my friends in the new and the old world, who have provided me with an unbeatable support system. Für Hartmut Kranenberg, der als Erster ernsthaft vorschlug ich solle Mathematik studieren. x 1 Chapter 1 REVIEW OF NEURON MODELING Before introducing existing, deterministic neuron models in section 1.3, we should understand some basic properties of the brain and its cells, known as neurons. Thus, a broad introduction to the anatomic structure of the human brain and its neurons is given in section 1.1 and an overview of basic signaling principles and their underlying mechanisms is provided in section 1.2. Current, Hodgkin−Huxley-type mathematical neuron models are introduced on this foundation in section 1.3. In the second part of this introductory chapter, the limitations of current neuron models with respect to “in tissue” modeling are discussed in section 1.4 and followed by a proposal for overcoming these limitations in section 1.5. As such, section 1.5 serves as an outline for the remainder of this dissertation. 1.1 1.1.1 The Brain and its Neurons Anatomic Structure of the Human Brain The brain consists of two cortical hemispheres, each of which is anatomically divided into four lobes. The frontal lobe is generally linked to decision making, problem solving, and planning; the parietal lobe to the reception and processing of sensory information; the occipital lobe with vision; and the temporal lobe with hearing, language, memory, and emotion. The limbic system can be seen as the part of the brain that bridges mental and 2 Figure 1.1: Lobes of the human brain. Figure 1.2: Limbic system of the human brain. 3 physical states, as it is located between the cortex and the mid-brain. Although the sensory and motor regions link the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with the body, the activity of the limbic system allows the brain to regulate and alter the body’s internal environment by means of hormonal and other controls. The limbic system also allows cognition, senses, and physical reactions to join together in everyday experience and to be retained in various forms of memory. The hippocampus, in particular, is believed to play a crucial role in the formation and retaining of long term memory. It is located along the cores of the temporal lobes and is the subject of many studies. Its structure and function will be given more attention in the following section. 1.1.2 The Hippocampus The hippocampus has a relatively simple morphological structure compared to other regions of the brain. For example, the cortex has six distinct and functionally different layers of cells, whereas the hippocampus has only three. This relatively simple structure together with the fact that the hippocampus is prone to develop epileptic seizures after damage makes hippocampal slices, like the one shown in figure 1.3, very attractive for in vitro studies of normal versus abnormal neuron behavior. The main signal-generating neurons can be found in three distinct areas of each slice. The regions CA3, CA1, and the fascia dentata (FD) all contain slightly different neurons (see figure 1.4), all of which are closely linked to inhibitory interneurons. The Nissl-stained section of organotypic hippocampal slice culture in figure 1.3 shows the position of pyramidal cells in regions CA1 and CA3 and granule cells in the FD. 1.1.3 Neuron and Glia Cells Neurons come in various shapes and sizes. See, for example, figure 1.4 for two neurons with very different appearance: A pyramidal neuron, so-called for the shape of its soma and located in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus, is shown on the left; 4 Figure 1.3: Nissl-stained soma of pyramidal cells in the CA1, CA3 and FD regions of an organotypic hippocampal slice preparation. The scale bar is 0.5 mm. a cerebellar neuron called Purkinje cell is shown on the right. Some of the smallest neurons have cell bodies that are only 4 microns wide, while some of the biggest neurons have cell bodies that are 100 microns wide. However, each neuron is well equipped for its particular task. Its anatomic parts are the soma, axon, and dendrites, as shown in figure 1.5. The soma is the main body of the cell and contains the nucleus. In the soma, intracellular organelles are located that produce proteins and enzymes needed to maintain the cell’s functionality and to determine its activity. Dendrites (Greek for “little tree”) detect signals from the exterior of the neuron and lead them toward the soma. They branch relatively close to the soma and form an extended structure. The axon (Greek for “axle”) is much thicker than the dendrites and usually branches only far away from the soma. It transmits electric signals from the soma to the axon terminals, which can be between 1 mm and 1 m away from the soma (even farther in large animals). Most neurons have a single axon, which is covered by a myelin sheath. The main function of myelin is to reduce capacitance and thus increase the conduction velocity of the signal. The space immediately neighboring axon terminals is called the synapse. Here, a chemical transfer of the signal can occur 5 Figure 1.4: Left: Pyramidal neuron located in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus. These neurons receive information from CA3 pyramidal neurons and send their axons out of the hippocampus. Right: A cerebellar neuron called Purkinje cell. between an axon terminal and either another axon, a dendrite, or cell body of another neuron or muscle cell. A simplified view of the path of information along different neurons is as follows: A sensory neuron receives information from external or internal sources and directs it toward the spinal cord. Once there, interneurons relay signals between neurons and connect with motor neurons, which send messages from the central nervous system (spinal cord or brain) to muscles or glands. Motor neurons finally allow action to be taken. Glia: The brain consists of more than just neurons. Although there are about 100 billion neurons in the brain, there are about 10 to 50 times more glial cells. While glia do not exhibit action potentials, they do provide physical and nutritional support for neurons by transporting nutrients to neurons, holding neurons in place physically, digesting parts of dead neurons, and regulating the content of the extracellular space. The main characteristics in which glia differ from neurons are that: neurons have axons and dendrites, while glia have only dendrites; neurons can generate action potentials, while glia cannot (they do, however, have a resting potential); and neurons 6 Figure 1.5: Schematic of a neuron cell and its components. Figure 1.6: Schematic of the flow of information along different types of neurons. 7 have chemical synapses using neurotransmitters, while glia do not have any chemical synapses. 1.2 1.2.1 Signaling and the Role of Ionic Species Inhibition versus Excitation Two important and very basic features of communication between neurons are inhibition and excitation. In fact, excitability is what distinguishes neurons and muscle cells from most other animal cells, which are not excitable. Immediately after exposure to a short electrical or chemical stimulus, non-excitable cells return to their previous state immediately, whereas excitable cells “fire” an action potential before returning to their rest state. An action potential is a relatively large, temporary detour of the trans-membrane potential from its resting value and lasting about 0.5−3 ms, even after the stimulus terminates. A neuron signal usually consists of action potential trains, that is distinct groups of action potentials that are repeated at certain frequencies. The mathematical basis of excitability is well-understood as related to the threshold phenomenon in nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs). See section 1.3 for a more detailed, mathematical description. For any neuron, the signals it receives may have several possible interpretations. In the most simplified view, the cell distinguishes excitatory signals, which cause it to respond by producing a signal of its own, from inhibitory signals, which cause it not to respond at all. A delicate balance between excitation and inhibition is achieved by various neurons that are specialized for tasks like inhibiting others, exciting others, and transmitting signals, to name just a few. In the hippocampus, two of the most important and predominant neurons connected via synapses are pyramidal neurons and inhibitory interneurons, which are also called local interneurons because their axon branches only locally within the hippocampus. Their relation shall serve as an example for how an excitatory and 8 Figure 1.7: Voltage vs. time; trans-membrane voltage returns to resting value immediately following a stimulus for a non-excitable cell but exhibits a large detour from the resting state (action potential) for an excitable cell before returning to the resting value. inhibitory balance is believed to function in the most basic way (see figure 1.8 for a schematic). Each type of neuron receives two different input signals and produces one output signal. For both cell types, one input signal originates from the excitatory pathway, which may be viewed as a collective signal from the surrounding tissue. The second input comes from the output of the other neuron type. This output, as just indicated, is connected to the input of its counterpart but also contributes to the excitatory pathway. As its name indicates, the excitatory pathway excites both types of cells, such that the inhibitory neuron is excited by both of its inputs, whereas the pyramidal neuron is excited by the excitatory pathway and inhibited by the interneuron. Hence, the more excited the pyramidal cell is, the more inhibition it will ultimately receive from the interneuron. The damage of inhibitory interneurons is thus believed to enable the occurrence of hyper-excited signals of the pyramidal neurons. The inhibitory interneurons of the hippocampus seem, in fact, particularly sensitive to damage by trauma, such that the resulting hyper-excited response of pyramidal 9 Figure 1.8: An inhibitory neuron (I) receives excitatory input from the excitatory pathway and an excitatory neuron (E). The excitatory neuron receives excitatory input from the excitatory pathway and inhibitory input from the inhibitory neuron. populations is, in this case, a consequence of significantly diminished inhibition. This represents just one way of inducing seizure-like behavior in hippocampal brain slices in vitro, namely by blocking the inhibitory feedback. 1.2.2 Ion Species and Their Relevance In the external medium surrounding cells as well as in the cytosol, the presence of many different ion species creates a salty environment. The motion of ions between the cytosol and external space is slowed by the cell membrane but may also be prevented by it entirely, as some ions are impermeable. Ions are transported across the membrane either actively or passively. Passive transport of most ions is strictly regulated by large, trans-membrane proteins called ion channels that allow passage across the membrane to select ion species. Ion channels may be open or closed dependent on environmental conditions. For example, the ion fluxes through channels are sensitive not only to a present concentration gradient across the membrane but also to the electrostatic potential difference across the membrane. This trans-membrane potential is influenced by an electric current created by moving charged particles, such as ion 10 Figure 1.9: Sodium (Na) and potassium (K) channels shape the action potential, a large transient detour of the trans-membrane potential from its resting value. species, across the membrane. This process is essential to signal generation and neurons make use of it as a complex communication tool. Active transport is mediated by ion pumps that use energy stored in cellular ATP to transport or exchange certain ions across the membrane against their present concentration gradient. This enables a cell to use the energy stored in ATP to maintain its nonzero trans-membrane potential and, even more, to vary it in a way that allows the creation and transmission of electric signals. In the cell’s effort to maintain its metabolism and transmit signals, different ion species take on their own role. Sodium and potassium currents in the axon region of the neuron shape the signal for synaptic communication, the action potential. While sodium channels primarily react to changes in the trans-membrane potential, potassium channels are known to be sensitive also to changes in calcium concentrations or the stretching of the cell membrane due to a significant volume change. Calcium dynamics, on the other hand, have their own level of complexity. The passage of calcium across the membrane is regulated by channels and pumps that are sensitive to the trans-membrane potential and the calcium gradient. In addition, calcium is 11 highly buffered in several separate compartments inside the cytosol, one of which is called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The uptake into and release from the ER are regulated by additional calcium pumps and channels. Neurons maintain and regulate all these processes to maintain a stable volume and to transmit information efficiently and effectively. It is clear that, for modeling purposes, the large number of currents and ion species must be restricted. Therefore, the most important problem for modeling at this time is to choose which currents or ionic species to neglect. Two main criteria help decide which ion species and currents to include: First, currents should be modeled that play a big role in the transmission of signals and those closely related to them. Second, currents should be excluded for which there is very little experimental data and for which no mechanisms are known. Some of the transport mediators, ion species, and their corresponding currents considered important in neurons will be introduced in more detail in the following section. 1.2.3 Important Ion Species in Detail Channels, Pumps, and Transporters Channels, pumps, and transporters are complex proteins embedded in the cell membrane that allow and control the movement of ion species across the membrane. They can assume an open or closed state depending on the trans-membrane potential, concentration gradients, or other cellular messengers. Whereas channels generally mediate transport for either one ion species or all ion species at once, transporters pass at least two different species through the membrane. More specifically, transporters exchange well-defined ratios of specific ion species such that one kind moves from the inside to the outside while the other kind moves from the outside to the inside of the cell. Further, two main types of transport are distinguished: Passive transport due to electro-chemical gradients and active transport against such gradients at the 12 expense of energy. Passive transport occurs through selective or non-selective ion channels or gradient-driven transporters. Some transporters also support the cell’s active transport system by working as ion exchange pumps and using ATP to move ions against a present electro-chemical gradient. More active transport is mediated by plasma membrane pumps, which pump a single ion species against its chemical gradient. Some pumps and transporters are predominantly present in certain types of neurons. In addition, pumps and transporters are often distributed differently in the soma and dendritic regions of any given cell. This makes it hard to understand how exactly the regulation of trans-membrane potential and volume work, especially since different cell types have different morphological features, functions, and characteristics in the network. However, membrane pumps working against chemical gradients maintain the cell’s trans-membrane potential and play a significant role in keeping the cell volume stable. In the latter function, they are supported by impermeant ions, mentioned below. Examples of transporters are electrogenic Na-K pumps in glia (3 Na out for each 2 K in), the gradient-driven Na-Ca exchanger (3 Na in for each 1 Ca out), and the gradient-driven Na-K-Cl co-transporter in glia (1 Na in for each 1 K in and 2 Cl in). There is literally any combination of Na-K-Ca-Cl transport present in human cells and, in addition, some transporters move H (protons) or HCO3 (bicarbonate), which influence the pH of the cell and its milieu. This has also been hypothesized to be important in the regulation of trans-membrane potential and cell volume, however, not much experimental data is available to date. Potassium Channels Potassium (K) channels operate according to two main mechanisms: Calcium (Ca) sensitivity and voltage sensitivity. Because the cell maintains internal K high compared to external K, these channels mostly leak K from the cytosol. Easily a dozen 13 different currents can be distinguished from each other. Of these currents, three different Ca-dependent K channels have been identified and reasonably well characterized. There are two types of Ca activated K channels with slow dynamics that are located on the soma of the neuron: The BK-type has a large conductance and is also sensitive to voltage, whereas the SK-type has a small conductance, is insensitive to voltage, and is highly sensitive to Ca (sensitivity is about 100 times larger than that of BK-type). IK-type channels have an intermediate conductance and are sensitive to both voltage and Ca. Furthermore, four types of voltage dependent K currents appear important: The transient K current, mediated by the A channel, activates and inactivates rapidly. Slower than the A channel dynamics, the delayed-rectifier (K-DR) current still has fast dynamics. It is located at the axon of the neuron and is responsible for shaping the neuron’s signal in cooperation with the fast, L-type, Ca current. Both A and K-DR contribute to the re-polarization after an action potential but K-DR does most of the work here. The inward-rectifier (K-IR) current has been hypothesized primarily to affect firing frequency and, as its name indicates, its characteristic is a lower resistance for inward flowing currents. Recent work has also characterized the stretch sensitivity of Ca-activated K channels that release K to the extracellular space when the cell membrane is stretched, for example, by a significant volume increase [6]. Calcium Channels In cooperation with potassium (K), calcium (Ca) is very important in shaping the cell’s signal. In the cell membrane, there are six distinguished types of voltagedependent Ca channels and their corresponding currents, all of which allow Ca to enter the cell. They are labeled L, N, P, Q, R, and T in order of their characteristic time scales (from fast to slow). Dependency on the trans-membrane potential indicates that the fraction of open channels depends on the size of the trans-membrane potential at any given time. In the soma, L, N, T (30%, 30%, 15% channel fraction, respectively) 14 are responsible for most of the flux. L and N have the fastest dynamics while the slower, low-voltage activated T current is considered negligible in some cells. The remaining 25% of channels are shared by the remaining three types. In the proximal axon region, L, R, T (30%, 30%, 30% channel fraction, respectively) do the work and L is considered negligible. In the distal axon region, R, T (50%, 50% channel ratio, respectively) share the work. The T-type current is active when the cell’s activity level is low and accounts for most of the Ca flux during this time. During the first phase of an action potential, a fast-activating, transient, L-type current is responsible for most of the flux until the T-type current takes over again. Since all these channels let Ca enter the cell, it needs to be removed from the cytosol again. Responsible for this task are plasma membrane pumps, Na-Ca exchangers, and K-Ca exchangers, which exchange one Ca ion from the cytosol with a certain number of external Na or K ions, respectively. In addition to this way for calcium to exit the cytosol, it is buffered in a separate compartment within the cell called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The uptake into the ER takes place by a Ca ion pump, whereas the release is regulated by a channel sensitive to cytosolic Ca and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3), an intracellular messenger. Sodium Channels Out of the four different sodium (Na) currents that have been characterized, only the fastest on one side and the most persistent on the other are considered the most important. It has also been hypothesized that the behavior of the persistent channel is just a different mode of operation of the fast channel. However, Na is very important in neurons since the fast Na current in the cell body and axon region is primarily responsible for the voltage shift observed during an action potential. The fast Na current works together with the delayed-rectifier K current to shape the electric signal. 15 Chloride Channels Chloride (Cl) is particularly important in its role as a permeable anion. There is good evidence for a Cl pump but not much data is available on other Cl currents. Cl is used in some models to ensure electro-neutrality on either side of the membrane and is often assumed to be distributed passively. Otherwise, it tends to be neglected entirely in most mathematical models. Impermeant Ions Impermeant ions inside the cell are important in supporting the ion pumps and transporters responsible for active ion transport and help maintain and regulate the cell volume and the electrostatic potential difference across the membrane. Impermeant ions influence the osmolarity of the cytosol (and hence volume regulation), affect the membrane resting potential (and hence potential regulation), and may be assembled and dissembled by enzymes in the cytosol. Some impermeant ions are proteins. The easiest case study including impermeant ions on one side of a semipermeable membrane is probably that of Donnan equilibrium, which will be treated in detail in section 2.3. 1.3 Introduction to Hodgkin−Huxley Theory Amazingly, most of today’s neuron models are still based on Hodgkin and Huxley’s Nobel prize-winning, classic work in 1956. The key assumption in deriving the model equations is that the cell membrane behaves like a physical device and, more specifically, like a leaky capacitor. The dynamic change of the trans-membrane potential is thus governed by the net electric current across the cell membrane. Various ionic currents contribute to the net electric current, each of which obeys Ohm’s law with varying conductances. Another main assumption in the model setup is that the cell volume and extracellular concentrations remain constant at all times. These assump- 16 tions are appropriate for the fit and comparison of the model to data from in vitro slice preparations because here, a single neuron or small population of neurons is infused with a nourishing solution that essentially provides a constant environment. This is not surprizing, since the original Hodgkin−Huxley model was based on and fit to data from squid giant axon. Further, cells or slices are given time to adjust their volume to the new, fixed environment before measurements begin and their volumes do not change noticeably from then onward. The classic Hodgkin−Huxley (HH) model includes four equations: One for the trans-membrane potential and three for gating variables, two of which govern the sodium (Na) conductance and one of which governs the potassium (K) conductance. The individual gating variables are often thought of as proportional to the opening or closing probabilities of specific subunits of ion channels. Their parameters were fit by Hodgkin and Huxley to original, measured data from a squid giant axon that was dissected from the animal. Today, the usual approach is to model the trans-membrane potential difference, the gating variables, and to further include the dynamics of intracellular concentrations of sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and sometimes chloride (Cl) but rarely all of them at the same time. Chloride, when considered, is mostly used to enforce electro-neutrality in the bulk. Simplifications, in which the fastest gating variables are set to their steady-state values or some of the ion currents are excluded, are common. An important observation to make at this point is that the form of the model equations is readily assumed and fit to existing data without considering electro-physiological principles. 1.3.1 The Classic Hodgkin−Huxley Model The classic Hodgkin−Huxley approach models the cell membrane as a leaky capacitor (see figure 1.10). The currents leaking through the membrane are governed by Ohm’s laws with varying conductances and represent the various ionic currents through se- 17 Figure 1.10: Schematic of leaky capacitor including membrane capacitance, Cm , membrane conductance, G, applied current, Iapp , and trans-membrane potential difference, V. lective or non-selective ion channels and pores. Each channel may be either open or closed and thus, the conductance of each individual ion channel equals either zero or some fixed maximum conductance. In the limit of infinitely many ion channels in the membrane, the conductance of the cell membrane to a particular ion species ranges continuously from zero to a fixed maximum and is set by gating variables describing the fraction of open ion channels. The equations of the classic Hodgkin−Huxley (HH) model include one equation for the trans-membrane potential, V , and three for gating variables, two of which govern the sodium conductance (m, h) and one of which governs the potassium conductance (n). The equations governing the gating variables as well as their exponents in the voltage equation, (1.1), have been chosen mostly for the convenience and fit to experimental data. The equations of the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model are Cm dV = −ḡK n4 (V − VK ) − ḡN a m3 h (V − VN a ) − ḡL (V − VL ) + Iapp dt dm = αm (1 − m) + βm m dt dn = αn (1 − n) + βn n dt dh = αh (1 − h) + βh h, dt (1.1) (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) 18 where αx and βx , for x ∈ {m, n, h}, are the following functions of v = V − V∞ , the difference of the trans-membrane potential from the resting potential: αm = 0.1 exp 25−v −1 ( 25−v 10 ) v αn = 0.07exp − 20 αh = 0.01 exp 10−v −1 ( 10−v 10 ) v βm = 4exp − 18 1 βn = exp 30−v ( 10 )+1 v βh = 0.125exp − 80 . Defining the new functions x∞ and τx for x ∈ {m, n, h} according to x∞ = αx αx + βx and τx = 1 αx + βx (1.5) allows us to write the original gating equations, (1.2) through (1.4), in a more intuitive form, namely (1.6) through (1.8), which demonstrates that each gating variable x ∈ {m, n, h} decays to its voltage dependent steady-state, x∞ , with a voltage dependent time constant, τx : dm = m∞ (v) − m dt (1.6) τn (v) dn = n∞ (v) − n dt (1.7) τh (v) dh = h∞ (v) − h. dt (1.8) τm (v) The Slow-Fast Phase-Plane To better understand the mechanism underlying the excitability and threshold behavior of the Hodgkin−Huxley model, we shall consider the slow-fast phase-plane associated with (1.1) through (1.4). Since the trans-membrane voltage is what we desire to understand and depends on all fast and slow gating variables, it shall be the fast variable in the fast-slow phaseplane. The dynamics of the gating variable m are much faster than the dynamics of n or h. Thus, m is approximated by its voltage-dependent steady-state, m∞ . The dynamics of n and h occur on a slower time scale and, according to an observation 19 Figure 1.11: Nullclines and flow directions in the fast-slow phase-plane. by FitzHugh, n + h ≈ 0.8. This allows us to eliminate h. The fast-slow variables are V and n and satisfy Cm dV = −ḡK n4 (V − VK ) − ḡN a m3∞ (0.8 − n) (V − VN a ) − ḡL (V − VL ) + Iapp (1.9) dt dn = αn (1 − n) + βn n. dt Qualitatively, the nullcline on which nullcline on which dn dt dV dt (1.10) = 0 has the shape of a cubic in V and the = 0 has the shape of a linear function. Figure 1.11 shows the qualitative flow directions across the nullclines in the fast-slow phase-plane. Figures 1.12 and 1.13 show the behavior of the trans-membrane voltage following sub-threshold and super-threshold stimuli, respectively, both in the phase-plane and in terms of trans-membrane voltage over time. Clearly, the trans-membrane voltage returns to its resting state quickly and directly following a sub-threshold stimulus. In contrast, it exhibits a large, temporary detour from its resting state, also called an action potential, before returning to rest following a super-threshold stimulus. Since 20 Figure 1.12: Left: Nullclines and trajectory following a sub-threshold stimulus in the fast-slow phase-plane. Right: Trajectory of voltage over time. the dynamics of V are much faster than those of n, any motions in the V -direction are much faster than those in the n-direction. As a result, any trajectory approaches the nullcline on which 1.3.2 dV dt = 0 very quickly and spends most of its time close to it. An Overview of Mathematical Neuron Models HH-type double cycle burster One particularly interesting HH-type model is the one by Shorten and Wall [73] based on the work of Jacobsson [34, 54, 55] and LeBeau et al. [43, 44]. It exhibits bursting behavior, in which the transition does not take place from a steady-state to a limit cycle but between two different limit cycles. However, it does not include sodium or chloride, which implies that it entirely neglects any treatment of electro-neutrality. Furthermore, all extracellular concentrations are constant. Not shown here, a preliminary numerical bifurcation study of the steady-states of the model with respect to the external potassium concentration found a sub-critical (hard) Hopf bifurcation within the physiologically relevant potassium range. Corresponding numerical solu- 21 Figure 1.13: Left: Nullclines and trajectory following a super-threshold stimulus in the fast-slow phase-plane. Right: Trajectory of voltage over time. tions for the trans-membrane potential as a function of time had a lower frequency after passing the bifurcation to higher extracellular potassium. This is consistent with experimental results regarding seizure initiation in high external potassium medium. Simulations were obtained using XPPAUT and MATLAB. Distinguished soma and axon compartments Falcke et al. [18] used a HH-type model that was refined by dividing the cytosol into a soma compartment (including ER and so-called somatic currents) and an axon compartment (including a fast Na, and delayed rectifier K current). With this model, lobster ganglia were studied with graphically appealing results, that is characteristics of the phase-space reconstruction were stunningly similar to real data in the same phase-space. However, scales were not shown and lobster ganglia behave differently from human neurons such that the current and channel properties cannot directly be used for our purposes. Also, electro-neutrality was neglected and many parameters were estimated or obtained from measurements that have not been conducted as extensively in human neurons yet. Human tissue samples are quite rare for electro- 22 physiologists and thus, many of the relevant parameters from human tissue are not known to date. Another possible reason for this lack of data is that those parameters are no uniform properties of “human neuron” but instead take on a relatively wide range of values within one kind of neuron as well as in different kinds of neurons (personal correspondence with Dan Cook, Phil Schwartzkroin). Therefore, this model cannot successfully be used for human neuron, at least at present. Keener&Sneyd / Hoppensteadt&Peskin (KS/HP) Consider a simple cell volume-control steady-state model: Na, K, and Cl are distributed by passive transport and only a Na-K pump is added for active transport. Water flow due to osmotic pressure on the membrane is modeled using a mechanical flow resistance of the membrane to water, the trans-membrane potential is related to charges on the membrane, and ionic currents are governed by a set of Ohm’s laws with linear current-voltage relations (chapter 2 in [36]). Further, trapped ions inside the cell are taken into account in terms of their electric as well as osmotic effects. While this dynamic formalism provides a correct picture of the membrane potential, we shall see in section 4.5 that it, in its dynamic form, does not model ion transport accurately. In the following, all dynamics are abandoned, the membrane charge (and in HP, [28], but not in KS, [36], the direct osmotic effect of the trapped ions) is neglected, electroneutrality of interior and exterior compartments is imposed, and all fluxes are set to zero. The steady-state volume of the cell is studied in relation to the pump rate and the permeabilities of the membrane to K and Na. The HP/KS approach is purposely kept simple and is designed to address the stability and qualitative dependence, but not the dynamics, of the steady-state volume on model parameters. Thus, for its lack of dynamics, this model is not suited to our goals as is. However, when modeling cell volume dynamics, we may adopt a similar treatment of the osmotic forces that cause the passage of water across the membrane. 23 Tracking net-charge versus tracking net-current Work by Rudy et. al. [30] supports the view that maintaining electroneutrality in the bulk is an important issue with current models for ion transport and trans-membrane potential dynamics. The authors investigate whether long-term drifts occur when the trans-membrane potential is determined from (a) the net-charge in the Debye layer close to the membrane surface (“algebraic” method) or (b) a Hodgkin−Huxley-type voltage equation that tracks the net-current across the membrane from an initial condition onward (“differential” method). No difference between the dynamics produced in both cases is found. The authors establish that long-term drifts in variables are, among other possibilities, the result of a non-conservative implementation of stimuli. When ions carried by the stimulus current are taken into account, the algebraic and differential methods yield identical results. This is expected, since we show in subsection 4.2.1 for a system obeying mass-conservation that, with the use of appropriate parameters, (a) and (b) are equivalent. Debye layer distinguished from bulk space Yet another approach has been taken by Genet & Costalat [21]. They used results of Grahame [23], who conducted a theoretical study of the electrostatic properties of the double layer (Debye layer) near the cell membrane for a circular cell bathed in an infinite medium. Based on Grahame’s work, they developed a model analogous to the one of Jacobsson [34], except for the addition of Boltzmann dynamics between the bulk and the region close to the membrane on either side of a charged membrane. The transition of ions across the membrane is assumed to only take place from one part of the electric double layer to the other and to be much slower than the transition of water across the membrane. The membrane is assumed to bear a fixed amount of surface charges, which implies a direct relation of membrane surface charge density and cell volume. However, a correct representation of the trans-membrane potential 24 based on present ion concentrations is neglected entirely. Using this model, the effects of membrane surface charges onto the electro-osmotic regulation in the cell are investigated. Besides defining a relation of external Ca and Na pump rates, the study also finds the steady-state more stable and supporting a larger cell volume in the presence of surface charges accumulated at a charged membrane, compared to the case of an uncharged membrane. Numerical study of neural connectivity In simulations of huge neuron populations, an external concentration may be used as a coupling variable. The main interest of such studies tends to lie not in the electrophysiologically consistent modeling of a single neuron within a population but instead in the qualitative influence of coupling parameters between different groups of neuron populations onto their own activity and onto its spread through the population. Such simulations are too complicated for analytical treatment or study, do not seek electrophysiological consistency, and shall thus not be considered here. (see, e.g., [42]). Diffusion-type PDE model of spreading depression Spreading depression consists of slowly moving waves of membrane depolarization and prolonged depression of EEG activity in the brain and is accompanied by ionic concentration changes lasting up to two minutes. It is widely believed to cause migrainewith-aura. Since many of the same processes are involved on a cellular level, spreading depression can be considered related to epilepsy in that sense. In terms of the observations in EEG, one might think of the two as opposites. Shapiro [70] developed a computational model for the spread of depression waves in neural tissue based on a macroscopic electro-diffusion equation that incorporates the effects of gap junctions and osmotic forces. As a PDE model, it also incorporates intracellular voltage and concentration gradients. Bulk electro-neutrality is assumed and the volume at each time step is set to its steady-state value in simulations. This model does not seek 25 electro-physiological consistency and is too complex for the analytic study of relations between its parameters or variables. Stefan problem for ion transport across elastic membrane This approach of Rubinstein & Geiman [20, 65] only considers passive transport of non-electrolytes across a deformable, semi-permeable membrane. Its curvature is assumed to influence the thickness of the membrane, and the derived equations are applied to the swelling of muscle fiber. First, a plane-parallel model of the fiber is studied and then a cylindrical one. Assuming a preferred direction of flow, the model reduces to one dimension. In another approach, called the “pure diffusion approximation” by the authors, all convective terms due to strong discontinuities are neglected and so is the diffusion flux induced by the moving boundary itself. This model focuses on the interactions between the deformable membrane and the transport across it and thus lacks electrically charged particles and their active transport across the membrane, properties critical to our approach. 1.4 Limitations of Current Models in Tissue Modeling Hodgkin−Huxley-type models have been used to successfully model individual neurons, groups of neurons, as well as the interactions between multiple groups of neurons. As relative computing times decrease, efficient simulations of mathematical models become more detailed and, as such, more powerful in their quantitative accuracy of predictions. This has made mathematical simulations an attractive, non-invasive, and relatively cheap tool in assisting the formulation of hypotheses, the prediction of their accuracy, and thus the design of experiments that ultimately test those hypotheses. In contrast to expensive and invasive animal models, a natural extension to current neuron models is thus enabling them to model a cell within its natural, resident, and live tissue with quantitative accuracy. Cells in tissue are closely surrounded by 26 other cells, sharing with them a relatively small external environment. Under certain conditions, the ion concentrations in the external environment as well as the external volume fraction can undergo relatively large temporal detours from their normal values. Therefore, a suitable model for cells in tissue may not assume a cell with fixed volume immersed in a constant environment, as is the case for Hodgkin−Huxley-type models. An extended mathematical model including the features of dynamic external concentrations and cell volume will contribute to the better understanding of cells in tissue and is not restricted to neural tissue in its applicability. Considering finite internal and external media for an individual cell and its immediate environment leads to the question of mass conservation and, more importantly, electro-neutrality. In many approaches using fixed interstitial concentrations, electroneutrality is either neglected entirely or enforced externally, as described in 1.3.2. However, neither is appropriate when working with a finite medium. 1.4.1 Reflection on Problems with Current Models As pointed out previously, most of the models briefly described in 1.3.2 do not consider a variable volume or variable external concentrations. The Keener and Sneyd approach [36] is purposely kept simple and is designed to address the stability and qualitative dependence, but not the dynamics, of the steady-state volume on the pump rate and membrane permeabilities. In this model of cell volume-control and ionic dynamics, the full equations give an equilibrium distribution of various ions in the two compartments without satisfying electro-neutrality. In other words, the stationary solution is inconsistent with the Donnan equilibrium for bulk ionic concentrations. This problem stems from the existence of a boundary layer, also known as electric double layer or Debye layer, in which the electro-neutrality condition is not valid. Outside this layer, in the bulk, it can be shown that electro-neutrality is rigorously met, consistent with the fact that separating a pair of charges into a macroscopic distance is energetically impossible in the given setting. Hence, while the expression 27 for the trans-membrane potential in this model is valid for the double layer, it is not valid for the bulk, where another equation has to be introduced. More precisely, the net charges on either side of the membrane are both extremely small but their difference cannot be neglected in the double layer. Nevertheless, electro-neutrality is enforced in Keener and Sneyd’s model without setting the trans-membrane potential to zero, which should be the first consequence of this approximation. A by-product of this discrepancy is that, after the dynamic model is reduced to a static model, no one trans-membrane potential can be found that satisfies all their equations for physiologically reasonable parameter values. The condition needed to obtain a consistent result is to set the charges on the present impermeant ions to zero, causing the loss of the electrical effect of these molecules. However, even then, the transmembrane potential equals zero only if the pump rate equals zero. This is a major difficulty of this formalism, since at this point electro-neutrality contradicts its validity in the non-electro-neutral double layer. Further, a constant, zero trans-membrane potential indicates that the steady-state corresponding to a dead cell is being investigated, which is not the steady-state supported by the full, dynamic model equations. Thus, this model cannot be used if one is interested in the accurate, inter-dependent, dynamic description of the cell volume and trans-membrane potential. The model of Genet & Costalat [21] is also mostly interested in the steady-state and uses an inadequate relation of ion concentrations and trans-membrane potential. Furthermore, due to Grahame’s theory [23], it is valid for a spherical cell, which is rather different from the appearance of neurons. Shapiro’s model [70] is a computational model that does not allow analytical treatment and, finally, Rubinstein’s model [20, 65] does not consider the exchange of electrolytes across the membrane and neglects any convective terms. This implies that the solution does not exhibit a boundary layer. Especially this latter simplification cannot be upheld in an accurate, electro-diffusion type setting. In general, in some of the described models, chloride is used to maintain electro-neutrality in the bulk, whereas others do not include any 28 anion species and hence totally neglect the question of electro-neutrality. This seems contradictory since, from an energetic point of view, it is impossible to separate a pair of charges in the given setting. Intuition says that there must be a fundamental difference between assuming electro-neutrality or not doing so and that this is clearly a discrepancy which should be pursued and understood. In pursuit of the fundamental question about the reasonableness of the assumption of electro-neutrality, the expected result is that either one of these two approaches is found fundamentally wrong, or both of them are related in a way to be characterized. 1.5 Toward Biophysically Consistent Tissue Modeling Modeling a cell in tissue requires one to accurately model charge-carrier transport between two compartments with finite volume. Here, accuracy is to be understood in the sense of biophysical consistency and implies, for example, that charges cannot accumulate in free solution. Instead of improving an existing model in a heuristic way by, for example, forcing the existing Hodgkin−Huxley model to maintain electroneutrality in bulk solution, I pursue a more theoretical approach by seeking to develop a model, based on the fundamental physical chemistry of ion movement, that naturally captures the characteristics of charge-carrier transport. To achieve this goal, I investigate the problem of bulk electro-neutrality during passive charge-carrier transport in a self-imposed electric field across a thin, lipid membrane. Under assumptions of uniformity and homogeneity, this process is described mathematically by an electro-diffusion system in 1D, a highly nonlinear system of partial differential equations (PDEs). An explicit solution for the electro-diffusion system does not exist and, even though it is a well-defined problem in applied mathematics, computing its solutions numerically is not trivial, either. In the course of this dissertation, three consecutive approximations of the 1D 29 electro-diffusion system are developed: The first, formal, mathematical approximation is a quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) and constitutes the most fundamental model of electro-diffusion. It is based solely on the relative sizes of physical parameters of the system. The second, constant field approximation (CFA) of the electro-diffusion system applies a GHK-like constant field assumption to the QSSA and thus constitutes a more physical model of electro-diffusion. A constant electric field throughout the membrane region of the domain implies that the membrane region is locally electroneutral, while any local net charge accumulates at its boundaries. The CFA is most fundamentally different from the classic HH-GHK model found in literature in that it incorporates conditions of mass conservation and is derived mathematically from an electro-diffusion system. The third, Hodgkin−Huxley pump-leak approximation (HH-plk) of the electro-diffusion system is a linearization of the QSSA with respect to the trans-membrane potential that contains HH-type ohmic fluxes. This simplest model of electro-diffusion is equivalent to a combination of (a) a HH model for the trans-membrane potential with (b) a so-called pump-leak model for the concentration dynamics and (c) conditions of mass conservation. Previous approaches have resulted in models similar to this one but none of them has incorporated all the aspects required for our problem. In addition, our analysis provides a concrete, mathematical justification for the HH-plk model. In chapter 2, analytic work on the electro-diffusion system is presented: The setup and assumptions for the 1D electro-diffusion system are introduced, the formal quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) is developed, and a relaxation time to equilibrium derived. Also, analytic equilibrium solutions are computed for systems containing various combinations of valencies. In chapter 3, the validity of the QSSA is demonstrated numerically: I discuss the numerical method chosen to simulate the transient dynamics of the electro-diffusion system and develop an almost-Newton, iterative method to solve for the steady-state of the electro-diffusion system. The QSSA is implemented by incorporating the almost-Newton steady-state solver into a dynamic 30 updating scheme. Results of the QSSA are compared to the fully transient approach of the electro-diffusion system to Donnan equilibrium for three sets of initial conditions. In chapter 4, the QSSA is connected with the classic Hodgkin−Huxley theory: The models resulting from the constant field approximation (CFA) and linearization (HH-plk) of the QSSA are introduced and compared to the QSSA in the case of a dying cell. CFA and HH-plk are then compared to the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model in case of a living cell. Chapter 5 contains a summary and discussion of results and an outlook toward future work motivated by those results. It would be nice if, for completeness, the QSSA could be compared to the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model in the case of a living cell. This would require the presence of active ion transport to maintain homeostasis, and thus the incorporation of source terms into the steady-state solver. See section B.2 for the derivation of equations for a modified, almost-Newton steady-state solver that includes source terms from space-dependent but concentration-independent sources. Solving the semiconductordevice equations, that is the Poisson−Nernst−Planck system in the presence of highly nonlinear source terms, has caused problems with stiffness as reported, for example, by Ringhofer and Korman [62, 39]. Thus, the convergence of my modified method may be expected to be stiff, especially if the source terms represent point sources. It may therefore not provide an efficient means of simulating its corresponding, modified quasi steady-state approximation. Obtaining results from the modified steady-state solver is not essential to our conclusions and shall thus be left as a future challenge. This dissertation demonstrates that the QSSA provides the most rigorous and most accurate model of electro-diffusion and that, in its current state, the QSSA lacks efficiency and the ability to incorporate active ion transport, which are essential to simulating the living state of a cell. The CFA provides a reasonably accurate model of electro-diffusion in the sense that it provides good approximations of flux densities and trans-membrane potential and, most importantly, in that it self-regulates bulk electro-neutrality. It is also capable of efficiently incorporating active ion transport 31 and thus of simulating the living state of a cell. The HH-plk model provides a good approximation of the trans-membrane potential and is capable of efficiently simulating the living state of a cell. However, it does not match flux densities closely and thus does not self-regulate bulk electro-neutrality very well. Therefore, the CFA emerges as an efficient and accurate means of modeling the ion transport and potential difference across lipid membranes that separate two finite compartments from each other. 32 Chapter 2 ION TRANSPORT BY ELECTRO-DIFFUSION Ion transport has been modeled in various media and on various scales of size using different mathematical approaches. One of the most fundamental continuum models for the motion of charged particles, or rather the time evolution of particle density distributions, is a nonlinear system of partial differential equations (PDEs) often called the electro-diffusion system. These equations describe particle diffusion in a particle-created electrostatic field and consist of an electro-diffusion equation for each particle-type in the system and a single, coupling Poisson equation for the electrostatic field. The best understood phenomenon in this context is probably the classic Donnan equilibrium. The principle of Donnan exclusion arises in many physical, chemical, and biological systems involving electrically charged particles [10]. Its applications span semiconductors, colloid-chemistry, nanofiltration, ion-exchange membranes, and the pulp and paper industry to name just a few. The Donnan equilibrium is established in a closed system of ionic species with a semi-permeable membrane separating two compartments from each other. At least one ionic species is impermeant to the membrane. The elementary theory to compute the equilibrium concentrations in and the electrical potential difference between the compartments assumes electroneutrality in each compartment and salt equilibrium of the permeant species [16]. A more accurate, rigorous theory for Donnan equilibrium considers a system of electrodiffusion and Poisson equations for particle concentrations and electrostatic potential, respectively, whose equilibrium solution yields the Donnan equilibrium [64, 22]. Alternatively, the equilibrium of the PDE system can be described by a single, time- 33 independent equation for the electrostatic potential. This equation is also known as the Poisson−Boltzmann equation and has found many applications in molecular biology in recent years [27]. For a large class of applications with realistic geometric settings, the equilibrium solution is nearly constant in each of the compartments but exhibits a thin boundary layer near the location of the membrane with a sharp transition of variables from their internal to their external values. The solutions far away from the boundary layer are consistent with the classic Donnan equilibrium [64]. The electro-diffusion equations shall be investigated in detail in the following sections. In particular, simplifying assumptions are discussed that allow the application of these equations to ion transport across thin, lipid membranes. Furthermore, appropriate boundary conditions are discussed for the time-dependent PDE model, the steady-state problem, and equilibrium. Because of the complexity of the system, explicit, analytic solutions are neither available for the transient equations nor for the steady-state problem. However, an estimate for the exponential time-scale for the approach of the system to Donnan equilibrium is determined in section 2.2 and analytic equilibrium solutions are derived in section 2.3 for cases in which the largest valency is ±2. 2.1 Setup and Assumptions for Simulating Electro-Diffusion and Poisson Equations This section attempts to give an overview of the issues involved and approaches taken in numerically simulating the fully transient electro-diffusion system. For a detailed treatment of the numerics see section 3.1. The electro-diffusion equations describing particle diffusion in a particle-created electrostatic field, also called the semiconductordevice equations, are, in their most general form, ∂ci = ∇ · [Di (∇ci + zi ∇ϕ ci ) + Si ] ∂t (2.1) 34 ∇ · (ε∇ϕ) + X zi ci = −N, (2.2) i where subscripts i indicate that a quantity is specific to ionic species i, concentrations are denoted by c, diffusion coefficients by D, valencies by z, source terms by S, and fixed space-charges within the medium by N . ϕ is the normalized, electrostatic potential and ε a small, non-dimensional quantity proportional to the dielectric coefficient of the medium. In particular, FV and R0 T ε0 εr R 0 T ε= 2 2 , δ̄ c̄ F ϕ=− (2.3) (2.4) where V is absolute voltage, F is Faraday’s constant, R0 is the universal gas constant, T is absolute temperature, ε0 is the dielectric in vacuum, εr > 1 is the relative dielectric coefficient, c̄ is a characteristic concentration, and δ̄ a characteristic length scale of the system. We will subsequently refer to ε as the dielectric coefficient. Note that valencies, z, are integer and that the diffusion and dielectric coefficients, D and ε, are generally space dependent. To introduce simplifying assumptions that make sense in the case of ion transport across thin, lipid membranes, consider figure 2.1, showing a schematic of a cell and its immediate environment. The characteristic length scales, L and R, of the internal and external space are large compared to the finite width of the membrane separating the compartments. As a first approximation and for lack of otherwise detailed information, it certainly makes sense to assume that the internal, external, and membrane spaces are filled with uniform, homogeneous material. As a result, the diffusion and dielectric coefficients, D and ε, are piecewise constant. We shall further assume that the internal, external, and membrane media are neutral, that is they contain the charged ionic particles governed by (2.1) but do not contain any fixed space charges. Thus, N = 0. Investigating the passive transport of ions across the lipid membrane, we shall further neglect any source terms due to chemical reactions or 35 Dbk Dm Dbk bk m bk cell membrane R L internal compartment external compartment Figure 2.1: Schematic of a cell and its immediate environment. active transport against the electro-chemical gradient across the membrane. Hence, S = 0. Under these assumptions and within the internal, external, and membrane regions, respectively, equations (2.1) and (2.2) reduce to ∂ci ∂t = DiB ∇ · (∇ci + zi ∇ϕ ci ) internal and external regions, ∂ci ∂t = DiM ∇ · (∇ci + zi ∇ϕ ci ) εB ∆ϕ εM ∆ϕ + P + P i zi ci = 0 internal and external regions, i zi ci = 0 (2.5) in membrane region, (2.6) in membrane region, where ∆ is the Laplace operator and DB,M and εB,M are the constant diffusion and dielectric coefficients associated with the bulk (internal and external) and membrane media, respectively. The problem (2.5) through (2.6) is still far too complex to solve explicitly. For the numeric simulation of solutions, it is important to realize that, when using an explicit scheme, the size of the numeric time step is restricted by 36 2 ∆x ∆t ≤ max , a quantity that is proportional to the inverse of the largest diffusion (D) coefficient in the problem (see section 3.1). The diffusion coefficients in the internal and external bulk regions are, in fact, about three orders of magnitude larger than the diffusion coefficients in the membrane region and thus, the problem is much more time intensive to solve in the bulk regions. On the other hand side, our interest lies not so much in the fast dynamics of ion species in the bulk regions but much rather in the relatively slow dynamics of ion species crossing the membrane region from one bulk region into the other. In order to compute numeric solutions within a reasonable time-frame, we shall approximate both, the internal and external, bulk compartments as well mixed and equilibrated within themselves on the time scale on which the dynamics of ionic species passing the membrane region are observed. As a result, the internal and external bulk concentrations are constant and we may focus on the dynamics in the membrane region. We shall see in subsection 2.1.1 that this assumption requires a careful choice of remaining conditions. Assuming further that the membrane has a uniform width, say m, allows us to consider the problem in 1D and focus on the membrane region. Equations (2.5) through (2.6) reduce to ∂ ∂ci = Di ∂t ∂x ε h ∂ci ∂ϕ + zi ci ∂x ∂x ! ∂2ϕ X + zi ci = 0 ∂x2 i (2.7) (2.8) i for x ∈ − m2 ; m2 , where D and ε are the diffusion and dielectric coefficients associated with the membrane medium. The bulk concentrations, c (−L) and c (R), are the boundary conditions for (2.7) and are updated via ordinary differential equations involving the compartment volumes and flux densities across the membrane boundaries at ± m2 . The latter ensures zero-flux out of the system boundaries and thus mass conservation and charge conservation in the entire system. 37 2.1.1 Flux Conditions for Impermeant Species In addition to zero-flux conditions at the system boundaries, zero-flux conditions also need to be met within the domain by any ion species impermeant to the membrane. At any location within the domain at which zero flux is enforced for some species there √ forms a Debye layer. Each side of this double boundary layer is of order O ( ε), and in it local electro-neutrality is not met. Instead, a non-zero concentration gradient and electrostatic potential gradient coexist. Zero-flux conditions at both ends of the membrane, x = − m2 and x = m , 2 are the obvious physical conditions and give rise to a Debye layer with one side of each double layer in a bulk region. Thus, ion concentrations are not constant in a thin part of the bulk region, which contradicts my previous assumption that ion concentrations are constant throughout the bulk. In section 4.1, where zero-flux conditions at both ends of the membrane are used, the bulk concentrations away from the Debye layer are approximated by their average values throughout the internal or external compartments. These average values include the average over each Debye layer and are appropriate to use there, considering that the size of each Debye layer is much less than the size of the bulk compartment. When simulating the fully transient electro-diffusion system, using average values is not approriate. Thus, to save computation time and comply with constant bulk concentrations here, we need a single zero-flux condition at mid-membrane, x = 0. In this case, the Debye double layer lies to either side of the location x = 0 within the membrane. Bulk concentrations are constant and locally electro-neutral, consistent with the previous assumption and provided that half the width of the membrane is √ less than the width of the boundary layer, m2 ≤ ε. For convenience, we shall assume √ in the following that m2 = ε. In other words, the mathematical boundary layer is filled with membrane medium. For appropriate parameter values, this results in a membrane width of about 26 to 76 Å, about 0.5 to 1.5 times the width of a biological cell membrane. In particular, the width of the double boundary layer is 38 s √ ε0 εr R 0 T m=2 ε=2 ' 2.6 · 10−9 m to 7.6 · 10−9 m δ̄ 2 c̄F 2 (2.9) where we have assumed ε0 εr to range from the permittivity of lipid membrane to water at 310K. R0 is the universal gas constant, T the absolute temperature (310K ≈ 37o C), and F Faraday’s constant. Further, δ̄ = 1 µm and c̄ = 1 mmol L . The upper end of the range of width corresponds to about 144 Bohr atom diameters which, looking at the peptide structure of cell membranes, can be argued to be a reasonable number for the width of a cell membrane. In fact, the width of lipid bilayers as measured by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques has been estimated at about 6·10−9 m. This is very similar to the width of the double boundary layer and thus, our assumption that the width of the membrane equals the width of the double boundary layer is indeed appropriate. Further, the size of the boundary layer is mostly smaller than the width of the membrane and thus, any internal boundary layers are fully contained by the membrane. See figure 2.2 for a schematic of the domain in 1D under the assumption that impermeant ion species obey zero-flux conditions at midmembrane, x = 0. 2.1.2 Boundary Conditions for the Electrostatic Potential Boundary conditions for Poisson’s equation, (2.8), shall be obtained by integrating it over the entire domain. The result is Gauss’ law, ! ε ∂ϕ ∂ϕ (R) − (−L) ∝ − (net charge in system) . ∂x ∂x (2.10) The entire system is electro-neutral and one boundary represents the interior of a cell. Therefore, the net charge vanishes, the electric field, ∂ϕ , ∂x at the boundary associated with the interior of the cell equals zero, and equation (2.10) reduces to the natural boundary conditions for (2.8), ∂ϕ ∂ϕ (R) = 0 = (−L) , ∂x ∂x (2.11) 39 C in i , =0 C out i , mid−membrane internal = + external region region p p p (internal bulk) (external bulk) p p p x −L 0 R boundary layer and membrane Figure 2.2: Schematic of the domain in 1D under the assumption that impermeant ion species obey zero flux conditions at mid-membrane. which are two Neumann boundary conditions that fail to generate a mathematically well-posed problem. However, charge conservation is already ensured by mass conservation and does not need to be enforced by (2.11). Thus one Neumann condition may be replaced by, for example, a zero Dirichlet condition resulting in either ∂ϕ (−L) = 0 and ϕ (R) = 0 or ∂x (2.12) ∂ϕ (R) = 0. ∂x (2.13) ϕ (−L) = 0 and The other Neumann condition is automatically satisfied. Enforcing an essentially arbitrary Dirichlet condition does not alter the problem in an electro-physical sense because, as a potential, ϕ may be shifted by any constant. Note that the crossmembrane potential difference, ϕ (R) − ϕ (−L), is solved for instead of prescribed, as would be appropriate for a clamped voltage across the membrane. Traditionally, when considering the transport of charged particles, physical devices containing semicon- 40 Neumann and Dirichlet BCs on el. potential Mathematical Device: PNP Equations Dirichlet BCs on el. potential Charge−Carrier Transport Natural Device: ionic species cell membranes Physical Device: holes and electrons semiconductors current and el. potential caused by carrier concentration gradient current caused by applied el. potential Figure 2.3: Chart of physical, biological, and mathematical treatment of chargecarrier transport. 41 ducting materials as well as physical or biological membranes have been characterized by so-called current-voltage curves. These relationships are derived by clamping various voltages across the considered device, piece of membrane, or membrane channel protein and recording the corresponding steady-state current. A clamped voltage translates to two Dirichlet boundary conditions on the electrostatic potential, ϕ, and previous approaches to solving the steady-state problem associated with (2.7) and (2.8) have been reviewed in [60, 40]. In contrast, we use Neumann rather than Dirichlet boundary conditions on the electrostatic potential in both the transient and steady-state settings. This approach determines not only the current but also the cross-membrane potential difference from ionic bulk concentrations, instead of prescribing it. It also treats electro-neutrality in a natural, self-regulatory way instead of explicitly enforcing it. In the spirit of non-invasive techniques and modeling, conditions (2.12) or (2.13) are thus the appropriate ones to use when solving for the electrostatic potential in both the transient and steady-state settings (figure 2.3). 2.2 The Quasi Steady-State Approximation (QSSA) and Relaxation Times to Donnan Equilibrium The fully transient PDE model in 1D for the dynamic approach of the system toward Donnan equilibrium consists of a system of electro-diffusion and Poisson’s equations, i (cix + z i ϕx ci )x cit = DB for −L ≤ x < − m2 i cit = DM (cix + z i ϕx ci )x for − m2 ≤ x ≤ m2 m ci = D i (ci + z i ϕx ci ) for <x≤R t B x x 2 P i i (ε ϕ ) = − for −L ≤ x < − m2 B x iz c x P (εM ϕx )x = − i z i ci for − m2 ≤ x ≤ m2 P m (εB ϕx ) = − i z i ci < x ≤ R, for x 2 (2.14) (2.15) where superscripts i indicate that a quantity is specific to ionic species i. The semipermeable membrane extends over − m2 ≤ x ≤ m 2 and is impermeable to some ionic 42 species at its midpoint, x = 0. We denote concentrations by c, diffusion coefficients by DB in bulk solution and by DM in membrane, valencies by z, and the normalized, electrostatic potential by ϕ. It is understood that the natural length scales of each compartment are R − m 2 = vout A and L − m 2 = vin , A where vin,out denote the volumes of the compartments and A is the surface area of the semi-permeable membrane. The uniqueness of the solution to this system of PDEs has been investigated in the past. Rubinstein [63] discovered that, by enforcing local electro-neutrality, there are multiple steady-states to the problem. However, recent studies have shown that, without the artificial enforcement of local electro-neutrality, there is a unique steady-state corresponding to any potential difference across the semi-permeable membrane [57, 9]. In a comparison between the cable equation and a Poisson−Nernst−Planck (PNP) model, Leonetti [46] also concluded that the assumption of local electro-neutrality is not suitable for studying the electric behavior of biological membranes. He demonstrates this in the “negative differential conductance” regime and further develops his bio-membrane electro-diffusive model based on PNP in terms of a set of jump conditions for the electric field across dielectric material boundaries. The model is concerned with the spatial propagation of action potentials in an excitable membrane and does not address ion transport across membranes based upon PNP. i ) This section is structured as follows: Based upon the assumption that maxi (DM i mini (DB ), in subsection 2.2.1 we establish that the concentrations in bulk solution are spatially constant to leading order. In subsection 2.2.2, we derive ODEs governing the dynamics of bulk concentrations. Under the assumption that m 2 R ≤ L, we establish that, to leading order, the membrane region is at steady-state. At this point, we have reached a quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) of the original PDE system. We state the equations defining this QSSA in subsection 2.2.3. We further analytically determine a relaxation time and demonstrate that it yields a good approximation of the dynamic approach to Donnan equilibrium. The analytic expression for the relaxation time provides an explicit, testable, a priori prediction based 43 solely on physical parameters of the system. 2.2.1 Spatially Constant Bulk Concentrations i i We assume in the following that maxi (DM ) mini (DB ). Rescaling space by x̄ = and time by t̄ = 2 2 m min min i DM t, where DM = mini (DM ), we obtain σBi cit̄ = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ i i σM ct̄ = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ σ i ci = (ci + z i ϕx̄ ci ) B t̄ x̄ x̄ i in which σM = min DM i DM 2x m = O (1) and σBi = min DM i DB for − 2L ≤ x̄ < −1 m for −1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 for 1 < x̄ ≤ (2.16) 2R , m 1. This clearly indicates the presence of two different time scales in the bulk and membrane regions of the domain. To observe the relatively slower time scales, we may, as a first approximation, neglect the small terms σBi cit̄ and approximate the dynamics by 0 = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ i i σM ct̄ = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ 0 = (ci + z i ϕx̄ ci ) x̄ x̄ for − 2L ≤ x̄ < −1 m for −1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 for 1 < x̄ ≤ 2R m (2.17) , which implies in turn that ci (t̄, x̄) = ciin i i σM ct̄ = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ i i c (t̄, x̄) = cout for − 2L ≤ x̄ < −1 m for −1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 for 1 < x̄ ≤ 2R m (2.18) . Thus, the dynamics in t̄, as shown in (2.18), describe the relaxation of the membrane region to the steady-state associated with the current bulk concentrations, ciin,out . 2.2.2 Membrane Region at Steady-State Since bulk concentrations are at steady state on the time scale on which t̄ changes, we expect them to change with respect to a relatively slower time scale. To obtain 44 dynamics for the bulk concentrations, we track the total mass by integrating over each bulk compartment, i d Z −1 i 2L dcin 1 i i i c ( t̄, x̄) dx = − 1 = c + z ϕ c . x̄ x̄ i x̄=−1 dt̄ − 2L m dt̄ σM m (2.19) The same approach applies to the external compartment. The dynamics of the bulk concentrations, ciin,out , are now governed by a set of ODEs and, in the following, we assume that 1 2R m ≤ 2L . m Rescaling time once more by τ = t̄ max 2R −1 , σM (m ) where max i σM = maxi (σM ) = 1, we obtain i γin dciin dτ i = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )|x̄=−1 i i i i γM cτ = (cx̄ + z ϕx̄ c )x̄ i γ i dcout = − (ci + z i ϕx̄ ci )| out dτ x̄ x̄=1 , i where γout = i σM max σM i = O (1), γin = i σM −1) ( 2L m for (2.20) −1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 i = O (1), and γM = i σM 1. −1) ( ) ( 2R m Again, we observe the presence of two different time scales. In particular, the time max σM 2R −1 m max σM scale on which the bulk concentrations change is much slower than the time scale on which a steady-state is approached in the membrane region. To observe the slow time scale on which the bulk regions interact, which is also the macroscopic time scale on i i which the Donnan equilibrium is approached, we neglect the small terms γM cτ and approximate the dynamics by i γin dciin dτ = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )|x̄=−1 0 = (cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci )x̄ i γ i dcout = − (ci + z i ϕx̄ ci )| out dτ x̄ x̄=1 . for −1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 (2.21) With this approximation, the membrane region is at steady-state while the bulk concentrations change according to ODEs in time, τ . 2.2.3 QSSA for Relaxation to Donnan Equilibrium With the membrane region at steady-state, species permeant to the membrane obey PDEs that, in 1D, reduce to ODEs in space. The ODEs to be solved and their solution 45 for the concentration profiles of permeant species in the membrane region are i cix̄ i ci ez ϕ(1) − ciin ez ϕ(−1) + z ϕx̄ c = out R 1 zi ϕ(x̄) = const. for − 1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 or dx̄ −1 e i i i c (x̄) = R R x̄ z i ϕ(x̄) i i z i ϕ(−1) 1 z i ϕ(x̄) dx̄ + ciout ez ϕ(1) −1 e dx̄ x̄ e −z i ϕ(x̄) cin e e R1 i z ϕ(x̄) dx̄ −1 e , (2.22) (2.23) while species impermeant to the membrane have Boltzmann densities, cix̄ + z i ϕx̄ ci = 0 for − 1 ≤ x̄ ≤ 1 or (2.24) ci ez i (ϕ(−1)−ϕ(x̄)) for − 1 ≤ x̄ < 0 in ci (x̄) = (2.25) i ciout ez (ϕ(1)−ϕ(x̄)) for 0 < x̄ ≤ 1 . (2.23) and (2.25) are to be satisfied together with Poisson’s equation, (2.15). For details on the numeric solution of this highly nonlinear steady-state problem see section 3.2. A set of ODEs in time governs the dynamics of the bulk concentrations, ≤ x̄ < −1 and ci (x̄) = ciout for 1 < x̄ ≤ ci (x̄) = ciin for − 2L m i i i dcin γin 2R , m i ci ez ϕ(1) − ciin ez ϕ(−1) = out R 1 zi ϕ(x̄) dτ dx̄ −1 e i i i dcout γout 2.2.4 i σM max σM i and γin = i σM −1) ( 2L m max 2R −1 σM (m ) (2.26) i ciout ez ϕ(1) − ciin ez ϕ(−1) =− , R1 z i ϕ(x̄) dx̄ dτ −1 e i where γout = namely (2.27) . Relaxation Times The time scale on which the dynamics of (2.26) and (2.27) occur is O (1). Therefore, we expect that reconnecting the time τ with the original time t delivers an estimate for the relaxation time to Donnan equilibrium. In particular, τ = αt with α = min DM m 2 R− m 2 (2.28) and we approximate the dynamic approach to Donnan equilibrium of the bulk concentrations by ciin (t) = ciin (∞) − ciin (∞) − ciin (0) e−αt (2.29) 46 ciout (t) = ciout (∞) − ciout (∞) − ciout (0) e−αt , (2.30) where ciin,out (0) are the initial bulk concentrations, and ciin,out (∞) are the final bulk concentrations at Donnan equilibrium. The two characteristic quantities defining the relaxation time are, first, the smallest, most restrictive, membrane diffusion coefficient determining the size of the flux densities across the membrane and, second, the size of the smaller one of the two compartments, since its concentrations change more rapidly due to a particular flux density than the ones in the larger compartment. 2.2.5 Comparison of Analytic and Numeric Approximations In simulating a particular system, we assume internal and external volumes corresponding in size to a biological cell and its immediate external environment. We use a membrane of thickness 76 Åwith relatively large surface area compared to the volume it encloses. Species present in the system are sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), and a large protein species that is impermeant to the membrane at x = 0 and carries one negative elementary charge. We demonstrate that the approach of bulk concentrations to Donnan equilibrium is approximated well by the exponential with analytically determined relaxation time, (2.29) and (2.30). We do this by initializing the the full PDE at the far-fromequilibrium, piecewise constant initial conditions, ci (x) = ciin for −L ≤ x < 0 and ci (x) = ciout for 0 < x ≤ R, and computing both approaches over 100 s. We show in figure 2.4 the dynamics of bulk concentrations determined by the fully transient model and the exponential relaxation approximations, (2.29) and (2.30), on both logarithmic and linear time scales. The approximations agree well with the numeric solution of the PDE. Since the relaxation time to Donnan equilibrium is solely based on physical parameters associated with the Donnan system, we can, a priori, predict the time duration from any 47 Figure 2.4: Dynamics of Na bulk concentrations according to full PDE model and estimate for exponential time-scale on logarithmic (left) and linear (right) time scales. valid initial condition to concentrations within any finite error margin of the final Donnan equilibrium. 2.3 Analytic Equilibrium Solutions to the 1D Electro-Diffusion System The electro-chemical equilibrium of the electro-diffusion system is the result of a delicate balance between concentration gradients and electrostatic forces and requires a true compromise: Microscopic electro-neutrality does not hold in a boundary layer around the location of membrane impermeability. This implies the presence of excess positive or negative charges on either side of the membrane and causes a nonzero electrostatic potential difference across the membrane. In turn, a portion of the permeable salt is excluded from the compartment confining the large, charge-carrying protein, which causes a nonzero concentration gradient across the membrane. Mathematically, the dynamics of a system containing charged particles is modeled by a 48 system of electro-diffusion and Poisson equations, ∂ci = ∇ · [Di (∇ci + zi ci ∇ϕ)] ∂t ∇ · (ε∇ϕ) + X zi ci = 0, (2.31) (2.32) i where a subscript i indicates that a quantity is specific to particle species i, ion species concentrations are denoted by c, diffusion coefficients by D, species’ valencies by z, the non-dimensional electrostatic potential by ϕ, and a small, non-dimensional parameter related to the dielectric coefficient by ε. Using the continuity equation, ∂ci = −∇ · Ji , ∂t (2.33) in which J denotes flux density, allows us to integrate (2.31) once and replace it by Nernst−Planck’s equation, − Ji = Di (∇ci + zi ci ∇ϕ) . (2.34) At electro-chemical equilibrium Ji = 0 and we can integrate (2.34). The resulting relationship between concentrations and electrostatic potential is Boltzmann’s law, ∇c · ezϕ + c · z∇ϕ · ezϕ = 0 c (x) ezϕ(x) = c (x0 ) ezϕ(x0 ) . (2.35) When substituted into Poisson’s equation, (2.32), Boltzmann’s law yields the famous Poisson−Boltzmann equation, a second order, nonlinear partial differential equation for the electrostatic potential, ∇ · (ε∇ϕ) = − X zi ci (x0 ) exp (−zi (ϕ − ϕ (x0 ))) , (2.36) i which can be solved explicitly for simple valency constellations in a few select geometries. We consider a finite-volume, two-compartment system of charges in which 49 the compartments are separated by a thin, homogeneous, semi-permeable, lipid membrane. The membrane has finite width, m, and is impermeable to any confined species at its mid-point. The dielectric, ε, is piecewise constant with one value valid in free solution and one in lipid membrane. The diffusion coefficient, D, is assumed piecewise constant and much larger in free solution than in the membrane. As a result, each of the compartments equilibrates within itself on a much faster time scale than the one on which the two compartments interact with each other through the membrane. In this setting, it is sensible to focus on a region close to mid-membrane and consider the problem in 1D. A more specific, reasonable definition of “close to midmembrane” has to emerge from the problem parameters defining the width of the membrane as well as the width of the mathematical boundary layer at equilibrium. In the following, we consider the domain L ≤ x ≤ R for −L = R = m 2 > 0 and mid-membrane located at x = 0. In 1D and for constant diffusion coefficient, D, and dielectric, ε, the electro-diffusion and Poisson’s equations reduce to ∂ci ∂ = Di ∂t ∂x ε ∂ci ∂ϕ + zi ci ∂x ∂x ! X ∂2ϕ = − zi ci . ∂x2 i (2.37) (2.38) Using the continuity equation allows to integrate (2.37) once, and we obtain the 1D version of Nernst−Planck’s equation, − ∂ci ∂ϕ Ji = + zi ci . Di ∂x ∂x (2.39) At equilibrium, Ji = 0 yields Boltzmann’s law, also (2.35), ci (x) exp (zi ϕ (x)) = ci (x0 ) exp (zi ϕ (x0 )) , (2.40) which, in connection with Poisson’s equation, (2.38), leads to the 1D Poisson−Boltzmann equation, 50 X d2 ϕ = − zi ci (x0 ) exp (−zi (ϕ − ϕ (x0 ))) . (2.41) dx2 i In 1D, the Poisson−Boltzmann equation is an ordinary differential equation and can ε be solved explicitly for various valency combinations of species. Multiplying by dϕ dx yields a first integral to (2.41), ε ε 2 dϕ dx !2 X dϕ d2 ϕ dϕ · 2 =− ci (x0 ) zi exp (−zi (ϕ − ϕ (x0 ))) dx dx dx i (2.42) !2 ε − 2 dϕ (x0 ) dx = X ci (x0 ) [exp (−zi (ϕ − ϕ (x0 ))) − 1] . (2.43) i Choosing x0 = L or x0 = R, the locations of internal or external bulk boundary conditions, it is clear that the electrostatic field there vanishes, regions are electro-neutral, P i zi ci dϕ dx (x0 ) = 0, and that bulk (x0 ) = 0. The actual values of the bulk concentra- tions are determined from the total mass in the system, as treated in subsection 2.3.1. Before proceeding, the following notation shall be introduced to combine species of the same valency: αjx0 = X ci (x0 ) . (2.44) all i zi = j Equation (2.43) may now be written as ε 2 dϕ dx ε 2 !2 dϕ dx = !2 h i P −zi (ϕ−ϕ(L)) c (L) e − 1 for L < x < 0 i i h i P −zi (ϕ−ϕ(R)) c (R) e − 1 for 0 < x < R i i h i P αL e−j(ϕ−ϕ(L)) − 1 for L < x < 0 j j = i P R h −j(ϕ−ϕ(R)) α e − 1 for 0 < x < R, j j (2.45) (2.46) 51 where the sum is now formed over all valencies, j, in the system rather than individual species, i. The substitution u = eϕ−ϕ(x0 ) implies dϕ = du u and du dx >0⇔ dϕ dx > 0 and thus, equation (2.46) becomes ε 2 r ± 1 du · u dx !2 = P L −j − 1) for L < x < 0 j αj (u , and (2.47) P R −j − 1) for 0 < x < R j αj (u q P u2 j αjL (u−j − 1) for L < x < 0 and ± ε du = 2 dx q P u2 j αjR (u−j − 1) du dx >0 . for 0 < x < R and ± du dx (2.48) >0 In subsections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, explicit solutions to the separable equation (2.48) shall be derived for all cases in which valencies are integer and range from −2 to 2, that is all valencies j ∈ {−2; −1; 1; 2}. In general, equation (2.48) is solved by a hyperelliptic integral that represents an implicit rather than explicit solution. However, in the cases considered here, the corresponding hyper-elliptic integral can be solved elegantly and explicitly by factoring the radicand. 2.3.1 Boundary Conditions at Donnan Equilibrium Before pursuing the details of solving equation (2.48), the correct boundary conditions shall be derived from the total mass in the system. We need to distinguish between trapped and permeant species and introduce the following, modified alpha-notation: αjx = X ci (x) τjx = X all i trapped i zi = j zi = j ci (x) α̃jx = αjx − τjx . (2.49) Further, denote the average internal and external concentrations of permeant species with valency j by α̃jin,out and that of impermeant species with valency j by τjin,out . 52 These values can easily be obtained from any initial condition. Boltzmann’s law relating the internal and external bulk concentrations of permeant species becomes α̃jR ejϕ(R) = α̃jL ejϕ(L) (2.50) for each valency, j, in the system. Mass conservation is correctly formulated as vin αjin + vout αjout = (vin − (−L) A) αjL +A Z 0 αjL e−j(ϕ(x)−ϕ(L)) dx + ... (2.51) L ... + (vout − RA) αjR + A Z 0 R αjR e−j(ϕ(x)−ϕ(R)) dx, where ϕ (x) is the equilibrium profile of the electrostatic potential. Thus, the accurate solution of the equilibrium problem requires one to solve for the potential profile and boundary conditions simultaneously. To avoid discretized representations of the integral in (2.51), it would also be desirable to have explicit expressions for those integrals available. It is, in fact, possible to obtain analytic expressions for the above integrals, which are derived and listed in appendix D. For practical purposes and considering that −L, R vin,out , A mass conservation may be approximated to high accuracy by vin αjin + vout αjout = vin αjL + vout αjR . (2.52) This implies, in particular, that vin α̃jin + vout α̃jout = vin α̃jL + vout α̃jR τjin = τjL (2.53) τjout = τjR , and bulk electro-neutrality gives X j j α̃jL = − X j jτjL (2.54) 53 X j α̃jR = − X j jτjR (2.55) j for the internal and external bulk, respectively. Given values α̃jin,out and τjin,out such that the entire system is electro-neutral and requiring, for example, that the internal bulk is electro-neutral implies, according to equation (2.52), that the external bulk is electro-neutral. Thus, only one of the two bulk-electro-neutrality conditions provides new information. The system to be solved for the boundary conditions, α̃jL,R , and the cross-membrane potential difference, ∆ϕ = ϕ (R) − ϕ (L), is 0 = α̃jR − α̃jL e−j∆ϕ , − X jτjin = j X (2.56) j α̃jL , and (2.57) j vin α̃jin + vout α̃jout = vin α̃jL + vout α̃jR . (2.58) Alternatively, the system can be expressed as one single, highly nonlinear equation, (2.59), for the cross-membrane potential, ∆ϕ. Substituting (2.56) into (2.58), solving the latter for α̃jL , and substituting the resulting expression for α̃jL into (2.57) yields − X jτjin j = X vin α̃jin + vout α̃jout j j vin + vout e−j∆ϕ . (2.59) It will also be required to obtain ∆ϕL = ϕ (0) − ϕ (L) and ∆ϕR = ϕ (0) − ϕ (R) as parameters for the explicit solution on each side of the domain. Given ∆ϕ, then ∆ϕR = ∆ϕL − ∆ϕ and only one equation is needed to determine ∆ϕL . This equation results from the continuity and smoothness of ϕ at x = 0 and equation (2.46) at x = 0 yields X αjL e−j∆ϕL − 1 = j 0= X αjR e−j∆ϕR − 1 or (2.60) j X αjL e−j∆ϕL − 1 − αjR e−j(∆ϕL −∆ϕ) − 1 , j a polynomial equation for e∆ϕL . (2.61) 54 Example 1: Donnan Exclusion for the Monovalent System In case of a monovalent system, the only valencies in the system are j = ±1. Substituting equation (2.56) into (2.57) yields a quadratic for e∆ϕ : R −∆ϕ in e = α̃1R e∆ϕ − α̃−1 − τ1in − τ−1 0 = α̃1R e∆ϕ Since e∆ϕ e ∆ϕ = − τ1in 2 − (2.62) in R + τ1in − τ−1 e∆ϕ − α̃−1 in τ−1 ± q (2.63) 2 in R (τ1in − τ−1 ) + 4α̃1R α̃−1 . (2.64) 2α̃1R > 0, the root corresponding to the plus sign is the correct one and 1,2 e ∆ϕ = in − τ1in − τ−1 + q 2 in R (τ1in − τ−1 ) + 4α̃1R α̃−1 2α̃1R . in For a relatively small amount of trapped net charge, that is τ1in − τ−1 (2.65) q R α̃1R α̃−1 , the quadratic term may be neglected, and the internal, permeant species concentrations are approximated by α̃1L = α̃1R e∆ϕ = − ≈ − τ1in − 2 in τ−1 + v ! u u τ in − τ in 2 1 −1 t 2 R + α̃1R α̃−1 q in τ1in − τ−1 R + α̃1R α̃−1 . 2 (2.66) (2.67) When trapped net charges are present in the internal region, the concentrations of the internal, permeant species are depleted by approximately half the concentration of those trapped net charges. This is known as the famous Donnan exclusion. Example 2: Boundary Conditions for the Monovalent System In case of a monovalent system, the only valencies in the system are j = ±1, thus equation (2.59) is a quadratic for W = e∆ϕ . For convenience, the abbreviations in,out Tin,out = τ1in,out − τ−1 and Ãj = vin α̃jin + vout α̃jout shall be used. Then, 55 − Tin = Ã−1 Ã1 − and −1 vin + vout W vin + vout W (2.68) − Tin vin + vout W −1 (vin + vout W ) = Ã1 (vin + vout W ) − Ã−1 vin + vout W −1 . (2.69) Collecting terms of the same power of W , the resulting standard quadratic is 0 = AW 2 + BW + C, where (2.70) A = Ã1 vout + Tin vin vout , B = 2 2 + vout , Ã1 − Ã−1 vin + Tin vin (2.71) C = −Ã−1 vout + Tin vin vout , and √ −B ± B 2 − 4AC W1,2 = . 2A (2.72) It is reasonable to assume that less mass is trapped in the internal compartment than there is mass of valencies 1 or −1 in the entire system, that is Ã1 > Tin vin and Ã−1 > Tin vin . Therefore, A > 0, C < 0, and the sign of B is undetermined. W has to be positive, so the root corresponding to the plus sign is the correct one to choose. After some algebra to simplify, we obtain W = 1 2vout Ã1 + Tin vin r h + n h i 2 2 − Ã1 − Ã−1 vin + Tin vin + vout Ã1 + Ã−1 vin + 2 Tin (vin − i2 2 vout ) (2.73) − 4Ã−1 Ã1 + Tin vin ) 2 (vin In case vin = vout , W = 2 2 − Ã1 − Ã−1 vin − Tin (vin + vout ) + Ã1 + Ã−1 vin 2vout Ã1 + Tin vin − 2 vout ) . 56 = 2 2vin Ã−1 − 2Tin vin 2vout Ã1 + Tin vin (2.74) Ã−1 − Tin vin Ã1 + Tin vin Ã1 + Tout vout = , Ã1 + Tin vin = where we have used that Ã1 − Ã−1 = − (Tin vin + Tout vout ). The relative sizes of the amounts of internally and externally trapped net charges to the amount of permeant mass in the system are clearly and intricately related to the cross-membrane potential. When no trapped species are present, it is easy to see that the trivial equilibrium with ∆ϕ = 0 results. 2.3.2 Equilibrium Solution With Valency j=-2 in the System Since equation (2.48) is essentially the same in both regions of the domain, the superscripts L, R are dropped from the alpha-notation and it is understood that results are restricted to their respective sides of the domain. When all considered valencies are present in the system, r ± ε du q 2 = u [α−2 (u2 − 1) + α−1 (u − 1) + α1 (u−1 − 1) + α2 (u−2 − 1)] , (2.75) 2 dx r ± ε du q = α−2 u4 + α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 , 2 dx (2.76) for ± du > 0. It is easily verified that u = 1 is a root of the radicand in (2.76). dx Performing a polynomial division of the radicand by the factor u − 1 yields α−2 u4 + α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 = (u − 1) (α−2 u3 + (α−2 + α−1 ) u2 − (α1 + α2 ) u − α2 ) . (2.77) 57 Bulk electro-neutrality implies 2α−2 + α−1 = 2α2 + α1 and thus, the second factor in (2.77) also has u = 1 as a root. Performing a second polynomial division and taking the electro-neutrality condition into account, the original radicand may be written as α−2 u4 + α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 = (u − 1)2 (α−2 u2 + (2α−2 + α−1 ) u + α2 ) . (2.78) The last factor in (2.78) is quadratic in u and has roots at u = u1,2 . The original radicand may thus be expressed as α−2 u4 + α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 = α−2 (u − 1)2 (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) , where q 1 = − (2α−2 + α−1 ) ± (2α−2 + α−1 )2 − 4α−2 α2 ≤ 0. 2α−2 u1,2 (2.79) (2.80) Equation (2.76) now reduces to r ± q ε du √ = α−2 |u − 1| (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) , 2 dx s ± 2α−2 du q dx = , ε |u − 1| (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) for ± du > 0. To simplify the absolute value and case distinction, recall that dx 0⇔ dϕ dx > 0 and that the sign of dϕ dx (2.81) (2.82) du dx > is determined by Gauss’ law through the sign of the net charge in the considered region. Applying Gauss’ law to the internal region and recalling that dϕ dx (L) = 0, ! ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ε (0) − (L) ∝ − (internal net charge) , ∂x ∂x ε ∂ϕ (0) ∝ − (internal net charge) . ∂x Analogously, for the external region and dϕ dx (2.83) (2.84) (R) = 0, ! ∂ϕ ∂ϕ ε (R) − (0) ∝ − (external net charge) , ∂x ∂x (2.85) 58 Table 2.1: Appropriate sign combinations according to the net charge in each region of the domain. inside: outside: L<x<0 0<x<R dϕ dx ϕ − ϕ (R) > 0 ⇓ ⇓ du dx >0 < 0, thus ϕ − ϕ (L) < 0 net charge dϕ dx < 0, thus < 0, so 0 −0 , du dx < 0, so 0 −0 , and u > 1, so |u − 1| = − (u − 1) |u − 1| = + (u − 1) ϕ − ϕ (R) < 0 ⇓ ⇓ du dx <0 > 0, thus ϕ − ϕ (L) > 0 net charge dϕ dx > 0, thus > 0, so 0 +0 , du dx > 0, so 0 +0 , and u > 1, so and u < 1, so |u − 1| = + (u − 1) |u − 1| = − (u − 1) ε charge <0 and u < 1, so dϕ dx net net charge >0 ∂ϕ (0) ∝ (external net charge) . ∂x Since ϕ is a monotonic function, the sign of dϕ dx (0) represents the sign of (2.86) dϕ dx throughout the considered region. Further, since the entire system is electro-neutral, the internal net charge is positive if and only if the external net charge is negative and vice versa. The resulting two cases are distinguished as shown in table 2.1 in each region of the domain. Taking the signs of s ± du dx and |u − 1| into account, equation (2.81) becomes 2α−2 du q dx = , ε (u − 1) (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) (2.87) 59 where now the positive sign is valid in the internal region and the negative sign in the external region of the domain. Integrating both sides of (2.87) from x = 0 outward, denoting u0 = u (0), and u = u (x), ± Z x s 0 s ± 2α−2 x= ε Z u 2α−2 du q , dx = ε u0 (u − 1) (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) q √1 ln (u−1) c (u0 −1) 2 · (2.88) c(u0 −u1 )(u0 −u2 )+2c+b(u0 −1) √ 2 c(u−u1 )(u−u2 )+2c+b(u−1) for u1 6= u2 , √1 ln c (u−1) (u0 −1) (2c+b(u −1)) · (2c+b(u0−1)) for u1 = u2 (2.89) where b = (1 − u1 ) + (1 − u2 ), c = (1 − u1 ) (1 − u2 ), and u1 = u2 ⇔ 4α−2 α2 = (2α−2 + α−1 )2 . Solving each case for u explicitly yields a quadratic equation for q u1 6= u2 and a linear equation for u1 = u2 . Note that ± 2α−2 ε x < 0 for all L < x < R and make use of the following notation: σ= L (u) = q + 2cαε−2 for L < x < 0 q − 2cα−2 ε for 0 < x < R √ 2 (2.90) u−1 c(u−u1 )(u−u2 )+2c+b(u−1) for u1 6= u2 (2.91) u−1 2c+b(u−1) for u1 = u2 Λ (x) = L (u0 ) exp (σx) . (2.92) Λ (x) = L (u) . (2.93) Then u is a solution of 60 Explicit Solution in Case u1 6= u2 : In case u1 6= u2 , equation (2.93) is a quadratic equation for u, u−1 Λ= q 2 c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) + 2c + b (u − 1) q (2.94) 2 c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) + 2c + b (u − 1) Λ = u − 1 (2.95) q (2.96) 2Λ c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) = (u − 1) − (2c + b (u − 1)) Λ q 2Λ c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) = (u − 1) (1 − bΛ) − 2cΛ q 2 c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) = (u − 1) Λ−1 − b − 2c 4c (u − u1 ) (u − u2 ) = 2 (u − 1)2 (Λ−1 − b) − 4c (u − 1) (Λ−1 − b) + 4c2 4c (u2 − (u1 + u2 ) u + u1 u2 ) = 2 (u2 − 2u + 1) (Λ−1 − b) − 4c (u − 1) (Λ−1 − b) + 4c2 . (2.97) (2.98) (2.99) (2.100) Collecting terms proportional to the powers of u yields a standard quadratic, 0 = Au2 − Bu + C, where A = Λ−1 − b 2 B = 2 Λ−1 − b C = − 4c 2 + 4c Λ−1 − b − 4c (u1 + u2 ) Λ−1 − b + 2c u= (2.101) B± 2 √ (2.102) − 4cu1 u2 , and B 2 − 4AC . 2A (2.103) 61 Using that u1 + u2 = 2 − b and u1 u2 = 1 − b + c, we can simplify B and C: B = 2 Λ−1 − b = 2 −1 Λ 2 −b + 4c Λ−1 − b − 4c (2 − b) 2 − 4c + 4c Λ−1 − b + b (2.104) = 2A + 4cΛ−1 and C = i2 Λ−1 − b 2 + 4c Λ−1 − b + 4c2 − 4c (1 − b + c) Λ−1 − b 2 − 4c + 4cΛ−1 h = = Λ−1 − b + 2c − 4c (1 − b + c) (2.105) = A + 4cΛ−1 . The relations (2.104) and (2.105) are used to simplify the term B 2 − 4AC: B 2 − 4AC = 2A + 4cΛ−1 2 − 4AC = 4A2 + 16cΛ−1 A + 16c2 Λ−2 − 4AC = 16c2 Λ−2 + 4A A + 4cΛ−1 − C (2.106) = 16c2 Λ−2 . With these simplifications, the two possible solutions for u are 2A + 4cΛ−1 ± u = 2A √ 16c2 Λ−2 . (2.107) The solution related to the negative sign is the trivial solution, u (x) = 1. Therefore, the other root is selected and the explicit equilibrium solution can be written in the following, equivalent forms: u = 1+ 4cΛ−1 A 62 4cΛ−1 (Λ−1 − b)2 − 4c 4cΛ = 1+ . (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 = 1+ (2.108) Explicit Solution in Case u1 = u2 : In case u1 = u2 , equation (2.93) is a linear equation for u, namely Λ= u−1 2c + b (u − 1) (2.109) (2c + b (u − 1)) Λ = u − 1 (2.110) 2cΛ = (u − 1) (1 − bΛ) . (2.111) The explicit solution may thus be written in the following, equivalent forms: 2c −b 2cΛ = 1+ . 1 − bΛ u = 1+ 2.3.3 Λ−1 (2.112) Equilibrium Solution Without Valency j=-2 in the System Since equation (2.48) is essentially the same in both regions of the domain, the superscripts L, R are dropped from the alpha-notation and it is understood that results are restricted to their respective sides of the domain. When any of the considered valencies except j = −2 are present in the system, then ε du q 2 = u [α−1 (u − 1) + α1 (u−1 − 1) + α2 (u−2 − 1)] , 2 dx (2.113) ε du q = α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 , 2 dx (2.114) r ± r ± 63 for ± du > 0. It is easily verified that u = 1 is a root of the radicand in (2.114). dx Performing a polynomial division of the radicand by the factor u − 1 yields α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 = 2 (2.115) (u − 1) (α−1 u − (α1 + α2 ) u − α2 ) . The last factor in (2.115) is quadratic in u, has one root at u = 1 because 2α2 + α1 = α−1 , and the other root at u = u2 . The original radicand may thus be expressed as α−1 u3 − (α−2 + α−1 + α1 + α2 ) u2 + α1 u + α2 = α−1 (u − 1)2 (u − u2 ) , where (2.116) −α2 ≤ 0. α1 + 2α2 (2.117) √ ε du √ = α−1 |u − 1| u − u2 , 2 dx (2.118) u2 = Equation (2.114) now reduces to r ± s ± 2α−1 du √ dx = , ε |u − 1| u − u2 (2.119) for ± du > 0. The table in subsection 2.3.2 is valid in this case, too, and the absolute dx value and case distinction are reduced accordingly. Equation (2.119) becomes s ± 2α−1 du √ dx = , ε (u − 1) u − u2 (2.120) where the positive sign is valid in the internal region and the negative sign in the external region of the domain. Integrating both sides of (2.120) from x = 0 outward, denoting u0 = u (0), and u = u (x), ± Z x 0 s Z u 2α−1 du √ dx = , ε u0 (u − 1) u − u2 (2.121) 64 s ± √ √ √ √ u − u2 − 1 − u2 u0 − u2 + 1 − u2 2α−1 1 . (2.122) · √ x= √ ln √ √ √ ε 1 − u2 u0 − u2 − 1 − u2 u − u 2 + 1 − u2 q Solving for u explicitly yields a quadratic equation. Note that ± 2α−1 ε x < 0 for all L < x < R and make use of the following notation: σ= q + 2(1−uε2 )α−1 for L < x < 0 q − 2(1−u2 )α−1 ε for 0 < x < R (2.123) √ √ u − u 2 − 1 − u2 √ L (u) = √ u − u 2 + 1 − u2 (2.124) Λ (x) = L (u0 ) exp (σx) . (2.125) Λ (x) = L (u) . (2.126) Then u is a solution of To obtain an explicit solution for u in the considered case, the quadratic equation, (2.126), is solved: √ √ u − u 2 − 1 − u2 √ Λ= √ u − u 2 + 1 − u2 √ u − u2 + √ √ 1 − u2 Λ = √ u − u2 − (2.127) √ 1 − u2 √ u − u2 (Λ − 1) = − 1 − u2 (Λ + 1) √ u − u2 = √ 1 − u2 1+Λ 1−Λ (2.128) (2.129) (2.130) 65 1+Λ u = u2 + (1 − u2 ) 1−Λ 2 . (2.131) In the special case of only monovalent species (valencies ±1) in the system, u2 = 0 and solution (2.131) reduces to 1+Λ u= 1−Λ 2 . (2.132) 66 Chapter 3 DYNAMIC APPROACH TO DONNAN EQUILIBRIUM It shall be verified numerically in this chapter, for the example of the dynamic approach to Donnan equilibrium, that the transient electro-diffusion system is approximated well by quasi steady-state dynamics. Since the electro-diffusion system is much more efficiently simulated in case of mid-membrane impermeability (see also section 2.1), this chapter shall be restricted to this setting. The numeric simulation of the transient, nonlinear electro-diffusion equations is addressed in section 3.1. This is followed, in section 3.2, by the numeric solution of the steady-state problem associated with the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA). Section 3.3 treats the implementation of the quasi steady-state approximation and compares its dynamics to the dynamics of the fully transient system. Results are summarized in section 3.4. 3.1 Numeric Solution of Transient Electro-Diffusion System As discussed in section 2.1, the internal and external bulk concentrations, c (−L) and c (R), are assumed constant and we focus on the dynamics in the membrane region √ in 1D. The width of the membrane is m = 2 ε, that is the mathematical boundary layer is filled with membrane medium. Recall the electro-diffusion system to be solved in 1D, ∂ci ∂ = Di ∂t ∂x ε ∂ci ∂ϕ + zi ci ∂x ∂x ∂2ϕ X + zi ci = 0, ∂x2 i ! (3.1) (3.2) 67 h i for x ∈ − m2 ; m2 , where D and ε are the diffusion and dielectric coefficients associated with the membrane medium. The bulk concentrations, c (−L) and c (R), are the boundary conditions for (3.1) and are updated via ordinary differential equations involving the compartment volumes and flux densities across the membrane boundaries at ± m2 . The latter ensures zero-flux out of the system boundaries and thus mass conservation and charge conservation in the entire system. In addition to zero-flux conditions at the system boundaries, impermeant ion species obey zero-flux conditions at mid-membrane, x = 0. Boundary conditions (2.13) are used on the electrostatic potential, ϕ (−L) = 0 and ∂ϕ (R) = 0. ∂x (3.3) It is because of the additional zero-flux boundary conditions for impermeant species within the domain that we are not able to use any of the, otherwise available, standard packages for the numeric simulation of partial differential equations. None of the standard packages investigated allows the specification of such additional boundary conditions. Therefore, in the following, the discretization of the mathematical domain and various finite-difference methods for solving (3.1) and (3.2) numerically shall be introduced and discussed. 3.1.1 Discretization of the Domain The mathematical domain is subdivided uniformly and variables are assigned and indexed as shown in figure 3.1. It is understood that the natural length scales of each compartment are R − m 2 = vout A and L − m 2 = vin , A where vin,out denote the volumes of compartments and A is the surface area of the semi-permeable membrane. The domain is, in particular, divided into equal sub-intervals by uniformly spaced interfaces. At the center of each sub-interval there lies a node. With an even number, N , of nodes in the discretization lying within the membrane region, the distance 68 Figure 3.1: Discretized, mathematical domain showing notation for a finite-difference approximation. between nodes is ∆x = m N = √ 2 ε . N Vector components of concentrations, ~c, and electrostatic potential, ϕ ~ , reside on the nodes and represent the average value of that variable over the corresponding sub-interval. Vector components of flux densities, ~ reside on the interfaces and represent the net flux density between neighboring J, sub-intervals, across the corresponding interface. 3.1.2 Solving Poisson’s Equation In discretizing the electro-diffusion system, let us begin with equation (3.2) subject to boundary conditions (3.3). Since this equation is instantaneous, that is not time dependent, it has to be solved each time the concentrations are updated. Denote the vector of local charge by ~a = X species zi~ci . (3.4) i The discrete system to be solved is ϕ1 = 0 ε (ϕk−1 − 2ϕk + ϕk+1 ) = −ak for k = 2, ..., N − 1 (∆x)2 ε·A (−ϕN −1 + ϕN ) = −aN , ∆x · vout (3.5) (3.6) (3.7) 69 where equation (3.6) uses the standard, second order accurate, finite-difference approximation to the second derivative. Equation (3.7) represents Gauss’ law for the external bulk region and incorporates the Neumann boundary condition on ϕ. The discrete system is represented by a sparse, tri-diagonal matrix and can be solved efficiently, even for large N . Considering that it needs to be solved at each time step simulated for the electro-diffusion system, significant time may be saved by instead applying the discrete analog, Ḡ, of a Green’s function, G, to the vector of local charges, ~a, such that ϕ ~ = Ḡ · ~a. The Green’s function satisfies ∂2G = δ (x − x0 ) , ∂x2 (3.8) where δ denotes the Dirac delta function and G is subject to boundary conditions (3.3). Integrating, denoting the Heaviside function by H, applying the boundary condition ∂G ∂x (R) = 0, and rearranging yields ∂G ∂G (R) − (x) = H (−(x − x0 )) , ∂x ∂x (3.9) ∂G ∂G (x) = (R) − H (−(x − x0 )) , ∂x ∂x ∂G (x) = −H (−(x − x0 )) , ∂x ∂G (x) = H (x − x0 ) − 1. ∂x (3.10) (3.11) (3.12) Integrating a second time, applying the boundary condition G (−L) = 0, and rewriting, G (x) − G (−L) = −(x + L) for x < x0 , (3.13) −(x + L) for x > x 0 0 G (x) = −(x + L) for x < x0 , −(x + L) for x > x 0 0 −(x + L) for x − x0 < 0 G (x − x0 ) = −(x + L) for x − x > 0 0 0 (3.14) . (3.15) 70 For − 1ε ∂2ϕ ∂x2 P i ci = f (x) we obtain ϕ (x) = RR −L G (x − x0 ) f (x0 ) dx0 . In our case, f (x) = (x), such that in discretized form 0 0 0 ··· 0 1 1 ··· 0 0 1 1 0 1 2 ··· 2 2 2 Ḡ = − (∆x) . . . . , and . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 0 1 2 · · · (N − 2) (N − 2) (3.16) 1 ϕ ~ = − Ḡ · ~a. ε (3.17) 0 1 2 · · · (N − 2) (N − 1) Whenever required, Poisson’s equation, (3.2), shall be solved numerically according to equation (3.17). 3.1.3 Flux Densities from Electro-Diffusion Equations Combining the 1D continuity equation, ∂c ∂t = − ∂J , with the electro-diffusion equation, ∂x (3.1), yields a definition of the flux densities, −J =D ∂c ∂ϕ + zD c, ∂x ∂x (3.18) for each species, i. The flux densities consist of a superposition of a diffusive term, ∂c D ∂x , with an advective term, zD ∂ϕ c. The diffusive flux density in discretized form, ∂x (dif f ) − Jk =D ck+1 − ck , ∆x (3.19) represents the diffusive flux density across the k-th interface, k = 1, ..., N − 1 are the vector indices, and the standard, centered-difference approximation of the derivative is used. The advective flux in discretized form uses an upwind scheme for stability reasons. Thus, 71 (adv) − Jk = zD ck+1 ϕk+1 − ϕk · ∆x c k for ϕk+1 − ϕk > 0 (3.20) for ϕk+1 − ϕk < 0 represents the advective flux density across the k-th interface, k = 1, ..., N − 1 are the vector indices, and the standard, centered-difference approximation of the derivative is used for the electrostatic potential. The net-flux density across the k-th interface is the superposition of diffusive and advective terms, (dif f ) Jk = Jk (adv) + Jk . (3.21) It is understood that for species impermeant to the membrane, JN/2 = 0. 3.1.4 Updating Concentrations by Various Solution Schemes Concentrations shall be updated according to the continuity equation, ∂c ∂t = − ∂J , in ∂x discretized form. Centered difference approximations are used for the derivatives in time and space and equations (3.22) and (3.24) incorporate the zero-flux conditions at the system boundaries. The system according to which concentrations are updated is A cn+1 − cn1 1 = − J1n ∆t vin n+1 n n J n − Jk−1 ck − ck = − k for k = 2, ..., N − 1 ∆t ∆x cn+1 − cnN A n N = J , ∆t vout N −1 (3.22) (3.23) (3.24) where n = 1, ... are the indices of time steps. Equations (3.22) through (3.24) describe an explicit scheme, since fluxes based exclusively upon concentrations at step n are used to update concentrations to step n+1. To consider other possibilities of updating concentrations from step n to n + 1, write the flux density gradient in terms of its diffusive and advective components, 72 − ∆J~ = D̄~c + Ā (~ ϕ) ~c, ∆x (3.25) where D̄, Ā are N × max (i) N -matrices. Ā is dependent on ϕ ~ and thus on ~c and therefore, the advective term is nonlinear in terms of ~c. Various schemes ranging from fully explicit to fully implicit are introduced in the following with brief comments on their advantages and disadvantages: Explicit Diffusion and advection are explicit and operate on the same, real stages of concentration distributions. An explicit treatment of diffusive terms has been known to restrict time-steps to small sizes. 1 n+1 ~c − ~c n = D̄~c n + Ā (~ ϕ n ) ~c n ∆t (3.26) Split-scheme I Diffusion is implicit for stability and time-step reasons. Diffusion and advection act on same stage of, but fake, intermediate concentration distributions. Since diffusion and advection are nonlinearly dependent on each other but not independent from or linearly superimposed onto each other, treating them separately in a split-scheme may not be appropriate. 1 (~c ∗ − ~c n ) = D̄~c ∗ ∆t 1 n+1 ~c − ~c ∗ = Ā (~ ϕ ∗ ) ~c ∗ ∆t (3.27) (3.28) Split-scheme II Diffusion is implicit for stability and time-step reasons. Diffusion and advection act on different stages of, but seemingly real, concentration distributions. This scheme is equivalent to a split scheme with advection-step first and diffusion-step second. This may yield wrong results because locally electroneutral initial conditions have a zero advective flux in the first time-step. Thus, the seemingly real concentration distributions are really an analog to the fake, 73 half-step concentrations of split-scheme I. In addition, treating diffusion and advection independently may not be appropriate, as outlined above. 1 n+1 ~c − ~c n = D̄~c n+1 + Ā (~ ϕ n ) ~c n ∆t (3.29) Semi-implicit This scheme is closest to an implicit scheme while each time step is still solvable as a linear system. Diffusion and advection are implicit, while the electrostatic potential is from the previous time-step. Thus, diffusion and advection are not treated independently from each other. Conditions for timestep restriction are not straight-forward but test runs suggest a much higher efficiency than the explicit scheme. 1 n+1 ~c − ~c n = D̄~c n+1 + Ā (~ ϕ n ) ~c n+1 ∆t (3.30) Implicit This scheme is represented by a nonlinear system. While time-step restriction is more simple compared to the semi-implicit scheme, the implicit scheme requires a Newton-type iteration to be solved at each time-step. 1 n+1 ~c − ~c n = D̄~c n+1 + Ā ϕ ~ n+1 ~c n+1 ∆t (3.31) We shall not use a split-scheme for our numerical simulations. This is due to concerns of an inadequate separation of diffusion and advection when both processes are clearly interdependent. While the semi-implicit scheme shows promise both in accuracy and efficiency, the derivation of quality ensuring time-step restrictions is not straight forward. The implicit scheme, in contrast, has relatively simple time-step restrictions but its efficiency suffers by requiring a nonlinear system to be solved at each timestep. Thus, the explicit scheme, solvable as a linear system with restrictive yet clear guidelines for time-step selection, shall be used for our purposes. 74 3.1.5 Time-Step Restrictions and Numeric Diffusion It is demonstrated next, that the explicit scheme is dominated by diffusion with respect to its time-step restriction. Further, an estimate will be obtained for the size of numeric diffusion introduced by the upwind scheme used to obtain the advective flux. While providing much greater stability to the numeric solution process, the upwind scheme is known to introduce a certain amount of artificial, numeric diffusion. To obtain accurate results, the size of numeric diffusion needs to be much smaller than the size of actual diffusion in the problem. Thus, 1 a∆x − a2 ∆t D 2 (3.32) |z∆ϕ| at every point in the discretized domain, where a = zD ∆ϕ = D ∆x , the local ∆x advection velocity. The following constraints apply: 2 • diffusion: ∆t = α ∆x (0 < α < 1), 2D (ν < 1, and a = D |z∆ϕ| ), • advection: ∆t = ν ∆x a ∆x • numeric diffusion: 1 2 |a∆x − a2 ∆t| D. Suppose an explicit scheme is used and diffusion dictates the time step, then α ∆x2 ∆x <ν 2D a ⇒ |z∆ϕ| < 2 ν , where ν, α < 1. α (3.33) For ν, α = 0.9, this implies |z∆ϕ| < 2. Consider a cross-membrane potential difference of −70 mV, that is a difference between the boundary values of ϕ of about 70/27 due to the non-dimensionalizing scaling, R0 T F ≈ 27 mV. The transition of the electrostatic potential from its internal to its external value occurs effectively over about one eighth of the domain, so that, in a monovalent system, 0 to about (70/27) . (N ∆x/8) |z∆ϕ| ∆x ranges from Considering a grid with N = 100 nodes implies 0 < |z∆ϕ| < 0.2. 75 Clearly, |z∆ϕ| < 2 and lies within the region in which diffusion dictates the time-step restriction. It has hereby been demonstrated and is expected that diffusion dominates the time-step restriction in actual simulations of the electro-diffusion system. Regarding the numeric diffusion, it is desired that a |∆x − a∆t| 1 2D |z∆ϕ| |z∆ϕ| ∆x2 ∆x − D α 1 2∆x ∆x 2D ⇒ (3.34) α 1 |z∆ϕ| 1 − |z∆ϕ| 1. 2 2 ⇒ (3.35) The expression in (3.35) represents the relative size of numeric to actual diffusion and has roots at |z∆ϕ| = 0 and |z∆ϕ| = 2 . α According to equation (3.33), |z∆ϕ| lies between the two roots. The local maximum of, or worst case, numeric diffusion lies at |z∆ϕ| = 1 α and equals 1 1− 2α 1 1 1 , where 1. = 2 4α 4α (3.36) To minimize the worst case numeric diffusion, one should pick α < 1 as large as possible. One can, however, easily see that the worst case numeric diffusion equals at least 25% of the true diffusion. For example, for α = 0.9, the worst case numeric diffusion equals about 28% of the true diffusion. This worst case scenario only provides an upper bound on numeric diffusion and may not reflect the operating conditions for actual simulations. To obtain a more meaningful and realistic estimate for the numeric diffusion in actual simulations, reconsider a cross-membrane potential difference of −70 mV over a domain discretized by N = 100 nodes. With α = 0.9, |z∆ϕ| < 0.2 does not reach 1 α ≈ 1.11, its value for worst case numerical diffusion. Thus, the maximum numerical diffusion occurs at the location in the domain where |z∆ϕ| = 0.2 and equals approximately 6% of the true diffusion. 1 2 |z∆ϕ| 1 − α 2 |z∆ϕ| ≈ 0.06, 76 3.2 Numeric Solution of the Steady-State Problem Using an “Almost-Newton” Method In this section, the steady-state of a 1D electro-diffusion system, (3.37) and (3.38), shall be solved numerically. ∂ci ∂ ∂ci ∂ϕ = Di + zi Di ci ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂ ∂ϕ ε ∂x ∂x ! (3.37) ! =− X zi ci , (3.38) i where subscripts i indicate that a quantity is specific to ionic species i, c denotes particle concentrations, D diffusion coefficients, z valencies, ϕ the non-dimensionalized electrostatic potential, and ε a non-dimensional quantity related to the dielectric of the membrane. Our domain of interest is L ≤ x ≤ R, where R, − L > 0 and the membrane midpoint lies at x = 0. Boundary conditions on particle concentrations are ci (L) = cLi and ci (R) = cR i for all species i. (3.39) Natural boundary conditions on the electrostatic potential are, as discussed in subsection 2.1.2, given by Gauss’ law, ϕx (L) = 0 = ϕx (R) . (3.40) In general, (3.40) does not define a mathematically well-posed problem but since the electrostatic potential, ϕ, is only determined up to a constant, we may prescribe any value, Φ, at one location, x0 , such that ϕ (x0 ) = Φ. For convenience, Φ = 0 and we obtain two sets of boundary conditions, each of which defines a mathematically different but well-posed problem: 77 ϕ (L) = 0 and ϕx (R) = 0, (3.41) ϕx (L) = 0 and ϕ (R) = 0. (3.42) The respective other Neumann condition is automatically satisfied. The issues with boundary conditions have been explored in subsection 2.1.2 and will be investigated numerically in section 3.2. Next, flux densities, Ji , and concentration distributions, ci , shall be derived as functions of the electrostatic potential, ϕ. From the continuity equation, at steady-state ∂Ji ∂ci =− =0. ∂t ∂x (3.43) Therefore, the flux density Ji (x) = Ji = const. and the electro-diffusion equation reduces to Nernst−Planck’s equation, − Ji ∂ci ∂ϕ = + zi ci , Di ∂x ∂x (3.44) a linear, ordinary differential equation (ODE) for the concentration distributions, ci . Integrating equation (3.44) once yields ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) = ci (x0 ) ezi ϕ(x0 ) − Ji Z x zi ϕ(s) e ds. Di x0 (3.45) Continuity of the concentration profiles leads to an expression for the flux densities, Ji , of species i that are permeant to the membrane, ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) − ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) , (3.46) RR zi ϕ(s) ds L e in which the numerator is completely determined by a set of Dirichlet boundary Ji = −Di conditions but not by Neumann boundary conditions on the electrostatic potential. Substituting equation (3.46) into (3.45) eliminates the flux density and we obtain ci (x) = e −zi ϕ(x) ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) RR x ezi ϕ(s) ds + ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) RR zi ϕ(s) ds L e Rx L ezi ϕ(s) ds , (3.47) 78 the concentration distributions of permeant species, i [24]. Species impermeant to the membrane have zero flux density and obey Boltzmann particle distributions, ci (x) = ci (L) e−zi (ϕ(x)−ϕ(L)) for x < 0 (3.48) ci (R) e−zi (ϕ(x)−ϕ(R)) for x > 0. The concentrations in (3.47) and (3.48) are functions only of the electrostatic potential, ϕ, and boundary conditions. Thus, substituting them into Poisson’s equation, (3.38), yields the Poisson−Nernst−Planck equation (PNP), one single but highly nonlinear integral-differential equation (IDE) for the electrostatic potential. We need to distinguish between trapped and permeant species and introduce the following notation: αjx = X τjx = ci (x) X ci (x) all i trapped i zi = j zi = j α̃jx = αjx − τjx . (3.49) With this notation, the Poisson−Nernst−Planck equation (PNP), the steady-state equivalent of the Poisson−Boltzmann equation, is ∂ϕ ∂ ε ∂x ∂x ! =− X all ... + h je−jϕ(x) τjL ejϕ(L) H (−x) + τjR ejϕ(R) H (x) + ... j α̃jL ejϕ(L) RR x ejϕ(s) ds + α̃jR ejϕ(R) RR L ejϕ(s) ds Rx jϕ(s) ds L e , (3.50) where H stands for the Heaviside function. The PNP equation, (3.50), fully represents the steady-state problem and shall be solved numerically subject to the previously defined boundary conditions. Since the problem is highly nonlinear with nonlinear coefficients and integrals of nonlinear terms, its solution via a Newton iteration and the classic Gummel iteration scheme will be investigated. The first step in this process is to obtain the linearized PNP equation. 79 3.2.1 Full Newton Method. We seek a correction, δ, to a guess at the steady-state potential, ϕ̃, such that the true steady-state potential ϕ = ϕ̃ + δ. In expanding equation (3.50) about ϕ̃, we observe that ej(ϕ̃+δ) = ej ϕ̃ (1 + jδ + h.o.t.) Z x Z ej(ϕ̃(s)+δ(s)) ds = L L ej ϕ̃(s) ds + j L 1 RR x ej(ϕ̃(s)+δ(s)) ds Z x (3.51) δ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds + h.o.t. (3.52) L 1 = (3.53) ! RR RR j δ(s)ej ϕ̃(s) ds L j ϕ̃(s) + h.o.t. ds 1 + R R jϕ̃(s) L e e L = RR L 1 ej ϕ̃(s) ds 1− j ds RR δ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds + h.o.t. . RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e ! L (3.54) Substituting into the PNP equation, (3.50), as appropriate, we obtain the full linearization of the PNP equation, (3.55). After some algebra, ∂ ∂ ϕe ∂δ ε + ∂x ∂x ∂x − X all !! = je−j ϕ̃(x) [Aj (x) (1 − jδ (x)) + jBj (x) δ (L) + jCj (x) δ (R) + ... j ... + jDj (x) Z x δ (s) e L j ϕ̃(s) ds + jEj (x) Z R δ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds], (3.55) x where Aj (x) = Bj (x) + Cj (x) (3.56) RR j ϕ̃(s) ! e ds j ϕ̃(s) ds L e R x j ϕ̃(s) ! e ds τjR H (x) + α̃jR R LR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e Bj (x) = ej ϕ̃(L) τjL H (−x) + α̃jL RxR (3.57) Cj (x) = ej ϕ̃(R) (3.58) 80 Dj (x) = Ej (x) = − α̃jR ej ϕ̃(R) − α̃jL ej ϕ̃(L) RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e α̃jR ej ϕ̃(R) − α̃jL ej ϕ̃(L) RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e RR ∗ RxR ∗ ej ϕ̃(s) ds ej ϕ̃(s) ds L R x j ϕ̃(s) ds L e . RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e (3.59) (3.60) δ (L) = 0 = δ (R) are the correct boundary conditions for a Dirichlet boundary problem when the initial guess toward the steady-state potential satisfies its boundary conditions. It is natural to attempt the use of the full Newton iteration (FN) as defined by the discretization of (3.55) with (3.56) through (3.60). However, several problems with FN have been reported: Its approach to the steady-state solution can be oscillatory. Not only do these oscillations lead to a low efficiency of this method for small steadystate flux densities but easily cause overflow for larger steady-state flux densities. This problem can be traced back to the coefficients Dj and Ei . Both are proportional to net flux densities of species with valency j, of similar size, and of opposite sign, which causes catastrophic cancellation even for small flux densities. Several approaches exist, in which transformed variables prevent overflow or a damping is applied. Similar problems with Newton’s method applied directly to the SDEs have been reported by [62, 39], among others, even though its quadratic convergence has been proven by [60] for initial guesses close enough to the solution. Instead of using Newton’s method directly, a globally convergent fixed-point iteration method that still incorporates Newton’s method is used by [49, 39, 38]. 3.2.2 Gummel Method. In this section, we give a brief introduction to the Gummel method [24] as it applies to our setting, that is we neglect any dotation (impurities in the medium) as well as sources and sinks due to chemical reactions of charge-carriers as taken into account by the original method. With the chemical potential, µi , of species i, the concentration 81 profile of species i can be expressed as ci (x) = eµi (x) e−zi ϕ(x) , where e µi (x) = ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) eµi (x) = RR x ezi ϕ(s) ds + ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) RR zi ϕ(s) ds L e ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) for x < 0 Rx L ezi ϕ(s) ds (3.61) for permeant species, (3.62) for impermeant species. (3.63) ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) for x > 0. Substituting (3.61) into Poisson’s equation, (3.38), yields a different form of the PNP equation, (3.50), ∂ϕ ∂ ε ∂x ∂x ! =− X zi eµi e−zi ϕ , (3.64) i which is satisfied by the true steady-state electrostatic and chemical potentials and subject to a set of Dirichlet boundary conditions on the electrostatic potential. In contrast to the Newton iteration scheme derived in subsection 3.2.1, the Gummel iteration scheme results from a linearization of the PNP equation, (3.64), that neglects the dependence of the chemical potentials, µi , on the electrostatic potential, ϕ. From an initial guess, ϕe (x), at the electrostatic steady-state potential, ϕ (x), we can compute the corresponding chemical potentials, µe i (x), for each species from equations (3.62) and (3.63). Using a linearization of equation (3.64), the Gummel scheme computes a correction, δ (x), such that ϕ (x) = ϕe (x) + δ (x) satisfies (3.64) together with the current chemical potentials, µe i , " ∂ ϕe ∂δ ∂ ε + ∂x ∂x ∂x Linearization and reorganization yield !# =− X zi eµei e−zi (ϕe+δ) . (3.65) 82 ! ! X X ∂ ∂δ ∂ ∂ ϕe ε − zi2 eµei e−zi ϕe δ = − ε − zi eµei e−zi ϕe, (3.66) ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x a linear differential equation for δ that satisfies zero boundary conditions, provided the initial guess for the electro-static potential satisfies its Dirichlet boundary conditions. Discretizing equation (3.66), solving the resulting system for δ, and taking ϕ = ϕe + δ as the next guess at the steady-state potential creates an iterative method, namely the Gummel method [24]. The dependence of the chemical potentials, µi , on ϕ throughout the domain has been entirely neglected when linearizing (3.64). Due to this neglect, a difference between the full Newton and Gummel schemes is expected and shall be explored. It is easily verified that, for Dj (x) = 0 = Ej (x) and δ (L) = 0 = δ (R), the full Newton method, as defined by (3.55), reduces to the equation defining the Gummel method, (3.66). In other terms, the classic Gummel method is defined by (3.55) with coefficient (3.56) only and Bj (x) through Ej (x) replaced by zero. The resulting discretization is sparse, tri-diagonal, and thus efficiently solved. Because both Dj (x) and Ej (x) are proportional to the net flux density of particle species with valency j, their neglect may eliminate problems due to catastrophic cancellation as encountered by the full Newton scheme. However, if flux densities become large, important contributions by terms containing Dj (x) and Ej (x) are neglected and the Gummel method is expected to converge less efficiently. As a modified Gummel method (MG), we propose the method closest to the original Gummel method that is capable of solving equation (3.64) subject to the Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions, (3.41) or (3.42). That is, the modified Gummel method is defined by (3.55) with coefficients (3.56) through (3.58) and Dj (x) and Ej (x) replaced by zero. The resulting discretization is sparse, almost tri-diagonal, thus efficiently solved, and encounters the same potential problems as the original Gummel method. It is, a priori, not clear whether the Gummel or modified Gummel method should 83 converge or not. If it does converge, that is δ → 0, then the resulting chemical and electrostatic potentials satisfy the PNP equation, (3.64) and we have found the steady-state solution. The Gummel method was proposed first in 1964 to compute steady-state potential profiles in transistors. In practice, it converges rapidly, at a linear rate, and to high accuracy so long as the injection and recombination rates of charge-carriers remain small [69]. It has been adapted for higher dimensions, various geometries, many different numerical methods, and has been modified to related numerical schemes. For a mathematical review of the Gummel method and semiconductor device modeling, see [60, 4]. For a more applied review, see [40]. 3.2.3 Almost-Newton Method. In expectation of practical problems with the full Newton, Gummel, and modified Gummel methods, an almost-Newton method (AN) is proposed as follows: When linearizing the PNP equation, (3.50), linear corrections due to the denominators, RR L ejϕ(s) ds, shall be neglected. After some algebra, the almost-Newton method is defined by a discretization of (3.55), in which Aj , Bj , and Cj are defined by (3.56) through (3.58) but α̃R ej ϕ̃(R) Dj (x) = Dj∗ = R Rj j ϕ̃(s) , ds L e (3.67) α̃L ej ϕ̃(L) Ej (x) = Ej∗ = R Rj j ϕ̃(s) . (3.68) ds L e In comparison to the full Newton method, (3.67) and (3.68) define two constants with the same sign, whereas (3.59) and (3.60) are similar, space-dependent functions with opposite signs that are obtained by another subtraction. In cases in which these latter terms lead to catastrophic cancellation for the Newton method, we expect to suffer less from this phenomenon when using the almost-Newton scheme. Further, (3.67) and (3.68) represent contributions by flux densities, so there is reason to hope that the almost-Newton scheme may handle large flux densities more gracefully than its predecessors. 84 As with the Gummel method, it is not clear, a priori, that the almost-Newton scheme should converge. If it does converge, that is δ → 0, then ϕ = ϕ̃ + δ is the true steady-state solution we seek. As we shall see, the almost-Newton method converges rapidly, at a linear rate, and to reasonably high accuracy, independent of the size of steady-state flux densities. Integral to the almost-Newton method is the assumption that, for all valencies j, the denominators RR L ejϕ(s) ds are not affected by updating the electrostatic potential, ϕ. Comparing the Newton scheme with (3.59) and (3.60) to the almost-Newton scheme with (3.67) and (3.68) implies that for the almost-Newton scheme Z R δ (s) ejϕ(s) ds = 0 for all j . (3.69) L By defining a weighted average of δ as well as of ϕ, conditions (3.69) essentially provide Dirichlet conditions for δ and ϕ. The almost-Newton scheme attempts to meet these conditions instead of any other Dirichlet boundary condition. This is not comparable to a “constant field” assumption on the electrostatic potential, since only its average but not its shape are affected. Obviously, conditions (3.69) are dependent on the initial guess toward the electro-static potential and there are as many conditions as there are valencies in the system. However, mathematically, the almost-Newton scheme as defined by the discretization of (3.55) with (3.56) through (3.58), (3.67) and (3.68), and two Neumann boundary conditions already has full rank. Attempting to specify one’s own Dirichlet condition as part of the scheme results in no convergence. In other words, the almost-Newton method solves the steady-state problem subject to boundary conditions (3.40) instead of boundary conditions (3.41) or (3.42), either of which are used by the modified Gummel and full Newton methods. In practice, the almost-Newton scheme does an excellent job of meeting conditions (3.69). It is easily verified that shifting the electrostatic potential by a constant after convergence yields another solution of the PNP equation, (3.50), namely the one satisfying the Dirichlet boundary condition it was shifted to. To enforce our 85 Dirichlet condition of choice when using the almost-Newton method, we thus shift the electrostatic potential by the appropriate constant after convergence. 3.2.4 Comparison of Iterative Methods. We consider a monovalent case, in which the system contains ions of sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), and a large protein (P). The protein carries one negative elementary charge and is confined by the semi-permeable membrane to the left (internal) side of the domain at a concentration of 1 mmol/L. Different steady-states are investigated by keeping the total mass in the system fixed and keeping bulk compartments electroneutral while varying the internal Cl concentration. In particular, we hold the internal Cl bulk concentration at different values ranging from 20 mmol/L to 170 mmol/L. As a result of keeping the total mass constant in the bulk of the system, the external Cl bulk concentration ranges from 620 mmol/L to 20 mmol/L and the flux densities relative to their respective diffusion coefficients range from -80 fmol/µm4 to 20 fmol/µm4 . Na concentrations in the bulk are fixed at values ensuring bulk electro-neutrality. For all shown computations, the initial guess toward the electrostatic potential is ϕ (x) = 0. We compare all three methods, modified Gummel (MG), full Newton (FN), and almost-Newton (AN), with respect to their accuracy and number of iteration steps they need to converge. In cases where no analytic solution is available, the solution obtained by FN subject to boundary conditions (3.42) is used as reference. The most important performance indicator to observe is the error in the numerical solutions. At equilibrium, we compute errors directly from an available analytic solution. In figure 3.2, we show the results of a grid-refinement study of MG, AN, and FN at equilibrium. In particular, we show on the left of figure 3.2 the absolute relative error in the cross-membrane potential difference, ϕ (R) − ϕ (L), at convergence of MG, FN, and AN. At any given resolution, all three methods commit very similar errors which, in fact, cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. From a closer investigation not shown here, we find that a resolution of about 100 grid points 86 Figure 3.2: Various grid resolutions at equilibrium. Left: Absolute value of relative error in cross-membrane potential difference. Right: Maximum absolute residual. throughout the domain is optimal for all methods in the sense that for smaller as well as higher resolutions, a larger error is committed. This phenomenon is well known in numerical analysis: While the larger error below 100 grid points is dominated by the discretization error, the error increase beyond 100 grid points is dominated by round-off error. Another important indicator for how well each method approximates the solution of the PNP equation, (3.50), is its residual. On the right of figure 3.2, we show further results of the grid-refinement study at equilibrium for MG, AN, and FN. In particular, we show the maximum absolute size of the residual at convergence of each method. The residual of MG is almost the same as that of FN. The residual of AN is consistently larger than that of FN but small enough to consider a solution obtained by AN a solution of the PNP equation, (3.50). This does not come as a surprise because AN uses an approximation of the true Jacobian of the system to solve the problem and thus, can only approach the true solution within the space accessible to this approximation. Next, we compare MG, FN, and AN with respect to the number of iteration steps they need to converge. We explore various steady-states as characterized by their 87 Figure 3.3: Number of iterations needed for convergence of MG, FN, and AN at various steady-states characterized by flux densities at 100 grid point resolution. Bumps arise from differences of two to three iterations between runs at neighboring flux densities. Left: MG and FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the left. Right: MG and FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the right. flux densities at a resolution of 100 grid points throughout the domain. On the left of figure 3.3, MG and FN are solved subject to boundary conditions (3.41), whereas on the right of figure 3.3, MG and FN are solved subject to boundary conditions (3.42). The asymmetry of the flux density domain with respect to equilibrium at zero flux density stems from the asymmetry of internal and external bulk volumes and hence, boundary conditions on particle concentrations. The asymmetry of curves with respect to their different convergence behaviors is an effect of the different sets of boundary conditions, (3.41) and (3.42). Clearly, all methods converge within at most 15 iterations in the immediate vicinity of the equilibrium. As the flux density becomes larger in absolute value, the number of iterations needed by MG and FN increases in both cases. This increase is especially rapid for larger negative flux densities when boundary conditions (3.41) are applied. In our setting, FN and MG converge faster for negative flux densities with boundary conditions (3.42) or for positive flux densities 88 Figure 3.4: Maximum absolute residual for MG, FN and AN at various steady-states characterized by their flux densities at 100 grid point resolution. Left: MG and FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the left. Right: MG and FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the right. with boundary conditions (3.41). FN consistently needs more steps than MG to converge to its maximum accuracy. AN is clearly the most efficient, as it needs the least steps and always converges within 10 steps to its maximum accuracy. Further computations have shown that the rapid convergence of AN is slightly influenced by the amount of trapped protein in the system. Increasing the internal protein concentration 100-fold, an unphysiological scenario, while keeping the amount of sodium fixed in the bulk of the system causes AN to converge consistently within only 20 steps to its maximum accuracy. We show in figure 3.4 further results of the study of MG, FN, and AN at various steady-states and at a resolution of 100 grid points. We show, in particular, the maximum absolute size of the residual at convergence of each method. On the left of figure 3.4, MG and FN are subject to boundary conditions (3.41), whereas on the right of figure 3.4, MG and FN are subject to boundary conditions (3.42). Results at other grid point resolutions are qualitatively the same. The residual of AN is smallest at equilibrium. Toward larger positive flux densities, it increases linearly, whereas 89 Figure 3.5: Estimate of absolute relative error in for MG, FN and AN at various steady-states characterized by their flux densities at 100 grid point resolution. The result of FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the right serves as reference solution. Left: MG and FN subject to a Dirichlet BC on the left. Right: MG is subject to a Dirichlet BC on the right. toward larger negative flux densities, it saturates quickly and then decreases again. As at equilibrium, the residuals of MG and FN are consistently smaller than the residual of AN. In all cases, the residuals are small enough for the numeric solutions to be considered solutions of the PNP equation, (3.50). We show in figure 3.5 further results of a study of MG, FN, and AN at a resolution of 100 grid points at various steady-states. We show, in particular, estimates for the absolute relative error in the cross-membrane potential difference, ϕ (R) − ϕ (L), at convergence of MG, FN, and AN. For the lack of analytic solutions in the steadystate setting, errors in numeric solutions are estimated by using the solution obtained by FN subject to boundary conditions (3.42) with a resolution of 100 grid points as reference solution. On the left of figure 3.5, MG and FN are subject to boundary conditions (3.41), whereas on the right of figure 3.5, MG is subject to boundary conditions (3.42). Results at other resolutions of AN and MG are qualitatively the same. 90 From both plots in figure 3.5, we see that, given a set of boundary conditions, MG and FN compute almost the same potential difference across the domain. This is expected because FN and MG solve the same mathematical problem. As seen on the left of figure 3.5, potential differences computed with boundary conditions (3.41) show a relative difference of about O (10−6 ) to the reference for larger negative flux densities. This is the same as the accuracy observed at equilibrium for the considered resolution (figure 3.2) and may thus serve as an estimate for the accuracy of MG and FN for larger negative flux densities. For larger positive flux densities, the error MG and FN commit to the reference increases almost linearly from O (10−6 ) to O (10−4 ), and may serve as an estimate for the accuracy of MG and FN for larger positive flux densities. With boundary conditions (3.41), AN is consistently closer to the reference solution than MG or FN and thus lies in between their solutions subject to the two arbitrary sets of boundary conditions, (3.41) and (3.42). Given these considerations, AN is concluded to be at least as accurate as MG or FN. Another advantage of AN over MG and FN besides its rapid convergence and comparable accuracy is that there is no ambiguity in the choice of boundary conditions. AN solves the PNP equation, (3.50), subject to the initially derived, natural set of boundary conditions, (3.40), based upon Gauss’ law. This set of boundary conditions usually does not lead to a mathematically well-posed problem for lack of a Dirichlet condition. It can only be used successfully when applying a method like AN that provides its own Dirichlet condition. When solving (3.50) with MG or FN, the conditions (3.40) need to be replaced by either (3.41) or (3.42) to define a well-posed problem. However, all three sets of conditions define problems which are mathematically different from each other, and therefore difficult to compare. More importantly, when using MG or FN with mathematically appropriate boundary conditions, a slightly different problem is solved compared to the one that was originally intended to be solved. Further, the efficient use of either MG or FN requires a means of predicting a method’s preferred boundary condition. This seems easy in our current setting but 91 may become complicated with more species and valencies involved, especially with multiple trapped protein species. For all the above reasons, AN shall be used for solving (3.50) subject to (3.40) and for doing so efficiently. 3.3 Numeric Simulation of the Quasi Steady-State Approximation Consider the well-posed system of PDEs (3.70) with differential operators L1,2 , and small parameter ε 1 after normalization and non-dimensionalization, εxt = L1 (x, y) (3.70) y = L (x, y) . t 2 The relatively slow dynamics of y may be approximated by neglecting the small term εxt in (3.70), obtaining 0 = L1 (x, y) (3.71) y = L (x, y) . t 2 This is equivalent to assuming that x has reached its steady state associated with y. While y obeys its dynamics governed by L2 , x passes through its corresponding, consecutive steady-states. Since the original problem is well-posed, the first equation in (3.71) can be solved for x while treating y as a parameter. The result should technically be x = l1 (y), such that y obeys the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA), yt = L2 (l1 (y) , y) . (3.72) However, problems may arise if l1 (y) is multi-valued. One then needs criteria by which to decide which one of multiple states x is appropriate to choose. It is also often not possible to solve for x in terms of y explicitly. In this latter case, one 92 resorts to solving 0 = L1 (x, y) in (3.71) numerically for x = l1 (y), while updating the dynamics of y according to the QSSA, (3.72). This is the case for our problem and thus, the almost-Newton steady-state solver developed in 3.2 shall be incorporated into a dynamic updating scheme when implementing the QSSA. 3.3.1 Implementation of the QSSA Analogous to the equations derived in subsection 2.2.3, the QSSA of the electrodiffusion system is defined by dcLi c R e zi ϕ R − c L e zi ϕ L = ADi i R R z ϕ(x)i i dτ dx −L e (3.73) dcR c R ezi ϕ R − c L ezi ϕ L i = −ADi i R R z ϕ(x)i , i dτ dx −L e (3.74) vin vout where vin.out are the internal and external bulk volumes, A is the membrane surface area, and all other notation is as in section 3.2. ϕ (x) is the steady-state solution of the corresponding electro-diffusion system. An explicit steady-state solution is not available and determining it numerically is not a trivial problem. The steady-state of the electro-diffusion and Poisson’s equations is described by the highly nonlinear Poisson−Nernst−Planck (PNP) equation, (3.50), the steady-state analog of the Poisson−Boltzmann equation. The PNP equation, (3.50), is solved numerically for ϕ (x), subject to boundary conditions (3.40), with the almost-Newton method developed in section 3.2. Simulation of the QSSA is subsequently achieved by the numeric solution of a system of either ordinary differential equations (ODEs) or differential algebraic equations (DAEs) based upon (3.73) and (3.74). The corresponding steady-state problem is solved at each time-step and provides the cross-membrane potential difference as well as the flux densities needed to update the bulk concentrations, cL,R . This has i the advantage of demanding far less computation time than solving the full PDE and utilizes the efficient numerical solution of the PNP equation by the almost-Newton 93 method introduced in section 3.2. 3.3.2 Dynamics of PDE Compared to Approximation of Dynamics by QSSA In simulating a particular system, internal and external volumes correspond in size to an average biological neuron cell and its immediate external environment. We use a membrane of thickness 76 Åwith relatively large surface area compared to the volume it encloses. Species present in the system are sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), and a large protein species that is impermeant to the membrane at x = 0 and carries one negative elementary charge. To demonstrate that a steady-state in the membrane region is established quickly, piecewise constant initial conditions are assigned to the full PDE, ci (x) = cLi for −L ≤ x < 0 and ci (x) = cR i for 0 < x ≤ R. The QSSA is initialized at the non-equilibrium steady-state corresponding to the bulk concentrations cL,R (figure i 3.6). Both approaches are solved over 100 s to determine whether and how quickly the membrane region reaches a steady-state for the PDE. To demonstrate that the system’s approach to Donnan equilibrium is mainly a passage through consecutive steady-states, the QSSA and full PDE are then both initialized at the non-equilibrium steady-state corresponding to bulk concentrations cL,R , as determined by the QSSA i (figure 3.7). To demonstrate that the QSSA yields a good approximation of the full system dynamics even for very large flux densities, the QSSA and full PDE are finally both initialized at the far-from-equilibrium steady-state corresponding to bulk concentrations cL,R , as determined by the QSSA (figure 3.8). i Figures 3.6 through 3.8 show the dynamics of bulk concentrations, flux densities, and electro-static potential difference determined by the fully transient and consecutive steady-state models, respectively, on a logarithmic time scale. We observe no major differences in the dynamics of bulk concentrations in all cases. The dynamics of electrostatic potential difference and flux densities reflect the establishing of an 94 early steady-state in the membrane region. In particular, the fully transient model matches the consecutive steady-state approach from about 2 ms onward, whereas the transition to equilibrium occurs mainly between 100 ms and 2000 ms. These results clearly show the presence of two different time-scales and thus verify the claim of section 2.2 that the QSSA is an excellent choice for simulating the relatively slower dynamics of bulk concentrations. 3.4 Summary of Results In this chapter, the validity of the QSSA has been verified numerically. First, the numeric solution of the transient electro-diffusion system was obtained. We found that our boundary conditions are not suited to the use of standard packages. Thus, a finite-difference code was developed that solves Poisson’s equation using a discrete analog of a Green’s function at each time step and updates concentrations using an explicit updating scheme with upwind advection for stability. This code allowed us to solve the full PDE from 0 s to 100 s in about 32 hours on a 2.2 GHz pentium 4 processor. Next, the steady-state problem associated with the electro-diffusion system and represented by the the PNP equation, a highly non-linear integral-differential equation, was solved numerically. The full Newton (FN) and modified Gummel (MG) methods for solving the steady-state of electro-diffusion systems were explored using two arbitrarily interchangeable sets of boundary conditions. Due to problems of these methods already reported in literature, an almost-Newton (AN) scheme was developed. By comparison of AN to FN and MG, it was demonstrated that AN does not encounter the same problems as FN and MG do and that AN solves the steady-state problem accurately and efficiently subject to its natural boundary conditions based upon Gauss’ law. Finally, AN is integrated into a dynamic updating scheme for the bulk concen- 95 Figure 3.6: PDE initialized with piecewise constant initial condition; QSSA initialized at corresponding steady-state. Dynamics of Na, Cl bulk concentrations (top), flux densities (mid), and electro-static potential (bot) according to PDE and QSSA on logarithmic time scale. 96 Figure 3.7: QSSA and PDE initialized at the same, non-equilibrium steady-state. Dynamics of Na, Cl bulk concentrations (top), flux densities (mid), and electro-static potential (bot) according to PDE and QSSA on logarithmic time scale. 97 Figure 3.8: QSSA and PDE initialized at the same, far-from-equilibrium steady-state. Dynamics of Na, Cl bulk concentrations (top), flux densities (mid), and electro-static potential (bot) according to PDE and QSSA on logarithmic time scale. 98 trations to implement the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) of the electrodiffusion system. This code allowed us to simulate the QSSA from 0 s to 100 s in about 10 minutes on a 2.2 GHz pentium 4 processor. It was demonstrated for three sets of initial conditions that a separation of time scales occurs as claimed and that the dynamics of the QSSA compare well with those of the transient PDE. Clearly, the implementation of the QSSA provides not only an accurate but also a highly efficient means of approximating the dynamics of our electro-diffusion system. 99 Chapter 4 FROM QSSA TO THE CLASSIC HODGKIN−HUXLEY MODEL In subsection 2.1.1, the location of zero flux for impermeant species was discussed and put at mid-membrane, x = 0. This allowed results of the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) to be compared to corresponding results of the fully transient electro-diffusion system at a reasonable expense of computing time. It is my goal in this chapter to compare the QSSA, which requires a steady-state problem to be solved at each time step, to two approximations of the QSSA that are described by systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The first approximation of the QSSA results from applying a GHK-like constant field assumption (CFA) to the electro-static potential. The second approximation of the QSSA is its linearization with respect to the electro-static potential that results in a Hodgkin−Huxley-like model (HHplk). Throughout this chapter, to be able to compare the QSSA to the CFA model, we adopt the option discarded in subsection 2.1.1 that puts the zero-flux conditions for impermeant species at the membrane boundaries, x = ± m2 . 4.1 Adjusting to end-of-membrane impermeability Enforcing zero-flux conditions on impermeant species at both ends of the membrane results in the formation of a pair of boundary layers about each location of zero-flux, x = ± m2 . For each pair, one boundary layer lies in the membrane region and the other one in the bulk. It is understood that all boundary layers have to be included in the 100 C in i , =0 C out i , mid−membrane internal region = + external region p p p p (internal bulk) (external bulk) p p p p p x −L 0 R membrane region Figure 4.1: Setup of the mathematical, 1D domain for end of membrane impermeability. √ numerical domain and are of order O ( ε), with ε a small, non-dimensional quantity related to the dielectric coefficient of the medium in which the boundary layer lies (see also section 2.1). This means that we not only enforce zero-flux conditions at two locations within the domain but that we also include two material boundaries within the domain. In other words, part of the bulk regions with fast dynamics lie in the domain of interest and thus, it requires too much time to simulate the transient dynamics of the electro-diffusion system in this setting. Nonetheless, the QSSA can be computed and provides a good approximation of the fully transient dynamics in this setting. h √ √ i The computational domain extends over x ∈ − m2 − εB ; m2 + εB , in which √ m = 2 εM is the width of the membrane and εB,M denote the dielectric coefficients of the bulk and membrane regions, respectively. Also, the diffusion coefficients, DB,M , are piecewise constant and take on different values in the bulk and membrane regions 101 of the domain, respectively. Due to the fast dynamics in the bulk, the ion concentrations at each end of the computational domain are ci (−L) and ci (R) for species i, the constant bulk concentrations. It is a well-known property of the electric field, ∇ϕ, that the normal component of the dielectric displacement, ε∇ϕ, is continuous across dielectric material boundaries. Thus, B dϕ m− dϕ m+ ε − = εM − dx 2 dx 2 dϕ m − dϕ m + ε = εB . dx 2 dx 2 M (4.1) (4.2) It is straightforward to adjust the QSSA for mid-membrane impermeability (QSSAmid) to the QSSA for end-of-membrane impermeability (QSSA-end) by implementing the above changes. QSSA-end converges as quickly as QSSA-mid to its maximum accuracy. On the other hand, the estimated accuracy to which QSSA-end converges is lower than that of QSSA-mid. This is somewhat expected since QSSA-end deals with large discontinuities of piecewise constant parameters within the domain, whereas QSSA-mid deals only with constant parameters throughout its domain. 4.2 Constant field approximation of the QSSA In the setting of end-of-membrane impermeability, any local net-charge accumulates close to the material boundaries at x = ± m2 . Since the entire two-compartment system is electro-neutral, the net-charge around x = − m2 balances the net-charge around x = m . 2 Consider the 1D Poisson equation in the form of Gauss’ law, Z xX dϕ (x) = − zi ci (s) ds , ε dx L i (4.3) 102 √ where L = − m2 − εB , the left end of the computational domain, and recall that, with net electro-neutral bulk, dϕ dx (L) = 0. According to (4.3), the electric field, dϕ , dx at some place x away from loci of charge accumulation is approximately constant and proportional to the net-charge accumulated between L and x. Combining these observations with system electro-neutrality implies that the electric field is approximately zero in both bulk regions and proportional to the net-charge around x = m 2 in the membrane region of the domain. Assuming the charge accumulations around x = ± m2 occupy relatively narrow pieces of the domain implies a piecewise linear approximation of the electro-static potential. Furthermore, since εM εB , any net-charge has a much larger effect on the electric field in the membrane region than in the bulk region. Thus, it is expected that the electro-static potential in the membrane region of the domain contributes most to the cross-membrane potential difference. Its linear approximation should therefore provide a qualitatively as well as quantitatively reasonable approximation of both the electro-static potential profile and cross-membrane potential difference. 4.2.1 Derivation of the constant field approximation (CFA) Let L = − m2 − √ εB and R = m 2 + √ εB be the ends of the computational domain. Given net electro-neutral boundary values for ion concentrations of species i, ci (L) and ci (R), the steady-state potential corresponding to the QSSA satisfy the PNP equation, (3.50), which is equivalent to Poisson’s equation, d dϕ ε dx dx ! =− X zi ci , (4.4) i with the steady-state concentrations of permeant species, ci (x) = e −zi ϕ(x) ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) RR x ezi ϕ(s) ds + ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) RR zi ϕ(s) ds L e Rx L ezi ϕ(s) ds and with impermeant species obeying Boltzmann particle distributions, , (4.5) 103 ci (x) = ci (L) e−zi (ϕ(x)−ϕ(L)) for x < 0 (4.6) ci (R) e−zi (ϕ(x)−ϕ(R)) for x > 0. Our interest lies in the constant field approximation (CFA) of the electro-static potential, ϕ, and flux densities, Ji , of permeant species, Ji = −Di ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) − ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) . RR zi ϕ(s) ds L e (4.7) According to (4.4), Z xX dϕ ε (x) = − zi ci (s) ds , dx L i (4.8) As a result, the electric field in the bulks and at mid-membrane can be expressed as dϕ (L) = 0 , dx (4.9) X dϕ (0) = −vin zi cin i , dx i (4.10) X X dϕ (R) = −vin zi cin zi cout = 0, i − vout i dx i i (4.11) ε B Ac ε M Ac ε B Ac where cin,out denotes the average internal or external concentration of species i, Ac is i the membrane surface area, and vin,out are the volumes to either side of mid-membrane. The corresponding CFA uses 0, dϕ P (x) = − εMvinA i zi cin i , c dx 0, for x < − m2 for − m 2 for to define the electro-static potential ϕ (x) − ϕ (L) = Rx ≤x≤ m 2 dϕ L ds m 2 <x ds, that is (4.12) 104 ϕ (x) − ϕ (L) = for x < − m2 0, vin m in − x + 2 εM Ac i zi ci , P −m εMvinAc i zi cin i , P for − m 2 ≤x≤ for m 2 <x. m 2 (4.13) In particular, the cross-membrane potential ϕ (R) − ϕ (L) = ∆ϕ = − m vin X in zi ci . ε M Ac i (4.14) With the such defined electro-static potential, the integral in the expression defining the flux density, (4.7), can be computed and the flux density according to the CFA can be written as zi (ϕ (R) − ϕ (L)) ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) − ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) · m ezi ϕ(R) − ezi ϕ(L) zi ∆ϕ zi ∆ϕ ci (R) e − ci (L) = −Di · z ∆ϕ m e i −1 Ji = −Di −z (4.16) FV zi F V ci (R) e i R0 T − ci (L) = Di · −z F V mR0 T e i R0 T − 1 −z (4.15) (4.17) FV iR T 0 − cin zi F V cout i i e ≈ Di · , FV −z i mR0 T e R0 T − 1 (4.18) where we have approximated the true bulk concentrations by the average concentration in each compartment and ∆ϕ = − FV m vin X in =− M zi ci , R0 T ε Ac i (4.19) with the absolute cross-membrane voltage, V , Faraday’s constant, F , the universal gas constant, R0 , and absolute temperature, T . It is understood that concentrations are updated according to the continuity equation and mass conservation. The equations describing the dynamics according to the CFA model are, in summary, 105 vin dcin i = −Ac Ji dt out c> = vin cin i i + vout ci ezi ∆ϕ − cin zi ∆ϕ cout i · i zi ∆ϕ Ji = −Di m e −1 m vin X in zi ci . ∆ϕ = − M ε Ac i (4.20) (4.21) (4.22) (4.23) Comparison of CFA to classic HH-GHK model Expression (4.22), defining the flux densities of species i, is equivalent to the classic GHK flux densities. Furthermore, differentiating ∆ϕ according to (4.23) with respect to time and re-dimensionalizing all quantities yields d mvin X dcin (∆ϕ) = − M zi i dt ε Ac i dt dV m X F · = M 2 zi Ji − R0 T dt ε δ̄ c̄ i F 2 δ̄ 2 c̄ εM R0 T m (4.24) (4.25) ! dV dt dV Cm dt = − X zi F Ji (4.26) Ii , (4.27) i = − X i a Hodgkin−Huxley-type voltage equation with capacitance per unit area of Cm = F 2 δ̄ 2 c̄ R0 T · εM m = ε0 εr m based upon GHK flux densities. This capacitance is consistent with that of a parallel-plane capacitor. We have further used a specific case of the continuity equation, (4.20), and the relation between flux densities and current densities, Ii = zi F Ji . What differentiates the CFA model from the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model with GHK currents (HH-GHK) is that in the CFA model, the cross-membrane potential difference is determined directly from the average internal concentrations, cin i , according to an approximation of Poisson’s equation, whereas HH-GHK uses an ODE for the 106 cross-membrane voltage based upon the current-voltage relationship in a model circuit that includes a capacitor and multiple conductances (see also figure 1.10). Thus, the CFA requires its bulk concentrations to be net electro-neutral and its average internal concentrations to be close to net electro-neutral, whereas HH-GHK does not require or consider electro-neutrality. Furthermore, the CFA models a closed, finite-volume, two-compartment system in which concentrations obey conditions of mass conservation, whereas HH-GHK describes an open system, in which the concentrations of at least one of the compartments are infinitely well-buffered. The fact that the CFA matches the voltage equation of HH-GHK only confirms the good intuition of its developers and formally connects their model to electrodiffusion. The issue of active and passive transport across the membrane shall be discussed in more detail in section 4.4, where active transport is added to the, so far passive, CFA model. Another question that remains to be verified is how appropriate the assumption of constant field really is, and shall be addressed in the following subsection. 4.2.2 Numerical comparison of QSSA and CFA To study the basic properties of the QSSA in the setting of end-of-membrane impermeability (QSSA-end) and to investigate the appropriateness of the constant field assumption, we consider three far-from-equilibrium steady-states. All three steadystates have high external sodium (Na), high internal potassium (K), and chloride (Cl) to maintain bulk electro-neutrality. In addition, the second steady-state has a trapped protein species in the internal bulk, and the third steady-state has a trapped protein species in both the internal and external bulk. Whenever present, the trapped protein species (P) carries one negative elementary charge. We show the concentration profiles of Na, K, and Cl computed by QSSA-end in all three cases. We further compare the potential profiles computed by QSSAend and CFA and show the relative error in the potential profile computed by the 107 CFA. Due to the fast dynamics in the bulk regions of the computational domain, it is expected that the bulk regions at steady-state are close to equilibrated within themselves. To verify this claim, we show the potential profiles in the bulk regions of the domain as computed by QSSA-end and at equilibrium of the bulk regions. We further show the relative error in the equilibrium potential profiles in all three regions of the computational domain. Case 1: No trapped protein species in the system In case of no trapped protein species in the system, the concentration profiles of Na, K, and Cl are continuous (figure 4.2). Traversing the domain from left to right, the profiles are close to constant in the internal bulk until, close to the internal membrane boundary at x = − m2 , species carrying positive charge are deflected upward and species carrying negative charge are deflected downward. From the internal to the external membrane boundary at x = m , 2 concentration profiles transition from their values at the internal to the external membrane boundary. Once there, the profiles relax quickly to their constant external bulk values. In particular, species carrying positive charge relax in an increasing way, whereas species carrying negative charges relax in a decreasing way to the external bulk concentrations. It is easy to verify from Boltzmann’s law that the direction of deflection depends both on the sign of the cross-membrane potential difference and the sign of charges carried by the considered species. Boltzmann’s law relates concentration and potential profiles at equilibrium and may only be used here since the bulk regions of the domain at steady-state are close to equilibrium. This is demonstrated in figure 4.4, showing the potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state and at the corresponding equilibrium in the bulk regions of the domain. Both profiles match so well that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Thus, we show the relative error between the steady-state potential profiles and their corresponding equilibrium potential profiles according to 108 Figure 4.2: Far-from-equilibrium steady-state concentration profiles without any trapped protein species in the system. (Na (top), K (mid), Cl (bot)). 109 Figure 4.3: Left: Exact and CFA approximation of far-from-equilibrium steady-state potential profiles without any trapped protein species in the system. Right: Relative error in CFA approximation of potential profile. Figure 4.4: True steady-state and equilibrium bulk profiles of the potential without any trapped protein species in the system (Left: Internal. Right: External). 110 Figure 4.5: Relative error in equilibrium potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state without any trapped protein species in the system. (Internal bulk (top), membrane (mid), external bulk (bot)). 111 Boltzmann’s law in figure 4.5. With a relative error of order O (10−10 ), it clearly is reasonable to approximate the concentration and potential profiles in both bulk regions as equilibrated and related by Boltzmann’s law. A relative error of order O (10−1 ) in the membrane region of the domain suggests that potential and concentration profiles here are truly far-from-equilibrium and should not be approximated by Boltzmann’s law. Most importantly, figure 4.3 shows the potential profiles computed by QSSA-end and the CFA and confirms our expectations that the potential profile in the membrane region of the domain contributes most dominantly to the cross-membrane potential difference and that the potential profile can be approximated well by a piecewise linear function given by the CFA. In particular, the relative error in the cross-membrane potential suggested by the CFA is about 4.5%. Case 2: Trapped protein species in the internal bulk of the system In case of a trapped protein species in the internal bulk region of the system, the concentration profiles of Na, K, and Cl are continuous (figure 4.6). Traversing the domain from left to right, the profiles are close to constant in the internal bulk until, close to the internal membrane boundary at x = − m2 , species carrying positive charge are deflected upward and species carrying negative charge are deflected downward. From the internal to the external membrane boundary at x = m , 2 concentration pro- files transition from their values at the internal to the external membrane boundary. Close to the internal membrane boundary, there is a rapid change of concentrations that absorbs the discontinuity of the trapped protein species at that location. From the external membrane boundary onward, the profiles relax quickly to their constant external bulk values. In particular, species carrying positive charge relax in an increasing way, whereas species carrying negative charges relax in a decreasing way to the external bulk concentrations. It is easy to verify from Boltzmann’s law that the direction of deflection depends both on the sign of the cross-membrane potential 112 Figure 4.6: Far-from-equilibrium steady-state concentration profiles with trapped protein species in the internal bulk region of the system. (Na (top), K (mid), Cl (bot)). 113 Figure 4.7: Left: Exact and CFA approximation of far-from-equilibrium steady-state potential profiles with trapped protein species in the internal bulk region of the system. Right: Relative error in CFA approximation of potential profile. Figure 4.8: True steady-state and equilibrium bulk profiles of the potential with trapped protein species in the internal bulk region of the system. (Left: Internal. Right: External.) 114 Figure 4.9: Relative error in equilibrium potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state with trapped protein species in the internal bulk region of the system. (Internal bulk (top), membrane (mid), external bulk (bot)). 115 difference and the sign of charges carried by the considered species. Boltzmann’s law relates concentration and potential profiles at equilibrium and may only be used here since the bulk regions of the domain at steady-state are close to equilibrium. This is demonstrated in figure 4.8, showing the potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state and at the corresponding equilibrium in the bulk regions of the domain. Both profiles match so well that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Thus, we show the relative error between the steady-state potential profiles and their corresponding equilibrium potential profiles according to Boltzmann’s law in figure 4.9. With a relative error of order O (10−10 ), it clearly is reasonable to approximate the concentration and potential profiles in both bulk regions as equilibrated and related by Boltzmann’s law. A relative error of order O (10−1 ) in the membrane region of the domain suggests that potential and concentration profiles here are truly far-from-equilibrium and should not be approximated by Boltzmann’s law. Most importantly, figure 4.7 shows the potential profiles computed by QSSA-end and the CFA and confirms our expectations that the potential profile in the membrane region of the domain contributes most dominantly to the cross-membrane potential difference and that the potential profile can be approximated well by a piecewise linear function given by the CFA. In particular, the relative error in the cross-membrane potential suggested by the CFA is about 4.0%. Case 3: Trapped protein species in both bulk regions of the system In case of trapped protein species in the internal and external bulk regions of the system, the concentration profiles of Na, K, and Cl are continuous (figure 4.10). Traversing the domain from left to right, the profiles are close to constant in the internal bulk until, close to the internal membrane boundary at x = − m2 , species carrying positive charge are deflected upward and species carrying negative charge are deflected downward. From the internal to the external membrane boundary at x = 116 Figure 4.10: Far-from-equilibrium steady-state concentration profiles with trapped protein species in both bulk regions of the system. (Na (top), K (mid), Cl (bot)). 117 Figure 4.11: Left: Exact and CFA approximation of far-from-equilibrium steady-state potential profiles with trapped protein species in both bulk regions of the system. Right: Relative error in CFA approximation of potential profile. Figure 4.12: True steady-state and equilibrium bulk profiles of the potential with trapped protein species in both bulk regions of the system. (Left: Internal. Right: External.) 118 Figure 4.13: Relative error in equilibrium potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state with trapped protein species in both bulk regions of the system. (Internal bulk (top), membrane (mid), external bulk (bot)). 119 m , 2 concentration profiles transition from their values at the internal to the external membrane boundary. Close to the internal and external membrane boundaries, there is a rapid change of concentrations that absorbs the discontinuities of the trapped protein species at those locations. From the external membrane boundary onward, the profiles relax quickly to their constant external bulk values. In particular, species carrying positive charge relax in an increasing way, whereas species carrying negative charges relax in a decreasing way to the external bulk concentrations. It is easy to verify from Boltzmann’s law that the direction of deflection depends both on the sign of the cross-membrane potential difference and the sign of charges carried by the considered species. Boltzmann’s law relates concentration and potential profiles at equilibrium and may only be used here since the bulk regions of the domain at steady-state are close to equilibrium. This is demonstrated in figure 4.12, showing the potential profiles at far-from-equilibrium steady-state and at the corresponding equilibrium in the bulk regions of the domain. Both profiles match so well that they cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Thus, we show the relative error between the steady-state potential profiles and their corresponding equilibrium potential profiles according to Boltzmann’s law in figure 4.13. With a relative error of order O (10−10 ), it clearly is reasonable to approximate the concentration and potential profiles in both bulk regions as equilibrated and related by Boltzmann’s law. A relative error of order O (10−1 ) in the membrane region of the domain suggests that potential and concentration profiles here are truly far-from-equilibrium and should not be approximated by Boltzmann’s law. Most importantly, figure 4.11 shows the potential profiles computed by QSSA-end and the CFA and confirms our expectations that the potential profile in the membrane region of the domain contributes dominantly to the cross-membrane potential difference and that the potential profile can be approximated well by a piecewise linear function given by the CFA. In particular, the relative error in the cross-membrane 120 potential suggested by the CFA is about 4.6%. 4.3 Linearization of the QSSA: the HH-plk Model The second approximation of the QSSA is its linearization with respect to the electrostatic potential that results in a Hodgkin−Huxley-type model (HHplk). According to the QSSA, ! − Ji = Di dci dϕ + zi ci = const. , dx dx (4.28) with the diffusion coefficient of species i in membrane medium, Di . Thus, in particular, − Ji = −Ji (0) = Di dci dϕ (0) + zi (0) ci (0) dx dx dci dx ! (4.29) ! (0) dϕ + zi (0) = Di ci (0) ci (0) dx ! d (ln ci ) dϕ = Di ci (0) (0) + zi (0) dx dx ! Di ci (0) ci (R) ln + zi (ϕ (R) − ϕ (L)) . ≈ m ci (L) (4.30) (4.31) (4.32) With previous notation and re-dimensionalizing, this flux density may be converted into a current density, Ii , and may be written as ! Ii Di ci (0) ci (R) ln + zi (ϕ (R) − ϕ (L)) = zi F Ji ≈ −zi F m ci (L) ! zi F δ̄ 2 Di ci (0) ci (R) FV = − ln − zi m ci (L) R0 T ! 2 2 2 zi F δ̄ Di ci (0) R0 T ci (R) = V − ln R0 T m zi F ci (L) = gi V − ViN P . (4.33) (4.34) (4.35) (4.36) 121 ViN P denotes the Nernst potential and gi denotes the conductance per unit area for species i. Clearly, R0 T ci (R) ln zi F ci (L) R0 T cout ≈ ln iin and zi F ci ViN P = gi = zi2 F 2 δ̄ 2 Di ci (0) . R0 T m (4.37) (4.38) (4.39) The cross-membrane potential difference, ∆ϕ, obeys the same equation as in the CFA, (4.14), consistent with a Hodgkin−Huxley-type voltage equation with capacitance per unit area of Cm = F 2 δ̄ 2 c̄ εM ε0 εr · = . R0 T m m (4.40) The equations describing the dynamics of the HHplk model are, in summary, dcin i = −Ac Ji dt out c> = vin cin i i + vout ci 1 1 Ji = Ii = gi V − ViN P zi F zi F m vin R0 T X in V = zi ci ε M Ac F i R0 T cout ViN P = ln iin . zi F ci vin (4.41) (4.42) (4.43) (4.44) (4.45) Comparison of HHplk model to the classic HH model What differentiates the HHplk model from the classic Hodgkin−Huxley (HH) model is that in the HHplk model, the cross-membrane potential difference is determined directly from the average internal concentrations, cin i , according to an approximation of Poisson’s equation, whereas HH uses an ODE for the cross-membrane voltage based 122 upon the current-voltage relationship in a model circuit that includes a capacitor and multiple conductances (see also figure 1.10). Thus, the HHplk model requires its bulk concentrations to be net electro-neutral and its average internal and external concentrations to be close to net electro-neutral, whereas the HH model does not require or consider electro-neutrality. Furthermore, HHplk models a closed, finitevolume, two-compartment system in which concentrations obey conditions of mass conservation, whereas HH describes an open system, in which the concentrations are infinitely well-buffered. The, so far passive, currents in HHplk depend on the Nernst potential which in turn depends on the dynamically evolving average bulk concentrations, whereas HH does not distinguish between active and passive currents. Instead, both are empirically captured by the so-called reversal potential, a system parameter specific to each ion species. The issue of active and passive transport across the membrane shall be discussed in more detail in section 4.4, where active transport is added to the, so far passive, CFA and HHplk models. 4.4 Dynamic approach to the equilibrium of a cell After deriving two different approximations of the QSSA-end in sections 4.2 and 4.3 and confirming in subsection 4.2.2 that the CFA approximates the QSSA-end well at various far-from-equilibrium steady-states, we now compare the dynamics by the QSSA-end, CFA, and HHplk models. For this purpose, we consider a cell with HHtype, gated ion channels but no ion pumps that actively transport ions against their electro-chemical gradient and thereby maintain homeostasis. It is understood that the diffusion coefficients in the QSSA-end and CFA based models and the conductances in the HHplk based model include gating terms and that the dynamic equations defining each model are enhanced by the classic HH gating dynamics, (see subsection 1.3.1). The system containing Na, K, and Cl is initialized at a far-from-equilibrium steadystate close to the natural resting state of the cell. Since active transport is lacking, 123 we observe the dynamic approach of the system to its equilibrium with zero crossmembrane potential. While the simulation based upon CFA or HHplk finishes in less than one second, the simulation based upon QSSA-end takes a few minutes to finish. Figure 4.14 shows the concentration dynamics of internal and external Na, K, and Cl on a logarithmic time scale. All concentrations approach their equilibrium values at an exponential rate and with a small overshoot. This overshoot is clearly visible in the Cl concentrations. It is also present in Na and K but not visible in the present plots due to the scale of the ordinate. Clearly, all three methods produce very similar results but the QSSA-end and CFA produce a much larger overshoot than the HHplk model. Figure 4.15 shows the Na, K, and Cl flux density dynamics on a logarithmic time scale. While the QSSA-end and CFA produce very similar results to each other, the HHplk model consistently computes significantly larger flux densities. The fast, spiking activity of the flux densities stems from the voltage and gating dynamics and, compared to the slow time scale on which the equilibrium is approached, clearly demonstrates the presence of two different time scales. Figure 4.16 shows the dynamics of the cross-membrane voltage computed by the QSSA-end, CFA, and HHplk models on a logarithmic time scale. All three methods compute essentially the same dynamics, which implies that, even though the sizes of individual species’ fluxes are different, the net-current they create is not. The fast activity in the flux densities is mirrored by the cross-membrane voltage. Overall we observe that, on the fast time scale, the gated ion channels try to keep the crossmembrane potential close to the resting potential of the cell at -70 mV. On the slow time scale, the ion concentrations relax to their equilibrium values and cause the cross-membrane voltage to relax to zero as well. Since all three methods, QSSA-end, CFA, and HHplk, essentially produce the same dynamics, the question arises how their performance shall be distinguished from each other and subsequently judged. Clearly, all three methods are models of electro- 124 Figure 4.14: Concentration dynamics in the dynamic approach to the death- equilibrium of a cell by QSSA, CFA, and HH-plk based ODE models. (Na (top), K (mid), Cl (bot)). 125 Figure 4.15: Current density dynamics in the dynamic approach to the deathequilibrium of a cell by QSSA, CFA, and HH-plk based ODE models. (Na (top), K (mid), Cl (bot)). 126 Figure 4.16: Cross-membrane potential dynamics in the dynamic approach to the death equilibrium of a cell by QSSA, CFA, and HH-plk based ODE models. diffusion and thus, a measure is desired that indicates how well the intricate processes underlying electro-diffusion are approximated by each method. The maintenance of electro-neutrality in each of the compartments has been an issue throughout this work. In this spirit, note that according to the electro-diffusion equation, − zi dϕ dci Ji ci = + dx dx Di (4.46) and reconsider Poisson’s equation, dϕ ε dx ! d dϕ ε dx dx ! d dϕ ε dx dx ! d 1 dϕ ε dx 2 dx = − X zi ci (4.47) i = −ε X zi i dϕ ci dx !2 X dci Ji = ε + i dx Di (4.48) (4.49) 127 ε 2 Recalling that !2 dϕ (R) dx ε − 2 dϕ dx dϕ dx (R) = !2 dϕ (L) dx = X ci (R) − ci (L) + m i Ji . Di (4.50) (L) when the entire system is net electro-neutral and rearranging, we obtain that X ci (R) − ci (L) =− X Ji . (4.51) m i Di In our simulations, we keep track not of the net electro-neutral bulk concentrations i at the boundaries of the computational domain, ci (L) and ci (R), but instead of the average internal and external concentrations, cin,out . We thus use the approximate i relationship, X cout − cin i i m i ≈− X Ji i Di , (4.52) to evaluate the performance of the dynamic models. Comparing both sides in (4.52) for each of the three methods should not only tell us, in general, how well each of the methods approximates electro-diffusion but, in particular, how well electro-neutrality is maintained in each compartment. Figure 4.17 shows plots of both quantities in (4.52) on a separate pair of axes for each method, whereas figure 4.18 shows a plot of the relative difference between the quantities − P i Ji /Di and P i (cout − cin i i ) /m for each method. Clearly, QSSA-end achieves the most consistent and accurate match, keeping the relative error in satisfying (4.52) constant at order O (10−2 ). The CFA does not match the two quantities as well as QSSA-end but one can see that the CFA is indeed sensitive to their difference and modifies them successfully such that they do match better. The HHplk model does not match the two quantities very well and consistently does worse than both other methods. Even though HHplk is sensitive to their difference, it does not succeed in matching them until equilibrium is essentially reached. This case of modeling electro-diffusion with only passive transport across the membrane demonstrates that the QSSA-end provides the most accurate dynamic model 128 Figure 4.17: Measure for self-regulation of electro-neutrality in the dynamic approach to the death equilibrium of a cell by QSSA (top), CFA (mid), and HH-plk (bot) based ODE models. 129 Figure 4.18: Relative measure for self-regulation of electroneutrality in the dynamic approach to the death equilibrium of a cell by QSSA, CFA, and HH-plk based ODE models. 130 of electro-diffusion. It also demonstrates that the CFA provides a reasonably accurate model of electro-diffusion by actively maintaining electro-neutrality in the bulk. In addition, as a pure ODE model, CFA is easily adjusted to incorporate active ion transport against electro-chemical gradients. Even though QSSA-end takes a few minutes to run, it is worth using when its improved accuracy is desired. However, it does require a steady-state problem to be solved at each time step and is not easily adjusted to include active ion transport against electro-chemical gradients. QSSA-end is, in this sense, restricted to the case of electro-diffusion with only passive transport across the membrane. 4.5 Sustaining the living state of a cell In the following, CFA and HHplk shall be updated to incorporate active ion transport against electro-chemical gradients. This will enable both models to maintain homeostasis and thus, to be compared to the classic Hodgkin−Huxley model. Including active transport in QSSA-end means to include sources and sinks in the computational domain, that is an entirely different steady-state problem needs to be solved. Furthermore, if source contributions represent point-sources or -sinks, the adjusted problem is expected to be stiff so that the steady-state solver may converge slowly. In this case, the steady-state solver in the adjusted QSSA-end would not be efficient as part of a dynamic simulation. Incorporating sources and sinks in the computational domain as result of active ion transport shall thus not be considered here but instead be left as a future challenge. See section B.2 for the equations defining an adjusted steady-state solver that incorporates source contributions from space-dependent but concentration-independent sources. In subsection 4.5.1, a simple model of ion pump fluxes responsible for maintaining certain concentration gradients associated with homeostasis is introduced. In subsection 4.5.2, it is demonstrated that CFA and HHplk are able to maintain a steady-state 131 corresponding to the resting state of the classic HH model. It is further shown that, in their approach of this HH resting state, CFA and HHplk exhibit the same action potential as the classic HH model does. 4.5.1 Simple model for ion pump currents Passive current densities in the HHplk model are of the form Ii = gi V − ViN P , (4.53) where ViN P is the concentration-dependent Nernst potential of species i as defined in (4.45). The current densities in the classic HH model can be decomposed into a passive component equivalent to the passive HHplk current density and an active component representing a pump current, Ii = gi (V − Virev ) (4.54) = gi V − ViN P + gi ViN P − Virev = Iich + Iipump , (4.55) (4.56) where Iich,pump are the passive and active current densities through channels and pumps, respectively, and the parameter Virev is the constant current-reversal potential of species i and represents the current densities due to both passive and active transport across the membrane. This implies two things: The pump current in the classic HH model is gated by the same variables that gate its passive ion channels, and the pump current works toward maintaining the concentration gradient of species i at the level at which ViN P = Virev , that is zi F rev V . ci (R) = ci (L) exp R0 T i (4.57) 132 In reality, it is known that pumps are indeed not gated in the same way as the ion channels they act against. Further, in the classic HH model, the resting potential cannot possibly equal the reversal potentials of each species. This implies that, even at rest, the HH pumps never actually succeed in creating the concentration gradients corresponding to their reversal potentials. In fact, according to the model, concentration gradients are arbitrary. More importantly, even at rest, when the net current vanishes, the currents of each individual species does not vanish. Thus, in our framework including mass conservation, the HH rest state is not a steady-state because, with non-zero currents, species concentrations still change dynamically. Many more sophisticated models for ion exchange pumps, other devices facilitating active transport, and passive ion channels have been developed and successfully used in connection with HH-type models (see section B.1). However, for the purpose of comparing CFA and HHplk to the classic HH model, we adopt the following, simple model for pump currents that maintain specific concentration gradients at steadystate: pump NP Iipump = Ii,rest − gipump ViN P − Vi,rest , (4.58) pump where Ii,rest is the pump current density at rest that compensates the channel current density at rest. gipump is the conductance of the pump and defined as a particular fraction, say 1%, of the maximum channel conductance for species i. ViN P is the NP is the Nernst potential of species i at current Nernst potential of species i, and Vi,rest rest that the pump is to maintain. Consequently, the concentration dynamics of the CFA and HHplk models, equations (4.20) and (4.41), need to be updated to vin dcin i = −Ac Jich + Jipump , dt (4.59) where Jich is the original, passive channel flux density of the CFA or HHplk model defined by equations (4.22) or (4.43). Jipump = 1 I pump zi F i is the newly introduced pump 133 Figure 4.19: Resting state of HH at -70 mV is maintained by CFA and HHplk (left). Net currents do not vanish for HH and thus, for example, Na concentrations are maintained by CFA and HHplk but blow up over time for HH (right). flux density for species i and is defined through (4.58). 4.5.2 Numerical simulations and results To be able to compare the CFA and HHplk models to the classic HH model, it is understood that the diffusion and dielectric coefficients have to match the conductances and capacitance according to (4.39) and (4.40) and that the gating variables from the classic HH model along with their dynamics are used in all three models. We further set the steady-state concentrations of Na, K, and Cl at physiologically reasonable levels that result in a cross-membrane potential of -70 mV, the resting potential of the classic HH model. We then define the resulting Nernst potentials, channel fluxes, and pump fluxes for each species at rest. This defines all parameters needed to run all models and ensures that the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models share not only dynamic parameters but also a corresponding steady-state. To demonstrate that all three models maintain the same resting state, we initialize all models at rest. Figure 4.19 shows the constant resting potential maintained at 134 Figure 4.20: Relative measure for self-regulation of bulk electro-neutrality by the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models at rest. The downward spike in the HH model is produced by a crossing of the two quantities whose relative difference is shown. -70 mV. The lines created by CFA, HHplk and HH cannot be distinguished from each other by the naked eye. Computing the relative error of all methods, not shown here, demonstrates that HH and HHplk match -70 mV to machine precision and that the relative error in CFA is of order O (10−11 ). Figure 4.19 also shows that CFA and HHplk maintain the Na ion concentrations at their steady-state levels, whereas Na concentrations blow up for HH as a result of its non-vanishing Na net currents. Dynamics of K and Cl are qualitatively the same. Figure 4.20 shows the relative difference between the quantities − P i P i Ji /Di and (cout − cin i i ) /m, a performance measure defined by equation (4.52) that indicates how well electro-neutrality is maintained in the bulk compartments. Recall that equation (4.52) describes an approximate relationship that best fits its exact counterpart at small cross-membrane potentials, that is when little net charge is accumulated at 135 Figure 4.21: Action potential generated by the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models. Logarithmic and linear time scales. the membrane boundaries. Thus, we are more interested in the relative rather than absolute location of the curves corresponding to each method. Clearly, CFA performs best, HHplk comes in second with a relative measure that is an order of magnitude larger than that of CFA, and the classic HH model is last with a relative measure that is two orders of magnitude larger than that of CFA. To demonstrate that both CFA and HHplk are able to produce a HH-like action potential, we initialize all three methods at net electro-neutral concentrations close to the resting concentrations and at the resulting zero cross-membrane potential. It is well-known that, from this initial condition, the classic HH model produces an action potential before settling at its rest state of -70 mV. Figure 4.21 shows that both CFA and HHplk produce an action potential that is very similar to the one produced by the classic HH model and that CFA provides a better match of the action potential by HH than HHplk does. Figure 4.22 shows the current densities of Na, K, and Cl for CFA, HHplk, and HH. While the time courses of currents computed by CFA and HHplk are similar, both HHplk and HH produce currents that are larger than that of the CFA model. It 136 Figure 4.22: Current densities of Na (top), K (mid), and Cl (bot) that shape the action potential produced by the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models. 137 Figure 4.23: Relative measure of self-regulation of bulk electro-neutrality for the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models during an action potential. Any downward spikes are produced by a crossing of the two quantities whose relative difference is shown. is well-known that the classic HH model requires much larger currents to produce an action potential than are necessary in a live cell to produce that same action potential. Currents produced by the classic HH model are not only much larger than even the ones of HHplk but also follow a qualitatively different time course. Nonetheless, all three methods produce qualitatively as well as quantitatively similar action potentials which suggests that the net currents they produce are very similar to each other, even though the individual current densities differ from each other significantly. Figure 4.23 shows the relative difference between the quantities − P i P i Ji /Di and (cout − cin i i ) /m, a performance measure defined by equation (4.52) that indicates how well electro-neutrality is maintained in the bulk compartments. Recall that equation (4.52) describes an approximate relationship that best fits its exact counterpart at small cross-membrane potentials, that is when little net charge is accumulated at 138 the membrane boundaries. Thus, we are more interested in the relative rather than absolute location of the curves corresponding to each method. Clearly, CFA performs best, HHplk comes in second with a relative measure that is about an order of magnitude larger than that of CFA, and the classic HH model is last with a relative measure that is closer to two orders of magnitude larger than that of CFA. 4.6 Summary of Results We have adjusted the quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) of electro-diffusion from the setting of mid-membrane impermeability to the more realistic setting of end-of-membrane impermeability. In this setting, species impermeable to the membrane cannot enter the membrane at all and the computational domain has to include parts of the internal and external bulk regions, in which small amounts of net charge accumulate. The full electro-diffusion system is not efficiently solved due to the fast dynamics in the bulk which has thus not been attempted here. Instead, we trust that the QSSA for end-of-membrane impermeability (QSSA-end) approximates individual steady-states and the dynamics of the full electro-diffusion system well. Then, two different approximations of the QSSA-end are derived. The first approximation of QSSA-end, based on a constant field approximation (CFA), yields a piecewise linear approximation of the electro-static potential and GHK-like flux densities. The CFA is demonstrated to match the potential profile of the QSSA-end reasonably well. Further, its cross-membrane potential is consistent with a HH-like voltage equation, even though it is not derived from an electric model circuit but instead determined directly from the net charge accumulated around one of the membrane boundaries. The most important difference between the CFA and the classic HH-GHK model is that CFA is formally derived from electro-diffusion, obeys mass conservation, and determines the cross-membrane potential directly from the average internal or external concentrations, whereas HH-GHK models an open 139 system with no mass conservation that determines its cross-membrane potential from the current-voltage relationship in an electric model circuit. As a result, CFA is sensitive to charges accumulating in either compartment. It actively self-regulates bulk electro-neutrality, whereas HH-GHK does not. The second approximation of QSSA-end, based on a linearization of QSSA-end, yields the HHplk model, which is equivalent to a combination of classic HH and pump-leak models that are additionally subject to mass conservation conditions. The CFA and HHplk models derived from electro-diffusion incorporate no active transport at this point that would allow them to maintain their concentration gradients at levels associated with homeostasis. Thus, the dynamics of the CFA and HHplk models are compared to the dynamics of QSSA-end for the approach to equilibrium of a cell with gated ion channels but no active transport that would allow it to maintain homeostasis. All models produce similar results for the cross-membrane potential, ion fluxes, and concentration dynamics. In order to distinguish the quality of those results more clearly, we have developed a measure that indicates not only how well electro-diffusion is modeled but, in particular, how well each method maintains electro-neutrality in the bulk of the compartments. Based on this measure, QSSA-end provides the most accurate dynamic model of electro-diffusion but requires a steadystate problem to be solved at each time step. CFA provides a reasonably accurate and highly efficient model of electro-diffusion. While bulk electro-neutrality is not maintained as well as by QSSA-end, CFA is clearly sensitive to charges accumulating in the bulk, successfully adjusts them to achieve a better result, and is described only by a system of ODEs. HHplk is also described only by a system of ODEs and efficiently solved but is much less sensitive to charges accumulating in bulk. In summary, QSSA-end provides the most accurate model, whereas CFA provides a very efficient and reasonably accurate model of passive electro-diffusion. In moving toward modeling a live cell with passive and active transport that maintains homeostasis naturally, active transport in the form of pump fluxes was 140 incorporated into CFA and HHplk. Incorporating active transport in the QSSA-end would mean solving an entirely different steady-state problem at each time step and was not attempted here. Instead, classic HH fluxes were decomposed into their active and passive components, and a related but more simple and consistent model of pump fluxes was adopted and incorporated into the CFA and HHplk models. The dynamics of the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models were compared to each other for the dynamic approach to rest from a nearby state with zero cross-membrane potential. All three models have exhibited almost the same action potential before settling at their common resting state. This suggests that the net current produced by all methods is almost the same, even though the individual species’ fluxes are quite different from each other. The classic HH model produces much larger fluxes that also follow a qualitatively different time course than the ones of either CFA or HHplk. While the fluxes produced by HHplk follow qualitatively the same time course as the ones by CFA do, the fluxes by HHplk are larger. Comparing the three methods based on the measure of self-regulation of bulk electro-neutrality, CFA clearly emerges as the most accurate model. The efficiencies of CFA, HHplk, and classic HH are comparable. In summary, CFA provides the most accurate model of both cross-membrane potential and ion transport between a living cell and its finite environment. 141 Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In chapter 1, I have given an introduction to the anatomy and function of the brain and to various models of neurons and membrane transport, including the classic Hodgkin−Huxley (HH) ODE model for neuron signal generation. I have discussed the applicability of available models to in tissue modeling of cells, in which a cell is interacting with its relatively small, finite environment instead of being bathed in an infinitely well-buffered medium. The latter is assumed in most HH-type models and causes problems when, as is critical in a finite environment, bulk electro-neutrality needs to be maintained. Thus, the need for a physio-chemically consistent model for ion transport and electric signal generation was established. In chapter 2, I have studied electro-diffusion as a fundamental and physio-chemically consistent model of the electro-static potential during passive ion transport across a thin, lipid membrane. Under the assumptions of uniformity, homogeneity, and that the compartments on either side of the membrane are large compared to the space occupied by membrane medium, the problem was reduced to 1D. In the following, I discussed the issues involved in solving the fully transient electro-diffusion system, a system of nonlinearly coupled PDEs, numerically. Then, a quasi steady-state approximation (QSSA) of electro-diffusion was derived as a model for the dynamics of electro-diffusion and based on the existence of two separate time-scales. Further, an estimate for the time constant of the exponential approach of an electro-diffusion system to its equilibrium was derived and shown to provide an accurate, a priori prediction of the dynamic approach to equilibrium. Finally, analytic equilibrium solutions of the electro-diffusion system were computed for various constellations of valencies 142 in the system. In summary, I have presented all analytic work that is relevant to my goals and directly related to the highly nonlinear electro-diffusion system. In chapter 3, numeric solution schemes for the fully transient electro-diffusion system and its QSSA were discussed and developed. I have verified the existence of a fast and slow time-scale by demonstrating numerically that the fully transient electro-diffusion system enters consecutive steady-state dynamics on a very fast timescale. Thus, the QSSA provides an accurate model of electro-diffusion on the slower time-scale on which the two compartments interact through the membrane. In chapter 4, two different approximations of the QSSA were derived. These approximations were motivated by the fact that, when simulating dynamics based on the QSSA, a steady-state problem has to be solved at each time step and that thus, a more efficient model consisting of just ODEs is desirable. The first approximation of the QSSA was based on a constant field approximation (CFA) of the electrostatic potential, whereas the second approximation results from a linearization of the QSSA and yields a combination of a HH-type with a pump-leak model (HHplk). In contrast to previous models that incorporate these same assumptions, CFA and HHplk determine the cross-membrane potential directly from the net-charge accumulated near the membrane boundaries in either compartment instead of an electric model circuit. Further, CFA and HHplk are subject to mass conservation conditions. The dynamics of CFA and HHplk were compared to the dynamics of the QSSA in the absence of active transport against electro-chemical gradients. Since all three methods produced qualitatively and quantitatively similar results, I have developed a measure that indicates not only how well electro-diffusion is modeled but, in particular, how well bulk electro-neutrality is maintained by each method. According to this measure, the QSSA provides the most accurate model and CFA provides a more efficient and reasonably accurate model of passive electro-diffusion, whereas HHplk is not very successful in self-regulating bulk electro-neutrality. Thus, CFA is a candidate for replacing QSSA with an accurate, more efficiently solved, and thus more desirable 143 model of electro-diffusion. In moving toward modeling a live cell with passive and active transport that maintains homeostasis naturally, I have incorporate active transport in the form of pump fluxes into CFA and HHplk. Incorporating active transport in the QSSA would mean solving an entirely different steady-state problem at each time step and was not attempted here. Instead, classic HH fluxes were decomposed into their active and passive components, and a related but more simple and consistent model of pump fluxes was adopted and incorporated into the CFA and HHplk models. The dynamics of the CFA, HHplk, and classic HH models were compared to each other for the dynamic approach to rest from a nearby state with zero cross-membrane potential. All three models produced essentially the same action potential. Based upon the measure for self-regulation of bulk electro-neutrality, CFA clearly emerged as the most accurate model for cross-membrane potential and ion transport in terms of its physio-chemical consistency. In summary, CFA provides an efficient means to accurately model the interactions between two compartments with finite volume across a thin, lipid membrane. It is thus uniquely qualified to model the ion transport and potential difference across membranes of cells that interact with a relatively small external environment, as is the case for cells in tissue. 5.1 Future Work In future work, one might address the following: 1. Conduct a full analysis of the CFA model including the location and stability of steady-states as well as bursting dynamics in various parameter regimes. 2. Include more sophisticated ion channels for Na and K, add Ca ions and their buffering, and use more accurate descriptions of active pump fluxes in the CFA 144 (see section B.1). 3. Incorporate energetics into the CFA cell model by, for example, including ATPsensitive, and ATP-consuming, pumps and transporters. 4. Modify the CFA to accommodate volume dynamics (see appendix A) and study whether and how the qualitative behavior of its solutions changes. 5. Incorporate active ion transport in the QSSA by including space-dependent but concentration-independent source distributions in the electro-diffusion equation (see section B.2). 6. Characterize the transient, pseudo steady-state in the approach to Donnan equilibrium, which establishes on the order of ms and persists for some tens of ms (compare section 3.3). We expect to utilize an energetic framework. 7. Study two neighboring cells with volume dynamics that share an external environment with the goal to distinguish between cell-cell interactions through gap junctions versus other ephaptic means. 8. Move toward tissue modeling by deriving equations that model networks of CFA cells and thus represent pieces of tissue. 145 GLOSSARY ACTION POTENTIAL: Relatively large transient detour of the cross-membrane po- tential difference from its resting state. Threshold phenomenon fundamental to synaptic signaling. AXON: Signaling cable of the neuron cell. Long, little branched outgrowth from the soma ending in axon terminals at chemical synapses. BACK-UP: Copy of a file to be used when catastrophe strikes the original. People who make no back-ups deserve no sympathy. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Brain and spinal cord. CORTEX: Also, cerebral cortex. The layer of gray matter covering most of the surface of the brain. CYTOSOLIC: Located in or having to do with the main internal compartment of a cell. DENDRITES: Signal detecting “antennae” of the neuron cell. Strongly branched outgrowth leading stimuli toward the soma. DONNAN EQUILIBRIUM: Equilibrium of a two-compartment system containing charged particles, in which some particles are confined to one of the compartments. First explored in detail by Donnan. EPILEPSY: Any one of about 20 symptomatically classified forms of a complex neural disease, collectively referred to as epilepsy. 146 EQUILIBRIUM: Steady-state with zero flux, or so-called “detailed balance”. Char- acteristic of a closed system. GAP JUNCTION: Trans-membrane protein that conjoins two neighboring neurons and enables direct interaction between these cells’ cytosols. GHK: Abbreviation: Goldman, Hodgkin and Katz. INTERSTITIAL: Located in or having to do with the space by which cells in tissue are separated from each other. NEURON: Highly specialized cell of the nervous system that actively utilizes vari- ations in its cross-membrane potential difference for signaling purposes. HH: Abbreviation: Hodgkin and Huxley. LOBE: Anatomically defined component of the brain, e.g., temporal lobe. 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On the other hand, if one assumes that water transport is relatively slow and proportional to a constant but finite resistance of the membrane to water, the volume would exponentially relax toward its current steady-state value. No matter whether we choose steady-state volume dynamics or not, it is crucial to understand the relation between the cell volume and the cell surface area by which it is enlosed. In the following, we consider the case of an elastic cell membrane, the case of a membrane with constant surface area, and subsequently develop the corresponding dynamic equations that govern the ion concentrations and compartment volumes. A.1 Cell volume and cell surface area In an updated model including volume dynamics, a relation between the cell surface area and the cell volume is needed. Even if the cell surface area is assumed constant, one needs to know what maximum volume it can enclose, that is at what volume the cell bursts. In the framework of the CFA or HHplk models, the thickness of the membrane is assumed constant, in which case an elastic membrane would have to 157 Figure A.1: Schema of a cell with elastic membrane surface area. be produced or dissembled in a way that conforms with the volume changes. This is quite unrealistic. More close to reality is a membrane with constant surface area (with respect to relatively short time scales) which, when volume changes occur, wrinkles and folds onto itself or unfolds and smoothes out. The question then arises whether regions of the membrane that are folded onto each other do or do not contribute as much to fluxes across the membrane as smoothed out regions do. Therefore, looking at both extremes should be useful. In the following, we consider the case of an elastic membrane and express the surface area of the cell as a function of its volume. We then use the result for the elastic membrane in considering the case of a membrane with constant surface area. 158 A.1.1 Elastic cell membrane Suppose that in addition to an initial cell surface area, ac (t = 0), we choose some characteristic length scale in the cell, for example, the radius of the soma, L(t = 0). Then, for some constant κ1 with 0 < κ1 ≤ 1 and as long as relative changes in L and ac remain small, the volume of the cell can be approximated as νin = κ1 (L − m m )ac + ac . 2 2 (A.1) Here, κ1 is a proportionality factor characterizing the shape of of the cell, and it applies to volumes measured from the center of the cell outwards. The internal bulk region is separated from the part of the internal volume that lies in the membrane region for logistical reasons and because a membrane of uniform width is not accurately described via the proportionality constant, κ1 . It is instead much better described as a thin region of thickness m 2 on the internal as well as external side of the membrane. For the external volume, a thin region of thickness R enclosing the cell, a linear approximation is appropriate and yields νout = Rac . Note that we do not separate the bulk region from the membrane region here because the proportionality constant associated with the external bulk region is unity. The total volume of the system remains constant, that is νT = νin + νout = const. We further assume that dR = −dL. The variations of the internal and external volumes with respect to the surface area and length scales give m m dac + κ1 ac dL + Rdac + ac dR = 0 κ1 (L − ) + 2 2 (A.2) 159 m m κ1 (L − ) + + R dac + (κ1 − 1) ac dL = 0 2 2 κ1 (L − m2 ) + m2 + R dL = dac (1 − κ1 ) ac (A.3) (A.4) Substituting this into the expression for the variation of the internal volume, and using the relations κ1 (L − m m νT )+ +R= 2 2 ac and κ1 (L − m m νin )+ = , 2 2 ac (A.5) we obtain dνin = νin κ1 νT + ac 1 − κ1 ac dac (A.6) dνin dac κ1 νT = νin + 1−κ1 ac ac = κ2 (A.7) κ1 νT νin + , 1 − κ1 (A.8) where κ2 is an integration constant. Since, ultimately, we wish to use a dynamic equation for the external volume fraction, we substitute νin = νT − νout and obtain ac = κ2 (κ3 − νout ) , where κ1 = A.1.2 νin − m2 ac (t = 0) ac (L − m2 ) κ2 = ac (t = 0) κ3 − νout (A.9) κ3 = νT . 1 − κ1 (A.10) Cell membrane with constant surface area In case of a constant surface area of the cell, Ac , that true surface area defines the maximum volume of the cell. While Ac = const., the internal and external volumes 160 Figure A.2: Schema of a cell with constant membrane surface area. are still related to a “pseudo” surface area, ac (see figure ), that corresponds to the surface area of an elastic membrane. However, the volume of the boundary layer in which charges accumulate near the membrane boundaries are still related to the true surface area of the cell. The internal and external volumes take the form m m )ac + Ac 2 2 m m = (R − )ac + Ac . 2 2 νin = κ1 (L − (A.11) νout (A.12) Again, we assume that dR = −dL and that the total volume of the system remains constant, that is νT = νin + νout = const. (A.13) The variations of the internal and external volumes with respect to the surface area and length scales give 161 κ1 (L − m m )dac + κ1 ac dL + (R − )dac + ac dR = 0 2 2 m m κ1 (L − ) + R − dac + (κ1 − 1) ac dL = 0 2 2 (A.14) dL = κ1 (L − m2 ) + R − (1 − κ1 ) ac m 2 dac (A.15) (A.16) Substituting this into the expression for the variation of the internal volume and using that κ1 (L − νT − 2 m2 Ac m m )+R− = 2 2 ac and κ1 (L − νin − m2 Ac m )= 2 ac (A.17) we obtain νin − m2 Ac κ1 νT − 2 m2 Ac + dac ac 1 − κ1 ac (A.18) dνin dac m 1+κ1 = ac − 2 Ac 1−κ1 (A.19) ! dνin = νin + ac = κ2 κ1 νT 1−κ1 κ1 νT m 1 + κ1 νin + − Ac , 1 − κ1 2 1 − κ1 (A.20) where κ2 is an integration constant. Since, ultimately, we wish to use a dynamic equation for the external volume fraction, we substitute νin = νT − νout and obtain ac = κ2 (κ3 − νout ) , where κ1 = νin − m2 Ac (t = 0) ac (L − m2 ) κ2 = ac (t = 0) κ3 − νout (A.21) κ3 = νT m 1 + κ1 − Ac 1 − κ1 2 1 − κ1 (A.22) 162 One could choose ac (t = 0) = Ac but this would imply that the initial volume was the maximum volume. One should much rather choose all initial values from characteristic measurements of appropriate cells and define the total volume and constants, κ1,2,3 , as far as possible. Recall that κ1,3 are dependent on Ac . Afterwards, decide on a maximum volume of the cell, for example, relative to the total volume, and define by (min) it the constant surface area by solving Ac = κ2 κ3 (Ac ) − νout A.2 for Ac . Cell volume dynamics The volume of a cell changes due to the passage of water from one side of its membrane to the other. This migration of water is driven by an osmotic pressure gradient across the membrane, which in turn is caused by a difference in osmolar (total particle) concentrations from one side of the membrane to the other. In sufficiently dilute systems, the osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the osmolar concentration gradient across the membrane, that is X d νout = G0 cout − cin i i , dt i (A.23) where cin,out denote the average internal and external concentrations of species i, i respectively. Any trapped species are included in the summation. The proportionality factor, G0 , is related to the permeability of the cell membrane to water, and dependent on the cell surface area. For a detailed derivation of the exact form of G0 , please refer to section B.1 on the incorporation of HH-style fluxes and pumps. Meanwhile, we state that in the case of a constant surface area of the cell, Ac , X d Ac νout = HH2 O cout − cin i i dt η i and in the case of an elastic membrane, ! (A.24) 163 ! where HH2 O X d κ2 νout = HH2 O (κ3 − νout ) cout − cin , (A.25) i i dt η i is the permeability of the membrane to water per unit width, η is a conversion factor for units, and κ2,3 are integration constants that arise when the elastic membrane surface area is expressed in terms of the volume it encloses. A.3 Concentration dynamics From any given set of internal concentrations, cin i , and cell volume, vin , we can now define the external concentrations, cout i , and volume, vout , the cross-membrane potential, ∆ϕ = − RF0VT , the net flux densities, Ji , and the pseudo cell surface area, ac . To obtain ODEs in time for the bulk concentrations that take volume changes into account, we begin with a particular version of the continuity equation, d vin cin = −Ac Ji , (A.26) i dt where the boundary corresponding to the left end of the domain satisfies a zero flux condition, ensuring mass conservation. Ac denotes the true cell surface area and may be constant or, in the case of an elastic cell membrane, may equal the pseudo cell surface area, ac . Note that this implies that, at this point, all regions of the cell surface area contribute equally to the flux across it, even when regions of a constant membrane surface that are folded onto each other. Using the product rule, we obtain dvin in dcin · ci + vin · i = −Ac Ji dt dt dcin vin · i = −Ac Ji − dt dcin vin · i = −Ac Ji + dt where we have used that dvin dt = − dvdtout . dvout dt (A.27) dvin in · ci dt dvout in · ci , dt (A.28) (A.29) is given by (A.24) in case of constant cell surface area and by (A.25) in case of and elastic cell membrane. Recall that Ac 164 denotes the true cell surface area and may be constant or, in the case of an elastic cell membrane, may equal the pseudo cell surface area, ac . 165 Appendix B MODELING SOPHISTICATED CHANNELS AND ACTIVE TRANSPORT Any living cell employs an intricate machinery of proteins embedded in its membrane that maintains ion concentrations within preferred ranges and, in particular, far away from equilibrium. In order to observe any of the dynamics of the crossmembrane potential typical for neurons, we have to incorporate models for the fluxes through certain parts of the cell’s protein machinery. B.1 Channels and Pumps in the CFA framework There is a large literature on ion pump and ion channel fluxes in HH-style models. To make use of this rich source, our goal is to establish how any HH-style flux can be incorporated into the model framework of the CFA. The issue here is not to match HH-type conductances with diffusion coefficients, this was done in section 4.3, but rather how to move toward using biophysically relevant and consistent parameters instead of parameters that were fit to data after assuming a form of the solution. Making this transition is important in determining whether a model has taken into account the components necessary for a good, qualitative and quantitative prediction. We begin by considering diffusive fluxes, distinguish two cases, and consider both of them consecutively: 1. The membrane is a lipid bilayer, in which case we need a diffusion constant valid inside a cell membrane. This will be the case for leak fluxes through the membrane. 166 2. We treat a channel through the membrane as a solute-filled pore. In this case, we need a diffusion constant valid in a solute-filled pore across which there is a potential difference. B.1.1 Diffusion coefficients in lipid membrane In this section, based on cell membrane permeabilities to various ion species, we define diffusion constants valid throughout the membrane. Since the passive, diffusive fluxes through cell membrane are not related to ion channels, we are looking at leak fluxes, which the CFA defines via a GHK-type equation. From the physical point of view, the diffusion in the internal and external compartments is very fast compared to the diffusion through the membrane. Therefore, the diffusion through the region formed by boundary layer and membrane combined is limited by the diffusion through the membrane. An “effective” diffusion constant describing the diffusion through any external boundary layer and membrane would therefore approximately equal the diffusion constant for lipid membrane and involve the true width of the lipid membrane. From a mathematical point of view, we have assumed that the width of the membrane equals the width of any internal boundary layers. It was demonstrated in subsection 2.1.1 that the width of the boundary layer is very similar to the true width of the lipid membrane. Therefore, the effective diffusion constant from physical considerations is approximately the same as the one from mathematical considerations. In introductory literature of biochemistry, we find measurements of permeability coefficients, Hi , for human erythrocyte membrane for various ionic species, i. Their values express a diffusion constant per unit width of membrane and are given in units of m s in table B.1.1. The units of the diffusion constant, [Di ] = m2 . s By using the width of the boundary layer as width of the cell membrane as established elsewhere, we can define the diffusion constants in CFA by 167 Table B.1: Permeability coefficients for membrane of human erythrocyte in m/s. species i permeabilities Hi K+ 2.4 · 10−12 N a+ 10−12 Cl− 1.4 · 10−6 H2 O 5 · 10−5 Dileak = mHi (B.1) for the species listed. Since we want to include calcium (Ca), we extrapolate from the values for sodium (Na) and potassium (K) (chloride (Cl) has facilitated transport, which can be ruled out for Ca) by assuming the permeability varies with the weight, mi , of and charge, zi , carried by the respective ion species. Motivated by the physical definition of particle motilities, we assume a linear relationship with respect to zi , mi that is the permeability becomes larger when more charges are carried and worse with more weight. We obtain the following estimate HCa ≈ 0.488 · 10−12 m s (B.2) for the permeability of Ca. On the other hand, looking at the values for Na and K we see that, even though they carry the same charge, the permeability of the heavier Potassium is higher. Therefore, assuming a linear relationship with respect to mi zi instead, we obtain HCa ≈ 0.7375 · 10−12 m . s (B.3) Both estimates are very similar and thus, it seems reasonable to choose any value in between the two estimates. We have now defined all necessary diffusion constants for 168 the purpose of computing leak fluxes. Furthermore, we have a value for the permeability of a lipid membrane to water, which allows us to determine the proportionality coefficient, G0 , in the ODE governing volume changes (see appendix A). The leak fluxes through the cell membrane are defined in CFA by a GHK-type equation, Jileak = −Dileak zi ∆ϕ cout ezi ∆ϕ − cin i · i zi ∆ϕ , m e −1 (B.4) where cin,out denote the average internal and external concentrations of species i and i ∆ϕ is the cross-membrane potential difference. B.1.2 Diffusion coefficients in solute filled pores In this section, we use a linear current voltage relationship that is valid in a significantly dilute electrolyte solution. Using this relationship, we define the diffusion coefficient for an electrolyte filled pore in the cell membrane, across which there is a non-zero potential difference. This approach may be justified by considering that the total flux across the pore due to a concentration gradient and an electro-static potential gradient is related to both gradients by the same diffusion constant. Therefore, we assume that the value obtained for the case of just a potential gradient can also be used for the case of both a potential and a concentration gradient. After it has been computed, the diffusion coefficient for an electrolyte filled pore is related to the maximum flux through a particular type of ion channel via the generalized GHK-type equation, and the appropriate gating variables lead to the average channel flux. √ Consider an ion channel as a solute filled pore of length m = 2 ε. Further, suppose that, in case of a constant membrane surface area, the fraction of the membrane surface occupied by the considered type of channels is Achan . Ac For a significantly dilute system, the conductivity, G, of a region of electrolyte of the above dimensions linearly relates a current, I, in units of Ampere to a potential difference, U , in units of Volt across the pore, 169 I = GU. In our case, the absolute current is I = zi F Ac Ji for ion species i, the absolute potential difference is U = − RF0 T ∆ϕ, and the conductivity with respect to ion species i is G = Γi c i Achan , m (B.5) where ci is the (supposedly homogeneous) concentration of species i in the channel pore and Γi is called the “equivalent conductivity” for species i and is given in units of m2 . Ωmol Substituting the expressions for I, U , and G into the linear relationship, and solving for the flux density, Ji , in units of mol consistent m2 s with our model fluxes, we obtain Ji = − Γi Achan R0 T ∆ϕ ci . zi F 2 Ac m (B.6) Comparing (B.6) with the ionic flux of species i with valency zi and concentration ci due to a local electric field ∇ϕ, Ji = −zi Di ci ∇ϕ ∆ϕ ≈ −zi Di ci . m (B.7) (B.8) Comparing (B.6) and (B.8), we find that the appropriate diffusion constant, which is related to the flux of species i through channels of the considered type when all channels are open, is Dichan = Γi Achan R0 T . zi2 F 2 Ac (B.9) We have neglected in this derivation that, in addition to a potential gradient across the pore, we also have a concentration gradient. However, in case of a non-negligible 170 Table B.2: Equivalent conductivities for select species in units of species i Γi N a+ 5.01 · 10−3 K+ 7.35 · 10−3 Ca2+ 5.96 · 10−3 Cl− 7.635 · 10−3 m2 . Ωmol concentration gradient, the flux is related to both, the gradient of concentration and the gradient of potential, by the same diffusion constant. We thus assume that the diffusion constants for ion species in an electrolyte solution do not differ significantly in the presence of just a potential gradient and in the presence of both a potential and a concentration gradient. The addition of a concentration gradient will simply contribute to the driving force but not alter the dynamic coefficient. We list in table the equivalent conductivities for a few select species in units of m2 . Ωmol With the diffusion coefficients in a solute-filled channel pore with potential difference, we can define the maximum flux density through these channels as chan Ji,max = −Dichan zi ∆ϕ cout ezi ∆ϕ − cin i · i zi ∆ϕ , m e −1 (B.10) Using appropriate HH-style gating variables, which equal the fracion of open channels at any particular state of the system, the average channel flux density can be determined as chan Jichan = (gating) · Ji,max , (B.11) where the gating term describes the fraction of open channels of the considered type. For reasons of linearity, the leak and channel fluxes can be combined to yield the total 171 passive flux density of species i, Jipass = Jileak + Jichan = − Dileak + (gating) · Dichan z ∆ϕ i m · zi ∆ϕ cout − cin i e i . (B.12) ezi ∆ϕ − 1 Note that in the presence of multiple channel types for one species, the individual channel flux densities may simply be superimposed an yield zi ∆ϕ cout ezi ∆ϕ − cin i · i zi ∆ϕ . m e −1 ! Jipass =− Dileak + X (gating)chan k · Dichan k k B.1.3 (B.13) Pump fluxes Channel as well as leak fluxes are passive, that is they flow down their electro-chemical gradient. In the following, we consider active pump fluxes, which correspond to the transported of species across the cell membrane against their electro-chemical gradient. In literature, pump fluxes have most simply been modeled by sigmoidal functions. For example, Murray [52], Falcke et al. [18], and Shorten and Wall [73] use J pump = ± σ1 cn cn + σ2n (B.14) for various pump and exchanger fluxes. Here, σ1 is the maximum capacity of the pump, σ2 is the concentration at which the pump works at half capacity, c is the concentration of an ion species in the compartment from which it is expelled, and the sign indicates whether a species is expelled from the internal or external compartment. The Hill coefficient, n, is usually and integer ranging from 1 to 4, is determined by fit to data, and indicates the sensitivity of the pump to the concentration, c. As a rule of thumb, one can say that the larger the Hill coefficient, the steeper the response of the pump. If pump fluxes of sigmoidal type are in units of mol , s that is particles per unit time, they can be converted to flux densities by simply dividing them by the membrane 172 surface area, Ac , or by redefining σ̃1 = σ1 . Ac The resulting pump flux density for species i has the same form as in (B.14). If pump fluxes of sigmoidal type are instead in units of mol , m3 s that is concentration per unit time, they can be converted to flux densities by multiplying by the volume of the compartment from which they expel a species and by dividing by the membrane surface area, Ac . The simplest way to implement this is to redefine σ̃1 = νσ1 , Ac for an appropriate volume, ν, and the pump flux takes the same form as in (B.14). A problem potentially arises when the model includes compartments whose volumes vary with time. Multiplying a flux in units of concentration per unit time by a volume defines a flux in units of particles per unit time. However, the HH-type model from which the flux originates relies on fixed volumes, that is the related particle flux may only be valid for this one, particular, fixed volume. The question remains whether, for relatively small volume changes, one should use a fixed volume (initial volume) as a conversion factor or whether the use of the true, time dependent, volume is more appropriate. Once this difficulty is overcome, the net flux density of species i, JiT = Jipass + Jipump = Jileak + Jichan + Jipump . (B.15) The total flux of particles of species i from the internal to the external compartment is simply Ac JiT , which is responsible for concentration dynamics. B.1.4 Calcium sensitivity Calcium (Ca) plays an important role in intra- and inter-cellular signaling and has been linked to the synchronization of cell networks, cicadian rhythms, and more [52]. Thus, it is not surprising that Ca has a significant influence on some concentrationdependent ion fluxes, such as the one through the Ca-dependent K channel. It also participates in its own regulation by a feedback mechanism called Ca-induced Ca 173 release (CICR), during which Ca is released from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), a subunit of the cell in which Ca is highly buffered. Ca sensitivity is usually taken into account by sigmoidal terms whose form is similar to that of pump fluxes. Thus, Ca sensitive, HH-type K currents have been modeled in the form I KCa = σ1 cn (V − VKrev ) , cn + σ2n (B.16) where n is the Hill coefficient, c is the cytosolic Ca concentration, σ1 is the maximum conductance of the channel, σ2 is the Ca concentration at which the channel operates at half capacity, and V and VKrev are the cross-membrane and K-reversal potentials, respectively (compare, e.g., [73]). In contrast to traditionsl HH-type currents, the Cadependent K channel can thus be seen as gated by Ca explicitly instead of by gating functions that obey their own differential equations. This HH-style current can easily be incorporated into a GHK-based framework such as CFA by converting the current to a flux density, by converting the conductance, σ1 , to a diffusion coefficient according to equation (4.39), and by replacing the voltage difference by a GHK-like term. While the CICR in Falcke’s model [18] is rather complicated, a much more simple approach is suggested by Keener and Sneyd [36] for bullfrog sympathetic neuron. Their results are in good comparison with experimental data and the CICR-flux of Ca from the ER into the cytosol is modeled by J cicr = σ1 cn (cER − c) , cn + σ2n (B.17) where c is the cytosolic Ca concentration, cER the Ca concentration in the ER, σ1 is a time constant, and σ2 is the Ca concentration at which the channel operates at half capacity. Since σ1 is a time constant, the units of this CICR-flux are mol m3 s , that is concentration per unit time. For compatibility with the CFA model, one needs to know whether Ca in the ER or in the cytosol are altered directly by this flux. For 174 example, if cytosolic Ca is affected directly, then dc = J cicr and dt dcER vin cicr = − J , dt vER (B.18) (B.19) where vin and vcicr denote the cytosolic and ER volumes, respectively. CICR is, however, not solely dependent on Ca concentrations but also mediated by high- and low-voltage activated channels and by channels sensitive to IP3, a secondary messenger. Working against its gradient, Ca is also continuously expelled from the cytosol by ion pumps that transport Ca into the ER or out of the cell. The latter is, among other means, achieved by the Na-Ca exchanger, which exploits the Na gradient to “lift” Ca out of the cytosol. We shall not explore CICR any further since there is a large literature on it and attempting to give a concise overview would be inappropriate within the frame of this work. B.1.5 Volume dynamics via flux of water The volume of a cell changes due to the passage of water from one side of its membrane to the other. This migration of water is driven by an osmotic pressure gradient across the membrane, which in turn is caused by a difference in osmolar (total particle) concentrations from one side of the membrane to the other. In sufficiently dilute systems, the osmotic pressure is directly proportional to the osmolar concentration gradient across the membrane. We assume in the following that the osmotic pressure difference across the membrane is the sole driving force behind the flux of water across the membrane. Thus, the rate of change of volume is directly proportional to the osmolar concentration difference across the membrane and boundary layer. Due to the assumed proportionality, we describe the flux of water through the membrane as a diffusion-type process 175 that is driven by the gradient of the total particle concentration, S(x) = P ci (x), with the appropriate diffusion constant for water, JH2 O (x) = DH2 O ∇S(x). (B.20) Applying the constant flux assumption throughout the membrane and denoting Sout = S( m2 ), and Sin = S(− m2 ), we obtain Sout − Sin m = HH2 O (Sout − Sin ) , JH2 O = DH2 O (B.21) (B.22) where HH2 O is the permeability coefficient for water given in table B.1.1, HH2 O = 5 · 10−5 m s . Next, the flux given in units of mol per second and per unit area through which it passes needs to be converted to a volume change in cubic meters per second. First of all, the area through which the flux passes is the cell surface area, Ac . Therefore Ac JH2 O gives the passage of water across the membrane and boundary layer in moles per second. The factor we need relates moles of water to their volume: 1` H2 O = =⇒ 1 kg H2 O = 55.556 mol H2 O H2 O has η = 55, 556 mol . m3 (B.23) (B.24) 3 With this we conclude that, in units of ms , d Ac νout = HH2 O (Sout − Sin ) . dt η (B.25) This formula holds for a cell with constant surface area. In case of an elastic membrane, the surface area of the cell varies with volume and, as established in appendix A, 176 Ac = κ2 (κ3 − νout ) for appropriate constants, κ2,3 . Substituting the expression for the surface area in terms of the external volume into the dynamic equation for the external volume, we obtain an equation that is not explicitly dependent on the variable surface area and valid for a cell with elastic membrane, κ2 d νout = HH2 O (κ3 − νout ) (Sout − Sin ) . dt η B.2 (B.26) Including source terms in the QSSA To incorporate active transport into the QSSA, we include source contributions at steady-state that are dependent on space (x) but not concentration. The electrodiffusion and Poisson equations in 1D are modified to ! ∂ci ∂ ∂ci ∂ϕ = Di + zi ci + Si ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x ε h ∂2ϕ X + zi ci = 0 ∂x2 i ! (B.27) (B.28) i for x ∈ − m2 ; m2 , where D and ε are the diffusion and dielectric coefficients associated with the membrane medium and Si is the flux density of species i due to source contributions. The net flux density, Ji , is constant at steady-state and satisfies ! Ji = −Di dci dϕ + zi ci − Si . dx dx (B.29) Thus, the concentrations, ci , obey the ODE dci dϕ Ji Si (x) + zi ci = − − , dx dx Di Di (B.30) 177 whose solution is determined from ! d Ji Si (x) zi ϕ(x) ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) = − − e , dx Di Di (B.31) such that for species permeant to the membrane, ci (x) e zi ϕ(x) ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) Z x Ji Z x zi ϕ(s) Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) = ci (L) e − e ds − e dτ (B.32) Di L Di L Z R Ji Z R zi ϕ(s) Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) = ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) + e ds + e dτ. (B.33) Di x Di x zi ϕ(L) In particular, the constant net flux density, Ji , of permeant species obeys Z R Ji Z R zi ϕ(s) Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) zi ϕ(R) zi ϕ(L) − e ds = ci (R) e − ci (L) e + e dτ. Di L Di L (B.34) This allows us to eliminate the net flux density, Ji , from the permeant concentration profiles and we obtain e−zi ϕ(x) ci (x) = R R z ϕ(s) i ds L e " ci (L) e zi ϕ(L) − x Z L ... + ci (R) ezi ϕ(R) + Z R x ! Z R Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) e dτ ezi ϕ(s) ds Di x !Z # x Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) e dτ ezi ϕ(s) ds .(B.35) Di L For species impermeant to the membrane, the net flux vanishes and ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) x Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) e dτ Di L Z R Si (τ ) zi ϕ(τ ) zi ϕ(R) = ci (R) e + e dτ Di x ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) = ci (L) ezi ϕ(L) − Z for L ≤ x ≤ 0 (B.36) for 0 ≤ x ≤ R. (B.37) We will have to distinguish sources of permeant species from sources of impermeant species and introduce the following notation: σ̃j = X Si , Di σj = X permeant i trapped i zi = j zi = j Si . Di (B.38) This notation allows us, as in section 3.2, to combine species with the same valency, j. Using the alpha-notation introduced there and substituting the concentration profiles 178 (B.35), (B.36), and (B.37) into Poisson’s equation, (B.28), the generalized PoissonNernst-Planck (PNP) equation that includes sources is ∂ ∂ϕ ε ∂x ∂x ! = − X all je −jϕ(x) τjL ejϕ(L) − Z L j τjR ejϕ(R) ... + + x σj (s) e jϕ(s) ds H (−x) ! R Z x σj (s) e jϕ(s) ds H (x) (B.39) RR ejϕ(s) ds L ejϕ(s) ds ! LR x # Z R jϕ(s) e ds L ... + α̃jR ejϕ(R) + σ̃j (s) ejϕ(s) ds R R jϕ(s) , x ds L e ... + α̃jL ejϕ(L) − Z x σ̃j (s) e jϕ(s) ds RxR where H denotes the Heaviside function. To solve this generalized PNP equation with an almost Newton solver alike the one developed in section 3.2, it has to be linearized with respect to the electro-static potential, ϕ = ϕ̃ + δ, but ignoring contributions from the integrals RR L ejϕ(s) ds. The resulting linearized PNP equation is to be solved for δ given ϕ̃, σ̃, σ, and boundary conditions. It is ε X ∂2 (ϕ̃ + δ) = − je−j ϕ̃(x) [Aj (x) (1 − jδ (x)) + jBj (x) δ (L) + jCj (x) δ (R) 2 ∂x all j ... +jDj (x) ... +jFj (x) x Z L Z x ... +jKj (x) δ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds + jEj (x) δ (s) σ̃ (s) e j ϕ̃(s) L Z x δ (s) σ (s) e L Z R δ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds ds + jGj (x) j ϕ̃(s) Z ds + jMj (x) R δ (s) σ̃ (s) ej ϕ̃(s) ds x Z # R δ (s) σ (s) e x where Aj through Mj are the highly nonlinear coefficients Aj (x) = τjL ejϕ(L) τjR ejϕ(R) − x Z σj (s) e L + Z jϕ(s) x ds H (−x) + ... ! R σj (s) e jϕ(s) ds H (x) + ... RR ejϕ(s) ds + ... jϕ(s) ds L L e ! Rx Z R ejϕ(s) ds R jϕ(R) jϕ(s) α̃j e + σ̃j (s) e ds R LR jϕ(s) , x ds L e α̃jL ejϕ(L) − Z x σ̃j (s) e jϕ(s) (B.40) x ds RxR j ϕ̃(s) ds , 179 Bj (x) = Cj (x) = Dj (x) = Ej (x) = Fj (x) = Gj (x) = R R j ϕ̃(s) ds L j ϕ̃(L) x e (−x) + α̃j e , RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e R x j ϕ̃(s) ds R j ϕ̃(R) R j ϕ̃(R) L e τj e H (x) + α̃j e , RR j ϕ̃(s) ds L e ! Z R 1 R jϕ(R) jϕ(s) σ̃j (s) e ds R R jϕ(s) , α̃j e + x ds L e Z x 1 α̃jL ejϕ(L) − σ̃j (s) ejϕ(s) ds R R jϕ(s) , L ds L e R R jϕ(s) e ds − RxR jϕ(s) , ds L e R x jϕ(s) ds L e , RR jϕ(s) ds L e τjL ej ϕ̃(L) H Kj (x) = −H (−x) , Mj (x) = H (x) . In contrast to the almost Newton steady-state solver with no source contributions, all coefficients of the system defining the almost Newton steady-state solver with source contributions are truly space-dependent. 180 Appendix C EPILEPSY: AN INTRODUCTION Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder. About 1% of humans are afflicted by intermittently recurring seizures that, to this day, can at most be treated symptomatically. The major difficulty lies in anticipating a seizure such that its occurrence can be prevented. Clinical diagnosis, monitoring, and evaluation of the disease in a patient is based on visual inspection of electroencephalogram (EEG) from scalp or intra-cranial electrodes. Abundant clinical data is available from this source. On a cellular level, hyper-synchronous, epileptic neural responses can be obtained by e.g. enhancing synaptic excitability or enabling direct electrical field interactions between neighboring soma. This suggests a more physical, rather than biological, basis of the disorder. See [51] for an excellent overview of epilepsy, its pathology, and treatment including the mathematical methods involved. There exists a large literature on the physiological characterization and mathematical modeling of neural responses. Groundbreaking work was done by Hodgkin and Huxley, who modeled dynamics of the potential difference across a membrane with capacitance, and used current-voltage relations according to Ohm’s law, but with varying conductances. Model equations for various ionic currents were based upon the physiological knowledge of ion channels and plasma pumps in cell membranes at the time and were fit to data from giant squid axon. Most of today’s literature is closely related to this work and its assumptions. For example, most Hodgkin and Huxley-type models today assume a cell with fixed volume to be bathed in an infinitely buffered environment, causing volume and interstitial concentrations not to change dynamically. This is appropriate for the 181 comparison and fit of data to in vitro slice studies since there, a thin slice of tissue is bathed in a nourishing solution essentially fixing the cells’ environments. However, literature on epileptic neuron suggests that not only the dynamics of membrane potential and cytosolic concentrations are of importance but also the dynamics of interstitial concentrations and cell volume. A mathematical model including those features will contribute to the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of epileptic seizures and is a step toward being able to predict and prevent them. Therefore, a suitable model for epileptic neuron cannot assume a cell with fixed volume immersed in an infinite medium, as is the case for Hodgkin and Huxley. C.1 Pathology and Medical Treatment Epilepsy is the collective term for more than twenty different types of seizure disorders. About 1% of humans are afflicted by recurring seizures, more than 2 million people in the US. For half of the affected people, this common neurological condition starts in childhood and many children just “grow out of it” before reaching adulthood. In adults, epilepsy may have persisted from childhood or be the result of a head injury, often caused by a car accident. The treatment of epilepsy to date does not result in the complete restoration of a patient’s health but is restricted to reducing the visible symptoms. Seizure disorders take on several forms, depending upon where in the brain the malfunction takes place, and how much of the total system is involved. Most people think of generalized tonic clonic seizures when they hear the word “epilepsy”. In this type of seizure, a person undergoes convulsions lasting a total of two to five minutes with complete loss of consciousness and muscle spasms. On the other hand, absence seizures appear as a blank stare and last for only a few seconds. Partial seizures produce involuntary movements of an arm or a leg, distorted sensations, or a period of automatic movement during which awareness is blurred or completely absent. 182 One unique aspect of epilepsy is the certainty of the recurrence of seizures along with the uncertainty of their timing [67] while, between two episodes, a patient appears completely normal. This intermittent pathological condition makes the understanding and clinical treatment of epilepsy particularly difficult. Even though modern technology and medicine are highly advanced, the treatment of epilepsy is, relatively speaking, still in its infancy. There are basically three ways in which epilepsy is treated today: Medication. There are only few substances that have provided a measure of relief from seizures to some epileptic patients. Most medications target the synaptic transmission of neurons and suppress their hyper-excited responses, even though recent literature shows that seizures need not originate from hyperexcited synaptic transmission. However, nobody knows exactly what mechanisms are involved on a cellular or molecular level when medicating a patient. Consequently, finding the right drug in each particular case is a process involving trial and error, starting with the medication proven to be the most successful and to have the least serious side effects. Surgery. Of the 20% of patients unable to find relief from medication, some qualify for epilepsy surgery. If the origin of most or all of the patient’s seizures are confined to a small region of the brain and the condition of the patient is serious enough, that is he or she has many seizures per day, then it is common to remove that particular part of the brain (for example by a temporal lobectomy). Other surgical procedures currently in practice include the separation of the left and right hemispheres from each other (corpus callosotomy) or even the removal of an entire hemisphere (hemispherectomy). This may have serious effects on the patient’s motoric or speech abilities or their memory, depending on which part of the brain is affected. Further seizures may occur and medication may still be necessary. 183 Electrodes. If medication is unsuccessful and a patient does not qualify for or chooses not to undergo surgery, then there is a relatively new way of treatment involving the use of electrodes. A battery and electrodes, just as for a pacemaker, are implanted and the electrodes are led to the regions of the brain from which most of the patient’s seizures originate. A characteristic setup of the device applies a 30 sec stimulus to the brain every 5 minutes. This prevents most of a patient’s seizures but the controversial question arising immediately is whether it is more harmful for the brain to suffer through the seizures or to bear the frequent electrical stimuli from a foreign source. A small minority of patients have the ability to recognize the onset of a seizure a few seconds in advance. For those, the stimulus of the implanted electrodes can be activated externally and manually by operating a switch when holding a magnet next to the battery implant. This minimizes the number of stimuli to the brain. However, the majority of patients do not have this ability. Attempts to quickly and accurately predict seizures from EEG measurements have not been successful so far. Even currently available software used in hospitals to monitor seizures and recognize their onset, is far from accurate. Hence, it remains a huge challenge to accurately predict epileptic seizures seconds or even minutes before their onset. In the following two sections we will describe epilepsy in more detail for both in vivo and in vitro analogues. Neurological terms and other special background has been introduced in section 1.1. C.2 Definition of Epilepsy in Vivo The current neurological view of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy, the most common type of the disorder in adults, is that abnormally discharging neurons act as pacemakers to entrain other normal neurons. By entrain, we mean the process by which an abnormally discharging neuron causes neighboring neurons to discharge abnormally 184 as well. As a consequence, reaching a critical mass can lead to the spread of synchronized, abnormal dynamics throughout the brain or portions thereof. This behavior can be clinically observed using electroencephalograms (EEGs). Using scalp or intracranial electrodes, which sample data from the scalp of the patient or directly from the intra-cranial space inside the skull, respectively, and which are distributed over critical regions of the brain, the onset of a seizure can usually be observed in one or two locations (channels) only. In a generalized seizure, the spread of abnormal discharge to neighboring channels is observed at the order of tens of seconds or minutes, whereas seizure termination occurs in all affected channels at once. Abundant clinically obtained data is available but few quantitative studies have been carried out to characterize and decipher this rich source of information. To this day, there is no set of clear and simple, or even mathematically graspable criteria by which to even define epilepsy. By simultaneous visual inspection of EEG data and a video tape of the patient, “abnormal” patterns in the brain’s activity are identified and linked to events related to an epileptic seizure or the patient’s action or surrounding. The presence of some “epileptic” features in the data, while other indicators for the occurrence of a seizure are missing, makes a correct diagnosis a true challenge, even for the trained eye. The left of figure C.1 shows a routine EEG recording from scalp electrodes during normal, healthy brain function. On the right, an example for epileptic EEG is shown, where the seizure onset is recorded in the electrode labeled B 3-4. There are certain ranges of preferred frequencies observed in normal EEG data. Some of them have been identified with certain states of brain function. The following four figures show a three second sample of raw EEG data each, accompanied by its power spectrum of frequencies in Hz on a log-scale (10−1 to 102 ): • Delta waves (0-3 Hz [53]) result from an extremely low frequency oscillation during periods of deep sleep. 185 Figure C.1: Left: Routine EEG recording from scalp electrodes during normal, healthy brain function. Right: Example of epileptic EEG. The seizure onset is recorded in the electrode labeled B 3-4. • Theta waves (4-7 Hz [53]; 4-12 Hz [11]) can accompany feelings of emotional stress but are also related to an activated, exploration-associated state of the brain. They are positively correlated with the gamma frequency, modulate it, and appear more synchronized during sleep. • Alpha waves (7-10 Hz [53]) have a relatively large amplitude and are brought on by unfocusing one’s attention. They are also correlated with the gamma rhythm. 186 • Beta waves (13-20 Hz [53]; 10-25 Hz [81]) result from heightened mental activity. They have relatively small amplitudes and, in experiments, are induced and stabilized by synchronous gamma waves. • Gamma waves (20+ Hz [53]; 40-100 Hz [11]; 20-70 Hz [81]) are related to an activated, exploration-associated state of the brain, as well as novel sensory stimulation and higher cognitive function, for example, combining different sensory stimuli to one experience. The gamma rhythm is positively correlated with the theta rhythm, periodically modulated by the theta rhythm, and appears more synchronized during sleep. It also induces and stabilizes beta rhythm in experiments. One immediately notices the loosely defined ranges, partial inclusion, or even overlap of the above frequency bands. To this day, no one standard has been agreed upon. The frequencies of spikes (discharges) in the data, even more so than their amplitude, are considered to be indicators of the state currently supported by the brain. For example, principal cells in the cortex discharge rather slowly and irregularly, whereas during a seizure discharges occur in a spontaneously synchronized way [11, 26]. Furthermore, during an epileptic seizure, less variety of frequencies or a dominant frequency is observable in the data. Typically, a fast frequency dominates and neurons discharge 187 in a very regular, “machine like” fashion. This change of frequency behavior in the EEG signal is often, but not necessarily, accompanied by an increase in its amplitude or a shift of the signal. The presence of fewer frequencies indicates the presence of less complexity in the neurons’ communication during an epileptic seizure and has been suggested by several mathematical characterizations of EEG data [67, 48, 31, 33, 80, 74, 45, 12, 59, 32]. C.3 Definition of Epilepsy in Vitro Many medical studies are conducted using brain slices from the hippocampal region of the brain. In preparation for studies, the hippocampus is isolated from the rest of the brain and cut into thin slices. Each slice can then be used for experiments, in which micro electrodes are placed in certain, crucial areas or positions on the hippocampal slice. It is accepted in the field that the CA1 region of the hippocampus is especially prone to seizure development following ischemia due to an accident or trauma. Furthermore, its morphological structure is simple compared to other regions of the brain. This makes it particularly easy to distinguish certain kinds of neuron populations, along with their output signals, from each other and makes hippocampal brain slices especially attractive for epilepsy studies. However, it is true for brain slices that the tissue, after separation from the brain, needs to be stimulated to show activity in form of action potentials, whereas a live brain in situ is never free of activity. In the majority of studies, electrical stimuli are applied to key regions of the hippocampus using electrodes and the resulting observed behavior is categorized. For our purposes, it is sufficient to distinguish between what is referred to as epileptiform (epilepsy-like, seizure-like), or non-epileptiform (etc.) activity. Epileptiform activity is generally identified with spontaneously occurring, synchronized discharges of neuron populations [77, 26]. 188 The two main purposes of cell-cell signaling are to cause excitatory or inhibitory effects on the downstream target. One of the easiest ways to induce epileptiform behavior in brain slices is to disable the inhibitory feedback control for certain types of neurons, which then exhibit hyper-excited responses to given stimuli. However, seizure-like behavior in brain slices can be induced in a variety of ways, only few of which are linked to synaptic inhibition. In fact, it has been shown that hypersynchronous epileptiform activity can be dissociated from hyper-excited neural responses. In other words, spontaneous epileptiform activity can be maintained in brain slices without interfering with the cells’ synaptic excitability. Instead, the alternative pathway for seizure development lies in the direct interaction of cells at their soma, mediated by gap-junctions and involving direct electrical field interactions [26]. This seems to suggest a more physical, rather than biological, basis for epileptiform activity. Even though different pathways to epileptiform behavior have been discovered in a variety of preparations, the characteristics of seizure-like activity are very similar. In other words, different initial causes lead to the same, common result. One might stipulate that, for each of these cases, the chains of causal events eventually merge, such that the events in the immediate vicinity of the common event (seizure) are roughly the same. Hence, it has been suggested that the fundamental events leading to seizure initiation and termination might also be similar [78]. However, since stimulation in brain slices occurs artificially and communicative pathways are severely restricted, it remains a question how closely the results obtained from brain slices can be related to the behavior of cells which are still part of the connected tissue. C.4 Relevant Knowledge About Epileptic Neuron Looking at seizure disorders in particular, provides us with more criteria about what processes might be important to include. Having studied the special conditions and 189 symptoms of epilepsy especially at the cellular level, we find the following points particularly relevant: The CA1 region of the hippocampus is especially prone to seizure development following ischemia. Regional variation in cell density in the hippocampus has been linked to this weakness [50], which implies that cell density or relative cell volume may be key factors in seizure disorders. Further, it has been observed that neurons swell during activity and extrude potassium to the extracellular space. Since the neurons are active in a way often described as “machine-like” during epileptic seizures, one can imagine that potassium extrusion happens to an extreme extent. This implies that, in addition to cell volume, potassium may also be one of our key players. In fact, numerous independent studies [6, 50, 68, 78, 26, 25] have shown that 1. Potassium concentration in the extracellular space increases more than 3-fold during seizures (or seizure-like activity in brain slices). More precisely, a normal extracellular level of K is about 3 mM, whereas during seizures levels of up to 10 mM can be reached. 2. Seizure-like activity is induced more easily in brain slices after having bathed them in high potassium medium with concentrations comparable to those observed during seizures. In other words, significantly less of a seizure triggering substance is needed to induce seizure-like activity in high potassium medium. 3. Bathing neurons in high potassium media also induces significant swelling of the cells. In particular, a 10% decrease in osmolarity of the extracellular space, which is well within physiological range, lead to a 47% or 55% increase in volume of pyramidal or inter-neuron cells, respectively. 4. Any seizure or seizure-like activity is terminated immediately when a diuretic is applied to reduce the cell volume. This has been demonstrated in both brain slices and living animals alike. 190 5. Treating neurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus with low extracellular chloride medium while they are showing seizure-like activity desynchronizes their discharges within minutes, even if high K is present. 6. Blocking the gradient driven Na-K-Cl co-transporter that transports Cl into and Na and K out of the cell, abolishes epileptiform activity in the CA1 region of hippocampal slices by desynchronizing population discharges. For all the above reasons, understanding the causal relationships between the cell volume, extracellular K concentration, possibly extracellular Cl concentration, and seizure-like activity would mean a big step toward improving the understanding of epileptic seizures. C.5 Nonlinear Dynamics and Epilepsy Several studies in neuronal network modeling [75, 47, 13] and analysis of clinical epileptic EEGs have pointed out a possible framework for understanding the intermittency of epilepsy [3, 19, 31, 48] based on the recent development in the field of nonlinear dynamics [37]. The most important implication of the idea is that the brain is a dynamical system (e.g., neuronal activities changing with time) with nonlinearity. It is known that a nonlinear system can exhibit several characteristically different behaviors dependent on the initial state of the system and subtle differences in its parameters. For a linear system, the dynamic behavior of two slightly different initial conditions will keep being slightly different, that is “small causes lead to small effects”. However, the presence of unpredictability in the deterministic but nonlinear dynamical system causes initially neighboring states to diverge exponentially fast as the system evolves forward in time. The Lyapunov exponent is a quantitative index for characterizing this behavior. A deterministic equation can, in this sense, generate seemingly random data without any noise input. This is known as “chaos” [5]. 191 A significant consequence of this view is that although EEG data can be seemingly stochastic, it could possibly be characterized by a rather simple and deterministic mathematical model. There are many models of single neurons or neuron populations, their analytical treatments, and, even more so, their numerical simulations. They help explain the way neuron populations communicate, are made to fit experimental data, provide help in understanding specific diseases on a cellular level by motivating new studies, and possibly help in developing new treatments. One key question that remains regarding the connection of dynamical systems to epilepsy is whether an episode is a temporary detour from otherwise healthy brain dynamics, or whether it is an intermittently reappearing symptom of unhealthy brain dynamics. This is an important distinction: The first case implies that both, healthy and epileptic, brain dynamics are modeled by the same dynamical system, whereas the second case implies that healthy brain dynamics are modeled by a qualitatively different dynamical system from epileptic dynamics. 192 Appendix D INTEGRALS OF EQUILIBRIUM SOLUTIONS Boltzmann’s law is valid at equilibrium and, for example, in the internal compartment ci (x) ezi ϕ(x) = cLi ezi ϕ(L) . (D.1) Thus, the exact expression describing the mass of species i in the internal compartment is correctly formulated as vin cin i = (vin − LAc ) cLi + Ac Z 0 L cLi e−zi (ϕ(x)−ϕ(L)) dx (D.2) and explicit expressions for the integrals of exp (−zi (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))) for x0 ∈ {L, R} would be desirable to have at hand. We shall recall the equilibrium solutions derived in section 2.3 for systems containing species carrying any of the valencies ±1 and ±2: When the valency j = −2 is present in the system, we make use of the following notation: q 1 − (2α−2 + α−1 ) ± (2α−2 + α−1 )2 − 4α−2 α2 ≤ 0 = 2α−2 (D.3) b = (1 − u1 ) + (1 − u2 ) , and (D.4) u1,2 σ= c = (1 − u1 ) (1 − u2 ) q + 2cαε−2 for L < x < 0 q − 2cα−2 ε for 0 < x < R (D.5) 193 L (u) = √ 2 u−1 for u1 6= u2 c(u−u1 )(u−u2 )+2c+b(u−1) (D.6) u−1 2c+b(u−1) for u1 = u2 Λ (x) = L (u0 ) exp (σx) . (D.7) In case u1 6= u2 , the explicit equilibrium solution, u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}, can be written as: u = 1+ 4cΛ , (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 (D.8) whereas in case u1 = u2 , the explicit solution, u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}, may be written as: u = 1+ 2cΛ . 1 − bΛ (D.9) When the valency j = −2 is not present in the system, we make use of the following notation: u2 = −α2 ≤ 0. α1 + 2α2 q + 2(1−uε2 )α−1 (D.10) for L < x < 0 (D.11) σ= q − 2(1−u2 )α−1 ε for 0 < x < R √ √ u − u2 − 1 − u2 √ L (u) = √ u − u2 + 1 − u 2 Λ (x) = L (u0 ) exp (σx) . (D.12) (D.13) The explicit solution, u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}, may then be written as: 1+Λ u = u2 + (1 − u2 ) 1−Λ 2 . (D.14) 194 In the special case of only monovalent species (valencies ±1) in the system, u2 = 0 and solution (D.14) reduces to 1+Λ 2 u= . (D.15) 1−Λ In order to describe the mass in either compartment or in the entire system, we derive integrals of u−zi (x) = exp (−zi (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))) for x0 ∈ {L, R} and appropriate valencies, zi . Since dΛ = σΛ dx, a change of variables from x to Λ, such that R u dx = (D.16) 1 σ R u · Λ−1 dΛ, and decomposing each solution into its partial fractions allows us to obtain expressions for the desired integrals by simply computing and combining integrals of rational functions. D.1 Integrals in case of a mono-valent system Consider first the integral of u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}. We shall return later to computing the integral of u−1 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))). Decomposing the solution to the mono-valent system yields 1+Λ 2 1−Λ 1 Λ Λ2 = + 2 + (1 − Λ)2 (1 − Λ)2 (1 − Λ)2 u = (D.17) (D.18) and 1 2 Λ 2 + 2 + Λ (1 − Λ) (1 − Λ) (1 − Λ)2 1 4 = + . Λ (1 − Λ)2 uΛ−1 = The integrals, of which R (D.19) (D.20) u dx = u · Λ−1 dΛ is composed, are R 1 dΛ = lnΛ Λ Z 1 1 2 dΛ = 1−Λ (1 − Λ) Z (D.21) (D.22) 195 and so x2 Z x1 1 4 Λ(x2 ) u dx = lnΛ + . σ 1 − Λ Λ(x1 ) (D.23) To compute the integral of u−1 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))), we decompose u 1−Λ 2 = 1+Λ 1 Λ Λ2 − 2 + = (1 + Λ)2 (1 + Λ)2 (1 + Λ)2 −1 (D.24) (D.25) and 2 Λ 1 2 − 2 + Λ (1 + Λ) (1 + Λ) (1 + Λ)2 1 4 − = . Λ (1 + Λ)2 u−1 Λ−1 = The integrals, of which R (D.26) (D.27) u−1 dx = u−1 · Λ−1 dΛ is composed, are R 1 dΛ = lnΛ Λ Z 1 −1 2 dΛ = 1+Λ (1 + Λ) Z (D.28) (D.29) and so Z x2 u−1 dx = x1 D.2 1 4 Λ(x2 ) lnΛ + . σ 1 + Λ Λ(x1 ) (D.30) Integrals in case no valency j = −2 is present Consider first the integral of u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}. We shall return later to computing the integrals of u−1 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))) and u2 (x) = exp (2 (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))). Note that, in case no valency of +2 is present, the results of this section reduce to the results of section D.1. Decomposing the solution yields 1+Λ 2 1−Λ ! 1 Λ Λ2 = u2 + (1 − u2 ) +2 + , (1 − Λ)2 (1 − Λ)2 (1 − Λ)2 u = u2 + (1 − u2 ) (D.31) (D.32) 196 for which we may reuse the results of section D.1 and obtain x2 Z x1 1 4 Λ(x2 ) u dx = lnΛ + (1 − u2 ) . σ 1 − Λ Λ(x1 ) (D.33) Computing the integral of u−1 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))) is not as trivial. Decomposing the inverse of u yields 1 u−1 = u2 + (1 − u2 ) 1+Λ 1−Λ (D.34) 2 (1 − Λ)2 = u2 (1 − Λ)2 + (1 − u2 ) (1 + Λ)2 (1 − Λ)2 = (1 + Λ)2 − 4u2 Λ Λ2 − 2Λ + 1 = Λ2 + (2 − 4u2 ) Λ + 1 (D.35) (D.36) (D.37) and thus 1 Λ2 − 2Λ + Λ (Λ2 + (2 − 4u2 ) Λ + 1) Λ2 + (2 − 4u2 ) Λ + 1 1 4 − (1 − u2 ) 2 . = Λ (Λ + (2 − 4u2 ) Λ + 1) u−1 Λ−1 = (D.38) (D.39) The quantity ∆ = 4 − (2 − 4u2 )2 = 16u2 (1 − u2 ) and thus the integrals, of which Z R (D.40) u−1 dx = u−1 · Λ−1 dΛ is composed, are R 1 dΛ = lnΛ Λ (D.41) √ √ −u − 1 − u2 Λ + 2 dΛ 1 = q ln √ 2 (. D.42) √ 2 Λ + (2 − 4u2 ) Λ + 1 4 (−u2 ) (1 − u2 ) Λ+ −u2 + 1 − u2 Z <0 2 Finally, Z x2 x1 u−1 dx = 1 lnΛ − σ s 2 Λ(x2 ) √ −u − 1 − u 2 2 1 − u2 ln . (D.43) √ √ 2 −u2 Λ+ −u2 + 1 − u2 Λ + √ Λ(x1 ) 197 To compute the integral of u2 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))), we decompose u2 , that is 2 u 1+Λ u2 + (1 − u2 ) 1−Λ = 2 !2 (D.44) !2 4Λ = 1 + (1 − u2 ) (D.45) (1 − Λ)2 16Λ2 8Λ 2 = 1 + (1 − u2 ) + (1 − u ) (D.46) 2 (1 − Λ)2 (1 − Λ)4 For the first two terms we can reuse results from section D.1, whereas for the third term we need the integral Λ dΛ −1 1 . 4 = 2 + (1 − Λ) 2 (1 − Λ) 3 (1 − Λ)3 Combining results, we obtain the final integral needed in this case, Z Z x2 x1 D.3 1 8 (1 − u2 ) −16 (1 − u2 )2 16 (1 − u2 )2 u dx = lnΛ + + + σ (1 − Λ) 2 (1 − Λ)2 3 (1 − Λ)3 " 2 (D.47) #Λ(x2 ) . (D.48) Λ(x1 ) Integrals in case valency j = −2 is present and u1 6= u2 Consider first the integral of u (x) = exp (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 )) for x0 ∈ {L, R}. We shall return later to computing the integrals of u−1 (x) = exp (− (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))), u2 (x) = exp (2 (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))), and u−2 (x) = exp (−2 (ϕ (x) − ϕ (x0 ))). Decomposing the solution yields 4cΛ (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 4cΛ = 1+ . (1 − (4c + b) Λ) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) u = 1+ The integrals we need to compute R u dx = 1 σ R (D.50) u · Λ−1 dΛ are 1 dΛ = lnΛ Λ ! Z dΛ 1 1 − (4c − b) Λ = ln (1 − (4c + b) Λ) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) 2b 1 − (4c + b) Λ Z (D.49) (D.51) (D.52) 198 and thus, the integral of u in this case is Z x2 x1 " 1 2c 1 − (4c − b) Λ u dx = lnΛ + ln σ b 1 − (4c + b) Λ !#Λ(x2 ) . (D.53) Λ(x1 ) To obtain the integral of u−1 , we rewrite u−1 = 1 1+ (D.54) 4cΛ (1−bΛ)2 −4cΛ2 2 (1 − bΛ) − 4cΛ2 (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 + 4cΛ 4cΛ = 1− 2 (b − 4c) Λ2 + 2 (2c − b) Λ + 1 4cΛ = 1− 2 , (b − 4c) (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) (D.55) = (D.56) (D.57) where Λ1,2 √ 2 (2c − b) ± −∆ = 2 (b2 − 4c) q = − (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) ± (D.58) 2 q (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) (u1 − u2 )2 −∆ = 16u1 u2 (1 − u1 ) (1 − u2 ) > 0 (D.60) b2 − 4c = ((1 − u1 ) − (1 − u2 ))2 = (u1 − u2 )2 (D.61) 2c − b = (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) + (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) q 2 q √ 2 (2c − b) ± −∆ = 2 (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) ± (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) . The integral needed to compute Z R < 0 (D.59) (D.62) (D.63) u−1 dx = u−1 · Λ−1 dΛ is R dΛ 1 Λ − Λ1 = ln , (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) Λ1 − Λ2 Λ − Λ2 (D.64) so that Z x2 x1 " 1 2c Λ − Λ1 u−1 dx = lnΛ + √ ln 2 σ Λ − Λ2 −∆ (b − 4c) To compute the integrals of u2 , we rewrite #Λ(x2 ) . Λ(x1 ) (D.65) 199 2 u = = 4cΛ 1+ (1 − (4c + b) Λ) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) = 2u − 1 + The integral we need to compute Z !2 4cΛ 1+ (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 (D.66) !2 (D.67) (4cΛ)2 . (1 − (4c + b) Λ)2 (1 − (4c − b) Λ)2 R u2 dx = 1 σ R (D.68) u2 · Λ−1 dΛ is ! 1 Λ dΛ 1 1 + + ... 2 2 = 2 4b 1 − (4c + b) Λ 1 − (4c − b) Λ (1 − (4c + b) Λ) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) ! c (4c + b) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) + 3 ln , (D.69) b (4c − b) (1 − (4c + b) Λ) so that Z x2 x1 " ! 1 4c 1 − (4c − b) Λ u dx = lnΛ + ln + ... σ b 1 − (4c + b) Λ ! 4c2 1 1 + + ... b2 1 − (4c + b) Λ 1 − (4c − b) Λ 2 16c3 (4c + b) (1 − (4c − b) Λ) + 3 ln b (4c − b) (1 − (4c + b) Λ) (D.70) !#Λ(x2 ) . Λ(x1 ) To compute integrals of u−2 , we rewrite u −2 !2 = (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 (1 − bΛ)2 − 4cΛ2 + 4cΛ = 4cΛ 1− 2 (b − 4c) (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) = 2u−1 − 1 + (D.71) !2 (D.72) (4cΛ)2 , (b2 − 4c)2 (Λ − Λ1 )2 (Λ − Λ2 )2 (D.73) where, as before, Λ1,2 √ 2 (2c − b) ± −∆ = 2 (b2 − 4c) q = − (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) ± (D.74) q 2 (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) (u1 − u2 )2 < 0 (D.75) 200 −∆ = 16u1 u2 (1 − u1 ) (1 − u2 ) >0 (D.76) b2 − 4c = ((1 − u1 ) − (1 − u2 ))2 = (u1 − u2 )2 (D.77) 2c − b = (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) + (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) q 2 q √ 2 (2c − b) ± −∆ = 2 (−u1 ) (1 − u2 ) ± (−u2 ) (1 − u1 ) . The integral we need to compute Z R u−2 dx = 1 σ R (D.78) (D.79) u−2 · Λ−1 dΛ is ! Λ dΛ 1 −Λ1 −Λ2 = + + ... 2 2 2 −∆ (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) (b2 − 4c) (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) (2c − b) Λ − Λ1 +√ ln , (D.80) 3 Λ − Λ2 −∆ so that Z x2 x1 " 1 4c Λ − Λ1 u dx = lnΛ + √ ln σ Λ − Λ2 −∆ (b2 − 4c) ! 16c2 −Λ1 −Λ2 + + ... + −∆ (Λ − Λ1 ) (Λ − Λ2 ) −2 16c2 (2c − b) Λ − Λ1 + √ ln 3 Λ − Λ2 −∆ #Λ(x2 ) . Λ(x1 ) + ... (D.81) (D.82) (D.83) 201 VITA Viktoria R.T. Krupp was born of Viktor A. and Gisela T. (Krause) Krupp in Düsseldorf, Germany. After finishing Highschool with majors in Mathematics and Chemistry, she took up studies in Technomathematik at the Gerhard Mercator Universität-GH Duisburg from 1994 to 1997. A member of the prestigeous German National Merit Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, e.V.) from 1995 through 2000, she transferred to the University of Washington Graduate School in 1997. In the Department of Applied Mathematics, she earned a Master of Science in 1999, continued the study of Mathematical Biology with her advisor, Hong Qian, and received the departmental Boeing Award of Excellence in 2002. After her graduation with a Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics, Viktoria is excited to continue and extend her work while holding a research position with Jim Keener and Aaron Fogleson at the University of Utah. Viktoria met her husband, Terry Hsu of Seattle, while Salsa dancing in 1998, they were married in 2001, and Viktoria’s last name changed from Krupp to Hsu (spoken “shoe”). To date, the most original comment about this name change has to be accounted to Bard Ermentrout: At their first meeting, he pointed out that “this shoe doesn’t fit.” Besides dancing, the couple enjoys music, cooking and eating good food, their two cats, swimming, and a variety of outdoor activities.