ETNA Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis. Volume 25, pp. 302-308, 2006. Copyright 2006, Kent State University. ISSN 1068-9613. Kent State University MORE EXAMPLES ON GENERAL ORDER MULTIVARIATE PADÉ APPROXIMANTS FOR PSEUDO-MULTIVARIATE FUNCTIONS PING ZHOU Dedicated to Ed Saff on the occasion of his 60th birthday Abstract. Although general order multivariate Padé approximants have been introduced some decades ago, very few explicit formulas have been given so far. We show in this paper that, for any given pseudo-multivariate function, we can compute its general order multivariate Padé approximant for some given index sets with the usage of Maple or other software. Examples include a multivariate form of the sine function '( *) $&%! !#" ) +,-*/.*%!0 a multivariate form of the logarithm function 1 # '(324 -56. a multivariate form of the inverse tangent function 7 8#98 '( :;" <$&%! *) ) +=-*6.>(% and many others. Key words. multivariate Padé approximant; pseudo-multivariate function AMS subject classification. 41A21 1. Introduction. Multivariate Padé approximants have been extensively investigated in the past few decades. The existence, uniqueness and non-uniqueness for homogeneous and general order multivariate Padé approximants and some convergence theorems have been established [3], [4], [5]. Despite all these activities, there are very few explicit constructions of multivariate Padé approximants. By using the residue theorem and the functional equation method, several researchers have successfully constructed multivariate Padé approximants to some functions which satisfy functional equations [2], [11], [12], [13]. Unfortunately, not many functions satisfy those functional equations. Besides, because the index sets for the numerator and denominator polynomials can not be chosen freely, most numerators of the approximants look complicated. In Cuyt-Tan-Zhou [7], we explicitly construct multivariate Padé approximants to so-called pseudo-multivariate functions, by using the Padé approximants of particular univariate functions which, in most of the cases, are the univariate projections of the pseudo-multivariate functions obtained by letting all but one variable be zero. Examples given in [7] are the general order multivariate Padé approximants for the multivariate form of the exponential function ?A@BDCFE;GH J I KL M!N=O W B K E M @PRQ9STGVU C Received February 25, 2005. Accepted for publication November 16, 2005. Recommended by D. Lubinsky. Research supported by NSERC of Canada. Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS, Canada, B2G 2W5 ( 302 ETNA Kent State University 303 GENERAL ORDER MULTIVARIATE PADE APPROXIMANTS the multivariate form of the XY exponential function (see also [1], [12]) B K E M J I ?[Z&@<B\C!E]G^H K<L M!N=O _ PRQ9S*` Z U C a abdc*C X the Appell function (see also [6], [9]) @i]G J I egfh@<iCjc(Cjc(k!l5k!B\CFE;G&H KmM @ljG K<L M!N=O B K E M Cnl boipbrq;C KmM and the multivariate form of the partial theta function (see also [12], [8], [1]) s,Zg@B\C!E]GhH J I K8mM!u K<L M!N=O f K8mM!m XTt uv:w B t K E M C a a]xyc(z X Our aim in this paper is to show that, by using Theorem 2.1 in [7] and Maple, we can compute @{dC:|}G the general order multivariate Padé approximant to any given pseudo-multivariate {dC:|~C!? function for defined in Theorem 2.1 in [7] (and stated as Theorem 1.3 in this paper). D EFINITION 1.1. Let J e@BDCFE;GH l B K E M Cl KM KM K<L M!u5 ] t {dC!|~C:? w H z {dC!| be a formal power series, and let be index sets in d The ( ) general e@BDCFE;G ? order multivariate Padé approximant to on the set is a rational function @<B\CFE;G _ {V|`@BDCFE;GH @<B\CFE;G where the polynomials J @<B\CFE;GH i B K E M Cyi KM C KM~ KL M!u( t J @BDCFE;GH KM B K E M C K<L M!u*~ KM C t are such that (1.1) @e Y J Gj@B\C!E;GhH K<L M!u5 ! / KM B K E M C KM/ t and ? (1.2) satisfying the inclusion property @PCSG ?ChqroP:C;qr ¡nS¢H=£¤@RC! G D EFINITION 1.2. A multivariate function the coefficients of its formal power series er@BDCFE;GH e@<B\CFE;G J I K<L M!N=O l KM ?z is said to be pseudo-multivariate if B K E M ETNA Kent State University 304 P. ZHOU satisfy l Ho¥¦@P=Q}SGRC§PCS¨HAq#Cjc(Cj©j©>©VC KM ¥ @#G Rz where is a certain function of {dC!| Please see [7] foremore details on definitions of the ( ) general order multivariate @<B\C!E]G ?C Padé approximant to on the set which is slightly different from the one given in earlier papers, and the pseudo-multivariate functions. T HEOREM 1.3. (Theorem 2.1 in [7]) Let J I er@<B\CFE;GªH« J ¥­@;G ¬ N=O CF¯ be a pseudo-multivariate function. For ® B K E M ¬ K8mM!N , let ± (1.3) °± L² ± L² X be the @ ® CF¯\G ³ M M!N=OD¶ M ² ³ M M!N,O\· M @³TGªHµ´ ´ C H¸c · O Padé approximant of the function ¹ J I @<³GH ¥ @;G;³ ¬ C ¬ N=O let º HA»¼¾½R¿ ® CF¯gÀ(C and let |ÁTH¸¿T@<P:CSG(qÂPCS¯gÀTC (1.4) (1.5) {ÃTH¸¿T@<P:CSG(qÂPCS À^Ä¿T@PCSTGª(qÅPRQ9S º ?ÇTH¸¿T@<P:CSG(qÂP=Q}Sp (1.6) w be index sets in . Then the ( ? on the index set is {dC!| ® QƯgÀ(C QƯ&C&PCSÈrq]À ® ) general order multivariate Padé approximant to @BDCFE;G _ {3|`@BDCFE;GHµ e@B\C!E;G C @BDCFE;G where (1.7) @BDCFE;GH ± X L² @<BG X ± @<E;GRC L² and @BDCFE;G B °± H @BG ÉÊ\Ë&Ì ÍÎ < K L ²(Ï J ± J H L² ¶ K8N=O M!N Ë&Ì ÍÎ KL ²(Ï!m L² @<E]G B B K E M E Y Y E X QÆB K<Ñ ± f L² @BRG °± E M!m f L² @E;G Q©j©j©QÒB M E KÓ M!N=O J Y ± K · MÐ ² (1.8) X f ¶ K · MÐ B K8m f E MVÑ f QÆB K8m,w E MVÑRw QA©>©j©QÆB MVÑ f E K8m f ÓVÕÔ z ETNA Kent State University 305 GENERAL ORDER MULTIVARIATE PADE APPROXIMANTS The proof of this theorem in [7] uses the fact that if B ¹ er@BDCFE;GhH and if @<BG B E ¹ Y BnA ÖH ERC @<E]G C E Y BHAEC er@BDCFBRGH B @B ¹ @BG:GhH E @<E ¹ @E]G!GHAer@<EC!E;GRz @<BDCFE;G# R EMARK 1.4. It is easy to see that is irreducible. @B\C!E]G is irreducible, as ° ± L² @<³G# X ± L² @³TG 2. More Explicit Constructions. The importance of finding more explicit formulas of multivariate Padé approximants to some given functions is obvious as very few@{d of C!them are |}G known so far. For any given pseudo-multivariate function, we can compute its gen? CF¯&C {dC!|C!? eral order multivariate Padé approximant on the set for given ® where , and C!¯ are defined in Theorem 1.3. For some pseudo-multivariate functions whose one variable ® projection functions have general explicit formulas of Padé approximants, like the ones given in [7], we can use Theorem 1.3 to write their general order multivariate Padé approximants. For those pseudo-multivariate functions whose one variable projection functions don’t have general explicit formulas of Padé approximants, we can use Maple or other software to com@{dC!|9G ?pz pute the general order multivariate Padé approximant on the set In what @follows {dC!|}G we present an example of a short procedure in Maple, called mpa, to compute the general order multivariate Padé approximant for two variable pseudo-multivariate functions. C!B\C C!¯ ® In the procedure mpa( × ), × is the one variable projection function of the pseudoe B ¯ multivariate function , is the variable of × , ® and are non-negative integers. It computes @{dC!|}G e@<B\C!E]G ? the general order multivariate Padé approximant to on the set , where {dC!| ? , and are defined in Theorem 1.3. b b b b b b b b b b b with(numapprox): mpa:=proc(f,x,m,n) local g,px,py,qx,qy,PP,QQ,PQ; g:=pade(f,x,[m,n]); px:=numer(g); qx:=denom(g); py:=subs(x=y,px); qy:=subs(x=y,qx); PP:=simplify((x*px*qy-y*qx*py)/(x-y)); QQ:=simplify(qx*qy); PQ:=simplify(PP/QQ); return (PQ); end proc: E XAMPLE 2.1. The function Ø J I @B\C!E]GhHÙ@BQÒE;GÙ @ K<L M!N=O Y B cG KmM w!K E wM @ÚÛ@P=Q}SG\QcGVU is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ J I @<³GgHà ²¾N=O @ Y cG ² ³ w:²¾m f @Ú¾¯QÜcGU HÝ!Þß³àz ETNA Kent State University 306 P. ZHOU Running mpa @<ÝFÞ8ß\@BRG3C!B\C!á#C:Ú(G cjâTq¾BãQÂä5BàãVE w in Maple gives QcjâTq¾B w EQoäB w E]ã cÚ¾q*B¨QAc>â(q¾BàE w Y á[@<Ú¾q[QÆB w = G @Ú*qQÆE w G Y @{dC:|}G which is?the C the set with cÚ*q*q*E QAc>â(q¾E]ã Y general order multivariate Padé approximant to the function Ø C @<B\C!E]G on |§H¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅPCSprÚ]À(C {åH¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅPCSpoá#C¡P=Q}Spræ]À(C ?çH¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅP,Q}SpoæÀTz E XAMPLE 2.2. A multivariate form of the logarithm series is B J è[@<B\C!E]GhH z PRQ9S f KmRMVé K E M It is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ ²¾N,O Running mpa( ê8ß­@!c ³GC!³àC!á#Cjc Y Y Y @{dC:|}G HAêß/@!c ¯pQAc ³Gz Y ) gives Ú5â(B w Qcjâ(B w / E QÆá*B w E w QÅë*ì*B Y ì @<á*B â G=@<á*E âTG Y Y ë*ì¾BàE­QÜcjâ(B#E w QÆá*EãjB â*E]ã Ú¾â*E w QÆë(ì¾E Y Y ì[@á¾B âTGR@á¾E âG Y Y â(BàãQÅá¾BàãjE Y which is the ?C the set with f ³ ²¾m J I @<³G&H C general order multivariate Padé approximant to the function |§H¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅPCSpyc*À(C {åH¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅPCSpoá#C¡P=Q}SpÂâ#À(C ?çH¸¿T@PCSTGª(qÅP,Q}SpÅâ;ÀTz E XAMPLE 2.3. The function ío@BDCFE;GhH J I @ K<L M!N=O cÛ©jᦩ*©>©j©¾©*@ÚÛ@P=Q}SG Y cG KmRM @PRQ9SG3U Y cG B K E M C[a Bga3Ca E,ax is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ @ J I @³TG&H Y cG ² cÛ©jᦩ歩¾©>©j©¾©T@Ú¾¯ ¯&U ²¾N=O Hdî c^QÅÚ*³;C[a ³aTx Ú c z Y cG ³ ² Ú c è@<B\C!E]G on ETNA Kent State University 307 GENERAL ORDER MULTIVARIATE PADE APPROXIMANTS @ Similarly, mpa ºXï @<B\C!E]Gà proximant @ðc^QÂÚ¾³GC!³àC!á;CÚ*G @BDCFE;G to @{dC:|}G gives the general order multivariate Padé ap? a BgaVCa E,axyc*Ú]C on the index set for where í¢@<B\C!E]G QÆñ*B ã E/QÅá¾B ã E w @B\CFE;GhHâ*B ã QÆá(ì¾B w Q â(ñ*B6QAcÚ¾q¾BàE­Qoä5ì¾BàE w Qoä5ì*B w E¦QÅá(æ5B w E w QÆâ(ñ¾E¦QÆá(ì¾E w QÆñ*B#E ã QÅá¾B w E ã QÒâ(E ã Qc>ì#C and @B\C!E]G^H Ð â QÆñ*B¢QÆá*B w Ó â QÆñ*E¦QÅá¾E w Ó Ð C {dC!|~C:? with the same as given in Example 2.1. E XAMPLE 2.4. The function J I sn@B\C!E;GhHç@<B¢QÒE;G @ Y K<L M!N=O cG KmRM B w:K E wðM Ú@PRQ9SG\Qc is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ J I @<³GhH @ ²*N=O @¼*ó:ôVò:¼*ß,@BGVCFBDC Y cG ² f ³ w!²*m Ñ Hrò¼¾ß Ú¾¯Qc CF¯\G f B\z @{dC!|}G ® Then we can use mpa to compute the general order multivariate s6@<B\C!E]G ? CF¯&z Padé approximant to on the index set for any given positive integers ® E XAMPLE 2.5. The function c۩ᦩ¾©j©>©¾©(@ÚÛ@P=Q}SG J I õÇ@B\C!E;GhHç@<B¢QÒE;Gö K<L M!N=O Ú K8mM cG B w:K E wðM Y @ÚÛ@PRQ9STGDQAcG=@P=Q}SG3U is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ cÛ©jᦩ歩¾©>©j©(©*@Ú¾¯ J I @³TG&H÷ ²¾N f Ú ² @¼¾óôjÝ!Þ8ß,@BG @Ú5¯pQAcGT¯&U BDCFBDC Y cG B w:²¾m f HÜÝFÞ8ß CF¯\G Ñ f B @{dC!|9G Y BDz Then we can use mpa to compute the general order multiY ® õÅ@B\C!E;G ? C!¯&z variate Padé approximant to on the index set for any given positive integers ® For some pseudo-multivariate series, we might not be able to have the explicit functions for the sum of their projection series ofQÂone variable. In this case, we can use Maple to write ¯øQyc @ C!¯\G the partial sum up to the degree of ® in the variable, and compute the ® Padé @ CFBDC CF¯\G @{dC:|}G ® approximant to the partial sum and then use mpa × to compute the general ? order multivariate Padé approximant to the multivariate series on the index set for any C!¯&z given positive integers ® E XAMPLE 2.6. The function K E M B J I eo@<B\C!E]G^H @PRQ9SG3U5Q@<PRQ9STG ã K<L M!N=O is a pseudo-multivariate function with ¹ J I @³TG&H ²¾N=O ³ ² ¯&UQÒ¯ ã Qc z Qc ETNA Kent State University 308 P. ZHOU ¯ First, we write a short procedure Sn(n,x) to write the sum of the first ¹ @³TGª b b b b b b b Sn:=proc(n,x) local i,s; s:=0; for i from 0 to n do: s:=s+xˆi/(factorial(i)+iˆ3+1); od; return (s); end proc: @ Then running mpa Sn @BDCFE;G# Padé approximant terms of the series in @BDCFE;GhH Y @<ì;C!BGVCFB\C:á;CÚ*G @B\C!E;G to á#c>ñTÚ¾ì(Ú;c>ë*â(á*ñ(á;cjá*B ã Qoä5ëTæ*Ú*æ*á¾â]ä5á*ì(á(Ú*q¾B ã E¦QÜc>á(ì*q*ì(ë*ñä5ë*ñ#c>qäB ã E w cä¾á¾âTáTä5ñ#c>ë(ñ(æ¾ñ(á¾á¾B w E Y Q c>á(ì*q(ì*ë*ñä5ë(ñ;c>qäE ã B w ¨ Y Y Qä5ëTæ*Ú(æ¾á¾â]ä5á(ì*á(Ú*q5E ã B Q¦Ú]cq*ìTÚ¾q*q#c>qTæ¾á;cë¾á(Ú]c @{dC!|}G gives the the general order multivariate ?C on the index set where í@BDCFE;G Y Y æTä5ë(æ*ë*q(á¾â#cæ¾q(á(æ*ä5B w Qc>q¾âTá*qTæ]c>ì(á*ëä5á¾âTá5B w E w cñTä¾Ú*ì;cë*ñ¾âTá;cá*ñ*ë(ñ5B#EÛQÆñä*ä¾ñ¾â(ë*âTÚ;cæ¾q(ñTä¾ä5â¾B cä¾á¾â(áä5ñ#c>ë*ñTæ¾ñ(á*á5BàE w á;cñ(Ú*ì(Ú]cë¾âTá*ñ*á#c>á*E ã æ(ä¾ë(æ*ë*q*á*â#cæ¾q*áTæ(äE w Y Q Å ñTä(ä5ñ¾âTë¾âÚ]cæ*q*ñä*äâ(EàC and @B\CFE;GH¸c*cÚ*Ú Ð Y cë*áä5ì;cëªQÆâ(ñ*â#c>ì(q¾B/QÆñTÚ¾ñ*â#cjB wVÓ {dC:|~C!? Ð Y c>ë(áTä5ì#c>ëQÒâTñ¾â#cì*q*EQÅñ(Ú*ñ¾âàcjE w3Ó @ @ Qø¯ Q9c(CFBGVCFBDC C ¯\G with the same as given in Example 2.1. We can use mpa Sn ® ® , @{dC!|}G e@BDCFE;G to compute the general order multivariate Padé approximant to on the index ? C!¯&z set for any given positive integers ® REFERENCES [1] P. B. B ORWEIN , Padé approximants for the ù -elementary functions, Constr. Approx., 4 (1988), pp. 391–402. [2] P. B. B ORWEIN , A. C UYT, AND P. Z HOU , Explicit construction of general multivariate Padé approximants to an Appell function, Adv. Comp. Math., 22 (2005), pp. 249–273. [3] A. C UYT , How well can the concept of Padé approximant be generalized to the multivariate case?, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 105 (1999), pp. 25–50. [4] A. C UYT, K. D RIVER , AND D. L UBINSKY , A direct approach to convergence of multivariate nonhomogeneous Padé approximants, J. Comp. Appl. Math., 69 (1996), pp. 353–366. [5] A. C UYT, K. D RIVER , AND D. 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