Mechanistic studies of a AAA+ Protease by Andrew R. Nager B.S. Chemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 2008 SUBMITTED TO THE PROGRAM OF BIOLOGY (COURSE 7) IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ARCHVES December 2012 MASSACHUSETTS INSTIUTE ©2012 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved. LiBRARIES 71-'\ 1i) Signature of Auth. Biology December 04, 2012 Certified by: Robert T. Sauer Salvador E. Luria Professor of Biology Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: -W.0of Stephen Bell Professor of Biology Co-Chair, Biology Graduate Committee I Mechanistic studies of a AAA+ Protease by Andrew R. Nager Submitted to the program of Biology (Course 7) on December 04, 2012 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Abstract AAA+ proteases are present in all branches of life and responsible for the energy-dependent degradation of most cytosolic proteins. Substrates for AAA+ proteases are unfolded and translocated into a compartmental peptidase. The requirement for protein unfolding raises several questions. How easily are proteins unfolded within the native environment of a cell? Are some proteins more difficult to unfold than others, and, if so, why? How do AAA+ ATPases convert the chemical energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis into mechanical unfolding and translocation? ClpXP is a AAA+ protease that consists of the hexameric ClpX unfoldase and polypeptide translocase and the ClpP compartmental peptidase. ClpX binds a substrate by an unstructured degradation tag and then, by multiple rounds of ATP-binding and hydrolysis, unfolds and translocates the substrate into the proteolytic chamber of ClpP. To study the features that allow a protein to resist unfolding, I investigate the degradation of degron-tagged Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP; Chapter 2). By engineering GFP substrates, I determine the steps of GFP unfolding and how structure local to the degron can hinder ClpX-mediated unfolding. In later chapters, my collaborators and I use ensemble and single-molecule fluorescent assays to study the mechanochemical cycle of ClpX 6 . By these assays, we observe that subunits adopt unique classes which differ in structure and nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, subunit classes switch in a thermally-driven probabilistic fashion that is decoupled from the chemical cycle, and ClpX 6 form a staircase architecture similar to AAA+ helicases. Thesis supervisors: Robert T. Sauer, Tania, A. Baker Titles: Salvador E. Luria Professor of Biology, Whitehead Professor of Biology 2 Acknowledgements Many people have contributed to my graduate school experience and, ultimately, this thesis. My advisors, Bob Sauer and Tania Baker, have shaped and encouraged my work. Furthermore, they have been role models, showing me how to be a productive scientist, teacher, speaker, and writer. Similar, Prof. Monty Krieger has been an invaluable mentor, expanding my view of cell biology and teaching. Thanks to Prof. Matt Lang who has taught me much about single-molecule techniques and is an endless source of excitement (even when I suggest horrible experiments). Many thanks to Profs. Stephen Bell, Amy Keating, and Thomas Schwartz. Each has influenced me either through classes, committee meetings, or one-on-one conversations. Additionally, I still think Stephen Bell took a risk letting me into the graduate program. Thank you Profs. Richard Schwartzstein, Robert Sackstein, and Elazer Edelman for letting me audit coursework at Harvard Medical School and Health Sciences & Technologies. To the members of the Sauer, Baker, Krieger, Keating, Schwartz, Laub, Gilbert, and King labs for collegial discussions and improving the work (and after work) environment. Thank you Joey Davis, Mary Lee, J Sohn, Shankar Sundar, Jiejin Chen, Vlad Baytshtok, Anna de Regt, Jon Grabenstatter, Seokhee Kim, Karl Schmitz, Ben Stinson, Ohad Yosefson, Santiago Lima, Randall Mauldin, Peter Chien, Leonid Gaidukov, Ayce Yesilaltay, Marsha Penman, Scott Chen, Jen Kaplan, Chris Negron, Karl Hauschild, Evan Thompson, Kevin Knockenhauer, Brian Sosa, Kasia Gora, Pavan Vaidyanathan, and Oksana Sergeeva. Thank you to the students that I have mentored and learned from, both as a teaching assistant and graduate resident tutor. I would especially like to thank Steven Glynn, Orr Ashenberg, Sandra Kim, Adrian Olivares, Josh Arribere, Mary Kay Thompson, and Nathaniel Schafheimer. Steve trained me in crystallography and how to eat large numbers of gummy bears at the synchrotron. Orr is a continuing resource on computational biology and we have shared many unproductive evenings at bars. Sandy encouraged my interests in medicine and influenced my decision to study primary cilia. Adrian, in addition to being Beer Tzar and commissioner of our fantasy football league, has been an intellectual resource and eager debater of kinetics. Josh, Mary Kay, and Nathaniel have added much color (often from red wine) to my graduate school experience. Special thanks to Brenda Pepe, the lab administrator. I have incorrectly filed and ordered many things over the past four years. Thank you for your never ending help. Finally, thank you to my parents and family for their unwavering support. To my Dad who shows off each of my papers to his work colleagues (even the second author publications!). To my Mom who, when I need to relax, is close and caring and, when I need to work, gives me distant support. Then to my grandfather who has long fostered my love for science and instilled in me a multi-disciplinary, open approach to inquiry. 3 To my grandfather Maxwell Nager who taught me that science can be creative. 4 Table of Contents Chapter 1 AAA+ Proteases..................................................................................................... 10 Intracellular Proteolysis ...................................................................................................... 11 AAA+ Proteases ...................................................................................................................... 13 Protein-unfolding in a native environm ent....................................................................... 16 Structures of AAA+ M achines ........................................................................................... 21 Subunit coordination within ATP-fueled m otors ............................................................. 25 The F1 ATPase: a sequential rotary engine ........................................................................ 26 Cytoplasm ic Dynein walkers: a stochastic stum ble ........................................................... 29 AAA+ unfoldases have multiple classes of subunits......................................................... 31 AAA+ m otors: stochastic, concerted, or sequential?.............................. . ........................ . . 31 References................................................................................................................................ 36 Chapter 2 Stepwise unfolding of a p barrel protein by the AAA+ ClpXP protease.......... 44 Abstract.................................................................................................................................... 45 Introduction............................................................................................................................. 46 Results ...................................................................................................................................... 49 ClpXP extraction of terminal P strands in split-GFP variants .......................................... 49 GFP fluorescence during ClpXP stalling supports terminal-strand extraction .................. 52 54 Stalling behavior of circularly permuted GFP variants .................................................... Stalling substrates have lower maximal rates of ClpXP degradation ................................ 60 Equilibrium and kinetic stability........................................................................................... 61 Dependence of rates of ATP hydrolysis and degradation on ATP concentration............... 62 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 64 68 M aterials and M ethods....................................................................................................... Protein Expression, Purification, and Cleavage................................................................ 68 TAM RA-labeled fluorescent peptides ............................................................................... 70 70 Biochem ical Assays .............................................................................................................. 71 Acknowledgem ents ................................................................................................................. 72 References................................................................................................................................ Chapter 3 Nucleotide binding and conformational switching in the hexameric ring of a 79 AAA+ m achine ............................................................................................................................ 80 Abstract.................................................................................................................................... Introduction............................................................................................................................. 81 84 Results ...................................................................................................................................... 84 New crystal structures....................................................................................................... 85 Evidence supporting 4L:2U and 5L:1U subunit arrangem ents......................................... 86 A test of subunit switching................................................................................................ 89 An assay for subunit-specific nucleotide binding ............................................................. 92 Subunit-specific conformational changes ........................................................................ Locking subunits in the L conformation prevents unfolding and degradation .................. 94 96 Subunit communication and ATP hydrolysis .................................................................... 98 Discussion................................................................................................................................. 98 Setting and resetting the configuration of the ClpX ring .................................................. 100 Evidence for subunit switching........................................................................................... 102 Structural and functional classes of ClpX subunits ............................................................ 103 Using CoM ET assays to study multimeric proteins ........................................................... 5 Experimental procedures ..................................................................................................... M aterials ............................................................................................................................. 104 10 4 P ro tein s ............................................................................................................................... 10 4 Crystallization and structure determination........................................................................ 105 Fluorescence assays ............................................................................................................ 107 Biochemical assays ............................................................................................................. 108 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................ 110 References...............................................................................................................................111 Chapter 4 The stochastic mechanism of a AAA+ machine observed by single-molecule CoM ET........................................................................................................................................116 Abstract...................................................................................................................................117 Introduction............................................................................................................................118 Results.....................................................................................................................................119 CoM ET of a ClpX subunit...................................................................................................119 L *U switching is independent of nucleotide hydrolysis................................................... 122 L *U kinetic analysis ......................................................................................................... 123 Hydrolysis-dependent L motions ...................................................................................... 124 Discussion............................................................................................................................... 126 L @U switching and L motions are uncoupled................................................................... 126 Subun it classes .................................................................................................................... 12 6 ClpX mechanism and other AAA+ machines..................................................................... 128 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................... 129 References.............................................................................................................................. 130 Chapter 5 Polarized TIRFM of ClpX rigid bodies differentiates subunits within a hexamer .......................................................................... 133 Introduction..........................................................0 ....................................... Experimental Design...................................................................................................... Results ......................................................................................................................... Discussion....................................................................................................................... References................................................................................ . ..... Appendix A Stalling of cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA ............................................................................. Extraction of an a helix ................. .................................... 134 136 140 143 148 152 153 Appendix B Supplement for Ensemble CoMET of ClpX......................... 155 Appendix C Supplement for Single-Molecule CoMET of ClpX...................... Supplemental M ethods ....................................................................................................... Appendix D Catalog of ClpX mutations .................................... Tether and IGF loop truncations for ClpX crystallography ............................................. Cysteine mutations.......... ....................................................... ....................... cCoM ET mutations and pairs.............................................. o......................................... Mutations for single-molecule nanometry .................................... ClPPplatform...................................................................... ........................................ Synthetic ClpX constructs...... ........................................ 165 169 170 171 173 177 180 180 181 6 List of Figures Chapter 1 AAA+ Proteases 12 Figure 1.1 ClpXP, AAA+ Protease...................................................................................... 15 Figure 1.2 Single-molecule nanometry............................................................................... 16 Figure 1.3 Unfolding by AAA+ unfoldases........................................................................ 17 Figure 1.4 Kinetic and global stability. .............................................................................. .... 19 ClpXP degradation. and the rate of Figure 1.5 Relationship between global stability Figure 1.6 Structures of substrates used for ClpXP-degradation studies....................... 20 22 Figure 1.7 Asymmetric structure of ClpX. ....................................................................... 23 Figure 1.8 Rigid-body subunit interface.......................................................................... 24 Figure 1.9 ClpX pore loops.................................................................................................. 27 Figure 1.10 Sequential nucleotide cycle of F1 ATPase. ..................................................... 28 Figure 1.11 Asymmetric interactions of the 7 stalk........................................................... 30 Figure 1.12 Cytoplasmic Dynein walkers .......................................................................... Figure 1.13 Models for coordination of nucleotide hydrolysis within AAA+ hexamers... 32 35 Figure 1.14 Models for mixed subunit coordination......................................................... Chapter 2 Stepwise unfolding of a P barrel protein by the AAA+ ClpXP protease 48 Figure 2.1 Green Fluorescent Protein ............................................................................... 51 Figure 2.2 A stable 10-stranded barrel............................................................................... 53 Figure 2.3 An unfolding intermediate is populated during stalling ............................... Figure 2.4 Circularly permuted GFP variants show stalling and non-stalling ClpXP 55 degradation.............................................................................................................................. Figure 2.6 Effects of ClpXP versus ClpX extraction of terminal peptides from thrombin56 split substrates......................................................................................................................... 59 .............................................................................. assays Figure 2.7 Strand-replacement 61 Figure 2.8 Equilibrium and kinetic stability of GFP variants ........................................ 63 Figure 2.9 Two-step unfolding .......................................................................................... Chapter 3 Nucleotide binding and conformational switching in the hexameric ring of a AAA+ machine 83 Figure 3.1 ClpX structure ................................................................................................... Figure 3.2 VI mutations alter the ATP dependence of ClpX function............................ 89 90 Figure 3.3 nCoMET detects nucleotide binding to specific subunits ............................. Figure 3.4 cCoMET detects conformational changes in specific subunits..................... 94 96 Figure 3.5 Effects of L-lock disulfides on ClpX function ................................................. Figure 3.6 ATP hydrolysis by a variant with one binding site does not support function 97 98 Figure 3.7 Model for ring-setting and ring-resetting reactions ...................................... Chapter 4 The stochastic mechanism of a AAA+ machine observed by single-molecule CoMET 121 Figure 4.1 Single-molecule cCoMET of a ClpX subunit ................................................... Figure 4.2 Dwell time probability distributions reveal hidden L classes ......................... 124 125 Figure 4.3 Transition density plots ...................................................................................... 127 Figure 4.4 Two mechanical cycles........................................................................................ a hexamer within Chapter 5 Polarized TIRFM of ClpX rigid bodies differentiates subunits 135 Figure 5.1 Rotations at the hinge......................................................................................... 137 Figure 5.2 Hinge rotations position adjacent subunits ...................................................... 138 Figure 5.3 Polarized TIRF microscopy ............................................................................... 7 Figure 5.4 polTIRFM of BFR-Cl X6 ..-.......---............................................................... Figure 5.4 Construction of ClpPp lform .... ............................... Figure 5.5 polTIRFM trajectories and hidden Markov fits.............................................. Figure 5.6 ClpX rigid bodies occupy five distinct angles .................................................. Figure 5.7 One-step dwell-time distributions..................................................................... Figure 5.8 Ring structure and potential tilt........................................................................ Figure 5.9 Transitions between ring positions.................................................................... Appendix A Stalling of cp6a-sFGFP-ssrA Figure 1 Circularly permutated GFP.................................................................................. Figure 2 Extraction of an a helix, not a P strand, results in stalling for cp6a................. Appendix B Supplement for Ensemble CoMET of ClpX Figure 1 ATP hydrolysis and degradation by tethered ClpX trimers .............................. Figure 2 Size exclusion chromatography of W-W-W and W-VI-W............... Figure 3 Stoichiometry of nucleotide binding to W-VI-W and W 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 140 140............ 141 142 143 145 146 154 154 156 157 157 Figure 4 ATP dependence of substrate degradation by ClpX hexamers with single mutant subunits .................................................................................................................................. 158 Figure 5 Co2+ supports ClpX activity.................................. ................. ......... 158 Figure 6 Co2+ inhibits peptide cleavage by ClpP................................................................ 159 Figure 7 ATP hydrolysis by M363C labeled and unlabeled ClpX variants ..................... 159 Figure 8 ADP binding to W-VI-W by nCoMET................................................................. 160 Figure 9 ADP-dependent conformation changes of W-VI-W by cCoMET .......... 160 Figure 10 nCoMET and cCoMET of W-W-W .................................................................. 161 Figure 11 ClpP pore opening with L-locked variants ........................................................ 162 Figure 12 nCoMET quenching is specific to ATP .............................................................. 162 Figure 13 Changes in cCoMET fluorescence depende on Ni 2 +-NTA................................ 163 Figure 14 cCoMET across the rigid-body interface........................................................... 163 Appendix C Supplement for Single-Molecule CoMET of ClpX Figure 1 Single-molecule trajectories in the presence of saturating ATP........................ 166 Figure 2 Ni2+-NTA binding to the ClpX His7 -X3-His76 motif ........................................... 166 Figure 3 Single-molecule trajectories of D CTAMRA K 3 3 0CTAMRA 76 contact quenching with saturating ATP ...................................................................................................................... 166 Figure 4 Nucleotide-occupancy switches the average L:U subunit ratio 4L:2U to 5L:1U ... ................................... ............................................. . ............... 167 Figure 5 U dwell-time probability distribution with different ADP concentrations....... 167 Figure 6 L dwell-time probability distribution with 1 mM ATPyS................ 167 Figure 7 Simulated L dwell-time distributions........... ................................... 168 Figure 8 Dwell-time probability distributions for a low-affinity subunit at saturating AD P ......................... . .......... ....... ...................... ............................................... 168 Appendix D Catalog of ClpX mutations Figure 1 Tether truncations...................................... .......... ............................................ 172 Figure 2 IGF loop truncations ............................................................................................. 173 Figure 3 ClpX cysteine m utations ................ ................................................................ 175 Figure 4 cCoM ET design.................................................................................................. 178 Figure 5 cCoMET with different pairs............................................................................... 179 Figure 6 Expression of the N-terminal sortase ClpX trimer............................................. 181 8 List of Tables Chapter 1 AAA+ Proteases Table 1.1 Degradation of ClpXP substrates with different stabilities............................. 18 Table 1.2 ClpXP degradation of substrates with ssrA tags located at different positions in the structure. ........................................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 2 Stepwise unfolding of a P barrel protein by the AAA+ ClpXP protease 60 Table 2.1 Properties of ssrA-tagged GFP substrates......................................................... Chapter 3 Nucleotide binding and conformational switching in the hexameric ring of a AAA+ machine Table 3.1................................................................................................................................... 91 Chapter 4 The stochastic mechanism of a AAA+ machine observed by single-molecule CoMET 121 Table 4.1 Dwell times of cCoMET transitions.................................................................... 155 Appendix B Supplement for Ensemble CoMET of ClpX...................................................... 156 Table 1 Crystallographic statistics....................................................................................... 164 Table 2 cCoMET/TT fit parameters.................................................................................... 170 Appendix D Catalog of ClpX mutations................................................................................. 173 1 IGF loop truncations ............................................................................................... Table 177 Table 2 Cysteine and alanine mutations ............................................................................. 179 Table 7.3 cCoMET i/i+4 histidine motifs ............................................................................ 180 Table 4 Pore loop and ATPase mutations ........................................................................... 181 Table 5 ClPpp "at"rm ............................................................................................................ 182 Table 6 Synthetic ClpX multimers ................................................. 182 .......................... Table 7 Monomer-to-multimer primers.......... 9 Chapter 1 AAA+ Proteases 10 Intracellular Proteolysis The proteome is continuously molded by controlled protein degradation to clear misfolded proteins, maintain steady-state protein concentrations, or facilitate a rapid response to stress. For example, during heat shock, if protein misfolding were left unchecked, the exposure of hydrophobic residues within the crowded cellular environment would lead to the formation of toxic aggregates. 1 As another example, proteins can be targeted for degradation as a consequence of signaling pathways. Because protein degradation is irreversible, degradation is involved in decisive signaling pathways such as inflammation and apoptosis.2 However, both examples require that a target protein be degraded within the cellular milieu, while off-target proteins are left unscathed. For a cell under any condition, it would be detrimental to degrade a spectrum of off-target proteins, and thus degradation must be highly specific. If a weakly-specific protease, such as trypsin, were expressed within a cell, it would proteolyze both desired and undesired targets. As such, cells have evolved two strategies for controlled, intracellular proteolysis. One strategy enlists highly-specific proteases that cleave substrates only after binding unique amino-acid sequences. For example, caspase-3 is a protease that, upon activation, cleaves at a DEVDG motif found in caspase-6 and -7 and thereby commits a cell to undergo apoptosis. 2 Highlyspecific proteases are useful for signaling pathways because a single or small number of effector substrates can be targeted, but specific proteases are poorly suited for general degradation of many different proteins, as the armada of specific-proteases would be enormous. A second strategy for intracellular degradation is to selectively sequester proteins within a degradation 11 chamber. Whereas entrance to the degradation chamber is carefully regulated, once within the chamber, a protein substrate is exposed to non-specific proteolytic sites and is degraded to small peptides. Sequestered degradation is highly adaptable to different substrates and accounts for more than 90% of the protein turnover inside the cell.3 The E. coli AAA+ ClpXP protease exemplifies sequestered degradation and consists of the barrel-shaped ClpP peptidase capped by a AAA+ ClpX ATPase (Fig. 1.1). The proteolytic chamber of ClpP can be accessed by a narrow channel on either end of the barrel. ClpX binds proteins with specific degradation tags and unfolds and translocates these substrates into the chamber of ClpP, which requires the energy of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding and hydrolysis. The narrow entryway of ClpP excludes off-target proteins, but necessitates that a target substrate be unfolded before being threaded into the proteolytic chamber.4 This raises several questions. How easily are proteins unfolded within the native environment of a cell? Are some proteins more difficult to unfold than others, and, if so, why? How do AAA+ ATPases convert the chemical energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis into mechanical unfolding and translocation? lkd translocase peptidase 3tag rP free substrate and enzyme tag-dependent recognition AP 1 lon tranelcalon degradation Figure 1.1 CIpXP, AAA+ Protease Recognition occurs when a degradation tag (brown) binds the central pore of the AAA+ ClpX unfoldase and translocase (dark purple). Then, by multiple rounds of ATP binding and hydrolysis, the substrate is unfolded and translocated into ClpP, a selfcompartmentalized peptidase (light purple). Adapted from Baker, T.A. & Sauer, R.T. (2012). 12 AAA+ Proteases AAA+ proteases are present in all branches of life and can be divided into families based on sequence homology.5 The 26S proteasome and CDC48-20S families are present in the eukaryotic cytosol, and the ClpXP, ClpAP, HslUV, FtsH, and Lon family proteases can be found both in the eubacterial cytosol and eukaryotic organelles. Archaebacteria contain the CDC4820S and PAN-20 families, as well as membrane-bound Lon. Members of different protease families often recognize different degradation tags or determinants and can also vary in their ability to degrade model substrates with different mechanical or thermodynamic stabilities. 6 Nevertheless, all AAA+ proteases share a similar architecture: a barrel-shaped peptidase capped by a ring-shaped AAA+ ATPase. AAA+ enzymes (ATPases associated with various cellular activities) are characterized by large and small AAA+ sub domains, typically form ring hexamers or filaments, and couple ATP hydrolysis to mechanical work, including protein disaggregation and degradation, microtubule transport, and DNA translocation. The reaction cycle of a AAA+ protease is best understood for degradation of ssrA-tagged proteins by E. coli ClpXP (Fig 1.1). The ssrA tag (AANDENYALAA) is added to the C terminus of nascent proteins when translation stalls and is recognized by loops within the axial pore of the ClpX ring. 7 Rounds of ATP binding and hydrolysis result in translocation of the tag through the pore. If the tag is attached to a folded domain, the collision of the domain being pulled against the narrow axial pore generates an unfolding force. Many pulling events can be required before the domain is unfolded, allowing translocation of the unfolded polypeptide into ClpP for degradation.8 ClpXP can recognize degradation tags other than the ssrA tag, including 13 the C-terminal kO degron.9 Other AAA+ proteases have similar mechanisms: bind a polypeptide tag and translocate sequentially from the tag to distal terminus. For instance, Lon can recognize ~20-residue degradation tags attached to either the N or C terminus of a protein, and translocates towards the other terminus.' 0 Recently, the reaction cycle of ClpXP was observed using single-molecule nanometry. AubinTam et al. used optical trapping nanometry to monitor ClpXP-mediated unfolding and translocation of filamin, a multi-domain model substrate (Fig 1.2)." First, a filamin-ssrA was attached to a polystyrene bead and subsequently trapped in a strong-force clamp. Next, a ClpXP-labeled polystyrene bead, in a weak-force clamp, was brought in close proximity to the filamin-ssrA bead to allow ClpXP to engage the substrate. Following engagement, ATP- dependent changes in the bead-bead distance were observed as ClpXP unfolded and then translocated each domain of filamin. The processing of each domain involved a dwell of no movement, followed by a sudden increase in bead-bead distance caused by unfolding, followed by a decrease in distance caused by translocation (Fig. 1.2 gray inset). The dwell results when ClpX encounters a folded domain but a single cycle of ATP hydrolysis fails to unfold the protein. In this case, the process is repeated until, by chance, a power stroke coincides with transient destabilization of the substrate, permitting successful unfolding. While attempting to unfold and translocate some domains, ClpX may hydrolyze 100s of ATPs. Once unfolding occurs, the tension between the beads causes an increase in distance proportional to the length of the unfolded polypeptide. Following unfolding, ClpX translocates the unfolded polypeptide until another domain is reached, shortening the distance between the beads. Close inspection of the 14 translocation phase reveals that ClpX translocates the unfolded polypeptide in discrete steps of 5-8 amino acids with a frequency expected for hydrolysis of one ATP per step (Fig. 1.2 white inset). DNA tether bead-to-beaddistance r I -T goo I Figure 1.2 Single-molecule nanometry. Unfolding and translocation of multi-domain filamin by a single ClpXP protease. Filamin-ssrA is attached to a bead by a protein-DNA linkage and trapped in a laser beam. ClpXP is attached to a second bead by a biotin-streptavidin linkage and held under tension with a weak trap. (Gray inset) Following engagement of the substrate by ClpXP, the distance between the beads changes as ClpXP unfolds and translocates individual domains of filamin. Unfolding increases bead-bead distance, whereas translocations decrease bead-bead distance. (White inset) Translocation of an unfolded Filamin domain occurs in discrete steps. Adapted from Aubin-Tam, M.E., et al. (2011). As seen above, ClpXP unfolding of very stable domains can be slow and energetically costly. In solution experiments, one can determine the average time spent and ATP used for unfolding and translocation by comparing the rates of degradation of native versus chemically-denatured 15 substrates. For instance, titin-127-ssrA, a model native substrate with an immunoglobulin fold, is degraded at a ~15-fold slower maximal rate and requires hydrolysis of ~500 more molecules of ATP than the same substrate unfolded by carboxymethylation of cysteines in the hydrophobic core (Table 1.1, Fig. 1.3). Thus, protein unfolding is the rate-determing step in substrate degradation. The structural features of a domain that may allow a substrate to resist unfolding are discussed in the next section. t~ ylef Sn t. A substrate 'fo Isa W Figure1.3 nstratem unfodases Unoldin by AA+ con\ msktWo Figure 1.3 Unfolding by AAA+ unfoldases. Successful unfolding is often a low probability event. First, a folded substrate is engaged by the unfoldase (light blue). Then, a cycle of ATP hydrolysis allows the unfoldase to tug on the substrate, creating a strained state in which force is applied on the substrate (dark blue). At this point, the substrate either slips, is unfolded, or is released from the enzyme. The likelihood of unfolding depends on the structure of the substrate. Following unfolding, the unfolded polypeptide is translocated by additional cycles of ATP hydrolysis. Adapted from Sauer, R.T., et al. (2004).12 Protein-unfolding in a native environment Is the equilibrium or kinetic stability of a protein responsible for its ability to resist unfolding when a AAA+ protease tugs at its terminus, or is the stability of local structural elements near the gripped terminus more important for resisting unfolding? These questions have been investigated for ClpXP-mediated unfolding. How frequently a native protein samples the denatured state 16 (kinetic stability) is determined by the unfolding energy barrier (Fig. 1.4). For example, P22 Arc repressor has a low barrier and unfolds ~8 times per minute, whereas green fluorescent protein (GFP) has a much higher barrier with a half-life for spontaneous unfolding of -20 years.' 3 "4 If ClpXP simply trapped a spontaneously unfolded state, then it would degrade Arc-ssrA rapidly but require years to degrade GFP-ssrA. Instead, ClpXP degrades both substrates at similar rates (1.8 min~' enz~1 for Arc-ssrA; 1.2 min~' enz~1 for GFP-ssrA).15 Thus, ClpXP accelerates the rate of GFP unfolding by ~107, representing an ~10 kcal mol-1 decrease in the energy of the transition state and a rate enhancement similar to that observed in a strong denaturant like 7 M GndHCl. These results indicate that ClpXP actively denatures GFP-ssrA, rather than passively capturing spontaneously unfolded protein. * 0 C Kinetic w Stability (k) 0 Unfolded Global Stability (AGe,KU) Folded Figure 1.4 Kinetic and global stability. Gibbs free-energy diagram for the two-state folding of a protein. Kinetic stability (ku; red) is determined by the energy difference between the folded state and the transition state. The global equilibrium stability (AGu, Ku; purple) is determined by the energy difference between the folded and unfolded states. f denotes the transition state. 17 ssrA-tagged substrate Arc GFP titin-127 carboxymethylatedtitin-127 titin-127-V4A titin-127-V9P titin-127-V11P titin-127-V13P titin-127-V15P His 6 -RNase-H* degradation rate (min~' enz'1) 1.8 1.2 0.25 3.7 AGu (kcal mol-1) 1.3 4.6 6.4 unfolded 0.36 1.5 2.9 3.1 0.85 4.2 4.4 4.5 3.5 2.9 4.6 12 Ku 1.2*10~' 5.7*10-4 3.1*10-5 7.9*10-4 6.7*10-4 3.4*103 9*10-3 5.7*10-4 3.4*10' Table 1.1 Degradation of ClpXP substrates with different stabilities. Arc data is from Burton et al. (2001); GFP data is from Nager et al. (2011); titin-127 data is from Kenniston et al. (2003); RNaseH* data is from Kenniston et al. (2004). The equilibrium stability of a protein is determined by the energy difference between the folded and unfolded states (Fig. 1.4), which in turn is a function of the favorable and unfavorable enthalpic and entropic interactions in both states. Does the equilibrium stability of an ssrAtagged protein dictate its resistance to ClpXP disruption of the structure? Kenniston et al. compared the degradation rates of titin-127-ssrA variants with different global stabilities (Table 1.1; Fig. 1.6A). Although there was a reciprocal trend between global stability and ClpXP degradation rates, a greater than 3000-fold change in Ku resulted in only a -12 fold change in the rate of degradation. Likewise, there was no obvious correlation (Fig. 1.5) when degradation rates and global stabilities were compared between different substrate families (Arc, GFP, titin127, RNase-H*). For example, the global stability of T thermophilus RNase-H*-ssrA (12 kcal mol-1) was almost twice as high as titin-127-ssrA (6.4 kcal mol-1), but the more-stable protein was degraded almost 15 fold faster than the less-stable protein.16 These results show that the equilibrium stability of a protein substrate is a poor predictor of the rate of ClpXP-catalyzed 18 unfolding and degradation. increasing stability 4- g 2 - y 01 AG. (kcal/mole) Figure 1.5 Relationship between global stability and the rate of ClpXP degradation. There was no strong correlation between the maximal rates of degradation of different ssrA-tagged substrates by ClpXP and the equilibrium stabilities of these substrates. Titin-127 variants are shown as circles, Arc variants are shown as squares, GFP is a triangle, and RNase-H* is a diamond. Adapted from Kenniston et al. (2004). If the global kinetic and equilibrium stabilities of substrates correlate poorly with ClpXP unfolding and degradation, then the stability of local structural elements near the degradation tag may determine resistance to ClpXP. 17 In support of this idea, titin-127-ssrA variants with destabilizing mutations near the ssrA tag (Y9P, V15P) were degraded 3-6 fold faster than a variant with a destabilizing mutation distal from the tag (V4A; Table 1; Fig. 1.6A). To investigate the effects of local structure in a different protein, Kenniston et al. generated singlecysteine RNase-H* L114C, R140C, or A166C variants and crosslinked them to a cysteinereactive (sulfo-MBS)-ssrA peptide (Table 1.2, Fig. 1.6B). When the ssrA peptide was crosslinked to the C-terminal residue (A166C), the resulting substrate was degraded at the same rate as RNase-H*-ssrA. Importantly, when the ssrA tag was crosslinked to L114C or R140C, ClpXP degraded these substrates much more slowly, even though these proteins had global stabilities similar to the rapidly degraded substrates (Table 1.2). One might argue that slow ClpXP degradation of the ssrA-tagged L144C and R140C constructs occurs because ClpXP must 19 simultaneously translocate two polypeptide chains to unfold and translocate these substrates. However, experiments with disulfide-crosslinked substrates show that ClpXP can readily translocate two polypeptide chains (Burton, R.E, et al. 2001). 18 Thus, it appears that the protein structure near the ssrA tag can greatly influence the rate of degradation by ClpXP. substrate degradation rate Tm ("C) (min-' enz-1) RNaseH*-ssrA RNaseH* Ll14C-ssrA RNaseH* R140C-ssrA RNaseH* A166C-ssrA 4.2 <0.1 0.2 4.2 82 82 81 83 Table 1.2 ClpXP degradation of substrates with ssrA tags located at different positions in the structure. Data are from Kenniston et al. (2004). A Titin 27 B RNase-H* Figure 1.6 Structures of substrates used for CIpXP-degradation studies. (A) Structure of titin-127 (PDB: 1TIT).' 9 Amino acids that were mutated in destabilized variants are marked with numbered circles. Destabilizing mutations near the C-terminal ssrA tag had a greater effect on the rate of degradation. (B) Structure of T. thermophilus RNase-H* (PDB: IRIL). 0 Amino acids that were mutated to cysteine and reacted with a cysteine-reactive ssrA tag are marked with numbered ovals. When an ssrA tag was crosslinked to residue 114, 140, or 166, ClpXP must attempt to denature RNase-H* by pulling on different parts of the structure. Taken together, these results suggest that the global kinetic or equilibrium stability of a substrate has a relatively small influence on the rate of degradation by ClpXP, whereas the stability of the structure near the site of enzyme-mediated pulling can have a larger impact. In chapter 2, I examine how local structure near the ssrA tag affects ClpXP degradation of the p-barrel structure 20 of GFP-ssrA and circularly permuted variants of this protein. I found that the initial step in GFPssrA unfolding by ClpXP is extraction of the C-terminal P strand. This event does not result in cooperative unfolding of the rest of the P barrel, which ClpXP must denature in a second step. Interestingly, this second step fails at low ATP concentrations. There appears to be a decisive moment when ClpXP must either denature the folded intermediate or release the extracted strand, which permits refolding and negates the work done. The probability of either outcome depends on the engine speed of ClpXP, which is determined by the ATP concentration, the stability of the intermediate, and the rate at which the local structure refolds. Structures of AAA+ Machines AAA+ machines actively unfold substrates by converting the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis into conformational changes that are used to perform mechanical work. X-ray crystal structures of AAA+ machines, including ClpX, are available and suggest potential conformational changes but whether these structural motions are functionally relevant and how they relate to ATP binding and hydrolysis is unknown. The AAA+ module of a ClpX subunit consists of a large domain, a short hinge, and a small domain (Fig. 1.7A). N-terminal of the AAA+ module is a family-specific Zn2+-binding domain involved in the recognition of some substrates, but this domain is dispensable for the degradation of ssrA-tagged substrates.2 1 The hinged interface between the domains forms a potential nucleotide-binding site, but the domain-domain orientation varies greatly between individual 21 subunits in a homohexamer and creates two general categories of subunits (Fig. 1.7BC).2 ATP- loadable (L) subunits can bind nucleotide. By contrast, an 80-90 hinge rotation in ATPunloadable (U) subunits destroys the nucleotide-binding pocket, in part by placing an a helix where ATP/ADP would normally bind (Fig. 1.7CD). In several different crystal structures of ClpX, including ones with no nucleotide, subunits within the hexamer were arranged in a L-L-UL-L-U order around the ring (Fig. 1.6B). Upon soaking ATP, ATPyS, or ADP into nucleotide-free crystals, small conformational changes were observed in both classes of subunits as a consequence of nucleotide binding to the L subunits. A iie arg ~ C 135 A F C Iinuclootide J! smal domnains Loadable 82* Uratoadable cae~n~k Loadable Unloadable Figure 1.7 Asymmetric structure of ClpX. (A) Diagram of the two-domain AAA+ module in a ClpXAN subunit. (B) X-ray crystal structure of a ClpX hexamer (PDB: 3HTE). Subunits are marked A-F and differently colored. A schematic of the crystal structure is shown on the right. ATPloadable (L) and ATP-unloadable (U) subunits are indicated. For an ATP-soaked structure, nucleotide (nuc) bound to the four L subunits. (C) Comparison of domain rotation in L and U subunits. The large domain is shown in gray and the small domain in green. (D) Effect of domain rotation on the hinge. For U subunits, movement of the hinge obstructs the nucleotide-binding pocket (PDB: 3HWS). Adapted from Glynn et al. (2009). 22 In addition to the variably hinged domain-domain interface within subunits, crystal structures revealed a conserved "rigid-body" interface between the large and small domains of adjacent subunits (Fig. 1.8). To test if this "rigid-body" interface remained intact during ClpX function and substrate processing, Glynn et al. designed disulfide bonds to crosslink the subunit-subunit interface. Despite placing two crosslinks across each of the six interfaces in a hexamer, the ClpX enzyme was still able to unfold and degrade GFP-ssrA in combination with ClpP.2 2 In contrast, minor mutations in the hinge greatly reduced substrate processing. These results support a model in which motions at the hinged interface, rather than the subunit interface, are involved in driving substrate unfolding and translocation. major subunit interface large domain small domain Figure 1.8 Rigid-body subunit interface. Comparison of the major subunit interface of subunits within a nucleotide-bound ClpX hexamer (PDB: 3HWS). Alignment of the large AAA+ domains of each subunit (gray) resulted in alignment of the small domain of the counterclockwise subunit. Similar results were observed for subunit-subunit interactions in other nucleotide-bound and nucleotide-free hexamers. Adapted from Glynn et al. (2009). The axial pore of a ClpX hexamer physically binds some degradation tags and translocates polypeptides into ClpP for degradation.2 3 The pore is lined with three classes of loops - the RKH, GYVG, and pore-2 loops - contributed by the large domain of each subunit (Fig. 1.9).24-26 Mutations in these loops confirm their importance in substrate binding and translocation.2 7 The tyrosine of the GYVG loop appears to be especially important for substrate translocation, as substitution of this residue with alanine in just two subunits of a hexamer results in polypeptide 23 slippage and highly costly or failed degradation of substrates. 2 8 This tyrosine may act as a paddle that nonspecifically pushes or pulls polypeptide sequences through the pore. 29 Based upon the crystal structures, one can model conformational changes at the hinged interface that would propagate via the rigid-body interfaces around the ClpX ring and move specific GYVG pore loops towards ClpP along the axial pore. In one set of models, subunits are allowed to flip between U and L conformations, resulting in 90 rotation of the hinge and movement of the axial pore loops. In a second set of models, the identities of U and L subunits remain fixed, but smaller hinge movements generate a power stroke by cycling between different L conformations. For instance, comparing L conformations in nucleotide-free and nucleotide-bound structures shows that nucleotide binding causes a flexing of the hinged interface and consequentially pushes the pore loops downward. Although these models suggest possible conformational changes, it remains to be determined if crystal structures represent active conformations and if modeled conformational changes occur. For instance, do U and L subunits interconvert during function? How are nucleotide binding and hydrolysis coupled to these events? RKH loops pore-2 loops Figure 1.9 ClpX pore loops. The RKH, GYVG, and pore-2 loops of ClpX help to bind degradation tags and translocate substrates. The RKH loops are positively charged and are important for discriminating between different classes of degradation tags. The GYVG loops are critical for the translocation of substrates. The pore-2 loops are involved both in substrate binding, translocation, and ClpX interactions with ClpP. Adapted from Baker & Sauer (2012). 24 Is an L-L-U-L-L-U arrangement of subunits observed in other AAA+ machines? Dynein, a microtubule motor protein, has six distinct AAA+ domains connected in a single polypeptide chain; in crystal structures, dynein adopts a dimer-of-trimers arrangement (L-L-U-L-L-U) similar to ClpX or a low symmetry L-L-L-U-L-U architecture.3 Some crystal structures of HslU, the AAA+ unfoldase of the HslUV protease, show an L-L-L-L-L-L pattern of subunits.3 2 A cryo-EM reconstruction of Rpti 6 , the hetero-hexameric AAA+ unfoldase of the 26S proteasome, shows a hexamer with 5L subunits and lU subunit.33 Similarly, the AAA+ El helicase forms a homohexamer with five subunits in contracted L-like conformations and one U-like subunit in an extended-gap conformation. In chapters 3 and 4, I describe ensemble and single-molecule experiments that suggest that nucleotide binding to ClpX changes its structure from a 4L:2U arrangement to a 5L:lU architecture. Additionally, in chapter 4, I use single-molecule fluorescence experiments to observe conformational switch between different classes of ClpX subunits. Subunit coordination within ATP-fueled motors Protein motors work by changing conformation in response to nucleotide occupancy. The tight coupling between mechanical and chemical steps is critical for efficient work. However, this concept is less clear for multimeric motors. Although the activities of subunits in the Fi ATPase, kinesin, and myosin V motors are sequentially coordinated, the movement of cytoplasmic dynein along microtubules occurs in a stochastic, uncoordinated stumble, suggesting weak mechanochemical coupling.34-37 Nevertheless, all of these motors can generate processive, directional work. To better understand subunit coordination (or lack thereof), I will review the 25 mechanisms of Fi ATPase and cytoplasmic dynein. Next, I will outline arguments for subunit coordination within hexameric AAA+ rings. Later, in chapters 3 and 4, I will investigate coordination between AAA+ modules in ClpX hexamers, and show that (i) there are distinct subunit-classes based on hexamer geometry; and (ii) the mechanical cycle of ClpX consists of both coordinated and uncoordinated elements. The F1 ATPase: a sequential rotary engine The F1 ATPase converts the energy of ATP binding, hydrolysis, and product release to rotation of a central camshaft. The minimal complex ( subunits encircling an asymmetric y-stalk. 3 p37) consists of three nucleotide-binding as When nucleotide binds and is subsequently hydrolyzed and released by designated as subunits, changing interactions between the as subunits and y-stalk cause the stalk to rotate. The scheme outlined in Fig. 1.10 has subunits in a a43y complex designated as ap', ap2, and ap 3, with ATP initially bound only to ap' (state A). Upon binding ATP to ap 2, the y-stalk rotates 90 counterclockwise (state B). At this point, the ATP bound to ap is hydrolyzed (state C) and released, rotating the y-stalk 30 counterclockwise and resetting the cycle (state A'). Each chemical step is gated by conformational changes of the stalk and vice versa, ensuring tight mechanochemical coupling and counterclockwise rotation. 38 39 Indeed, if one conformation is locked by a disulfide bond, the chemical cycle is inhibited. , 26 (A) (B) UPIK (C) D APATP binding hydrolysis release T* TP TP 2 (A') aPa TN D Figure 1.10 Sequential nucleotide cycle of F1 ATPase. The F, ATPase (a3 p3y) rotates counterclockwise with ATP binding and product release. In state A, ap' is bound to ATP. ATP binds to ap 2, causing the asymmetric y-stalk to rotate 90' counterclockwise (state B). Then, the ATP in ap3 is hydrolyzed (state C) and ADP and phosphate are released, causing a 30' rotation and restarting the cycle (state A'). There are two potential points in the cycle where a backwards step could occur: (1) in state A, if ATP bound to ap 3 instead of ap2, or (2) in state B, if the ATP bound to ap 2 was hydrolyzed instead of ap1 , then this would lead to release of nucleotide from ap 2 and a back step. Either backstep scenario could only occur if two unbound or bound subunits were functionally equivalent. This situation does not occur because the asymmetric y stalk controls the conformations of each ap subunit so that no two as subunits are equivalent. In the absence of a y stalk, as subunits, either as a as monomer or a3p 3 , adopt the nucleotideempty conformation in which the nucleotide-binding site is distorted. 40' 4 1 However, when encircling the y stalk, as subunits assume unique conformations based on their interactions with the asymmetric stalk: ATP bound, ADP bound, empty (Fig. 1.11).42 Because ap conformations are dictated by interactions with the asymmetric y stalk, a 1:1:1 ratio of as classes is maintained and the conformations of different as subunits are allosterically connected. Moreover, because the conformation of the as nucleotide-binding pocket reflects interactions with the y stalk, chemical steps and mechanical output are coupled. Tight coupling between the mechanochemical steps of different subunits ensures that the motor works in a sequential, counterclockwise rotation. For the scheme in Fig. 1.10, two opportunities when subunit coupling prevents the rotor from backward steps are highlighted. A backwards step could occur at either state A, if ATP bound to the empty Cp3 instead of the empty ap', or state B, if ATP was hydrolyzed by ATP-bound ap2 instead of ATP-bound ap .44 Both scenarios are avoided as the y stalk imposes asymmetry at all times, energetically forcing subunits into unique roles or classes. 27 fi-AnF a fl- Figure 1.11 Asymmetric interactions of the y stalk. Side and top views of the F1 ATPase (asp3y) with 120' rotations (PDB: 1E79).4 The y stalk (orange) makes asymmetric interactions with each p subunit (green). The top of the y stalk makes numerous contacts with the ATP-bound and ADP-bound subunits, but not the empty subunit, leading to deformation of the nucleotide-binding site of pempty. The slope of the y stalk causes there to be different contacts along the length of pATP and OADP. Adapted from Kinosita et al. (2004). Strict subunit classes and coupling prevents wasteful backward steps. Consider that an ATPhydrolyzing protein can adopt at least five states: empty, ATP bound, ADP+Pi bound, ADP bound, and Pi bound. For an ap subunit of the F1 ATPase, each state either pulls, pushes, or doesn't contact the y shaft. If subunits were uncoordinated, then the trimer could assume at least 53 or 125 different states, each exerting different forces on the y shaft and few resulting in rotation. Strict subunit coordination insures that trimer states are populated in the correct order, and thus that essentially every bound and hydrolyzed ATP molecule results in clockwise rotation. A strictly sequential mechanism, in which a motor proceeds through a predetermined series of states, results in stalling if a component of the motor fails. For example, the F1 ATPase normally takes ~400 120" rotations per second, but occasionally pauses for longer than 60 seconds. 4 5 Pauses occur when solution ADP-Mg non-productively binds a catalytic site, jamming the rotor at a waiting-for-dissociation 90 step. The motor resets only after slow off-pathway ATP 28 association to an empty site. 4,47 Similarly, the F1-ATPase can be jammed by single-subunit mutations, inhibitors, and conformational events. 4 8-51 For motors that handle more diverse tasks than the F1 ATPase or translocate heterogeneous tracks, such as AAA+ unfoldases translocating denatured polypeptides, a strictly sequential mechanism may lead to frequent motor failure. Cytoplasmic Dynein walkers: a stochastic stumble A dimeric dynein walker is a 1.2 MDa complex that uses ATP to power minus-end directed microtubule transport. A dynein subunit consists of a microtubule-binding domain, a AAA+ ring, and a N-terminal dimerization domain (Fig. 1.12). Although it is not known how the AAA+ modules within a dynein ring are coordinated, a single AAA+ module, called AAAl, is responsible for most ATP hydrolysis and is critical for stepping of the microtubule-binding domain. For this section, movement of dynein will be considered in terms of the coordination between microtubule-binding domains within a dimer. Dimerization Domain AAAI AAA+ ring MicrotubuleBinding Domain 29 AAAI Figure 1.12 Cytoplasmic Dynein Each subunit of a dynein dimer domain. The microtubule-binding AAA+ modules within the AAA+ the dimerization domain. walkers consists of three domains: a microtubule-binding domain, AAA+ ring, and a dimerization domain and AAA+ ring of different subunits are distinguished by color (yellow vs. blue). The ring are designated AAA1 through AAA6. An extended linker connects the AAA1 module to DeWitt et al. labeled the microtubule-binding domains of a dimeric dynein walker with different colored quantum dots and observed how the domains stepped relative to each other. 37 Although most steps alternated between subunits, -30% of steps were non alternating, with one subunit taking multiple consecutive steps before the other subunit moved. Step size varied from 0-50 nm with the trailing domain tending to take larger steps as it was pulled forward by intramolecular tension. This stochastic stepping behavior suggests that there is little coordination between the chemical cycles of dynein subunits. Indeed, there is no structural evidence that AAA1 modules in different subunits communicate. Subunit coordination does not appear to occur through the N-terminal dimerization domain, as this domain can be replaced with an artificial dimerization domain without altering stepping behavior.52 Moreover, the AAA+ rings likely do not physically touch as the microtubule-binding domains separate by as much as 50 nm. Taken together, these results suggest the mechanochemical cycles of dynein subunits are not tightly coupled, permitting the motor to walk in a stochastic and uncoordinated manner. Although the lack of subunit coordination may decrease the efficiency of a dynein walker, stochastic stepping increases the variability of step sizes and resilience to failure. In fact, dynein frequently back steps or side steps, wasting energy. A stochastic mechanism can prevail despite component failure. De Witt et al. constructed a heterodimeric dynein with one functional and one inactivated AAA1 domain and observed that the functional subunit stepped along microtubules, dragging the inactive subunit along. 37 30 Thus, dynein translocates along microtubules in a highly flexible manner which may be beneficial when multiple dynein motors cooperate with kinesin motors to transport cellular cargo. 53 Flexibility would be valuable for a AAA+ unfoldase, which must deal with proteins that have very different unfolding barriers and also encounter highly variable protein sequences during translocation. AAA+ unfoldases have multiple classes of subunits For the ClpX, HslU, and PAN unfoldases, there is evidence for three classes of nucleotide binding sites: empty, weak, and tight.54 -56 For a ClpX variant in which a Walker-B mutation essentially eliminates ATP hydrolysis, stoichiometry experiments showed that at least two subunits did not bind nucleotide. Additionally, dissociation of bound nucleotide was biphasic, reflecting tight- and weak-binding sites. Multiple classes of subunits within homomeric AAA+ unfoldases suggest that subunits coordinate during the slow step of the reaction cycle, ATPhydrolysis. In chapter 3, I use nucleotide-binding mutations in ClpX to differentiate three classes of subunits and show that nucleotide binding to the tight and weak sites has different effects on the conformation of the hexamer. Importantly, ATP hydrolysis and substrate processing only occurs when U and L subunit classes can switch. AAA+ motors: stochastic, concerted, or sequential? Several attempts have been made to determine if subunits of AAA+ motors hydrolyze ATP in a stochastic, concerted, or sequential order (Fig. 1.13). For three AAA+ machines - SV40 large T antigen (LTag), papillomavirus El, and E. coli ClpX - different models for subunit coordination 31 have been proposed. a Concerted hydrolysis C Probabilistic hydrolysis b Sequential hydrolysis 0 ATP hydrolysis Figure 1.13 Models for coordination of nucleotide hydrolysis within AAA+ hexamers. ATP hydrolysis in hexamers could be coordinated in concerted (A), strictly sequential (B), or probabilistic/stochastic (C) manner. For any model, variations where a fewer number of subunits participate are possible. For instance, if two subunits remain nucleotide free, then the remaining four subunits could hydrolyze ATP in a concerted, sequential, or stochastic manner. Adapted from Martin et al. (2005). LTag and El are homohexameric AAA+ helicases, which have been proposed to have concerted or sequential models based on crystal structures. However, in both cases, subsequent biochemical experiments have not validated these models. LTag crystallized in several states in which an asymmetric hexamer was bound to no nucleotide, 6 ATPs, or 6 ADPs. 57 Because nucleotide binding in the crystal structure was all-or-none, the authors proposed that all six subunits act in concert, cooperatively binding, hydrolyzing, and releasing nucleotide. A crystallographic argument was also posed for the El helicase. El helicase bound to singlestranded DNA crystallized with 5 ADP-bound subunits forming a spiral staircase, with each clockwise subunit slightly offset. 58 The staircase was followed by an empty, extended subunit that closed the ring. As three of the subunits bound a chloride ion at the position expected for the y phosphate of ATP, three ADP-bound subunits were assigned as "ATP-bound" subunits. This assignment resulted in a clockwise arrangement of ATP-ATP-ATP-ADP-ADP-empty subunits, 32 which the authors argued was evidence for a sequential mechanism similar to F1 ATPase. However, an identical El structure was solved without bound nucleotide or substrate, suggesting that the staircase state may be an energy minima and not strictly coupled to chemical steps. 59 At present, an enormous variety of AAA+ crystal structures have been solved with few conserved features. This situation suggests either that these hexameric machines utilize many different configurations during a reaction cycle or that the flexibility of these machines leads to crystallization artifacts. In either case, biophysical experiments that observe conformational changes during a reaction cycle are necessary to validate crystal structures and determine dynamic mechanisms. To explore subunit coordination within ClpX hexamers, Martin et al. devised a strategy to place ATPase mutations in specific subunits of pseudo hexamers in which AAA+ modules were covalently linked by 20 amino-acid tethers.60 Importantly, there was no arrangement of ATPase active and inactive modules that stalled ATP hydrolysis or substrate degradation. If ClpX subunits must sequentially hydrolyze ATP, then even a single inactive subunit should stall the motor, but this was not observed. Furthermore, a hexamer with a single ATPase-active subunit supported substrate degradation, albeit slowly. If a particular arrangement of subunits had to hydrolyze ATP in a concerted fashion, then a hexamer with a single ATPase-competent subunit would be expected to be inactive. The flexibility of the ClpX-reaction cycle suggests that subunits hydrolyze ATP stochastically or that there is a probabilistic step within a coordinated reaction cycle. 33 A purely stochastic model in which ClpX subunits are entirely uncoordinated is unlikely. For example, the detection of subunit classes in ensemble measurements indicates coordination for the slow step of the reaction cycle. Secondly, single-molecule nanometry of ClpX observes a somewhat regular step size with relatively few back steps, consistent with subunit coordination. It is possible that both coordinated and uncoordinated components of the reaction cycle are possible and occur. However, to my knowledge, no well-studied examples of similar mechanisms exist. Here are two theoretical possibilities: (1) A probabilistic step within a coordinated reaction cycle. At one point in the reaction cycle, multiple subunits adopt equivalent conformations. When this occurs, each subunit has an equal probability of proceeding to the next step. Once a subunit proceeds, all other subunits undergo coordinated conformational changes, forming subunit classes for the remainder of the reaction cycle (Figure 1.14; Model #1). This is similar to the MWC allosteric model in which all tense subunits are equivalent but ligand binding can stabilize the relaxed conformation of subunits.i (2) Simultaneous coordinated and uncoordinated cycles. In this model, the motor performs work by a coordinated cycle similar to classically studied motors. However, a second cycle, which is not tightly coupled to the chemical cycle, frequently resets the motor (Figure 1.14; Model #2). Take the example of ADP-Mg inhibition of F1 ATPase. Inhibition occurs because, given a current assignment of subunit classes, ADP binds to the wrong site. Hypothetically, if a slow conformational isomerization changed the assignment of subunit classes, the motor could resume work. Example taken from Baker & Sauer (2012). 34 Model #1 Model #2 A probabilistic step Two cycles AA A' B' B'A B' BA AB A2 BC CB A B' AA AB' Figure 1.14 Models for mixed subunit coordination Models for how a dimer could have steps with and without subunit coordination. At each step, subunit classes within the dimer are represented by letters. Conformational changes within a subunit classes are represented by superscript numbers. For Model #1, there is a step of the reaction cycle were subunits are equivalent and, depending on chance, the reaction cycle follows one of two mirror paths. For Model #2, two cycles occur simultaneously. One cycle retains subunit classes and proceeds through a sequence of conformational changes. A second cycle resets the motor with new subunit classes. These models hedge efficiency and adaptability. During coordinated steps, subunit classes are assumed and highly efficient work is possible. During uncoordinated steps, efficiency is sacrificed for adaptability. 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Here, I demonstrate that an initial step in ClpXP unfolding of the 11-stranded P barrel of superfolder GFP-ssrA involves extraction of the C-terminal P strand. The resulting 10-stranded intermediate is populated at low ATP concentrations, which stall ClpXP unfolding, and at high ATP concentrations, which support robust degradation. To determine if the C-terminal p strand causes low-ATP stalling, I designed and characterized circularly permuted GFP variants. Notably, stalling was observed for a variant whose 10-stranded intermediate could reassociate with the extracted strand, but not for a variant with a stable intermediate that could not. Additionally, I observe stalling for a circularly permutated GFP variant with a C-terminal a helix rather than a strand. P A stepwise-degradation model in which the rates of terminal-structure extraction, refolding or recapture, and unfolding of the intermediate all depend on the rate of ATP hydrolysis by ClpXP accounts for the observed changes in degradation kinetics over a broad range of ATP concentrations. My results suggest that unfolding intermediates will play important roles in determining whether forced enzymatic unfolding requires a minimum rate of ATP hydrolysis. 45 Introduction In cells ranging from bacteria to mammals, AAA+ proteases bind specific target proteins and then use cycles of ATP binding and hydrolysis to unfold them and to translocate the denatured polypeptide into a compartmental peptidase for degradation.1 Although these ATP-fueled machines can unfold substrates with diverse structures and stabilities, some proteins resist proteolysis or are only partially degradedf. Inhibitory or slippery sequences, highly stable domains, or stable unfolding intermediates have all been proposed to play roles in helping proteins resist degradation. The ClpXP protease of Escherichia coli consists of the AAA+ ClpX unfoldase and the associated ClpP compartmental peptidase. 8 -9 Peptide signals that bind in the axial pore of a hexameric ClpX ring, including the 11-residue ssrA tag, target substrates for ClpXP degradation.10 - 13 ATPdependent translocation is thought to pull the peptide tag through the pore, eventually unfolding attached domains that cannot pass through the narrow channel in a native conformation (Fig. 2.1A). For stable proteins, unfolding is generally the rate-limiting step in ClpXP degradation, often requiring hydrolysis of hundreds of ATP molecules. 14-15 Once the substrate is unfolded, ClpX translocates the unfolded polypeptide into the degradation chamber of ClpP in steps of 5-8 amino acids per power stroke.16-17 Because the ssrA tag is a C-terminal degradation signal, translocation of ssrA-tagged substrates begins at the C-terminus and proceeds to the N-terminus. SsrA-tagged green fluorescent protein (GFP-ssrA) is an excellent model substrate for ClpXP, because unfolding and degradation can be monitored by loss of native fluorescence.'14' 8 Interestingly, however, ClpXP degradation of GFP-ssrA ceases or stalls at low ATP concentrations, whereas degradation of other stable proteins slows linearly as the rate of ATP 46 hydrolysis decreases.7 To explain these observations, Martin et al. proposed that unfolding of GFP-ssrA by ClpX requires two steps: initial extraction of the C-terminal P strand, followed by unfolding of the resulting 10-stranded barrel. 7 They also suggested that a thresh-hold rate of ATP hydrolysis was needed for degradation because capture of the strand-extracted intermediate required multiple rapid cycles of ATP hydrolysis to prevent refolding of the extracted strand. The fluorescence properties of GFP depend on its folded structure. For example, denatured GFP displays very low fluorescence because of solvent quenching. In native GFP, by contrast, an 11 - stranded P barrel shields the enclosed chromophore (residues 65-67), which contains a phenolic side chain that equilibrates slowly between protonated and unprotonated states (Fig. 2. 1ABC). 19 2 The unprotonated chromophore absorbs 467-nm light and emits 511 -nm light (hereafter called 467-nm fluorescence). The protonated chromophore absorbs 400-nm light but also emits a 511nm photon (hereafter called 400-nm fluorescence), because absorption transiently leads to deprotonation via an excited state proton transfer (ESPT) reaction (Fig. 2. lC).2- Importantly, the proton acceptor (Glu22 2) for this transfer reaction is on GFP, and the Glu 222 -Gln p-strand 11, near the C-terminus of mutant displays normal 467-nm fluorescence but no 400-nm fluorescence.24 In the studies below, these fluorescence properties allow detection of a GFP species in which the P barrel is largely intact but the C-terminal p-strand is not. 47 AB SFGFP 400-nrn Glu strand 11 tn protontated chromophore sarA H tagH.H 0 CIPX H ESPTjr,.511nn chr~mohor H excited unprotonated CipP chror - phton H H-O H Figure 2.1 Green Fluorescent Protein (A) Cartoon showing ClpXP after engaging the ssrA tag of SFGFP-ssrA but before unfolding, translocation, and degradation. The GFP chromophore is shown in CPK representation (nitrogen, blue; oxygen, red; carbon, green). (B) Diagram of the secondary structure of SFGFP-ssrA. P strands are the same color as in the structure in panel A. (C) Absorption of 400-nm light results in excited state proton transfer (ESPT) in which the phenolic proton moves to Glu22 2 on strand 11. Return to the ground state is accompanied by fluorescence emission at 511 nm. Mutation of Ser 20s or Glu 222 prevents ESPT and fluorescence after excitation with 400-nm light. Fluorescence arising from excitation of the deprotonated chromophore with 467-nm light does not depend on Ser 20 s or Gly 222 . In this paper, I use ssrA-tagged variants of superfolder GFP (SF GFP; ref. 25) to probe the mechanism of unfolding and degradation by ClpXP. Using fluorescence signals that monitor different protein species, I show that ClpXP produces a strand-extracted intermediate of sFGFPssrA, which is substantially populated both at low ATPase rates where degradation stalls, and at high ATPase rates where robust degradation occurs. The rates of appearance and disappearance of this intermediate suggest an on-pathway role in unfolding and degradation. SFGFP contains multiple stabilizing mutations, 25 which allowed me to design, purify, and characterize circularly permuted variants in which different P strands or loops of SFGFP contained the C-terminal ssrA tag. One of these variants showed ClpXP stalling at low ATPase rates, whereas two others did 48 not. I also engineered sites for thrombin cleavage between the C-terminal and penultimate strands of SFGFP-ssrA and the permuted variants, cleaved these proteins to produce split proteins, and then removed the C-terminal strand by ClpXP extraction to test if the resulting 10-stranded barrels maintained metastable structures. Even though all variants had stable intermediates, stalling was only observed for substrates in which the strand-extracted intermediate could reassociate with the extracted p strand. In combination, these results show that ClpXP unfolds GFP in a stepwise fashion and support a model in which the rates of terminal-strand extraction, strand refolding, and unfolding of the 10-stranded intermediate all depend on the rate of ATP hydrolysis. Results ClpXP extraction of terminal P strands in split-GFP variants GFP lacking its 1 1 th strand maintains a folded structure. 7 ,26 I inserted a site for thrombin cleavage between strands 10 and 11 of SFGFP-ssrA (SFGFP- 10/11 -ssrA; Fig. 2.2A), incubated the purified protein with thrombin, and confirmed that cleavage had occurred by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 2.2B, lanes 1 and 2). This split protein had absorbance and fluorescence spectra similar to those of the uncleaved protein (Fig. 2.2C, 2D). Next, I incubated the split substrate with ClpXP and saturating ATP, and monitored fluorescence emission after excitation at 400 or 467 nm (hereafter, called 400-nm and 467-nm fluorescence). Importantly, I observed complete time-dependent loss of 400-nm fluorescence (initial rate ~1.5 min-' enz-1) with a small increase in 467-nm fluorescence (Fig. 2.2E). SDS-PAGE confirmed that incubation of the split SFGFP-10/11-ssrA substrate with ClpXP destroyed the small fragment, corresponding to the ssrA-tagged 49 1 1 th strand, but did not alter the large fragment, corresponding to the remaining structural elements of GFP (Fig. 2.2B, lane 3). Previous studies have shown that 467-nm fluorescence depends on shielding of the GFP chromophore from water by the P barrel, 2 7 whereas 400-nm fluorescence requires excited state proton transfer (ESPT) from the chromophore to the side chain of Glu 22 2 in strand 11 (Fig. 2.1 C).22,24 In combination, these results indicate that ClpXP removes the ssrA-tagged 1 1 th strand of the split substrate without denaturing the remaining 10-stranded structure. I also constructed a SFGFP-9/10-ssrA variant, containing a thrombin-cleavage site between strands 9 and 10 (Fig. 2.2A), cleaved this protein with thrombin (Fig. 2.2B, lanes 4 and 5), and performed experiments similar to those described above. In this case, incubation of the 9/10-split substrate with ClpXP resulted in loss of both 400-nm and 467-nm fluorescence with an initial rate of ~0.5 min enz-1 (Fig. 2.2F). I conclude that ClpXP extraction of the leaves the P barrel largely intact, whereas extraction of both the 1 0 th and the 1 1 th 1 1 th strand of GFP strands leads to denaturation of the barrel, allowing solvent to quench the chromophore. The finding that ClpXP extraction of strand 11 from the 10/11-split substrate occurred faster than extraction of strands 10 and 11 from the 9/10-split substrate is consistent with a sequential model of extraction of these elements of secondary structure in the intact native protein. 50 A 1-10 A P4 thrombin thrombin 4 srA -0-11 4 SFGFP1/11-ssrA B LVPRGS LVPRGS 4 1 12 SFGFP9111-ssrA 1 j-CPK uncleaved cleaved -F S p1-10 - CIpP 131-9=rA srA C-terminal fragment C no no 2. yes yes no yes no no yes yes thrombin no yes CIpXP D 1.0. 0 1. cleaved SFGFP-10/11-ssrA 0.6. : *. e 0 . 404 Dos. a e : * E 0.4. cleaved SFGFP-1 0/11 -ssrA ". uncleaved 0 00 350 460 e 0.2. uncleaved FGFP-10/11-ssrA lses 0 A 450 480 500 520 540 emission wavelength (nm) 500 wavelength (nm) F E 1.0 0.8 1.0< L1- 10-11 A 0.6 0 rA ClpxP4 0.8- 0 UIL * SFGFP-10/11-ssrA 131-9 0.6467-nm L 0. 0.4- 0.2 0.2400-nm 0 200 400 600 800 1000 time (s) 0 1000 2000 300 time (s) Figure 2.2 A stable 10-stranded barrel (A) A thrombin cleavage sequence (LVPRGS) was inserted between strands 10/11 or 9/10 in the SFGFP-10/1 l-ssrA and SFGFP9/10-ssrA proteins (NCBI accession codes JF951868 and JF951869, respectively), allowing creation of split proteins. (B) SDSPAGE showing SFGFP-10/l l-ssrA or SFGFP-9/10-ssrA (10 ptM each) before and after thrombin cleavage and ClpXP (0.3 pM ClpX 6 ; 0.9 pM ClpP 14) extraction/degradation. The gel is a composite, with the lower portion taken from a gel containing 8-fold more sample than the upper portion. CPK, creatine phosphokinase. (C) Absorbance spectra of SFGFP-10/1l-ssrA before (closed circles) or after (open circles) thrombin cleavage. (D) Fluorescence emission spectrum of SFGFP-10/ll-ssrA before (closed circles) or after (open circles) thrombin cleavage. (E) Incubation of 10 pM thrombin-cleaved SFGFP-10/l1-ssrA with 1 pM ClpXP (1 pM ClpX 6; 2 pM ClpP 14) and 4 mM ATP resulted in loss of 400-nm (open circles) but not 467-nm (closed circles) fluorescence. (F) Incubation of 10 gM thrombin-cleaved SFGFP-9/10-ssrA with 1 pM ClpXP and 4 mM ATP resulted in loss of 400-nm (open circles) and 467-nm (closed circles) fluorescence. The experiments in panels E and F contained an ATPregeneration system. 51 GFP fluorescence during ClpXP stalling supports terminal-strand extraction At the low ATPase rates that result in stalling, competition between ClpXP extraction and subsequent refolding of the eleventh strand of GFP was proposed to result in populations of the strand-extracted and native structures that depend on the rates of each reaction.7 This model predicts that stalling conditions should result in lower values of 400-nm fluorescence (a measure of intact GFP) as compared to 467-nm fluorescence (intact GFP plus the strand-extracted species). Indeed, using ClpXP (1 [pM), SFGFP-ssrA (10 pM), and a low ATP concentration (50 pM), I observed a time-dependent decrease in 400-nm fluorescence but almost no change in 467nm fluorescence (Fig. 2.3A). After -1000 s, the 400-nm fluorescence stabilized, suggesting that equilibrium had been reached. I observed no change in 400-nm or 467-nm fluorescence in the absence of ClpXP but observed rapid loss of both signals when 4 mM ATP was added to the stalled reaction after 2500 s (data not shown). 52 A C SFGFP-ssrA 5OpJM ATP 0 401. 50 pM ATP 467-nm M ft LL 0. 0 B H148D-SFGFP-ssrA 500 1000 1500 2000 400-nm 010 LL 4100-nm 2500 D 1 0 I 09 0 47n 0.9 1 200 00 300 400 500 600 1.0- *0 0.8- 0.640 / ULL LL %* 467-nm 400-nm $, 0.4- 0.2- 00016"--. * 00 4 mM ATP 0 .1 2500 time (s) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 time (s) Figure 2.3 An unfolding intermediate is populated during stalling (A) Changes in 400-nm fluorescence (open circles) or 467-nm fluorescence (closed circles) following incubation of sFGFP-ssrA (10 pM) with ClpXP (1 IM ClpX 6 ; 2 pM ClpP14) and 50 pM ATP. (B) Same proteins as in panel A but using 4 mM ATP. The inset shows the concentration of the strand-extracted intermediate after 250 s as a function of ClpXP concentration from 4 mM ATP experiments like the one in the main panel. Values plotted are averages (n=4) ± 1 standard deviation. (C) Changes in 400nm fluorescence (open diamonds) or 467-nm fluorescence (closed diamonds) following incubation of H148D-SFGFP-ssrA (10 RM; NCBI accession code JF951865) with ClpXP (1 PM ClpX 6 ; 2 IM ClpP 14 ) and 50 pM ATP. (D) Same proteins as in panel B but using 4 mM ATP. An ATP-regeneration system was used in all experiments. To determine if the strand-extracted intermediate of SFGFP-ssrA accumulated under robust degradation conditions, I assayed changes in 400-nm and 467-nm fluorescence in a reaction containing 10 pM substrate, 1 tM ClpXP, and 4 mM ATP (Fig. 2.3B). As noted above, 467-nm fluorescence includes contributions from native GFP plus the intermediate, whereas 400-nm fluorescence depends only on the native GFP concentration. Thus, the concentration of the strand-extracted intermediate can be calculated as a function of the initial GFP concentration (GFPo), and the normalized 400-nm and 467-nm fluorescence: [I] = GFPo-( 53 467F/ 467Fo - 4 00 F/ 4 00 Fo). The concentration of the intermediate was substantial (~25% of the ClpXP concentration) during most of the degradation reaction (Fig. 2.3B). Moreover, when I varied the ClpXP concentration but kept the SFGFP-ssrA (10 pM) and ATP (4 mM) concentrations constant, the amount of the intermediate increased linearly with ClpXP concentration (Fig. 2.3B, inset). This result is expected for an enzyme-bound intermediate in degradation. An on-pathway intermediate would need to form at a faster rate than overall degradation. Indeed, the rate of ClpXP extraction of strand 11, calculated from the 10/11 -split GFP experiment (Fig. 2.2E), was ~4-fold faster than the degradation rate in the experiment using 1 ptM ClpXP and 4 mM ATP (Fig. 2.3B). The His 148 -Asp GFP mutation on p-strand 7 provides an alternative ESPT acceptor and restores 222 -Gln 400-nm fluorescence to Glu9 GFP. 2 ' Thus, H148D-SFGFP should not lose 400-nm fluorescence even upon extraction of Glu22 2 and strand 11 from the P barrel. Indeed, incubation of H148D-SF GFP-ssrA with ClpXP caused no change in 400-nm or 467-nm fluorescence using 50 pM ATP (Fig. 2.3C), which results in stalling, but caused concurrent loss of both signals during degradation using 4 mM ATP (Fig. 2.3D). Stalling behavior of circularly permuted GFP variants To investigate if a stable unfolding intermediate is sufficient for stalling, I constructed and purified three circularly permuted variants of GFP, in which different C-terminal structural elements would be initially extracted by ClpXP (Fig. 2.4A). One variant, cp6a-SF GFP-ssrA, in 54 which the ssrA tag was attached to an a helix following the 6 th strand, displayed "stalling" behavior and was degraded by ClpXP at high but not low ATP concentrations as assayed by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 2.4B) or by loss of 467-nm fluorescence (Fig. 2.4C). By contrast, permuted variants with strand 7 (cp7- SF GFP-ssrA) or strand 8 (cp8-SFGFP-ssrA) at the C-terminus showed non-stalling behavior and were degraded at ATP concentrations as low as 50 PM (Fig. 2.4BC). A order of 1 strands JFJDaDlIJ51ssrA SFGFP-ssrA [[U Cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA cp7-SFGFP-ssrA cp8-SFGFP-ssrA @ @ 1 (])-ssrA J D 3I U C 1 c S 0.8- @-ssrA Ef-ssrA SFGFP-ssrA C cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA B GFP-ssrA SFGFP-ssrA 0.4- cp7-SFGFP-ssrA S0.2. cp8-SFGFP-ssrA 7 cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA 0 50 cp7.SFGFP-ssrA 0 300 0 [ATP] (pM) 50 100 200 150 [ATP] (pM) 250 300 Figure 2.4 Circularly permuted GFP variants show stalling and non-stalling ClpXP degradation. (A) Cartoon representation of the order of P strands in SFGFP-ssrA and circularly permuted variants. (B) Permuted variants (1 1 iM) were incubated overnight with ClpXP (1.25 pM ClpX 6 ; 2.5 9M CIpP 14), the SspB adaptor (1 pM), and 0, 50, or 300 pM ATP before assaying degradation by SDS-PAGE. (C) End-point experiments like those in panel B were performed but degradation was assayed by reduced 467-nm fluorescence. GFP-ssrA (circles); SFGFP-ssrA (diamonds); cp6a-sFGFP-ssrA (upward triangles); cp7-SFGFP-ssrA (triangles); cp8-SFGFP-ssrA (squares). The lines are fits to a modified form of the Hill equation. In the panel-B and panel-C experiments, an ATP-regeneration system was used. To test if the circular permutants also display stable intermediates in ClpXP unfolding, I engineered thrombin-cleavage sites before the C-terminal element of structure. For the cp7SFGFP-6/7-ssrA and cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA variants, a thrombin-cleavage site was inserted between the penultimate and C-terminal between the 6 th p strands. For cp6a-SFGFP-6/a-ssrA, a thrombin site was inserted p strand and the C-terminal a helix. ClpXP extraction of the terminal peptide of each thrombin-split protein resulted in species with 400-nm fluorescence that were 68-105% of 55 the starting value (Fig. 2.6ABC), indicating that each extracted protein retained a folded structure. Because all of these proteins form stable intermediates upon ClpXP extraction of their C-terminal peptides and yet the parental proteins show stalling and non-stalling behaviors at low ATP concentrations, I conclude that formation of a stable intermediate, by itself, is not sufficient to explain stalling. A B cp7.SFGFP-6/7-ssrA 1 1.05- cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA 0 CIpXP A 0.8 LU E C Cpx 0.6 U. U- Non-Stalling 500 100 0.4 I 500 time (s) D 1500 time (s) SFGFP-10/11-ssrA 0 .i LU 0. E 0. Stalling U. 0 500 1000 1 Figure 2.6 Effects of ClpXP versus ClpX extraction of terminal peptides from thrombin-split substrates Thrombin-cleaved GFP variants (10 pM) were incubated with ClpXP (1 pM ClpX6 ; 2 pM ClpP 14 ; circles) or ClpX (1 pM ClpX6 ; triangles). All reactions included ATP (4 mM) and an ATP-regeneration system. For non-stalling constructs, cp7-SFGFP-(6/7)ssrA (A) and cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA (B), identical changes in fluorescence were observed upon treatment with ClpX or ClpXP. For stalling constructs, cp6a-SFGFP-6/a-ssrA (C) and SFGFP-(10/1 1)-ssrA (D), extraction and degradation of the C-terminal structural element resulted in larger changes than extraction alone. The ~15% decrease in SFGFP-(10/1 1)-ssrA fluorescence following ClpX treatment was reversed once the ATP-regeneration system was exhausted. 56 In principle, stalling might not occur for cp7- SF GFP-ssrA and cp8- SFGFP-ssrA because the extracted peptide sequence does not refold. To test if an extracted peptide from a split variant can reassociate with the intermediate and reverse changes in fluorescence, I used ClpX to extract but not degrade the C-terminal sequence. For the non-stalling substrates, cp7-SFGFP-6/7-ssrA and cp8-SF GFP-7/8-ssrA, treatment with ClpX and ClpXP resulted in identical changes in 400-nm fluorescence, suggesting that the extracted C-terminal strand does not reassociate (Fig. 2.6AB). This result could be explained if the strand-extracted intermediate rapidly changes conformation (e.g., forming a closed 10-straded barrel) and thus prevents reassociation. By contrast, ClpX extraction from the stalling constructs, cp6a- SFGFP-6/a-ssrA or SFGFP-10/11-ssrA, resulted in no permanent change in 400-nm fluorescence (Fig. 2.6CD). For SFGFP-10/11-ssrA, there was a small decrease in 400-nm fluorescence in the presence of ClpX representing a steady-state population of strand-extracted GFP, but fluorescence was regained once the ATP-regeneration system was exhausted or EDTA was added to terminate ATP hydrolysis and steady-state extraction (Fig. 2.6D; data not shown). The results presented above support a model in which ClpX extraction of the C-terminal sequence of a GFP substrate can lead to two outcomes. The first is partitioning between refolding of the sequence at low ATP concentrations and processive unfolding of the intermediate at high ATP concentrations. This outcome explains the low-ATP substrate stalling observed for SFGFP- ssrA and cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA. The second outcome posits that the extraction step is effectively irreversible, leading to non-stalling behavior for substrates like cp7- SFGFP-ssrA and cp8- SFGFPssrA. 57 To test this model more directly, I designed a fluorescence assay for association of ClpXPextracted, thrombin-split SFGFP-10/11-ssrA (stalling) or cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA (non-stalling) proteins with TAMRA-labeled synthetic peptides identical to the extracted C-terminal peptide but with no ssrA tag. If the TAMRA-labeled peptide associates with the newly formed 10stranded barrel, then a FRET change should occur as the TAMRA dye would be positioned within 20 A of the GFP chromophore, well within the F~rster radius of -58 A. Indeed, as ClpXP extracted the C-terminal strand of the split SFGFP- 10/11 -ssrA protein, there was a time-dependent decrease in GFP fluorescence and increase in TAMRA fluorescence when equimolar substrate and peptide were used (Fig. 2.7A). The increase in TAMRA florescence and decrease in GFP fluorescence occurred with similar kinetics, suggesting that ClpXP extraction of the ssrA-tagged p strand rather than association of the TAMRA labeled peptide was the slow step in the reaction. Using higher concentrations of the TAMRA-labeled peptide did not result in substantial FRET increases, as expected if binding of the TAMRA-labeled peptide was reasonably tight and only one peptide bound each 10-stranded barrel (Fig. 2.7B). Thus, for the SFGFP- 10/11 -ssrA stalling substrate, extraction of the C-terminal strand does not preclude rebinding of an equivalent sequence. ClpXP extraction of split cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA in the presence of a TAMRA-peptide corresponding to strand 8 also resulted in a time-dependent decrease in GFP fluorescence (Fig. 2.7C). However, there was no concomitant increase in TAMRA fluorescence (Fig. 2.7C; 2.7D), as would be expected from FRET if the TAMRA peptide could bind following terminal-strand extraction from this non-stalling substrate. 58 A SFGFP-10/11-ssrA B SFGFP-10/11-ssrA 1* 1.6P ., JMWemission X S0.8ILL E 1 .'0.4 U- GFPemission 0 0.2- 0.40 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 2 m1 time (s) 3 5 4 molar ratio strand #11:GFP C cp8.SFGFP-718-ssrA D cp8-SFGFP-7/8-ssrA 1.6- 1.2 1. Li I- E TAMRAemission 1 0.8. U0.6. IF C U. a 0 0.4. C 0.2. 0.4- 10 01 260 360 460 560 600 700 0.1 time (s) * * 1 * * . ,0. 10 100 molar ratio strand #8:GFP Figure 2.7 Strand-replacement assays (A) Thrombin-split SFGFP-(10/11)-ssrA TAMRAHMVLLEFVTAAG (10 pM), ATP (4 (10 pM) was incubated with ClpXP (1 pM ClpX 6; 2 pLM ClpP 14), mM), and an ATP-regeneration system. ClpXP degradation of the terminal p strand permitted the TAMRA-labeled peptide corresponding to strand 11 to associate with the 10-stranded p barrel, decreasing GFP emission and increasing TAMRA emission by FRET. (B) Final FRET ratios for experiments like that shown in panel A with increasing concentrations of the TAMRA-labeled strand-Il peptide. The fit is to a quadratic equation for tight 1:1 binding with a KD of 111 ± 30 nM. (C) Thrombin-split cp8-SFGFP-(7/8)-ssrA (10 pM) was incubated with ClpXP (1 IM ClpX ; 2 pM ClpP ), 14 TAMRAIKANFKIRHNV (10 pM), ATP (4 mM), and an ATP-regeneration system. No change in TAMRA 6 fluorescence was observed, although GFP fluorescence decreased. (D) Increasing the concentration of the TAMRA-labeled strand-8 peptide in experiments like that shown in panel D resulted in no significant TAMRA fluorescence changes, following excitation at 400 nm. In combination, these results support a model in which the "stalling" phenotype requires both a stable unfolding intermediate and the ability of the extracted sequence to refold or reassociate with the intermediate. Specifically, the SFGFP-ssrA and cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA proteins stall ClpXP and removal of their C-terminal structural elements results in f barrels that are stable but can reassociate with the extracted strand or helix. By contrast, the cp7-SFGFP-ssrA and cp8--SFGFPssrA proteins did not stall ClpXP and extraction of their C-terminal strands resulted in stable intermediates that failed to rebind the extracted sequence. 59 Stalling substrates have lower maximal rates of ClpXP degradation Using saturating ATP, I determined steady-state kinetic parameters for ClpXP degradation of different concentrations of GFP-ssrA, SFGFP-ssrA cp6a- SF GFP-ssrA, cp7-SFGFP-ssrA, and cp8- SFGFP-ssrA, (Table 1; Fig. 2.8A). Interestingly, cp7-SFGFP-ssrA and cp8-SF GFP-ssrA, the substrates which did not stall, also had the highest Vmax value. Although the "stalling" substrates displayed a range of Vmax values, with SFGFP-ssrA being the slowest, the overall correlation suggests that substrates whose degradation stalls at low ATPase rates are also more difficult to degrade at high ATPase rates. degradation Km Vmax stalls ATP hydrolysis Km Hill Vmax protein stability AG meq k, m, minenz-1 kcal/mol kcal/mol M-1 s-1 OM GuHCl kcal/mol * pm minenz-1 Pm yes 0.36 0.39 114 1.85 159 6.9 1.6 1.6E-9 1.1 SFGFP-ssrA no 0.60 2.21 114 2.2 306 5.4 1.5 ND ND cp7-SFGFP-ssrA no 0.33 1.48 115 2.2 336 4.9 1.9 2.9E-9 1.5 cp6- yes 0.79 1.02 131 1.85 203 4.4 3.0 4.2E-7 1.2 yes 1.3 1.19 133 1.96 167 4.6 2.3 5.9E-7 0.79 SFGFP-ssrA cp8- SFGFP-ssrA GFP-ssrA Table 2.1 Properties of ssrA-tagged GFP substrates *Stalling substrates displayed < 5% of the maximal degradation rate when the ATPase rate was 50% of maximal (Fig. 2.8B). Errors for Km and k, (± 50%); errors for other values (± 10%). ND: Not Determined. 60 B A equilibrium unfolding CIpXP degradation 2 SFGFP-ssrA C.) C 1 0 cp8-SFGFP-ssrA 8C *0 U E [substrate] (pM) cp7-SFGFP-ssrA C * kinetic stability 0 0 10-1 cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA cp7-SFGFP-ssrA . * SFGFP-ssrA GFP-ssrA 10-5L5.0 5.5 6.0 0 6.5 [GuHCI] (M) GFP-ssrA 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 [GuHC] (M) Figure 2.8 Equilibrium and kinetic stability of GFP variants (A) Michaelis-Menten plots of ClpXP degradation (0.1 pM ClpX 6 ; 0.2 pM ClpP 14 ) of ssrA-tagged variants of GFP and SFGFP in the presence of ATP (4 mM) and an ATP-regeneration system. Initial degradation rates were calculated from changes in 467-nm fluorescence. The lines are fits to the equation rate = Vmax[S]/(KM + [S]). Error bars (± 1 SD) based on four independent replicates. Km and Vmax values for each substrate are listed in Table 2.1. (B) Proteins (0.5 pM) were incubated with different concentrations of GuHCl for 2 weeks, and denaturation was assayed by 467-nm fluorescence. The solid lines are fits to a twostate unfolding model. Cp6-SFGFP-ssrA has an unusual native baseline and higher meq value than the other proteins (Table 2.1). These properties could reflect an increase in the solvent accessibility of the unfolded protein and/or the presence of a populated unfolding intermediate. (C) Rates constants for unfolding (ku) were determined by single-exponential fits of changes in 467-nm fluorescence after jumps to different concentrations of GuHCl. The values plotted are averages of three independent experiments ± 1 standard deviation. The final protein concentration in each assay was 0.5 pM. Equilibrium and kinetic stability I determined the thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of the GFP-ssrA, SFGFP-ssrA, cp7-SF GFP-ssrA, SFGFP-ssrA, cp6a- and cp8-SF GFP-ssrA proteins at different concentrations of GuHCl. The equilibrium stability of the SFGFP-ssrA protein was substantially greater than the stabilities of GFP-ssrA, cp6a- SFGFP-ssrA, cp7- SFGFP-ssrA, and cp8- SFGFP-ssrA (Fig. 2.8B; 61 Table 2.1). At 5 M GuHCl, the order of kinetic stabilities from most to least stable was sFGFPssrA > GFP-ssrA > cp7-SF GFP-ssrA > cp6a-SF GFP-ssrA (Fig. 2.8C); extrapolation to 0 M denaturant gave SFGFP-ssrA > cp7- SFGFP-ssrA > GFP-ssrA > cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA (Table 2.1). These results show that neither ClpXP stalling nor the maximal rate of degradation correlate with the equilibrium or kinetic stabilities of the GFP variants, a result that is consistent with previous studies of different ClpXP substrates.4, 29 Indeed, the non-stalling substrates, cp7-SFGFP-ssrA and cp8-SFGFP-ssrA, were degraded at the fastest rates but had stabilities intermediate between those of the stalling substrates. Dependence of rates of ATP hydrolysis and degradation on ATP concentration I determined the rates at which ClpXP hydrolyzed different concentrations of ATP in the presence of 10 [iM GFP-ssrA, SFGFP-ssrA, cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA cp7-SF GFP-ssrA, or cp8-SF GFP- ssrA. Fig. 2.9A shows normalized ATPase rates plotted as a function of ATP concentration. For each substrate, the v/Vma curves were similar and were fit well by the Hill version of the Michaelis-Menten equation, with half-maximal rates at ATP concentrations of 115-135 pM and positively cooperative n values of 1.8 to 2.2 (Table 1). There were, however, substrate-dependent Vmax differences, with the values for GFP-ssrA, SF GFP-ssrA, and cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA being roughly similar (159-203 min-' enz-1), whereas the value for the non-stalling substrates, cp7SFGFP-ssrA and cp8-SFGFP-ssrA, was substantially higher (306-336 min-' enz-1). Next, I determined rates of degradation for GFP-ssrA, 62 SFGFP-ssrA, cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA, cp7- SGFP-ssrA, or cp8-SF GFP-ssrA over a wide range of ATP concentrations by measuring loss of 467-nm fluorescence. Fig. 2.9B shows the fractional degradation rate plotted as a function of the fractional ATPase rate (defined as a). For GFP-ssrA, SFGFP-ssrA, and cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA, degradation fell off very steep non-linear fashions. Indeed, a modest initial decline in the ATPase rate from 100 to 90% of maximal resulted in a ~5-fold decrease in the degradation rate of these substrates. These substrates have stable unfolding intermediates that can rebind the extracted Cterminal sequence. By contrast, ClpXP degradation of cp7-SFGFP-ssrA and cp8- SFGFP-ssrA decreased in a roughly linear manner with the ATPase rate. For both of these substrates, the strand-extracted intermediate cannot reassociate with the extracted C-terminal sequence. B A -~1.0- -- c 0.6S 0.4 0.8 0.8 .p7FGFP-ssrA GFP-ssrA 0.8 o1 06 2 cp7.SFGFP-ssrA - 06toSFGFPssA G-0 o~~~GP SF C 8-F~ 0 FCP7SFGFpssrA - 0.4 0.6 sr SFGCp60.SFGFP cp8SFGFP-srA - 0 cpsFGPssA5 0.4A V cp6F .SFGFP-ssrA GFP-ssrA SGFP-ssrA C 0.2- 00.0 0 100 200 300 400 1 500 [ATP] (pM) C klea ES :' El k. 1(1 -a) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 fractional ATPase rate (a) 0 k2 ea E+P Figure 2.9 Two-step unfolding (A) Fractional rates of ATP hydrolysis (a = v/Vmax) by ClpXP (1 PM ClpX 6 ; 2 IM ClpP 14 ) at different concentrations of ATP in the presence of 10 pM GFP-ssrA (closed squares), SFGFP-ssrA (circles), cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA (triangles), cp7-SFGFP-ssrA (diamonds), or cp8-SFGFP-ssrA (open squares). The solid line is a fit of the SFGFP-ssrA data to c = 1/(1+(Km/[ATP])"), the Hill form of the Michaelis-Menten equation. Km, Vmax, and n values for each protein substrate are listed in Table 1. (B) Fractional degradation rates (v/Vmax) for ClpXP (1 pM ClpX6 ; 2 M ClpP 14 ) proteolysis of 10 pM GFP-ssrA (diamonds), SFGFP-ssrA (circles), cp6a- SFGFP-ssrA (downward triangles), cp7-SFGFP-ssrA (upward triangles), and cp8-SFGFP-ssrA (squares) are plotted as a function of the fractional rate of ATP hydrolysis (a). Solid lines are fits to the equation kga 2 /(kb(1-aC)+x) for GFP-ssrA, cp7-SFGFP-ssrA, and cp8-SFGFP-ssrA, where ka = kik 2 /(ki+k 2) and kb = k. 1/(ki+k 2). (C) Single-intermediate model for enzymatic unfolding, where ES represents the complex of ClpXP with intact GFP and El represents a complex in which the terminal p strand of the substrate has been extracted, leaving a 10-stranded P barrel. 63 I found that a single-intermediate model (Fig. 2.9C) generally accounted for both the stalling and non-stalling behaviors of the different GFP substrates. In this model, the ClpXP-substrate complex (ES) forms a strand-extracted intermediate (EI) with a rate constant of ki-a, and El is subsequently denatured/degraded with a rate constant of k2 -c or refolds to ES with a rate constant of k.1-(1-ax). The latter term, disfavors refolding of the strand-extracted intermediate at high ATPase rates, when most ClpXP enzymes are ATP bound. Assuming steady-state for [EI] and substrate saturation, this model predicts that the fractional degradation rate equals ki-k 2 -a2/(k.-(1-c)+(ki+k2)-ac). Fig. 2.9B shows fits to this equation for one of the stalling substrates (GFP-ssrA; R > 0.99) and for the non-stalling substrates (cp7- SF GFP-ssrA and cp8SFGFP-ssrA; R > 0.99 and > 0.97). Good fits were also obtained for SFGFP-ssrA (R > 0.98). Although the single-intermediate model recapitulates most of the SFGFP-ssrA and cp6a- observed stalling features, it seems likely that additional unfolding intermediates are populated to some degree, potentially including intermediates which the C-terminal P strand is only partially dislodged or extracted. Discussion To explain why degradation of GFP-ssrA ceases at low rates of ATP hydrolysis, Martin et al. proposed that ClpXP extracts the ssrA-tagged terminal strand from the GFP P barrel but the intermediate refolds before further unfolding and degradation can occur.7 Our results strongly support this stepwise model for ClpXP unfolding of GFP, which leads to futile cycles of strand extraction and refolding at low concentrations of ATP. For example, I designed a split variant in which the ssrA-tagged 1 1 th strand was non-covalently bound to the remaining GFP structure and 64 found that ClpX extracted this strand without denaturing the rest of the protein and the extracted sequence could reassociate with the 10-stranded barrel. Moreover, the rate of strand extraction by ClpXP was fast enough to account for the rate of GFP proteolysis, as expected for an on-pathway step in the degradation reaction. Notably, when ClpXP extracted the 1 1 th and I0 th strands of another split GFP variant, the remaining portions of GFP were also denatured. Thus, GFP lacking its C-terminal 1 1 th strand is reasonably stable but subsequent extraction of the adjacent 1 0 th strand results in cooperative unfolding. GFP-ssrA lacking its C-terminal strand loses 400-nm fluorescence, which depends upon Glu2 22 in strand 11, but maintains normal 467-nm fluorescence. Importantly, I found that ClpXP produces GFP species with a reduced ratio of 400/467 fluorescence both under low-ATP stalling conditions and high-ATP degradation conditions, as predicted if a strand-extracted intermediate is populated under these conditions. I designed a circularly permuted variant of superfolder GFP (cp6-SF GFP-ssrA), which formed a stable intermediate and was able to reassociate with the extracted C-terminal strand. Like nonpermuted SFGFP-ssrA, this variant was resistant to ClpXP degradation at low ATP-hydrolysis rates. By contrast, two other circularly permuted variants (cp7- SFGFP-ssrA, cp8- SFGFP-ssrA) could not reassociate with an extracted C-terminal strand and did not stall ClpXP. Thus, the simple presence of a stable unfolding intermediate is not sufficient to stall ClpXP degradation at low ATP concentrations. Rather, stalling requires that the extracted sequence can refold/reassociate with the intermediate. At saturating ATP, ClpXP degraded stalling GFP variants more slowly than the non-stalling variants. Thus, refolding of the extracted C-terminal strand appears to slow normal degradation. Changes in the rates of strand extraction and/or in the 65 rates of unfolding of the 10-stranded barrel probably also play roles in determining the overall rate of degradation. As ClpX extracts the C-terminal strand of cp7-SFGFP-ssrA or cp8-SFGFP-ssrA, the resulting p barrel appears to undergo a conformational rearrangement that prevents reassociation of the extracted sequence. Serpin proteins normally contain a 6-stranded P sheet, but a central strand can spontaneously unfold and form a disordered loop. The resulting structure then rearranges to a 5-stranded sheet, forming new hydrogen bonds between the strands that originally flanked the central strand and eliminating the binding site of the extracted strand. 30 A similar rearrangement may occur for the non-stalling cp7-SFGFP-ssrA or cp8-SF GFP-ssrA upon ClpXP extraction of the C-terminal strand. Presumably, energetics dictate whether unfolding intermediates maintain an essentially wild-type structure that can rebind the missing structural element or change conformation to eliminate this possibility. ClpXP appears to unfold proteins using a power-stroke mechanism. 15-17 Specifically, each cycle of ATP hydrolysis by ClpX is thought to result in an attempt to translocate a segment of the substrate polypeptide, thereby pulling the native protein against the narrow axial channel and creating a transient unfolding force. For stable substrates, like the titin127 domain, hundreds of cycles of ATP hydrolysis can be required before denaturation becomes statistically probable.' 5 This result suggests that a power stroke must coincide with a stochastic decrease in protein stability to successfully extract the terminal structural element of the substrate. For titin12 7 , this 66 initial ClpXP-mediated unfolding event appears to cause global denaturation.7 Studies of ClpXP unfolding of a multi-domain filamin substrate assayed by optical-trapping nanometry also support this model.16 For example, in different single-molecule experiments, the dwell time before unfolding of a specific filamin domain varied from a few to more than 100 s, with the latter time being sufficient to hydrolyze several hundred ATP molecules. However, once unfolding of a filamin domain commenced, highly cooperative denaturation was typically complete in less than 1 ms. Subsequent ATPase cycles then resulted in translocation of the unfolded protein in steps of 5-8 amino acids at an average rate of-30 residues s- . Our current view of the mechanism by which ClpXP unfolds GFP-ssrA begins with repeated enzymatic tugging on the 11 th or C-terminal strand that is attached to the ssrA tag. During this process, enzymatic pulling will occasionally partially or completely dislodge the terminal strand, leaving a native 10-stranded barrel. Multiple cycles of ATP hydrolysis are then required to finish translocation of the extracted strand and preceding turn (18 residues) and to unfold the remaining 10-stranded structure to allow degradation. The time required for completion of these events will increase as the ATPase rate decreases. Refolding of the extracted strand before unfolding of the 10-stranded barrel would restore the original substrate, necessitating renewed attempts to begin denaturation of the 11-stranded barrel. Strand refolding probably requires slipping of the substrate from the grip of ClpXP and is therefore more likely to occur at low ATPase rates when a higher fraction of enzymes are in an ATP-free state. Indeed, good fits of the observed ATP dependence of GFP degradation by ClpXP required a strand-refolding rate proportional to 1 minus the fractional ATP-hydrolysis rate. 67 The protein-unfolding activities of different AAA+ proteases display considerable variation. 32 For example, the HslUV and FtsH proteases fail to degrade GFP proteins with suitable Cterminal recognition tags, whereas Lon degrades such substrates about 200-fold more slowly than ClpXP or ClpAP. 3 3 -37 For the proteases that degrade these GFP variants poorly, it is presently unclear if these AAA+ enzymes fail to dislodge the C-terminal strand or if they fail in a subsequent step in unfolding and degradation. Our results suggest that this question could be resolved by assaying 400-nm and 467-nm fluorescence of appropriate GFP variants during unfolding attempts by Lon, HslUV, and FtsH. Moreover, preliminary experiments suggest that appropriately tagged versions of some of our circularly permuted GFP proteins will be useful model substrates for Lon and HslUV, allowing convenient fluorescence-based assays of the unfolding and degradation activities of these AAA+ proteases. ClpXP extraction of the terminal elements of split proteins also provides a powerful new tool with which to investigate the sequence determinants of protein structure and function or potentially to replace parts of split proteins with synthetic peptides with fluorescent dyes or other modifications for studies of structure-function relationships. GFP-fusion proteins are commonly used to study protein localization and turnover in vivo, but interpretations can be complicated if partial degradation generates free GFP. This problem could potentially be overcome by fusing proteins to a circularly permutated GFP that can be completely degraded. Materials and Methods Protein Expression, Purification, and Cleavage E. coli ClpX and E. coli ClpP were purified as described. 4'3 8 A His 6-tagged variant of E. coli 68 SspB was purified by Ni2+-NTA chromatography and S200 size-exclusion chromatography. 39 GFP substrates were expressed in E. coli strain X90, which had been transformed with appropriate overproducing plasmids. Cells were grown at 37 C to OD 60 0 = 0.8, protein expression from the T7 promoter was induced by addition of 1 mM IPTG, and growth was continued at room temperature for 3.5 h, before the cells were harvested and lysed. The coding sequence for SFGFP was obtained from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts (BBa 1746916). SFGFP variants were cloned into pCOLADuet-1 with an N-terminal H6 tag (MGSHHHHHH) and a C-terminal ssrA tag (AANDENYALAA). Table 2.1 lists the different SFGFP or GFP variants used for these studies. Most variants were constructed in the super-folder GFP sequence background (SFGFP). 25 Circularly permuted GFP variants are designated with a cp# prefix, where # represents the C-terminal P strand of the permuted structure, and were cloned with a GGTGGS sequence connecting the residues corresponding to wild-type N terminus and C terminus. 40 In some GFP variants, a GGTEGSLVPRGSGESGGS sequence for thrombin cleavage was inserted into the loop between two P strands to allow production of split proteins. These variants have names like SFGFP-10/11-ssrA, where 10/11 indicates insertion of the cleavage site between strands 10 and 11. All GFP variants were purified by Ni 2 +-NTA affinity (Qiagen) and S200 size-exclusion chromatography, and were stored in PD buffer (50 mM HEPES [pH 7.5], 200 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl 2 , 10% glycerol). Cleavage of appropriate substrates with thrombin (GE Healthcare; 4 69 units/mg substrate) was performed in 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM CaC12 for 2 h at 37 C. TAMRA-labeled fluorescent peptides Synthetic peptides corresponding to GFP strand 11 (TAMRAHMVLLEFVTAAG-COOH) or strand 8 (TAMRAIKANFKIRHNV) were ordered from the Koch Biopolymers and Proteomics Core Facility and purified by HPLC. Biochemical Assays Degradation and unfolding assays were performed at 30 C in PD buffer and were monitored by SDS-PAGE, and/or by loss of fluorescence emission at 511 nm after excitation at 400 nm or at 467 nm. Degradation reactions contained ssrA-tagged substrates, E. cli ClpX 6 , E. cli ClpP 14, and an ATP-regeneration system (16 mM creatine phosphate, 6 pg/mL creatine phosphokinase). Some degradation reactions also contained E. coli SspB, which helps deliver ssrA-tagged substrates for ClpXP degradation. 4 1 Rates of ATP hydrolysis were determined at 30 'C in PD buffer using an assay in which production of ADP is coupled to enzymatic oxidation of NADH. 42-43 Equilibrium and kinetic stability assays were performed at 30 'C in PD buffer supplemented with different concentrations of GuHCl and were monitored by changes in 467-nm fluorescence. 70 Acknowledgements I thank Peter Chien, Santiago Lima, and Randall Mauldin for helpful discussions. Supported by NIH grant Al- 15706. T.A.B. is an employee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 71 References 1. Baker, T.A. & Sauer, R.T. (2006). ATP-dependent proteases: recognition logic and operating principles. Trends Biochem. Sci. 31, 647-653. 2. Palombella, V.J., Rando, O.J., Goldberg, A.L., & Maniatis, T. (1994). 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I conducted all experiments involving cCoMET and disulfide-linked constructs and crystallized the 6L ClpX 6 structure. 79 Abstract ClpX, a AAA+ ring homohexamer, uses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to power conformational changes that unfold and translocate target proteins into the ClpP peptidase for degradation. In multiple crystal structures of ClpX rings, some subunits adopt nucleotideloadable conformations, others adopt unloadable conformations, and each class exhibits substantial variability. Using mutagenesis of individual subunits in covalently tethered hexamers together with new fluorescence methods to assay the conformations and nucleotide-binding properties of these subunits, we demonstrate that dynamic interconversion between loadable and unloadable conformations is required to couple ClpX ATP hydrolysis to mechanical work. ATP binding to different classes of subunits initially drives staged allosteric changes, which set the conformation of the ring to allow hydrolysis and linked mechanical functions. Reciprocal subunit switching between loadable and unloadable conformations subsequently isomerizes or resets the configuration of the nucleotide-loaded ring, which may produce a power stroke or obviate stalling after malfunction. 80 Introduction In all branches of life, AAA+ molecular machines harness the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to degrade, disaggregate, and secrete proteins, to remodel macromolecular complexes, to transport nucleic acids, and to drive vectorial transport along microtubules.' A central unsolved challenge in dissecting the mechanisms of these complicated multi-protein machines is to determine how ATP interacts with different subunits and coordinates the conformational changes that ultimately power machine function. Although many different models of this orchestration are possible, most proposals in the literature depend upon multiple untested assumptions (for example, ref. 2 and 3), and the paucity of methods to test specific models has limited our understanding of these machines. ClpXP is an ATP-dependent protease that consists of a self-compartmentalized barrel-shaped peptidase (ClpP) and a hexameric-ring AAA+ unfoldase (ClpX), which recognizes, unfolds, and translocates protein substrates into an internal ClpP chamber for degradation (for review, ref. 4). Insight into ClpX function has come from biochemistry, protein engineering, and singlemolecule biophysics. For example, translocation of a peptide degron through the axial pore of the ClpX ring drives substrate unfolding, and processive translocation can occur against substantial resisting forces.5- 8 Although ClpX is a homohexamer, it is asymmetric and nucleotides fail to bind some ClpX subunits and bind other subunits with different affinities. 9 A single active subunit in the hexameric ring is sufficient to power mechanical unfolding and translocation, subunit-subunit communication appears to be important for controlling and coupling ATP hydrolysis to function.10 Because processive ClpXP proteolysis of a single polypeptide can 81 require hundreds of ATP-binding and hydrolysis events,11 understanding how these nucleotide transactions are coupled to mechanical work is a critical aspect of mechanism. Crystal structures of the hexameric ClpX ring reveal two basic classes of subunits. 12 In four loadable (L) subunits, the orientation of the large and small AAA+ domains creates a binding cleft in which nucleotide can contact each domain, the intervening hinge, and a neighboring subunit (Fig. 3.1A). The exact structure and properties of these binding sites can differ depending upon the position in the hexamer and bound nucleotide. By contrast, these sites are destroyed in two unloadable (U) subunits by a hinge rotation that reorients the flanking domains. In the known hexamer structures, these subunits are arranged in an L/U/L/L/U/L pattern with approximate two-fold symmetry (Fig. 3.1B). For all subunits, the large AAA+ domain packs against the small AAA+ domain of the counterclockwise subunit in a conserved rigid-body fashion, and crosslinks across these interfaces are compatible with full ClpX function.13 Thus, the functional ring can be viewed as six rigid-body units connected by hinges (Fig. 3.1B). Nucleotide-dependent changes in hinge geometry provide a potential way to couple ATP binding and hydrolysis in one subunit to conformational changes in neighboring subunits. However, direct evidence for such allosteric conformational changes is lacking, and it is not known if L and U subunits interconvert and/or if a 4:2 ratio of L:U subunits is maintained during function. 82 A domain (B) smll domain (A) Cr E= +b ATP hdro1sis y large domain y Usubunit hinge hL domain (A) Lsubunit following ATP hydrolysis oc e L subunits subunit subunit 6L subunits domain (F) B subunits Lclockwise small domains ATPgS non-switching models m non-witchig 4L2 hexamer axis +LU D hinge 0.3 4 ATP mallnJ~rigid-by domain uni domain large o da ~~0.1- ATP ADP ~inouaI orsubunit 00 ATI gS' ~ hin 44L:2U ATP w ADP 0.2 8 CJI-4! switching models -4 5L:1 U O24§iMA% 0.2 4mMAT mixed 0 0 10 200 400 600 800 [nucleotide] (pM) (M) 1000 Figure 3.1 ClpX structure (A) Nucleotide binds between the large and small AAA+ domains of a ClpX subunit and also contacts the neighboring large domain of the clockwise subunit. Each small domain and the large domain of the neighboring clockwise subunit form a rigidbody unit. The structure shown is from an ATPyS-bound hexamer. (B) In most crystal structures, the ClpX ring consists of four L subunits, which can bind nucleotide, and two U subunits, which cannot bind nucleotide. The ring consists of six rigid-body units. Changes in the conformations of the hinges that connect the large and small domain of each subunit are responsible for major conformational changes in the hexameric ring. (C) After aligning the large AAA+ domains of each crystallographically independent subunit in eight crystal structures of E. coli ClpX hexamers, the attached small domains were represented by a vector corresponding to a single c helix (residues 332-343). Although the vectors in U subunits are very different then those in L subunits, substantial variations within each subunit class are evident. (D) Addition of ATP, ATPyS, or ADP reduced the fluorescence of a W-W-WTT pseudo hexamer (0.3 pM) to a level expected for a 5L: lU hexamer or a mixture of 4L:2U and 6L hexamers. The lines are fits to a Hill equation (Y = a - b*[ATP]n/([ATP]" + (K p)")). The same final fluorescence value was observed in the presence of 4 mM ATP with or without ClpP (1 RM) and a titinn substrate (10 piM) unfolded by reaction with fluorescein-5-maleimide (inset). (E) Models of ClpX function in which ClpX subunits retain their U or L identities (non switching models) or subunits adopt U and L conformations at different points in the reaction cycle (switching models). To address these questions, we have developed and applied assays for subunit-specific nucleotide binding (nCoMET) and conformational changes (cCoMET), where CoMET signifies coordinated metal energy transfer, a method that relies on short-distance quenching of a fluorescent dye by a transition-metal ion (tmFRET; ref. 14). Our results show that nucleotide binding to ClpX 83 subunits with tight and weak affinities allosterically alters the conformations of neighboring subunits in a stepwise fashion, support a model in which L and U subunits in the ClpX ring dynamically interconvert during the functional cycle, and suggest that nucleotide binding stabilizes a ring with five L-like subunits, reminiscent of structures observed in the AAA+ rings of the El helicase and 26S proteasome.15' 6 The operating principles and tools developed here should be broadly applicable to the study of other AAA+ machines and multimeric assemblies. Results The family specific N domain of ClpX, which is not required for machine function,''7 ' 8 was deleted in the variants used here. ClpX variants were typically expressed from genes encoding two, three, or six subunits connected by polypeptide tethers, as linking subunits in this way allows ClpP-mediated degradation of ssrA-tagged substrates, does not affect pseudo-hexamer formation, and permits mutations to be introduced into specific subunits for functional analysis or introducing fluorescent probes.10 New crystal structures AN In previous structures with and without nucleotide, a covalently tethered ClpXA trimer, with ATPase-defective E185Q (E), R370K (R), and E185Q/R370K (ER) mutations in an E-E-ER pattern, crystallized as a pseudo hexamer with an L/U/L/L/U/L arrangement of subunits.12 We obtained six new pseudo-hexamer structures. Most had the L/U/L/L/U/L pattern, including an EE-ER with bound ATPyS, E-R dimers, W-W-R trimers (W is a wild-type subunit), W-W-W 84 trimers, and W-W-W trimers with bound ADP (Appendix B Table 1). Thus, the L/U/L/L/U/L arrangement is not a consequence of bound nucleotide, the number of covalent tethers, or the presence of specific mutations. However, one W-W-W structure revealed a, L/L/L/L/L/L or 6L arrangement of subunits (Appendix B Table 1). We aligned the large domains of each subunit from eight crystal structures and represented the small domains by a vector corresponding to one helix (Fig. 3.1 C). As expected, there were two major categories, corresponding to L and U conformations, but substantial variations were evident in each class. For example, compared to single reference vectors, the average angular variability was 16 +/- 70 (maximum 270) among L subunits and 18 +/- 130 (maximum 450) among U subunits, highlighting the variability in the conformations of individual subunits that comprise the ClpX ring. This variability allowed us to build a plausible 5L:1U ring structure using subunits taken from the observed 4L:2U and 6L structures. Evidence supporting 4L:2U and 5L:1U subunit arrangements Contact between two rhodamine-family dyes, such as TAMRA, results in quenching that displays an all-or-none character.19 To address which arrangements of ClpX subunits might be populated in solution, we produced a W-W-WTT trimer in which TT designates TAMRA dyes attached to K330C in the small domain and D76C in the large domain of the third subunit (the TAMRA-labeled protein was active in ATP hydrolysis and supported ClpP-mediated degradation; Appendix B Fig. 1). Modeling showed that the TAMRA dyes were close enough for 85 contact quenching in L subunits but were >25 A apart in U subunits. Compared to an unquenched control, we would therefore expect -33% fluorescence for a population of 4L:2U hexamers, -16% fluorescence for a population of 5L:lU hexamers, and no substantial fluorescence for a population of 6L hexamers. In the absence of nucleotide, the fluorescence of the W-W-WT pseudo hexamer was -28% of a control sample of the same protein denatured in 3 M urea, as expected for a predominant population of 4L:2U structures (Fig. 3. 1D). Addition of saturating concentrations of different nucleotides resulted in a decrease to ~16% of the unquenched control, consistent with a 5L:1 U arrangement. These results are also consistent with a roughly equal mixture of 4L:2U and 6L hexamers at saturating nucleotide, but we consider this possibility less likely, as similar final fluorescence values at saturating ATP were also obtained when ClpX was bound to ClpP or was translocating an unfolded substrate into ClpP for degradation (Fig. 3.1D inset). Thus, if 4L:2U and 6L ClpX species were equally populated at saturating nucleotide, this equilibrium would have to be independent of the identity of the bound nucleotide and independent of ClpP binding and ATP-fueled protein degradation. A test of subunit switching In principle, L subunits and U subunits could maintain their conformations during the chemomechanical cycle of ClpX, or switch dynamically. Fig. 3.1E shows several non-switching and switching models, but many more are possible, including variations in which ATP hydrolysis occurs sequentially or probabilistically among the L subunits that bind nucleotide and/or models in which subunit switching is not coupled to ATP hydrolysis. 86 One way to determine if L and U subunits maintain their conformations during ATP hydrolysis and protein unfolding by ClpX is to reduce ATP-binding affinity to one or a few subunits in the hexamer and test for effects on the ATP concentrations required for these activities. The logic is that non-switching models would allow low-affinity subunits to adopt U conformations, and the concentration of ATP required for activity should not be significantly altered. By contrast, if nucleotide must bind to each subunit in the ring at some point in a cycle, as required by most switching models, then substantially higher concentrations of ATP would be required for equivalent levels of ClpX activity. To weaken nucleotide affinity, we engineered V78A/179A substitutions (hereafter called VI) to truncate the wild-type side chains and reduce packing with the adenine base of ATP (Fig. 3.2A). As anticipated, substantially higher concentrations of ATP were required to support ATP hydrolysis and ClpP-mediated protein degradation by the VI homohexamer compared to the parental enzyme (Fig. 3.2B; Appendix B Fig. 2A). To test the predictions of a 4L:2U non-switching model, we constructed a covalently tethered WVI-W trimer, which ran as a pseudo hexamer in gel filtration (Appendix B Fig. 2) and bound 3-4 ADPs in isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) (Appendix B Fig. 2A-C). This value is similar to the stoichiometry of ATP binding to ATPase-defective ClpXE18 5Q hexamers. 9 Notably, protein unfolding, ATP hydrolysis, and ATPyS hydrolysis by W-VI-W required -10-fold higher ATP/ATPyS concentrations to achieve activities comparable to the W-W-W parent (Fig. 3.2C-E; Table 3.1). We also introduced the El 85Q mutation into the VI subunit to generate W-VIE-W, as this mutation should only affect activity if nucleotide binds the VIE subunit. Importantly, WVIE-W had much lower ATP-hydrolysis activity than W-VI-W (Fig. 3.2D). These results are 87 inconcsistent with a non-switching 4L:2U model and suggest that robust activity requires ATP occupancy and hydrolytic activity by at least one VI or VIE subunit in these pseudo hexamers. To test the 5L:lU non-switching model, we constructed a W-W-W-W-W-VIE enzyme. Again, higher concentrations of ATP were required for function compared to the parental W-W-W-WW-W enzyme and the maximal activity of W-W-W-W-W-VIE was reduced (Fig. 3.2F). These results suggest that ATP binds to the single VIE subunit of this pseudo hexamer, a result inconsistent with non-switching models. Additional pseudo hexamers with five wild-type subunits and one subunit with multiple mutations affecting ATP binding and/or hydrolysis also required increased concentrations of ATP for function (Appendix B Fig. 2D). A B C 3 6 Vi, A V78 179 *D ATPgS w 1 W-W-W 10K 2m W - W6 1,0 10 4- E 2. .0w-VI-w 10 1000 [ATP] (mM) D E F 6. - 200- 1000 1.5. 7 300- 100 [ATP] (mM) W-W-W-W-W-W C N4. + 1.0- WW W-W- 100-w'w .a- W-W-W 0.5. 2. W-VIE-W W-W-W-W-W-VIE W-VI-W 1 10 10 1000 [ATP] (mM) 1 10 100 1000 [ATPgS] (mM) 88 10 100 1000 [ATP] (mM) Figure 3.2 VI mutations alter the ATP dependence of ClpX function (A) The side chains of Val78 and le79 contact the adenine base of bound nucleotide. (B) The VI mutations (V76A/179A) in a non-tethered hexamer (V1 6 ) increased the concentration of ATP required to support degradation of cp7-CFP-ssrA (20 pM) by ClpP 14 (0.9 pM) compared to an otherwise identical hexamer (W6 ) without the VI mutations. The V16 and W 6 concentrations were 0.3 piM. (C) ATP dependence of the unfolding of cp7-CFP-ssrA (10 pM) by the W-W-W and W-VI-W ClpX variants (1 pseudo hexamer). This experiment and those in panels D and E contained 10 mM C02+ and no Mg 2+. (D) ATP dependence of the rate of ATP hydrolysis for W-W-W, W-VI-W, or W-VIE-W (0.3 pM pseudo hexamer). (E) ATPyS dependence of the rate of 1iM ATPyS hydrolysis for W-W-W (0.1 pM pseudo hexamer) and W-VI-W (2 pM pseudo hexamer). (F) ATP dependence of the degradation of cp7-CFP-ssrA (10 pM) by ClpP (0.3 jM) supported by the W-W-W-W-W-W or W-W-W-W-W-VIE ClpX variants (0.1 jM pseudo hexamer). An assay for subunit-specific nucleotide binding We developed nCoMET to measure nucleotide binding to specific subunits in the ClpX ring. Mg2+ and nucleotide normally bind ClpX together, but Co2+ substitutes for Mg2+ and can quench fluorescence of a nearby Oregon Green dye with a calculated F6rster radius (Ro) of ~13 A (Fig. 3.3A). We attached this dye to ClpX residue M363C in just one subunit of the W-VI-W trimer, which should position the dye ~10-15 A from the metal in the nucleotide-binding site of the same subunit. By contrast, the closest neighboring nucleotide-binding site was -35 A away, a distance at which nucleotide/Co2+ binding would cause less than 1% quenching. Although Mg2+ is normally required for ClpX function, Co2+ supported ATP/ATPyS hydrolysis and protein unfolding by W-VI-W and W-W-W (Appendix B Fig. 3A-C), although it inhibited the ClpP peptidase (Appendix B Fig. 3D). Indeed, the assays shown in Fig. 3.2C, 3.2D, and 3.2E contained Co2+ but no Mg2+ to allow comparisons of ClpX function and nucleotide binding under the same conditions. Modification of M363C with the Oregon Green dye was also compatible with ClpX function (Appendix B Fig. 3E). To allow nCoMET binding assays to different subunits, we generated and purified W*-VI-W, WVI*-W, and W-VI-W* pseudo hexamers, where the asterisk indicates the subunit containing the 89 nCoMET probes Titration experiments were performed using ATP (Fig. 3.3B), ATPYS (Fig. 3.3C) or ADP (Appendix B Fig. 3F). In each case, binding to the rightmost W* subunit was tight (Kapp 2-14 pM), binding to the leftmost W* subunit was weaker (Kapp 60-90 pLM), and binding to the VI* subunit was even weaker (Kapp 430 pM) and undetectable (Fig. 3.3D; Table 3.1A). For ATP and ATPyS, Kapp values are a function of the rate constants for nucleotide association and dissociation, the rate constant for hydrolysis, and the rate constant for ADP dissociation, and thus are larger than the true KD. Nevertheless, ADP and ATP/ATPyS bound subunits over similar concentration ranges (Fig. 3.3D), a finding we return to in the Discussion. A adjacent subunit same subunit 1.0- nCoMET binding assay - CO 00.5. 440UnR] 42000 10 iM i 0.0 : 2 30 40 M ATPgS ATP ADP 4001- metal-to-dye distance (A) 80- B C 0 W-VI-W* 6- 60 0.6 C W-V-W* 40 M 0.4- 0.4- ~0 _ 02 W*-V-W Cr W*-VI-W W-Vl*-W C.. 0.0 1 10 100 1000 [ATPgS] (mM) 1 10 0 El w-vi-w* w*--iw w-v1*-w W-Vl*-W Y - -"" 200 100 1000 [ATPI (mM) Figure 3.3 nCoMET detects nucleotide binding to specific subunits 2 (A) In the nCoMIET assay, nucleotide binds ClpX and coordinates a Co + ion, which quenches the fluorescence of an Oregon- Green dye attached to M363C in the small AAA+ domain of a ClpX subunit. Given the calculated Ro, quenching would be 2 substantial from nucleotide/Co 2+ bound in the same subunit but minimal from nucleotide/Co + bound in neighboring subunits. (B) assayed by nCoMET. The lines are W-VI-W* and W-VI*-W, of W*-VI-W, hexamers - (C) ATPyS and ATP binding to pseudo fits to a hyperbolic equation (Y = a*[nuc]/([nuc] + Kapp)). Kappvalues are listed in Appendix B Table 2. The panel-B experiment contained 0.1 pM nCoMET variants (pseudo hexamer equivalents). The panel-C experiment contained 0.5 pM pseudo hexamer and 10 pM cp7-CFP-ssrA. (D) Summary of fitted Kapp values for nucleotide binding to different classes of subunits. 90 For ATPyS hydrolysis by W-VI-W, Km (470 pM) was similar to Kapp (430 riM) for nCoMET binding to the VI subunit in W-VI*-W (Table 3.1A). For ATP hydrolysis by W-VI-W in the presence of protein substrate, Km (-4 mM) was 20-fold greater than the ATP concentration required for nCoMET binding to the weakest wild-type subunits in W*-VI-W or W-VI-W* (Fig. 3.3D; Table 3.1A). Thus, as expected for a subunit-switching model, the high ATP/ATPyS concentrations required to support W-VI-W function appear to reflect binding of these nucleotides to the VI subunit. A. nCoMET binding assays. variant nucleotide ADP W-W-W* ATP ATPyS ADP ATP ATPyS W-VI-W* ADP W*-VI-W ATP ATPyS ADP ATP ATPyS W-VI*-W hyperbolic fit Kapp (pM) R2 single 25 ± 4 0.990 4 single double single single single amplitudes were 0.18 0.04 (tight) and 0.28 0.04 (weak); amplitudes were 0.12 ± 0.02 (tight) and 0.08 ± 0.02 (weak). a 2; 66 ±18 79± 8 17 13; 170 ±77 17 2 1.8 0.1 14 1 13 1 10 2 3± 1; 88 ±60 68 14 59 8 not detected not detected 430 200 doublea single double single single single single b amplitudes were 0.11 0.07 (tight) and 0.23 0.998 0.996 0.998 0.994 0.998 0.996 0.998 0.982 0.996 0.984 0.992 0.947 0.07 (weak); B. Activity assays variant W-W-W nucleotide assay Km or Ku2 (pM) ATP hydrolysis unfolding hydrolysis 230 3 410 23 9 1 3900± 350 3300 ±210 470± 37 ATPyS W-VI-W ATP ATPyS hydrolysis unfolding hydrolysis Hill constant 1.3 ±0.1 1.4 ±0.1 1.3 ±0.2 not determined 1.6 ±0.1 0.9± 0.1 Table 3.1 Nucleotide-interaction parameters obtained from nCoMET assays of binding (A) or activity assays (B). 91 R2 0.999 0.998 0.998 0.998 0.999 0.999 Subunit-specific conformational changes We developed cCoMET to assay how the conformations of specific subunits in the ClpX ring were altered by nucleotide binding. In this variation of tmFRET, 4 quenching is determined by the distance between a TAMRA dye attached to K330C in the small AAA+ domain and a Ni 2 + ion bound to an a-helical His-X 3-His motif in the large domain of the same subunit (Fig. 3.4A). The His-X 3 -His site was engineered by introducing N72H and D76H mutations in combination with H68Q to remove an alternative Ni2+ binding site, and nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) was included in assays to minimize Ni 2+ binding to nucleotides. The calculated Ro for the Ni2+_ TAMRA pair is ~14 A, and thus strong quenching should occur in L subunits (modeled distance 8-15 A) and weak or no quenching should be observed in U subunits (19-31 A). The mutations and modifications required for this assay did not affect ATP hydrolysis or substrate degradation (Appendix B Fig. 4A,B). We introduced the cCoMET modifications (§) to generate W§-VI-W, W-Vl§-W, and W-VI-W§ pseudo hexamers and assayed fluorescence quenching using conditions differing from nCoMET only in the divalent metals. Changes in cCoMET quenching were determined as a function of ATP with protein substrate present (Fig. 3.4B), as a function of ATPyS with no substrate (Fig. 3.4C), and as a function of ADP without substrate (Appendix B Fig. 4C). As nucleotide increased, quenching increased from an initial value to a plateau that depended on the variant and nucleotide. Several conclusions follow from these assay results. (a) Nucleotide binding to the hexamer generally decreased the average distance between the dye and the Ni2 + in W§ and in VI§ 92 subunits. (b) Conformational changes in both the leftmost and rightmost W subunits occurred at nucleotide concentrations that resulted in only the rightmost subunits, which have strong nucleotide affinity, being substantially occupied in nCoMET assays (Fig. 3.4B,C). Thus, the first nucleotide-binding events cause allosteric changes in both bound (rightmost W) and unbound (leftmost W) subunits of the ring, possibly altering the hinge conformations and rigidifying the domain-domain interfaces in L subunits. (c) At low ATP concentrations, where the high-affinity (tight) sites were bound in nCoMET assays, the Ni2+-dye distance in VP subunits increased (Fig. 3.4C). At substantially higher concentrations, where the low-affinity (weak) W subunits were also occupied and binding to VI subunits was expected, the VP Ni 2 +-dye distance decreased substantially. Thus, nucleotide binding to weak W and VI subunits stabilizes a different conformation (possibly a 5L:lU ring) than binding to tight subunits. (d) Although there were small differences depending on the nucleotide, the magnitude of maximal quenching in VP and W subunits was generally similar, suggesting that these subunits spend roughly comparable amounts of time in L and U conformations because of switching. We also performed cCoMET and nCoMET assays using W-W-W and W-W-W* constructs (Appendix B Fig. 3G, 4D). In these cases, signal amplitudes were similar to those observed with the W-VI-W proteins, but averaging over all types of subunits precluded rigorous determination of interaction constants for individual classes. 93 A cCoMET conformational assay loadable subunit quenching C.00. 5 - RO 14.5 C, unloadable subunit (no quenching) U 10 20 30 metal-to-dye distance (A) B 0 .5 tight C weak 0.5- tight weak W,-VI-W D 0.4.9 o 0.4- I W-VI-WI WS-VI-W: WV-~ W-Vis-W Cr 0.3 - 0.3- W-V -W 0.2 0.2) 1 10 100 1 1000o 10 100 1000 [ATP] (mM) [ATPgS] (mM) Figure 3.4 eCoMET detects conformational changes in specific subunits (A) The cCoMET assay measures quenching of a TAMRA dye attached to K330C in the small domain of a ClpX subunit by a Ni2+ ion bound to an cc-helical His-Xr-His motif in the large domain. Based on crystal structures, L subunits should display moderate quenching and U subunits should display little or no quenching. (B) ATPyS-dependent changes in the conformations of subunits containing cCoMET probes ()were assayed for pseudo hexamers (0.3 pM). Lines are fits to a Hill equation with Kapp and n values of 22 +/- I pM and 1.4 +-0.1 (W§-VI-W), 70 +/- 2 gM and 1.5 +/- 0.1 (W-VI§-W), or 25 +/- I pM and 1.3 +/- 0.1 (W-VI-W§). The dashed lines marked "tight" and "weak" represent Kapp values for wild-type subunits from W-VI-W nCoMET experiments, which were performed under very similar conditions. (C) ATP-dependent cCoMET conformational changes using 0.3 pM pseudo hexamers and 10 pM cp7-CFP-ssrA. Lines are either fits to a Hill equation. Kapp and n values of 45 +/- 4 pM and 0.8 +/- 0.1 for W§-VI-W, and 21 +/- I pM and 1.2 +/- 0.1 for W-VI-W§, or a hyperbolic plus Hill equation for W-VI§-W (hyperbolic phase, Kapp = 12 +/- 18 pM, amplitude = -0.03; Hill phase, Kapp = 230 +/- 13 gM, n = 2.5 +/- 0.3, amplitude = 0. 15). Locking subunits in the L conformation prevents unfolding and degradation To prevent L-U switching, we engineered disulfide bonds to lock a single subunit or two opposed subunits of a pseudo hexamer in the L conformation. A T147C cysteine (TC) in the large domain of one subunit can form a disulfide with a E205C cysteine (EC) in the large domain of the clockwise subunit, only when the TC subunit adopts the L conformation. We constructed a 94 linked trimer with the EC mutation in the first subunit and the TC mutation in the third subunit and a linked hexamer with the EC mutation in the first subunit and the TC mutation in the sixth subunit. Disulfide formation between two trimers forms a covalently closed hexameric ring, with subunit 3 of each trimer in the L-lock conformation (called double L-lock; Fig. 3.5A). Disulfide formation in the linked hexamer covalently closes the ring and locks subunit 6 in the L conformation (called single L-lock; Fig. 3.5A). We purified these variants, catalyzed oxidation with copper phenanthroline, and confirmed that disulfides were formed by non-reducing SDS-PAGE (Fig. 3.5B), although 10-15% of the single L-lock protein remained reduced. The disulfide-bonded L-lock enzymes hydrolyzed ATP (Fig. 3.5C) at maximum rates comparable to the reduced enzymes but faster than a W-W-W control. In the presence of ClpP, which binds both variants (Appendix B Fig. 5), the disulfide-bonded enzymes showed poor or undetectable degradation of a folded protein substrate (cp7-GFP-ssrA) compared to the reduced proteins or W-W-W (Fig. 3.5D). Similarly, the disulfide bonded double L-lock enzyme failed to degrade an unfolded substrate (titin -ssrA with core cysteines modified by fluorescein-5-maleimide) in the presence of ClpP, but degraded this substrate well following reduction (Fig. 3.5E). Following oxidation, the single L-lock enzyme displayed some degradation of the unfolded substrate (Fig. 3.5E), but at a level similar to the amount of reduced protein remaining (Fig. 3.5B). ClpX rings topologically closed by formation of different disulfide bonds are fully active.' 3 Thus, blocking L->U switching in one or two subunits of the ClpX ring uncouple ATP hydrolysis from efficient substrate unfolding and translocation. 95 A 00 double L-lock single L-lock B disulfide bond red ox red ox S-S bonded ) 1 s-S bonded reduced reduced double L-lock C single L-lock cp7-GFP-ssrA degradation D E CM-titin127-ssrA degradation double L-locc ii I,! double L-Iock / single L-loCk sit U I' / Figure 3.5 Effects of L-lock disulfides on ClpX function (A) Cartoon depiction of L-lock disulfide bonds between cysteines in the adjacent large AAA+ domains of subunits in the L conformation. (B) Non-reducing SDS-PAGE of the single and double L-lock proteins before and after treatment with 20 mM copper phenanthroline. For the single L-lock enzyme, -15% of the sample was not disulfide bonded after oxidation. (C) Maximal rates of ATP hydrolysis were determined by Michaelis-Menten experiments using the indicated ClpX variants (0.3 gM pseudo hexamers). Km values were 100 ± 19 pM (W-W-W), 2700 ± 350 gM (disulfide bonded double L-lock), 1250 ± 190 pM (reduced double L-lock), 440 ± 45 pM (disulfide bonded single L-lock), and 490 ± 120 pM (reduced single L-lock). (D) Rates of degradation of cp7-GFP-ssrA (10 sM) by the indicated ClpX variants (0.3 ptM pseudo hexamers) and ClpP 14 (0.5 pM) in the presence of ATP (4 mM) and an ATP-regeneration system. (E) Rates of degradation of titin12 7-ssrA (20 jM) denatured by reaction with fluorescein-5-maleimide by the indicated ClpX variants (1 pM pseudo hexamers) and ClpP1 (1 M) in the presence of ATP (10 mM) and an ATP-regeneration system. Subunit communication and ATP hydrolysis To determine if ATP hydrolysis requires communication between different nucleotide-binding sites, we designed mini-ClpXAN, which contains two rigid-body units that encompass a single nucleotide-binding site (Fig. 3.6A). Mini-ClpXAN eluted as a pseudo dimer in gel-filtration experiments (Fig. 3.6B), as expected because the surface buried between different rigid-body units is small' 2 and thus a mini-ClpXAN pseudo hexamer would not be stable. Importantly, mini96 ClpXAN hydrolyzed ATP at approximately 75% of the basal rate of a ClpXAN hexamer on a per site basis, and the KM for ATP was similar for mini-ClpXAN and W-W-W (230 pM; Table 3.1B), and hydrolysis activity was abolished by an E185Q mutation in the single nucleotide-binding site in mini-ClpXAN (Fig. 3.6C). Thus, hexamer formation and communication between different nucleotide-binding sites are not required for ATP binding and hydrolysis. However, mini-ClpXAN did not bind ClpP (Fig. 3.6D) and exhibited no evidence of interacting with or unfolding protein substrates (Fig. 3.6C,E), suggesting that hexamer formation is required for these activities. A B AN subunit tether hinge N C rigid body 670 tether 158 44 17 kDA I I I C rigid body ATP- miniCipXAN I -Jrngid hbinding body C I elution volume (mL) E D CIpXAN -;r 30 0.03. 20 ILILI Co C - 4 10 0.02 0.01 0substrate CIpP - + - - + -+- - - + -+- - - + 0 3 6 9 12 [CIpX variant] (pM) 15 0. CIpxa C N Figure 3.6 ATP hydrolysis by a variant with one binding site does not support function (A) Cartoon depiction of the domain structure of mini-ClpXAN. This variant contains two rigid-body units but only one complete ATP-binding site. (B) Mini-ClpXAN (loading concentration 12 pM) chromatographed at a position expected for a pseudo dimer on a Superose 6 gel-filtration column. The elution position of a single-chain ClpXAN hexamer is shown for reference. (C) MiniClpXAN hydrolyzed ATP at approximately 75% of the basal rate of single-chain ClpXAN when activities were normalized for the number of active sites. Unlike ClpXAN, ATP hydrolysis by mini-ClpXAN was not stimulated by protein substrate (10 FM V15Ptitin-27 -ssrA) or repressed by ClpP 14 (3 pM). (D) The rate of cleavage of a fluorescent decapeptide (15 pM) by ClpP 14 (50 nM) in the presence of increasing concentrations of single-chain ClpXAN or mini-ClpXAN were determined in the presence of 1 mM ATPyS. (E) Unfolding rates of photo-cleaved Kaede-ssrA (5 jM) by single-chain ClpXAN or mini-ClpXAN (2 pM) were determined in the presence of 2.5 mM ATP and a regeneration system. 97 Discussion Setting and resetting the configuration of the C1pX ring Our results support a model in which (i) the conformation of the hexameric ClpX ring must initially be "set" in a staged nucleotide-binding reaction to allow ATP hydrolysis, and (ii) the configuration of the nucleotide-loaded ring can subsequently be "reset" via isomerization that involves reciprocal U@L subunit switching. A plausible model for these ring-setting and ringresetting reactions is shown schematically in Fig. 3.7. In this model, ATP binding to ClpX causes one subunit in a 4L:2U ring to switch from a U->L conformation, resulting in a 5L:lU ring. The variations in subunit conformation that we observe in ClpX hexamers with 4L:2U and 6L structures make a 5L:lU ring plausible, and structures with five L-like subunits and one Ulike subunit are observed in the AAA+ rings of the El helicase and 26S proteasome. 4L:2U Setting the Ring Resetting the Ring Nucleotide loading ATP hydrolysis and mechanical function 4L:2U 15,16 5L:1U Figure 3.7 Model for ring-setting and ring-resetting reactions The left side of the figure shows the proposed ring-setting reaction. In the absence of nucleotide, ClpX hexamers mainly adopt a 4L:2U ring structure with two U subunits (triangles), two L subunits with high affinity for nucleotide (dark gray circles), and two L subunits with low affinity for nucleotide (light gray circles). ATP (red oval) binding to the high-affinity subunits changes the conformations of both classes of loadable subunits (designated by color darkening), but this intermediate is inactive in ATP hydrolysis. Subsequent ATP binding to the low-affinity L subunits stabilizes a 5L: IU configuration of the ring, which is active in 98 ATP hydrolysis, but the new L subunit (white circle) has very low nucleotide affinity and is generally empty. The right side of the figure shows ring-resetting reactions (gray arrows), in which reciprocal L@U subunit switching changes the configuration of the ring. These isomerization reactions are required for efficient protein unfolding and translocation of substrates by ClpX. Resetting of the ring could occur sequentially, with subunit switching proceeding clockwise or counterclockwise in rotary order around the perimeter, or stochastically, with subunits switching to any other isomer in a probabilistic fashion. Many variations of the model shown are possible. The key feature of the ring-setting reaction is the stepwise conformational changes, driven initially by ATP binding to high-affinity subunits and subsequently by binding to lower-affinity subunits, rather than the exact structure of the nucleotide-loaded ring. Our results indicate that only the fully loaded ring can perform mechanical work and show that little or no ATP hydrolysis occurs in the partially loaded intermediate with just the high-affinity ATP sites occupied. Thus, the ring-setting reaction minimizes ATP hydrolysis before it can be coupled to functional work. However, the mini-ClpXAN pseudo dimer, which has just one nucleotide-binding site, hydrolyzes ATP efficiently with a KM similar to wild-type hexamers. Thus, structural constraints imposed by formation of the hexameric ring appear to keep the high-affinity subunits in the partially loaded intermediate in a conformation poorly suited for ATP hydrolysis. In our model, ring resetting involves reciprocal U@L subunit switching in the nucleotide-loaded ClpX hexamer, resulting in new isomers or ring configurations (Fig. 7). More complicated models, allowing reciprocal switching between 4L:2U rings or incorporating 6L intermediates in 5L: lU switching, are possible but are not necessary to account for current results. As we discuss below, resetting the ring appears to be required for the mechanical functions of the ClpX machine. Ring resetting could be linked to ClpX activity in two ways. First, reciprocal switching could be a normal consequence of ATP hydrolysis and be required to generate a power stroke in the ClpX ring. By this model, ATP-hydrolysis events would lead to coupled L 4U and U+L 99 switching events. Alternatively, ring resetting could provide a way to escape stalling in situations where machine function might otherwise be compromised. These situations could include failed protein-unfolding attempts, as fewer than 1%of ATP-hydrolysis events result in ClpX unfolding of very stable proteins, 1 or binding of an inappropriate nucleotide. For example, in the sequential and tightly coupled F1 ATPase, binding of ADP instead of ATP stalls the motor for very long periods until the ADP dissociates (see Chapter 1). Notably, we find that ADP binds ClpX subunits over concentration ranges similar to or lower than ATP, and thus ring isomerization through subunit switching might allow ClpX to eject improperly bound ADP and avoid prolonged stalling. Ring resetting could also explain how ClpX hexamers with only one or two hydrolytically active subunits escape stalling as they unfold and translocate protein substrates. 1 Evidence for subunit switching Our results support L*U switching during ClpX function. For example, we find that decreasing the nucleotide affinity of one or two subunits in a hexamer increases the concentration of ATP/ATPyS required for ClpX activity, a result expected for a switching model in which nucleotide must bind to every subunit in the hexameric ring at some time during the multiple enzyme cycles required for protein unfolding and translocation. In a non-switching model, by contrast, a low-affinity subunit could simply assume a U conformation and would only alter the ATP dependence of enzyme function by restricting the number of active ring configurations, which would produce much smaller effects than those we observe. Moreover, when we crosslink one or two ClpX subunits in the L conformation using disulfide bonds, these enzymes hydrolyze 100 ATP and bind ClpP but did not unfold protein substrates and/or translocate unfolded substrates into ClpP efficiently. L@U switching is also supported by the cCoMET results. Notably, each type of subunit in the W-VI-W pseudo hexamer displayed roughly similar quenching at saturating concentrations of nucleotide. Thus, in a nucleotide-loaded ring, the average Ni 2 -TAMRA distance must be similar in high-affinity and low-affinity W subunits as well as in VI subunits. Based on crystal structures, moderate quenching is expected for loadable subunits and very low quenching for unloadable subunits. Thus, our cCoMET results suggest that no single type of subunit in W-VIW adopts just an L conformation or just a U conformation, but rather that all subunits sample both conformations. This result is inconsistent with non-switching models, in which the VI subunits would preferentially adopt the U conformation. For ATP and ATPyS, hydrolysispowered L@U switching could explain these results. For ADP, however, subunit switching would need to be thermally driven. Indeed, ongoing single-molecule studies using the assays described here show subunit switching in the presence of saturating ADP and should help clarify whether subunit switching and/or ATP hydrolysis proceed in a strictly sequential or probabilistic fashion during protein unfolding and translocation by ClpX (Chapter 4). Is subunit switching important for other AAA+ machines? The answer is not known, but we note that certain AAA+ modules in the covalent ring of dynein are observed in conformations amenable to nucleotide binding in some crystal structures and in non-binding conformations in 101 other structures (see Chapter 1). Structural and functional classes of ClpX subunits In our crystal structures, substantial conformational variations occur within the general L and U classes of ClpX subunits. Indeed, this variation could allow each L subunit in a 4L:2U or 5L: 1U ring to have different nucleotide-binding properties. 9 Subsequent studies with the hexameric HslU and PAN AAA+ unfoldases revealed similar nucleotide-binding categories and ratios.3,2 0 Our current studies support multiple classes of nucleotide-binding sites, and suggest a basic ring pattern of [weak-empty-tight-weak-empty-tight] sites, with the proviso that empty sites may bind nucleotide very weakly. Based on our nCoMET and cCoMET studies, ATP binding to tight subunits alters the conformations of weak subunits, whereas ATP binding to weak subunits alters the conformations of empty subunits. These allosteric effects can be viewed as being propagated to the subunit clockwise from the bound subunit, probably through the shared rigid-body unit. Because the conformational changes observed in different classes of subunits occur over different ranges of nucleotide, allosteric models in which there are just two conformations of the ClpX ring can be rejected. Although our results suggest that ATP must bind to every subunit in the ClpX ring at some point in the reaction cycle, previous studies showed that R-W-E-R-W-E rings, which contain just two hydrolytically active subunits, displayed ~30% of the wild-type unfolding and translocation activity. 10 In combination, these results demonstrate that ATP binding is functionally important 102 even when a bound ClpX subunit cannot hydrolyze this nucleotide. Our model provides a role for ATP binding to the four non-hydrolytic subunits in the R-W-E-R-W-E variant in setting and maintaining the hydrolytically active conformation of the ring. Using CoMET assays to study multimeric proteins CoMET assays are based upon tmFRET14 and provide information about nucleotide binding and conformation in the ClpX ring that could not have been acquired by traditional methods. Because the half-maximal distance for quenching of a fluorescent dye by a transition metal ion is very short (10-15 A) relative to pairs of standard FRET dyes (30-100 A), CoMET-based assays are ideally suited to measure ligand binding to specific subunits or conformational changes within or between subunits in a multimer. Additionally, because a CoMET pair requires a single fluorophore, it should be possible to design protein complexes with multi-color CoMET pairs to make simultaneous measurements of ligand binding and/or conformational changes in either population or single-molecule experiments, thereby probing how the activities of different subunits are coordinated. For homohexamers, like ClpX, the ability to covalently link subunits allows nCoMET or cCoMET probes to be placed in specific subunits. However, many AAA+ machines are hetero multimers (DNA clamp loader, Rpti-6 ring of the 26S proteasome, Mcm 2 -7 helicase, etc.) or naturally consist of linked AAA+ modules (dynein), which should make CoMET assays in these systems straightforward. The sensitivity of cCoMET to small conformational differences and its use of an a-helical His-X 3-His motif would also be ideally suited for testing of models that involve changes in helix-helix packing registration. 103 Experimental procedures Materials PD buffer contained 25 mM HEPES-KOH (pH 7.5), 100 mM KCl, 10% (v/v) glycerol, and 0.5 mM EDTA. IEXA buffer contained 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.8), 150 mM KCl, 10% (v/v) glycerol, and 1 mM EDTA. GF buffer contained 50 mM Tris (pH 7.0), 300 mM KCl, and 10% (v/v) glycerol. ATP (Sigma), ADP (Sigma), ATPyS (Roche), and GTP (Sigma) were dissolved in PD buffer, and adjusted to pH 7.0 by addition of NaOH. Proteins Unless noted, all ClpX variants were derived from E. coli ClpXAN (residues 61-423), contained the Cl 69S mutation to remove an accessible cysteine, and were constructed by PCR and purified generally as described.'o,22 During purification of variants with reactive cysteines, buffers were degassed, argon sparged, and contained 0.5 mM EDTA to minimize oxidation. Buffer exchange and desalting steps were performed using a PD10 column (GE Healthcare). ClpX variants used for nCoMET experiments initially contained an N-terminal His6 -SUMO domain. After Ni -NTA affinity chromatography (Qiagen), these variants were exchanged into IEXA buffer, and the H6 -SUMO domain was cleaved by incubation with equimolar Ulpl protease for 2 h at room temperature. Cleavage was confirmed by SDS-PAGE, and the mixture was chromatographed on a MonoQ column (GE Healthcare) using a gradient from 150 to 500 mM KCl. Fractions containing the nCoMET variant were incubated with Oregon Green 488 104 Maleimide (Invitrogen; 3 equivalents for each cysteine) for 30 min at room temperature, and a final purification step on a Superdex S-200 column (GE Healthcare) equilibrated in GF buffer was performed. ClpX variants used for cCoMET initially contained a TEV-cleavable C-terminal His6 tag. After Ni 2+-NTA affinity chromatography, these variants were exchanged into PD buffer, incubated with TAMRA-5-maleimide (1.5 equivalents for each cysteine) for 30 min at room temperature, DTT (1 mM) was added to quench the reaction, and excess dye was removed by desalting. Proteins were incubated with equimolar TEV protease for ~1 h at room temperature to remove the His6 tag, and a final purification step was performed using a Superdex S-200 column equilibrated in PD buffer. Disulfide-bond formation in L-lock variants was performed as described. 13 The cp7-CFP-ssrA substrate was generated from cp7-GFP-ssrA23 by PCR incorporation of the Y66W, A206K, and N1461 mutations and initially contained a cleavable N-terminal His 6 tag. ep7-CFP-ssrA was purified by Ni-NTA2+ affinity chromatography, exchanged into IEXA buffer, incubated with 10 units of PreScission protease (GE Healthcare) for 2 h at room temperature to remove the His6 tag, and the sample was diluted 5-fold into water and purified on a MonoQ column using a gradient from 30 to 500 mM KCl. Crystallization and structure determination 105 Crystallized proteins included a tethered E-R dimer and tethered W-W-W, W-W-R and E-E-ER trimers, where ER designates E185Q/R370K subunits (Appendix B Table 3.1). These proteins did not contain the C169S mutation. Polypeptide tethers were twenty (T 20) or zero (To) residues and compatible with ClpX function.' 3 Variants were crystallized at room temperature by hanging-drop vapor diffusion after mixing 1 ptL of well solution with 1 ptL of protein solution (~40 [M pseudo hexamer). The composition of well solutions are listed in Appendix B Table 3.1. The nucleotide-bound form of W-W-W with T2 0 tethers was obtained using a previously established soaking procedure.12 To obtain the structure of E-E-ER bound to ATPyS, nucleotidefree crystals were soaked in 3.4 M sodium malonate, 75 mM sodium acetate (pH 4.8), 4 mM ATPyS, and 4 mM MgCl 2 for approximately 2 h. All crystals were cryo-protected by coating in Paratone-N (Hampton Research) and flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen. Data were collected at the 24-ID-C beamline of the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratories. Unit-cell volumes indicated that crystals with the space groups P212 121 and P6 3 contained six and two subunits in the asymmetric unit, respectively. Data collection and refinement statistics are listed in Appendix B Table 3.1. Diffraction data were integrated and scaled using HKL2000,2 TRUNCATE,2 MOSFLM, 2 6 and SCALA. 2 5 The structures of the large and small AAA+ domains of F. coli ClpX12 were used as molecular-replacement search models in PHASER. 2 7 Each domain was placed independently to avoid bias towards previously observed conformations. Manual model building and real-space refinement were carried out in COOT.28 Rigid-body refinement, TLS refinement, and grouped atomic displacement parameter refinement were performed using PHENIX. 2 9 Individual large 106 and small AAA+ domains were defined as rigid bodies and TLS groups, with either individual domains or individual residues defined as atomic displacement parameter groups based on the resolution and quality of the data. For crystals soaked in nucleotide, examination of calculated mFO-DFc maps revealed strong peaks of positive density in the nucleotide-binding pockets of loadable subunits. The bound nucleotides in the ATPyS-soaked W-W-W (T 20 ) structure could not be determined unambiguously, probably because of mixed occupancy by nucleotide and sulfate ions, and ADP provided the best fit for the electron density. For the E-E-ER crystal soaked in sodium malonate and ATPyS, the bound nucleotides were unambiguously modeled as ATPyS. Structural validation was performed using MolProbity. 30 Superposition of structures was carried out using LSKQAB. 2 5 The atomic coordinates for all structures have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank, with accession codes listed in Appendix B Table 3.1. Fluorescence assays Unless noted, assays were performed at room temperature in PD buffer, with nucleotides, metals, and substrate added as required. All nCoMET assays contained 10 mM CoCl 2 , and nucleotidedependent changes in fluorescence were measured using a PTI QM-20000-4SE spectrofluorimeter (excitation 500 nm; emission: 520 nm). Signal contamination from 107 fluorescent substrate, when present, was less than 2%. Addition of 1 mM GTP did not result in nCoMET quenching (Appendix B Fig. 8), confirming specificity. Ni2+ can also be used for nCoMET and supports ClpX function, but Co2+ results in a larger Ro when paired with the Oregon-Green dye. nCoMET assays were limited to nucleotide concentrations below 2 mM, as higher concentrations appeared to alter fluorescence indirectly by binding Co2+ All cCoMET assays contained 500 pM Ni 2 +-NTA and 10 mM MgCl 2 . Ni 2 +-NTA (KD ~1 nM) was used to bind the oa-helical His 7 2-X 3-His 7 6 motif because it had weaker affinity than Ni2+ for free and ClpX-bound nucleotides. Titration of ATP against W-W-W in the absence of Ni2+-NTA resulted in no quenching (Appendix B Fig. 9A). Titration of Ni2+-NTA against W-W-W resulted in ~25% quenching with an affinity of 160 ± 45 pM (Appendix B Fig. 9B). cCoMET can detect small conformational changes. For example, when a cCoMET pair was placed within a single rigid-body unit, ATP binding to high-affinity subunits resulted in quenching (Appendix B Fig. 10). Conformational changes of 3-4 A caused by a minor change in the rigid body or side-chain movements that alter the dye-quencher distance, could account for these results. The degree of TAMRA-TAMRA contact quenching for W-W-WTT was determined relative to a control experiment with W-W-WTT in 3 M urea (a W-W-WTT sample degraded with elastase showed the same fluorescence as the sample in urea). Biochemical assays 108 ATP hydrolysis was measured by a coupled assay. 31 ATPyS hydrolysis was analyzed by ion-pair chromatography on a Shimadzu Class-VP HPLC. Time points were taken by quenching the reaction with excess DTT (when Co2 was present) or by the addition of one-quarter volume of 50% trichloroacetic acid. Samples were directly loaded onto a Waters Delta-Pak C18 column (300 A, 5 pM, 3.9 x 150 mm) equilibrated in 30 mM triethylammonium phosphate (pH 5.5) and eluted isocratically. Hydrolysis was measured by quantifying the ADP and ATPyS peaks (retention times ~6 min and ~15 min, respectively) and calculating the amount of ADP formed as a fraction of total nucleotide. ATP-hydrolysis rates measured by the coupled assay and the HPLC assay were within experimental error. The rate of cp7-CFP-ssrA unfolding was calculated from the initial rate of loss of fluorescence measured with an SF-300X stopped flow instrument (KinTek). Pre-mixed ClpX and substrate were rapidly mixed with an equal volume of ATP solution and substrate fluorescence was monitored (excitation 435 nm; emission 495 nm long-pass filter). ClpP peptide-cleavage assays were performed using a succinyl-Leu-Tyr-AMC dipeptide or a decapeptide containing an N-terminal 2-aminobenzoic acid fluorophore and nitro-tyrosine quencher at residue nine as described. 109 Acknowledgements We thank C. Lukehart, C. Drennan, R. Grant, and T. Schwartz for help and discussions. This work was supported by NIH grant AI-15706. T.A.B. is an employee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Studies using the NE-CAT beamline were supported by the NCRR (5P41RR015301-10) and NIGMS (8 P41 GM103403-10). Use of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the US DOE (contract DE-AC02-06CH11357). 110 References 1. Hanson, P.I., and Whiteheart, S.W. (2005). AAA+ proteins: have engine, will work. Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell. Biol. 6, 519-529. 2. Wang, J., Song, J.J., Seong, I.S., Franklin, M.C., Kamtekar, S., Eom, S.H., and Chung, C.H. (2001). Nucleotide-dependent conformational changes in a protease-associated ATPase HsIU. 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Biol. 399, 707-718. 115 Chapter 4 The stochastic mechanism of a AAA+ machine observed by singlemolecule CoMET This chapter contains experiments from A.R. Nager*, Y Shin*, H. Manning, T.A. Baker, M.J. Lang, and R.T. Sauer (in preparation) (* equal contribution). I developed cCoMET and conducted experiments and analyzed data in collaboration with Yongdae Shin and Harris Manning. 116 Abstract Hexameric ring-shaped AAA+ ATPases harness the energy of ATP to power a variety of cellular tasks including protein degradation, DNA translocation, and microtubule transport, but it is not known what conformational changes these machine-like enzymes undergo or how subunits within a hexamer coordinate their activities. ClpXP is a AAA+ protease that consists of the hexameric ClpX unfoldase and polypeptide translocase and the ClpP compartmental peptidase. ClpX binds a substrate by an unstructured degradation tag and then, by multiple rounds of ATPbinding and hydrolysis, unfolds and translocates the substrate into the proteolytic chamber of ClpP. By using a novel short-distance, transition metal ion FRET technique (CoMET), we show that a subunit within the AAA+ ClpX ring undergoes sub-nanometer conformational changes that can be associated with ATP hydrolysis. Surprisingly, there were large conformational changes that were thermally driven and likely uncoupled from nucleotide hydrolysis. Furthermore, the kinetics of these conformational changes cannot be explained by strictly sequential or concerted models, but can be described by an asymmetric hexamer with multiple subunit classes that interconvert infrequently. We have observed similar results using two independent, singlemolecule fluorescence assays. Other AAA+ enzymes may operate by similar mechanisms. 117 Introduction AAA+ polypeptide translocases are hexameric ATP-fueled machines that remodel macromolecular complexes, and refold, secrete, disaggregate, and degrade proteins. These machines appear to work by a common mechanism: (1) six AAA+ subunits form a ring and bind an unfolded polypeptide tag to loops in the central pore; (2) ATP hydrolysis causes conformational changes that translocate the tag stepwise through the pore; and (3) attached folded domains are repeatedly pulled against the pore until they are denatured and can be translocated. For energy-dependent protein degradation carried out by the 26S proteasome in eukaryotes, the Cdc48-20S and PAN-20S proteasomes in archaea, and the ClpXP, ClpAP, HslUV, Lon, and FtsH proteases in bacteria, a AAA+ translocase threads polypeptides into the proteolytic chamber of an associated compartmental peptidase.1 Protein translocation is a difficult task, as it involves movement of diverse polypeptide tracks with very different chemical properties and structural preferences. For ClpXP, the unfolding and translocation of some substrates requires 100s of ATP-hydrolysis events. 2 ClpX is a homohexameric AAA+ motor that binds and translocates ssrA-tagged proteins into the ClpP peptidase. The AAA+ module of each ClpX subunit consists of a large and small domain connected by a hinge. The hinged interface between domains forms a nucleotide-binding pocket and undergoes conformational changes in response to ATP binding and hydrolysis. These structural changes are propagated via rigid-body interfaces to neighboring subunits in the ClpX ring. ClpX subunits appear to play distinct roles during function, as unloadable subunits fail to bind nucleotide and loadable subunits have different nucleotide affinities, abilities to hydrolyze nucleotide, and mechanisms of allosteric communication with neighboring subunits (Chapter 3). 118 Some workers in the field have interpreted subunit classes as evidence for a sequential mechanism, in which each subunit passes through different conformations and nucleotide-bound states in a strictly ordered fashion that depends upon ATP hydrolysis. 3 If function required subunits to hydrolyze ATP in a strict order, than a hexamer with an inactive subunit should stall. However, mutagenesis of covalently-linked ClpX pseudo hexamers shows that a ring with one hydrolysis-active subunit can unfold and translocate substrates, 4 suggesting some type of nonsequential mechanism must allow the active subunit to productively hydrolyze ATP rather than being locked in an ATP-empty class, futilely waiting for the hydrolytically-dead subunits to fire. How such a mechanism would work is not known. Results CoMET of a ClpX subunit To observe conformational changes of a ClpX subunit within a hexamer, we applied a conformational CoMET assay" that measures distance-dependent quenching of a TAMRA dye attached to K330C in the small AAA+ domain by Ni 2+-NTA bound to an a-helical His72-X3His76 motif in the large domain of the same subunit. Covalently-linked pseudo hexamers with a C-terminal biotin tag were bound to a streptavidin-coated flow cell and observed by total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. Initially, ClpXTAMRA was imaged without Ni 2+-NTA to determine the unquenched fluorescence. After -10 s, 500 pM Ni 2+-NTA, 300 nM ClpP, and nucleotide were flowed into the cell, and time-dependent changes in fluorescence were monitored until the TAMRA dye was photobleached (Fig. 4.1A,B, additional trajectories in appendix C Fig. 1). In the presence of saturating ATP, unquenched and quenched states were " Coordinated Metal Energy Transfer 119 observed. The unquenched state is expected for an unloadable (U) subunit, in which a rotation at the hinged interface blocks the nucleotide-binding pocket and separates the cCoMET pair by as much as 31 A, a distance far greater than the calculated Fdrster radius (Ro = 14.5 A). Although an unquenched state could represent Ni2+*NTA unbinding, this possibility is unlikely for several reasons. First, a saturating concentration of Ni 2+-NTA was used (500 jiM; appendix C Fig. 2). Second, the frequency and distribution of unquenched dwell times vary with nucleotide concentration (described below). Third, a U state with similar kinetics was observed by contact quenching of TAMRA dyes attached to K330C and D76C (appendix C Fig. 3). The different quenched states observed by CoMET probably represent different conformations of loadable (L) subunits, as the CoMET pair is separated by 8-15 A in loadable subunits observed in different crystal structures. 5 In the single-molecule trajectories, the proportion of time spent in the U conformation was 30-40% at low nucleotide concentrations and 16% with saturating nucleotide, consistent with bulk studies that indicated a hexamer switched from a 4L:2U to a 5L:lU configuration when multiple nucleotides were bound (U/(L+U) row in Table 4.1; appendix C Fig. 4; Chapter 3). Switching between L and U subunit classes supports a model in which subunits classes are not fixed within the hexamer but rather interconvert in a dynamic manner. 120 A 2 +.500 pM Ni' NTA, 1 mM ADP U class C 0 L classes (L*''and L**"') D Time (sec) B 80 0U. 1.0 U class 0.4 L classes (LxP and Lamma) 0 Time (sec) Figure 4.1 Single-molecule cCoMET of a CIpX subunit Trajectories are shown for of individual fluorescent spots with saturating (A) ADP and (B) ATPyS. 500 pM Ni 2 -NTA, nucleotide, and 300 nM ClpP 14 were flowed in after -10 s (marked with an arrow) resulting in quenching. Over time, unquenched states (expected for U subunits) and quenched states (expected for L subunits) were found to interconvert. Data was fit by a Hidden Markov Model (red line). At least two types of L subunits (L*P and Lganna) were inferred by kinetic analysis (described below). ATP trajectories are shown in appendix C, Fig. 1. Condition No ATP nucleotide U dwell L dwell U/(L+U) L motions (sec) 4.75 7.3 0.4 none ATPyS (sec) 2.9 7.7 0.26 slow 30 piM 3.5 13.3 0.21 ND Iable 4.1 Dwell times of cuoVIET transitions For W-VIN-W, a W-I-W-W-VI-W hexamer was used with the CoMET probe in the Fig. 4.2A. All averaged times are in seconds. ND -not determined. 121 (sec) 100 pM 1 mM 3.3 2.9 13.8 14.9 0.17 0.16 ND 1 ADP (sec) 1 mM 1 mM 3.9 14.7 0.17 7.3 4.3 14.8 0.21 none § marked subunit. Dwells are diagramed in L'#U switching is independent of nucleotide hydrolysis In the presence of ATP, the labeled subunit in the hexameric ring slowly switched between L and U classes and also rapidly changed between L conformations, which could represent conformational changes of 2-4 A (called L motions). L motions only occurred in the presence of ATP and ATPyS. Surprisingly, however, L@U switching occurred without nucleotide and with saturating ATP, ATPyS, ADP (Fig. 4.1A,B). In the without nucleotide and ADP cases, class switching must be thermally driven by stochastic fluctuations in ring conformation. Indeed, the simplest model is that class switching is thermally driven in all cases, irrespective of the presence or type of nucleotide, because the U+L switching rate was similar under all conditions. For example, the average U dwell for the labeled subunit was ~3-5 s under all nucleotide conditions (Table 4.1). With increasing nucleotide concentrations, the dwell time between successive U states increased from -7 to ~15 s, consistent with a decrease in the average number of U subunits in the hexamer from ~2 to -1 (Table 4.1). The average time between ClpX hydrolysis events at saturating ATP is ~0.8 sec, whereas the average U+L with saturating ATP was ~3 s. In a tightly coupled 5L:lU model , each ATP hydrolysis event would result in a U+L switch. Thus, class switching appears to occur too slowly to be tightly coupled with ATP hydrolysis. For ATPyS hydrolysis, the average time between hydrolysis events is -7 s (Chapter 3). Although ATPyS hydrolysis is ~10-fold slower than ATP hydrolysis, the U-L switching rate was similar for both nucleotides. This result shows that switching does not occur after a fixed number of hydrolysis events and is consistent with a model in which subunit switching is hydrolysis independent, as expected for a thermally driven process. 6 122 L@U kinetic analysis We analyzed the dwell-time probability distributions for U subunits (U dwell) and L subunits (L dwell, defined as the time between the end of one U dwell and the beginning of the next U dwell; Fig. 4.2A). At saturating ATP, the distribution of U dwells was fit well by a single exponential, suggesting that the U->L transition occurs with a single rate-limiting step with a time constant of 3 s (Fig. 4.2B). At low nucleotide concentrations, the U-dwell distribution was best fit by a gamma function, suggesting at least two 3-s steps, one of which is sensitive to nucleotide binding (appendix C Fig. 5).7 The L-dwell distribution was exponentially distributed in the absence of nucleotide, consistent with every L subunit has an equal probability of switching to a U subunit (appendix C Fig. 7A). Intriguingly, saturating ATP changed the L-dwell distribution to an exponential-plus-gamma distribution (Fig. 4.2C,D, appendix C Fig. 6). This exponential-plusgamma distribution suggests there are two classes of L subunits, LexP subunits that can switch to U subunits in one step and Lgamma subunits that switch in multiple steps (appendix C Fig. 7B). Importantly, the exponential-plus-gamma distribution is incompatible with strictly sequential models in which a subunit must consecutively pass through multiple L states with similar rate constants before switching to the U class (appendix C Fig. 7C). One possibility is that nucleotide-empty L subunits can switch to the U class in one step (LexP) whereas nucleotidebound L subunits switch in multiple steps (Lganua). First, Lgamma subunits are dependent on nucleotide. Second, if one observes CoMET of a nucleotide-empty subunit by using nucleotidebinding mutations (V78A,179A (VI) mutation; Chapter 3), one observes that a nucleotide-empty subunit switches between U and L conformations with exponential kinetics similar to Lexp in the presence of 1 mM ATP (appendix C Fig. 8). Taken together, these results support a model in which there are three subunit classes that switch stochastically; U subunits, nucleotide-empty 123 L*xP subunits, and nucleotide-occupied Lgan subunits. B A U dwell U class 8 1.0 i 0 LI. 0.3 0.4 L classes 0.2 L dwell 0 Time 0.3 I exponential fit 0.1 0 C U dwell 1 mM ATP 0.4 0 10 D 11 L dwell no nucleotide 20 time (sec) 40 30 L dwell I mM ATP 0.11 0.2 0 exponential-plus-gamma fit exponential fit 0.1 U D 20 40 30 time (sec) 50 60 30 40 time (sec) 50 60 Figure 4.2 Dwell time probability distributions reveal hidden L classes (A) Diagram of a fluorescent trajectory with the U dwell and L dwells highlighted. A single L dwell can include many L motion transitions as well as hidden transitions between L*P and gamma subunits. (B) U-dwell distribution with saturating ATP fit to a single exponential (k = 0.3 s-1). The U dwell for saturating ADP fit well to a single exponential, whereas low nucleotide concentrations fit to a gamma distribution (appendix C, Fig. 5). (C) L-dwell distribution without nucleotide fit to a single exponential. (D) L-dwell distribution for saturating ATP was best fit by an exponential-plus-gamma function. Similar distributions were observed for saturating ADP and ATPyS (data not shown; appendix C, Fig. 6). Hydrolysis-dependent L motions L-class subunits underwent fast hydrolysis-dependent motions. With saturating ATP, for example, subunits exchanged between 60 and 80% quenched states with dwell times between 0.5 and 1.5 s (Table 4.1; Fig. 4.3A), comparable to the average time between ATP-hydrolysis events (0.8 s). Moreover, with saturating ADP, there were no L motions and subunits remained 124 ~60% quenched until they switched to the U state (Fig. 4.3B). At low ATP or saturating ATPyS, the rate of exchange between quenched states slowed, and a 40% quenched states was also observed (Table 4.1, Fig. 4.3C). Any given state (e.g., 60% quenched) may include multiple conformations. Indeed, in a hexamer, each of five L subunits have the potential to adopt slightly different conformations based on nucleotide state and the identities of neighboring subunits, many of which could display similar CoMET quenching. The LexP and Lganua classes may undergo different conformational changes in response to ATP hydrolysis, but appear similar by our assays. However, our results show changes between L conformations at a fast hydrolysisdependent rate. Additionally, if one compares nucleotide-free and nucleotide-bound crystal structures of ClpX, small conformational changes at the hinge of L-class subunits propagate throughout the ring and drive larger motions of the loops involved in substrate translocation. The fast hydrolysis-dependent L motions observed by CoMET potentially could move the central pore loops and translocate polypeptides. A ATP B . 0.6. 0.8 Initial 0.6 State 0.4 C ADP 0.8' * 0.2- 0.8 . 0.6. .0.4 0.2, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 ? 0. 0.2 0 0 ATPgS 0 0 0.2 .4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Final State Figure 4.3 Transition density plots Representation of all state transitions within (A) ATP, (B) ADP, and (C) ATPyS data sets. No nucleotide was similar to ADP (data not shown). U-+L switches are boxed in red and L motions to lower fluorescent states are boxed in brown. The diagrams appear mirrored because (i) U4L transitions are followed by L+U transitions, and (ii) because of the likely numerous states within L motions, only two states are assigned within a trajectory and, for ATP and ATPyS, these states are continuously exchanged. For ATP (panel A), L motions occur at lower fluorescent levels (0.2-0.6) compared to ATPyS (panel B; 0.4-0.6). For ADP, L motions were rare and simple L@YU switching was the most common transition. 125 Discussion L4#U switching and L motions are uncoupled Slow L*U switching appears to thermally driven, whereas fast L motions are dependent on nucleotide hydrolysis. Because L@U switching and L motions have different rate-determining steps, these processes must be largely uncoupled (Fig. 4.4A). Consistent with two uncoupled cycles, all quenched states are able to switch to the unquenched state and vice versa (Fig. 4.3A,B,C). More specifically, an L-class subunit can switch to a U subunit at any point of the L motion. Because the U conformation destroys the nucleotide-binding pocket, any nucleotide bound to an L subunit that switches - hydrolyzed or not - must be released either before or as part of the switching reaction. Similarly, a U subunit that switches to a L conformation will initially be nucleotide free, although the conformation of the newly formed L subunit will be influenced by rigid-body interactions with its neighbors, some of which are likely to be nucleotide bound. After switching to an L conformation, a subunit can resume hydrolysisdependent L motions. Thus, the L-*U-*L cycle effectively resets a subunit, first displacing bound nucleotide and then permitting hydrolysis-dependent motions to restart. Subunit classes Nucleotide influences the likelihood of an L-U switch as nucleotide-empty LeP subunits switch in one step and occupancy-dependent Lgamma subunits switch at a slower rate in two steps. Presumably, the Lga U switch requires breaking bonds with nucleotide, increasing the energy barrier for switching (Fig. 4.4B). Ensemble studies suggest that the 5L: lU ClpX 6 binds 126 only 3-4 nucleotides at saturation, so one or two L-class subunits may remain nucleotide free and have a higher probability of L-U switching. Importantly, class switching need not be sequential or tied to ATP hydrolysis. In contrast, the Fi ATP synthase consists of three as subunits that adopt empty, ADP, and ATP classes, and sequentially switch classes with every round of nucleotide hydrolysis and release. In future work, it will be important to determine the effect of an L-U switch on adjacent subunits. Ensemble studies show that subunits clockwise and counterclockwise to a low-affinity mutant subunit assume time-averaged conformations with different nucleotide affinities, conformations, and allosteric communication with other subunits (Chapter 3). If the empty U subunit dictates the L class of adjacent subunits, then for each L-+>U switch, adjacent L subunits would undergo coordinated switches to new classes of L subunits, effectively isomerizing subunit classes for the entire hexameric ring of ClpX. A EOo 1a A ATP Hydrolysis 01 0.0 c i 00 4 ._10 ,0 4 o4 Ue4o, cum---L 0 *[0J0 *nMdd430lisbund L 4 o hyd-lyels B 011 L!xP Swf0chb 00* Iamm ne 900l 5 S.o * o e*0 Nudeotide DlSissciadw @0 weakly-towndsebuift Figure 4.4 Two mechanical cycles (A) Conformational changes of ClpX 6 can be explained by two mechanical cycles, thermal-driven class switching and ATPhydrolysis tied L motions. These cycles occur simultaneously. (B) There are two types of L subunits, one that can switch to the U conformation in one step and another that switches in multiple steps. The Lgamma requires a breakdown in symmetry. 127 ClpX mechanism and other AAA+ machines Our results suggest that thermally driven and thus stochastic L OU switching changes the class of subunits within the ClpX ring, providing a mechanism to reset the motor if a mechanochemical step fails. For instance, if subunits hydrolyzed ATP sequentially, then a hexamer with an inactive subunit would stall as soon as hydrolysis by that subunit was required. In our probabilistic switching model, ring isomerization could simply change which subunits are poised for ATP hydrolysis. Similarly, if a AAA+ translocase could not complete a mechanical step, either failed unfolding of a substrate or slipping on a polypeptide track, probabilistic isomerization would allow the machine to reset. By this model, following each unsuccessful attempt, the translocase could transiently release substrate (which might or might not dissociate), rebind ATP, and reapply force. For the subunit that pulled on the polypeptide but failed, switching to a nucleotide-free U conformation could release that subunit from the substrate and permit other subunits to engage for another attempt. By contrast, the strictly sequential mechanism of the Fi ATP synthase stalls if a single subunit binds to the wrong nucleotide, has an ATPase mutation, or is bound by a small molecule inhibitor. 8~0 An off pathway reset can make an engine more resilient to failure."-1 In F1 , for example, nucleotide inhibition can be resolved by off-pathway interactions of multiple subunits with tentoxin.1 4 Peptide translocases are part of a larger AAA+ family including microtubule transporters, DNA helicases, and viral-packaging motors. In addition to the AAA+ fold, several of these motors have structural features similar to ClpX 6 suggesting a common mechanism. Crystal structures of dynein show a variable 4L:2U arrangement, suggesting that L and U classes can switch. 15'1 6 The Rpti. 6 ring of the 26S proteasome, El helicase, and RecA-like Rho helicase form 5L:lU 128 arrangements.17-19 As stochastic L@U switching of ClpX 6 occurs in the absence of nucleotide, switching is a thermodynamic consequence of the hexameric ring structure. In comparison, subunit-subunit interfaces are similar to ClpX 6 for Rpti- 6, but quite different for El and Rho, potentially permitting a different mechanism for these helicases. A further extreme is the <p29 DNA packaging motor which forms homo pentamers and, by single-molecule nanometry, appears to have much greater coordination between subunits.20 Single-molecule fluorescence techniques will be necessary to determine and compare the mechanisms of these diverse machines. Acknowledgements We thank Adrian Olivares and Ben Stinson for helpful discussion. 129 References 1. Sauer, R.T., & Baker, T.A. (2011). 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Two distinct modes of processive kinesin movement in mixtures of ATP and AMP-PNP. J. of Gen. Phys. 130, 445-555 12. Thoresen, T., & Gelles, J. (2008). Processive mocement by a kinesin heterodimer with an inactivating mutation in one head. Biochemistry 47, 9514-21. 13. Guydosh, N.R., & Block, S.M. (2006). Backsteps induced by nucleotide analogs suggest the front head of kinesin is gated by strain. Proc. Nati. Acad Sci. U.S.A. 103, 8054-9. 14. Meiss, E., Konno, H., Groth, G., & Hisabori, T. (2008). Molecular processes of inhibition and stimulation of ATP synthase caused by the phytotoxin tentoxin. J Biol. Chem.283, 24594-9. 131 15. Kon, T., Oyama, T., Shimo-Kon, R., Imamula, K., Shima, T., Sutoh, K., & Kurisu, G. (2012). The 2.8 A crystal structure of the dynein motor domain. Nature 484, 345-50. 16. Carter, A.P., Cho, C., Jin, L., & Vale, R.D. (2011). Crystal structure of the dynein motor domain. Science 331, 1159-65. 17. 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I designed the experiment, constructed materials, conducted initial experiments with Harris Manning, and performed the initial data analysis. 133 Introduction AAA+ ATPases are multimeric machines that disaggregate and degrade proteins, transport cargo along microtubules, unwind DNA, and perform other cellular functions that involve mechanical work. ATP-dependent protein degradation is carried out by AAA+ proteases, which consist of a hexameric AAA+ unfoldase and a self-compartmentalized peptidase. AAA+ proteases include the 26S proteasome in eukaryotes, PAN-20S and Cdc48-20S in archaea, and ClpXP, ClpAP, HslUV, Lon, and FtsH family proteases in bacteria and eukaryotic organelles. Typically, the AAA+ unfoldase binds a degradation tag, unfolds attached protein domains, and then translocates the unfolded polypeptide into the peptidase for degradation (reviewed in Chapter 1). Except for the final degradation step, all other steps require ATP binding and hydrolysis, but it is not well understood how subunits within the AAA+ unfolding ring coordinate their activities during function. The ClpX unfolding ring consists of six AAA+ modules that have identical sequences but assume different asymmetric conformations in crystal structures (Chapter 3).1 The AAA+ module consists of a large domain, a short hinge, and a small domain (Fig. 5.1A). There are two general classes of subunit conformations, ATP loadable (L) and unloadable (U), that differ in their hinge structures and thus in the orientation of the large and small AAA+ domains (Fig. 5.1B). The current paradigm is that nucleotide-dependent motions of the hinge are critical for function. By contrast, the interface between small and large domains of adjacent subunits is relatively invariant, forming a rigid-body unit.2 As such, a change in the hinged interface of one subunit propagates through rigid-body interactions to adjacent subunits. Crystal structures of ClpX hexamers show subunits arrangements in L/L/U/L/L/U and L/L/L/L/L/L configurations. 134 Nevertheless, bulk and single-molecule measurements described in Chapters 3 and 4 suggested that ClpX adopts a 5L: lU conformation when bound to nucleotide. Structures of some hexameric AAA+ ATPases show five L-like subunits is a staircase arrangement in which each subunit is progressively offset along the central axis (Fig. 5.lC). 3 5 A sixth, U-like subunit, closes the staircase (omitted in Fig. 5.lC). Based on these staircase conformations, other groups proposed that subunits within AAA+ machines operate sequentially, with each subunit progressing through successive positions down the staircase. Thus, we sought to determine if ClpX does form a 5L: lU staircase and if positions along the staircase move in a sequential fashion. A ~Inge Hng laLarg domains small domains- Loadable 82 5 consecutive L subunits Unloadable Figure 5.1 Rotations at the hinge (A) Diagram of the two-domain AAA+ module in a ClpXAN subunit. (B) Comparison of domain rotations in ClpX L and U subunits. The large domain is shown in gray and the small domain in green (PDB: 3HTE). Adapted from Glynn et al. (2009). (C) Cryo-EM reconstruction of 5L subunits within the Rpti1 6 ring of the 26S proteasome. The sixth subunit forms an extended U conformation and is omitted from this image. To better view the staircase, a single tyrosine is highlighted in each subunit. Our single-molecule studies suggest that ClpX subunits undergo two conformational cycles: a fast cycle tied to ATP hydrolysis and a slow cycle that appears to be independent of chemical steps (Chapter 4). During the fast cycle, L subunits interconvert between similar conformations 135 at a nucleotide-dependent rate. By contrast, for the slow cycle, two subunits appear to switch reciprocally between L and U conformations. The dwell times between U conformations suggest two classes of L subunits, those that can switch to U in one step and those that require multiple steps to switch to U. In structures of 5L staircases, the U subunit marks the top and bottom of the 5L staircase.3-5 As such, one would expect that whenever an L subunit switches into the U conformation, another subunit within the newly marked staircase boundaries must switch to an L conformation. We used polarized total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (polTIRFM) to infer the relative angles of individual rigid-body units within ClpX hexamers and show that subunits form a staircase of angles. 6 Rigid bodies within the staircase switch position in a single hydrolysisindependent step with kinetics comparable to the U->L switch. Moreover, switching does not occur in a strictly sequential manner in which subunits predictably pass through each position of the staircase. Intriguingly, rigid bodies also undergo fast nucleotide-dependent conformational changes that appear to depend on the location within the staircase. Further analysis will be necessary to determine if staircase position dictates subunit class. Experimental Design The hinged interface of one ClpX subunit positions the domains of the adjacent subunits through rigid-body interactions. For example, the rotation of a L-subunit hinge in a hexamer rotates the adjacent small domain 400 along the Z-axis (Fig. 5.2; compare blue and green highlighted small domains). The U-subunit hinge has an opposing rotation, rotating the connected rigid body 80900 in the opposite direction along the Z-axis (Fig. 5.2; compare green and red highlighted small domains). The consequence of these domain rotations in 4L:2U rings is that any three adjacent 136 subunits occupy distinct angles relative to the Z-axis. In the 5L:lU structures of the Rpti- 6 ring and El helicase, all six subunit have unique angles relative to the Z-axis. Five adjacent L conformations result in a staircase, in which each subunit is slightly rotated from the adjacent subunit (Fig. 5.1C). The sixth, U subunit closes the ring by a large opposing rotation. Using polTIRFM, one can measure the change in angle relative to the Z-axis and infer the ring position of a subunit within a hexamer. Z-axis U boundL Figure 5.2 Hinge rotations position adjacent subunits Side view of nucleotide-free and nucleotide-bound ClpX 6 rings with the small domains of two L subunits (blue and green) and one U subunit (red) highlighted (PDB: 3HTE, 3HWS). The Z-axis passes through the central pore of the ClpX 6 ring. To highlight rotations, a purple arrow is extended from a common alpha helix in each small domain. The position of a subunit within the ring has the greatest effect on the angle of the arrow. Nucleotide occupancy has a smaller effect. Most changes in angle are with respect to the Z-axis. Adapted from Glynn et al. (2009). The excitation of a fluorophore depends on the angle of the dye dipole (p) to the polarization of the excitation light. This phenomenon can be exploited to determine the spatial angle of a fluorophore. Consider this scenario, the dipole of a fluorophore is fixed on the Z-axis and illuminated with polarized light either along the Z-axis or normal to the Z-axis (Fig 5.3A). Upon illumination with light parallel to the fluorescent dipole, there is maximum absorption and consequent fluorescence. However, illumination with light polarized normal to the Z-axis results 137 in no absorption. By using two polarizations, one can calculate the angle of the dipole with the Z-axis (0) and the angle within the XY-plane (<b; Fig. 5.3B). A z B Y Y Parallel Polarization z Normal %Polarization Figure 5.3 Polarized TIRF microscopy Diagram of polTIRFM. (A) Hypothetical situation where a fluorophore (purple) is oriented with its dipole (p) perpendicular to the glass slide. When the fluorophore is excited with polarized light parallel to the Z-axis (green), there is maximum excitation. However, there is no excitation with light normal to the dipole (red). (B) Any dipole can be defined by two angles, the polar angle (0) and azimuthal angle (#). With data from two polarizations, one can solve for both angles. For the angle of a protein-attached fluorophore to reflect protein conformation, the fluorophore must undergo minimal motions that do not reflect movement of the attached protein. For example, if a fluorophore were attached by a single carbon-sulfur bond (e.g., fluorophoremaleimide reacted with cysteine), the fluorophore might rotate freely and sample random dipole angles. This situation can be prevented by attaching the fluorophore to the protein using multiple sites on the dye and protein (Fig. 5.4A). 7 ,8 Moreover, the fluorescently-labeled protein ideally would be also be attached to the glass slide by multiple tethers, to avoid changing the orientation of the dipole with respect to the polarized light by simple rotation around a single tethering point. Additionally, the mechanism of attachment should give a point of reference to allow measured angles to be related to the structure. For polTIRFM studies of myosin, actin filaments were secured to a glass slide by numerous attachments and the movement of fluorescent myosin across the filament defined the XY-plane to relate changes in polarized excitation to conformational 138 changes during stepping.9'10 A B12. Large (subunit n+1) 0 N, 0 NH HIN A ~ O 10-15 A (subunit n) BFR CipX CipPlatform Streptavidin-Blotin Glass Slide Figure 5.4 poITIRFM of BFR-CIpX 6 (A) A bifunctional rhodamine (BFR) dye with two cysteine-reactive alkyl halides. The alkyl halides are separated by 10-15 A. (B) A single rigid body from a ClpX hexamer composed of a small domain (green) and the large domain of the clockwise subunit (blue). The BFR dye was reacted with one cysteine on the small domain (K330C) and another cysteine on the adjacent large domain (S105C). The C,-Ce distance between these cysteines is 12.5 A. (C) Diagram of BFR-ClpX 6 tethered to a glass slide by ClpPplatfom. I labeled a ClpX hexamer with a single bifunctional rhodamine (BFR) via covalent attachment to two cysteines on stable loops (S105C, K330C) within neighboring domains in a single rigidbody unit (Fig 5.4B). Polarization-dependent excitation was observed for BFR-ClpX 6 , but not for ClpX labeled with a mono-functional TAMRA dye (data not shown). I then tethered BFR-ClpX 6 to a glass slide using an asymmetric ClpP1 4 molecule (called ClpPpiatfo"). ClpP1 4 normally consists of two identical heptameric rings. By contrast, one ring of ClpPplatform contains seven wild-type subunits that bind ClpX through multiple interactions," whereas the second ring contains seven biotinylated M5A subunits which cannot bind ClpX but can make multiple tethers to the streptavidin coated slide.' 2 ClpP tetradecamers can be reversibly split into heptameric rings by washing with salt at 4 'C.1'3 14 To make ClpPPiatfon, I dialyzed ClpP-M5A-His 6-biotin and an 139 excess of wild-type ClpP against 150 mM ammonium sulfate, then dialyzed the mixture into a low-salt buffer, and finally purified the chimera by Ni2 -NTA affinity (Fig. 5.4A,B). As expected, the activity of the resulting ClpPafo"" complex in degradation of cp7-SFGFP-ssrA was the same with one or two equivalents of ClpX 6 , as each ClpPPlafo" bind only a single ClpX 6 (Fig. 5.4C). By single-molecule TIRFM, attachment of BFR-ClpX 6 to the streptavidin surface was dependent on ClpPPlatform and nucleotide (data not shown). A 150 mM AmSQ 49or m B Dialyze Ni2 tNTA Pu C S Washes ,if_t ' Fllllq eq.CIpX 6 3, 2.5. Elution Input 2- 1 EM 1 - ClpPMSCblotinhistag qw-pp 0- P CIpP USC Figure 5.4 Construction of CipPPla'er-n (A) Schematic for construction of ClpPPiato". Wild type ClpP 14 (purple) is separated into Cl P 7 rings by high salt, mixed with ClpP7 M5A H 6-Biotin rings (red), dialyzed, and affinity purified to yield asymmetric ClpPP"" complexes. (B) SDS-PAGE of Ni 2 -NTA purification of ClpPafor"'. Wild type and M5C ClpP can be differentiated by size as M5C ClpP has a C-terminal H6 biotin tag. The eluted complex (inset) contains a 1:1 mixture of the wild-type and mutant ClpP rings. (C) cp7-SFGFP-ssrA degradation by CIpX 6 with ClpP variants. 1 pM ClpP 14 was incubated with 10 pM substrate, 4 mM ATP, an ATP regeneration system, and 0.5, 1, or 2 pM ClpX6 . Wild-type ClpP 14 support higher degradation with 2 equivalents of ClpX 6 , M5C ClpP 14 supported almost no degradation, and ClpPatfo"" supported almost the same level of degradation with 1 or 2 equivalents of ClpX6 . Results Polarized TIRFM experiments using BFR-ClpX 6 bound to ClpPiafo" were performed with saturating ATP or ATPyS, an analog that is slowly hydrolyzed by ClpX.15 For both experiments, 140 there were no time-dependent changes in emission following excitation by vertically polarized light (informative of XY-plane, azimuthal angle *), showing that ClpX does not rotate on top of the ClpPPiatfo". In contrast, there were time-dependent changes in fluorescence following excitation by horizontally polarized light (informative of the Z-axis, polar angle 0, and the XYplane, #), suggesting that conformational changes within ClpX change the orientation of rigid bodies with respect to the Z-axis. For this chapter, I have analyzed raw fluorescence following excitation by horizontally polarized light. In future work, the absolute angle of fluorophores will be calculated and used to assign subunit angles more accurately. 2 0 (I) 0 0 25 50 75 100 Time (sec) Figure 5.5 poITIRFM trajectories and hidden Markov fits Sample trajectory of single BFR-ClpX-ClPPP~afrm spots following excitation with horizontally polarized light (blue). Changes in fluorescence are largely caused by changes in the polar angle (0), the angle of the dipole with respect the Z-axis. Trajectories were fit with a hidden Markov model (red). 141 The intensities of single fluorescent spots were recorded for 120 s and fit by a hidden Markov model (Fig. 5.5).16 The last background-fluorescence state was assumed to be a photobleaching event and was omitted from analysis. On average, an ATP trajectory had 3.2 ± 0.9 states and an ATPyS trajectory had 4.0 ± 0.9 states. No trajectory had more than five states (Fig. 5.6A). A low or zero fluorescence state was the most frequently sampled and may include both bona fide conformations and photo-blinking as the fluorophore turns off and quickly back on. The fluorescence of fitted states was normalized by the lowest fluorescent state and plotted (Fig. 5.6B). The distribution of fluorescent states for ATP and ATPyS shows five peaks. For an asymmetric hexamer, one would expect six discrete states, one for each rigid-body unit. In our data, the sixth state may be a low-fluorescence state that is not discriminated from the zero fluorescence state (marked 1) or a high-fluorescence state that is highly variable in angle (arbitrary fluorescence units 0.45-0.65; Fig. 5.6B). Importantly, the five differentiated states were roughly equally spaced by fluorescence units and solved angles, as one would expect for a staircase in which each rigid-body unit is offset from the adjacent unit by a common angle. A B 6o0 25- 0 ATP ATP 20- 10- 2 205- 0 , 2 3 5 4 10- 3 4 5 ii0 6 # Fluorescent States 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 State Fluorescence Figure 5.6 ClpX rigid bodies occupy five distinct angles (A) The number of fluorescent states detected within trajectories for ATP (black) and ATPyS (gray). (B) Within ATP (black) and ATPyS (gray) trajectories, fitted states were normalized by the lowest fluorescence state and the resulting arbitrary fluorescence units plotted. The five groups of states are marked by red numbers. 142 The dwell times for each state were determined. Because the low-fluorescence state may include photo-blinking, transitions to and from this state were omitted from analysis. The dwell times for all analyzed states fit moderately well to single exponentials with time constants of 1.99 ± 0.09 s for ATP and 2.11 ± 0.11 s for ATPyS (Fig. 5.7A). Moreover, in the presence of ATP, the dwell times for a single state (0.1 fluorescence; marked 2 in Fig. 5.6B), fit moderately well to a single exponential with a dwell time 2.05 ± 0.16 s (Fig 5.7B). For all of the distributions, there were a larger than expected number of very short dwell times (<0.3 seconds) for a single exponential distribution (Fig. 5.7A,B). Because the dwell times of fluorescent states were similar for ATP and ATPyS, it is likely that these conformations reflect the slow hydrolysis-independent cycle of ClpX. Indeed, the dwell times were similar to those observed for the U+L and the fastest L-U switch in the single-molecule studies described in Chapter 4. A B Dwell time distribution of all states above background Dwell time distribution of 0.1 fluorescence state ATPyS - AT,01sate ATPExponential Ft Density 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (seconds) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time (seconds) Figure 5.7 One-step dwell-time distributions Dwell time distributions for ATP (black) and ATPyS (gray). (A) Dwell times for transitions between all fluorescent states above the lowest state (peak 1 in Fig. 5.6B). The red line is an exponential fit of the ATP data. (B) Distribution for all transitions from a low fluorescent state (peak 2 in Fig. 5.6B). Discussion In past TIRFM studies, we observed that a ClpX hexamer seems to assume a 5L:1U 143 conformation with L subunits stochastically switching to the U conformation during function. The L->U switch was independent of ATP hydrolysis and either occurred in one or multiple steps. Because some L subunits only switch to the U conformation after multiple steps, this suggests a hierarchy of subunit classes where some L subunits must first switch to a different class of L conformation before switching to the U conformation. However, past techniques have been unable to differentiate L subunit classes because all L conformations resulted in relatively similar fluorescent signals. We designed a polTIRFM experiment that measures the angle of a subunit relative to the central axis of ClpP and differentiates at least five subunit positions. As the angle of each position was roughly equally spaced, our results support a 5L staircase, where consecutive L subunits are progressively offset (Fig. 5.8A). In the 4L:2U architecture observed in crystal structures, the dimer of trimers symmetry would result in only 3 unique angles with respect to the Z-axis. Similarly, a symmetric 6L conformation would have only one unique angle (Chapter 3). 17 Subunits switched between fluorescent states in a single rate-determining step that did not depend of the nucleotide-hydrolysis rate with kinetics similar to the U4L switch observed by cCoMET and TT quenching (Chapter 4). This result suggests that when one subunit switches to the U conformation, all other subunits switch to new ring positions. In cryo-electron microscopy of the 26S and PAN-20S proteasomes, the AAA+ ring was occasionally tilted on top of the compartmental peptidase (Fig. 5.8B,C). 8,19 This may be a cryo- EM artifact, a low-resolution perspective of a 5L staircase, or a true tilt on top of the peptidase. For the 26S proteasome, the tilts were too small to account for the 90 or greater change we observe by polTIRFM (0 = 00 to 2.50 for Xenopus 26S; 00 to 50 or 00 to 110 for Drosophila 26S).18,20 Moreover, tilting has not been observed for ClpXP (Fig 5.8D), ClpAP or HslUV and 144 may be a unique characteristic of AAA+ unfoldases interacting with the asymmetric 20S core particle. 2 1-2 6 Additionally, tilting would change the spatial relationship of ClpX 6 to ClPPPaotfo, but not the relationship of individual ClpX subunits. As such, tilting would change all measured angles by a constant value and would not affect comparisons between angles. Thus, a tilt between ClpX and ClpP would not explain the discrete states we observe by polTIRFM or affect comparisons of these states. A Ring Structure B Rpt C Drosophila 26S Lid L idorange) Tilt archael PAN-20S PAN 20S Flat D CipX E.coli CIpXP Flat CIpP 20S Flat Slight Tilt Large Tilt Increasing F Slight Tilt + Offset Figure 5.8 Ring structure and potential tilt (A) Staircase model for ClpX. Increasing color refers to greater fluorescence following excitation by horizontally polarized light (high fluorescence when fluorophore aligned with Z axis). Here, rigid bodies are assigned to the subunit that contributes the small domain. The U subunit is shown as a red square and L subunits are shown as circles. If ClpX adopted a L-L-U-L-L-U or 6L conformation, one would expect only 3 or 1 fluorescent states, respectively. (B) Cryo-EM model for a conformation of the Drosophila 26S proteasome. The AAA+ Rpti- 6 ring is highlighted orange. The top ring is tilted relative to the 20S core, whereas the bottom ring is not. The axis of both rings is offset relative to the axis of the 20S core. The offset axis would not affect measured angles and has only been observed for the 26S and PAN-20S proteasomes (shown in B and C, panel 4). Adapted from Nickell et al. (2009). (C) Four averages showing different conformations of the PAN-20S protease. The AAA+ PAN ring is marked by an orange line. Conformations differ by the tilt of PAN on top of the 20S core particle. Adapted from Smith et al. (2005). (D) EM image of ClpXP. The AAA+ ClpX 6 ring is marked by an orange line and rests flat on top of ClpP 14 . Adapted from Ortega et al. (2002). Single-molecule CoMET and TT quenching experiments suggest that some L subunits can switch directly to the U conformation, whereas others cannot (Chapter 4). Thus, one would expect disallowed transitions between states observed by polTIRFM. Until we have a larger data set with angle-defined classes, we cannot definitively assign transitions between states. However, 145 my preliminary analysis suggests that not all transitions are allowed (Fig. 5.9A). Instead, there is a hierarchy of subunits with "hub" subunits that can switch to many ring positions and other subunits whose transitions are more restricted (Fig. 5.9B). Additionally, the likelihood of forward and backward transitions is similar (Fig. 5.9A). Several groups have proposed that subunits within 5L staircases switch in a unidirectional sequential order (e.g. states 5 + 4 -+ 3 - 2 without back steps). Our preliminary results support a stochastic model in which multiple pathways are possible, and the energy barriers between forward and backward steps are similar. A 2 Final State 3 4 B 5 2 3 Initial State 4 C 5 Figure 5.9 Transitions between ring positions (A) Heat map of transitions between states 2-5 in which red signifies an increased probability of the transition. The state prior to the transition is shown on the Y axis and the state after the transition is shown on the X axis. (B) Diagram of results in panel A. Ring position 2 can switch with all subunits while positions 4 is restricted from transitions with positions 3 and 5. All transitions have similar probabilities. Ensemble measurements (Chapter 3) show that there are multiple classes of nucleotide-bound L subunits.2 7 One model posits that the position of a subunit relative to the empty U subunit dictates subunit class. In fact, our ensemble studies with nucleotide-binding mutations show that wild-type subunits clockwise and counterclockwise to the mutant subunit have different apparent nucleotide affinities and time-averaged conformations (Chapter 3). Upon closer inspection of our polTIRFM ATP results, some ring positions have fast fluctuations that were not considered in my preliminary analysis. Importantly, the fast conformational changes appear to be unique to ring position, as some positions display stable fluorescence. Further experiments will be necessary to 146 determine if these fast fluctuations reflect ATP-hydrolysis dependent conformational changes in subunits. 147 References 1. Glynn, S.E., Martin, A., Nager, A.R., Baker, T.A., & Sauer, R.T. (2009). Structures of asymmetric ClpX hexamers reveal nucleotide-dependent motions in a AAA+ protein-unfolding machine. Cell 139, 744-56. 2. Glynn, S.E., Nager, A.R., Baker, T.A., & Sauer, R.T. (2012). Dynamic and static components power unfolding in topologically closed rings of a AAA+ proteolytic machine. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 19, 616-22. 3. Enemark, E.J., & Joshua-Tor, L. (2006). Mechanism of DNA transocation in a replicative hexameric helicase. Nature 442, 270-5. 4. Thomsen, N.D., & Berger, J.M. (2009). Running in reverse: the structural basis for translocation polarity in hexameric helicases. Cell 139, 523-34. 5. 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ClpXP degraded ep6a-SFGFP-ssrA at high but not low ATP concentrations as assayed by SDS-PAGE (Fig. 1B) or by loss of 467-nm fluorescence (Fig. 1C). To test if a stable intermediate could be formed following extraction of C-terminal elements of structure, I engineered thrombin-cleavage sites either between strand 6 and the a helix (cp6aSFGFP-6/a-ssrA) or between strands 5 and 6 (cp6a- SFGFP-5/6-ssrA). Following thrombin cleavage, ClpXP extraction of the terminal peptide of cp6a- SFGFP-6/a-ssrA resulted in a stable barrel with ~88% of native fluorescence (Chapter 2). However, ClpXP extraction of the a helix and strand 6 of thrombin-split cp6a-SFGFP-5/6-ssrA caused complete loss of native fluorescence (Fig. 2A). After strand extraction by ClpXP, the cp6a- SFGFP-5 protein appeared to aggregate and eluted in the void volume of an S200 gel-filtration column. Moreover, in comparison with the split protein prior to strand extraction, the absorbance spectrum of the gel-filtered protein had a blue-shifted absorbance maximum near 395 nm and had lost an absorbance peak near 490 nm (Fig. 2B). These properties are similar to those of uncleaved cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA after acid denaturation (Fig. 2B). Thus, ClpXP degradation of cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA stalls at low ATP concentrations, and extraction of the C-terminal a helix results in a stable intermediate. However, extraction of this terminal helix and the neighboring strand does not produce a stable intermediate. Thus, stalling can occur following extraction of diverse structural elements. In fact, the degradation of RpoS, an entirely a helical protein, occurs with a stalling ATP dependence similar to GFP (Peterson et al. Genes Dev. 26, 548-543, 2012). 153 A C order of 0 strands SFGFP-ssrA cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA cp7.SFGFP-ssrA cp8-SFGFP-ssrA ssrA @WWEJ(]a(DOOO)[ @o0 @OJUEJ oo W D3h c -ssrA a@-ssrA @UUU1iGIssrA B SFGFP-ssrA cp7-SFGFP-ssrA II. cp6a.SFGFP-ssrA 0 50 300 [ATP] (pM) [ATPJ (PM) Figure 1 Circularly permutated GFP. (A) Cartoon representation of the order of p strands in SFGFP-ssrA and circularly permuted variants. (B) Permuted variants (1 RM) were incubated overnight with ClpXP (1.25 tM ClpX 6; 2.5 pM CIpP 14), the SspB adaptor (1 RM), and 0, 50, or 300 pM ATP before assaying degradation by SDS-PAGE. (C) End-point experiments like those in panel B were performed but degradation was assayed by reduced 467-nm fluorescence. GFP-ssrA (circles); SFGFP-ssrA (diamonds); cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA (upward triangles); cp7-SFGFP-ssrA (triangles); cp8-SFGFP-ssrA (squares). The lines are fits to a modified form of the Hill equation. In the panel B and C experiments, an ATP-regeneration system was used. A B cp6a-SFGFP-5 1.0.i 1.0- A7-11a-ssrA 1'O CIPXP A. C 0.8- A A o cleaved cp6A-SFGFP-5/6-ssrA A 0.8- 0.6- 0.6- E rr 0.4- 0.4- A A An A A An A AN A, A AA 'UA A A "A WA 06A A A SA AA mA LE0.2- 0.21 U. 0 2000 4 00 0 6000 A AA A iacid-denatured cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA 350 time (s) A A A% WAO = 400 450 wavelength (nm) 500 Figure 2 Extraction of an a helix, not a P strand, results in stalling for cp6a. (A) The cp6a-SFGFP-5/6-ssrA protein (10 LM; NCBI accession code JF951870) was cleaved with thrombin and incubated with ClpXP (1 pM ClpX 6 ; 2 pLM ClpP 14), 4 mM ATP, and an ATP-regeneration system. ClpXP extraction of the terminal a helix and P strand resulted in time-dependent loss of 467-nm fluorescence and 400-nm fluorescence (data not shown). The initial rate of this reaction (0.2 min-' enz-) was slow, but within error of the rate of ClpXP degradation of uncleaved cp6a-SFGFP-5/6-ssrA (data not shown). (B) Absorbance spectra of thrombin-cleaved cp6a- sFGFP-5/6-ssrA (closed triangles), the cp6a-sFGFP-5 protein after ClpXP strand extraction and purification by S200 gel filtration (open triangles), and cp6a-SFGFP-ssrA denatured by incubation at pH 2 (squares). 154 Appendix B Supplement for Ensemble CoMET of ClpX This appendix contains experiments from B.M. Stinson*, A.R. Nager*, S.E. Glynn*, K.R. Schmitz, T.A. Baker, and R.T. Sauer (2013) in submission (*-equal contribution). I developed cCoMET and worked with Stinson to develop nCoMET. I conducted all experiments involving cCoMET and disulfide-linked constructs and crystallized the 6L ClpX 6 structure. 155 Ta bl e 1 C a t ll a hi c'Lt ti s i cs!_______%,. ClpX variant E-E-ER W-W-W W-W-W W-W-R E-R W-W-W PDB code in progress in progress in progress in progress in progress in progress tether length 20 20 20 20 20 0 bound nucleotide crystallization well solution Data collection space group ATPyS a ADP a none a none b none b none c P2 12 12 1 P2 12 12 1 P2 12 12 1 P2 12 12 1 P2 12 12 1 P6 3 57.9 199.2 211.9 90, 90, 90 55.9 181.9 201.4 90, 90, 90 55.2 199.9 222.3 90, 90, 90 55.2 201.2 222.6 90, 90, 90 119.4 119.4 111.7 90, 90, 120 50.0 - 4.5 50.0 - 5.7 60.0 - 4.5 7.7 (27.8) 17.1(4.3) 4.0 (3.2) 92.2 (80.4) 9.6 (35.2) 20.7(2.9) 8.5 (5.0) 99.4 (96.2) 18.6 (27.2) 5.5(4.1) 6.4 (6.6) 94.6 (95.7) R7.4 (I)/sig(I) redundancy completeness (%) (84.3) 24.7(1.6) 6.7 (6.5) 98.8 (95.5) 7.7 (30.9) 16.9(3.1) 3.8 (3.4) 93.9 (95.3) 58.3 199.6 203.4 90, 90, 90 50.0 -4.1 5.9 (29.4) 24.8(3.8) 5.7 (4.3) 97.2 (84.1) Refinement resolution (A) Rwork/Rfree (%) 41.0-3.9 27.7/30.7 45.4-3.7 27.5/33.4 38.5 -4.1 28.5/31.0 48.3-4.5 30.9/33.0 49.1-5.7 29.4/31.9 49.1-5.0 32.2/35.2 bond angles (0) bond lengths (A) allowed Ramachandran (%) 0.002 0.417 100 0.003 0.508 100 0.002 0.420 100 0.004 0.641 100 0.008 0.579 100 0.004 0.613 100 unit-cell lengths (a, b, c) (A) unit-cell angles (a,p,y) (0) 50.0 resolution (A) - 50- 3.7 3.8 Values in parentheses refer to me hignest resolution snell. Well solution a is 1.9 IVIanmonum sulate, i5 mVI sodum acetate (pH 4.8). Well solution b is 2.2 M ammonium sulfate, 0.2 M amonium bromide, 0. 1 M bicine (pH 9.0). Well solution c is 2 M ammonium sulfate, 0. 15 M potassium sulfate, 4 mM ATP, 4 mM MgCl 2 chloride, and 50 mM EDTA. %~%~> 250, *.~ 1.5, - - - - - 0 0 4 0.5~ V. I- -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ - + Ni 2+-NTA -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ Ni 2+-NTA Figure 1 ATP hydrolysis and degradation by tethered ClpX trimers Tethered ClpX trimers (0.3 pM pseudo hexamer) containing the TT modifications (D76CTAlA; K330CTAMA) or cCoMET (J) modifications (K330CTAMA; H68Q/N72H/D76H) were active in hydrolyzing 4 mM ATP (left panel) and in supporting 2 degradation of 10 jiM cp7-GFP-ssrA by 0.5 pM ClpP (right panel) in the presence or absence of Ni +-NTA (500 pM). 156 670 1584417 1.0- kDa 1 1 1 1 w-vI-w.- w-w-w -o 0 .0 *- E . 0.5- -. "0 Go C 0%W -. 5 10 15 20 elution volume (mL) Figure 2 Size exclusion chromatography of W-W-W and W-VI-W W-VI-W and W-W-W chromatographed at positions expected for pseudo hexamers on a Superose 6 gel-filtration column. lini B 0 60 vtnii 120 190 a .5. -10~ molar r1so 1 U- AD NHTVW) 0 0 1iJ 2Q 3"o 40 .5 enooar ratw ADP)(Wd moor rM*a ADFPWVWA), Figure 3 Stoichiometry of nucleotide binding to W-VI-W and W 6 Binding of ADP to W-VI-W (panel A) or W 6 (panel B) assayed by isothermal titration calorimetry. The initial concentrations in pseudo hexamer equivalents of the ClpX variants were 15.8 pM (W-VI-W) and 54.0 pM (W6 ). Binding isotherms were fit to a one-site model using MicroCal Origin software. Data also fit well two a two-site model (W-VI-W; site 1: KD = 3 ± 1 gM, N = 2.0± 0.6; site 2: KD = 26 ± 10 gM, N = 1.3 ±0.8; W6; site 1: KD = 5 2 pM, N = 2.0± 1.1; site 2: KD = 46 ± 20 RM, N = 2.0 ±0.8). 157 1.5 L~1.0 +C 0.5 0.0 10 100 1000 [ATP] (gM) Figure 4 ATP dependence of substrate degradation by ClpX hexamers with single mutant subunits ATP dependence of the rate of cp7-CFP-ssrA (20 pM) degradation by covalent ClpX hexamers (0.2 ptM pseudo hexamer; 0.5 pM CIpP 14) containing a single nucleotide-binding-deficient subunit. The K substitution (K125M) disrupts the conserved lysine of the Walker A motif and also prevents hydrolysis in the subunit bearing the substitution. Fit parameters, Table 2B. 8- 10- 300I M0-. 200U~. I 8- 2. 6- N zo -0 4. I 6- -E 4- 00 2 200- 0. 0 10mM 10mM 10mM 10mM Mg + C02+ Mg + C02+ 2 2 0- 10 mM 10 mM Mg2+ C02+ Figure 5 Co2 + supports ClpX activity Comparison of the Mg 2+ versus C02+ supported activities of W-W-W ClpX (1 pM pseudo hexamer) in unfolding 10 pM cp7-CFP-ssrA (left panel), of W-W-W (0.3 tM pseudo hexamer) in hydrolysis of ATP in the presence of 10 pLM cp7-CFP-ssrA (center panel), and of W-W-W (1 pM pseudo hexamer) in hydrolysis of ATPyS (right panel). Assays were performed in PD buffer supplemented with the appropriate divalent metal at room temperature. 158 1 Co CL cc a) 0-4 10mM 10mM 10mM Mg 2 + C02+ Mg 2 + no CIpP Figure 6 C02+ inhibits peptide cleavage by ClpP Co 2 + inhibits ClpP cleavage. The rate of cleavage of a succinyl-Leu-Tyr-AMC dipeptide (50 RM) by ClpP 14 (1 M) was assayed by changes in fluorescence (excitation 345 nm; emission 440 nm) in PD buffer supplemented with 10 mM MgCl 2 or 10 mM CoCl 2. Rates were normalized to the rate with 10 mM MgCl 2. 200 S(' - 150- SN 2 -0 100 - 50 - CL SE 0- W-W-W W-W-W* Figure 7 ATP hydrolysis by M363C labeled and unlabeled ClpX variants Rates of hydrolysis of ATP (5 mM) by the W-W-W and Oregon-Green labeled W-W-W* ClpX variants (0.3 pM pseudo hexamer) in the presence of cp7-CFP-ssrA (10 pM). 159 0.6 0.4 Cr 0.2 0 .0 5f' 1 10 100 1000 [ADP] (RM) Figure 8 ADP binding to W-VI-W by nCoMET ADP binding to pseudo hexamers (0.1 pM) of W*-VI-W, W-VI*-W, and W-VI-W* assayed by nCoMET. The lines are fits to a hyperbolic equation (Y = a-[nuc]/([nuc] + Kapp)). Kapp values are listed in Table S2. 0.5 c>) 0.4 C- 0.3 0.2 I 10 100 1000 [ADP] (sM) Figure 9 ADP-dependent conformation changes of W-VI-W by cCoMET ADP-dependent changes in the conformations of subunits containing cCoMET probes (§) were assayed for pseudo hexamers (0.3 sM) of W-VI-W, W-VI-W, and W-VI-W1 . Lines are fits to a Hill equation. 160 A ATP Cr S0.30.2 1 10 100 1000 [nucleotide] (pM) 0.5- ATPyS 0.4- AT ADP Cr 0.3- 0.2 1 100 1 0 10 [nucleotide] (pAM) Figure 10 nCoMET and cCoMET of W-W-W (A) Nucleotide binding to W-W-W* (0.1 gM pseudo hexamer for ATPyS and ADP titrations; 0.5 gM pseudo hexamer plus 10 [tM cp7-CFP-ssrA for ATP titration) assayed by nCoMET. Lines are fits to single or double hyperbolic functions. Kapp values are listed in Table S2. (B) Nucleotide-dependent changes in the rightmost subunit of W-W-W (0.3 gM pseudo hexamer for ATPyS and ADP titrations; 0.3 jM pseudo hexamer plus 10 pM cp7-CFP-ssrA for ATP titration) assayed by cCoMET. Lines are fits to a Hill equation. 161 1.0- 0.8- 0 'U 0.6- I- 0.4- 0.204 V 1\0% V, I'm 0+ Nd Figure 11 CIpP pore opening with L-locked variants Rates of cleavage of a fluorescent decapeptide (15 gM) by a cysteine-free ClpP 14 variant (50 nM) were determined in the presence of different ClpX variants (0.2 pM pseudo hexamer) and 1 mM ATPyS. The disulfide-bonded L-lock enzymes bind ClpP and enhance peptide cleavage, although they do not support degradation of protein substrates. 1.0E 0, nonuc U(ll (1 mM) Al' (1 mM) Figure 12 nCoMET quenching is specific to ATP Specificity of nCoMET quenching. In PD buffer plus 10 mM CoCl 2 , ATP reduced the fluorescence of W-W-W* but GTP or buffer with no nucleotide did not result in quenching. 162 A B 1 ~ 0.3CD u. 0.5 - 0.2- no Ni~-NTA Cr 0.1- o.u o.0o O 0 500 1000 1500 2000 [ATP] (pM) 200 400 600 [Ni**-NTA] (pM) Figure 13 Changes in cCoMET fluorescence depende on Ni 2+-NTA (A) In the absence of Ni2+-NTA, titration of ATP against W-W-WV (0.3 pM) did not result in quenching. (B) Titration of Ni 2+_ NTA against W-W-W (0.1 pM) gave -30% quenching The line is a single hyperbolic fit with with Kapp = 25 ± 2 pM. 0.55S K gO 0.45Cr 0.35 4 0 50 1000 1500 [ATP] (RM) 2000 Figure 14 cCoMET across the rigid-body interface ATP dependence of cCoMET quenching for a W-W-W variant containing TAMRA-labeled S389C in the small AAA+ domain of the second subunit and the His7 2 -X 3 -His 76 mutations in the large domain of the third subunit. This cCoMET pair spans a single rigid-body unit. The line is a single hyperbolic fit with Kapp = 30 ± 9 pM. At nucleotide concentrations at which the low-affinity sites are occupied and ATP hydrolysis occurs, no major changes were observed indicating that the conformational changes monitored with other cCoMET pairs, which correlate with ATP hydrolysis, involve changes across the hinged interfaces of ClpX rather than the rigid-body interfaces. 163 Table 2 cCoMET/TT fi parameters variant W-W-W§ W-VI-W§ w§-VI-w W-V1-W TT *amplitude = Kapp (pM) nucleotide 66 5 150 5 27 1 6 2 21 1 25 ±1 11 ±1 45 ±4 22 ±1 266 ±8 2 ± 18* ± 13** 70 ±2 15 ±2 41 ±6 9 ±1 ADP ATP ATPyS ADP ATP ATPyS ADP ATP ATPyS ADP ATP ATP226 ATPyS ADP ATP ATPyS -0.03 **amplitude = 0.15 164 Hill 1.4 ±0.1 1.6 ±0.1 1.6 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.2 1.2 ±0.1 1.3 ±0.1 1.1 ±0.1 0.8 ±0.1 1.4 ±0.1 2.2 ±0.1 n/a 2.5 ± 0.3 1.5 ±0.1 n/a n/a n/a Appendix C Supplement for Single-Molecule CoMET of ClpX This chapter contains experiments from A.R. Nager*, Y. Shin*, H. Manning, T.A. Baker, M.J. Lang, and R.T. Sauer (in preparation) (* equal contribution). I developed cCoMET and conducted experiments and analyzed data in collaboration with Yongdae Shin and Harris Manning. 165 8 0 X- 0 120 0 120 Time (sec) Time (sec) Figure 1 Single-molecule trajectories in the presence of saturating ATP A ClpX variant (W-W-W-W-W-W) with a single CoMET-labeled subunit was observed by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. After -10 seconds, Ni2+-NTA, ClpPI4 , and 1 mM ATP were flowed into the cell. Switching between quenched and unquenched states (U@L switching) and between different quenched states (L motions) was observed. A B Ni2'-NTA binding curve dwell time probability of unquenched states S 10015 IO 0 25 3 e E 0.. 0 200 400 800 [N12.-NTA] (pM) I00 1000 1200 Time (sec) Figure 2 Ni 2 -NTA binding to the CIpX His7 2 -X3 -His7 1motif Single-molecule experiments were conducted with 1 mM ADP and increasing concentrations of Ni 2+-NTA. (A) Plot of the fraction of time spent in a quenched state at a concentration of Ni 2 +-NTA. The portion of time that is not quenched with saturating Ni2+-NTA is likely to represent bona fide extended conformations. (B) Dwell-time probability distribution for unquenched states with 100, 500, and 1000 pM Ni2+-NTA. For 500 pM and greater concentrations of Ni 2 +-NTA, the unquenched dwell-time distribution was similar, consistent with these dwell times representing extended conformations rather than fast Ni 2 +-NTA binding-unbinding events. U o Time (sec) Time (ee) Figure 3 Single-molecule trajectories of D 7 6 CTAMRA K330CTAmRA conta uenching with saturating ATP A ClpX variant (W-W-WIT-W-W-W) with a single TT subunit (D76CT K330C1AlR) was observed by single-molecule TIRF. The TAMRA-dye pair is in close proximity and undergoes contact quenching in the L conformation but is separated and unquenched in the U conformation. Switching between a high-fluorescent state and a quenched state was observed in this experiment with ATP (1 mM) and also with saturating ADP (0.75 mM) and ATPyS (1 mM). 166 DA A Fraction U subunits ensemble tingle-molecule [ATP) (pM) Figure 4 Nucleotide-occupancy switches the average L:U subunit ratio 4L:2U to 5L:1U Single-molecule CoMET experiments using W-W-W-W-W-W were performed with increasing concentrations of ATP, and the proportion of time spent in a U conformation was plotted (squares). Also plotted is the estimated proportion of time spent in a U conformation from an ensemble measurement using W-W-WTT pseudo hexamers (Chapter 3). U-dwell as a function of [ADP] 25! 1mMA[P 20 1OuMADP lololAp IUMAEP 20- 15 # 10 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 Time (s) Figure 5 U dwell-time probability distribution with different ADP concentrations Single-molecule CoMET experiments were conducted with increasing concentrations of ADP. At low ADP concentrations (green and black bars), the U dwell-time distribution was best fit by a gamma function indicating multiple rate-determining steps. At nucleotide concentrations above KD for ADP binding (red and blue bars), the U-dwell distribution was fit well by an exponential function. These results suggest that at least one rate-determining step is accelerated by ADP occupancy. L dwell time distribution, 1 mM ATPgS expon ntial-pls-gamra fit 10 2M W time (sec) 40 5D C Figure 6 L dwell-time probability distribution with 1 mM ATPyS The distribution was best fit by an exponential-plus-gamma function supporting two classes of L subunits in the presence of 1 mM ATPyS. 167 A stochastic Sequential \* LI 7 time (aarbAiry) B Class Hierarchy time (arbtry) Figure 7 Simulated L dwell-time distributions Simulated L dwell time-distributions for (A) stochastic, (B) stochastic with class hierarchy, and (C) strictly sequential models with saturating nucleotide. For each model, I assumed that a hexamer contains 5L and lU subunit at all times, a U class (squares) switches to an L class (circles) in one step, and all rates (arrows) are equal. For the stochastic model (A), at any moment, every L subunit can switch to the U class in a single step. Thus, the L-dwell distribution is best fit by an exponential function. The strictly sequential model (C) requires a specific switching order in which a subunit must sequentially pass through every position in the hexamer. A series of steps before the L4U switch results in a gamma distribution. For class hierarchy models (B), there are two classes of L subunits, one class (open circles) that can switch to U in one step and another (closed circles) that can switch to U in two steps. A class hierarchy results in an exponential-plus-gamma distribution. Many variants of this model result in a similar distribution. For instance, depending on relative rates, there can be different proportions of each class of L subunits. Additionally, L subunits could switch in stochastic or ordered schemes as long as the relationship with the U subunit remains unchanged. Dwell time probability distribution W-VIP-W, 0.75 mM ADP *-U dwell 40 ,L Ldwel W' time(sec) n5 45 4 Figure 8 Dwell-time probability distributions for a low-affinity subunit at saturating ADP U and L dwell-time distributions for CoMET of a W-VIN-W-W-VI-W hexamer in which the subunit marked § contains the CoMET pair. The VI mutation reduces the affinity for nucleotide (Chapter 3) and thus the probability of the VIP subunits being unoccupied is higher than for W subunits. 0.75 mM ADP. 168 Supplemental Methods Covalently-linked ClpX trimers and ClpP1 4 were purified and labeled as described (Martin et al. Nature 437, 1115-20, 2005; Chapter 3). To construct stable hexamers for single-molecule imaging, a fluorescently-labeled trimer with C-terminal LPETGG was fused with a biotinlabeled trimer with N-terminal GGGG by sortagging (Popp et al. Nat. Chem. Biol.3, 707-8, 2007). Streptavidin-coated flow chambers were prepared as described (Shin et al. PNAS 106, 19340-5, 2009). 169 Appendix D Catalog of ClpX mutations This chapter contains an unpublished catalog and commentary of ClpX mutations. I performed all of the experiments. 170 For mutations of other constructs (GFP, CIpS, Synzips, DegP, etc.), please refer to my plasmids/primer spreadsheet. Primers listed as "ATH" refers to the "Around-the-Horn" cloning strategy. All ClpX constructs are AN domain. Most primers are designed for Andy Martin's ClpX monomer. Tether and IGF loop truncations for ClpX crystallography Past structures of ClpX hexamers were solved using genetically-tethered trimers in which three ClpX subunits were connected by 20 amino acid tethers (L20; Fig. 1A). To improve crystal contacts, I progressively shortened the tethers to 0 amino acids (L10, L6, L4, L2, LO). Because the N- and C-termini of ClpX are unstructured, I designed LM# (minus # amino acids) constructs that include truncations of the termini (LM2, LM4). A modeled 0-length tether could easily bridge the visible termini in ClpX crystal structures (Fig. lB,C, data not shown). Tethered dimers and trimers as short as 0 amino acids expressed, were soluble, and hydrolyzed ATP (Fig. 1D,E,F). Dimers with minus tethers (LM2, LM4) had low solubility. LO trimers formed crystals rapidly (3 days; Fig. 2D), but had anisotropic diffraction (Chapter 3). 171 A D CIPX2 B E C~pX ATP/min Tmni(Ct Dio Typ I -I H->rI24.58 II->I A 18.89 A . 27A ATP/ min Figure 1 Tether truncations (A) Diagram of a ClpX hexamer with 20-aa tethers shown in red (taken from Martin et al (2005) Nature). (B) A rigid body with the small (green) and large (blue) domains of adjacent subunits. The N- and C-terminal residues (Ser 62 & Tyr 413) are 27 A apart (PDB: 3HTE; Glynn et al (2009) Cell). (C) Distance between termini for different types of subunits. Note: Type 1 = ATP Loadable, Type 2 = ATP Unloadable. (D) SDS-PAGE of ClpX dimers with different length tethers. The black illustrates the change in distance when comparing constructs. (E) ATP hydrolysis by ClpX dimers with different length tethers. (F) ATP hydrolysis by ClpX trimers with different length tethers. In an attempt to improve crystal contacts, I made progressive deletions of the IGF loops (residues 264-281), which are flexible but necessary for binding ClpP (Fig. 2A). The nearby R261 is necessary for hexamerization (Table 1). I made progressive deletions up to 21 residues: aa262282. All truncations were soluble, but the 21 residue truncation had reduced ATPase in the presence of substrate (Fig. 2B,C). The A21 variant had hexamerization defects (trailing on S200, [ClpX] titration by ATPase; data not shown). I constructed a ClpX trimer with 19 residue IGF truncation and 0 amino acid tethers. Unfortunately, this construct did not form large crystals and frequently precipitated in trays (Fig. 2D). 172 A B Deletion 13 15 17 19 21 IGFLoopdeletionMonomers C eatsunme JDP aN too ATP/i400 min 300 613 D d15 dt7 di9 d21 LOTether, d19IGF Trimer LOTether Trimer Figure 2 IGF loop truncations (A) Side view of a ClpX hexamer. A single subunit is highlighted in green. Inset: The top of the IGF loop. Most of the loop is disordered. (B) SDS-PAGE of ClpX monomers with progressive deletions of the IGF loop. (C) ATP hydrolysis by ClpX monomers with IGF loop deletions. Shown with and without CM-127-ssrA. (D) Crystal drop of a ClpX trimer with short tethers versus short tethers and no IGF loop. Short-tether trimers gave large plate-shaped crystals whereas the IGF deletion only resulted in small crystals. Mutation Primers ClpX construct IGF IGF IGF IGF IGF 165/156 ATH 164/154 ATH 163/152 ATH 162/150 ATH 161/148 ATH Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's l3aa 15aa 17aa l9aa 21aa Table 1 IGF loop truncations Progressive deletion of the IGF loops. Cysteine mutations This section contains a list of cysteine mutations (Table 2). For additional mutagenesis sites, consider those in Table 3. I selected residues to mutate to cysteine based on solvent accessibility (to avoid folding defects), nearby basic residues (to enhance reactivity), non-conservation in 173 ClpX orthologs (to avoid residues critical for folding or function), and general spread over the molecule. A collection of cysteine mutants and their activities are shown Fig. 3A and listed in Table 2. The most difficult area to place mutations was near the nucleotide-binding site. There were few non-conserved residues and several mutations inactivate the enzyme. Interestingly, the sequence of the a-helix consisting of residues 318-328 was not strongly conserved, but some mutations/labeling were not tolerated (Fig. 3B,C, Table 2). E327CDYE was inactive (Fig. 3B). E328C was hyperactive (hydrolyzing ATP 7-fold faster than wild type and degrading CM-titin12 7 _ ssrA 4-fold faster) but also hypersensitive to stalling (data not shown). Histidine mutations in this helix were tolerated, but addition of a metal ion halted ATPase activity (Fig. 3C, Table 3). By contrast, I had success labeling cCoMET constructs in the residue 77-80 loop (Table 2). In my hands, these constructs hydrolyzed ATP, degraded substrates, and underwent conformational changes with an [ATP] dependence similar to other ClpX variants. However, the 179A/G80A mutation reduced affinity for nucleotide (Chapter 3). Either the dye-labeled sites do not weaken nucleotide binding or my functional assays did not detect the reduced affinity. For additional residues near the nucleotide-binding site, consider residues near the arginine finger. A second area intolerant to mutations were the helices and turns near the rigid-body interface. Mutation of a331-344 often resulted in hexamerization defects (Table 2, 3). I would guess a similar effect for mutations in a371-391, as mutations at 386 and 389 reduced ATPase and cp7-ssrA degradation (Table 2). The underside of the small domain (352-365) can be mutated with little or no consequence (Table 2,3). Similarly, the top of the large domain (a60-76, a158-168, a206-217, loop 105,106) can mostly be mutated. At one point, I was curious about the large number of charged residues in this region and considered a possible function as an "unfolding surface." I mutated many 174 residues in pairs (and subsequently combined pairs) without effecting ATPase or degradation of GFP-ssrA or CM-127-ssrA. The only residues that affected activity had side chains that were not surface accessible (Table 2). I made a few mutations near the IGF loops (250-290). A few sites disrupted hexamerization, but others were tolerated, including A252CDYE For L-lock constructs, in which a disulfide locks a subunit in the L conformation, I tried three combinations: E150C/E205C, E150C/E209C, and T147C/E205C. A fourth combination, T147C/E209C, was never tested, but was present only in nucleotide-bound structures. E150C/205C was not favorable in nucleotide-free or nucleotide-bound structures, and, as expected, was poor at forming crosslinks. E150C/209C, which is present in the nucleotide-free structures, formed best in the absence of nucleotide. In comparison, T147C/E205C was present in all structures and formed well with and without nucleotide. I continued with T147C/E205C (Chapter 3), but one could use other cysteine pairs to lock different L conformations. A GFP degradation GFP/ min* B K327C WT ytm C E320H, Q324H WT ytiew WI W/NJ miew MMtI Figure 3 ClpX eysteine mutations (A) GFP degradation by ClpX monomers with cysteine mutations. Constructs have not been reacted with fluorescent dyes. (B) K327C loses activity when reacted with monobromobimane or fluorescein-5-maleimide. (C) A i/i+4 histidine motif that inhibits ATPase when bound to metal. 175 Mutation E69C N72C D76C Y77C 179C G80C R100C S105C B106C G107C L127C D137C T147C E150C E156A D157A E159A N160A Q163A, K164A Q167A, K168A Q174C E205C Q208A, Q209A Q209C K213A E216A A252C H260C R261C E263C E283C A288C S318C K327C E328C K330C K336C D356C A357C K360C M363C A364C Primers 581/582 167/168 169/170 490/493 491/493 492/493 171/172 583/585 ATH 584/585 ATH 173/174 494/495 175/176 462/464 ATH 463/464 ATH 472/473 ATH 474/475 ATH 476/477 ATH could not find 478/479 ATH 480/481 ATH 205/178 465/467 ATH 482/483 ATH 466/467 ATH 484/485 ATH 484/486 ATH 179/180 181/182 could not find 183/184 206/207 187/188 189/190 191/192 326/327 328/329 330/331 510/497 ATH 510/579 ATH 510/580 ATH 499/500 ATH 503/504 ATH 193/194 or 503/505 ClpX construct His-TEV-Andy's, D76C Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Synthetic B Synthetic B Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's, M363C Andy's, A364C Andy's Andy's Andy's 176 Activity WT WT WT WT? see text WT? see text Fig. 3A WT WT Fig. 3A dead, Fig. 3B Fig. 3A increased ATPase WT WT dead dead dead WT WT Fig. 3A WT dead WT WT WT near-WT Fig. 3A hexamer defect Fig. 3A hexamer defect expect WT Fig. 3A dead, Fig. 3B hyperactive WT hexamer defect WT WT WT WT WT D386C S389C E394C G405C ATH 586/587 ATH 503/508 ATH 586/588 ATH 195/196 208/209 Synthetic C Andy's Synthetic C Andy's Andy's half WT low activity Fig. 3A Fig. 3A Table 2 Cysteine and alanine mutations Most primers not listed as "ATH" are site-directed mutagenesis. Check excel spreadsheet for details. cCoMET mutations and pairs I designed or planned four classes of cCoMET pairs (Fig. 4). The L vs. U pair differentiates between these conformations and is described in Chapters 3 and 4 (Fig. 4A). In general, high nucleotide concentrations caused an increase in quenching (Fig. 5B). This is most likely due to hexamers switching from 4L:2U to 5L: lU ring architectures. I planned a similar pair that was closer to the pore (Fig. 4C). These pairs can be designed to amplify motions detected by L vs. U pairs. Additionally, pairs can be made with pore loops, permitting one to investigate local motions of the pore loops. Mutations near the pore are tolerated (Table 2). The third class was termed "snake jaws" (Fig. 4B). These pairs are designed to quench both the U and L conformation. The snake jaws model posits that substrates would cause the U conformation to expand, expanding the pore to accommodate substrates and reducing quenching. I did not observe a change with substrate, but multi-chain histag-cleaved substrates were not tested. Interestingly, this pair had a biphasic response to nucleotide (Fig. 5C), with opposing changes upon nucleotide binding to the tight and weak sites. Although many snake jaws pairs work, I would suggest using K360H, M363H paired with Y77CTAMRA because these pairs are spatially close. I79CTAMRA and G8 0CTAMRA are closer, but may effect nucleotide binding (Chapter 3). The final cCoMET pairs were across the rigid body interface (Chapter 3, Fig. 4D). Upon nucleotide binding to the tight sites, there was a small change in quenching (Fig. 5D). Nucleotide 177 may "set the ring," forming the rigid body interface and poising the hexamer for future nucleotide-binding and hydrolysis events. There were no changes in fluorescence at higher nucleotide concentrations, consistent with the rigid-body interface remaining static during function. For cCoMET, one can use Ni2+ or Cu2+. However, for ClpX, Cu 2 + binds to a secondary site. The secondary site is within the large domain and is near a60-76. Because the Cu2+ site is specific, one can still use Cu2+ for initial measurements with a longer Ro. A L vs. U cCoMET ATPLoadable B C Near-pore cCoMET Canoant Snake Jaws cCoMET ATPLoadable ATPUnloadable D utations ATPUnioadabe Rigid Body cCoMET Smal(n subunit) Figure 4 cCoMET design (A) i/i+4 motif at residues 72/76 and C at 330. Quenching in the L, but not U, conformation (Chapter 3, 4). (B) The cCoMET pair is split between the -75 helix and ~360 helix. In this pair, both L and U conformations are detected. By comparing with the pair in (A), one can differentiate between translations and rotations of the two domains. Additionally, these pairs could test the snake jaws model. (C) I considered moving pairs further away from the nucleotide-binding pocket. This can be done to amplify signals. (D) Across the rigid body interface. 178 Mutation H68Q Primers 453/454 ATH 461/454 ATH N72H,D76H V78A, 179A E320H, Q324H Q324H, K327H T334H, Q338H K335H, A339H D356H, K360H A359H, M363H K360H, M363H IGQE78hexahis IGQE78CTPHPFM K330W 210/211 ATH 597/598 ATH 212/213 ATH 332/333 ATH 334/335 ATH 334/336 ATH 510/498 ATH 499/501 ATH 499/502 ATH 593/594 ATH 595/596 ATH 589/590 ClpX Construct Andy's, N72H, D76H His-TEV-Andy's, N72H, D76H Andy's Andy's, N72H, D76H Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Activity WT WT Chapter 3 Fig. 7.3C similar Fig. 7.3C hexamer defect hexamer defect WT WT WT not tested not tested WT Table 7.3 cCoMET i/i+4 histidine motifs A CipX Hexamer B C FSM-labeled L vs. U FF K D FSM-labeled Snake Jaws *. K,,, = 30 pM 120 pM 1ATP(CM) TAMRA-labeled RI (ATeI (PM) [ATPI(pM) Figure 5 cCoMET with different pairs (A) ClpX hexamer with a subunit highlighted (large: cyan, small: pink). Inset: single domain with measurements highlighted. 1, 2, and RI refer to (B), (C), and (D), respectively. (B) L vs. U pair. In general, nucleotide caused contraction with a % max similar to ATP hydrolysis. (C) Snake jaws pair. All pairs of this type give a similar biphasic result indicative of two binding sites with differing affinities. (D) Rigid body pair. At very low nucleotide concentrations, there is a small rearrangement of the rigid body. 179 Mutations for single-molecule nanometry I made a series of Yl53A ClpX hexamers for study by single-molecule nanometry. The goal was to investigate slipping and the consequences of ortho-, meta-, and para-Y1 53A mutations. These constructs were given to Ohad Yosefson for further analysis. In addition, I made AA insertions near the GYVG loop to see how this would affect translocation. Monomers with AA insertions could not degrade CM-titin12 7-ssrA. For a while, we thought that E185Q mutations were too severe for the optical-tweezer setup, so I designed less severe mutations of the Walker B motif. These mutations are useful for slowing down, but not eliminating, ATP hydrolysis. Mutation Primers ClpX Construct Y153A 538/539 540/541 542/543 544/545 546/547 548/549 468/469 ATH 470/471 ATH 599/600 ATH 599/601 ATH 602/603 ATH 602/604 ATH 602/605 ATH Synthetic A Synthetic B Synthetic C Synthetic D Synthetic E Synthetic F Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's Andy's insert AA after T 147 Insert AA after D157 Y181F Y181A D184E D184N E185D Table 4 Pore loop and ATPase mutations ClpPplatform ClpPPiatfon is described in Chapter 5, but these constructs are applicable for a large number of experiments. For instance, the first version of ClpPPiatfon (ClpP-sortase tag) was designed for constructing ClpXP fusions for crystallography. The ClpP-TEV-Histag-Biotin and ClpP-TEVHistag-Sortase constructs are autocatalytically clipped at the C-terminus. To prevent this, remove 180 any one of the three tags. Mutation Primers Add Sortase tag to C-terminus 552/553 554/555 606/607 608/609 646/647 M5A Add biotin to C-terminus Remove TEV from C-terminus ClpP construct ClpP-TEV-Histag ClpP-Histag ClpP ClpP-TEV-Histag ClpP-TEV-Histag-Biotin ATH ATH ATH ATH ATH Table 5 CIPPp''f"rm Synthetic C1pX constructs The original N-terminal sortase (polyG) trimers did not express in F. coli (Fig. 6). Expression was rescued by deletion of the N-terminal polyG motif (data not shown). To retain the polyG motif, I inserted a Ulpl-cleavable Sumo domain N-terminal to the trimer. This construct expressed well, but not as well as the C-terminal sortase trimer (Fig. 6, data not shown). In Table 6 are additional primers for adding/removing sequences from the termini of synthetic constructs. No Sumo e 250 150 Sumo Induction wi 250 I50 h ductio CIPX Figure 6 Expression of the N-terminal sortase ClpX trimer SDS-PAGE of N-sortase trimer expression without (left) and with (right) a preceding Sumo domain. 181 Mutation Add Sumo-polyG to Nterminus Add Sumo-polyA to Nterminus Remove TEV-Histag Add TEV Remove Biotin-TEV-Histag Remove Biotin Remove Flag Primers 528/529 insert (Neol/SacI) ClpX Construct Nsort trimer 528/530 insert (Neol/SacI) Nsort trimer 531/532 535/536 648/649 insert (NotI/XhoI) 693/694 insert (NotI/XhoI) 690 (pair with 3' synA primer) Nsort trimer-biotin-TEV-Histag Csort trimer-LPETG-Histag Nsort trimer-biotin-TEV-Histag Hexamer-biotin-TEV-Histag Csort/Hexamer, T66C Table 6 Synthetic ClpX multimers Below are primers for cloning Andy's ClpX monomer into the synthetic hexamer. The hexamer can tolerate several ClpX monomers without noticeable recombination. When cloning, some sites are more difficult than others. For instance, Andy's monomer does not clone well into site A or site D. By contrast, Andy's monomer is better at cloning into sites C, E, or F than the synthetic monomers. If you have trouble cloning, switching between Andy's and the synthetics is a possible strategy. Synthetic Site X1 (synA) X2 (synB) X3 (synC) X4 (synD) X5 (synE) X6 (synF) Restriction Enzymes NdeI/KpnI KpnI/SpeI Spel/SacI SacI/PstI PstI/BamHI BamHI/NotI Table 7 Monomer-to-multimer primers 182 Primers 573/574 577/578 523/524 575/576 637/638 533/534 insert insert insert insert insert insert