Copyright © 2004, Idea Group Inc. International Journal of Web Services Research, 1(4), Oct-Dec 2004 Model-driven Web Service Development1, 2 Roy Grønmo, SINTEF, Norway David Skogan, SINTEF, Norway Ida Solheim, SINTEF, Norway Jon Oldevik, SINTEF, Norway ABSTRACT Web service technologies are becoming increasingly important for integrating systems and services. There is much activity and interest around standardization and usage of web service technologies. Contemporary web services are described in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL). However, WSDL documents can be difficult to understand for service developers. This paper recommends a modeldriven process for web service development combining the graphical modeling language UML with WSDL. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is developed by Object Management Group. In the proposed process, web service descriptions (in WDSL) are converted to UML; their UML models are integrated to form composite web services; and then the new web service descriptions are exported. The main contribution of this paper is a “pure UML” modeling strategy supported by implementation of two-way conversion rules between the UML models and the WSDL documents. Keywords: MDA, WSDL, UML INTRODUCTION Web services are functional components, available over the Internet, and described in the Web Service Definition Language (WDSL) (Christensen et al., 2001). WSDL descriptions are often complex in nature and are usually automatically generated by web service development tools such as Apache Axis or .NET. To humans, WSDL descriptions can be more or less incomprehensible, which makes it difficult to decide if an existing web service is applicable to a selected task. Comprehension is a problem, not only regarding the semantics of the operations and their parameters, but also when it comes to understanding what the web service really does. This paper investigates the use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to express the content and be- havior of web services in a more understandable way than WSDL. This approach is motivated by the Modeldriven Architecture (MDA) initiative of the Object Management Group (OMG) (OMG, 2002b). The UML is a central component of the MDA. The UML provides different kinds of model constructs and diagrams with roots in object-oriented programming. In model-driven development, models are used to describe business concerns, user requirements, activities, information structures, components and component interactions of a system. Most important are the class diagrams, which are used to describe interfaces and classes with their operations and attributes. Such models govern the system development in that they can be transformed to program code. In the case of web service development, the models are transformed into the Web Service Description Language. UML modeling for automatic generation of CORBA IDL, Java code, EJB etc. has been successfully tried out, e.g. (SINTEF, 2004). When it comes to web services, two different UML approaches are reported in the literature (Provost, 2003; Thöne et al., 2002). Provost (2003) presents a WSDL-dependent approach by extending UML with WSDL-specific constructs. On the other hand, Thöne et al. (2002) presents a WSDLindependent approach with only pure UML constructs such as classes and interfaces. This paper questions the need for WSDL-dependent UML modeling approaches and investigates the usefulness of WSDL-independent UML models for web service specification. The following two questions are addressed: (a) Are WSDL-specific UML constructs necessary to understand what the web service does? Or does pure UML provide even better understanding? (b) Are WSDL-specific UML constructs necessary for forward and/or reverse engineering of web services? Or can pure UML be used successfully for the same conversions? Extending UML with platformspecific constructs is quite popular. An example from code generation is the UML profile for the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL4WS), which can be used to automatically generate BPEL4WS documents (Gardner, 2003). The Hypermodel tool of Carlson (2003) has the ability to import XML Schema into UML, but the resulting UML model has extensions specific to XML Schema. Kollman et al. (2002) give an overview of state of the art in reverse engineering, in which none of the referred tools uses platformindependent models. Nevertheless, we are of the opinion that the pure UML modeling approach advocated in this paper, supported by adequate conversion rules between UML and WSDL, both aids the comprehension and suffices for reverse and forward engineering of web services. The paper continues with a description of the model-driven web service development process, followed by the distinction of interface modeling from workflow modeling. Then, conversion rules between UML and WSDL are presented, followed by a description of a tool used to implement these conversions. Finally, the approach is evaluated and the work is concluded. MODEL-DRIVEN WEB SERVICE DEVELOPMENT As the number of web services available is increasing, it seems natural to reuse existing web services and thus aim at creating composite web services. A model-driven web service development process is depicted in Figure 1. It shows a UML activity diagram indicating the steps of model-driven development of composite web services. In the first step (Discover Web Services) the developer uses a web-browser, a registry client (typically UDDI) to search and discover candidate web services that may be used in the composite service. The output of this activity is a list of web service descriptions, represented as WSDL documents. The web service descriptions are then converted into UML by a reverse engineering transformation (Import Web Service Descriptions). The output of this step is one or more UML models of the discovered web services, e.g. as depicted in Figure 3. It will be easier for the developer to comprehend the UML models of the web service interface than to understand the WSDL documents. The developer then uses a UML tool to review and integrate the imported models to form a model of a composite web service (Model Composite Web Service). This activity consists of two sub-activities, interface modeling and workflow modeling. The interface modeling specifies the service's interface and its operations, whereas the workflow modeling specifies the service's internal processes. The output is a new UML model representing the new composite web service with its interfaces and its workflow. This model can now be used to generate the WSDL description of the composite service (Export Web Service Descriptions) and to generate its executable workflow description. The latter is suitable for implementing the service (Implement Composite Web Service), for example by means of an execution engine Figure 1. Model-Driven Web Service Development MODEL COMPOSITE WEB SERVICE WSDL UML Interface Modeling Discover Web Services Import Web Service Descriptions GENERATION TOOL Export Web Service Descriptions CompositeWebServiceWSDL Workflow Modeling Implement Composite Web Service in Workflow Engine Publish Composite Web Service Export Execution Code Execution document BPELWS, WSCI, BPML etc (Gardner, 2003). An execution engine executes the different activities, specified in a workflow execution document, in the correct order and with the required data inputs and outputs. Finally, the service is published in an appropriate registry, making it available for use (Publish Composite Web Service). This paper concentrates on the three activities Import Web Service Descriptions, Interface Modeling and Export Web Service Descriptions. The next two sections focus on the core of the model-driven web services development, which is the UML modeling part. We will concentrate on capturing the conceptual models without introducing all the complexity provided by WSDL and other web service specifications. INTERFACE MODELING A web service basically provides a set of operations. We have developed a metamodel for interface modeling of a web service (Figure 2). A web service is modeled as a BusinessService. The BusinessService realizes a set of Interfaces. An Interface has a set of operations with input parameters and return type. The parameter types are defined by a class. The behavior of the operation is defined by a workflow model. Instances of this metamodel may be modeled as UML class models. UML has two extension mechanisms that allow developers to specify user- defined constructs. The first extension mechanism is stereotypes and the second is tagged values. New stereotypes can be defined and used to model special types of classes. Tagged values are name-value pairs that can be associated with classes, operations or attributes to signify a special treatment in transformations and/or code generation. Figure 3 shows a possible instance of the metamodel. The BusinessService is mapped to a UML class with stereotype <<BusinessService>>. The service MyWebService realizes two interfaces. These two Figure 2. Metamodel for Interface Modeling of Web Services BusinessService 1..* Workflow Model 0..1 +realizes Interface 1..* +behaviour Operation +publicOperations 0..* +inputParameters Class 1 +type 0..1 +returnType Parameter Figure 3. A Web Service Interface Model BasicWFS +DescribeFeatureType() +getCapabilities() +GetFeature() CreditCard -expires : date -number : string TransactionWFS +lockFeature() +transaction() Payment +validate( card : CreditCard ) : boolean <<BusinessService>> MyWebService interfaces have a total of six operations (including the inherited operations) which are provided by MyWebService. The operation validate takes an input parameter further defined by the class CreditCard. WORKFLOW MODELING We will use the term workflow even though several other terms are used in the literature, e.g. composition, business process, orchestration and choreography. Workflow modeling identifies the internal behavior of a web service operation, for instance how existing web services are used together in order to produce a composite web service. Workflow modeling is about identifying the activities of the operation and specifying the order in which they are performed. Furthermore, each activity may have input and output data objects. The activities and data objects will need to refer to elements already defined in existing web services. This relationship is illustrated and explained in the following example. The left-hand side of Figure 4 expresses a workflow model in a UML activity diagram. This model refers to elements used in the reverseengineered UML model of a WSDLdescribed web service (right-hand side of Figure 4). The workflow reuses three other web services in order to produce a new composite web service. Each activity is stereotyped WebService to indicate that it invokes an operation of a web service. Activity number two, ValidateCreditCard, takes a credit card object as input and gives a boolean response indicating if the credit card is valid or not. The input data object is of type CreditCard, which refers to a class in the imported WSDL specification. The ValidateCreditCard has a set of tagged values that identifies the exact web service operation to invoke. The WSDL value identifies the imported Figure 4. Imported WSDL Model used in the Workflow Model Imported WSDL WSDL1 <<WebService>> Activity1 input1 : type1 output1 : type2 MyWebService <<WebService>> ValidateCreditCard {Interface=Paym ent, WSDL=MyWebService.wsdl, Operation=validate, BusinessService=MyWebService} CreditCard card : CreditCard Payment +validate() validateResponse : boolean <<Busines s Service>> MyWebService input3 : type5 <<WebService>> Activity3 output3 : type6 WSDL package, and the tagged values BusinessService, Interface and Operation provide a unique reference to the operation. The names of these tagged values refer to UML elements in the reverse-engineered UML model, and are equal to names given in the corresponding WSDL file. The example in Figure 4 underlines the need to reverse-engineer web services so that their elements are available in the UML environment. The alternative is for the UML modeler to look into the WSDL files through an XML viewer and manually create the necessary UML models. This kind of workflow modeling is further elaborated in e.g. (Dumas & Hofstede, 2001; Grønmo & Solheim, 2004; Thöne et al., 2002). WSDL3 FROM WSDL TO UML The previous section identified the need to import the WSDL files into the UML environment when creating composite web services. We have defined and implemented conversion rules from WSDL to UML to automate this import process. We will investigate how to produce UML from WSDL by looking at an example web service with WSDL representation. The well-known web search engine Google provides a web service that allows developers to use services related to web searching. This section identifies two approaches to modeling the WSDL content within UML: WSDL-dependent and WSDL-independent interface modeling. These two approaches are here applied to the Google web ser- Figure 5. WSDL-dependent UML Model of Google Service <<wsdl:portType>> GoogleSearchPortType +doGetCachedPage( doGetCachedPage : doGetCachedPage ) : doGetCachedPageResponse +doGoogleSearch( doGoogleSearch : doGoogleSearch ) : doGoogleSearchResponse +doSpellingSuggestion( doSpellingSuggestion : doSpellingSuggestion ) : doSpellingSuggestionResponse <<wsdl:port>> GoogleSearchPort {URI=} <<wsdl:service>> GoogleSearchService <<wsdl:message>> doGetCachedPage <<wsdl:message>> doGetCachedPageResponse -key : string -url : string -return : base64Binary <<wsdl:message>> doSpellingSuggestion <<wsdl:message>> doSpellingSuggestionResponse -key : string -phrase : string -return : string 1 -binding <<wsdl:binding>> GoogleSearchBinding {binding=soap:binding, style=rpc, transport=} <<wsdl:message>> doGoogleSearch <<wsdl:message>> doGoogleSearchResponse -filter : boolean -ie : string -key : string -lr : string -maxResults : int -oe : string -q : string -restrict : strict -safeSearch : boolean -start : int -return : GoogleSearchResult <<xs:complexType>> GoogleSearchResult <<xs:complexType>> DirectoryCategory <<xs:complexType>> ResultElement -directoryCategories : DirectoryCategoryArray -documentFiltering : boolean -endIndex : int -estimatedTotalResultsCount : int -estimateIsExact : boolean -resultElements : resultElementArray -searchComments : string -searchQuery : string -searchTime : double -searchTips : string -startIndex : int -fullViewableName : string -specialEncoding : string -cachedSize : string -directoryCategory : DirectoryCategory -directoryTitle : string -hostName : string -relatedInformationPresent : boolean -snippet : string -summary : string -title : string -URL : string vice so that one can compare the results. A closer look into a WSDLoriented UML profile (Provost, 2003) shows how UML extension mechanisms may be used to define: • stereotypes for the specific WSDL and XML Schema types such as <<wsdl:portType>>, <<wsdl:service>> and <<xs:complexType>>; and • tagged values for representing bindings, access URLs, etc. (Note that Provost suggests that the binding information may be left out at the modeling level.) According to this profile, a web service should be modeled using the specified UML stereotypes and tagged values, resulting in a WSDLdependent model. Figure 5 shows a WSDL-dependent UML model of the Google service. The GoogleSearchService represents the web service. It contains a GoogleSearchPort with access URL, which in turn refers to the concrete binding represented by GoogleSearchBinding. GoogleSearchBinding defines the transport protocol to be used with its associated tagged values (binding, style and transport) and realizes the GoogleSearchPortType. The GoogleSearchPortType defines the three available operations. Note that each of these operations has exactly one input parameter and one output parameter that directly reflect the WSDL programming model of sending an input message and receiving an output message as answer. To retrieve the actual details of these messages, it is necessary to look at the <<wsdl:message>> stereotyped classes. The Google service has been remodeled according to the WSDLindependent approach advocated in this paper. The result is presented in Figure 6, which is thus an instance of the metamodel presented in Figure 2. The UML model in Figure 6 is obviously much simpler than the one in Figure 5. For the comprehension, it is a major improvement that the operation signatures now reflect the logical input and output parameters. The operation doGoogleSearch retrieves a complete array of results based on a query string and a set of other configuration parameters. The operation doGetCachedPage retrieves a cached web page for a given URL as input. The last operation, doSpellingSuggestion, provides spelling aid given a phrase string. Furthermore, no WSDL or XML Schema stereotypes have been included, and the information about the access URLs, bindings and transport protocols are not part of the model. We conclude this section by briefly explaining the main conver- sion rules for transforming a WSDL file into WSDL-independent UML. A WSDL service is converted to a BusinessService. Each WSDL port within service is converted to a realize relationship of the BusinessService. Each portType is converted to a UML interface. Finally, all XML Schema defined types in the WSDL file are converted to UML classes. FROM UML TO WSDL This section presents conversion rules from WSDL-independent UML models to WSDL documents. The WSDL-independent UML models do not contain any information about binding, transport protocol and access URLs. In order to produce complete WSDL files, these additional details are added. The user configures the proper choices within an XML configuration file. The user may choose between SOAP RPC, HTTP Get and HTTP Post as the binding transport protocol. The conversion rules are explained by an example. Figure 7 revisits MyWebService that is modeled Figure 6. WSDL-independent UML Model of Google Service GoogleSearchPort +doGetCachedPage( key : string, url : string ) : base64Binary +doGoogleSearch( key : string, q : string, start : int, maxResults : int, filter : boolean, restrict : string, safeSearch : boolean, lr : string, ie : string, oe : string ) : GoogleSearchResult +doSpellingSuggestion( key : string, phrase : string ) : string GoogleSearchResult -directoryCategories : DirectoryCategoryArray -documentFiltering : boolean -endIndex : int -estimatedTotalResultsCount : int -estimateIsExact : boolean -resultElements : ResultElementArray -searchComments : string -searchQuery : string -searchTime : double -searchTips : string -startIndex : int <<BusinessService>> GoogleSearchService DirectoryCategory -fullViewableName : string -specialEncoding : string ResultElement -cachedSize : string -directoryCategory : DirectoryCategory -directoryTitle : string -hostName : string -relatedInformationPresent : boolean -snippet : string -summary : string -title : string -URL : string Figure 7. Conversions from a UML Model to a WSDL Document Interf a ce <types> <schema> <complexType name="CreditCard">... <element name="number" type="string"/> <element name="expires" type="date"/>... <<Interface>> </types> ss BasicWFS Cla <message name="validateRequest"> <part name="card" type="CreditCard"/></message>... getCapabilities() CreditCard <portType name="Payment"> describeFeatureType() <operation name="validate"> number : string getFeature() expires : date <input message="validateRequest"/> <output message="validateResponse"/> C opy -down </operation></portType> Inheri <portType name="TransactionWFS"> ta nce <operation name="getCapabilities">... <operation name="describeFeatureType">... <operation name="getFeature">... <<Interface>> <operation name="lockFeature">... <<Interface>> TransactionWFS <operation name="transaction">... Payment ace rf te In <binding name="PaymentSOAPBinding" type="Payment"> lockFeature() <soap:binding transport="" ...> validate(card : CreditCard) : boolean transaction() <operation name="validate">...</binding> <binding name="TransactionWFSSOAPBinding" type="Payment"> Re <operation name="getCapabilities">... ali z e <operation name="describeFeatureType">... <operation name="getFeature">... <operation name="lockFeature">... <operation name="transaction">...</binding> ice <service name="myWebService"> BusinessServ <<BusinessService>> <port name="Payment_Port” MyWebService binding="PaymentSOAPBinding"> <soap:address location=”"/>... <port name="TransactionWFS_Port” binding="TransactionWFSSOAPBinding">… WSDL-independently according to the metamodel in Figure 2. The righthand side of the figure shows the corresponding WSDL document. The WSDL document is simplified for clarity by leaving out a few elements and attributes as well as removing all the XML namespace information. MyWebService realizes a web feature service interface (OGC, 2002) and a payment interface. The CreditCard class with the number and expires attributes, corresponds to a complexType in the type section of the WSDL file with the same name as the class, and part elements with the same names as the UML attributes. The Payment interface with the validate operation corresponds to both a WSDL portType and a WSDL binding. The Payment portType contains one WSDL operation for each inter- face operation. For each portType there must be at least one WSDL binding with type name equal to the portType name. Furthermore, the binding contains one WSDL operation for each operation of the interface. The TransactionWFS interface provides operations for delivering geographic data and possibly updating the data. This interface offers the operations of the OpenGIS consortium Web Feature Service Specification (WFS) (OGC, 2002). TransactionWFS inherits three operations from the BasicWFS interface. UML interface inheritance results in copydown of operations in WSDL, since WSDL does not support inheritance of portTypes or bindings. Class inheritance (not shown in the figure) is handled by XML Schema inheritance. This means that in a conversion from a WSDL document to UML, there will not be any resulting interface inheritance. A possible improvement in future versions of WSDL will allow for operation inheritance by enabling portTypes to inherit from other portTypes. IMPLEMENTATION In this paper we have described conversion rules for two different transformations, from WSDL to UML and back. These conversions have been implemented in the UML model transformation tool (UMT) (SINTEF, 2004). UMT is a general purpose UML transformation tool that is designed to do different kinds of transformations: UML model to UML model, UML model to code and reverse-engineering of code to UML model. These kinds of transformations are also identified by the Object Management Groups Query View Transformation (QVT) activity (OMG, 2002a), that aims to establish standards for model driven development transformations. Figure 8 shows the high-level process of UMT and its current support for model-driven web service development. UMT has an open architecture based on XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) (OMG, 2002c), which is the de-facto standard for representation of UML. The developer needs a UML tool that supports XMI import or export, since XMI is used as an input or output format in the transformation process of UMT. Internally, UMT works with a simplified XMI, called XMI Light, which eliminates unnecessary complexity from the XMI representation. In future versions, XMI 2.0 may be used as the governing representation. XMI Light is a simplification of XMI and a common denominator for a set of XMI versions. Transformers that implement transformations are implemented in either XSLT or Java and they have XMI Light as input or output depending on the kind of transformations. XSLT has been used to implement conversions both ways between WSDL and UML class diagrams. UMT also has support for the conversions, one way, from UML to the execution languages such as BPEL4WS. UMT has a graphical user interface implemented in Java where the developer can configure and run the desired transformations. Figure 8. Web Service Tool Support Web Service Specifications Transformers C2 WSDL UMT UML model C1 C3 Execution languages C4 A1 XMI obj A3 XMI Light Execute transformer BPEL4WS A2 WorkSco There exist other transformers for non-web services specifications such as Java, and SQL. The graphical user interface of UMT and some of its transformers, including the web service transformers, are available at SourceForge with a GNU Lesser open source license ( EVALUATION This section evaluates the three main topics of this paper: The "pure UML" approach, the WSDL-to-UML conversion rules, and the UML-toWDSL conversion rules. The "pure UML" approach. The use of UML to model web service interfaces has been promoted by others (Provost, 2003; Carlsson, 2003). However, UML profiles for this purpose produce WSDLdependent UML models. Such models contain a number of WSDL details being irrelevant for understanding the semantics of the service. Rather, there is a risk of getting lost in implementation details. On the other hand, using pure UML for web service modeling is very helpful to the modeler's comprehension, especially when the models are complex. However, former attempts of WSDL-independent UML models (Thöne et al., 2002) have not resulted in automatic generation of the new WSDL file. The work presented in this paper has provided tool support all the way from the existing WDSL files through the modeling phase and to the automatic generation of the new WSDL file. The generality of pure UML models also allows for conversion to more than one target platform (WSDL, IDL, Java, etc.), or to later versions of the same platform. The conversion rules between UML and WSDL have been implemented in the UMT tool. This has enabled testing and practical experience of the conversion rules. From WSDL to UML. Several WSDL documents found on the Web have been reverse-engineered. However, even if the generated UML models are simple, the quality of the models is not always good. The reason is that many WSDL documents do not have proper element names. Another finding is that the WSDL documents that are generated from Java or .NET oriented WSDL-tools have different naming conventions. One example is a WSDL document where all operations have exactly one input parameter which is always named "parameters". This input parameter is then of a type consisting of parts representing each actual parameter. This problem is illustrated by an example of a UML model generated from a WSDL file provided by CapeScience (Figure 9). The service provides several operations, but only one operation is showed in the figure to illustrate the point. The getWind operation takes an arg0 named parameter of type string as input and produces an output which is a string. The semantics of the input and output is unclear. The arg0 input parameter requires a four character international airport code, while the output returns a natural language string describing the wind condition. It is obvious that the semantics of the reversegenerated UML model is dependent on the semantics included in the WSDL document. Quite often there are no semantic definitions associated with the WSDL file, since the way to do this has not been standardized. Figure 9. Simplified UML Model generated from non-informative WSDL Station +getWind( arg0 : string ) : string From UML to WSDL. Based on a simple UML model with a class which realizes some interface one may quickly come up with a WSDL document using the conversion rules. The transport protocol and encoding styles can be chosen at generation time and the protocols generated should follow recommendations of the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I, 2003). The generation tool provides a good starting point and the resulting WSDL document can be further improved by a few manual insertions or corrections, e.g. by specifying necessary XML namespaces. CONCLUSIONS This paper recommends developers to model web services as conceptual UML models without using WSDL-specific constructs. Further, it presents a two-way mapping between a WSDL-independent interface model in UML and the corresponding ser- vice description in WSDL. On the basis of practical tests, we claim that WSDL-independent UML models are better for understanding what a web service does; and that WSDLindependent UML models are sufficient for forward and/or reverse engineering of web services. The findings lead to the following conclusions: (1) A WSDL-independent UML model of a web service explains that service better than a WSDLdependent model or pure WSDL does. This because WSDL-specific UML constructs obscure rather than clarify the content and behavior of the web service. On the contrary, models ignoring the WDSL-specific information contain fewer technical details and are therefore easier to understand for humans. (2) WSDL-independent UML models simplify building of web services, especially when the services are complex. This assertion is based on the fact that it is easier to integrate existing web services at the abstract level. The choice of protocols and bindings can be left to the underlying infrastructure. (3) Reverse engineering of WDSL specifications to WDSLindependent UML models works for all kinds of services. The nature of the transformation rules allows us to reverse engineer any WSDL document. However, it does not always provide semantically useful models, due to the low semantic content of some WSDL documents. (4) Forward engineering (code generation) of WDSL-independent UML models into WSDL service de- scriptions works for all kinds of services. The transformation rules generate valid WSDL documents based on the choice of transport protocols and bindings. Hence, we can in principle produce a web service specification for any UML class that has operations specified. The recommended approach facilitates the inclusion of existing web services into a model-driven environment. It also allows the developer to be more efficient in interpreting and reusing existing services in new settings. ENDNOTES 1. A short version of this paper was presented at The 2004 IEEE International Conference on eTechnology, e-Commerce and eService (EEE-04), Taipei, Taiwan. 2. This paper has been partially funded by the European Union project IST-2001-37724, Adaptable and Composable E-commerce and Geographic Information Services (ACEGIS). REFERENCES Carlson, D. (2003). Hypermodel Tool, from Christensen, E., Curbera, F., Meredith, G., & Weerawarana, S. (2001). Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1, W3C Note, from Dumas, M., & Hofstede, A. H. M. t. (2001). UML Activity Diagrams as a Workflow Specification Language. Paper presented at the The Fourth International Conference on the Unified Modeling Language, UML 2001, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Gardner, T. (2003). UML Modelling of Automated Business Processes with a Mapping to BPEL4WS. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Darmstadt, Germany. Grønmo, R., & Solheim, I. (2004). Towards Modeling Web Service Composition in UML. Paper presented at The 2nd International Workshop on Web Services: Modeling, Architecture and Infrastructure (WSMAI-2004), Porto, Portugal. Kollman, R., Selonen, P., Stroulia, E., Systä, T., & Zundorf, A. (2002). A Study on the Current State of the Art in Tool-Supported UMLBased Static Reverse Engineering. Paper presented at the Ninth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'02), Richmond, Virginia. OGC. (2002). Web Feature Service Implementation Specification Version 1.0.0 (OpenGIS Implementation Specification No. OGC 02-058): Open GIS Consortium Inc. OMG. (2002a). MOF 2.0 Query/View/Transformation RFP, from OMG. (2002b). Object Management Group's Model Driven Architecture, from OMG. (2002c). XML Metadata Interchange (XMI). Provost, W. (2003). UML for Web Services., from 8/05/uml.html. SINTEF. (2004). UML Model Transformation tool (UMT), from Thöne, S., Depke, R., & Engels, G. (2002). Process-Oriented, Flexible Composition of Web Services with UML. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business: A Web Service Perspective (eCOMO 2002), Tampere, Finland. WS-I. (2003). Web Services Interoperability Organization, from ABOUT THE AUTHORS Roy Grønmo has been working as a research scientist at SINTEF since 1998. He holds a master in computer science from the University of Oslo, Norway from 1995. During his time at SINTEF, he has been involved in European and Norwegian research and industrial projects, focusing on model-driven development, XML-based technology, The Unified Modeling Language and geographical information systems. David Skogan has a Masters degree in computer science from the Norwegian Technical University in Trondheim and has been working as a research scientist at SINTEF since 1994. His fields of interest are geographic information science, objectoriented modeling, interoperability standards and web service technologies. Hi is working on a PhD at the University of Oslo on the subject of multi-resolution geographic information. Currently he is technical coor- dinator of the European Union project ACE-GIS (IST-2001-37724). Ida Solheim has been working as a research scientist at SINTEF since 1997. She has a Master degree from the University of Oslo (1993) in the application of computer science to geography. She has wide experience in data modeling, systems development and project management, both from IT industry and applied research. Her research interests are in the area of data modeling, objectoriented modeling, and interoperability, mainly involving geographic information. Jon Oldevik has been working as a research scientist at SINTEF since 1996. He holds a master in computer science from the University of Oslo, Norway from 1996. During his time at SINTEF, he has been involved in European and Norwegian research and industrial projects, focusing on distributed, component-based, and service-oriented system engineering, methodologies, integration and interoperability, architecture analysis, and model driven development. He has earlier been involved in standardisation efforts towards OMG and ISO. Currently, he is a task leader in the European EUREKA project ‘Families’.