ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 26, pp. 1-33, 2007. Copyright 2007, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS RALPH BYERS , VOLKER MEHRMANN , AND HONGGUO XU Abstract. We present structure preserving algorithms for the numerical computation of structured staircase forms of skew-symmetric/symmetric matrix pencils along with the Kronecker indices of the associated skew-symmetric/symmetric Kronecker-like canonical form. These methods allow deflation of the singular structure and deflation of infinite eigenvalues with index greater than one. Two algorithms are proposed: one for general skew-symmetric/symmetric pencils and one for pencils in which the skew-symmetric matrix is a direct sum of and . We show how to use the structured staircase form to solve boundary value problems arising in control applications and present numerical examples. Key words. structured staircase form, linear-quadratic control, control, structured Kronecker canonical form, skew-symmetric/symmetric pencil, skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencil AMS subject classifications. 65F15, 15A21, 93B40 1. Introduction. In this paper we study structure preserving numerical methods for the computation of the structural information associated with the singular and infinite eigenvalue parts of the Kronecker canonical form of real skew-symmetric/symmetric matrix pencils where !#"$%&'")(+*-,/. , and 0 1234(6587#5 . Here by *-,/. 9 we denote the set of real : 7; matrices. In the following we adopt the notation of [31] and call pencils of this form even pencils, since replacing 0 $%3 by 0 !$%3 and transposing yields the same pencil. Even pencils occur in the context of linear quadratic optimal control problems (see, e.g., [34, 38, 39, 45]), =< control problems, (see, e.g., [4, 18, 37, 46]), and other applications (see, e.g., [31, 35]). For control problems of the form >@? ABDC!AFEHGJIKFMLNAO (1.2) it has been shown in [34] that the solution of the linear quadratic optimal control problem ? TU leads to the boundary value problem A ?? A TU QPR S DQPR S (1.3) I I (S is an auxiliary vector, typically it is a vector of Lagrange multipliers) with boundary conditions > A Z 3 [ A ] _ \ _ ^ ` (1.4) e 0WVYX X aWb < " S 0WV 3Z[cd (1.1) Received April 11, 2005. Accepted for publication June 27, 2006. Recommended by P. Van Dooren. Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 44045, USA. This author was partially supported by National Science Foundation grants 0098150, 0112375, 9977352 and by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the DFG Research Center M ATHEON Mathematics for key technologies in Berlin. Institut für Mathematik, TU Berlin, Str. des 17. Juni 136, D-10623 Berlin, FRG ( This author was partially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, through the DFG Research Center M ATHEON Mathematics for Key Technologies in Berlin. Department of Mathematics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA ( This author was partially supported by National Science Foundation grant 0314427, and the University of Kansas General Research Fund allocation # 2301717. 1 ETNA Kent State University 2 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU > where the matrix pencil associated with the boundary value problem jC " k TU +Of[&RP " c c gPRihC l G (1.5) c c c k " GJ" m " , lnMlg" and mMDm4" .) is even, see [34]. (In particular, h h The solution of the boundary value problem can be obtained via the computation of a structured Schur form of (1.5). Similar matrix pencils arise in the solution of optimal < > > control problems; see [4, 46]. If the control problem comes from an ordinary differential o and if it comes from a differential-algebraic equation, then is a equation, then >c c TU singular matrix. For both theoretical and computational purposes, the pencil (1.5) should be regular and of index at most . In order to check this property numerically and to remove singular parts and higher index infinite eigenvalue parts we need a staircase form. We discuss this topic in detail in Section 5. We derive numerical methods to compute the characteristic quantities of the Kronecker canonical form of under structure preserving congruence transformations p +O rq +fq Ds " #sMs " #sut The motivation for preserving the even structure comes from the special properties of such pencils. For example, even pencils have the Hamiltonian eigensymmetry, i.e., the finite eigenpairs and quadruples for non-real eigenvalues of real values occur in pencils; see, e.g., [33, 34, 35]. As suggested by having eigenvalues with Hamiltonian symmetry, even pencils are closely related to skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencils. Let , where is the identity matrix. (We leave off the subscript , if the dimension is clear from the context.) A matrix is called Hamiltonian if . A matrix is called skew-Hamiltonian if . A matrix pencil is called skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian if is skew-Hamiltonian and is Hamiltonian. If the dimension of the even pencil is even, then the pencil is equivalent to the skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian . pencil Furthermore, if , then and we have a standard eigenvalue problem for the Hamiltonian matrix . It is well-known (see [28, 34]) that similarity transformations with symplectic matrices preserve the Hamiltonian and skew-Hamiltonian structure. (A matrix is called symplectic if .) It was shown in [29], that if the Hamiltonian matrix possesses a Hamiltonian Jordan form under symplectic similarity, then it also admits a Hamiltonian Schur form under orthogonal symplectic transformations. This work has been extended in [33] to skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencils. For even pencils there exist well-known structured Kronecker forms; see, e.g., [43]. We briefly review these forms in Section 2. It is the topic of this paper to construct a structured staircase form for even pencils that displays the invariants of the structured Kronecker form, while working only with unitary (orthogonal) transformations. We could in theory also use an unstructured numerical method like the or the GUPTRI algorithm to obtain this information, but this would destroy the symmetry structure in even pencils and introduce unnecessary unstructured rounding errors. The following example illustrates how such unstructured rounding errors may give misleading or even mathematically impossible computed “eigenvalues” and Kronecker structure. v wyvx v z v { v x w|vx o, : 7 : } , f~ X !X : 3%"+ 0 ]} ] } (#*-,/. %, (#*-%,/. , 32"8 0[} [} 'O D } "O } " f } } "'[o } " (+*-%,. %, }= "r } hJ ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 7 3 E XAMPLE 1.1. As mentioned above, eigenvalues of even pencils have Hamiltonian even pencil has at least one infinite eigenvalue. The other two eigenvalues pairing. A may be either both infinite, form a pair of finite, real eigenvalues or form a complex conjugate pair of finite eigenvalues with zero real part. If is an eigenvalue, then it has multiplicity two. Consider a even pencil with matrices 0v w v 3 7 c p c UT " f RP p cc c c h h c h v 8c cc p UT " RP c p c h p cc h where is a random real orthogonal matrix generated as described in [40]. The pencil is congruent to the pencil c p c TU cc TU p 8PR cc p +gPR c p c ccc cc p so it has a triple eigenvalue at with geometric multiplicity p and algebraic multiplicity . We calculated the eigenvalues of )O for several different randomly generated orthogonal matrices using the in M [32] version (R12) with 2 algorithmreturns unit round roughly h t 7 p c h|. M strikingly different approximations of eigenvalues for different randomly generated orthogonal matrices . For each example, we h took care that was exactly symmetric and exactly skew symmetric. Out of 1000 examples, the eig function built into Matlab version (R12) reports that 644 have no finite eigenvalues (which is the correct result), 75 have one finite eigenvalue 2 of magnitude roughly p c , 120 have two finite eigenvalues of magnitude roughly p c/ , and 61 have three finite eigenvalues of magnitude roughly p c . None of the computed sets of ATLAB ATLAB approximate eigenvalues that included finite eigenvalues was the set of eigenvalues of an even pencil; none had Hamiltonian eigenvalue pairing. Often, there was a singleton finite eigenvalue. The algorithm is numerically stable in the sense that the computed eigenvalues are exactly correct for some rounding-error-small perturbation of the original data matrices. However, this rounding-error-small perturbation is not necessarily an even perturbation of an even pencil. The unstructured rounding errors are sufficient to destroy the Hamiltonian pairing and return entirely unrealistic sets of eigenvalue approximations and Kronecker structures that do not occur in even pencils. Recently, in [5, 11], numerical methods were developed to compute the Hamiltonian Schur form for Hamiltonian matrices and the methods were extended to the regular pencil case with nonsingular matrix in [4]. An important remaining issue is a structure preserving method to compute the structural invariants under congruence associated with the infinite eigenvalues and the singular part of the pencil. This is of particular importance in the case of optimal control problems for descriptor systems, where is a singular matrix, [34], since typical numerical methods for computing optimal feedback controls require the pencils to be regular and of index at most one. If this is not the case, then the singular part and the part associated with higher index singular blocks must be deflated first; see Section 5. In Section 3 we derive structure preserving algorithms for the computation of structured staircase forms for arbitrary even pencils. In particular we show how to determine the Kronecker indices associated with singular Kronecker blocks and with Kronecker blocks corresponding to the eigenvalue infinity. The staircase form also provides a structure preserving hJ > ETNA Kent State University 4 > R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU p way to deflate these blocks. Section 4 treats the computation of eigenvalues and deflating subspaces for regular even pencils of index . If , then is the direct sum of and . In this case it has been shown in [10] how to preserve not only skew-symmetry but the whole structure. The results and algorithms of this paper also adapt to symmetric/symmetric and Hermitian/Hermitian pencils for which a similar structured Kronecker canonical form is known; see, e.g., [36, 42]. In a similar way, the results and algorithms also adapt to skew-Hermitian/Hermitian pencils and to complex skew-symmetric/symmetric pencils. For brevity, however, we will not discuss such variations here. It should be noted that some of the ideas presented in this paper have been observed and discussed for special cases in [12]. Similar forms for a special case of symmetric/symmetric pencils have recently been proposed in [30]. [o f } ,j c }, c } ,4 c > 2. Kronecker and staircase forms. In this section we review the Kronecker canonical form and staircase forms for unstructured, asymmetric pencils. T HEOREM 2.1. Kronecker Canonical Form [19, 24]. Let . Then there exist nonsingular matrices and such that (5-,/. , s(5 j. C (*- ¡. , > h s 0 +OCj3 D¢^¤£{¥ 0§¦4¨ %©h ª§«¬wtztwtw%©ª­®2© "¯ « wtztwtz2© "¯§° ]± «wtztwtz ]±z² } ³ «´wtwtztw } ³¶µ 3¶ (2.1) where . . . 1. ¦4¨ ·c ¨ +Oc ¨ is an ¸ 7 ¸ block of zeros; 2. each © ª¹ is an º2» 7 0Wº2» E p 3 right singular block with right minimal index º» and form ¼@½¾  à ½¾ Âà ¿BÀ Á ÄÅÇÆ ¿Á À Ä=È Á block with left minimal Á À index É » and form 3. each ©"¯ ¹ is a 0É » E p 37 É » left À singular ½¼ ¾¾¾ ½ ¾  ÃÃà ¾¾¾  ÃÃà ¾À à Á à ¿Á Ä ÅÇÆ ¿ À Ä=Ê ÀÁ Á À ¹ 7 4. each ± is a Ë» ˽¾ » infinite eigenvalue block½¾ with index ËÌ» and form  ÃÃà ¾¾¾  ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾¾ à Á à À Á ¿ Ä ÅÇÆ ¿ ÄÈ Á À ¹ 7 5. each } ³ is a Í» ͽ¾ » Jordan block with finite½¾ eigenvalue vd» Á(5 and form  ÃÃà ¾¾¾ Î´Ï Â ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾¾ à à Á Á ¿ Ä ÅÆ ¿ δÁ Ï Ä=Ð Á .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ETNA Kent State University 5 A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS > rC The Kronecker canonical form is unique up to permutation of the blocks, i. e., the kind, size . It is more common and number of the blocks are characteristic for the pencil to express as a combination of and blocks. Here, we display explicitly to emphasize the similarities between Theorem 2.1 and the structured form in Theorem 2.3 below. There also exists a real version of the Kronecker canonical form, where the blocks are in real Jordan form and the transformation matrices are real. A similar result also holds for complex pencils, [19, 20]. D EFINITION 2.2. i) An matrix pencil is called regular, if for some . Otherwise the pencil is called singular. (Singular pencils are those whose Kronecker canonical form has either an block with or an block with or an block with .) ii) If is regular, then a pair of complex numbers is an eigenvalue of , if . If is a singular pencil, then, for our purposes in this paper, its eigenvalues are the eigenvalues of the regular blocks in its Kronecker canonical form, i.e., the union of the eigenvalues of the and blocks in Theorem 2.1. We identify eigenvalues with with the finite eigenvalue . Eigenvalues with are called infinite eigenvalues. iii) The index of a regular matrix pencil is the size of the largest block in Theorem 2.1. It is denoted by . iv) The inertia index of a symmetric matrix is the triple In , where is the number of positive eigenvalues of , is the number of negative eigenvalues, and is the number of zero eigenvalues. Arbitrarily small rounding errors can radically change the kind and number of the Kronecker blocks. Consequently, it is problematic to compute the Jordan or Kronecker canonical form with a numerical algorithm in finite precision arithmetic [41]. Among the most successful compromises in the nearly-impossible problem of calculating Kronecker canonical forms are the staircase algorithms. Using a sequence of rank decisions, orthogonal matrix multiplications, and small perturbations, staircase algorithms transform a pencil into staircase or generalized upper triangular (GUPTRI) form [13, 14, 15, 44]. The rank decisions and perturbations have the effect of determining the essential invariants in the Kronecker canonical form of a “least generic” pencil within a tolerated perturbation. (A formal definition of the term “least generic” is surprisingly complicated. See [16, 17] for a detailed discussion and a recently developed interactive tool.) Since the GUPTRI form is built on a sequence of rank decisions and tolerated perturbations with a built-in bias toward a nearby least generic pencil, the computed invariants may not always agree with the invariants of the original pencil. Example 1.1 demonstrates that otherwise excellent numerical methods can give unsatisfactory results when applied to even pencils, because the eigenvalues of even pencils have a special structure that is not necessarily preserved by unstructured rounding errors. In fact, even pencils have a special even Kronecker-like canonical form described by the following theorem. T HEOREM 2.3. [43] If with , then there exists a nonsingular matrix such that ¦¨ Ñ1X Ñ X" ¦¨ }³ ¹ > > 7: : +OC ¢ÒÔÓ 0 +OCj3NDÕ c 0 123(5@7F5 ¦Ö¨ ¸]× c ©uª > º!× c ©"ª c > º× > +O> C 123Ö Õ 0 cÌcØ3 ÇOC ¢ÒwÓ 0 Ç OCN3$Dc BOC 0 ±¹ ¹} ³ $ % 3 ) · Õ c 0 v D Ù 0> 1 2>3 OC [c ±¹ ^Úd¢ 0 Cj3 0 '3¡ 0Û ÝÜ2Þ3 Û Ü Þ (2.2) where dß()*-,/. , àá!'" %àâ#" / , . , ( 5 ã ã " 0 +O'3 ã D¢^_£¥ 0Wä å äæ ä$ç ä è 3Ô ä å [¢Ì^_£¥ 0¦ ¨ ê é «´wtwtztÔ êé ­ 3¶ ETNA Kent State University 6 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU ä æ DD¢¢^_^_££¥¥ 0ìë ª§«î«îí í wwtztztwtwtÔtÔ ë ªï_í í ë ¯ «´wtz«´twwtÔtz twë tÔ ¯Yð 3 3 ä$ç D¢^_£¥ 0Wñ ±«wtztw tz ñ 2õÌ ±¬ö² «w twtzñ tÔî õ̳ ö/÷/3 ñ ³¶µ äè 0òBó òBóô and the blocks have the following properties. 1. ¦ ¨ ·c ¨ +Oc ¨ ; 2. each êé ¹ is a 0 Þ » E p 3u7 0 Þ » E p 3 block that combines a right singular block and a left singular block, both of minimal index Þ » . It has the form ½¾¾¾ ½¾¾¾  à  ÃÃà à à ¾¼ ¾¾ ¾ Á À ÃÃÃà ¾¾¾¾ À Á ÃÃÃà ¾¾ à ÅBÆ ÃÈ Å Á À À Á Á ÀÁ ¿Å Ä ¿ Ä À Á ÀÁ À W ª 2 ¹ í E { 3 7 E 3 is a 0{º2» p 0{º2» p block that contains a single block corresponding 3. each ë to the eigenvalue with index {º%» E p . It has the form ½¾¾¾ ½¾¾¾  à  ÃÃà à à ¾¼ ¾¾ ¾ Á À ÃÃÃà ¾¾¾¾ À Á ÃÃÃà ¾¾ à ÅBÆ ÃÊ Å Á À À Á Á À ÀÁ ø ¿Å Ä ¿ Ä À Á ÀÁ À + ( ú w where ù ¯ p pû is the sign-index or sign-characteristic of the block; 4. each ë ¹ is a üØɶ» 7 ü®ÉÝ» block that combines two ɶ» 7 ÉÝ» infinite eigenvalue blocks of index É » . It has the form ½¾¾¾  ÃÃà ½¾¾  ÃÃà ¾¼ ¾¾ à ¾ à Á À ¾ ÃÃà ÃÃà ¾¾ ¾¾¾ Á Ãà ÅBÆ Á ¾ È Å À Á Ä ÁýÀ Á ¿Å Ä ¿ Á Á À 5. each ñ ± ¹ í is a 0WüØË » E 3d7 0WüØË » E 3 block that combines two 0{Ë » E p 3d7 0{Ë » E p 3 Jordan blocks corresponding to the eigenvalue c . It has the form ½¾¾¾  ÃÃà ½¾¾¾  à ¾ ÃÃà ¾¾¾ ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾ Á À ÃÃà Á Ãà ¾¾¾ ¾ Á ÅÇÆ ÃÈ Å Á À ¿ Ä Á Á À ¿ Ä Å Á ÀÁ .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . ETNA Kent State University 7 A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS ñ ³ ¹ ´c Í » 7 ´Í » ½¾¾¾  ÃÃà ½¾¾¾  à ¾ ÃÃà ÃÃà ¾¾¾ ¼ ¾¾ Á À ÃÃà Á Ãà ¾¾¾ ¾ Á ÅBÆ ÃÊ Å Á ø À ¿ Ä Á Á À Ä ¿ Å Á Á À where ù (+ú p w p{û is the sign characteristic of this block; 7. each òBó ¹ is a ØþÌ» 7 þÌ» block that combines two þd» 7 þ» Jordan blocks corresponding to nonzero real eigenvalues ÿ » and ÿ » . It has the form ½¾¾¾ Ï Â ÃÃà ½¾¾¾  à ¾ ÃÃà ¾¾¾ ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾ Á ÃÃà Á Ãà ¾¾¾ Ï ¾ Á Ï B Å Æ ÃÐ Å Á ¿ Ä Á Á ¿ Ï Ä Å Á Á ¹ Ì õ ö 8. The entries take two slightly different forms. (a) One possibility is that õdö ¹ is a » 7 » block combining two » 7 » Jordan blocks with purely imaginary eigenvalues » z » ( » × c ). In this case it has the form ½¾¾¾  ÃÃÃ Ï ½¾¾¾  à ¾ ÃÃà ¾¾¾ ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾ Á ÃÃà Á Ãà ¾¾¾ Á Ï ¾ Ï Ç Å Æ ÃÊ Å Á Ä ¿ ø Á Á Ä ¿ Å Y Ï Á Á where ù (+ú p w p{û is the sign characteristic. (b) The other possibility is that õ ö ¹ is a ü » 7 ü » block combining » 7 » Jordan blocks for each of the complex eigenvalues ÿ®» E » ÿ» %» w ÿ» E » z ÿ» %» Õ c and » DÕ c ). In this case it has form (with ÿ» D ½¾¾¾ Ï Â ÃÃà ½¾¾¾  à ¾ ÃÃà ¾¾¾ ÃÃà ¼ ¾¾ Ãà ¾¾¾ ÃÃÃ Ï ¾ Ï Å Æ Ã Å ¿ Ä ¿ Ä Å Ï c p and » %» ÿ» . with p c ÿ» %» is a block that contains a single Jordan block corresponding to 6. each the eigenvalue . It has the form . .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. ETNA Kent State University 8 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU This structured Kronecker canonical form is unique up to permutation of the blocks, i.e., the kind, size and number of the blocks as well as the sign characteristics are characteristic of . the pencil 6O for complex even pencils AOcorresponding with structured (]5 ,/. , andKronecker á&! Jform %fDis also, known see [43]. It was shown in [33] that the existence of the canonical form in Theorem 2.3 guarantees that corresponding condensed forms under orthogonal transformations also exist, see also [29]. The computation of the canonical form in Theorem 2.3 faces similar difficulties to those discussed above for the general Kronecker canonical form. Example 1.1 and experience with the unstructured Kronecker canonical form suggest that a successful numerical method for computing the characteristic indices and sign characteristics should use a staircase-like condensed form under unitary transformations that preserve the even structure of the pencil. This is the topic of this paper. 3. Staircase algorithms for even pencils. In this section we discuss staircase algorithms for even pencils of the form (1.1). One may distinguish two cases. The first method that we discuss here deals with pencils where is a general skew-symmetric matrix and the second method which is discussed in [10] treats the important special case that with ~ X XX ~ X X® . The procedures for computing staircase forms are built on a sequence of numerical rank decisions. This is also true for the procedures for even pencils that we present below. For general matrices the rank can be determined by the rank revealing QR factorization [21, Sec. 5.4] or the singular value decomposition (SVD) [21, Sec. 8.6]. For more details on determining numerical ranks, see, for example, [6, 21]. For symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices the rank can be determined via the appropriate Schur forms [21, Chapter 8]. An inexpensive way is the following modified rank revealing –factorization method. Let be symmetric or skew-symmetric. Compute the rank revealing QR factorization h m C " C mc h m is of full row rank, is real orthogonal, and is a permutation. Compute h " C m c j" m c % cc t h h h The zero 0îp 3 block follows from the symmetry or skew-symmetry of C . Note also that m C m % where must be nonsingular. When is skew-symmetric, must have even order. 3.1. Even staircase form. For a general even pencil we construct a symmetric variation of the staircase form of [44]. The staircase form displays the regular, index 1 part of the pencil. Moreover, we show below that the staircase form also displays the characteristic ETNA Kent State University 9 A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS (]* ,/ . , 8 quantities describing the singular part and the eigenvalue infinity of Theorem 2.3. T HEOREM 3.1. Even staircase form. For a matrix pencil with , there exists a real orthogonal matrix , such that ! ½¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ " D " (* ,/. ,  ÃÃà ! ÅÅ .. . .. . . .. . .. " % )+& 6 ¿ & .. 6 . ÐÝÝÐÐÝÐÝÐÝÐÝÐÐРж¶ÐжÝÐÐÝÝÐ ÐÐÐ .. . .. . .. 6 .. . .. . &8% & 6 &0 % &('-) .. . .. . "% &('-) .. . ,& ,&0% &('1" ,&('"% &('" "% &('" "% &2'-) 6 .. . .. . &8% &('" 6 &0 % &('1" .. . .. . #"% )+& .. 6 .. . .. . &0% &('*) ÐÝÐРжÐÝÐ ..  ÃÃà "% )+&('1" 6 ÃÃà 3 " ÃÃà 3 & 4 ÃÃà . ÃÃà ÃÃÃ Ä . ÃÃà 3 & 4 .. . .. . ÃÃà à 5 & .. . .. . Ê 5 " ¹ ¹: « tztwt : , (+* , . p p c cc 8 " (* ´. » c (]* , ¹ . ¹ » (* , ¹ . , ¹ p " % " (]* ´. " (* {. and the blocks % and and » , p wtztwtÔ are nonsingular. Proof. A formal, constructive proof is given by Algorithm 1 in Appendix A, but for : » . % í ¶ » í . í » . % í » í . í #: ;: : 9 : : 9 >= < $?7@?BA DC C ML L L L < H L H C E E C !I GF;H L : @ J?7@?KA E E L L ON L E N E A ease of explication, we present a less formal construction here. Both the formal algorithm and the less formal construction described here are explicit but recursive procedures. During the construction, we note the inertias of certain symmetric submatrices that will be used by Theorem 3.3. Note also that some blocks in the partitioned matrices may be void, i.e., they may have zero rows or zero columns or both. Let be an even pencil. If , then the pencil is singular and trivially in even staircase form. If is nonsingular, then this is a regular pencil of index and thus trivially in even staircase form. If is singular, then determine an rank revealing factorization /P or skew-symmetric Schur decomposition , with orthogonal and C iO fDDc " ~ X XXØ c .. . 5 " (3.1) where 9 5 & 5 ) .. . .. . . .. ÃÃà 3 " ÃÃà À &('"% &('" 6 À . Ä 6 6 #"% &('*) À "% & ÐÝÐÝÐ #"% &('" . .. " % )+&('" ,&0% & 0 & % &('" . . .. .. . .. . Å "% &('-) .. .. . .. . " % &('*) 6 ././.../. " % &('" 6 . ./.. "" " % & 6 ¾¾¾ À $"% & ÐÝжРŠÝРжР.. . ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ./.. ./.. 6 ¾¾¾ " % & " % &2'-) 7 ¾¾¾ .. ÐÝжР. " % &2'1" Å 6 .. ¿ Å ½¾¾¾ ÐÝжР#"" ETNA Kent State University 10 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU nonsingular. Perform a pencil equivalence " 0 O3 D c cc + "% t If % is nonsingular, then the pencil is regular, of index at most p with £Ú infinite eigenvalues and the even staircase form is complete. If % is singular, determine a rank X revealing factorization or symmetric Schur decomposition " % ~ X X with orthogonal and nonsingular. Record the inertia 0Û ÜÌ%c®3 of for use in Theorem 3.3 below and perform a further pencil equivalence o c " c o c c c c + "% c q q q TU cc TU D8PR c cc +gPR q " c t c cc q " c c Q MC ! R TS S S S WV U S S YX S S L L Z C Q S S S S R ! \[ ] C L ^] Determine a rank revealing factorization or singular value decomposition ] with and _ ] " q c cc ^]`_-] H ! orthogonal and H nonsingular. Perform another pencil equivalence ] q % q q TU c c UT " cc TU c c TU PR cc oc c PR cc oc c PR cc c ccc PR qq "" c cc cc T c T % P " % c cc U P " % c c U · " c c cc + " " c c (3.2) c " c c c c R cc cc cc c R cc c c c c c ~ «« « « and c . The block may fill with nonzero entries later in where the process, so we do not distinguish it from other blocks that may be nonzero. apply the even staircase reduction to the central subpencil X r~ Recursively r H ~ X X recording the inertias of the submatrices as they occur. This corresponds to performing another pencil equivalence to (3.2) that modifies rows and columns and typically modifying , , and along with the central subpencil. At that bca ] ^] f f lnl hg g i ml ikj f f ^] i l>l /o >l p o j ] f f ml i lnl o H ] g ] f i ] g f 0de ] L _ ] C ^] C H ^] ] hg g g g _ ] L ] l>p L X ^] ^] point the pencil is in even staircase form. R EMARK 3.2. It should be noted that the rank decisions in the recursive procedure described in the proof of Theorem 3.1 have to be carried out with great care. Ideally one would need a structured version of the procedure for general pencils in [16, 17]. The development of such a procedure is currently under investigation. The recursive construction of the even staircase form also generates a sequence of inertias of certain ephemeral symmetric submatrices that appear briefly during the construction. The following theorem shows that the characteristic quantities describing the singular part and the ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 11 +O ú » û » ú : » û » ú ÛÌ»{û » í úÜ ´» û » í ú » Û» EHS »{û » í rO ú ÛÌ»´û úÜ »û ú » ÛÌ» E[Ü »{û + : » Ý» í 0 » í » 3 p wtztwtÔ ë » í ·c p ztwtztÔ E p » » ë » Û » Ì Û » p Ü » 6Ü » ê p MÜ X X [c Û X c « , «1 Oc « , « wtwtztÔ » í . í O í . » í : » +O p are determined by the integer sequences 9 rq , eigenvalue infinity of rq , `s , and . rq rq rq T HEOREM 3.3. Suppose that an even pencil has been reduced to the condensed form (3.1) by Algorithm 1 with integer sequences , , and `s . Then has the following block structures associated with the singular part and the eigenvalue in the even Kronecker canonical form (2.2) of Theorem 2.3. s vs +w 1. For every @ A , the pencil has ut 9 blocks corresponding to the eigenvalue . (Here we set 9 ). 2. For every @ , the pencil has s xs odd-sized blocks correA sponding to the eigenvalue ,among which blocks have sign index and vs blocks have sign index . (Here we set .) 3. The pencil has a singular block < . < A , the pencil has 9 4. For every @ singular blocks . 5. The subpencil is a regular pencil of index at most . It contains the Jordan structure associated with all finite eigenvalues of . Proof. See Appendix B E XAMPLE 3.4. This example demonstrates the effect of rank decisions and the ability of the even staircase algorithm to determine a nearby even pencil with non-generic structure. Our experimental M ATLAB implementation of the even staircase algorithm makes rank , i.e. singular values of magnitude less decisions using a singular value drop tolerance y than an absolute threshold y are taken to be zero. In this experiment, the threshold y varied from to . (The unit round is approximately .) Oversimplifying slightly, the algorithm searches for a “most non-generic” even pencil in the cloud of pencils that lie within a distance of roughly y of then nominal input pencil. We constructed even pencils where × c c cp 2 p c [× +O c p c P p c c ccc cc R c ccc cc p c c P c c p c c p cc c R c ccccp t Ø 7 p c 2 cc T cc U " cc E º f c h p cp h c T c U " c E º f c h h ü êî to p c , is a random real orthogonal where º is a positive real number varying from p c h3 matrix generated as described in [40], and and are skew-symmetric and symmetric Ì c matrices, respectively, whose nontrivial entries are normal 0 p random variables. If º [c , then these unperturbed pencils have simple finite eigenvalues 4 and an index 2 infinite eigenvalue. If º4× c , then the perturbed pencils typically lie at a distance of roughly º from the º Dc unperturbed even pencil. In this experiment, for each value of the singular value drop tolerance , we chose ten random equivalence matrices . For each and , we varied the perturbation magnitude º 2 , h p c êî , p c êî , . .h . , p c ê and recorded the smallest value of logarithmically as º p c the selected º ’s for which the algorithm did not find an even pencil with an index 2 infinite eigenvalue (and two finite eigenvalues) with a distance of roughly of the test pencil. We plotted the recorded points 0 º 3 in Figure 3.1. As expected the points fall near the line º . g g g f g f f f C hg g g f g f f f C C C z { y }| ~ y }| y my y ETNA Kent State University 12 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU 0 10 −2 perturbation magnitude ε 10 −4 10 −6 10 −8 10 −10 10 −12 10 −14 10 −16 10 −16 10 −14 10 −12 −10 10 −8 10 10 −6 10 −4 10 singular value drop tolerance τ −2 10 0 10 F IG . 3.1. Figure from Example 3.4. For each selected value of the singular value drop tolerance and each of ten random pencil equivalences, the graph plots the smallest of the selected perturbation magnitudes for which the even pencil staircase algorithm did not find an index 3 pencil. As expected, the points line near the line . In every test case, for which was significantly smaller than , the experimental staircase algorithm successfully found a nearby index 3 even pencil. - º In every test case with perturbation magnitude significantly smaller than the singular value drop tolerance y , the staircase algorithm successfully located a nearby index 3 even pencil. < ~ X XXØ If the skew-symmetric matrix in the pencil (1.5) is of the special form as in applications from linear quadratic optimal control or control, then from a perturbation theory point of view it is advisable to preserve this structure as much as possible, i.e., we would like to compute a staircase form, where the middle block associated with the finite eigenvalues and the infinite-eigenvalue-index- part is again of the same form as the original pencil with a (possibly smaller) skew-symmetric part / . An algorithm to compute a p ~ X XXØ X variant even staircase form while preserving the ~ X X structure of the skew-symmetric part has been presented in [10]. p 4. The regular, index one case. It remains to determine the finite eigenvalues and index infinite eigenvalues contained in the central block of the even staircase form (3.1). To avoid the hazards of introducing asymmetric rounding errors demonstrated above, a structure preserving numerical method is necessary. In this section we outline how to modify a skewHamiltonian/Hamiltonian structure preserving algorithm from [3] for regular even pencils of index at most . For ease of notation, in this section we assume that the even pencil is regular of index at most . p p In order to use the skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian algorithm, we must transform the skew-symmetric/symmetric pencil into skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian form. For this we ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 13 c cc TU TU c " P c cc c (4.1) áD R cc + PR '" #% " c c cc '" # " '" % ( * . . For a general where is positive diagonal, % % ( * ´. , and even pencil this may be achieved, for example, by computing and reordering the real Schur form of % . The pencil (4.1) has even size. If the size of the original pencil is odd, then add one more index p eigenvalue infinity by appending one row and column as c cc + c c where is a nonzero scalar. The extended pencil is simply a direct sum of the original pencil and the scalar pencil cN . So the eigen-structure of the original pencil will not be affected by this adding. Let k8 ¢^¤£{¥ 0 cÌ #%cØ3 and : E . By interchanging the nd and rd columns and rows and then multiplying with , " from the right, the pencil (4.1) is equivalent to the skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencil ! % ! TU n·-k , k " , " + PR % !!##"" !!'" t # " !#" ! We then have the following structured Schur form. k " , " , and let (*-%,. %, be HamT 4.1. Let kD¢^¤£{¥ 0 %cd cØ3 , , iltonian. Then there exist orthogonal matrices h h and orthogonal symplectic matrices such that T " PR cc c c U h h c c c k c k TU " k PR cc k c cc k c h c c c k c c c c TU Pc (4.2) " h R cc cc % c c k " " (* {. are upper where % g" (* . are upper triangular % Ýk k triangular, and is lower quasi-triangular. Furthermore, Ýk are nonsingular. + , and + in (4.1) as well, are the same as the The finite eigenvalues of k c finite eigenvalues of the index pencil C·+OG · k c k " " c % + c " c t assume that the even pencil already has the form hg g f f , f ^] ] f ^] ] E E Q ]Y] R ! ]Y] ]^ ]r r 2 Y r Qs f O ] f ]r HEOREM r ]Y] ]r ] Y f f ] ]r] r g g f g Y] g ] g ] hg ^] f Y hg g f f ] /] Y ]Y] r / r Y E E Y r r O Y Y r Y hg g ETNA Kent State University 14 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU Proof. The proof appears in Appendix C, where (4.2) is proved constructively by Algorithm 4. 5. Application to optimal control. Consider the linear quadratic control problem described by (1.2)–(1.5). It is well known that if the pencil is regular then the boundary value problem is uniquely solvable [8]. We therefore assume that the pencil (1.5) is regular. (For the singular case, see [9].) The following proposition shows how the even staircase form (3.1) characterizes consistency of boundary conditions for the special problem (1.3). (The general theory of linear differential-algebraic equations of [25, 26] uses a normal form to characterize consistent initial conditions.) T HEOREM 5.1. Consider the boundary value problem (1.3) with a regular matrix pencil. Transform the boundary value problem to the staircase form (3.1). With as in (3.1), partition UT A " PR SI " tztwt " " í " í twtzt %" í " (5.1) ? ? w z t w t z t c , and wtwtztÔ Mc . The solution of the boundary value conformally. Then problem ? ? í . , í í c cc í · í . í í " í (which is of index at most p ) uniquely determines the remaining components, í , tztwt , . % í Proof. Because the pencil is regular, we have : » » and » . í » » , p ztwtztÔ . Hence, w z t w t Ô t p , we obtain recursively that for í ? í í » í » í í » » í . í » » í . t F I C DL L L L H 9 A @ A H @ q m q í wtwtztw í í %o " a a o c í 0V X 3¶ ê 0 % " 3 , and (5.1) with » âc for p ztwtwtw with l observation was made about more general pencils in [9]. The consistency of the boundary conditions in (1.3) may be checked by using the recur sion formulas for , the explicit solution representation ^ L C L L L L L { F !I @ A . A similar In this way we may reduce the general linear differential-algebraic boundary value problem (1.3) in an even structured way to a smaller linear differential-algebraic boundary value problem of index at most , to which appropriate methods may be applied. See for example, [2, 1, 27]. p 6. Conclusion. Even pencils have paired eigenvalues and a structured Kronecker-like canonical form with paired blocks. Even otherwise numerically stable numerical methods that allow asymmetric rounding errors can return computed “eigenvalues” that are unrealistic in the sense that they do not have proper pairing and, hence, are not eigenvalues of an even ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 15 pencil. Numerical procedures including asymmetric staircase forms for determining Kronecker indices do not calculate the sign indices of the even Kronecker-like form and, if they allow asymmetric rounding errors, can return unrealistic results. This paper presents an even staircase form for even pencils that displays the structure and characteristic indices of the singular and infinite eigenvalue structure of even Kroneckerlike canonical form. 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The proof is provided by the following algorithm. Note that in the algorithm, some blocks in the partitioned matrices may be void, i.e., they may have zero rows or zero columns or both. A LGORITHM 1. Staircase algorithm for even pencils. For this algorithm computes an orthogonal matrix such that , are in the form of (3.1). In addition, the algorithm produces a sequence of inertias of nonsingular, symmetric submatrices that will be used in Theorem 3.3. 4 ©¨ ! #O" "$% 8 " # "@(*-,/. , 0ÛÌ» Ü » cØ3 À À Set flag , § 3 5 (+*Z,/. , , 3 , ETNA Kent State University 17 A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS ª ª Ê ))«7 Ê 6 ¬ DO WHILE À flag Ð !©­ ª with ´ ))«!",³´ )m·¸% )m· ®¯ . ª Àð " " ³ " ¶µ Set ­ À ± Àð " ³ ­ À ¬ ± ª µ IF ¼½ Set THEN Á flag À ¿ ­ (Here ¹ ± )) ®»¯µ ° ­¿ ELSE ð '1À À À 'W¿ À ­/Á À Á §  b . Set § Perform the Schur decomposition of % ® ¯Ä Ä k where à ¨&7¶ÊË rank Set ¬ )) ! ) ¹ ³kà )m·¸% )(T³ )«T³ ¬ Å ° ¬ ">) µ¹ ¬ ¹ )) ¬ )m· Ê µ ). « ÀÀ ð Ä Ð ¬ 'À À À ' Á )) ¹ , À ÀÀ Ê ) µ & is nonsingular with inertia index ÅÇÆ & & Æ Â . ½ È ª ­)m· À À Ì) ª µ ­ )m· À À Ì) À À Ì) À À µ Á г ">) ¬ Îà ¬ Î µ ½ À « ð À zð « « À À Ê Â ¿ Ä À À ð « « ÀÀ À À " ­ ­ ¿ ³ 2Ñ ± 'À À À '*¿ 2Ñ ­)m· ) ¾ µ µ ¹ & ÄÊ À À ½ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ  ¿ ÄÊ À ÀÀ T¬ Î ">) ¬ Î "mÏ ) ¬ Ê ÊÀ È Â ´ "" µ ­ )m· "ͳ partitioned analogously. ÊË 4 IF ¼½ THEN ¾ Set flag and ¾¹ ¿ ­)m· "ͳ ,  2" ÀÀ ° ²± Ê À ÀÀ "" ³º¹ ¬ ¹ ">) µ ¬ ½ « ¾ and ³´ ± " ¬ partitioned analogously. 4 ­ ³ µ ð À À ð À " ³ % ))®k¯° \± Ê " À ÀÀ ð ð ª Perform a rank revealing factorization of ­ Á 'À À À ' Á 2Ñ "mÏ ¬ Î and ¸É ETNA Kent State University 18 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU ELSE Perform a rank revealing factorization or SVD & "mÏ0B1ÏJ³»Ò where Ò ½ Å Å ¿ À ½¾¾¾ ÀÀ À ¾Å ¿ À ÀÀ 4 1Ï ª ½ ¿ ¬ " ­¿ ­ and ¾ END IF END IF Form 6 6 ¼^½ Ê 4 ¾ Å ¼½ , Å × END WHILE Õ Ó )) ± ¼^½ Ï Â ³ Ê ¾ . ­ Å À Ó 2Ñ 1Ï ­)m· ³ ­ Ì) ¾ Ä Ï µ Ó ­ Á '1À À À ' Á 2Ñ ÕÖÊ )) Ï ¬ Ã Ê ¬ Õ ¼^½ Õ ¼½ Ê ³ )) ¬ )+Ï ¬ µ ¾ Ä & Ò )+Ï ¬ )+Ï Ï ¬ "mÏ )) Ó Ä 1Ï 'À À À 'W¿ 2Ñ µ ª ­ Ó ¹ Õ Â 1Ï ) Ä ¬ Set ª ">) ª ¬ ½ À« ¿ ª ">) À ¿ ) Ï >" ) ¬ ¬ Ò & ³ ¹ "" ">) "mÏ ¬ ¿ ¾ ­ ½¾¾¾ ÀÀ ¾ ¾ ª ÌÏ ¬ ½ ÀÀ Ä Ä "" ª  and Ä À À ÀÀ  Ãà À À ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ Ãà ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ Ä Ê À À À À  ½  À ÀÀ Ä ¿ À À ÀÀ Ä À À  ÃÃÃà À ÀÀ ÀÀÀ Ä=Ê ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ ½  ¿ À À ÄÊ ðÀ « À ÀÀ  À À ¬ð « À ÄÐ À À ð « « ÀÀ À À Å Å Ê ÀÀ Ê ­ Ï8 Ï8 Ê ¼^½ Ê µ«Ó is nonsingular. &!©Õ & , 5 Set 3 ª À ÀÀ ¬ Î % &K®»¯2Ô Ô Ï )+Ï ¬ à % ®¯ ° ° µ ¾ , and ! . Algorithm 1 will stop after finitely many steps, because at each recursive call, the order of the even pencil decreases. At some stage S must be either nonsingular or void. Our experimental M ATLAB implementation of the even staircase algorithm 1 makes rank decisions using a singular value drop tolerance y , i.e. singular values of magnitude less than an absolute threshold y are set to be zero. Ordinarily, y should be slightly larger than B× c × c ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS S 19 the magnitude of errors or uncertainties in the data. For example, if the data are perturbed only by rounding errors and is the unit round, then it would not be unreasonable to use 8Ø !ØÙ 8Ø BØ`Ù y for rank decisions on submatrices of and y for rank decisions on submatrices of . S w S Ô Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 3.3. We prove Theorem 3.3 constructively using another staircase algorithm to obtain a more condensed even staircase form followed by a further reduction closer to the even Kronecker-like canonical form of Theorem 2.3. In contrast to Algorithm 1 these reductions use extra non-orthogonal transformations, so they are theoretical in nature and may not be well suited to finite precision computation. The extra work displays a relationship between successive values of the inertias . A LGORITHM 2. Given , this algorithm computes a real Ú ,Ú Ú are in the even staircase form (3.1). nonsingular matrix Ú such that Ú Set flag ª ÝÜ %c®3 !'"Z ' "D(@*0Û ,» . , » (]* ,/. , " O" À À Ê Ê Ê À ÀÀ 3 , § ª )) ª Û³ ©¨ 5 4 , )) )) ± ¬ ®µ ¯ °Ü ± )+Ï » ª % ®k¯ ± ± À , )) Û³ 6 . and ª . ³ ³ " ¬ Å ð À À ð À À ­ ª µ 2" ­ ± µ IF ¼½ 4 Set ¨& THEN flag and Ý ½ « Á ¿ ± µ ® ¯ ° )) » (Here ¹ partitioned analogously. ­¿ Ä Ê ð "" ¹ ¬ ¹ ">) ¬ ¹ "mÏ ¬ )m· ²± µ ­ ¬ ÀÀ Ä Ê Â À ± 2" ³ ">) ¹ ¬ ¹ ) ) ¬ ¹ )+Ï % ¬ )m· ° ²± ¬ '1À À À 'W¿ Á ð 6 ¹ ¹ ¬ à "mÏ )+Ï ).  À « ÀÀ ð Ä Ð " ÀÀ ELSE ,  ´ ­ ± ° ²± " " ³ % ))®k¯ ° \± µ Ê !©­ ð ð ª Ê À ÀÀ ½ ð ¿ À À ½ ÀÀ ÀÀ À ð ¿ À À ð Set 2" " µ are void. ¬ ))«!",³´ )m·¸% )m· ®¯ with ´ Ê ¬ à ¬ Perform a rank revealing factorization of ª )+Ï )+Ï ¬ ¬ à where à , and ¨ Since , the initial last row and¬ column of DO WHILE flag À 3 '1À À À ' Á ­/Á À Set § §  b . Perform a congruence transformation with ½ Þß ¿ ­ ÀÀ Å À )+Ï ¬ "à 7Þ ª " Þá ª " Ê "à ©Þ ¬ " à to annihilate the blocks ¹ ª  ­ ¬ and ­ ¹ )+Ï ¬ ¹ )+Ï " Þß ¬ ÀÀ Ä ½ ¿ in " ¬ "" ¬ ¹ ¬ â ">) ¬ ¹ "mÏ . Set ¬ â >" ) ¬ â )) À 6 à  ÄÐ À "mÏ ¹ ETNA Kent State University 20 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU Perform the Schur decomposition & â ))0!Ì)J³Ã where Let Å Æ Set Î ª ¿ ¿ ­)m· À À ½ À À Ì) "mä "mä ¬ ½  ¸É ­)m· Ê µ is nonsingular. & be the inertia index of à . Ê ÊÀ ½ ÈÎ À ÀÀ ¬ % &K®k¯ãÄ ãÄ Ã & & ) ± ð ÀÀ « Ä Â Ì) ­ ª ¿ "à 2Ñ ­ ÀÀ ÀÀ ð ÀÀ « Ä ± ) ¿ "à 2Ñ À À ½ À À ¬ ­  ¾½¾ ð ÀÀ « Ä ¿ À  ½¾¾ ÀÀ ð ÀÀ « Ä ¿ ­)m· ´ 2Ñ ± ­)m· "" ¹ ¬ å ÀÀ ÀÀ Ì) ­ ± ¬ "mÏ ¹ ÀÀ Ä Ê å à å (Ñ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ  Ãà ÀÀ å "mÏ ¹  Ãà ÄÊ À À ÀÀ ÀÀ À & ¬ à partitioned analogously. Let æ be the permutation that interchanges the last two columns Ï and rows of . Set ½¾¾ ¬ ª )k ª æ "mä ´  Ãà ½ ÀÀ ÀÀ Ä ¿ À À Ä Ê ÀÀ ÀÀ  Ãà ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ À ÀÄ Â ÀÀ À ÀÀ ÄÐ ÀÀ ¿ À ÀÀ ½¾¾ ÀÀ ÀÀ ¿ æ "" ) ¬ ¨&7¨& Set 4 ¨ & Set Å "mä ½ ¬ ¿ ;ç (B.1) IF æ " ¬ Îå æ ¹ ¬ å "" ">) Ê ¬ Î ">) ¬ Î "mÏ ¼^½ Á flag Ý ¹ г Ý ¬ Î À . THEN Î Â å "mÏ Ã & ¬ "mÏ ¹ å à "mÏ ¬ Îà ¬ Î ½ and  ðÀ « ¿ À ½ À « ¬ð « ÀÀ À ¿ À « À ð ÀÀ À À 2" ­ ­¿  ´ ;ç ± 2Ñ '1À À À 'W¿ 2Ñ µ ­ )m· Ì) Þ ­ Ý ¹ ­ Á 'À À À ' Á 2Ñ ± ð ÀÀ « Ä Ê Â «ÄÐ 2Ñ æ ELSE Perform a rank revealing factorization or SVD "mÏ0B1ÏJ³»Ò where Ò & % ®»¯2Ô Ô ¬ Î & À ÀÀ is nonsingular. Ï µ«Ó Ê ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS Å Â Å ½ ¿ Àð À Ä ¿ Àð ½¾¾¾ ÀÀ À À ÀÀ À  à à ¾Å ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ Ãà ¿ À À À À ÀÄÊ ½ ÀÀ ÀÀ ÀÀ  ÀÀ ÀÀ ½ ¿ Àð À Ä ¿ Àð ÀÀ  Ãà À ½¾¾¾ ÀÀ À À Ãà ¾ À ÀÀ ÀÀ Ä Ê ¿ À ð ÀÀ « ÀÀ ½¿ ÀÀ ÀÀ À ð ÀÀ « À À À ½ « Àð «À ¿ À « ÀÀ À Å Å Å Ê À Å À À ½ 4 &7Õ &! , 5 Set 3 ª ª ">) ª )) Ó "" ª >" ) ÌÏ Ï ­ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ý ¹ Û³ ± Ï "" ">) ">) "mÏ )) ¬ ¬ ¬ Ò & "mÏ END IF Form 6 4 ­ 6 ­ µ ¼^½ Ï Ó Â ½  ð Ä ¿ À À ÄÐ ÀÀ À À  ÀÀ ð « Ä Ð Å Ê ³ Õ á ­/Á ¬ Ý ± Ï 'À À À ' Á (Ñ Õ ¼^½ ¨& )) ³ )+Ï ¬ ¬ µ . ­ Ó Õ ¼^½ ¨& 1Ï æ 2Ñ Ý 'À À À 'W¿ 2Ñ )) ¨&  ± Õè¨& ª Ý , ÀÀ Ä ± ) Þ 2Ñ ± Õ ¼½ Ý Â ­)m· " ¼^½ ¨& and END IF Ý Ó ¬ à ¬ ¹ ª Ï & Ò )+Ï Ó ¬ )+Ï ­ ¬ ­ ¿ Set ± 1Ï ) ¾ Set ­ ) Ï ª ÀÀ Ä Ï ª ±  , and Ï ­ Ï8 ¨& ¼½ 21 )+Ï ¬ à % ®¯ ° ° µ Ý , é . é END WHILE We now show that the subpencils generated by two algorithms are equivalent. For this we need the following lemma. vs and U WV . If L EMMA B.1. Suppose that Cg(* ¡. , £Ú 1CD ã " C c cc ã " C c cc where ('* . , ã ã (*- j. , and (+*-,/. , are nonsingular, then there exist nonsingular matrices k6 kk k c (* j. c (]* ,/. , where k (* . , such that ã ã k- Mk " t L Ú L DL Ú ] DL Ú ! Ú ] Ú Ú L L ETNA Kent State University 22 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU C iCj" or C ! Cj" and ã , ã , then k& k ã ê ã and ê . Then c c c c Dk " c c t " In particular, if . L Proof. Let Ú Ú and Ú L L Ú L The result follows directly by comparing the blocks on both sides. To show the relationship between Algorithms 2 and 1 we denote the blocks in Algorithm 2 by a and in Algorithm 1 by a S . Assume that at the beginning of the A th reduction q q + q " 0 + 3 % c , where (* ð . ð , % ( for some nonsingular matrix * ð . ð . Then for q % and % in q and , respectively, we have q % " % t bê (B.2) ê S ê ê ê S ê N N ê S Qê Let ^ê S ê S q " q % q cq cc " c cc t C S S S CS By Lemma B.1, q % c % is nonsingular and (r*- . . Then a simple calculation where yields @ q + q q " 0 + 3|q where TU c c " q c c ßq c o ð c o ð PR ¶ c . Clearly, then with q % q c " PR % TU c t (B.3) q " q " In Algorithm 2 we then determine a nonsingular matrix q such that q q q " q " q q cq cc vê S E E S S S ê ] ] ]Y] bê ]r] ë ] S S S ] L ì ] SS ]r] SS SS ] ] LS ë ] S S S ] L ì L ] ]r] ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 23 q [¢^¤£{¥ 0 Ì q 3 and in Algorithm 1 we determine an orthogonal matrix such that TU c " PR % c c t " By (B.3), the new q and must have the same inertia and the same size í 7 í . Moreover, by Lemma B.1, q % c Ñ ð c «. ð «. Ñ where Ñ is nonsingular and Ñ % (* Ñ Ñ We then have @ q + q áÑ q " 0 + 3Ñ q (B.4) where c c TU % Ñ o c o c q c q PR Ñ Ñ % c Ñq c Ñ Ý Ñ Ñ . with Ñ % Let q be the block of q in (B.1) and be the corresponding block in . By comparing the blocks in (B.4) we have q Ñ " Ñ t Let q " q q q c cc " c cc be the computed rank revealing factorizations. Then q and must have the same size 7 . Again by Lemma B.1 q Ñ ê k- q Ñ ê where k+ kk k c c and k (* z. . Then ) q q k q " 0 3kq where cð c TU ê q ð c c TU k6q PR c o « c Ñ q PR c o « c c c q c c k % c c c c T Pk k c c c k Ý k % k c c U R k ¶ k k k c k Ý k k k k where Lví L S L SS S SS SS ] S LS LS s LS L ]Y] ] ]r] S = E S E î = S 7s ] ] S ] ] ]r] ï ] S ] ^] S ^] ]r] H ^] _ S H S ^] _ S S y H H S S y _ S ]Y] _ S ð ð ] ] S S ] = S ] _S _ hg g g f g f f f ] ] ]r] Y] Y r] r = ETNA Kent State University 24 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU k Ñ k , k , and k . It is then evident that the newly ) q + q and + satisfy ) q + q kk k c " 0 3 kk k c and with ]Y] generated subpencils r r S S ] ]Y] S J S ] ]Y] which is the same as (B.2). Since both algorithms start with q [ q D it follows by induction that they generate the same integers :» , ¶» , » . The inertia indices satisfy ÛÌq » ÛÌ» Û» ê and Ü q » MÜ » 6Ü » . S S s 9 In the following we will show that by carrying out some further block Gauß elimination steps, the staircase form computed by Algorithm 2 can be reduced close to the even Kronecker-like form. In Algorithm 2 it is not necessary to move all the blocks L toward the center. So the permutation with in (B.1) does not necessarily have to be carried out. The staircase form has the following block structure. s ½¾¾¾ ß ¹ é ¾¾¾ #"" ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ Å ¾¾¾ Å ¾ Å .. . .. . ¾¾ ¹ жÐÝÐ . .. " % & " % )+& "" é .. . .. . . .. . .. . " % &('1" 6 " % &('-) .. . .. . ÐÐÝÐÝÐÐÐÐ ÐÝÐÝÝÐ ÐÝÐÝÐÝÐ ÐÐÝÐÐ .. " % )+&('1" .. 6 . .. . .. . ,&0% & Å 6 .. . .. . &0% & 6 &0 % &2'-) .. . .. . "% &2'-) .. . & À &0% &2'1" .. . .. . .. . 6 .  ÃÃà À ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà "% )+&('" . &('*)r% &('*) 6 . .. . q » » » ¶q » Ý» E q » , ( p ), and » . í Ý » (6* , ¹ . ¹ « £{Ú » . í ¶ » í . í c c ðc « (]* ´. :» q : » » » » . í » : » » » c p s 9 #?©@Ë?BA >= WV U DC = ò s H E E 9 C I . 6 )+&('1"% )+&('1" Ä 9 s $?©@?KA #?7@?BA .. . .. . 3 & 4 5 & .. . .. . Î 5 " Î .. . .. . 3 & 4 5 & .. . .. . Î 5 " ÖE q í . The blocks have p q» í p ñ 3 " 3 " Î (B.5) F . . .. ó< ò À ÃÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃ Ä &('"% &('" 6 . where for s Qs ¶s ,9 the following properties. .. .. .. &0% &('*) 6 .. ÐÝжРÐÝÐÝÐ "% &2'-) 6  ÃÃà #"% )+& À &('1"% &('1" .. . .. . 6 &0 % &2'1" .. . .. . "% &('" 6 6 $"% &('-) À "% & ÐÐÝÐ #"% &('" ,&0% &2'1" 0 & % &('1" .. . .. 6 . "% &2'-) & ÐÝÐÝÐÐÝÐÐ .. " % & #"% & жжÐÐÐÐ ¶Ð¶Ð ÐÝÐÝÐРжÐÐ Å .. . u6 6 6 6 .. " % & ¿ Å ½¾¾¾ À ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¿ é жÐÐ " % &('" 6 é Ê Ê ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 25 q » ¶c » í » . í » ¶q »» c » c p í . í "% í % (* ´. í (* ð « . ð « where all the blocks » » are nonsingular. Without loss of generality, we may assume that and » D¢^¤£{¥ 0 o ¹ w!o ¹ 3 . The property that » . í Ý » has full column rank can be shown as follows. After the first step of reduction we have ccc T P " ccc f c c ccc U t R c c ccc c c ccc In the next step, after having compressed , is changed to ccc T % P " c ccc " c c ccc U t cc R cc cc cc c ccc c c c ccc " and are nonsingular, has to be of full column rank. It is easily Since seen that is equivalent to . . So . has full column rank. By induction, it follows that the other blocks » . % í ¶ » have full column rank as well. We now begin further reductions on the pencil (B.5). The reduction process is described in the following algorithm. " and "O be given as in (B.5). A 3. Let s s 9 L DL L L C E C $?©@Ë?!A M 9 ôL E E L = ò L = õ ò H L ÷ò öò L g g g f g f f f S f f S f S ^] f f hg g g g g g S ] S C f S ^] C S ] LGORITHM Ú í Ú Ú í ">) ">) Ú &('1" Å &('1"% &('1" 6 Annihilate the blocks à and à with pivot block à in . 0 ,&0% &('" & % &('" ( ) above and to the left of Annihilate the blocks in ´ in &('"% &('" with the pivot block ´ . Then Å ³ ,&0% & 0 & % &('" ¿ µ Because by the reduction procedure ø & Ï ðÀ « Ð has to be of full column rank. ÞÎ ³ such that ù ù À À ­ µ ³ Å ø Û³ Î ,&0% & 0 & % &('1" ­ ±ã ½ ,&0% &('1" &('"% &('" = &0% & ÅÀ Î ³ ,&('1"% &('1" µ Î is nonsingular, So we can determine µ a nonsingular matrix ½¾¾ ù À À ÄÐ À À &8% &('" & '"% &('" ( 0 & % &('" Then µ ,&0% &('" ´ ø & ,&0% Î & Å ³  ø & À À ¿Å ­ "" µ ú ">) ú ÀÀ ">) )) ÀÀ Å Àð « À ­ú ú Î ± = ´ ­ ± Î ð À «  Ãà ÄÐ ÀÀ = ETNA Kent State University 26 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU )) Ê Å ð « ">) ">) , and We then annihilate ­ transformation with pivot blocks ± ã of Å ³ ,&0% & ,&0% &('1" ú &('"% &('" 8 & % &('" ú ú "" , Å ð « ðð « by performing another block Gauß congruence ­ = ±ã and . Again by the nonsingularity = has to be nonsingular. &Qç Rûýü ¿ ±ã So it can be compressed further to ú µ more congruence transformation. Eventually, &0% & Å ³ ½¾¾ by performing one & Å ¿ À ÀÀ ð « ÀÀ ÀÀ Å À À Ï Ê Ê &0% &('1" 0 & % &('" ú = ^þóÿ ) ,&('"% &('" ú µ ­ ±ã ´ = ±ã ­ ð À «  Ãà ÄÐ ÀÀ Ï = 6 Applying the same sequence of congruence transformations to , it is easy to check that the block structures and ranks will not change. ­ ¿ 6 Ò " We now proceed by working on . First we simplify and Ò to ­ ­ 6 &8% &('*) 6 &0 6 &8% &('*) % &2'-) Ò in and by post-multiplying to and pre-multiplying Å 6 &0 % &('*) its transpose to . Note that this transformation does not affect É 6 &('*)r% &('*) and the blocks in . & 6 &0% &('*) 6 &0 6 &0% &2'1" 6 0 & % &('-) & % &('" 6 &0% & Second, we annihilate , in , and ­¿ 6 &0% &('*) 6 &8 % &('*) with pivot block in and . Å ð Å ÝÊ Ð¶ÐÝÐÝÊ Á Á Ï Ê¶ÐÝÐÝÐÊ Ï Ï Å ð Ï Ê Ï ÏÏ Ï ÏÏ Å Ï Ï Å ÊÝÐÝÐÝÐÊ Å ÊÝÐÝÐÐ¶Ê ¶Ê ÐÝÐÐÝÊ Å Ï Ï Å Ï ÏÏ Ï Å ¹À « ¹À « ¹« Å ¹« Ï Ï Ï ÏÏ Ï ÀÀ Ï Ð À Ï ¹ ¹ « Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï ¹ Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï ÊÐÝжÐÝÊ Ï Ï Ï Ï ÊÝÐÝÐÝÐÊ Ï Ï¹ Ï Ï Ï Ï With this further reduction, the matrices and are transformed as  ÃÃà À ÃÃà ÃÃà ÃÃà ŠÃÃÃ Ê À Å Ãà À À Ä Å À À FOR § ÏÏ Ê % '" a) Annihilate the blocks in with the nonsingular blocks in &0% &('" '"% )+& as pivots. Simplify % )+&2'1" and % )+&('" % )+& ³ to ­ Á n= ã % , % ú ú 6 , Ò Annihilate the blocks 6 , Æ in as well as 6 % )+&('-) 6 % )+&('*) from and ­ Á >= ã % )+& ,&('"% &('" % 6 , % )+&('*) in 6 µ , respectively. ­ Á >= ã and µ from and must be nonsingular and thus % )+ú&('*) % '1" 6 6 and % )+&('1" % )+&('*) 6 % )+&('*) 6 to 6 % '" ­ ¿ . % )+&('" , , ­ ¿ with block pivot . END FOR ½¾¾¾ Þ kÞº ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ #"" ¾¾¾ .. . ¾¾¾ .. & . ¾¾ ,&0% & ¿ " % )+& .. . .. . & 8 & % &('" ,&0% &('1" "% &('1" .. . .. . "% ) 3 " . .. . .. . .. 3 & 4 ,&('"% &('" 5 & "% &('1" .. . .. , ­ Á >= ã г With the same argument as before, û ü¿ Á n= þ ÿ ) ã we reduce to . b) Reduce the blocks Ò ³ and with pivot blocks Annihilate the blocks in µ % )+&('1" % )+&('" and to get % '" 0 & % &('" as well as '"% )+& .. . .. . Î . .. . 5 " Î ETNA Kent State University ½¾¾¾ A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS Þ ¾¾¾ À ¾¾ .. . 6 6 .. " % )+&('" À &2'1"% &2'1" 6 &('*)r% &('*) 6 0 & % &('*) . .. 3 " .. . ÃÃà . .. &0% &('-) 6 ÃÃà "% )+&('" 6 ¾¾¾ ¿  ÃÃà Þß u6 . 6 )+&('"% )+&('" Ä 27 Ãà 3 & 4 5 & .. . Î 5 " q q Ï w» Ý» » ) Â Ï ÀÀ Ä Ê Á Å Á Ê Ï Ï Ê Ê Ê ÀÀ Á À Å ÀÀ À Ê ðÀ « Ê ÏÀ Ï Ï Å Ï Ê À Ï Ï Ï Ê À ÏÏ Ï À Ê Á Ï Ï Ï Ï Ê Ê À À À Á Ð À Ê E p are signature Note that all » ·¢^¤£{¥ 0 o À ¹ w!o ¹ 3 , p matrices. By performing a congruence transformation to the pencil with ã " ã ã " ã in (B.6) |O (B.6) ã Ï ½ Ï ÏÏ Ï Å Ï ¿ À ÏÀ Å Ï Ï ÏÏ Ï Å for some nonsingular matrix % )+&('" Î 3 ¨ 5 Î , where (note that 9 ¨ ' " '" '" '1" 5 Î 3 % 5 '" 5 ³ Î Î & & '" ¨ ( 3 ,&0% &2'1"2 ¨&('" Î Î &2'1"% &2'1"2гk´ ±ã ¨ % )+&('-) 6 Î )+&2'-) 6 % )+&('*) 5 ¨ ¨&2'1" Î Î § Bû µ `· 3 § ³ ÃÎ § Î Ã &('" ÷ò öò ¨&('" ­ ´ µ µ 5 &('"2 5 &('"% &('" г L Î = 5 '1" 5 Î Î ­ 3 '" 5 û ³ 3 ¨ 6 ¼^½ § ­ 3 '1" 5 ­ Î '1" s 9 µ ®»¯ )m·¸% )m· µ ?7@?KA J with an appropriate permutation, we obtain the structured Kronecker form (2.2) of This leads to the conclusion in Theorem 3.3. Let us illustrate this complicated process by an example. E XAMPLE B.2. Let c c P c c c OfD p c c p c p c c c R cc cc c c f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f C c ccc T pc c c ccc p c c p c cc cc cccc U cccc cccc cccc hg g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g . ETNA Kent State University 28 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU c c P cc c c c c p cc T c c c c p c c p c c c c c c p ccc U c ccc c ccc c ccc hg g g f g f f f g c f f g g g g c cc cp cc R cp cp cc is nonsingular. We have , and : : D cÌp : D[cÌc · cd t q p q q q f f f f f f f f f f where C g g g g g g g A ] s Then s s ] 9 ] 9 p : p 3Ù : D cÌp ; : p (for D» cÌ ) 3 Ù q q Ü q0W: p q [cd q DcÌ q 0W: [cÌ (for ë » ê ) (for ë » ) By Theorem 3.3, we conclude that the pencil has one singular block ¦ cF@Oc ; one block ; one block ; and one block ë with ù & p . The canonical structure of 8=O . associated with the finite eigenvalues is the same as that of In fact, if we rearrange the columns and rows of and in the order ü , , p , , , , , , , p c , pp and let s be the corresponding permutation matrix, then T P c c c c p c c c p cc cc ccc c p c p c s " 0 O3îs8[ c c ccc c p c U cc R c p cc c T P p c c cc p c c c p c c c ccc c ccc p c p ccc c c p U c cc R p cc c s 9 ; q s 9 9 ] 9 ] 9 s 9 ] s s ] s s ] C hg g C f 2 g g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f g f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f hg g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 29 which is in the structured Kronecker form. p Appendix C. A structured algorithm for computing the structured Schur form of regular skew-symmetric/symmetric pencil of index at most .. In this appendix we present an algorithm for computing the structured Schur form (4.2). We call a matrix . In this algorithm we will deorthogonal-symplectic if and note by m @ a Givens rotation operating in rows or columns and @ . If is orthogonal-symplectic and also then m @ í is orthogonal-symplectic. Finally in the algorithm we use the orthogonal-symplectic permutaw tion matrix . t O A LGORITHM 4. For a regular skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencil of index Y OE E at most with and , where is positive diagonal, this algorithm computes orthogonal matrices and orthogonal sym , such that , are in the form (4.2). plectic matrices ()*-,/. , " o , " , , = 0 3 3 ¢^_£¥ 3 » * ( ,/. *, ,. , # 3 & ( ´0 0 » » =0W: ´: sg , ztwtztÔ , ê , , í wtztwtÔ , ê á k k " " D ( * / , . , k ¢ ¤ ^ { £ ¥ Ì c % ® c 3 p 0 (M* . , , " " k " 0 , k " h , " 3 h h h h h Let ß gsu ·o , [su [s " 0 , k h " , " 32sgD¢^¤£{¥ 0 cÌ h %c , ê %cd c , 3Ôt k to a form that is as (4.2) with the exception Step 1. Reduce that is lower Hessenberg. FOR ;F p ztwtztÔ : % Annihilate , í 9¬. 9 ztwtztw , . 9 FOR : E ;wtztwtz ´: p Determine =0 E p 3 to annihilate B» 9 . Set n " 0 E p 3 k " 0 E p 32k =0 E p 3Ôt h h í E 3 Determine 0 : : p to annihilate ùÔ» . » . Set kDk 0 : : E p 3Ô ´0 : : E p 3¶t Determine =0 : : E p 3 to annihilate ùÔ» , í . » , . Set n " 0 : : E p 3 k6 " 0 : : E p 32k E 3¶t h h =0 : : p END FOR % Annihilate %,/. 9 Determine =0W: ´: 3 to annihilate ,/. 9 . Set n " 0: ´: 3 k6 " 0W: ´: 3%k- =0W: ´: 3Ôt h h 3 Determine another =0: ´: to annihilate ù ,/. , . Set k6Mk =0: ´: 3¶ =0: ´: 3Ôt % Annihilate ,/. 9 wtztwtÔ 9 í . 9 FOR : wtwtztÔ; E p b Y r E E r A A @ @ @ @ A ^ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ r @ ó@ ó@ @ A A ^ A A @ @ @ @ ó@ @ @ ETNA Kent State University 30 R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU =0 p 3 to annihilate » . 9 . Set ß " 0 p 3 k " 0 p 32k- =0 p 3¶t hí h 3 p to annihilate ù » . » . Set Determine ´0 k[k 0 p 3Ô 0 p 3¶t p : E 3 to annihilate ù , í » . , í » . Set Determine =0: E ß " 0: E p : E 3 k " 0: E p : E 3%k- E p : E 3Ôt h h =0: END FOR % Annihilate , í 9¬. 9 í wtwtztÔ , í 9. , FOR M; E p wtwtztÔ : p Determine =0 E p 3 to annihilate , í 9¬. » . Set ß =0 E p 3¶ =0 E p 3¶ =0 E p 3¶t hí h E 3 Determine 0 p to annihilate V» . » . Set " 0 E p 3 ´0 E p 3¶t E p 3 to annihilate V , í » . , í » í . Set Determine =0: E : E ß =0: E : E E p 3¶ =0W: E : E E p 3¶ E E E p 3¶t h h =0W: : END FOR % Annihilate , í 9¬. , Determine =0W: {: 3 to annihilate , í 9¬. , . Set ß =0W: ´: 3Ô =0: ´: 3Ô =0: {: 3¶t h h Determine another =0: ´: 3 to annihilate V ,/. , . Set " 0: {: 3 =0: ´: 3¶t % Annihilate , í 9¬. , ztwtwtz , í 9¬. , í 9 í FOR ´: ztwtwtw : Er; E Determine =0 p 3 to annihilate , í 9¬. » . Set n =0 p 3¶ =0 p 3Ô =0 p 3Ôt h h 3 Determine 0 : p : to annihilate V§» . » . Set " 0 : p : 3 0 : p : 3Ôt Determine =0 : p : 3 to annihilate V§» ,. » , ê . Set n =0 : p : 3¶ =0 : p : 3¶ 3¶t h h =0 : p : Determine @ @ ó@ A ^ @ @ ó@ @ @ @ ó@ @ @ @ @ @ @ r @ @ A @ @ @ @ A @ @ ï @ @ A @ ó@ @ @ ó@ @ @ ó@ @ @ @ @ ï @ @ @ @ @ @ @ A A b A A @ @ ï @ @ A @ ó@ @ @ v ó@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ó@ @ ó@ @ ETNA Kent State University 31 A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS END FOR END FOR (Note that the (3,3) block of now is zero.) % Annihilate A A E E FOR Determine to annihilate A . í í ztwtztw í í í ;F : E p , wtwtz tÔ. , : E , ´. , =0 ;;ÖE p 3 9¬. 9 í Set ß =0 ;; E p 3¶ =0 ;; E p 3Ô =0 ;Ý;ÖE p 3¶t h h ï END FOR Step 2. Reduce to lower quasi-triangular form. r k- p ztwtzhJtÔ Partition the matrices as in (4.2). Apply the periodic -algorithm, see e.g. ([7, 22, 23]) to the formal product r , @ r to determine orthogonal matrices Y Y such that and Y are lower triangular, and ] , are upper triangular, and Y is lower ] quasi-triangular. Let k " k % " g" gl " k l lg" l lg " % l lg " l l» l8" k l l l8 " [[ ¢¢^_^_££¥¥ 0 oo ll oo ll 3Ô3Ô DD¢¢^_^¤££{¥ ¥ 0 o o l l o o l l 3¶3Ôt 0 0 Set n " k " k " h h h h t Once the form (4.2) has been obtained, we introduce k6 " k " and n " t (C.1) h h h h Because , k " , " , ß8 , , " , , , , and , , , we have " J0 ," h 3 " k , " 3Z , k "" , "" 0, , , , 0 , h , " 3 " h 0 , h " , 3 " 8 , " , " (C.2) and from Mk , we have " 0 , , " 3$ " k " J0 , , " 3Z k , k " , " h (C.3) 0 , h , " 3 h " jh h0 , h , " 3%k h " h , , " t + are exactly the finite eigenvalues It was shown in [3] that the finite eigenvalues of of ñ +! · c c + c c (with doubled algebraic multiplicity). Let ·¢^¤£{¥ 0 , , " Ý3 , D¢^¤£{¥ 0 , , " 3 . h h h h If follows from (C.1), (C.2), (C.3), and (4.2) that " 0 ñ +! f3 [ k , k c " , " c " + gc " " c , , , , ] E E E E E S S S S S E E E S S S # S S O Q S S # S B S Q S S ETNA Kent State University 32 c c k % k " " " P c c c c D c c " k k " c " " c " " R c c c c c " c % P c c g" " " " c g" " " R c c g" c c c " g" f T R. BYERS, V. MEHRMANN AND H. XU " " hg g g g g g g g g g " Y f f f f r f f f f r f " c % f f f f f f f ]Y] f r c " Y c f f % " U " " c " " ]Y] T g " g g " g g g Y U g g g g t p ü Rearranging the rows and columns by a block permutation in the order , , , , , , , , the pencil is equivalent to the pencil õ " " " TU U # " " " " Pc PR c$ c c c c R c ä c u õê" c c c "%# " c c " ä" where the asterisks indicate (possibly) nonzero blocks and k k " c ä c % Qõ# c t # c " g" c g" c are exactly those of & #g6 ä and &#|"]EH ä " . It The finite eigenvalues of ñ +! is easily verified that o c 0 &#DE ä 3 o c [&#g+ ä c !o c !o #â· & # " E ä " are the same. Therefore, · and the eigenvalues of & #g ä have the same finiteä and & eigenvalues with the same algebraic multiplicity. k Ý k Since are nonsingular, the pencil ' #g+ ä is equivalent to c k " k % t # ä " g" c ä are the square roots of the eigenvalues of the Then, obviously, the eigenvalues of # matrix ê 0 # ä 3 8 k " k c % " g" " g" c k " k ê t Note that the two diagonal blocks have the same eigenvalues. Using the triangular forms of ä 32 can be computed from the diagonal blocks of the these blocks, the eigenvalues of 0 # upper quasi-triangular matrix ¡k " k % % % " " t c f " " T hg " hg g g f f f Y r Y ]r] r Y Y Y Y Y r r Y Y Y r Y r ETNA Kent State University A STRUCTURED STAIRCASE ALGORITHM FOR SKEW-SYMMETRIC/SYMMETRIC PENCILS 6O g+ ä 6 g+ ä . This then allows to compute the eigenvalues of &# O Because is equivalent to ' # be obtained from , as well. , the finite eigenvalues of + 33 can