J. metamorphic Geol., 1992, 10, 311-319 Hydrodynamic modelling of some metamorphic processes L. L . PERCHUK, Y. YU. PODLADCHIKOV A N D A . N . P O L Y A K O V Institute of Experimental Mineralogy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Moscow District, 742432, Russia A B S T R A C T The P-T paths for metamorphic complexes from the Precambrian shields and fold belts of different ages may result from advection, i.e. one-cycle convective processes in the lithosphere. This conclusion has been exemplified by the metamorphic evolution of several well-known complexes, for which an advective model can be successfully applied. Numerical simulations of the above processes in terms of Newtonian rheology by using a two-dimensional finite element program have been conducted. Two representative models for intracontinental gravitational ordering initiated presumably by mantle activity are considered: (i) a thermally activated multi-layered rhythmic sequence and (ii) huge rising diapiars causing circulation, in which crustal lithologies underwent high-P metamorphism (above 10-15 kbar) and subsequent ascent toward the Earth's surface. Key words: cratonization; gravitational ordering; metamorphic modelling. INTRODUCTION Direct genetic relationships between granulites and other metamorphic rocks of greenstone belts have not yet been found. Early Archaean greenstone belts are composed mainly of basic volcanics with kamatiites at the lower part of the stratigraphic column (Kuznetsov, 1985; Di Marco & Lowe, 1989). In contrast, Kulikov et al. (1987) showed that the lower part of the Karelian greenstone belt consists of acid and andesitic volcanics, while its upper part is composed of basalts and komatiites. This sequence reflects an inverse volcanic (from acid to basic) activity in the early stages of evolution of greenstone belts, that produces a potentially unstable system in the gravity field. Such an inverse sequence is also characteristic of modern marginal sea floors (Perchuk, 1987). The stratigraphic column for the Karelian belt, and for some other belts (Kuznetsov, 1985; Lobach-Zhuchenko, 1988; Perchuk, 1989) shows several magmatic cycles. A multi-layered rhythmic sequence is formed as a result of such magmatic activity. Thus, any stratigraphic column resulting from multi-cycle magmatic activity is potentially unstable in the gravity field, regardless of a directjinverse volcanic sequence. The above sequence might be moved to high P-T conditions in the course of several geological/tectonic events (Es, 1972; Artushkov, 1983; Schreyer, 1988). An increase in temperature leads to a decrease of viscosity and initiates gravitational redistribution of the rocks according to their densities. As a result of this process, the greenstone belt may be transformed into a granulite facies complex (Petrova & Levitskiy, 1986; Perchuk, 1989). On the basis of geothermobarometry, Perchuk (1985, 1990) deduced P-T evolutionary paths for metamorphic complexes of different geological settings. For granulite facies rocks, P-T paths reflect only the retrograde stages of a metamorphic event because the prograde stage is erased at high temperature. Perchuk & Gerya (1990) approximated data on the paths for granulite facies rocks using the following equation: P (kbar) = 0.02(f 3.7 x 10'~) x T(OC)- 6,8(f 2.5). (1) This equation can be used for calculating the depth corresponding to given temperatures of metamorphism for granulite facies rocks. Equation (1) reflects a low geothermal gradient (at high-T conditions). It is believed to be a uniform characteristic for uprising portions of the Precambrian lower crust. For Archaean greenstone belts intruded by granites, West & Mareschal (1979) and Bickle (1986) assumed a high dT/dP geotherm, but in this case, the gradient reflects the lateral plutonic-metamorphic conditions. Thus, this study concentrates on a model for a multi-layered rhythmic system of long-term development of gravitational instability and the development of uniform low dT/dP (at high temperature) gradients for granulite facies complexes (Eq. 1). The geodynamic histories of metamorphic complexes formed in fold belts are a widely discussed problem. The P-T paths for fold belts differ from those for the granulite-amphibolite regional metamorphic terranes. According to the evolution of thermodynamic parameters, 312 L. L. PERCHUK, Y. YU. PODLADCHIKOV & A. N. POLYAKOV Perchuk (1977, 1989) divided fold belts into two groups: (i) low-T, high-P, mainly eclogite-glaucophane schist formations and (ii) high-P, moderate-T complexes. A new type, i.e. (iii), an ultra high-P coesite-bearing metamorphic complex, was discovered by Chopin (1984) in the Dora Maira massif of the Western Alps. On the basis of paragenetic analyses of the Dora Maira rocks, he deduced a P-T retrograde evolutionary path for this complex, with a metamorphic peak at c. 37 kbar and c. 800" C. Several localities of coesite-bearing eclogites are described by Zhang et al. (1990) from the Jiangsu Province, China. The rocks occur as pod swarms, fragments or blocks in Proterozoic gneisses and range in size from centimetres to several hundred metres. Three (typical) mineral parageneses recognized in the coesitebearing eclogites are: (i) garnet omphacite phengite quartz rutile, (ii) garnet omphacite kyanite paragonite quartz epidote amphibole rutile, (iii) garnet omphacite epidote quartz Al-rich titanite rutile. Quartz-coesite aggregates have been confirmed in only one garnet grain from the Mengzhong eclogite locality, although quartz pseudomorphs after coesite are common. The rocks underwent intensive retrogression, and retrograde minerals (amphiboles, paragonite around kyanite, Si-poor phengite around Si-rich phengite, various symplectites, etc.) were developed. The peak of metamorphism is suggested by Zhang et al. (1990) to be at 730-840°C and 30kbar. The localities (Menzhong, Qinglongshan, Jiagchang and Chizhuang) extend in the fold belt for more than 1000 km along the border of the northern China and Yangtz Cratons. Coesite-bearing rocks are associated with granites and syenites (R. Zhang, pers. comm.). Zhang et al. (1990) suggest that formation ifthe belt involved '. . . the collision of two continental crusts and resultant crustal thickening7 (p. 924). However, no evidence for this model, or for the ascent of rocks to the surface, is given by them. Another example of a P-T path at ultra high pressure was described by Sobolev et al. (1986) and Shatsky et al. (1989) from the Kokchetav massif, northern Kazakhstan. The Zerendinskiy granitoid batholith is there associated with a metamorphic complex composed of eclogites, white schists, kyanite-biotite-garnet gneisses, talc-kyanitegarnet- and kyanite-zoisite-quartz-bearing rocks (Fig. 1). Isotopic ages of both granites and metamorphic rocks are c. 530 Ma, while the age of the gneissic protolith is about 2000 Ma (Jagoutz et a[., 1989). Metapelites contain garnet and zircon with diamond, which commonly shows intergrowths with other very high-P minerals, such as titanite containing 11 wt% AI,03, K-rich (up to 1.44 wt%) clinopyroxene, Ti0,-rich (up to 3.7 wt%) phengite and Al-rich rutile. Very recently coesite has also been found in these rocks (N. V. Sobolev, pers. comm., 1991). Co-genetic granite intrusions and the absence of thrust structures are characteristics of both the areas discussed above (Zaitsev, 1984; Shatsky et al., 1989; Zhang et al., 1990). Those features lead us to model the geodynamic evolution for ultra high-P complexes in terms of convective + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + processes connected with magmatic activity; this is the second aim of this paper. I CEO DY NAM l C FO R M U L A T I O N 0 F T H E PROBLEM There are many models for thermal convection in the deep mantle and in the lithosphere (e.g. Christensen, 1984). Multi-scale thermal convection in the Archaean crust was proposed by Talbot (1968, 1971). However, all those models raise serious problems concerning the redistribution of material within the continental crust, Mechanisms for extensive redistribution must overcome the constraints resulting from high viscosity and negligible effects of thermal expansion because ( a p l aT), loq3. While some models are based on thermal convection, others suggest that the primary chemical inhomogeneity might develop during cratonization (Ramberg, 1981; Perchuk, 1989). Ramberg (1981) considered many models for an early stage of gravitational instability. Schmeling (1988) studied numerical models of Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities (two-layered system) superimposed upon convection. Weber (1986) considered the role of crustal rheology for the tectonic development of the continental crust during prograde metamorphism. He suggested the formation of large-scale folds (composed of granulite facies rocks of the lower crust), which 'pierce the overlying crust during increasing amplification. Further crustal shortening may produce granulite facies nappes from strongly amplified large-scale fold structures leading to inverse metamorphism which is generally accompanied by granulite facies nappe complexes' (Weber, 1986, p. 95). \ - ~ ~ l ~ multi-rhyt,,mic i - l ~ ~ sequence ~ ~ ~ d As shown above, volcanism at the marginal sea floor as well as in some Precambrian ensialic greenstone belts involves a regular variety of magmatic rocks including a rhythmic sequence of rhyolites, basalts and komatiites. These volcanics are often intercalated with sediments. For modelling, such complex structures might be approximated by simple multi-rhythmic sequences. Each rhythm consists of three layers, i.e. of silicic, mafic and ultramafic rocks. Consider such a simple multi-rhythmic sequence: at a shallow level, this sequence is relatively stable in the gravity field due to (i) its high viscosity and (ii) the small thickness of a rhythm, S.. It can be shown that a period of gravitational redistribution grows inversely with S,. and directly with viscosity. Therefore, under the above conditions this period is greater than is geologically realistic. Moreover, the characteristic stresses might be lower than the yield strength, and the sequence under consideration is absolutely stable. Under high-grade conditions, both viscosity and yield strength drop with temperature, and gravitational redistribution of material can occur in geologically realistic time spans. Gravitational ordering may lead to the complete transformation of a greenstone belt or any initial multi-rhythmic sequence into a granulite facies complex. I i I HYDRODYNAMIC MODELLING OF METAMORPHIC PROCESSES 313 Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of Northern Kazakhstan (after Kushev & Vinogradov, 1978). Scale 1:200,000. 1-4 =Early Palaeozoic metamorphic suites having local names; 5 = Upper Proterozoic and Early Palaeozoic rocks, which have not been divided into separate metamorphic units; 6 = Quaternary sediments; 7 = Proterozoic intrusive rocks; 8 = Palaeozoic granites; 9 = Zerendinskiy granitoid batholith (mid Cambrian); 10 = faults; 11 = axis of anticlinal folds; 12 = axis of synclinal folds; 13= eclogites and diamondbearing mica schists (Shatsky et al., 1989). Evidence for this process is reported in several papers (Ramberg, 1981; Petrova & Levitskiy, 1986; Barbey & Martin, 1987). Perchuk (1989) described a typical dome structure (see Fig. 2) for granulite facies rocks from the Sharyzhalgay complex (Lake Baikal, eastern Siberia), whose geological structure has been studied in detail (Hopgood & Bowes , 1989). This complex presumably formed after the Archaean greenstone belt in the course of a high-grade transformation (Petrova & Levitskiy, 1986). However, a model for such transformations is not available. We have studied this problem on the basis of thermo-mechanical modelling of the gravitational ordering of a multi-rhythmic sequence under high P-T conditions. Ultra high-pressure complexes There are a few geodynamic models for the origin of ultra high-P rocks within the Earth's crust. For example, using petrological data, Schreyer (1988) proposed a model for the origin of the Dora Maira complex as a result of subduction of continental crust to mantle depths. However, the plate tectonic events related to the generation of ultra high-P metamorphic complexes are uncertain. The best example is the finding of diarnond/coesite-bearing rocks from the Kokchetav massif (see Fig. 1). Several tectonic models can be used 'to draw down' rocks to 100 krn, or even more. The problem is to create a model to account for the uplift of the rocks to the Earth's surface without any tectonic denudation. An uplift-erosion model is also inappropriate for ultra high-P units, which are similar to the Kokchetav complex (see Fig. 1). The geological setting of these complexes can be also explained in terms of a gravitational ordering model. The P-T loops for high-P, rnoderate/high-T complexes from fold belts of diffefent age may result from adbection, i.e. one-cycle convective processes in the thick lithosphere caused by ascent of a magmatic mass. Such complexes are 314 L. L. PERCHUK, Y . YU. PODLADCHIKOV & A. N. POLYAKOV Fig. 2. Schematic relationships between rocks within mantled dome in the Sharyzhalgay complex, which crops out along the shore of Lake Baikal. 1 = biotite-garnet gneiss; 2 = migmatized metabasites; 3 = migmatized biotite-hypersthene gneiss; 4 = enderbite gneiss; 5 = enderbite with slightly developed gneissosity; 6 = boudins and xenoliths composed of crystalline schists and amphibolites; 7 =fractures; 8 = flow direction, i.e. direction along which material of different densities moved (after A. I. Melnikov, pers. comm.). commonly associated with magmatic bodies of similar ages. For example, the ascent of large masses of granite magma within thick continental crust may initiate sinking and compression (up to 4 g cm-" of relatively small masses of the volcanic-sedimentary rocks at a depth of about 100krn and subsequent uplift of these ultra high-P complexes toward the Earth's surface. This process may lead to the formation of the coesite- and diamond-bearing assemblages from gneissic and white schist complexes. Dora Maira, Monte Rosa and Grand Paradiso in the Western Alps are the Late Alpine internal crystalline massifs in the fold belt surrounding the northern Italy sedimentary basin of similar age. The relationships between those complexes and Alpine granites are not known. However, geophysical data suggest that the basement of the above basin is composed of basaltic material. Similar ages of high-P complexes and adjacent basins may reflect a common advective process of ascending basaltic magma, which initiates movement of a metamorphic complex within a created convective cell. Thus, the above geological and petrological data highlight a problem that can be addressed by computer simulation of the downward movement and subsequent ascent of crustal lithologies due to convective circulation driven by a rising magmatic body. PHYSICAL M O D E L S A N D M E T H O D S USED The following equations were used for the numerical and analytical simulation of the above geodynamic processes: (a) the force equation: where i = 1,2 and j = 1,2; (b) Newtonian rheology equation: (c) the mass conservation equation: div V = 0; (d) the heat transfer equation: (4) HYDRODYNAMIC MODELLING OF METAMORPHIC P R O C E S S E S 315 where: o;i = stress tensor: V = velocity (cm s-I); p(X, Y, 2 )= density (g ~ r n - ~ )T;( X , Y, 2 )= temperature ("(2); g = 9.8 m s - ~ ; ,u, . exp(- yT) = viscosity (poise); a = thermal diffusivity (cm2 s-I); Q = radioactive heat - ~ aA/ar and aA/ar are the partial production (J ~ r n s-I); derivatives with respect to time and distance, respectively, and A is any parameter from the density or viscosity field. The boundary conditions are V ,= 0 and on,= 0. Bolshoi & Podladchikov (1991) wrote a finite element program in P- V (natural) variables and Cartesian coordinates for numerical modelling of the advective processes (see Appendix) using the above equations. The modelling on the basis of Newtonian rheology should use effective viscosities for rocks of real rheology taking into account the following statements (see, for example, Ranalli, 1987): (1) the accuracy of numerous data on effective viscosity for rocks of different compositions is very poor; (2) the effect of phase transitions in minerals on decreasing the effective viscosity in the course of granulite facies metamorphism is not estimated quantitatively; (3) the real strain rate values, which are extremely important for estimates of effective viscosity (for example, in terms of the power law rheology), are unknown; (4) at high temperatures, the effective viscosity increases greatly with melting temperature for rocks of different compositions. Therefore, selection of precise values of effective viscosity o r the use of non-Newtonian rheology is inappropriate. However, our results (time, z, and velocity, V) of numerical modelling at given p,,,,,, H (total thickness) and Fig. 3. Typical scenario for the evolution of the 12-layer, four-rhythm succession with discrete increases of density and viscosity upwards in each rhythmic unit. Less dense and less viscous material is shown with lighter shadings. Four stages (from bottom, upwards) correspond to the following geological times: 10.5, 11.5, 19.2, and 34 Ma. FEM grid is 81 x 41, number of markers are (81 x 41) x 9 = 29,889. H = 3 km, pmax = lo2' poise and Ap = r~rnaxl~lrn= i n lo2. Ap can be re-calculated for others (p:,,, H and Ap') using the following rules: Calculations show a weak (not more than one order of magnitude) dependence of these values on the viscosity variations. Therefore, the variations are not essential parameters to solve the problem under consideration. No chemical interactions between rocks of different compositions can be considered at this moment. RESULTS Multi-layered multi-rhythmicsequence A three-layered, four-rhythmic sequence has been chosen for numerical simulation. According to Eq. (I), the temperature difference within a multi-layer sequence 1-3 km in total thickness is about 15-50" C. Therefore, variations of rock properties as a function of temperature can be considered negligible. Hence, we may conduct numerical simulation of gravitational ordering in terms of isatherrnal approximation. As mentioned earlier, the period of gravitational redistribution increases inversely with the thickness of a rhythm, and even under granulite facies conditions a layered non-rhythmic sequence some 1-3 km in thickness 316 L. L. PERCHUK, Y. YU. PODLADCHIKOV & A . N. POLYAKOV may be relatively stable in the gravity field for a considerable geological time. To overcome this difficulty, Perchuk (1991) suggested that the gravitational redistribution of material could be accelerated within a layered rhythmic system: the interaction between rhythms allows a rapid, large-scale flow over the entire sequence (this is a type of chain reaction mechanism). Figure 3 shows the results of numerical simulation of the four-rhythmic, three-layered sequence. Each rhythm of the sequence consists of three layers each 250m thick (H = 3 km) ; density/viscosity increase from p / p = 2.6 g cm-'/lo" poise (rhyolites) through p / p = 3.0 g cm-'/ lo1' poise (basalts) to p i p = 3.3 g cm-"1O2" poise (komatiites). These properties have been derived by applying values taken from the P-T path and applying in Eq. (11, taking into account the problem of effective viscosity discussed above. Figure 3 shows the large-scale movement that occurs because of the interaction between rhythmic units during time spans of 10.5-34 Ma. At present, the heat transfer Eq. (5) has not been used. Consider a conventional multi-layered, multi-rhythmic sequence 30 krn in total thickness as a model for heterogeneous crust before gravitational ordering; its temperature regime during metamorphism and periods of deformation follows Eq. (1). This gradient is lower than that for the theoretical conductive steady-state geotherm: numerical calculations: (1) the dimensionless strain heating value, A = uij. eij, is close to constant, -lK3; (2) the second term in the left-hand side of Eq. (10) is negligible; (3) the last term in the right-hand side of Eq. (10) is negligible. Taking into account these three statements, Eq. (10) can be simplified as follows: Equation (9) is then used as the initial condition for Eq. (11). Equation (11) is well studied in the theory of flame propagation as the chain reaction mechanism (Zeldovich & Barenblat, '6959; Zeldovich et al., 1980). According to this theory, the initial geotherm Eq. (9) is unstable for the two following conditions for lower rhythms (as a part of t h e sequence taken into consideration) where H = 10 km: (the subscript dl denotes that Q is dimensionless; Z =depth, krn) derived from Eq. (5) at the boundary conditions: T = 0" C at P = 1 bar and T = 800" C at P = 10 kbar, and radioactive heat production (see, for example, Richter, 1985). It is clearly seen for granulite facies rocks at shallow depth: temperatures of 400-415" C at pressures of 1.2-1.5 kbar, while according to the above conductive model, T = 100-120" C at the same pressures. We suggest that this difference results from strain heating during gravitational ordering of the heterogeneous crust being taken into consideration. Numerical modelling of this process in valuing an extremely heterogeneous medium is limited by the computational power of the SUN workstation used. However, with a one-dimensional model it is possible to estimate the contribution of strain heating using our results on numerical simulation for a four-rhythmic sequence. Consider Eq. (5) in a one-dimensional dimensionless form using H as the distance scale, H y a as the time scale, AT =8OO"C as the temperature scale and Ap as the density scale. where g = acceleration within the gravity field; Ap = density difference between layers, exp(yT) = thermal term of viscosity, p. The following statements result from our (=a .H - I loss velocity. - 9x cm yr-I) is the conductive heat Kydcharacterizes the hydrodynamic velocity: The Dis term in Eq. (13) is a dissipation number: A p - g .H s 1.67. C;p.AT Thus, conditions (12) and (13) are satisfied. Instability of the geotherm (9) results in a non-stationary heat front at a high rate and, as a result, possible deviation of the geotherm up to the high-T regime such as the geopath from Eq. (1). This is the short-term transient regime in the hydro- and thermodynamic evolution of the chosen sequence, but during this period the metamorphic reactions are recording a P-T path. In Eq. (14), A is only one unknown parameter. For is higher values of the configurational parameter A, Vhyd higher. Parameter A reflects an interaction between layers of different density and their configuration. For noninteracted rhythms, A must be divided by the square of the number of rhythms because the characteristic size, H, of the convective cells is reduced to that of the one rhythm. Differentiation of the Earth's crust into basaltic and granitic layers could be explained by the proposed mechanism and the process completed within a realistic geological time period. In Fig. 3, strong accumulation of large quantities of granitic material (shown by the lightest shading) from different levels of the crust is depicted. Such Dis = HYDRODYNAMIC MODELLING OF METAMORPHIC PROCESSES 317 a large amount of granitic material cannot be obtained from the mechanism of partial melting. Advective model for ultra high-pressure complexes was ) In this model the high-density material ( p = 4 g ~ m - ~ placed beneath the low-density material (e.g. granite magma). Figure 4 shows a typical result of the numerical simulation for ascent of high-density material as a result of a convective circulation driven by a rising magmatic body within thick continental crust. We did not study this process systematically (for conditions of different rheology, size of buoyant mass, etc.) because of lack of initial data as discussed above. To move the high-density rocks to very shallow depth an additional granite intrusion is needed. Fig. 4. Typical scenario for uplift of relatively small fragments of high-density material, of p = 4 g emm3(black) due to influence of a large magmatic mass (lighter grey) ascending toward the Earth's surface. FEM grid is 41 x 21. Arrows indicate relative rate of material moving within advective cells. H = 100 km,p,,,,, = 10' poise and Ap = pmax/pmin = lo2. P-T parameters for retrograde stage are as in papers by Chopin (1984) and Shatsky et al. (1989). 318 1. L . PERCHUK, Y . YU. PODLADCHIKOV & A . N. POLYAKOV CONCLUSIONS Numerical simulation has shown that rhythmically layered sequences dramatically accelerate gravitational redistribution of material within the entire sequence. Using this mechanism, a scenario for the cratonization of ensialic greenstone belts situated in the middle of a continental plate has been modelled. The nature of uniform low dT/dP (at high temperature) gradients for granulite facies complexes might result from propagation of a heat front. This front is caused by strain heating during gravitational ordering of multilayered and multi-rhythmic (heterogeneous) continental crust. This phenomenon is described in terms of a mathematical model for flame propagation as the chain reaction mechanism (Zeldovich & Barenblat, 1959; Zeldovich et al., 1980). The P-T loops for high-P, moderate-T complexes situated in fold belts were used for numerical modelling of convective processes in thick continental crust. Ascent of large masses of granite magma within thick crust may initiate sinking and compression (up to 4 g cm-" of relatively small masses of the volcanic-sedimentary rocks at a depth of about 100 km, and subsequent uplift of these ultra high-P complexes t o the Earth's crust. The possibility that such advective process are exemplified by Kazakhstan (Sobolev et al., 1986; Shatsky et al., 1989) are discussed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank H. 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Discontinuous functions were used because continuous functions were found to produce a 'chessboard' effect (the incompressibility condition was satisfied for the domain as a whole, but not for the individual elements). Solution procedure Problems are solved with a time-stepping procedure. At each time step the velocity field is obtained by solving steady-state Stokes Eqs (2)-(4) for a given geometry. The velocity field is then used to move the material according to the continuity Eq. (6). Velocity calculations At each step our program first calculates the velocity field based on the current density and distribution. The Galerkin method was used to reduce Stokes equations to a symmetric, non-positive definite system of linear equations. This system was assembled and solved using the frontal method (Hood, 1976) with double precision (the relative accuracy of the solution was approximately Updating material properties Moving a density or viscosity field with sharp discontinuities through a discrete mesh is difficult due to problems with numerical diffusion (Hirt & Nichols, 1981). These diffusion problems can be overcome by using a method of characteristics based o n marker points. Schmeling (Weinberg & Schmeling, 1991) developed a marker technique which is very effective for multi-phase flow where each phase has different rheological properties. Marker points, containing material property information, are distributed throughout the numerical mesh. The markers are moved through the &sh according to the velocity field. In Schmeling's method, each marker contains information on all the material phases present. This allows the effective material properties at the nodal points to be estimated correctly. Also, uncertainties which arise when more than two phases are present are avoided. At each time step, new positions for the markers are calculated from the current velocity field using the Runge-Kutta method, The markers are then used to update the material properties of the FEM mesh. Density and viscosity at each element integration point is interpolated from the markers in the vicinity of that point. A high-order, 13-point integration formula was used in order to conserve detailed information from the marker field in the coarse FEM mesh. A large number of markers is necessary in order to reduce numerical diffusion.