Chickimin r10barge.xls SUMMARY Total Group #I Priority for Funding Codes High Safety Hazard Safety Hazard Structural Hazards Not According to Code Critical Maintenance Energy Conservation Routine Maintenance Outdated/Nice to have ANNUAL MAINTENANCE H&S $0 (WCF Work): $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Group #II (Architectural Work): Total Group #III (Mechanical Work): Total Group #IV (Electrical Work): Total Group #I-IV: Grand Total Groups #I-IV: Total Groups #I-IV/sf: Base National Cost/sf: Res $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! DEFERRED MAINTENANCE Mis $0 H&S $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Res $0 Mis $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Fields to be filled in by the Inspector $0 $0 $0 $0 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description R-10 Facility Maintenance Cost Guide 0.00 R3 Unit Cost adj. For R10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 of 6 9/22/2004 Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Division 2 - Hull Maintenance - WCF Hull recoating Tow & drydock barge, blast clean, prep and repaint hull exterior Including deck and appurtenances per sf of hull area (excluding steel deck under interior first floor). 10 SF 0.98 0 7 Bilge recoating Blast and recoat bilge at each haulout (floor only). 10 SF 0.61 0 7 Hull paint touch-up Grind rust and spot-recoat as needed annually; apply non-skid grit to deck 1 SF 0.05 0 7 Deck appurtenance paint touch-up Sand or brush and touch up deck appurtenances as necessary 1 LS 500.00 0 7 Hanging Zincs Replace hanging zincs 3 EA 30.00 0 7 Hanging Zincs Brush off and inspect annually 1 EA 12.00 0 Winch Replacement Replace 5-ton Beebe manual anchoring winches and smaller boom winches 20 EA 231.13 Capstan and Motor Replacement Replace electric capstan motors and controls 20 EA 150.00 0 7 Winch and Capstan Service Grease and service all winches annually 1 EA 100.00 0 7 Hatches and Bulkhead Doors Service, grease, and inspect 1 EA 100.00 0 2 Emergency Bilge Pumps Inspect, test, and service emergency electric bilge pumps annually 1 EA 75.00 0 5 7 0 2 Emergency Bilge Pumps Replace emergency bilge pumps and controls 25 EA 240.00 0 5 Anchorage and Mooring Lines Inspect Mooring and Anchor Lines Annually 1 Trip 500.00 0 2 Anchorage and Mooring Lines Replace Mooring and Anchor Lines, Cable, Chain and Anchors as needed 5 LS 510.00 0 5 Other Total Group I Chickimin 0 0 0 1 of 6 Chickimin r10barge.xls 2 of 6 9/22/2004 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Division 1 - General General Seasonal cleaning (carpets, exterior windows, lighting fixtures, and other nonroutine cleaning) 1 SF 0.25 0 Occupant Abuse residential and field camps 1 SF 0.15 0 Condition Survey Remote Site Per barge 1 LS 460.00 Seasonal Startup/Shutdown Per barge 1 LS 1,026.00 0 7 Floats Replacement of floats for boat plane moorage (2 required @ 20'x24') 30 SF 1.94 0 7 Inspect and secure fasteners on maintenance deck and rail annually 1 SF 0 7 7 7 0 5 Other Division 5 - Metals Aluminum Maintenance Deck Other Division 6 - Wood Cabinetry, Base or Wall Replacement (per linear foot of base plus lineal foot of wall cabinet, excluding countertop) 25 LF 13.68 0 7 Countertops Replacement 25 LF 9.40 0 7 Cabinetry, Bathroom Vanities Replacement (Includes countertop) 25 LF 14.56 0 7 Wood Decking, Porches Replacement 25 SF 1.20 0 7 Wood Decking, Porches Maintenance; annual cost for deck anti-slip 3 SF 0.49 0 7 Wood Stairs Replacement cost (based on 4' wide by 12" treads) 25 RISER 6.57 0 7 Wood Stairs Annual cost for stair antislip 3 RISER 1.94 0 7 Other Division 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection Roofing Replacement (metal, standing seam) Roofing Annual inspection and minor repair Gutters & Downspouts Replacement (vinyl, per linear foot of gutter and spouts) Gutters & Downspouts Annual cost for cleaning and repair 25 SF 0.38 0 7 1 SF 0.10 0 7 10 LF 0.99 0 7 1 LF 1.00 0 7 Other Chickimin 2 of 6 Chickimin r10barge.xls 3 of 6 9/22/2004 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Division 8 - Building Doors & Windows Doors & Frames Replacement (exterior doors, frames, hardware and weatherstripping) 25 Ea 54.72 0 Doors & Frames Replacement (interior doors, frames, hardware) 25 Ea 34.20 0 7 7 Windows & Frames Replacement (Glazing, Glass Replacement, Entire Unit) 25 Ea 41.04 0 7 Windows and Doors Annual sealing and adjustment 1 Ea 10.00 0 7 Other Division 9 - Building Finishes Acoustical Ceiling Tile replacement (per s.f. of ceiling area) Acoustical Ceiling Annual cost for average replacement of 1 tile per 1000 sf (per actual sf) 25 SF 0.15 0 7 1 SF 0.04 0 7 Flooring - Carpet Flooring - Vinyl Replacement, carpet and pad; (per sf of carpeted floor area second flr. and stair only) Replacement, vinyl; (per sf of vinyl floor area second flr bthrms & entries & first flr less mech. and area under stairs) 10 SF 0.65 0 7 Painting-Exterior Stain (per sf of exterior wall area) Painting-Exterior Repaint (per sf of actual wall area) 5 SF 0.45 0 7 Painting-Interior Repainting (per sf of interior wall area)Ceiling only 7 SF 0.17 0 7 Pressure Wash Roof, vinyl and metal siding 5 SF 0.18 0 7 10 SF 0.70 0 7 5 SF 0.50 0 7 Other Division 10 - Specialties Laundry - Crew Service calls 1 BLDG 342.00 0 5 Fire Extinguishers One year & Five year inspections/tests 1 Ea 20.00 0 2 Smoke Alarms Annual inspections/tests 1 Ea 15.00 0 2 Other Chickimin 3 of 6 Chickimin r10barge.xls 4 of 6 9/22/2004 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Division 11 - Equipment Appliances Average per appliance (Range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, dishwasher) 10 Ea 132.70 0 7 Range Replacement 10 Ea 143.21 0 7 Refrigerator Replacement 10 Ea 148.77 0 7 Refrigerator - Sunfrost Replacement - Sunfrost High Efficiency Refridgerator 15 Ea 199.18 0 7 Clothes Washer Replacement 10 Ea 158.18 0 7 Clothes Dryer Replacement 10 Ea 120.13 0 7 Dishwasher Replacement 10 Ea 93.20 0 7 Garbage Disposal Replacement 10 Ea 47.20 0 7 Microwave Oven Replacement 10 Ea 47.20 0 7 Trash Compactor Replacement 10 Ea 132.70 Fuel Tank, steel, 1250 gal, in bilge Empty, clean, repaint, and replace all gasketing and valves 25 Ea 120.00 0 7 Fuel Tank, alum, 500 gal, in bilge Empty, clean, and replace all gasketing and valves 25 Ea 120.00 0 7 Fuel Tank Annual cost of service 1 Ea 50.00 0 Propane Tank Replacement 100 gal; replace regulator 10 Ea 30.00 Division 12 - Furnishings Other Division 13 - Special Construction 7 0 5 Other Total Group II 0 0 0 Division 15 - Mechanical Plumbing Fixtures-Water Closets Replacement 25 Ea 44.48 0 7 Fixtures- Showers Replacement 25 Ea 53.49 0 7 Fixtures- Lavatory Replacement 25 Ea 28.11 0 7 Fixtures- Kitchen Sink Replacement 25 Ea 44.36 0 Hot Water Heater-Electric Annual cost of service 1 Ea 50.00 0 Hot Water Heater-Oil/Gas/Prpoane Annual cost of service 1 Ea 250.00 0 Hot Water Heater-Electric Replacement 50 gallon 10 Ea 95.80 0 7 Hot Water Heater-Oil Replacement 50 gallon 10 Ea 235.10 0 7 Hot Water Heater-Oil Replacement 70 gallon 10 Ea 320.60 0 7 7 5 5 Other Chickimin 4 of 6 Chickimin r10barge.xls 5 of 6 9/22/2004 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Heating and Ventilation Furnace,Oil Replacement 15 Ea 467.20 0 7 Unit Heater, Oil Fired (Monitor/Toyo) Replacement 10 Ea 431.80 0 7 Kitchen Range Hood Replacement 10 Ea 75.24 0 7 Bath Exhaust Fans Replacement 10 Ea 26.85 0 7 Electric Baseboard Heaters Replacement (based on sf of building area heated) 25 SF 0.09 0 7 Heating System-Electric Annual cost of service (based on sf of building area heated) 1 SF 0.11 0 Heating System-Oil Annual cost of service 1 Ea 200.00 0 Chimney Sytems Replacement, All fuel (7" metalbestos) 25 Ea 106.08 Chimney Sytems Annual cost of service 1 Ea 128.25 5 5 0 7 0 5 Other Total Group III Chickimin 0 0 0 5 of 6 Chickimin r10barge.xls 6 of 6 9/22/2004 Data Entry Form -- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - BARGES (Version R10 9/07/2001) Ranger District: Remote Location Factor Building Category: Bldg ID # : Inspector: Location: Bldg Name: Maintenance Level: Size (GSF): FMMS #'s CSI Division Description Insp Date: (building only) Cycle Measurements yrs Quantity Units R10 Cost/Unit Year Constructed: Annual Maint Cost H&S Res Priority for Funding Mis Division 16 - Electrical AC System 120/240V Lighting-Exterior Replacement, Wall pack, HPS 70W 15 Ea 35.91 0 7 Lighting-Exterior *Replacement, Incandescent 100W, Wet location (bronze housing) 15 Ea 15.00 0 7 Lighting-Interior Replacement, Fluorescent, Surface Mount, 2 ea 48", acrylic wrap lens 25 Ea 9.58 0 7 Lighting-Interior Replacement, Incandescent 25 Ea 5.75 0 7 Lighting-Interior Bilge *Replacement, surface mount wet location, 2-tube flourescent 25 Ea 13.86 0 7 Lighting-Interior Annual cost of service (Clean, replace bulb every 5 years) Emergency Lights Replacement, 2 head, 6V, sealed beam, lead battery 25 Ea 31.35 0 Bilge Fire Alarm System Replacement 15 Ea 160.00 0 Bilge Fire Alarm System Mandatory Annual Service Contract, Testing 1 Ea 855.00 Exterior Receptacles Replacement of device due to corrosion 10 Ea 50.00 0 Generator Systems Replacement <10kW @ 10,000 hrs 10 Ea 844.01 0 7 Generator Systems Replacement 10-20 kW @20,000 hrs 10 Ea 1,236.59 0 7 Generator/Power Systems Annual cost of service 1 Ea 1,026.00 0 5 Solar Power Systems Annual cost of service 1 Ea 513.00 0 5 1 LAMP 0.82 0 5 7 7 0 5 7 Other DC System 12V Lighting-Interior Bilge Replacement, surface mount, wet location, bronze housing 25 Ea 9.00 0 7 Lighting-Interior Replacement, interior 12V fixtures 25 Ea 4.31 0 7 Batteries Replace 8d gelcell batteries 5 Ea 120.00 0 7 Batteries Replace gelcell batteries 5 Ea 200.00 0 7 Batteries Terminal maintenance - annually 1 LS 150.00 0 7 Inverter Replace 2500 watt inverter 10 Ea 300.00 0 7 Other Total Group IV Total Groups #I-IV: Grand Total Groups #I-IV: Chickimin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 of 6