ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles Page 1 of 2 [all subject areas] [all journals] Current: April - June 2007 e-mail address go to ScienceDirect contact Journal of Hydrology April - June 2007 RSS Blog This! Articles in Press 1. Print Show condensed Modeling the hydrological impact of land-use change in West Africa Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 258-268 Li, K.Y.; Coe, M.T.; Ramankutty, N.; Jong, R.D. 2. Wavelet analysis of hydrological and water quality signals in an agricultural watershed Journal of Hydrology, 1 May 2007, Pages 1-14 Kang, S.; Lin, H. 3. A framework for risk assessment on soil erosion by water using an integrated and systematic approach Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 11-21 Wu, Q.; Wang, M. 4. GIS-based recharge estimation by coupling surface-subsurface water balances Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 337-355 Batelaan, O.; De Smedt, F. 5. The impact of climate change on spatially varying groundwater recharge in the grand river watershed (O Journal of Hydrology Jyrkama, M.I.; Sykes, J.F. 6. A comparative study of artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy in continuous modeling of the daily and hourly behaviour of runof Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 22-34 Aqil, M.; Kita, I.; Yano, A.; Nishiyama, S. 7. Water and soil resources response to rising levels of atmospheric CO"2 concentration and to changes in precipitation and air tempe Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 159-171 Chaplot, V. 8. Hydrologic response to climatic variability in a Great Lakes Watershed: A case study with the SWAT model Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 187-199 Wu, K.; Johnston, C.A. 9. Cannonsville Reservoir Watershed SWAT2000 model development, calibration and validation Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 68-86 Tolson, B.A.; Shoemaker, C.A. 10. Spatially distributing monthly reference evapotranspiration and pan evaporation considering topographic influences Journal of Hydrology McVicar, T.R.; Van Niel, T.G.; Li, L.; Hutchinson, M.F.; Mu, X.; Liu, Z. 11. A probabilistic approach for analysis of uncertainty in the evaluation of watershed management practices Journal of Hydrology, Volume 333, Issue 2-4, 1 February 2007, Pages 459-471 Arabi, M.; Govindaraju, R.S.; Hantush, M.M. 12. Consideration of measurement uncertainty in the evaluation of goodness-of-fit in hydrologic and water quality modeling file://W:\ScienceDirectTOP25HottestArticles.htm 18/03/2011 ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles Page 2 of 2 Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 326-336 Daren Harmel, R.; Smith, P.K. 13. Comparison of hydrological impacts of climate change simulated by six hydrological models in the Dongjiang Basin, South China Journal of Hydrology, Volume 336, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 316-333 Jiang, T.; Chen, Y.D.; Xu, C.y.; Chen, X.; Singh, V.P. 14. Improved rational hydrograph method Journal of Hydrology, 1 May 2007, Pages 63-72 Crobeddu, E.; Bennis, S.; Rhouzlane, S. 15. Effects of landuse change on the hydrologic regime of the Mae Chaem river basin, NW Thailand Journal of Hydrology, Volume 334, Issue 1-2, 1 February 2007, Pages 215-230 Thanapakpawin, P.; Richey, J.; Thomas, D.; Rodda, S.; Campbell, B.; Logsdon, M. 16. Distributed hydrological modelling of a Mediterranean mountainous catchment - Model construction and multi-site validation Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 35-51 Moussa, R.; Chahinian, N.; Bocquillon, C. 17. An invalidation test for predictive models Journal of Hydrology, 1 May 2007, Pages 57-62 Bardsley, W.E.; Purdie, J.M. 18. A general methodology to simulate groundwater flow of unconfined aquifers with a reduced computational cost Journal of Hydrology, 1 May 2007, Pages 42-56 Pulido-Velazquez, D.; Sahuquillo, A.; Andreu, J.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. 19. Modelling hydrology and water quality in the pre-alpine/alpine Thur watershed using SWAT Journal of Hydrology, Volume 333, Issue 2-4, 1 February 2007, Pages 413-430 Abbaspour, K.C.; Yang, J.; Maximov, I.; Siber, R.; Bogner, K.; Mieleitner, J.; Zobrist, J.; Srinivasan, R. 20. Spatio temporal analysis of daily precipitation and temperature in the Basin of Mexico Journal of Hydrology, Volume 336, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 231-249 Carrera-Hernandez, J.J.; Gaskin, S.J. 21. A distributed hydrologic model and threshold frequency-based method for flash flood forecasting at ungauged locations Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 402-420 Reed, S.; Schaake, J.; Zhang, Z. 22. Flood prediction using Time Series Data Mining Journal of Hydrology, Volume 333, Issue 2-4, 1 February 2007, Pages 305-316 Damle, C.; Yalcin, A. 23. Using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model to simulate field-observed runoff and erosion in the Apennines mountain Journal of Hydrology, Volume 336, Issue 1-2, 1 March 2007, Pages 84-97 Pieri, L.; Bittelli, M.; Wu, J.Q.; Dun, S.; Flanagan, D.C.; Pisa, P.R.; Ventura, F.; Salvatorelli, F. 24. Freshwater-saltwater transition zone movement during aquifer storage and recovery cycles in Brooklyn and Queens, New York City, Journal of Hydrology, Volume 337, Issue 1-2, 1 April 2007, Pages 87-103 Misut, P.E.; Voss, C.I. 25. Development and testing of a simple physically-based distributed rainfall-runoff model for storm runoff simulation in humid forested Journal of Hydrology, Volume 336, Issue 3-4, 1 April 2007, Pages 334-346 Du, J.; Xie, S.; Xu, Y.; Xu, C.y.; Singh, V.P. Copyright © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 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