Forest Pest Management Worldview “The genus Pinus : feeding insects since the Mesozoic” ...Laura Merrill Forest Entomologist Forest Ecologist Worldview “The Phylum Arthropoda: Recycling carbon since the Paleozoic” ...Nancy Gillette Nouvelle Entomologist Current research directions Forest Health Protection Beetle pheromone development, especially microencapsulated pheromones Geographical variation in beetle behavioral chemistry (beetle “dialects”) Role of beneficial insects in soil processes Effect of disturbance (fire, herbicides, thinning) on forest floor arthropods Biodiversity conservation of soil and CWD decomposing fauna (NWFP) Potential directions Forest health protection Global warming as disturbance Effect of global warming on pest population dynamics and insect/host interactions Soil processes Effect of global warming on soil processes mediated by arthropods (belowground food web) Potential changes in range, rate of development, rate of reproduction by poikilotherms Potential for positive feedback loop, increasing rate of carbon release from soils Responses of forest soil microarthropods to prescribed fire in the southern Cascade Range Nancy Gillette USDA Forest Service, Michael Camann, Karen Lamoncha, and Neil Plant Humboldt State University Crucial functions of soil arthropods: Soils = global storage site for carbon Below-ground biomass equal to above ground Arthropods fragment and decompose litter Arthropods enhance nutrient mineralization Feeding changes fungal/bacterial ratios Optimizes release rate of nitrogen Effects of fire on forest soils Massive shift in inputs from above ground to below ground Rapid flush of nitrogen (leached) Direct incineration of soil fauna Changes in soil fauna habitat (litter consumed) Increase in soil temperature (insolation) Increase in soil moisture (evapotranspiration) 20th Century = Fire Exclusion Smokey the Bear campaign successful Fire exclusion changed stand structure (shift in tree species, fuel buildup, increased litter) Fire exclusion created very firesusceptible forests, huge wildfire problem Solution: reintroduce fire Questions How severe are effects of fire on forest floor arthropods? How long-lasting are effects of fire? What is effect of habitat patchiness (refugia) on soil fauna? How many mites are “enough”? How many species are “enough”? Does diversity confer stability? Blacks Mt. Experimental Forest Lassen National Forest, Southern Cascade Range, California Interdisciplinary (wildlife biology, entomology, botany) Stand structure (high/low diversity + RNAs) Each plot split into burned and unburned splitplots Low-intensity prescribed burn applied in 1997 Stand structure treatments: • high diversity •RNA • low diversity Microarthropod responses to prescribed fire at BMEF multi-year study stand structure alteration low intensity fire Acari from 600 samples 600 800 1000 1200 B: October 1998 0 200 400 Mean abundance +- 1.0 SE 800 600 400 200 Prostig Hypopi Oribatids 600 800 1000 Unburned Burned 400 Mean abundance +- 1.0 SE Mesostig C: June 1999 1200 Mesostig 200 Oribatids 0 Mean abundance +- 1.0 SE 1000 1200 A: June 1998 0 Acarine suborder responses: Oribatids Mesostig Prostig Hypopi Prostig Hypopi 1000 800 400 600 Mean abundance +- 1.0 SE 0 200 Oribatid assemblage responses: HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned June 1998 • mean abundance October 1998 June 1999 25 Sample dates 15 10 0 5 Mean richness +- 1.0 SE • 500,000 individuals 20 • 72 Oribatei species HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned • mean species richness June 1998 October 1998 Sample dates June 1999 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 Mean Brillouin index +- 1.0 SE 0.5 0.0 Oribatid assemblage responses: HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned June 1998 • mean species diversity October 1998 June 1999 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned 0.0 Mean Camargo index +- 1.0 SE 1.0 Sample dates June 1998 • mean assemblage evenness October 1998 Sample dates June 1999 250 200 150 100 Mean abundance +- 1.0 SE 50 0 Collembola assemblage responses: HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned June 1998 October 1998 • mean abundance June 1999 August 1999 October 1999 12 Sample dates 8 6 4 0 2 Mean richness +- 1.0 SE 10 • 44 Collembola species HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned June 1998 • mean species richness October 1998 June 1999 Sample dates August 1999 October 1999 0.5 1.0 1.5 HSD unburned HSD burned LSD unburned LSD burned RNA unburned RNA burned 0.0 Mean Brillouin index +- 1.0 SE 2.0 Collembola assemblage responses: June 1998 • mean diversity October 1998 June 1999 Sample dates August 1999 October 1999 Soil microarthropod responses to prescribed fire at BMEF: Fire consumed litter, but was patchy Profound effects on mite community structure: decreased abundance, richness, diversity increased evenness and alteration of dominance relationships Prostigmatids recovered quickly and dramatically; other mites and Collembola declined Oribatei were excellent bioindicators Fire effects lasted at least two years Specific questions answered Fire effects drastic, even with cool burn Abundance, species richness, and diversity continue to decline two years post-treatment Stand structural complexity mitigated effects of fire (RNA>HD>LD) No sign of recovery yet Questions unanswered How long will recovery take? Is the decline in mite populations of real concern (how many mites are enough)? Is the decline in mite diversity of concern (how many species are enough)? Are these results generalizable to other sites? Where are we now? Documented intermediate-term effects Described nine new arthropod species (two of them named for BMEF…B. montanus and B. blacksensis) Started a catalog of oribatid mites of PNW Identified a trend of concern for mites The End