AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY OF BLOCKING WITH REGARD TO THE THEORY OF COHERENT STRUCTURES IN A BAROCLINIC ATMOSPHERE by PAUL JAMES HANCOCK B.A., University of Chicago (1983) Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in METEOROLOGY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1986 ©Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986 /2 Signature of Author p I/ Center for 6 eteorology and Physical Oceanography Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences June, 1986 Certified by x Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students I~k Fj7Abf AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY OF BLOCKING WITH REGARD TO THE THEORY OF COHERENT STRUCTURES IN A BAROCLINIC ATMOSPHERE by PAUL JAMES HANCOCK Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Meteorology ABSTRACT Considerable theoretical work has been done attempting to model persistent atmospheric flow patterns (blocking) with localized, coherent structures superimposed on a mean westerly wind, in particular by In Malguzzi's theory, which assumes a baroclinic Malguzzi (1984). atmosphere, the existence of the coherent structure solution requires that certain constraints be satisfied by the mean zonal wind field, which is allowed to have both vertical and meridional shear. These constraints imply the existence of a quantum mechanical potential well embedded in the structure of a potential function V(y,z) which Malguzzi derives. In dimensionless form, V(y,z) = 1 4 1 = - u - Uzz + Uz - where y is the meridional gradient of the quasi-geostrophic potential 2 vorticity, u is the mean zonal wind, and the buoyancy frequency (N ) has been assumed constant. The present investigation consists of calculating various profiles of V from real atmospheric data and analyzing their structure, in an attempt to determine the degree of applicability of the coherent structure model to the real atmosphere. Numerous cases are considered. A composite of twelve cases of Atlantic (positive) blocking is looked at, first for a time of five days after onset, and subsequently during an entire time series from 5 days prior to onset until 5 days after the onset of blocking. Also, a composite of twelve cases of Atlantic "negative" blocking, consisting actually of a strong "high index" zonal flow, and the wintertime climatological mean flow are considered, for comparison Finally, several cases of Atlantic blocking are investigated purposes. on an individual basis. For the Atlantic positive blocking composite case at day +5 lag, the results show undeniable evidence supporting the existence of the potential well structure in the V field, although the available data does not extend far enough to the south to capture the entire well. There are some gaps observed in the positive V regions forming the rim of the potential well, however, indicating that the meridional confinement of the waves might not be as complete as assumed in the The negative blocking composite results provide substantially theory. -2- less support for a potential well in V, and the climatology results no support. For the individual cases, defining U becomes a serious problem; however in some of the cases where a representative U field can be identified, very clearly defined potential wells are observed in the V profiles, which practically match the theoretical ideal. Finally, in the time series, evidence supporting the existence of a potential well in V is minimal prior to the onset of blocking, but quite strong after onset. Finally, the magnitudes of N2 values and variations are estimated using 2 = N 2 (z). The observed data, and the V function is rederived assuming N modifications to the V field are significant, but the overall structure remains primarily determined by the structure of the mean zonal wind field, except in isolated regions such as the tropopause where temperature effects may dominate. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Dr. Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli Associate Professor of Oceanography -3- TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ............................................................2 Table of Contents..................................................4 Acknowledgement.....................................................5 I. Introduction..................................................6 II. Theoretical background and motivation........................12 III. Data and numerical procedure.................................25 IV. Results....................................................32 A. Composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking...............................................33 i. The cases.......................................33 ii. Some observations of the 500mb geopotential height fields...................................33 iii. Observations of the calculated V function profiles, for day +5....o......................38 B. Composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative blocking............................................... 48 C. The V field calculated from the climatological mean ............................. 51 geostrophic wind profile.. D. Individual cases of Atlantic (positive) blocking ....... 55 12Z, December 31, i. The case of ii. The case of OZ, December 23, 1971..............56 1976......... ..... 59 iii. Some further individual cases of blocking. E. Time evolution of the V profile for the Atlantic positive blocking composite......... F. A few considerations V. regarding N 2 ... Conclusions................................ . 62 ..... 64 ... 69 ..... 82 References ...................................... *000000*60*60 ..... 89 Figure Captions................................. ..... 91 Figures......................................... ..... 95 -4- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First, I would like to thank my advisor and thesis supervisor, professor Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli, for her suggestion of the topic of this thesis, her continued support and encouragement of the work, and her many useful comments and criticisms. greatly appreciated. Her enthusiasm was also In addition, professors Randy Dole and Peter Stone are thanked for numerous helpful comments and suggestions. Finally, thanks is due to Laura Werkheiser for her help in preparing the figures, and to the 16th floor crew for making life there more enjoyable. -5- I. Introduction. Atmospheric blocking is a phenomenon which has been recognized by meteorologists for quite some time. Many observational and theoretical studies have been conducted on blocking, yet there is still no completely satisfactory explanation for this challenging feature of the atmospheric circulation. The observational studies provide much information on the climatology and structure of blocks (e.g. Rex, 1950; Dole, 1982); some attempt to explain the dynamics which characterize the development and maintenance of blocking (e.g. Hartmann and Ghan, 1980; Illari, 1984). Inherent in most of the theoretical studies is the notion that blocking displays unusual persistence characteristics and therefore requires a special explanation. Whether blocking actually shows unusually long persistence or not is still a matter open to debate; however, in light of what Leith (1983) describes as "classical predictability analysis" there does seem to be some basis for regarding blocking as persistent. The classical predictability theory assumes the atmosphere to be an unstable, nonlinear, turbulent system in which any minute perturbation will eventually grow to deflect the system from its original predicted course, and lead to a completely different sequence of weather events. The main goal of the theory is to estimate the growth rate of small errors. A general consensus now exists that a small error doubling time is on the order of 2.5 days (synoptic time scale), and this figure will limit the general predictability times which can be achieved. Blocking events, however, often persist for two to three weeks or more, with a major effect on the weather patterns in -6- their locality. This observation suggests that some measure of atmospheric predictability can be attained on time scales longer than the classical predictability times, and raises the notion of weather regimes which show greater persistence than individual weather events. The identification of weather regimes has led to the idea that there are certain preferred quasi-equilibrium states into which the atmospheric flow organizes itself. Numerous theoretical studies have been conducted on these so called multiple equilibria, a notable example being that of Charney and DeVore (1979). As with many theoretical studies relating to blocking, wave resonance is a central theme in their theory. These authors consider a few externally forced large scale waves in a nonlinear barotropic model, and find that two distinct stable flow states are possible -- one far from linear resonance displaying small amplitude waves and strong zonal flow (high index flow), and the other close to linear resonance with large amplitude waves and weak zonal flow (low index flow). This low index state is characteristic of blocking (later referred to as "positive blocking"). The multiple equilibria in these theoretical studies are brought about by retaining nonlinearity in the governing equations of motion, and solving by expanding the equations in Fourier series and then severely truncating them. Malguzzi and Speranza (1981) also find multiple equilibria in a model which uses a weak forcing, resulting in only a weakly nonlinear flow. This possibility that the atmospheric flow is organized into certain identifiable quasi-equilibrium states, between which it makes relatively quick transitions, has led Leith (1983) to describe what he calls a quantum theory of atmospheric dynamics and predictability. -7- -'-~LIBr Il~~rr.r -I-- )-----r~L~L According to Leith, there have been two approaches to the quantum dynamics, namely a wave approach and a particle approach. The wave approach represents a global theory, in that large scale waves are considered over the entire hemisphere, and stems from the study of Charney and DeVore cited above. A significant problem with this approach concerns the severe truncation necessary to solve the equations, which eliminates many smaller modes which could possibly cause more numerous transitions between equilibrium states - and thereby reduce the persistence times of the states. The particle approach to an atmospheric quantum dynamics consists, according to Leith, of an attempt to model certain flow regimes (e.g. blocking) with stable coherent structures, such as solitons or modons. This theory represents a local approach to the problem, which emphasizes the regional aspects of the atmospheric flow patterns, and is the subject of further focus in the present study. The coherent structures of this "particle" theory are special localized solutions of the nonlinear dynamics equations, and are assumed to be superimposed on a mean westerly current. The two key aspects of the model equations for this theory are nonlinear interactions and linear dispersion of atmospheric waves. Nonlinearity arises as the result of advection, while a mean vorticity gradient (B-effect) gives rise to linearly dispersive Rossby waves. Either of these two effects (nonlinear interactions or linear dispersion) alone could destroy any local coherent structure, however together they can balance in such a way as to preserve it. Theoretical studies of the type described above, which seek coherent structure solutions to the quasigeostrophic equations, have -8- r--n~-_ _I~U;L~ fallen into two basic groups. The first group deals with solutions known as modons, which consist of a vortex pair translating with constant phase speed. Modons are exact solutions to the inviscid barotropic potential vorticity conservation equation, but have a discontinuity in the streamlines at a particular radius from the modon center. McWilliams (1980) has shown a modon solution to resemble a particular atmospheric blocking event quite well. The second group of solutions, known as solitons, are characterized by the results of Long (1964). Long studied waves in a a-plane channel, in which the mean westerly current varied with latitude. The resulting shear led to the functional relationship between potential vorticity (q) and streamfunction (*) being quadratic in *, and therefore necessitated solving a Korteweg-deVries (KdV) equation. Solitons are the exact solutions to this equation, however it must be remembered that the KdV equation itself was derived through a perturbation calculation from the barotropic potential vorticity equation. Many observed blocking patterns do have structures which resemble the solitons and modons of these theoretical models; not. although many do It is always of fundamental importance to maintain a keen appreciation of the similarities and differences between theory and observations, for such differences often lead to new developments. The present study represents an attempt to test a certain theoretical prediction by conducting an observational investigation. The extent to which the observations confirm the theoretical prediction, and to which they differ from the theory, are sought. The theoretical work upon which this observational analysis is based is the study of coherent structures in a baroclinic atmosphere by -9- Malguzzi (1984). Malguzzi's work represents another attempt to model persistent atmospheric flow patterns by localized, coherent structures. The theory assumes a mean zonal wind profile which contains both meridional and vertical shear, and has two latitudinal turning points, one on each side of the supposed mid-latitude jet stream (two vertical turning points as well). These turning points define the edges of the horizontal wave guide, in which the waves are confined. This confinement is manifested in the theory by the existence of a quantum mechanical potential well embedded in the structure of a potential function V(y,z) which Malguzzi derives. That such a potential well exists is crucial for the wave trapping upon which the theory relies, and represents the particular theoretical prediction to be tested here. The observational investigation consists of calculating various profiles of V from real atmospheric data, and analyzing their structure. Most of the data is taken from actual cases of blocking, and evidence of the characteristic signature of the potential well is sought. Much of this analysis amounts to a study of the mean zonal wind field (averaged over a suitable local longitude band) upstream from a blocking pattern. In addition, a brief look is given to data taken from cases of particularly strong zonal flow, the opposite phase of the so-called "index cycle" from blocking. The purpose here is to see the structure of the V function during an unblocked flow regime, and compare it to the patterns obtained from the blocking cases. Hopefully, in addition to providing observational evidence either for or against Malguzzi's hypothesis, something may be learned about the nature of blocking as well. In section II, a review of Malguzzi's theory is provided, -10- __ ~I-~YI-LVI~ _I~I_1LL_.II furnishing the motivation for what follows in the remaining sections. Section III deals with the analysis procedure and the available data. In section IV the results of the calculations are presented, along with discussions of their significance. Finally, in section V, conclusions are drawn and an assessment is made as to the degree to which the observational findings support the theory. -11- II. Theoretical Background and Motivation.1 Log pressure coordinates provide the most clear and concise system of notation, and are thus best suited for working with the equations to follow. The log pressure system is defined with vertical coordinate z -H01ln(p/p 0 ) , where P0 = 1000mb is the standard reference pressure. The density scale height, HO = RTO/g, is assigned a typical mid-latitude value of 8km. (Holton, 1979, chapter 11 contains a good review of log pressure coordinates.) In addition, the B-plane approximation will be made, allowing for a Cartesian geometry, but with the dynamical impact of the earth's f will rotation taken into account by defining a Coriolis parameter f; have a constant value, f0 , everywhere except where it appears differentiated with respect to latitude, in which case 3f/ay = B constant. = The other standard approximations used in quasi-geostrophic theory will also be applied, and a review of these can be found in Holton (1979), chapter 6. With the goal of explaining some of the "coherent structures" which are often observed during atmospheric blocking episodes, Malguzzi chooses to develop a model with potential vorticity as the principle dynamical quantity of interest, as opposed to many other quantities, 1 Most of the theory presented here follows the model developed in Malguzzi (1984, PhD. thesis, chapter 1). -12- such as momentum, which could be used to describe the dynamics. Potential vorticity is indeed the logical choice, if one adopts the fundamental notion, as Malguzzi does, that the structures under investigation are the result of some combination of Rossby waves superimposed upon a mean zonal flow. For this perspective leads one to the natural separation of the zonal mean flow, and the perturbation, which is simply the remainder after the zonal mean flow has been subtracted from the total flow. As Illari (1984) points out, the single most powerful dynamical constraint on both the mean flow and eddies is the approximate conservation of potential vorticity. Having established the motivation for working with potential vorticity, the starting point of the theory is the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity conservation equation (in log pressure coordinates) for inviscid, stationary flows. The assumption of no friction is a reasonable approximation above the planetary boundary layer; the restriction to stationary flows is based on the assumption that the coherent structures change little with time, and that the eastward propagation speed of the pattern (group of waves) is very nearly zero. Nonetheless, considering only stationary flows prevents one from modelling the time evolution of the patterns obtained. The equation is: J(4,q) = 0. Here, J represents the Jacobian of The variable p represents i and q (J(y,q)=4jxqy - (1) yqx)" the geostrophic streamfunction, (x,y,z) = gh(x,y,z) fo -13- (2) 2 where g is the acceleration due to gravity (g = 9.806m/sec ); f 0 is the standard mid-latitude value of the Coriolis parameter (f0 = 10- sec ); and h(x,y,z) is the geopotential height at a particular point (x,y,z) in The geostrophic zonal wind is then given by the familiar meters. relation u = -9 , (3) where the subscript denotes a partial derivative. The variable q represents the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity, and is given (in log pressure coordinates) by the expression: q = V on the (4) (e-z/H + f + e /HO0 B-plane, with constant N2 . Here, V represents the two 2 dimensional gradient operator, with V the horizontal Laplacian; 1 1 the Coriolis parameter, f = By (j = 1.5 x 10-11m- sec- ). f is Additionally, the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, a measure of the static stability of the atmosphere, is given in the present coordinate system by the relation N2 where, T KT HO az HO R (5) R = gas constant for dry air = 287 JoK-lkg-I T = absolute temperature (OK) = T(x,y,z) K = R/cp = 0.286. At this juncture an important restriction is made by assuming for the 2 purposes of the model that N is constant throughout the domain under -14- I_____lml__C__Y~__III___I_~_ consideration. Later, the validity of this assumption will be examined, along with the possible effects that allowing a variable N on the results. could have N is given a typical average value for the mid-latitude troposphere, N = 1.25 x 10-2sec The variables 1 = (N2 1.56 x 10- sec-2). and q can now be decomposed into zonal mean plus i deviation components: (x,y,z) = 4(y,z) + *'(x,y,z) (6a) , with the condition =0 4' lim (6b) + xI stating that the flow far upstream or downstream from the region of interest is just the zonal mean flow. In addition, q(x,y,z) = q(y,z) + q'(x,y,z). Now, the mean zonal wind 7(y,z), the wind upstream from the blocking region to which q will correspond, is given by: u(y,z) (yz) ay = - It is considered as having vertical and meridional shear, thus allowing for a realistic mid-latitude jet as observed in the atmosphere. The expression for q is then 2 + f + ez/H q = ay N 2 -15- (ez/HO ~(z/H . __Y__n_______l___lllII -L-~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~L~L~L~L~L~L~L~L~L~L Expanding the third term on the right and simplifying, one obtains + f + - N y f02 2- a 22 q az z 2 2 HN 2 Taking the meridional gradient (a/ay): q This quantity - f02 yy2 + B N2 =z fo2 2 2 + HON a 2 az y, the basic state quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity gradient, is of considerable dynamical interest, due to its implications for the stability properties of the atmosphere. As Fullmer (1982) notes, in the absence of boundary temperature gradients, a zero in the qy profile is a necessary, and in at least a few special cases sufficient, condition for baroclinic instability to occur. Zeros of qiy usually have associated baroclinically unstable modes of oscillation. At this point it is useful to non-dimensionalize the equation. The following scales are taken as representative of the motion systems under consideration: Lr = horizontal length scale = Rossby radius of deformation = 1000km U = characteristic velocity scale (= peak jet velocity) = 45m/sec H0 = vertical length scale = scale height = 8km. Letting the star (*) variables be the old dimensional variables, while the unstarred variables are non-dimensional, one has: z* = zH0 y* = yLr u* = uU -16- U 8* = B 2 Lr Substituting into the equation for qy, one obtains: U 82 y2 8y 2 y Lr + f02 U a2 2 2 N2 N H az U 2 Lr + 02 2 az N2 N HO Since 2 U f 4.5 x 10- 11 m-sec- 1 U Lr 2 N 2 H02 the expression for the non-dimensional qy is: 2 2. qy y2 Y + 8z2 + _9(7) Dz ' with * = (4.5 x 10- 11 m-sec-1 ) The following non-dimensional equations can the characteristic scale. also be obtained in a similar manner: yy + *zz q= - "z + BY and q = 2 + 'zz - z * (8) Having established a few relations with which to work, solutions of the original equation (1) can be sought, along the lines of Malguzzi's modelling techniques. The general solution of equation (1) can be written q = F(9), -17- (9) where F is an analytic function. The model assumes weak nonlinearity, taken to be a higher order effect, balanced by linear dispersion. With these two assumptions, there are only two cases which will lead to coherent, localized analytic solutions: a) the deviation l' from the mean flow is weak, or b) the mean flow has weak meridional shear. In light of observations, neither of these cases is particularly realistic. In blocking patterns, for instance, the deviation i' is often strong enough to offset or even reverse a mean westerly flow (') at mid-latitudes. Also, the observed mean flow certainly does not have weak meridional shear, as a strong peak of westerlies occurs in midlatitudes flanked by substantial horizontal gradients (M/ay). In order to derive a solution with the model, however, one of these cases must be selected, and case a) is given consideration as the one allowing for the use of realistic mean wind profiles containing significant meridional (and vertical) shear. The fact that 4' must therefore be assumed to be weak is a limitation of the model. In any case, the next step is the expansion of the functional F = F(P + p')in a power series, and the cases a) and b) above require different expansions. Details of these techniques can be found in Malguzzi's thesis (1984); expanded around 7. for the case of a weak deviation ', F is Malguzzi then uses this expansion, along with the upstream boundary condition (6b), and equation (8) for q', from the relation q = F() to derive an expression which can be solved for the perturbation streamfunction, 4', alone. For this derivation the reader is once again referred to Malguzzi (1984). The upstream boundary condition implies that 7 = F(T), and the resulting equation for -p'is -18- then: P xx + P'z zz - + *1yy Y( u - u y-( )+ - u uay o( ' 3) (10) assuming certain fixed properties of the mean flow. p'is But, noting that assumed to be small, one would like to transform this equation into one for an 0(1) variable. Therefore, the following substitution is introduced by Malguzzi: Let 4' = so that EI*ez/2 e < 1 * = 0(1). and The ez/2 factor allows elimination of the term containing the vertical first derivative. Substitution into (10) yields: (I + $*xx + 9*yy + #*zz _Y__"p* - z/2 = e u+ - _l i 2 _Y II 2 +O(g 2 ) . ( II Therefore, *xx + '*yy + *zz - V* = -- ez/2 Q4* 2 (11) + 0( 2) with (12) Equation (11) shows clearly that nonlinearity is O(e). It is equation (12) which will be focused on in this study. In his thesis, Malguzzi specifies a particular mean zonal wind profile, T(y,z), which is intended to represent the mid-latitude jet stream in some gross average sense. The profile has meridional and -19- vertical structure, and the variables are assumed to be separable: 7(y,z) = U(y)Z(z) . In the north/south direction, the profile has two turning points at latitudes ±Y 0 , where the wind speed reaches a minimum U(y) = U 0 > 0; jet maximum occurs half way between these turning points. a These two latitudes ±yg represent the edges of the jet, and define the horizontal wave guide within which all of the solutions apply. The actual latitude values of ±yO are left unstated by Malguzzi, as they are not necessary for the theory. The theoretical solutions are assumed to be waves which are meridionally trapped in the zonal wave guide, and thus they will not be effected by the structure of the zonal wind outside this region. In the vertical, a similar situation applies, with minimum values of Z(z) (turning points) occurring at the ground and at a height of roughly 19km, while a jet maximum is at roughly 10-11km. wavelike solutions are also vertically trapped. Analogously, then, the It is essential to remember that this zonal wind structure was chosen, and while it is quite representative of the mid-latitude jet stream in a large scale long-term average sense, it was designed to be compatible with the assumption that there exists a region of horizontal and vertical finite extent out of which no energy radiation occurs. Indeed the entire theory rests upon this assumption of energy trapping, which depends upon the meridional and vertical structure of the mean zonal wind. This brings up the V function of equation (12) once again. Using Malguzzi's specified wind profile, the structure of the V function is that of a potential well of finite depth. If p*of equation (11) broken down by orders of e, and a long scale is introduced in the -20- is x-direction, then the leading order [0(1)] eigenvalue problem (corresponding to eq.(11)) is the equation for the wave function of a quantum mechanical particle in the potential well V. The significance of this statement will be clarified below through a brief review of the theory leading to the solutions for the perturbation streamfunction. It is clear, though, how the theory relies so crucially on the structure of V actually being that of a potential well. the variable 4* is expanded as In order to solve equation (11), * = *(0) + ) + ... Now, it is assumed that the nonlinearity, an 0(s) effect, is balanced by dispersion in the zonal direction. Hence, a long scale in x is introduced: x = X -X , X = 0(1) with Substituting these expressions into equation (11) . and separating terms in powers of e, at lowest order one obtains *(0)yy + W(0)zz - V*(0) = 0 In addition, due to the long x-scale, the zero order solution is separable, allowing the following expression to be written: 9(0) = A(X) (y,z). Malguzzi's theory then proceeds through the steps leading to the -21- following zero order eigenvalue problem: yy + = -K4 zz - V with Zz 1 z = 0 , 2) z and + 0 y as + , z 0. The eigenvalue, K, is assumed to be of order e. (13) For further details of these steps, as well as a derivation of the lower boundary condition, one is referred to Malguzzi's thesis (1984, chapter 1 and appendix A). This eigenvalue problem is used to determine solutions for p(y,z). One still needs to solve for A(X), however, and for this the order 6 equation (derived from eq.(11)) must be looked at. This order E expression can be written as a Korteweg-deVries equation after some manipulation, the specific steps of which are again provided in Malguzzi's thesis (1984). The solution for A(X), localized in x, then turns out to be A(X) = 3K( 1 ) _K(1 sech2 2 with K ( 1 ) > 0, and 6 as defined in the thesis; quantity given by K = sK( 1 ). X) , (14) K( 1) is an order one These solutions represent long waves. The coherent, localized solution for the perturbation streamfunction is then = 3 p(y,z) ez/ 2 sech2 ( -22- x) + 0() , (15) (using the definition ' = e*eZ/2). In this equation, e represents the meridional and vertical structure function of the coherent solution, and is obtained as the eigensolution of equations (13); corresponding eigenvalue, with K > 0 and K = O(e). K is the Equation (13) is the equation for the wave function of a quantum mechanical particle in the potential well V. Thus, there will be an infinite number of bound states corresponding to eigenvalues K which are smaller than the value of the rim of the potential well. If there were no potential well, there would be no bound states, and no region of trapping, as the theory presumes. With Malguzzi's zonal wind profile, the rim of the potential well has a value of approximately 4 (dimensionless units). Malguzzi's calculations, with the model parameters assigned typical mid-latitude values, lead to some interesting results. The eigenfunction p1 , corresponding to the lowest bound state KI, is not an This solution does not acceptable solution since in this case K 1 < 0. lead to a coherent structure. The second eigenmode acceptable and has a corresponding K 2 = 0.22. anomaly pattern #2, however, is For this case, the 4' associated with the function 42 is an antisymmetric dipole, with the anticyclone centered north of the cyclone. The solution has an equivalent barotropic vertical structure, and is meridionally and vertically trapped as well. This is the structure Malguzzi sought to duplicate with the model, and his solution bears a good amount of resemblance to some observed blocking patterns, particularly in the eastern Atlantic ocean. The solution for blocking proposed in Malguzzi's thesis, then, -that of "stationary nonlinear Rossby waves of localized character superimposed on a mean zonal wind with meridional and vertical shear", -23- with weak nonlinearity balancing weak wave dispersion -- appears to be able to at least partially describe some of the blocking patterns observed on synoptic maps. It should be kept in mind, however, that the entire theory relies on this V function derived by Malguzzi having the structure of a potential well. V is a function of the mean zonal wind profile only, assuming constant N; it is not clear whether its desired structure will be duplicated if real atmospheric data taken during blocking events is used to obtain a mean zonal wind profile rather than using the hypothetical wind profile proposed by Malguzzi. will be examined in the following sections. -24- This question Data and Numerical Procedure. III. As with most any observational study in which real atmospheric data is used as the basis for making calculations, the derived results will not be nearly as smooth and clean cut as if a nice analytic function had been used to approximate the data. Such is the nature of observational studies, given the inaccuracy in making measurements and the inherent diversity and turbulence of the atmospheric motions themselves. However, it is hoped that from such analyses some kernel can be identified and associated with either some known physical process or hypothesized theoretical behavior. The data used in this study consists of geopotential heights and temperatures at six levels (isobaric surfaces) through the atmosphere: 850mb,700,500,300,200 and 100mb. The data was taken from the final corrected version of the NCAR data sets, which cover the 15 year period January 1963 through December 1977 (the exception is the 100mb data, which only covers the period 4/21/65 through December 1977). At each level, data is given on a 40 latitude by 50 longitude grid, extending 0 0 from 22' to 900 N, and around the entire longitude circle, 0 ,5 E, ... ,50 W. The data is given twice daily at 00 and 1200 Greenwich Mean Time. With the exception of the 100mb data which was read directly from tape, the remaining data was accessed through Dave Gutzler's climate data files, which have been placed on disk for easy accessibility. Three preferred regions for blocking to occur in the northern hemisphere have been identified by Dole (1982). These are, broadly speaking, the eastern Pacific ocean, the eastern Atlantic ocean, and the northern Soviet Union. Observations indicate that flow patterns -25- resembling the dipole structure of Malguzzi's theory, with the anticyclone north of the cyclone, occur in all three blocking regions, but with a slight preference for the eastern Atlantic. For this reason, cases of Atlantic blocking will be looked at in this study, but this by In no means rules out the applicability of the theory to other regions. addition, only winter blocking events are considered, although blocking occurs in all seasons. A brief review of the calculational procedure is now provided. is calculated according to equation (12). V Since the theory looks at blocking from the perspective of a localized, rather than a global phenomenon, only data within a specified longitude band in the vicinity of the block will be considered. The mean zonal wind, Z, is the quantity of interest, and this is calculated geostrophically from the geopotential height field; the zonal wind upstream from the block is The first step then is the taken to represent the mean zonal wind. calculation of the geostrophic streamfunction, gridpoint. Next the three dimensional 4 = gh/f 0 , at each p field is transformed to two dimensions by computing the zonal average y field. The actual choice of the longitude band over which to average is somewhat arbitrary, and four different choices are tried to see how sensitive the results are to this criterion. The narrowest band contains none of the more meridionally oriented flow associated with the blocked region, while the wider bands extend progressively further into the transition zone between the strong zonal flow upstream and what might be called the blocking region (see later figures). Once this zonal average is obtained, 7 is calculated as u= -a/ay. Due to the small number of vertical grid points, and the high order -26- of differentiation required in the calculations, a finite difference approach to computing derivatives is not satisfactory here. Instead, bicubic splines are used, which simultaneously fit a natural cubic The spline to the data in the meridional and vertical directions. bicubic spline assures that second derivatives are continuous and eliminates spurious values of the derivatives. The field of u is calculated in this manner, and the vertical resolution is artificially expanded by computing T at five intermediate levels: and 150mb. 800mb,600,400,250, This does not actually increase the vertical resolution, as these intermediate data points are not the result of independent measurement, but of interpolation from surrounding data points. Once the T field is determined, the quantities Uyy, uzz, and Uz must be calculated in order to solve for V according to equation (12). The vertical derivatives are the most sensitive calculations due to the sparsity of vertical gridpoints. While natural cubic splines are 0 acceptable for the meridional derivatives, as the end gridpoints at 90 N and 220 N can be ignored, this luxury is not affordable in the vertical with only six independent data levels. The cause can be aided by considering Malguzzi's theoretical wind profile and some observations of The idea winter mean zonal wind profiles, and making some assumptions. is just to get some feel for the 7 profile above 100mb and below 850mb so that the vertical derivatives at these levels, which represent the edges of the domain, can be determined more realistically. Malguzzi's vertical profile of 7 In there are turning points at the ground and at roughly 19km, where the zonal wind reaches a minimum. This implies that 37/z = 0 at the ground and at some level above 100mb. addition, it is assumed that 7 = 0 at the ground (z = 0, or p = p0 = -27- In 1000mb), which is a reasonable approximation in light of mean meridional It cross sections of 7 such as that found in Holton (1979, chapter 6). is also assumed that 4j = 0 at some level above 100mb, coinciding with the level at which 87/az = 0. From the winter mean meridional cross section of 7, it is apparent that there is a broad minimum in the wind field between about 30-50mb (20-23km) in mid-latitudes. The minimum values of U range from near zero at low latitudes, to 10-15m/sec between ~45 0 N - 600 N. Still further north, the wind field becomes quite flat on the average, and 7 continues to gradually increase vertically into the stratosphere. For simplicity, the boundary condition u = Z/i = 0 at 30mb (~23-24km) is chosen. What was found when actually doing the calculations was that significant differences do exist between the calculated in the following manners: Tz (and 7zz ) fields a) with a natural cubic spline fit to the data ranging from 850mb to 100mb, ignoring all aspects of the u field outside of this range, and b) by fitting a cubic spline to the extended vertical range (including 7 = 0 values at the ground and at 30mb) with the specified condition and 30mb). aT/az = 0 at the endpoints (ground With the natural cubic splines of method a), the 7z and izz fields were found to vary erratically in space, and to be particularly rough near the edges of the domain. Furthermore, the derived fields were not too stable in the sense that slight changes in the 7 profile could render very large changes in the 7z and Zzz fields. The sensitivity of the results to the exact choice of boundary conditions in method b) above, however, was small provided the choice was reasonably realistic. For example, applying the upper boundary condition at 10mb and at 50mb was tried, with only a very minor change -28- in the zGand tzz profiles at 100mb -- decreasing to no discernible change in the mid and lower troposphere. Also, applying the conditions 3/az = 0 ; T = 10m/sec at 30mb was tested, again with no significant effect on the results below 100mb. Of the results obtained by methods a) and b) above, those of method b), with the assumed behavior above 100mb and below 850mb, are clearly preferable. A crude estimate of the extension of the U field above and below the domain covered by the data has been made in an attempt to preserve the accuracy of the derived fields near the edges of the domain. A crude estimate is all that is really possible since geostrophy is a poor approximation in the planetary boundary layer, and N is no longer nearly constant above the tropopause; in other words, a more precise extension would be pointless and irrelevant due to the already existing model limitations. With the vertical first and second derivatives of the mean zonal wind field calculated with the boundary conditions as above, the only remaining task is to calculate the meridional shear term, uyy. For this calculation, bicubic splines are once again applied, however this time the extended 7 profile (U = 0 at the ground and 30mb) is assumed for consistency. The values of iyy, and of the vertical derivatives, at 220 N and 900 N are ignored due to their spurious behavior as endpoints. Thus the final domain for which the potential function V is calculated ranges between 100mb and 850mb in the vertical, and between latitudes 260 N and 860 N. It should also be noted that the wind field u is nondimensionalized according to the scales described in section II before any of the derived fields required for the determination of V are computed; the characteristic length scales are also applied, and all of -29- the calculations are carried out in dimensionless units. One final point to be made about the procedure of the calculations concerns zeros in the 7 profile. Since the equation for V contains a fraction with 7 as the denominator, zeros of 7 are a potential source of trouble. In Malguzzi's theoretical wind profile T > 0 is assumed throughout the domain, however when real data is used to obtain the wind field, zeros sometimes arise. As the domain here extends to 860 N, well north of the mid-latitude jet stream and the prevailing westerlies, zeros in 7 (in the lower part of the domain at least) can be anticipated in at least some cases as the westerlies give way at high latitudes to the polar easterlies. Such a zero line in the ' profile represents a discontinuity in the V field, where V is undefined. In addition, in the neighborhood of G = 0, where T is very small, V will be extraordinarily large in magnitude. 1iI is applied, In order to smooth the V field a threshold value of such that at any gridpoint where 15 is less than this threshold, u is assigned the threshold value, while maintaining its sign (+ or -). Various experimentations proved that IGi = 4m/sec is a good threshold value; it provides enough smoothing to the V field, without being too severe and causing an adjustment to the value of 0 at too many So, for example, a gridpoint having 7 = im/sec (before gridpoints. nondimensionalizing) would be assigned 7 = 4m/sec, while if 7 = -Im/sec, a new value of 7 = -4m/sec would be assigned. It is important to note that this adjusted 7 field is used only in the denominator of the fraction in equation (12), and not in determining uz, uzz, or uyy. Also, it does not remove the discontinuity in the V field associated with the = 0 line; term yy zz there will still be an abrupt sign change in the z there. Furthermore, this smoothing -30- technique is only applied in the cases where it is necessary. In some of the cases, where 7 > 0 throughout the domain, or where the zeros are limited to a small portion of the domain at high latitudes, the field of V is calculated without using the adjusted u profile. Malguzzi has a similar notion in mind as he assigns U(y) = U 0 both poleward and equatorward of his theoretical mid-latitude jet, as a threshold minimum value. Thus, with the method of calculating V having been described here, in the next section the results are looked at for the various cases considered. The structures of the calculated V fields are compared and contrasted to the potential well structure of Malguzzi's idealized V function. Also, the behavior of the V function is observed as the zonal average wind profile is varied in space (different longitude bands over which u is averaged) and time (t profile for different observation times). -31- IV. Results. The potential function V is calculated for numerous cases of Atlantic blocking using observed atmospheric data. These cases fall into three basic categories: a) A composite of twelve cases in which a blocking ridge is the dominant feature. These cases are characterized by a split flow at 500mb, with one branch of the westerlies being diverted well to the north of its average position, and one branch to the south. Anomalously weak zonal winds prevail in the "blocked" region between the split flow. As Dole (1982) has identified this pattern as one phase of the "primary regional pattern of low frequency variability", it will henceforth be referred to as the positive blocking pattern. b) A composite of twelve cases of what will henceforth be called Atlantic negative blocking. This is the opposite phase of the primary regional pattern of low frequency variability from pattern a). It consists of an unusually strong zonal flow most often displaced somewhat to the south of the climatological mean jet position. c) Individual cases of Atlantic blocking which will lack the benefit of the smoothing provided by the compositing procedure. In particular, cases are chosen which display a well defined anticyclone/cyclone vortex pair in the 500mb flow, resembling the theoretical flow pattern obtained by Malguzzi. -32- A. Composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking. Composite fields have the advantage of being smoother than those of individual cases, yet they still possess the primary features common to the cases from which they are derived. Here the compositing procedure consists merely of taking the average of the twelve observed values at each gridpoint. The criteria used to define blocking, and to identify the onset of blocking, is a matter still open to some debate. A good set of criteria for determining what constitutes a blocking event and what does not can be found in Dole (PhD. thesis, 1982, pp. 43-44). The first time in a sequence of observations at which all of the criteria are satisfied represents the onset of the blocking event, and is defined as day zero. Time is then measured relative to this day zero; for example, one might wish to make a calculation at "day -2", which represents a time of two days prior to the onset of blocking. i. The cases. The cases used in this study all display well defined blocking patterns. They are the cases of Atlantic positive blocking identified by Dole (1982), and the patterns observed are quite closely geographically colocated. The twelve day zeros used in the composite are given below: Case # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Day Zero 1/ 2/67 11/28/67 12/24/67 1/20/68 12/25/68 1/30/69 Case # 7 8 9 10 11 12 12Z 12Z 12Z 0Z 0Z 12Z Day Zero OZ 11/28/69 12Z 2/24/70 12Z 1/23/73 0Z 11/23/73 12Z 12/29/74 OZ 12/ 3/75 ii. Some observations of the 500mb geopotential height fields. Data was gathered for eleven lag times, once every 24 hours from -33- five days prior to the onset of blocking until five days after onset. Maps of the 500mb geopotential height field for each lag time are shown The composite 500mb height map for day -5 shows a in figures la-k. rather zonal flow regime, with no outstanding troughs or ridges. There is certainly no apparent precursor at this point to the blocking event which is to ensue. As one examines the series of maps, it is not until day -2 that the ridge which will amplify into the block becomes 0 0 distinctly evident, in the region around 20 -30 W. On day -4 there is a slight deepening and sharpening of some of the weak troughs seen on the day -5 map, particularly those near 120'W and 75°W. This trend continues on the day -3 map with an eastward progression, so that there 0 are significant troughs at about 110W and 65 W at this time. Zonal flow is still the rule across the Atlantic. A favored location for cyclogenesis at the surface is at the Thus inflection point in the 500mb streamlines to the east of a trough. on the day -3 map there is quite likely a significant mid-latitude cyclone in the western Atlantic (in the average of the 12 cases). Such a feature would produce significant warm advection to its east, which would in turn tend to build a ridge at 500mb there. As has been suggested by numerous other authors (e.g. Illari, Collucci), the impact of travelling mid-latitude cyclones on the development of blocking may be a major one. And, by day -2 a broad ridge is apparent in the eastern 0 Atlantic, with the upstream trough now centered near 50-55 W. On the subsequent maps this ridge continues to build while remaining nearly 0 stationary, centered at about 20 W. The onset of blocking is declared on day zero, although the pattern looks more fully developed on day +1. By day +1 the ridge at 20'W has clearly become the most striking feature -34- of the northern hemispheric flow pattern, and the bulk of the prevailing westerlies have been displaced far to the north of their average 0 0 location -- with the jet centered near 60 N at 20 W longitude. So the entire development of the blocking pattern spans only a few days, while the pattern itself often persists for several weeks. developing at At the same time that the large scale 500mb ridge is mid and into high latitudes, it is apparent that a trough develops in the same longitude region, to the south of roughly 300 N. A second, weaker branch of the westerlies passes through the base of this trough, forming the characteristic split flow of the blocking pattern. 0 Unfortunately data is not available south of 22 N, so part of this southern feature remains obscured. Once the pattern is fully developed on day +1, it remains nearly stationary with some further intensification of the ridge/trough system through day +5. For comparison purposes the climatological mean 500mb geopotential height map is presented in figure 2. This is a winter seasonal mean, and was computed by averaging at each gridpoint all the data from the 15 year data set between November 15 and the end of February, inclusive. As expected, it is a very smooth field, showing the zonal asymmetry arising due to east/west geographical contrasts. Further insight can be gained concerning the development of blocking by examining the fields of 500mb geopotential height anomalies at each of the lag days. The height anomaly at each gridpoint is the difference between the height value at that point and the climatological mean height value there. 3a-k. These anomaly fields are shown in figures The maximum height anomaly to be found anywhere on the day -5 map is roughly 100m in magnitude, reinforcing the notion of a lack of strong -35- upper level features at this time. On the subsequent maps, the maximum height anomalies generally increase in magnitude each day, with the extreme positive anomaly associated with the blocking ridge approaching a value of 300m by day +5. All of the figures reveal an abundance of alternating positive and negative anomaly regions, having the appearance of wavetrains. this behavior may be attributable to Rossby waves. Much of A glance at the day -5 map (fig. 3a), for example, shows a typical pattern which can result due to Rossby waves; it is the series of alternating high and low 0 0 centers stretching from the low at (38 N,122 W) to the high at roughly (420 N,20 W). There is evidence of another weaker amplitude wavetrain extending eastward from this final high center. Some of the wavetrains are observed to be stationary, occurring roughly in the same place on a number of subsequent maps, while others are seen to propagate. Of particular interest to the study at hand is the wavetrain seen in the Atlantic/European sector on many of the maps, which is especially clear on the day 0 profile (fig. 3f). This wavetrain extends from the low center at (300 N,45 0 W) northeastwards, and then eastwards, to the high center at (640 N,69 0 E); it is virtually stationary, and appears well developed on all of the maps following the onset of blocking. The wavetrain becomes increasingly vague the farther in advance of day zero one looks. The major positive anomaly center and the more modest negative center to its south which are associated with the blocking pattern comprise a portion of this wavetrain. The continued amplification of this positive anomaly near 200-30W between day +1 and day +5 is most extraordinary; it is the only center in the wavetrain which amplifies, the other anomalies maintaining a nearly constant -36- magnitude after day +1. By day +5, the positive center has developed into an impressive bulls eye, dwarfing all of the other features on the height anomaly map. These observations are consistent with the blocking spectra calculated by Dole (1982). Dole constructed composite vector time series of zonal Fourier components k = 0-6 of the anomalies at certain "key latitudes" (Dole, 1982, pp. 146-149). He found no dominance by one component, but rather that there are important contributions to the positive anomaly made by a broad band of wavenumbers, mainly k = 0-4. He also found that wavenumbers 6 and greater "do not contribute significantly to the representation of the stationary pattern" (although these propagating short waves may still be important to the underlying dynamics). The longer wavelengths are seen to amplify simultaneously and in phase beginning around day zero, while remaining stationary. This dominant impact of the low wavenumbers on the observed anomaly pattern, Dole suggests, is consistent with the notion of a localized Rossby wave source in the tropics. Models of Rossby wave propagation away from a localized source in the tropics indicate that only the long wavelengths (k < 4) will appear with significant amplitudes at high latitudes, the shorter wavelengths being trapped near the poleward side of the mid-latitude jet. The poleward side of the jet is also an assumed region of wave trapping in Malguzzi's theory, although no dependence on wavelength is mentioned there. The observed wavetrain in the Atlantic/European sector, described above, appears as if it could possibly have a source in the tropics, thus accomodating these theoretical ideas. This discussion of the observed 500mb geopotential height and -37- height anomaly fields for the composite Atlantic positive blocking case provides a good background on the typical characteristics and behavior of blocking patterns -- the phenomenon which Malguzzi's model attempts to describe. The main objective to assess the structure of the potential function V is now addressed. iii. Observations of the calculated V function profiles, for day +5. Fields of the V function are calculated according to the methods described in section II. For the moment only the day +5 fields are considered, when the blocking pattern is highly developed. A discussion of the evolution of the V field in time from day -5 through day +5 will be given later, in subsection E. Equation (12), used to calculate V, states that 1 V(y,z) = 4 - - Uyy - Uzz + u z u In doing the calculations, it was found that the four quantities Uyy, Uzz, B, and uz are all of the same order of magnitude at many gridpoints. In the dimensionless units, at every gridpoint. B has a constant value of 1/3 Thus, V is determined as the result of four, roughly equally matched, competing effects. gridpoints uyy and At the majority of zz, are negative, while uz is positive; since u is almost always positive, the result is that V tends to be negative throughout the large part of the domain. The interesting features arise in those areas which display exceptions to these general trends. As mentioned earlier, four different longitude bands are chosen over which to average the zonal wind. The central axis of the blocking pattern lies between 200 -300 W (see figure 1k). -38- An appropriate band over which to average, that includes only the upstream zonal wind with none of the more meridionally oriented flow associated with the blocking, is the band 900 W< x <600 W. This longitude band is also an area of relatively weak height anomalies (fig. 3k), making it a fairly representative zonal average. Wider bands, extending successively farther east to 500 W, 400 W, and 30*W, are also used, to determine the sensitivity of the calculated fields to the exact nature of the zonal wind profile. The band 90°W < x < 300 W actually includes a fair portion of the blocking pattern. Figures 4a-d show the meridional cross sections of the mean zonal wind averaged over each of these longitude bands, in dimensional units. The 90W < x < 30°W profile of G clearly displays the effect of the split flow in the blocking region, featuring twin jet maxima centered near 310 N and 610 N; at all levels. a relative minimum of 7 occurs between these maxima Each of the peak wind values on this plot, at around 25m/sec, is relatively weak compared to typical magnitudes of tropospheric jet maxima. The " profiles corresponding to the narrower longitude bands show a progressive deterioration of the split flow, and development of a single, stronger jet maximum. This single maximum is centered near 380 N on the 90W < x < 60'W profile, and has a magnitude of 35.3m/sec. The southern portion of the jet is not visible in figure 4 since it extends south of 220 N, where data is not available. However, one can expect based upon climatological average conditions, that the 1 field continues to decrease south of the edge of the map; easterly winds can be expected to prevail south of about 20°N in the low levels, and extend upward to roughly 150 - 200mb near the equator. -39- On the northern side, it is not very clear where one might draw the line representing the edge of the jet - the "turning point at +Y0" in Malguzzi's theory. This turning point represents the edge of the horizontal wave guide in the theory. On the 900 W < x < 50,60 0 W maps the northern limit of the jet might be thought to lie in the vicinity of 66-70 0 N, as the T values temporarily cease to decrease north of this region. However, in the twin jet profile (fig. 4a) there is no clear northern edge; the edge of the horizontal wave guide might be called at near 70-72 0 N below 400 500mb, but at higher levels it appears to extend considerably farther north. The 90W< x <60 0 W U profile is in reasonably good agreement with the theoretical r profile, then, while the wind field computed by averaging over the wider band shows considerable differences. Meridional cross sections of the potential function V, calculated from each of the 7 profiles described above, are presented in figures The smoothing technique of setting a minimum threshold value of 5a-d. I, for the denominator of the fraction in equation (12) is not applied in these figures. The key feature to note on these maps is the high center ranging between 64-70 0 N at tropospheric levels (below -200mb). This "wall" corresponds to the northern rim of Malguzzi's potential Comparing the V and I profiles, one sees that this region of well. positive V corresponds to an area where U-yy and izz are simultaneously positive, the opposite of their typical sign in this domain. This wall of positive V values becomes more dominant, and shifts slightly southward, as one looks at the progressively narrower longitude bands. In the 900 W < x < 300 W profile, this northern barrier of positive V values covers only a limited vertical range, extending -40- roughly between 570 and 310mb. While it is not a negligible feature, it is also not the sweeping barrier present in Malguzzi's theoretical V profile; is absent. there are large gaps in the vertical where the northern wall However, the northern rim of the potential well looks considerably more impressive in the 90W < x < 600 W profile. The vertical range of the V > 0 region is markedly wider in this profile than in figure 5a, extending here between 600 and 230mb. While in figure 5a the barrier resembles more of an island, here it has the distinct character of a sustained wall, extending vertically through the majority of the troposphere. The shift of the vertical axis of the wall from near 690 N in figure 5a to about 640 N in figure 5d is the result of the exclusion of the northern branch of the jet in the split flow region from the narrower ! field -- effectively moving the northern "edge" of the jet slightly south. Thus, as should be expected, the wind profile which agrees more closely with that used in the theory yields the V function profile more nearly resembling the desired theoretical potential well. As one is trying to identify a potential well, it seems appropriate to look for such V>0 barriers as was shown to exist on the northern flank on the other three sides of the supposed wave trapping region also. It is first noted that the V function field calculated by Malguzzi from the assumed theoretical wind profile contains a potential well with an upper rim at near 15km (~150mb) and a lower rim at near 1.5km (~850mb). The level of this upper rim is near the top of the present domain, while the level of the lower rim is below the region in which V was able to be calculated here. These observations suggest that any upper or lower potential well rims may be difficult to detect in the -41- present study if for no other reason than the limited area of data coverage. However, in the cases of both the upper and lower rims, there are additional complicating factors. Before getting into these a brief discussion of the actual observed behavior is presented. In the upper part of the domain, all four profiles (figs. 5a-d) show a region of positive V values extending meridionally from ~45 0 N up to between South of 450 N there is a zero line 620 -67 0 N, centered at about 130mb. of V right at the top of the domain (100mb), extending all the way to the southern edge at 260 N, with positive values above it. These regions of positive V values are characterized by negative values of uz , and sometimes also by positive values of uzz, rare occurrences in the lower parts of the domain. These regions of V>0 in the top portion of the domain could conceivably be thought to represent an upper barrier to Rossby wave propagation -- the upper rim of the potential well; their location is quite consistent with that of the upper rim of Malguzzi's theoretical well. However, the present calculations, as well as the theoretical model itself, disregard the important dynamical consequence of the tropopause by assuming N 2 to be constant (and thereby eliminating all temperature dependence of q and V). Considerable theoretical work (e.g. Held, 1983) suggests that the tropopause acts like a rigid lid, arresting the vertical propagation of many Rossby wave modes. The height of the tropopause, for a winter seasonal mean, ranges from near 200mb at 260 N down to just below 300mb in the polar regions; is below the V>0 regions discussed above. this level Therefore, it appears likely that the tropopause may play the leading role as the upper barrier to -42- wave propagation, rather than the positive V regions in the lower stratosphere which are calculated exclusively from the mean zonal winds. Accordingly, less significance can be attached to that portion of the V profiles above the tropopause relative to the tropospheric portion. The ramifications of allowing N2 to vary will be discussed more fully in subsection F below. Now considering the lowermost portion of the domain, it is observed that the V field is quite erratic in this area, displaying very strong gradients. There is evidence of a region of positive V values below 750mb, between roughly 270N and 420 N, and also between 51-58 0 N, on all four profiles (figs. 5a-d). However, the V values in this part of the domain are heavily influenced by the lower boundary condition, to which their widely fluctuating behavior is attributed. It is suggested that if a lower boundary layer were allowed for near the ground, then the large fluctuations and possibly also the positive regions of V along the lower edge of the domain could be made to disappear. values are the result of large positive values of assumed lower boundary conditions Tzz. These positive V With the that 7 = u z = 0 at the ground, there must in fact be some region in the lower troposphere in which izz > 0. If this region were confined to a narrow lower boundary layer, which was matched to the "interior" solution above, the large fluctuations of V below 700mb on the plots would disappear. Thus any association of these low level positive V regions with a lower potential well rim seems dubious. However, the physical barrier of the ground will still act as the lower edge of the waveguide. It is interesting to note, as an aside, that calculations made by Fullmer (1982) also show that "there is a tendency towards negative -43- These values of 7y at low levels (below 750mb) for most latitudes". negative regions "are caused by large values of the term containing the vertical shear". Since V = 1/4 - 7y/u, and ' is predominantly positive, negative regions of qy are positive regions of V. Fullmer's calculations also show much stronger gradients of qy at 800mb and below than at higher levels in the atmosphere. Finally, regarding the southern rim of the potential well, one is left only with speculation, given the available data. do not extend south of 220 N, either. Fullmer's results However, a good case can be argued for the possibility of a southern barrier existing in the V field, based upon considerations of the climatological wind field, and subsequent analogies to the character of the wind field in the region of the northern barrier. It is clear from the profiles of 7 given in figure 4 that the southern "edge" of the jet, as mentioned earlier, lies somewhat to the south of 260N. 1 At 260 N, decreasing latitude. ST is observed to be decreasing steadily with Now, in order to guarantee a positive value of V, in a region where 7 > 0, the quantity (3 - iyy - uzz + Tz) must be less than zero. The following arguments apply to the troposphere, below roughly 200mb, and to the north of the critical latitude where 7 changes sign. To start with, 0 is constant with = 1/3 in dimensionless units. 0 Based upon climatology, the zonal wind south of 22 N continues to increase with height, but to a lesser extent than it does in mid- 1 The term "edge" of the jet is used in the sense of Malguzzi's theory, i.e. that point where d falls below some value U0 , where U0 is small compared to typical within jet magnitudes. -44- latitudes. The conclusion is that while 7z remains positive south of the domain, it is smaller in magnitude than at latitudes between 22-45 0 N, say. Hence, the sum (8 + Ez) must be outweighed by the sum (Myy+ Uzz), to accomplish a positive value of V. Climatological profiles indicate (see, e.g., Holton 1979, chapt. 6) that while T 0 continues to decrease to the south, equatorward of 22 N, it does so less rapidly -- i.e. there is an inflection point where jyy = 0 somewhere (between 15 -200 N on average, at 500mb). point, -yy > 0. South of this inflection The situation is the mirror image of that near the northern rim of the potential well, where another inflection point occurs with 'yy > 0 to the north of it. In addition, climatological profiles indicate that on the average uzz will be positive between 10-200 N, below roughly 300mb; again, this is an analogous situation to the one in the northern rim region. The fields of 7iyy and 'zz are, however, quite sensitive to the profile, and hence these fields most likely display a good deal of case to case variability. So, while the region just to the south of the jet appears favorable for a southern rim of positive V values to occur, the actual existence of this rim probably varies widely. The regions around the northern and southern "edges" of the jetstream represent transition zones from strong gradients of 7 associated with the mid-latitude jet, to much weaker 7 gradients away from the jet. In general, these transition zones are regions of positive Uyy and u,but in order for a "wall" of positive V values to exist, the rather severe condition that (uyy + uzz ) > (8 + 7z) must hold. This condition will certainly not hold in general, but as in the observed northern rim region, it can be expected to hold sometimes to form a -45- southern rim. It would be interesting to obtain tropical data with which to test this hypothesis in a real situation. All of the above discussion about the southern rim of the potential In an actual blocking well, it must be remembered, is pure speculation. case there is in fact no reason to expect the observed i field to resemble the climatological mean field, the basis of much of the above reasoning. In any event, even if nothing at all is suggested about the V field south of 260 N, there is nothing in the observations to disprove the existence of a southern rim; the data simply does not extend far enough to the south to prove the point either way. A few more general comments about the V function profiles in figure 5 will be made. The first concerns the potential well itself -- the region inside of all the barriers discussed above. The ideal well in Malguzzi's thesis consists of a broad, flat bowl-shaped region, with V values uniformly between -1 and -3 in dimensionless units, surrounded on all four sides by the rim of positive V values. The observed V profiles are also relatively flat inside the rim, with values ranging for the most part between -1 and -4. There are a few isolated regions where the well is deeper than a value of -4, most notably just to the south of the northern rim below about 300mb, and at around 700mb at most latitudes. There is nowhere, in the domain, that V becomes positive in the interior of the well. In addition, comparing the four profiles in figure 5 it is seen that they are all quite similar in nature, in a broad sense. They all display erratic fluctuations and large gradients of V near the lower edge of the domain, positive V regions in the lower stratosphere, and evidence of a rim of positive V values extending vertically near -46- 64-70'N; these regions surround a potential well consisting of a relatively flat V profile with dimensionless values generally between -1 and -4. The major significant difference among the profiles is the varying vertical extent of the area of positive V associated with the northern rim. Thus, varying the width of the longitude band over which the zonal averaging is carried out, to the degree done here, does not alter the general nature of the V profile in any cataclysmic way; however, it does effect the character of individual features to an extent which is significant for the theory at hand. While all four profiles show gaps in the rim, where V fails to exceed zero, these gaps are considerably narrower in figure 5d than in 5a, due to the greater development of the northern wall in the former case. The potential well in figure 5d exhibits a strong likeness to the theoretical potential well, while in the 90 0W< x <30 0 W case the gaps in the rim raise doubts about the structure representing a potential well at all. Therefore, the 90*W< x <60°W zonal average, more accurately representing the upstream mean conditions, is clearly preferable; the V field cross section based on this narrower longitude average lends appreciable support to the assumptions going into the theory described in section II. A few words concerning the smoothing procedure for the V profiles are now noted. As the threshold value for 1u1 is set at 4m/sec in the procedure, only those gridpoints at which 17 < 4m/sec will have V values which are modified from the unsmoothed field. In the present case of the Atlantic positive blocking composite field, for day +5 lag, there are very few gridpoints which feature I1 < 4m/sec. Therefore, the smoothed and unsmoothed V cross sections look almost identical. -47- The smoothed V field profile for the 90°W< x <60'W longitude average is presented in figure 6, to be compared with figure 5d. The only differences occur at the extreme high latitude edge of the domain, and 0 in a small region between 600 N and 72 N extending upward to a maximum level of close to 400mb at 660 N. The rather discontinuous looking contours north of 80'N in figure 5d appear much smoother in figure 6; also, the deep low level breach in the northern rim at 64*N below 600mb is considerably shallower in the smoothed profile. Although the impact of the smoothing procedure is modest in this particular case, it will play an important role in some of the other cases to be looked at, which include more substantial regions of light mean zonal winds particularly the individual cases of blocking, which have not had the previous smoothing afforded by the compositing procedure. Indeed, the smoothing technique is essential in many of the V profiles, the general character of which would otherwise be effectually obscured due to the huge magnitude of V at a few points with small u. In the following subsections, V function profiles calculated from other flow patterns will be considered, in an effort to learn more about the structure of V in various situations, and its relationship, if any, to blocking. B. Composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative blocking. Cases of "negative blocking" in the eastern Atlantic region, consisting actually of an anomalously strong zonal flow, have been composited in a completely analogous manner to the positive blocking cases. The selected cases are again those identified by Dole (1982). -48- The case dates of the twelve day zeros are given below: Case # Case # Day Zero 12/31/65 1/17/66 1/18/67 2/13/67 1/ 8/69 1/ 8/70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12Z 0Z 0Z OZ 0Z OZ Day Zero 1/ 4/71 1/ 5/72 1/30/72 11/30/72 1/ 1/74 1/24/74 OZ 12Z 12Z 12Z OZ 0Z The history of the evolution of the pattern from day -5 through day +5 is not presented here. Rather, only the day +5 results are considered, representing the fully developed pattern. Figure 7 shows the composite 500mb height field for day +5, and figure 8 the corresponding height anomaly field. The height anomaly map displays a pattern in the Atlantic-European sector which is strikingly similar to the pattern on the day +5 height anomaly map for the positive blocking composite, with the centers having opposite polarity however (see fig. 3k). This observation is what led Dole (1982) to characterize these two situations as opposite phases of the primary regional pattern of low frequency variability. The strong geostrophic zonal flow, peaking near 300 W longitude, is clearly seen in figure 7. The upstream mean zonal wind is again considered as the zonal 0 average of u over the four longitude bands 90 W < x < 60,50,40,30*W. Unlike in the positive blocking composite, here the ! field does not appear to show any major differences depending upon the width of the longitude band. Therefore, only the meridional cross section of u corresponding to the 90W < x < 60°W longitude band is presented here, in figure 9. As in the positive blocking composite there is a jet centered near 40*N, however here the magnitude of the jet is considerably stronger, with 7 peaking at 48m/sec as opposed to 35.3m/sec -49- in the positive blocking case. Correspondingly, the meridional and vertical gradients of 1 are stronger in the present case. Finally, the computed V function cross sections for all four longitude bands are shown in figures 10a-d. These profiles incorporate the smoothing technique, which is made necessary due to the zero line of i near 73-76 0 N. In these figures, evidence supporting the existence of a potential well is much more tentative than in the positive composite V profiles (fig. 5). In all four of the figures, the lower edge of the domain is characterized by the same strong V gradients as were observed in the positive composite figures. The major differences between this case and that of the positive composite are with respect to the northern wall of positive V values. Significant regions of positive V values, resembling a northern wall, are observed in all four of the present figures between -60° 700 N, above about 370mb. However, assuming, as suggested previously, that the tropopause plays a major role as an upper barrier to wave propagation, one should focus attention mainly on the tropospheric portion of the domain. Below ~300mb there is evidence of a narrow area of weakly positive V values near 520 N on some of the plots. This area, which conspicuously changes shape as a function of the width of the longitude band over which u is zonally averaged, cannot readily be considered as the northern rim of a potential well, however. This behavior is in contrast with the positive composite V profiles (fig. 5), which show a pronounced tropospheric vertical wall of positive values. The problem here is that there is no standard against which the magnitude and size of positive V areas can be measured to determine their significance as barriers, in the sense of the theory. -50- Thus, although much weaker than the northern wall in the positive composite case, the area of positive V in the present figures near 520 N could be important. What can be said, at least, is that the V profiles for the positive blocking composite case (fig. 5) provide better support for the model (i.e. for the existence of a well) than do those for the negative composite case, where the northern wall of V > 0 is concentrated in the upper layers of the domain. Having looked at the V profiles associated with two very different flow patterns, and found significant differences, it now seems relevant to examine the V function calculated from the climatological mean geostrophic zonal wind field, and compare that to what has been seen already. Such is the topic of the next subsection. C. The V field calculated from the climatological mean geostrophic wind profile. Recall the winter climatological mean 500mb geopotential height field shown in figure 2. The V function profiles calculated from this climatology, for the four longitude bands over which u is averaged, are presented in figures lla-d. The figures have been smoothed to remove spurious values from the northern edge of the domain. These results are presented to help determine the fundamental nature of the V field, based on average conditions. The interesting features which arise in the V function cross sections corresponding to particular flow patterns, such as blocking, can then be identified as those regions where V differs significantly from this climatology field. It is noted that a different climatological mean V field could be constructed by first computing the V field for every observation time during the winter season, and then -51- averaging these together. This method will not, in general, yield the same fields as those presented in figure 11, which are calculated by first averaging together all the height fields, and then computing V. The first observations to come to mind upon looking at figures 11 are the relative flatness of the profiles over the bulk of the domain, and the absence of a vertically oriented region of positive V values which might represent the northern rim of a potential well. The positive values along the northern edge of the domain, confined almost entirely to latitudes above 800 N, are too far poleward to have any significance with regard to Malguzzi's theory; negative values of U in this region. they are caused by The high degree of similarity among the four figures is also noted, which is expected based on the smoothness of the climatological wind field, which varies only slowly in the zonal direction. Another characteristic of these four cross sections is the existence of strong gradients of V along the extreme lower edge of the domain, below roughly 750mb, at most latitudes. This characteristic was also noted in all of the earlier V profiles, and owes its existence to the physical lower boundary at the ground. A final feature to note on these figures is the area of positive V values in the upper portion of the domain, between 110-150mb, to the north of 45'N. This area displayed a tendency for positive V values on the earlier profiles too. Hence there can be assumed a climatological bias in favor of positive V values in this region. In a sense, then, the vertical component of the energy trapping assumed in the theory appears to be more climatologically determined, while the meridional component of the trapping depends more upon the -52- detailed structure of the mean zonal flow. The lower boundary of the Earth's surface is always present, while the tropopause exists regularly and is well defined in climatological averages; in the meridional direction, on the other hand, the current "climatological" V profiles display very little variation, and show no evidence whatsoever of a vertically oriented wall of positive values which would represent a barrier to wave propagation. The absence of meridional V gradients, and in particular of a northern wall, represents the greatest disparity between this current V profile and the earlier V profiles associated with blocking patterns. In order to more quantitatively assess the variations between the V profiles shown thus far, difference fields of V are calculated for the following cases: : Zonal averages :over long. bands Difference Field Figure IV( + blocking composite) - V(climatology)} : 90ow< x < : 30,40,50,60 0 W {V( - blocking composite) - V(climatology)} : 900 W< x <60 0 W 13a 0 0 {V( + blocking composite) - V( - composite)} : 90 W< x <60 W 13b 12a-d The fields of V corresponding to the positive and negative blocking situations, from which the climatology V value has been subtracted out at each gridpoint, pinpoint those areas displaying anomalous V values. Figures 12 and 13a can be thought of as anomaly maps for the V function. These fields, on the whole, are quite flat, displaying very few contours other than the zero contour. Most of the exceptions occur along the lower edge of the domain, where the large gradients of V -53- naturally make the difference fields rougher, and in the very high latitudes, north of around 750 N, where sign changes and generally weak values of ' add to the roughness. These areas aside, the only region in figures 12a-d showing large magnitude anomalies, say in excess of 4 dimensionless units, is the region where the northern potential well rim is located in the positive blocking profile. The northern rim of the potential well, and the enhanced pit just to its south, are therefore the main anomalous features of the V field associated with the positive blocking composite. Figure 13a shows significant positive anomalies associated with the positive region near 60-68 0 N, above ~370mb, in the negative blocking composite V field (fig. 10d). In addition, somewhat lesser positive anomalies are seen to be associated with the weak tropospheric positive V region near 52-540 N. The zero line of U near 740 N for this case makes the profile quite rough there. Figure 13b assesses the differences between the V fields of the positive and negative blocking composites. The strong tropospheric positive center near 62-68 0 N and negative center near 52-56 0 N reveal the locations of the most significant differences. The positive center is due mainly to the large positive anomalies in the positive blocking composite case, while the negative center has important contributions from both positive anomalies in the negative composite case and negative anomalies in the positive composite case. The flat profile south of 500 N in figure 13b indicates the similarity of the fields in the two cases there. Finally, one further comparison of the V fields for the positive blocking composite, negative blocking composite and climatology cases is -54- made. Plots of V versus latitude for a slice at the 500mb level, for the zonal averages of figures 14a,b. 7 taken between 90 0W< x <50,60°W, are shown in These figures clearly show the dominant northern wall of V > 0 in the positive composite case, at least at 500mb; the negative composite case appears to mirror climatology much more closely, suggesting the absence of a potential well. Now that the structure of the V function has been examined in some detail for these composite fields, it is worthwhile to take a look at its behavior during some individual cases of Atlantic blocking. D. Individual cases of Atlantic (positive) blocking. The V function fields are calculated for a number of individual cases of Atlantic blocking, each displaying its own uniqueness while satisfying the set of criteria used to define blocking. Many of the cases which form the composite are looked at on an individual basis. As the geopotential height fields are not smoothed by any compositing process, they display much more small scale variability than the previous fields considered. In particular, there is a much larger eddy component in the geostrophic wind field, and the jetstream tends to be more concentrated and much more meandering than in the composites. The application of these individual case fields to the purpose at hand has its pros and cons. On the positive side, these represent the real events which are being modelled by the theory, uncontaminated by any averaging or approximation scheme. In addition, single cases whose blocking structure strongly resembles the dipole of Malguzzi's solution can be selectively picked out for analysis. Such a good duplicate of the theoretical dipole structure would be extremely difficult to -55- reproduce in a composite field of many cases. On the negative side, the amount of detail and small scale structure present in these individual case fields blurs the large scale features which an attempt is being made to model. If the large scale flow pattern is thought of as the desired signal, then the small scale structure present on these single case maps can be considered noise. In this light, the compositing procedure is beneficial in that it filters out the noise while maintaining the signal. In some of the cases it will be seen that the zonal flow upstream from the block resembles the mean zonal flow about as little as the flow in the blocking region itself. It is very difficult to obtain a regional mean zonal wind field to use in the calculations. The flow upstream from the block in the composite field, on the other hand, is relatively representative of a regional mean zonal flow. Nonetheless, a few cases are found which seem reasonably well suited to the purposes of this study. i. The case of 12Z, December 31, 1971. This case combines a number of attractive features, fitting the design of Malguzzi's theory very closely. field for December 31, in figure 15. The 500mb geopotential height 1971, at 1200 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is shown A strong blocking pattern is observed over the eastern Atlantic and western Europe (300 W - 30 0 E), with a well developed vortex pair evident in the geostrophic flow. The double vortex nature of this flow regime is much stronger than that of the positive blocking composite, where the high latitude anticyclonic vortex is much more highly developed than the lower latitude cyclonic circulation. Hence this current flow pattern is in closer agreement with Malguzzi's modelling results. The split westerly jet in the blocking region is -56- very unambiguous. In addition, the zonal flow upstream of the block is quite smooth, and appears to be representative of a mean zonal flow; it is relatively free of the small scale distortions which reach significant magnitudes in many of the individual cases. Another attractive aspect of this particular situation has to do with the strong wave number one component observed in the hemispheric flow pattern. The magnitude of the wave number one component is determined by the degree to which the flow is not centered around the north pole, but rather has one broad ridge and one trough around the hemisphere. In the present case, it can be seen merely by inspection that a large amount of the total wave energy associated with the flow will be in the wave number 1 component; the strong ridge is centered near 00 longitude, with the trough near the dateline. The advantage of this asymmetric configuration, from the perspective of the present study, is that the entire blocking pattern is located to the north of its average position, as determined by the composite 500mb height field (the northern 500mb anticyclone is centered at 610 N here, as opposed to 490 N in the composite, while the cyclonic vortex center is near 450 N here and near 350 N in the composite). Therefore, the southern portion of the pattern, which was too far south in the composite field, is now within the domain covered by the data sets. In a sense, one can now "see" the entire blocking pattern. The central axis of this blocking pattern lies near 0' longitude at 500mb, as opposed to the axis near 25*W in the composite pattern. Accordingly, the longitude band over which the upstream zonal wind is averaged to obtain the * field is shifted eastwards to 650 W < x < 350 W. This Ij field is presented in figure 16. -57- Another particularly attractive feature of this case is noted at once upon examining the figure -namely, the clearly defined edges of the mid-latitude jet near 340 N and A fairly strong jet maximum is located at (490 N,290mb). 600 N. This iT field displays considerably more detailed structure, and stronger gradients than the 7 fields in the composite cases. Figure 17 shows the V field profile for this case, calculated from the zonal wind field in figure 16. As expected, the V values fluctuate much more widely here than in the previous composite cases, even with the smoothing procedure. The sharp oval shaped closed low center between 60-640 N, and some of the large and abrupt fluctuations in V at high latitudes are caused by sign changes of T. Other large fluctuations in V are caused by the strong gradients of u. However, a 0 very clearly defined potential well is apparent between 36-56 N, with all four edges of the rim visible. Indeed, this feature comes remarkably close to matching the theoretical ideal, with the northern and southern rims stretching virtually across the domain. Gaps in the rim are practically nonexistent, the one main exception being the narrow gap in the southern wall between 600-750mb. The interior of the well is the flattest region in the entire domain, with values for the most part near -2 in dimensionless units. The northern wall rises abruptly out of the well and contains some large values of V. A major difference between this V field and those of the composite cases is observed in the meridional width of the potential well. Here, the well is narrow and sharply defined, spanning only 200 of latitude, while in the composite cases the well stretches over a much greater latitude band. the 5 fields. This difference is due to the differing characters of In the present case, there is a concentrated mid-latitude -58- jet in the i field, relatively narrow in meridional extent, and with clearly defined edges. of the jet as the Strong wind shears are observed near the edges ETvalues drop off rapidly. In the composite cases, on the other hand, the jet is observed to be very broad, with 7 values decreasing much more gradually away from the jet maximum (compare figs. 4d and 16). This case, then, is particularly well suited to looking at the V function. A strong blocking pattern is evident in the eastern Atlantic, with a well developed vortex pair in the 500mb flow. The upstream mid latitude jet is located far enough to the north so that its southern edge is within the domain of the available data, and is relatively smooth and zonal. The V profile contains a potential well which is much narrower meridionally than those observed in the composite cases of blocking, but with a structure which matches that of Malguzzi's theoretical well remarkably closely. This case stands as solid observational evidence in support of Malguzzi's theory. However, this case seems to be the exception, rather than the rule, among the individual case dates examined, with regard to its accomodation of the theory in section II. Some of the difficulties which arise in individual case analyses will be seen below. ii. The case of OZ, December 23, 1976. This case was chosen due to the well developed anticyclone/cyclone dipole in the 500mb flow in the region around 20-30 0W longitude. This structure can be seen on the 500mb geopotential height map for this time, presented in figure 18, and strongly resembles the structures of Malguzzi's theoretical solutions. It is noted that the dipole here occurs at even higher latitudes than in the previous case of 12/31/71, -59- with the high center near 670 N, and the low center near 510 N. The problem of this case arises in determining 7, the upstream, For upstream from the dipole is a massive zonal average wind field. trough, with the mid-latitude westerly jet centered near 400 N -the south of even the low center of the dipole. well to This massive trough was an unusually strong and persistent feature through a good part of the 1976-77 winter, associated with record breaking cold over much of eastern North America. If the zonal wind is averaged over the standard longitude band, 900 W< x <60'W, it is found that on the northern side of this major trough (north of ~56 0 N) the geostrophic zonal flow is easterly. This 7 profile is shown in figure 19, and the easterly maximum at 640 N is seen to be quite striking. Strong meridional gradients of 7 occur almost everywhere in the domain, and a second strong westerly maximum occurs at 800 N. The question arises, however, of what is the best upstream longitude band over which to average the geostrophic zonal wind to obtain 7. As opposed to the earlier cases looked at, here the band 90*W< x <60 0 W is a region of strong height anomalies. There is so much smaller scale structure superposed on the mean zonal flow (in a time averaged sense) in this particular case that different choices of the longitude band will lead to greatly differing u profiles, and hence differing V structures. The jetstream displays large amplitude meanders near and upstream of the blocking region (fig. 18), and thus there seems to be no single longitude band over which a zonal average of u leads to a representative ~ profile. In other words, there is no nearby upstream longitude band in which the height anomalies are small. These large upstream height anomalies, and the corresponding sensitivity of the -60- results to the exact choice of the longitude band on which to work, is a real problem and a serious drawback to applying the present analysis technique to single case data sets. The problem is greatly remedied by compositing a number of geographically colocated blocking events to obtain much smoother wind fields. In any event, the V function is calculated based on the U field averaged over 900 W< x <60 0 W (fig. 19). This V profile, with the smoothing procedure applied, is presented in figure 20. expected in this case, the results are not good. As might be The dashed in lines show the positions of the U = 0 lines in fig. 19, and represent discontinuities in V. The plotting routine, using data from limited gridpoints, attempts to smooth over these discontinuities. There is no northern rim of positive V values along the northern edge of the mid latitude jet (~50-550 N), although the region corresponding to the jet maximum does look like the interior of the theoretical potential well. The upstream westerly jet in this case is positioned so far south relative to the dipole as to seem almost decoupled from it. Perhaps an average over a different longitude band would yield a better potential well in V; or, possibly, formulating the problem in terms of a local "zonal" wave guide which is actually oriented slightly southwest to northeast rather than purely east-west (this would reduce or eliminate the easterly jet in the M profile, and better line up the dipole with the upstream jet) would give better results. Several of the cases used in the blocking composite are next looked at on an individual basis, in order to get a better feeling for the behavior of V in single cases. -61- iii. Some further individual cases of blocking. Four cases from the positive blocking composite are examined here on an individual basis. The cases displaying the most well defined dipole structures in the blocking region are chosen. time +5 days lag, of these four cases are: 3/1/70 12Z; and 12/8/75 OZ. The case dates, at 1/25/68 OZ; 12/30/68 OZ; For each case, the 500mb geopotential height field, and the V function profile based on a longitude average 900 W< x <60°W, are shown in figures 21-24. All of the V profiles are smoothed, but in figures 22b and 23b the threshold U value has been increased to 8m/sec to provide some additional refinement of a rough field. The most successful of these cases, from the standpoint of the theory, are those of 3/1/70 and 12/8/75, in figures 23 and 24. In the 3/1/70 case, the dipole structure is particularly strong, as evidenced in the 500mb height field, and the upstream flow is reasonably smooth and zonal. The V profile shows a very strong northern rim of positive values near 520 N, stretching vertically across the domain. In figure 24, the blocking dipole is much less dramatic than in some of the other cases. However, the V profile shows evidence of a potential well along with both northern and southern rims; the interior is not as flat as theory would predict, with two fairly deep lobes split by a relative maximum of V, approaching zero. The other two V profiles (figs. 21,22) show the contaminating effects of anomalies and small scale structure in the wind field upstream of the block. 900 and 60°W; Figure 21 has a "mini-split" of the jet between so, while a northern potential well rim is seen near 520 N, the "interior" region of the well contains another maximum of -62- positive V values, rather than being flat. Figure 22 shows an exceptional dipole blocking structure, but the upstream flow is plagued by a similar easterly wind between ~55-70 0 N as was seen in the 12/23/76 case. The corresponding V profile is erratic, with no well defined northern rim. When working with individual case data sets, zeros and negative (easterly) regions of T! seem to arise quite often, and are not confined exclusively to the very high latitudes. Malguzzi assumes a theoretical 1 field which is positive everywhere, and thus his theory does not address the problem of u zeros; in the composite fields, zeros of u are confined to the polar latitudes, and can therefore more easily be disregarded. Perhaps, then, due to the special problems that arise with T zeros, a distinction should be made between two classes of individual cases: those that have significant regions of easterlies in the u field, and those that do not. An excellent example of a case containing easterlies is that of 12/30/68, shown in figure 22, where the easterlies prevail between ~55-70*N at 500mb. Another example is the 7 field in figure 19. Consider the zero wind line near 550 N in the 12/30/68 case, along which V is undefined. If qy < 0, then as this zero line is approached from the south, V goes to positive c, while as it is approached from the north, V goes to negative will hold. =. If 4y > 0, then the opposite situation In either case, there will be a very narrow zone of positive V values with magnitudes approaching infinity on one side of the u = 0 line or the other. rim? Does this zone represent a northern potential well The answer to this question is uncertain, and no attempt will be made to answer it here. It may depend upon the meridional width of the -63- positive V zone and/or the wavelength of the waves. In any case, it will be stated only that the possibility exists for a barrier to wave propagation along a ,u= 0 line. Theoretical work (e.g. Held 1983) suggests that at a critical latitude where i = 0, an incident Rossby wavetrain will be at least partially absorbed, and perhaps partially reflected. E. Time evolution of the V profile for the Atlantic positive blocking composite. This final set of results is perhaps the most striking, and the most supportive of the theory. Returning to the Atlantic positive blocking composite, seen in section A, the V function is now computed at each of the eleven lag times from day -5 to day +5, to get some idea of how the potential well evolves in time. Almost coincidentally with the establishment of the eastern Atlantic blocking pattern, a northern potential well rim is seen to arise in the V profiles, which persists through day +5. Such a rim is absent at all times prior to the onset of blocking. The theory presented in section II was for stationary solutions, and the technique cannot be generalized to include time dependent behavior. However, in his thesis Malguzzi does look at the full time dependent problem using a different technique, namely that of truncated orthonormal projection. It is there found that the coherent (dipole) structure obtained previously (in the long wave limit) is recovered by solving a severely truncated dynamical system, and that the dynamics of the coherent structure can be studied by analyzing this system. This technique is rendered more powerful than the previous one due to greater -64- mathematical approximations being made. It is encouraging to know that the coherent structure solutions are recovered in a time dependent problem, and this fact suggests the relevance of determining the structure of the V function at each time during a sequence of observations. The behavior of the V fields can then be compared with the occurrence of blocking. Recall that the time series of 500mb geopotential heights, from day -5 to day +5, is shown in figures la-k. The corresponding V function profiles, with the smoothing procedure applied, and for a zonal average of the upstream zonal wind taken over the longitude band 90'W< x <60 0 W, are presented in figures 25a-k. This time series exhibits some very interesting behavior. Looking first at the day -5 V profile (fig. 25a), there is no evidence of a potential well structure. In fact, this profile looks very similar to the profile calculated from the climatological wind field (compare with figure lid), featuring a relatively flat topography over most of the domain, and a broad high latitude minimum of V. The small region of positive V values near 620 N is one of the few departures from the climatological profile. This insipid nature is consistent with the earlier observation of a lack of significant features on the day -5 height map. The day -4 profile of V is slightly more interesting, displaying the most significant vertically elongated band of positive V values seen prior to the onset of blocking. This band is centered near 48 0 N, but is still unimpressive compared to the vertical bands of positive V which are noted after onset, and questionable in its capacity to represent the northern rim of a potential well. By day -3, this area of positive V is greatly reduced, and the V profile overall closely -65- resembles that based on the climatological winds once again. patch of V > 0 near 60°N continues to persist. The small The day -2 profile of V is astoundingly similar to figure lid (climatology). Up to this point, the V profiles have been fairly flat and quite similar to the V profile based on climatological winds, with little or no evidence of any embedded potential well structure. Simultaneously, there has been no observed blocking pattern in the eastern Atlantic. As the blocking pattern becomes established in the eastern Atlantic, a major change occurs in the nature of the V profiles. On day -1, with the blocking pattern seen to be in its incipient stage of development (fig. le), a major vertical ridge of positive V values is noted near 70°N. Although quite far to the north, this feature is substantial enough to bear watching, and is in sharp contrast with the climatology profile of figure lid. The small area of V > 0 near 480 N is observed to be somewhat rejuvenated at this time as well. The changes in the V profiles between day -1 and day 0 are somewhat uninteresting. The ridge near 700 N is considerably reduced in vertical extent on day 0, but still undeniably present in the middle troposphere; V > 0 band at 500 N is substantially enlarged. meanwhile, the It is still the case that any potential well is, at best, loosely defined. The changes which occur in the V profiles between day 0 and day +1 seem much more consequential. Before describing these changes, however, it is interesting to note that the development of the blocking pattern at 500mb also seems much more substantial between day 0 and day +1 than during the previous day. The blocking ridge appears rather flat on day zero, while it extrudes decidedly northward on day +1. For example at 200 W, the ridge axis at this time, the 500mb height rises during these -66- two days can be deduced from the following table at three different latitudes: 500mb heights in decameters 50°N 600 N 700 N Day -1 563 533 515 Day 0 566 535 516 Day +1 570 546 521 It is seen that the ridge strengthens little between day -1 and day 0, while it builds northward significantly between day 0 and day +1. Getting back now to the V profiles, on day +1 (fig. 25g) there is the first evidence of a sustained vertical wall of positive values, which can demonstrably be said to represent the northern rim of a potential well. This wall seems to be the result of a northward displacement of the upper tropospheric day 0 ridge near 500 N to about 580 N, and a simultaneous merging with the mid and lower tropospheric ridge near 700 N. By day +2, the wall of positive V values has developed into a strong and dominant feature in the V profile, and become better aligned in the vertical than on the day +1 profile. which V = 0, is seen to lie near 620 N. The edge of the well, along This strong feature is highly anomalous with respect to the climatology profile of figure 11d, and a fundamental link in completing the potential well structure. In the remaining three figures, this vertical rim of V > 0 values is noted to persist, with some diminution on the day +5 profile, which was looked at earlier. The feature is so prominent on the day +2 through day +4 profiles as to leave little doubt about the existence of a potential -67- well in the V field, assuming a southern rim exists also. A further look is taken at the time evolution of the V profiles by plotting, for each observation time, the value of V at 500mb versus latitude. The first major These plots are presented in figures 26a-k. spike of positive V values occurs on the day 0 profile at 700 N, representing the northern rim of the potential well. If a southern rim exists, there will be another major spike somewhere off the left edge of the graph. The major spike of V > 0 is present on all of the plots later than day 0, but on none of the earlier plots. This point is further illustrated in figures 27a,b which show the curves corresponding to days -5 through 0, and days 0 through +5, plotted together. The pre- blocking picture, in figure 27a, shows an assortment of patterns, but with no major positive regions of V apart from day zero; figure 27b, on the other hand, displays a major wall of positive V values between ~60-72 0 N. In addition, the various curves behave more uniformly, and with smaller amplitude oscillations, in the "interior" of the well (the region south of 580 N) in figure 27b than in 27a. Finally, in figure 28, a cross section of the 500mb V values, with time on the vertical axis and latitude on the horizontal, is presented. The northern barrier is seen to arise near day -1 at 70'N, and persist through day +5. This figure provides a particularly clear vision of the time evolution of V, though admittedly only at 500mb. Judging from figures 25a-k, however, the behavior at most tropospheric levels would be quite similar. So, in the case of the composite fields at least, it is found that prior to the onset of blocking no potential well exists in the V profiles, while approximately simultaneously to the establishment of -68- blocking a potential well forms, and persists during the course of the blocking event. Thus, while this behavior implies that the formation of a potential well in the V profile may be of little use as a predictor of blocking, it is extremely consistent with Malguzzi's theoretical reasoning. However, although no cause and effect relationship is being rigorously argued here, and many other processes most likely also contribute to the development of a blocking event, it is possible that a predictor for a potential well in the V function profile (calculated from a zonal average of the zonal winds over certain preferred geographical regions) may be at least partially a predictor for blocking. In other words, a process which will tend to create a potential well in the V profile may merit further investigation into its possible significance as a contributing mechanism to the development of blocking. This notion is consistent with the idea, for example, that blocking in an eastern ocean (i.e. Atlantic or Pacific) often follows a major cold air outbreak off a continent and into the western part of the ocean; such a cold air outbreak tends to create a strong baroclinic zone over the western ocean, which is accompanied typically by a concentrated jetstream -- a feature which is quite often manifested on the corresponding V profile by the presence of a potential well structure. F. A few considerations regarding N 2 It is recalled that the theory presented in section II, where the expression used to calculate V was derived, assumed N throughout the domain covered by the data. 2 to be constant This assumption eliminates the temperature dependence of the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity -69- (q), and therefore also makes V a function of the upstream mean zonal In section II, the constant N 2 geostrophic wind (t) field only. assumption was made in order to follow the approach of Malguzzi's theory, however no observational justification was provided. It is now the task to try and assess how realistic this approximation is, and what significance a variable N 2 might have on the results presented. One can begin by considering once again the expression for N 2 in log-pressure coordinates: N2 = R Hg Since R, H 0 , and K z + . (5) Hg are constant, spatial temperature changes must be balanced by spatial changes in the vertical gradient of temperature in order for N 2 to remain constant. Observations (e.g. Holton 1979) show that in much of the interior of the troposphere vertical temperature changes and vertical changes of aT/az are indeed of opposite sign, but it is not so clear to what extent they actually offset each other. However, near the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere both T and aT/az increase with height, indicating that N 2 will certainly not be constant in these regions. Therefore, it might be anticipated that any errors arising due to the constant N 2 assumption will be particularly serious near the tropopause. The average tropopause level can be quite clearly determined by plotting the zonal and wintertime average field of equivalent potential temperature (6e) as a function of latitude and height. This field, calculated from a December, January, February three month average over many seasons, was provided in Oort (1983). The plot, shown in figure 29, -70- indicates that in the long term wintertime average, the tropopause extends from just above 200mb at 260 N, gradually downward to around 300mb at 800 N. In an attempt to determine the degree of variability of the N 2 2 field, equation (5) was used to calculate the value of N at each gridpoint using the data from the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking at day +5 lag, and for a zonal average of T between 900 W< x <30 0 W. Bicubic splines were used to calculate the vertical The results of this calculation are shown in temperature gradient. figure 30a, where the contour N 2 = 1.56 x 10 4 sec - 2 has been drawn in, corresponding to the assumed constant value in the theory. In addition, contours corresponding to half this value and to twice the value are also drawn. It is seen that there is a fair amount of vertical variability, with a considerably lesser latitudinal variability. However, the value N 2 = representative average. 1.56 x 10-4 sec - 2 does seem to be a fairly These observations provide the justification for allowing N2 to vary vertically but not horizontally, and for calling the value 1.56 x 104 sec - 2 the characteristic N2 scale, in the calculations presented below. For comparison, the results of an N 2 calculation by Youngblut and Sasamori (1980) are also shown (figure 30b). These authors assumed N 2 to be a function of height only, and computed it using the hydrostatic approximation and hemispheric mean data for January 1963. The two independent calculations show quite good agreement, in general. For the 2 Youngblut and Sasamori results, the change in the value of N between each successively higher level is also shown, to provide some feel for the vertical gradient of N 2 at the various levels. -71- 0 Finally, in figure 30c a meridional average between 22-70 N, at each level, of the values shown in figure 30a is presented. corresponding nondimensional values are also given. The The data were averaged between 22-70*N because this is the region where the potential well is found in the V profiles. This data is used in later calculations. Returning to figure 30a, it is seen that N2 is rather large in the lower troposphere, and after a sudden initial drop in the lowest two kilometers, it gradually decreases with height up to around 350-400mb, where it reaches a minimum. Above this level, there is seen to be a sharp increase in the N 2 values near the tropopause, and then a In fact, the sharp vertical continued more gradual increase higher up. increase in N 2 can be used to determine the general location of the tropopause. It is also seen that there are very few regions where N is less than half the assumed constant value, or more than double this value. Thus, while the observed N 2 variability is not negligible, there is also no order of magnitude variability. In order to get some idea of the possible modifications that allowing a variable N 2 would have on the results presented earlier, specifically on the structure of the calculated V fields, a few of the 2 calculations are redone here assuming N2 = N (z). One may begin again with the expression q = V2 + f + 2ez/HO~ (e-z/H 3oZ N2 az in which N 2 was previously assumed to be constant (see eq. 4). Expanding the vertical derivative in the third term on the right, simplifying, and taking the zonal average, as was done before, yields -72- = 02 i + N2 z2 - T(new) yy + where the subscript "(new)" 2 1 a(N 2 4 N a-z 1 HN ) A z distinguishes this quantity from that This equation is now nondimensionalized; derived in section II. the assumed scales are as before, with the addition: N2 E N 2 scale = 1.56 x 10- sec - with ~ n , 2. Substituting, one obtains the dimensionless expression q(new) = (16) 1 Tz z : Y Tyy + Similarly, q'(new) 9 = ' 1 1 1 y(new) 8 yy - z (17) , Therefore, taking the which is the counterpart of equation (8). meridional gradient of (16) an 1n zz + and rearranging terms one also has Uzz + + - 1)( - UI)zz + a In this equation, the first four terms on the right are just .u (18) the previous expression for qy, with the final two terms representing the modification arising due to a variable N 2 Continuing in a completely parallel derivation to that in section II, the expansion of the functional F leads to the previously encountered expression: -73- qy I Y q u ((p,) 2 2 + O(w')12 " u i for q'(new) must be used, and equation Now, however, equation (17) (18) for qy(new) LI qY) to give 1 1 +xx 'yy + -n VPzz ' zz - n + 'z - 1 n an 22 (new) - , + 0( ' 2) @z (19) 4' = e *ez / 2 The substitution 9*xx + %*yy 1 , + 1 an n2 ' *zz is again introduced, leading to 4Y(new) +1 1 j -z 4n 2n 2 an za = O() V(new) 4* is not eliminated It is noted that the vertical first derivative of this time; hence the subsequent steps taken previously (and by Malguzzi) I/n 2 will not lead to a Korteweg-deVries equation, unless an/az is In any event, the new V function is given by very small. qY(new) 1 V(new) = 4n 1 an (20) + 2n 2 az Substituting eq. (18) into eq. (20) for qY(new) gives Y(old) 1 V(new) =4 - S1 n - U - z zz 1 n i 1 41++ 4~- -74- ann +n 2n 2 az where the subscript "(old)" refers to the section II definition of a quantity. This equation can be rewritten in the more revealing form: 1( 1 V(new) = V(old)+ 1-7 u- 1 uzz u an 1 uz n2u (21) 8 A 2 From equation (21), the modification arising due to a variable N is clearly evident. "B" vanish. It is noted that if n ' 1, as before, terms "A" and Term A represents the modification due to the actual departure of N 2 from its assumed constant value, and term B the modification due to the vertical gradient of N2 . So, what effect will these modifying terms have on the potential well structures found in many of the earlier V profiles? will be considered while referring to figure 30. This question As the northern rim of the potential well, in the positive composite cases, was usually found between 62-70*N, the modifications will only be considered south of 700 N. Term A will be most important in those regions where n differs the most from unity. In particular, near n = 1/2, the factor (1/n - 1) = 1, and term A will make an order one contribution to the value of V. The narrow area near 400mb is the only region in the domain where n 1/2; = this region is in the interior of the potential well, and is characterized by positive uz and negative uzz. Hence the uz and "zz effects in term A will reinforce each other in this region, and a significant negative modification to V will result; term A will thus tend to deepen the interior of the potential well near 400mb. The magnitude of term B depends upon both the difference of n from unity and the vertical gradient of n; often a tradeoff is found between these two -75- effects. One might expect term B to be important near the tropopause, where sharp vertical gradients of n occur. In order to provide some quantitative feeling for the modifications arising due to the inclusion of terms A and B in the expression for V, and for the behaviors and relative importance of A and B over the entire domain, the tables in figure 31 have been prepared. The data in these tables pertain to the positive blocking composite case, at day +5 lag, and for a zonal average over 90*W< x <30 0 W. The tables summarize calculations made at the four latitudes 340 N, 46*N, 580 N, 700 N. In deriving equation (21), N2 was allowed to vary with height only; therefore, it seems appropriate to use the n values given in figure 30c in the calculations at all latitudes. However, figure 30a shows that there is actually some meridional N2 variation, which becomes particularly important with regard to the height of the tropopause. Therefore, for each of the four latitudes, two tables are presented; the first is based on the meridionally averaged n values given in figure 30c, and the second on the actual n values at that latitude, which can be gotten from figure 30a. Comparing the two tables for each latitude, the final V(new) values are seen to be, for the most part, not greatly different from each other. Some general observations from the tables are now noted. First of all, it is seen that the modification produced by allowing a variable N tends to increase V in the lower levels of the domain, between 500-700mb. Between roughly 450mb and the tropopause the modification acts in the opposite sense, tending to decrease V potential well. increase V. and deepen the Near the tropopause the modification is again seen to These trends are fairly uniform at the four latitudes, and -76- the contributions of terms "A" and "B" are seen to be of comparable magnitudes. At 70*N it is seen that the modifications tend to shift the region of positive V values which represent an ill defined northern rim slightly lower in the atmosphere; positive values. they do not remove the region of At the other three latitudes, which lie in the interior region of the supposed potential well, the generally negative tropospheric values of V continue to prevail in the modified field. The 0 notable exception is the positive value at 46 N and 500mb, which was only a very weakly negative point previously however. All in all, the modifications to the V field indicated in the tables of figure 31 do not seem too impressive. The inclusion of temperature effects (i.e. variable N2) seems unable to significantly change the basic topography of the previously calculated field. The considerably smaller magnitudes (with some exceptions) of the values in the "A" and "B" columns of the tables than the values in the "V(old)" column testifies further to this inability. While it is encouraging that the temperature effects do not seem to destroy the potential well, particularly the northern wall, it is surprising that they do not have a more significant impact near the tropopause. As mentioned earlier, theoretical work (e.g. Held, 1983) suggests that the tropopause may act as a rigid lid, halting many vertically propagating wave modes, and might therefore be considered as the top of the vertical wave guide. 2 In Malguzzi's model, however, due to N being considered constant, there is no reason to expect the V profiles to display any important characteristics (e.g. sharp gradients or positive values) at the tropopause level. By allowing N 2 to vary with height, one might hope to see a positive upper wall of V values arise near the -77- tropopause level. The tables of figure 31 show that while the modifications do act to increase V near the tropopause, they are not sufficient to overcome the negative V(old) values and create a positive wall region. At best, the V gradients are sharpened near the tropopause, resulting from the negative modification in the upper troposphere and the positive modification in the lower stratosphere. However, it is suggested that at the tropopause there is actually a 2 narrow region of considerably more concentrated vertical N gradients than the current data is able to capture. The present vertical resolution of the data is simply not fine enough to reveal such a narrow zone, but rather the N 2 gradient becomes smeared and diluted across the wide gap between data levels (recall, data is available only at 100, 200, 300, 500mb). A hint of this sharp increase in N2 at the tropopause can be seen in figure 29. It is noted that an alternative definition for the buoyancy frequency is: N2 = g de Sdz g d(lnO) dz Thus, the vertical gradient of N2 will be proportional to the vertical second derivative of 6. (Figure 29 is actually a plot of equivalent potential temperature, 8e , but for the present purposes of eyeballing vertical gradients near the tropopause either 0 or looked at.) 0 e plots can be As a rough estimate, it is seen that the Oe field is relatively flat in the troposphere, and then suddenly begins to ascend sharply with height near the tropopause. The curvature of the field will have a sharp maximum at the tropopause level, as the following -78- sketches schematically illustrate: 4oo £00 L The field of 3n/az will thus apparently have a similar sharp peak near the tropopause. A crude estimate of the effect of this sharp maximum of an/az on the modification to the calculated V profiles can now be made. Any significant modification will lie in term B, which contains 3n/az as a factor. A few assumptions will be made. First it is noted that the line of n = 1 in figure 30a very closely follows the level of the tropopause; this line will probably be embedded somewhere in the sharp gradient of n at the tropopause. Therefore, for the purposes of the current crude estimate, n = 1 will be assumed at the tropopause implying that term A will be zero, making no contribution to the modification of V. Furthermore, it is noted in figure 4 that at mid-latitudes (south of -60*N), the vertical derivative of u becomes very small near the tropopause level. In fact, the maximum of the mid-latitude jet occurs -79- very near the tropopause, and a second assumption that the corresponding This assumption = 0 occurs at the tropopause will be made. line of ' is important because an/az is multiplied by the factor (1/2 - iz/U) to obtain term B. (1/2 - iz/Tf) The behavior of an/az is linked to the behavior of in determining a modifying term for V. Thus, in order for the sharp peak of an/az at the tropopause to have a significant impact, (1/2 - Uz/Z) must not be too small there. Above the mid-latitude jet, i, is negative, tending to increase term B. the jet, 7z is positive, and there is a level where ~,z/ term B is therefore zero. Below = 1/2, and The assumption of uz = 0 at the tropopause seems fairly realistic for mid-latitudes. However, it is noted that at high latitudes (e.g. 70°N), Tz remains positive well above the tropopause, and (1/2 -Tz/f) negative. Thus, at high latitudes term B makes a negative modification on V near the tropopause, and no positive wall is anticipated. To make a crude estimate of the magnitude of term B near the tropopause (it has already been assumed that A = 0 there), an estimate of an/az must be made. the largest an/az From the table in figure 30c, it is noted that occurs between 250 and 300mb, and has a value of 0.32/1.458km = 1.76 in dimensionless units. Assuming that this value has been cut at least in half due to the poor vertical data resolution, it is conjectured that the actual peak of 3n/az has a value of 3.52 at the tropopause. With 'z = 0, and n = 1, term B therefore has a value of +1.76 at the tropopause (mid-latitudes). Assuming, based on the figure 31 tables, that the tropopause occurs at -190mb at 340 N, ~230mb at 46*N, and ~255mb at 580 N, it is seen that a net modification of +1.76 to the V profile at these levels will be -80- sufficient to create a wall of positive V values. maximum of V will remain slightly negative, At 58*N, the as the wall begins to vanish with increasing latitude. The above estimates are very crude, and are not intended to be highly accurate. They are intended to point out that a narrow zone of strong an/az near the tropopause, which has been attenuated due to poor data resolution in the previous calculations, can act to create a narrow wall of positive V values there, when a variable N2 is allowed in the derivation of V. As seen previously, the basic shape of the V profiles in the troposphere, including the northern wall, remains largely unchanged after allowing for a variable N 2 . Therefore, it appears likely that the major impact of allowing a variable N2 on Malguzzi's theory will be in the emergence of the tropopause as the level of the top of the potential well. -81- V. Conclusions. This study set out, as its primary objective, to determine the extent to which the profile of Malguzzi's V function, calculated from actual atmospheric data taken during observed blocking events, contained a structure resembling a quantum mechanical potential well, in midlatitudes. The real question, and the essential goal of the present study, however, is to try and determine the degree of applicability of Malguzzi's theoretical model to the real atmosphere. In its idealized setting, the model seems to explain certain observed atmospheric flow patterns quite well. In actuality, the atmosphere does not behave ideally, and the model will undoubtedly bear more relevance in some situations than in others -- perhaps in some instances of blocking it may not be applicable at all. In his development of the model, Malguzzi assumes the buoyancy frequency, N 2 , to be constant, and therefore his V function, given in equation (12), turns out to be a function only of the mean zonal wind field, averaged over some suitable local longitude band upstream of a blocking pattern, or coherent structure. Therefore, requiring a potential well structure in the V field for the model to be applicable is equivalent to saying that "an isolated coherent structure exists only if the mean zonal wind, upon which the structure is superimposed, satisfies certain constraints" (Malguzzi, 1984). Malguzzi sums up with the statement that only sufficient conditions have been found which confirm the meaningfulness of the model, as opposed to necessary conditions. These are that, given a u(y,z) profile, if there is a bound state of the linear problem given in -82- equation (13), which is asymmetric in y, and if the corresponding eigenvalue, K, is sufficiently small, then the Korteweg-deVries dynamics described by the model should be observed. Hence the applicability of the model depends, in a large part, on the structure of the mean zonal wind field, i(y,z), which justifies the To present investigation of the V function under various conditions. calculate V in practice, however, the question of the proper definition of i arises, to which there is no clear cut answer. Also, as the number of data levels is limited (850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100mb), and the calculation requires differentiating the raw geopotential height data twice in the vertical and three times with respect to latitude, a fairly smooth field of ; is desirable. Therefore, a composite of twelve blocking cases is used. The results, which were looked at in section IV,A, proved to be quite supportive of the existence of a potential well. The longitudinal averaging of i was carried out over four bands of varying width, and the best results came from the narrowest band, which included no part of the downstream blocking pattern. Clearly visible was a wall of positive V values along the northern edge of the potential well, lending support to the idea of meridional trapping of the waves. A similar southern wall was not observed, but this was judged to be the result of a lack of data south of 220 N, where the southern wall is expected to occur, if present. As for the upper and lower edges of the potential well, sustained regions of positive V values were not observed; however, the vertical wave trapping assumed in the model is thought to be accomplished by the presence of the earth's surface below and the tropopause above. 2 section IV,F, it was suggested that if N is allowed to vary with -83- In height, a narrow upper wall of positive V values will likely arise near the tropopause. These observations agree quite well with Malguzzi's assumptions regarding the structure of the V function, and imply that his model is applicable, at least partially, to the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking, at day +5 lag. The word partially is used because the observed potential well structure was not perfect. There were numerous gaps in the "walls", for instance, which might act as leaks, allowing certain waves to propagate through. A similar calculation of the V field was carried out for a composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative blocking, which consists actually of an abnormally strong zonal flow in the "key region" (Dole, 1982), and on the wintertime climatological mean data set. The negative blocking case displayed considerably less support for the existence of a potential well in V than the positive blocking case, and the climatology case virtually no support. These "negative results" were also encouraging, suggesting, as one would expect, that Malguzzi's solution is not applicable to explaining the negative blocking or climatological mean atmospheric flow patterns. With the encouraging results of the positive blocking composite case in mind, the question of determining the structure of V for individual cases of blocking arises. Cases which strongly resemble Malguzzi's dipole coherent structure can be selected for analysis, and one would surely hope to find a potential well in the V profile for these. However, the matter of defining (y,z) for the individual cases turns out, more often than not, to be a difficult task. The large meanders of the jetstream, both upstream of, and associated with the blocking pattern, often make a representative mean zonal wind profile -84- impossible to identify; the calculated V profile often becomes extremely sensitive to the exact choice of longitude band over which is averaged. T Therefore, not a great deal can be concluded as to the applicability of Malguzzi's model to actual individual cases of blocking. Some individual case situations were identified, in which the zonal wind field upstream of the blocking pattern was not wavy, which displayed practically ideal potential well structures in their corresponding V profiles. Thus it can be said, at least, that the model is applicable to some individual cases of Atlantic blocking. Finally, it proved interesting to return to the positive blocking composite case, and compute a time series of V profiles from day -5 lag through day +5 lag, to examine the evolution of the V fields as the The most notable result was the blocking pattern formed and grew. emergence, approximately simultaneously with the establishment of the blocking pattern, of a significant "northern wall" of positive V values, which persisted thereafter through day +5 lag. This observation supports the existence of a potential well in V, and thus the applicability of Malguzzi's solution, while the blocking pattern is present, but not prior to its formation. There are numerous parameters associated with the Z(y,z) profile, which change with time. Certain combinations of these parameters will allow a potential well structure to exist in the corresponding V function profile, at mid-latitudes. This list of parameters includes the maximum wind speed of the mid-latitude jet (Umax), the minimum wind speed (which was found sometimes to be negative, causing additional problems) at the turning points on either side (north or south) of the jet (Umin), and the width of the jet (distance between these turning -85- points), yg. of u - It is assumed that the fundamental tropospheric behavior increasing with latitude up to a maximum at mid-latitudes, and then decreasing to the north - will be the rule in general, however the precise shape of the profile can vary. In other words, the exact curvature of the Ti(y,z) profile can vary, both meridionally and vertically. If a typical curvature is chosen, and regarded as fixed, Malguzzi (1984) points out that large values of Umin and y 0 tend to reduce the possibilities for bound states of the linear problem of equation (13). Thus, narrow mid-latitude jets (meridionally), surrounded by regions of weak mean zonal winds to the north and south, will favor the existence of a potential well in the V profile. Furthermore, Malguzzi points out that weaker jets are less favorable to support a potential well structure in the V profile, reducing the number of possible combinations of parameters, which is consistent with the fact that fewer blocking events are observed during the summer than during the winter. The parameters associated with the *(y,z) profile discussed above are continually changing in response to various atmospheric motions, for a zonal average taken over any fixed local longitude band. Certain processes in the atmosphere may contribute to focusing the mid-latitude jet into a relatively narrow, concentrated westerly stream, surrounded by regions of substantially weaker zonal winds to the north and south. Such processes will likely, therefore, also cause a mid-latitude potential well to form in the V profile calculated from this wind field, and may thus have important implications for the downstream development of a coherent structure (blocking pattern). Other studies have also suggested the possible importance of the -86- structure of the zonal wind field for the behavior of atmospheric blocking. As Dole (1982, Ph.D. thesis, p. 203) states: "The evolution analyses suggest, however, that the explanation for the initial developments [of the blocking pattern] may be rather subtle. In the PAC [Pacific blocking] cases, an intriguing clue is provided by the significant pattern located upstream over Asia and the extreme western Pacific preceding the development. The structure of this pattern suggests that the associated wind anomalies are primarily in the zonal flow over both the Himalayas and the southwestern North Pacific." Dole also points out that typical values for the decay rates of blocking patterns are comparable with estimates of the time scales for variations in the zonal flow. The explanation of the preference of certain geographic locations for persistent blocking patterns to develop remains somewhat of a mystery (Dole, 1982). Geographically fixed forcings could play a large role in determining where blocking occurs. With regard to the current theory, it is suggested that 7(y,z) profiles which favor the existence of a potential well in their corresponding V fields do not occur randomly around the globe, but rather are found more frequently in certain geographic regions than in others - namely, those regions upstream of the preferred blocking regions. Consider the western Atlantic in winter, for example; at mid-latitudes there is typically a highly baroclinic zone associated with the Atlantic storm track in this region, created by the regular fluxes of cold continental polar air off the North American continent running up against the much warmer maritime air found near the Gulf Stream. A strong, concentrated jetstream is often associated with this baroclinic zone. One of the main problems with this notion, which was encountered while looking at some of the -87- individual blocking cases in section IV,D, is that frequently this concentrated jetstream is not oriented roughly east-west. It often has a significant meridional component, and sometimes is not even aligned with the downstream (dipole) blocking pattern. In any event, this investigation, which has amounted in large part to a detailed study of the zonal flow fields upstream of blocking patterns, has shown that the assumptions made in Malguzzi's coherent structure model are approximately valid in many observed cases of blocking. In particular, Malguzzi's potential function V does indeed contain a well-like structure at mid-latitudes, for a variety of actual (positive blocking) data sets tested. Although this potential well does not have a flawless structure, often containing gaps in the walls for instance, it does approximate the ideal much more closely than any structures found in the V profiles corresponding to other atmospheric flow regimes, such as "negative" blocking, climatology, or the flow pattern prior to the onset of blocking in the positive composite case. Even when the definition of V was modified to include temperature effects, by allowing N 2 to vary with height, the potential well structure remained; in this case it was found that the shape of the V profile was still primarily determined by the structure of the mean zonal wind field, except in isolated regions such as the tropopause where the temperature effects could dominate. Thus it is concluded, based on observational findings, that the theory of the self-interaction of Rossby waves superimposed on a meridionally varying westerly current, leading to the formation of a localized coherent structure, can be used effectively to model certain atmospheric blocking patterns. -88- REFERENCES Charney, J.G., and J.G. DeVore, 1979: Multiple flow equilibria in the atmosphere and blocking. J. Atmos. Sci., 36, 1205-1216. Colucci, S.J., 1985: Explosive cyclogenesis and large-scale circulation changes: implications for atmospheric blocking. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 2701-2717. 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Wintertime climatological mean 500mb geopotential height field in decameters. Data averaged between November 15 and the end of February, for the years 1963-77. Figures 3a-k. 500mb geopotential height anomalies (meters), for the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking, from day -5 lag to day +5 lag. Figures 4a-d. Latitude-height cross sections of the zonal mean geostrophic wind (i) upstream from the "block" (m/sec). Data for the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic positive blocking at day +5 lag. Zonal averages taken between 90*W< x <30,40,50,60*W. Figures 5a-d. V function profiles (dimensionless) calculated from the zonal wind fields in figures 4a-d. Figure 6. V function profile (dimensionless) for the Atlantic positive blocking composite case at day +5 lag, based on a zonal average of 5 over 90°W< x < 60°W. Field has been smoothed by setting a threshold minimum for lul of 4m/sec. (Same as figure 5d., but with smoothing.) 500mb geopotential height field in decameters, for the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative blocking, at day +5 Figure 7. lag. Figure 8. 500mb geopotential height anomalies (meters), for the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative blocking, at day +5 lag. Latitude-height cross section of the zonal mean geostrophic 0 0 wind (5), averaged over the longitude band 90 W< x <60 W (m/sec). Data for the composite of twelve cases of Atlantic negative Figure 9. blocking, at day +5 lag. -91- Figures 10a-d. V function profiles (dimensionless) for the Atlantic negative blocking composite case at day +5 lag, based on zonal averages of U over 90*W< x <30,40,50,60*W. Fields have been smoothed with a threshold minimum ' = 4m/sec. Figures lla-d. V function profiles (dimensionless) based on the wintertime climatological mean U fields averaged over longitude bands 900 W< x <30,40,50,60*W. Fields have been smoothed with a = 4m/sec. threshold minimum Ii Difference V profiles (dimensionless) for the smoothed positive blocking composite V values at day +5 lag minus the smoothed climatology V values, for longitude averages 90*W< x <30, Figures 12a-d. 40,50,600W. Figure 13a. Difference V profile (dimensionless) for the smoothed negative blocking composite V values at day +5 lag minus the smoothed climatology V values, for a longitude average 900 W< x <60 0 W. Difference V profile (dimensionless) for the smoothed positive blocking composite V values at day +5 lag minus the smoothed negative blocking composite V values at day +5 lag, for a Figure 13b. longitude average 90*W< x <600W. Figures 14ab. Cross sections of the dimensionless V function values at the 500mb level for the cases of the Atlantic positive and negative blocking composites at day +5 lag and the wintertime climatological mean, versus latitude. No smoothing of the V fields is employed. 0 a) based on a zonal average of 9 over 900W< x <50 W. b) based on a zonal average of 9 over 900W< x <600W. 500mb geopotential height field in decameters for 12Z, Figure 15. Data covers 22-90*N. December 31, 1971. Figure 16. Latitude-height cross section of the zonal mean geostrophic wind (5), averaged over the longitude band 65°W< x <350W (m/sec). Data for 12Z, December 31, 1971. V function profile (dimensionless) for the case of 12Z, December 31, 1971, based on a zonal average of U between 650W< x <35*W. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum Figure 17. ll = 4m/sec. -92- 500mb geopotential height field in decameters for OZ, December 23, 1976. Figure 18. Latitude-height cross section of the zonal mean geostrophic 0 wind (5), averaged over the longitude band 90 W< x <60°W (m/sec). Data for OZ, December 23, 1976. Figure 19. V function profile (dimensionless) for the case of OZ, December 23, 1976, based on a zonal average of 5 between 90*W< x <60*W. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum Figure 20. 5 = 4m/sec. Figures 21-24. Individual blocking cases at +5 days lag: Figures 21ab. OZ, January 25, 1968. a) 500mb geopotential height field in decameters. b) V function profile (dimensionless), based on a zonal average of U between 90*W< x <600 W. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum Ju = 4m/sec. Figures 22a,b. OZ, December 30, 1968. a) 500mb geopotential height field in decameters. b) V function profile (dimensionless), based on a zonal average of U between 90*W< x <60OW. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum 5 = 8m/sec. Figures 23a,b. 12Z, March 1, 1970. a) 500mb geopotential height field in decameters. b) V function profile (dimensionless), based on a zonal average of 9 between 90*W< x <600 W. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum fij = 8m/sec. Figures 24a,b. OZ, December 8, 1975. a) 500mb geopotential height field in decameters. b) V function profile (dimensionless), based on a zonal average of U between 90'W< x <60'W. Field has been smoothed with a threshold minimum J = 4m/sec. V function profiles (dimensionless) for the Atlantic positive blocking composite case, days -5 lag through +5 lag. All 0 0 based on a zonal average of 5 over 90 W< x <60 W. Fields have been = 4m/sec. smoothed with a threshold minimum I Figures 25a-k. -93- Cross sections of the 500mb V function values from figure 25, versus latitude, for days -5 lag through +5 lag. Figures 26a-k. Figures 27a,b. a) The curves of figure 26 corresponding to days -5 lag through 0 b) lag, plotted together. The curves of figure 26 corresponding to days 0 lag through +5 lag, plotted together. Figure 28. Profile of the dimensionless V function values at the 500mb level, with latitude on the horizontal axis and time (days -5 lag through +5 lag) on the vertical axis. Values are for the Atlantic positive blocking composite case, and based on a zonal average of 5 smoothing is applied with a threshold minimum over 900 W< x <60*W; IuI = 4m/sec. Plot of the wintertime and zonal average field of equivalent Figure 29. potential temperature ( e) as a function of latitude and height, in degrees Kelvin. Data for a December, January, February three month average during the years 1958-73 (see Oort, 1983). N 2 profile, as a function of latitude and height, calculated from the data for the Atlantic positive blocking Figure 30a. composite case at day +5 lag, and based on a zonal average of T between 90*W< x <30*W. Units are 10- sec - . Figure 30b. Table showing the results of an N 2 calculation by Youngblut and Sasamori (1980). Assumed N 2 to be a function of height only, and computed it using the hydrostatic approximation and hemispheric mean data for the month of January, 1963. Figure 30c. Table showing the meridionally averaged N2 values from figure 30a between 22-70°N, at each data level. Values given in dimensional (10- Figures 31a-h. sec - 2 ) and dimensionless units. Tables showing the various contributions to the modification of the V profile which arises by allowing N with height (see equation 21). to vary Data for the Atlantic positive blocking composite case at day +5 lag, and based on zonal averages of T and u over 90 0 W< x <30=W. Calculations made at four latitudes: 34, 46, 58 and 70 0N. 2 At each latitude, first table based on the N values in figure 30c, and second table based on the N figure 30a for that latitude. values in All units except pressures (mb) are dimensionless. -94- o -in -" lb. Day -4 -II Figures la,b -95- - -0 la. Day -S I00 10 30 Ic. -110 -g -80 100 Id. 10 Day -2 -100 Figures Ic, d -96- -90 -00 Day -3 le. -100 If. . dq -0 100 IQ 80 -soo -qo -o Day 0 Figures le,f -97- Day -1 10G g0 Ig. -110 lh. .-.... -100 -go -a0 Day +2 -100 Figures ig,h -98- -40 Day +1 l0a IQ Ii. -100 lj. Figures li, -90 -00 Day +4 -100 j -99- - -80 Day +3 100 SI2X -100 -q Ik. Day +5 Figure 1k -100- -80 -- - . 70 . Y,3 40 4 -- ... ::II49*F -70 - I' ; " 2"40 Figure ]oo -q Fiur -00 -go 101- -80 / 30 80 100 o 3a. Day -5 -100 -ian -40 30 o0 Itso 120 1 i . 40 ... ' .a ' .. ,.-..... ~~~~~~ ~~ o-". 140", " .,",,~ -,,".k " . -.-. a 3b. --- , . " ' o '"30. . , " : I~~~~ "" "• '."! I .' . " ., ..- 40 " .. . 'a - Day -4 17 0 .. . - • .,, k . ;,L Figures 3a, b -102- ... 4,,,i .<.. '.,. ." o 3c. -100 -q4 -80 I00 3d. 90 80 Day -2 Figures 3c,d -1o00 -103- o -80 Day -3 ,.an .. to o -to -100 -o -o 100 3f. 90 Day 0 -100 Figures 3e,f -104- -o -e0 3e. Day -1 L0 3g. a Day +1 -10o -:D -00 , 'Io . ......--: . 120 . ... , 70 140.0 ..... ,.../~ "/....... ........ i~ 3h. 10 \ . .-. 17'70 c" .. ,.... ,,, .. , ........ ,,'*.;/ f-. . ..,., . x .,.4" 4'-'. #" Day +2 -::; . . 1 JI .60 , .- ac4 - , -,,.. .... .. .. ..... . .. t ;-, .. 6 ..N -"2 ,, :. ." : . ., .. -r, ... -. ~.-- , O ,. .,.~~ ,> f ='- lI 50 j / -... - '.;-.-, .- "-.\S ,.*< " ' . .. .".. " . . r., , , ,. ". x . " "-... ,7.-... , x .. ." v... .:.... .:•'.•.. .-Z .".",' .. -, ' "" . - v " , "r " . ' ~-10 ---'Z j, o,,. '., .. "-'.,. ', .. ... ..-.-, . .. 3 .... . -... ,o,,;.. .... . : ., .. ... , ...,!.-. .q.' G : 5: .> . / ', -.. s....,.._..... -SO !..., -":D ':... Figures 3g,h -105- 30 "' 120 ..- . a 31. Day +3 -00-- -100 _gg * -. 6.5 = - 30 I 1 /3 /ian 30k -W .iria / Ad ." ,'' -:." -+- ' o..3*..-, -- -" ..'" ; ,. +.,--" +, "' ," . "-. .. . .'. .;' .. . .. ... . . . . .... ! --. .. i/ 1. 1 ,•• " ," " ' ,/ . , -" i _Slr . ./ ....l. c ,b 3j. , . . - 't-- 31 .. ..>.' .-.£ "...., r~-. -.. Day +4 ......" ,, -- .- .- " .* '., +. " \ ".~ r ... ' " " .. .. ", 140 ." . - , -130 -' 30 " . " ", .. ,,. " . , .. ." " ".. / ! "'*" - +o~ -i. " i-"l '-, ~r =-. ', : ---- t ., i/ . J'' "i... ' : ... " '" l "" Figures 3i,j ". . i. .... * . i -l-10 - 11:I ... - . . -lOO -ll " ,,. ". •- " " .. ',.' "" " I* ", ~ ;mJ".. .,.; . ,,/ -... , .. ' " -5n 40 I 5 30 1300 LSD ' , x .i 10 0 80 . .0 Figure 3k. ) .: k -:." ....... ..,< ,... ..-: t,,-u' I ,, . ...... :". L *,4 1300 I . , " ... " fo "14, S3k Day +5 Figure 3k -107- So, * to 40/ - 1 000 1- . - 1 1- - 20 .... ./ 23. 4 / Jb,0Qr '''~, //--,,. 150 " / -o .,, / / SLao // 1200 o 250- 2' 24- 6O 3 H// 300 , S, . 0_ .- , ./ 2 , .- 6000_ I 800 00 800 / .; oo t Ir 1, H - -- / 0 29 2 f6 4 44 4 52 I 56 b0 I r- b' 72 I-q 76 Q 84 (latitude) Figure 4a 90' W < x 4 30'W g4) ('!) .J1 '0 T, / 7 - /.. ,-- .- 16 + ISot 4 PL 12. + I' /' 256\. 10 30 %, 2.., U0 N. N ,z \ \ 'a, ,, 60o -- % J 7oH ~F'-. -. 4 "~ 2... 28 S..... 3? I-- 5i 40 . ... . 44 . L- 48 _--. ..'. .J..._. 52 56 ba 54 L_..... , 58 72 . 76 . 80 L L 84 (latitude) 90*W < x 4 40'W /- ,, --------------- - -- ------ ]of IIo, 1 2020 - .6 - ----. \2 12- 1 I 25, 1\ 0 I //4 /,.,.I-.--- / , .i 24 4 O . / 28 2 , "k00 " 5 4 "/ 44 4 2-B 32 3 40 44 48 - 5 5 56 % 60 5- 64 68 7 76 54 68 72 76 80 80 14 (latitude) Figure 4c 90'W ( x < 50 w ) ,1, -*oo --- -------- .. ... , ' .20 e 1• 24 - ., ' 2 \ ,.I1 '.2 \ 2 n- -- 32 1 1 .. 3 / 0 /" z.. / "- 28 , ... . 2' .. ',04 24 'I + 40 44 48 52 56 , W' 64 68 72 76 00 64 (latitude) Figure 4d 90*W < x < 60W W 4oo /0 aI. jl it iqt i0 t I 24 - L"- w 28 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 58 72 76 60 84 (latitude) Figure 5a 90' w < x < 30 w Z(km) d0 -- deb -m-- 18 I 4 o - 24 28 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 b6 64 b8 72 76 60 84 (latitude) Figure 5b 90* W < x < 40*W i'(d) Z(KM) I /oo't~i 16 4 /yj 12.1 10o I4 24 - - a 28 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 6 8H4 (latitude) Figure 5c 90'w < x < 50*w /S8- - -2- (3 4 L / H -2 -4 -0.5 Go - o_-44 -L --- 28 ( H H H L -57 L H H 24 L '-2.9 -5.U 50oo oo - H 250 /, ~- 2 H 1.4 ) K-2 -4 -- 7012,,0 - ---- 32 35 3 4 . 40 44 48 - 52 56 -4 . 60 . 64 E8 72 76 E0 R4 (latitude) Figure 5d 90*W < x < 60'W j( Z __________ ' ' ""--_--_--._ -2 0 ._.... . ~ - H 22 32 LL1.4 -5 2. 5 ,o 1 -2 -* SL-L H - -3.3 250.5 -2//\ 4 -1.3 Soo- -4 / 3H -5.7 -22- _- . -0.----- 700 24 - -13.5 j 428 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 60 64 (latitude) Figure 6 90OW < x < 600 W 100 60 ~-~;7- 7: ,/ /5...: 120./ 90 110 - --- -.0 -- -- -- - - 140/ u - ' 1 - / '' .-- . .N 4.--L- -- 150 ' ~40 - "- 1i "r ' t -..-. ------ / N.... . " - 0 /"-4" 0 30 ,t 0 ..... . S160 0 . S170,. , p ,. 20 . , 4_ N 5-50 -170 S00 -120 -0 - 120 ... . /1 01". - .... ll ,--'"I ' Figure 7 r 7"- +, "iu .' " . -z0 - . " . .' ,;-°. / _ -'.'_.,' -". Day +5 -117- ""l '5 6 100 130 90 0 s . 140 .. 40 ISO 3160 17 0 . 7.. . f,0,7 0 "0 170 61 _.. ' /""" .. ,. ..--. ,. - . ", , .. .-. , . '" ,,,.; . -21 1- 140 120. ... -15010 -,'" 1 ... . ."° lI - - "" / . 9/ 0 , Day +5 Figure 8 -118- , "- . . . 6 -- 7 0, ' 30 t %100 - 50 -2 480 gf /o -: 4 I P# + 2 t Cl 16 I 12 Io- I 'I I 646 56 12"J -4 I I I I ' R I I 1 1 4 12 2s 35 40 44 48 -4 52 (latitude) Figure 9 90 W < x < 6 0 *W pf(,) ID 1t + I .2 104 I L _r~% 3Pebea~i~E;EZ;s;s;-~)isSSr~' "4~ 24 - e2 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 50 64 65 72 76 00 84 (latitude) Figure 10a 90W < x < 30 W p( 4 ) l ru) I 24 La - 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 54 56 72 76 80 04 (latitude) Figure 10b 90 W < x < 40W ,IA) - 02 -- 2 1.) H H 1-- 15e5 0 6.2 -4 2 -2 L -- 5 -2, L -7.0 /1250 S aH 300- -4 L -A. H 1.0 0 .oo -2 -2 L L 50oa -3 H L ,- - /" -1 . L - 6. 0 -- - *" - 13. 24 28 32 - 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 10c 90W < x < 50 0 W / Woo- 24 2R 32 36 40 44 4a 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 60 84 (latitude) Figure 10d 90*W < x 4 60W (mi ZIK,) / Ir -2- 0.5 150 L 700"oo ?oo. a-4 24 L -28 32 35 40 44 48 2 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 11a 900 W < x < 30W /00 15- H 9- 2 L 1H6 L -1.L L H /--.3 - /50 H SH L oo -4 L 300-' -- . L/ / H -2 -- L -3L 0 " -4 H 1D.4 .-- 24 2 - L L 7oo B 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 •2 - 64 b6 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 11b 90W < x < 400W 2(Kx) 2 Ift f.. 4) 200 \ - - H -2H H o/ S/ g"oo- 3700 L-2 -L .N-- L 1H -- -- L L 32 - L -- -1D L 0 -2._ es - -1L.0 ) HH 24 L '-5.0 2 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 b8 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 11c 90 0 W < x < 50W ' -4 /00 H "o H 8\) -0.5 0. lo H -oH.5 -3 L/. , -lo" Goo- --- 24 32 35 40 / 1 6.3 L -0.5 L- L 26 -3--7 H 2- 4 7oo -6 H 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 11d 900 W < x < 6 0 *W Ist 16 + 11 I 24 " 2e 32 35 40 44 48 52 55 60 64 68 72 76 80 64 (latitude) Figure 12a 90°W < x < 300 W I a L 16 H H 3e7 12 150 -2/ 0 2.04 0 H 300" 'oo 0 -0-a 1. 0 H 0. 24 L4 H H 560 ,-1.5 2 -2 L 2224 2 20 24 e2 Figure 12b 52 36 40 44 46 52 56 60 90 W < x < 40*W 64 66 72 76 80 94 (latitude) /8 " " ** ' II o* H H 1.6 0 0 2 H asqL L -0.9 L -3.3 H 3.0 H 4-1 ISO -2 15- 200 I2.510 L -1.0 H 1.4 H 0.a L -3.0 -0 "too- L 7 24 -2 0 SO. 0 . 32 36 H 40 44 48 -4 _ L LE H .4 0 4 52 -4 60 56 64 68 72 76 e0 (latitude) Figure 12c 90 W < x < 50'W 84 LH -3.9 H 3.5 L S-1.7 250 12 0 250 o 2..-2-4 S10 4 L -1.1 1. H 1-0 L -3.5 30 L 5. 6 H 1.6 So-0.4 H 7. L SL 0.6 L -10.7 H L- 2H -2!4 C 0,o IL 4.3 (latitude) Figure 12d 90W 4< x < 600W 00oo -I. 2 -'.3 -0. L 1.55 ISO_ L L a-0.7 -2.9 -2 4 H) -. I H 4 ))5.5) 2 l' L H So 6.3- qoo - 1-_ 24 2 _2 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 13a 90ow < x < 600 W NKSO HMO~ /0 1 IL + (latitude) Figure 13b 90W < x < 60W a) 3.1 J 0 -W t2. 6 5. 51 5Y - ~* 4 4 . ATTIO6D(01V -3 -7 -fI j C-fi 6 ......... -9 ------ - - I -10O V ,A Z,J te~o VI-Ad 44, 30o ~t -4,..) !Too-L 90,Wz 450 2. 504 biv + ' .41 c'sr i IA t. .vi4) 1011- 46 S S"~ .- *' e 81, 1 1y'Jpff -11 Figures 14a~b v. f~j 1!S,, _. -f- 7 LATIZru&. (7A) 00 o 80 Sso -100 -q9 12/31/71 Figure 15 -135- -80 12Z • S I")LM-L) I 100--- 150- 2po - 2.50 rjo 300' 600, 700- (latitude) Figure 16 65W < x < 35'W iz(ki. I' 2 92 L 21 -19. 76 (latitude) Figure 17 65 w < x < 350 W 100 90 80 -100 12/23/76 Figure 18 138- OZ '5.00F7 b+ i + iot 24 28 2 40 44 48 52 56 55 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 19 90W < x < 60ow 10 0P(14) loo -?6 16- i0 t 24 I 2A4 - I 2 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 64 (latitude) Figure 20 90 0 W 4 x < 6 0 6W -100 -90 1/25/68 Figure 21a -141- -80 OZ Z, i (o,) 100 -2 -2- so- I 3 -4 HH H " H H 2.1 1.9 2 -4 -21 - O L 2-2.8 -". _-3.L 1 500- 0 24 0 / 11H -+- / 7o-, 2 - 1 -2B.S L -100 -9L0 " - 28 32 35 40 44 I 48 52 56 -2o H -2 E 16.6 %-4 4 L 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 21b 90oW < x < 60 W 100 qu 80 N A .. ' L" a-S' 5515 s:: N 510 , 4, .-.I ,- -,,60, ,- -100 12/30/68 i23oZ Figure 22a 20 OZ oz-r;///;~/,e,, : ' E(K) p(,4) is S-31.2 L IH L 2 -4 -4 H 8.0 H /so o 2 -2H -1-8 2.5 H" oo--o- L 1 -31.1 L . -4 -14.8 \15.7 -4 H - - 7660 4 24 , - L 2-8 32 35 40 L -15.0 H -, -H. L 700. I 4 -8.4 oo 44 48 52 56 50 64 58 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 22b 90oW ( x < 60 'W 90 100 , 30 20 576 . -30 -130" -- - 57 -120 sa -110 -100 ------0---"- q40 3/1/70 Figure 23a -145- -SO 12z S-20 zrIc) p(mir) J60 -744 llf /Z 60 64 (latitude) Figure 23b 90 W < x < 600W 0D 1J0 . --..... 90 T ':' -". j - 17-10 0. 80 , 0 L , . 0 ts0 ,,.; 13 " -20 . -G.. -100 12/8/75 Figure 24a -147- -O oz , .."0 o ) IS L 2 -2 / 0 2 -4 -2 so- 0-2 2 ( aro- oo- L , 5 -. -4r L /-6.4 44H -19.1 " -E -_, H LH , -4 5oo- -4 H 24- 28 32 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 24b 90 W < x < 60*W /I 16 12.I /o + 24 - 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 bO 64 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 25a Day -5 /8 ),/ I) aoo 4 o Soo L -0 0 4 Hv - - - " 1. ,H 2 B I b HI / ,, . 32 -9- Soo '..--------- 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 " I ,, . - 4 II -I,. i ,/ - - 28 L I -4 .-I - . I - 24 12 * H 1 1 S, - () L -3- 7 j / t -4 L / ,II, 68 72 76 80 84 (latitude) Figure 25b Day -4 ,, 0T. H 250 LAA - H H -0.7 -n -. 2 i 5 -I -0 S o (oo- 0- ' .-1 3 -L 36 40 ',.-, - 44 1 -' L . I - 2 - - 32 I "- Too- oo- L. 28 / -t / l.e .- A 24 - L , A-- 6 -"'" ,, , N. S30 b, - 48 52 F6 bo 64 E 12 76 60 84 (latitude) Figure 25c Day -3 I fr) Ptn,) oo , . /6 L I -4 . N H o ( I -2H7-2 7 -2 - -- I / I -L,, IL -- ,I', 40 .\ I -, S' *50 I 2 ----"" \ 0 6. 2 04. ; r - -U- OI . (oo- L H _I H3 -~L -"L/- - Soo oo - I -24 3 6 40 1L- "-'- .-- -"-310.0 •2 2 8 j ----- - o 44 - 48 L 52 56 60 54 b 68 I C4 'H '- 72 76 a 80 (latitude) Figure 25d Day -2 84 I9 on /do T-- 2 Figure 25e 8 Day -I1 7 (4latitude (latitude) Z(Ku) P(Mo 100 /8 .--.0 __- ,,- -'- 4 ' , LL L L 2 K3- LLL, I . -, -- H oo- L '700 -- 4 -"- G-- .B/ *-C -. - k "- H I L ",. I"__ 24 - , 32 36 40 44 48 * -4 3;31 o H L--. 52 S6 (0 64 ,., L 3 , -. ., 68 72 -, 76 o0 84 (latitude) Figure 25f Day 0 Z(K) ?(n) fToo H j' 1H ^"' IZ14 j L -3.4 -. i -3. U1 I ----- ---- -L -- -4- ool 2--d 2 3 I 24 2 3- 36 40 40 _4 44 4 48 5---5 -0 52 56 . II 64 54 - 6 72 76 8U 04 (latitude) Figure 25g Day +1 /A+) tJ0 I~o- N /so lt t on - I. 2t. 3.wS L -3-4 10 t lJ .e!1 4 90057oo4 Ilk- ) S -H V.~ CooL __,_---'a 7 -- - 'z .- ---- '.I L __- Il (i _ --- ------ ,- I 24 - 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 l0 64 F] 7; 76 H(1 04 (latitude) Figure 25h Day +2 /i O- : - .C---.. 7..---..--..-- o- IO - - 2 A00L Iso l 1L -. 4/ H t 14.0 13. 4 -4.0 IL L 70 Lo_ - T 24 - -2 28 --1(" 2 32 , 40 44 - 48 -18-4 L "0 " "o 52 5( "- "E I- 152.4 ' 64 , 72 1 2 76 1 iUG 1 64 (latitude) Figure 25i Day +3 -2 -4 - yo/?I I H L . 7 cao- -- JI -} I, -"" -4" gll, .a -2.7 . 300 \ L 1 coo 4 L 24 28 Figure 25j 32 -0- Ioo -t - /1- 40 44 1L .1 v "o I LD. , - " i' .,0, 36 2 i 48 52 Day +4 56 bO 64 6E - 76 641 Uu (latitude) Ida,- 1 /1 -1 . . o (/ \ /4 12. .. . 2 L 20I 2 - - - L 4 ,360 to , , II-" Li IL.I 70.. -0 H 32 36 5; . II i h " I H " __ 40 44 48 r'2 !, 10 -- '-15.'Sj ' 4 1 - 28 ' a. ) 5 4 24 .. 64 Fd 18 76 FI B04 (latitude) Figure 25k Day +5 a) 9 7 5 11, fi pi V f,.,d;oI ( Cots % N1 n,..,.n; ) eta at ys I,,.l ooft ie : Z-nalAver. l W'nft < 4014 b) -- V- func.r,;J ,e: ) e.8 a,, t+"; Cr.i$ Stl,.+n f SoJ- +..WJ__ ._ , Z..1 Ave.r-W W <'Wr Ow Figures 26a,b -16o- Lu (N) Lkilluo (r. 16 310 30 Se4,t 3f Ala 2!~ 3 9 A ^- 'Ax (sq .Z 7 1 79 LA 1tYAGE ('N) JA I, goomZ.f~ 01.l Z./~ At,.rtdm, 'z "O~ aA- 90, ,k ot- 3 4 ~ 7 33. v fn~o.. t1 II rosT esdr' i _____ O ',, ZdA~~aw'~~2 JO~ Da~y -2 Figures 26c~d ? ~ 4 , . -ft LA'TTOE 04A) e) 3 v -9 -to -I, jAto~(" te~'ss,_q -i V CeDoxcan~ q4~!iksi fI O% X 3s I C. v______ V fjij4Nf ."v-; @l:) 4LI S.4 ss _______ ~.Oss ;0.,n 't SML 2, J.iePrjLL J'W ,X, (IO19.1 D",_0 Figures 26e,i' -162- r.1. '.--- - b r ) er k. IL '11 *b 0 49 5 . h L011-T5A'5A (N) 1 h V-w2AW -3 s-eiot ) - A 12 Figures 26gph isavture ('N) I) 1' ~6 ~ ________________ LIW IOeN) -I -z -C. --I -8 -:3 -Ia - Ix 2,, Ave,~-4' CaLq co , e) vs, 0* <4* .13O- t) - 41L ____ .. DA ______ X; Figures 26i,j i Ill LATIrvDE( (*NJ k) I 3 21 I 0 it IV 4t ;f - -6 | 1 1 J-t -,f -s V'*.nJ.n (3 r.$3GS) 4 , q CrACC S-c;f~~_) C-lr3~ inc Y.LOIw I' l f4 L) VS 30,ow (&tJ.4jO x.cGOV foo~ ovcc~O Figure 26k -165- --- l- LA (') a) 8 1 G. 5 'I J2. -,, C ' .. .... ',. !r~ r -7. -ia -I b) . 8 7 .5 2 -st -lo 4 -2 -7 f t -|0 Figures 27a,b -166- M +2 +4 +24 24 23 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60a 4 68 72 76 80 LATITUD Figure 28 -167- 84 - t&mb) 'I s1 " LIII Iso I 3 * * G 7 '7-T T_ IT i- I i T _. t__ --- 00- 7f--.--- ,v 1\ Lee '3JU-- see- 3-- -- I I ' e. --- i I - 1 i I -- 7/ L/ I ,r ;I 1 I 1 Isi74.3 -s 5-1-, - ___ .. : d T I T 1 T 54 1' t o'N I I i ; -YP -I . . : . i l I . : I : 4*'4 S's I '" m~. 27-i. 4 - ~ -T 6*1 ' m1j-1 I- I 7 -- < I I5 A b* -'- I Y') : 1------C-J---C-l -. 00I- ~" I -, -- . '=.=. : t I IJr I ~-+--i--HT-K ~-- 7' ! I I- I ' jl jifrz~Izj'F ii ~ ~ 1'. ~'L-ILI I77~ 1 . .___ - H.... IT f-' I U ; !! ~. 0. t . iT 2iJ 97 C4~~ -- T I I -r±---- K .1 2 I _'I " K--:i---t I i 1 .I. 714 i--~--t-t i r i. jl' -KWP--1--- -- ._ann" I t r- r -~---- i I n I i I --- t -I--i----i • 0 l-n I t Il, I • 6- ------ - ' ' i ' ; II I , T .4A -- -rI I T ] i n - . i- J '1 LATITubE -. Figure 29 a) 2.08 2.22 2.64 2.99 2.99 2.84 2.63 2.30 2.05 2.04 1.85 47 1.16 0.99 1.14 1.441.61 z(F^) N (10- 20 2.69 19 2.50 18 2.33 sec - ) A *0.17 1.64 *0.11 2.22 *0.11 2.11 +0.09 1.4 1.68 1.89 2.11 2.33 2.52 2.68 2.83 2.93 2.93 2.94 2.98 3.03 3.04 2.95 2.82 2.75 2.75 2.02 +0.06 i 1.96 0.04 1.09 1.29 1.40 j6 1.82 2.06 2.30 2.56 2.75 2.81 2.92 3.08 .22 3.27 3.16 2.96 2.85 2.83 1.92 +0.11 1.81 +0.32 0.84 0.98 1.05 1.18 1.39 0 1.80 2.01 2.21 2.33 0.65 o .72 9 0.89 1.04 1.15 1.25 1.36 1. 1.69 2.49 2.66 2.76 2.80 2.75 2.63 2.56 2.53 1.49 +0 34 1.88 2.00 2.03 2.03 2.07 2.09 2.09 2.06 1.15 *0.14 1.01 -0.04 0.97 0.67 0.64 0.68 0.73 0. 0.82 1.01 1.17 1.20 1.13 1.09 1.19 1.36 1.47 -0.04 1.46 1.01 -0.09 1.06 1.01o 0.99 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.95 1.00 1.04 1.12 1.18 1.17 1.12 1.06 1.07 1.22 1.36 1.39 -0.15 1.25 -0.18 1.46 1.42 1.37 1.31 1.28 1.30 1.37 1.47 . 1.46 1.43 1.41 1.41 1.37 1.32 1.40 1. 2 1.73 1.72 1.70 1.6 . 1.69 1.83 1.89 1.88 1.81 1.73 1.70 1.75 1.78 1.75 1.79 1.84 1.81 1.62 1.92 1.93 1.98 1.99 1.97 2.10 2.29 2.28 2.21 2.15 2.05 2.02 2.11 2.23 2.28 2.30 2.26 2.14 1.82 1.99 2.02 2.11 2.15 2.15 2.31 2.51 2.46 2.37 2.32 2.21 2.19 2.30 2.47 2.57 2.59 2.49 2.31 1.43 -0.19 -0.20 -0.76 2.58 21-.2 -30 -3---3 8---3 50 5-6-~ 62LAT I Figures 30a,b t4 DE 66 70 74 78 82 90 N = N (z) Values Meridionally Averaged, 22-70 N Al /isec.L) n (0 imenSio4ss) 100 2.25 1.44 150 200 2.49 2.22 1.60 1.42 250 1.79 1.30 1.15 0.83 0.85 0.54 0.67 0.90 p(mb) 300 400 500 1.04 600 1.40 700 800 1.75 2.08 850 2.24 Figure 30c -170- 1.12 1.33 1.44 346N A .i 100 150 200 250 -0.31 -0.38B -0.30 I 1474a~ "j 0.85 0.49 500 600 0.11 -0.11 -0.25 700 800 (it-7d -L 2 ?a n& I-L - ,,= -0.13 0.20 300 400 8 1.27 -1.61 -0.78 -0.98 -0.86 -1.25 -1.93 -0.79 1.10 1.88 1.07 -1.98 -1.65 -3.86 18.54 -1.19 -0.93 -0.19 0.01 0.44 ' /,, -- 1.70 {, IVU / -0.39 0.60 -0.32 0.01 0.23 0.13 -0.18 -1.06 0.19 0.22 0.06 -0.29 -0.95 -0.09 0.41 -4.60 1.32 1.77 q.00 1.19 1.70 0.87 0.43 0.20 -o.61 0.42 0.65 0.63 0.50 -0.65 0.06 -1.43 -1.34 -0.99 0.03 -0.27 -0.67 -1.07 -1.68 -1.27 0.11 1.62 2.02 2.25 1.26 -0.19 0.01 0.44 1.25 0.86 0.68 1.10 1.88 0.39 0.08 1.07 -1.98 -1.65 -1.19 -0.42 -0.60 -0.93 -5.01 -0.03 0.10 1.25 0.86 0.68 0.87 0.43 0.20 0.03 -0.27 -0.67 -1.07 -1.68 -1.27 0.19 -2.54 -1.71 -1.95 -1.97 -2.74 -3.74 -2.77 -5.99 16.2 I -0.52 -1.93 -1.29 -1.60 -2.09 -4.09 -3.37 -1.09 -3.58 12.8 F"' 3ib (bp) 100 -0.48 1.27 150 -0.26 -1.61 200 250 0 0.32 -0.78 -0.98 300 400 0.75 1.14 500 600 700 800 0.63 0.19 -0.06 -0.22 -0.86 -1.25 -1.93 -0.79 -3.86 18.54 100 -0.31 -0.64 150 200 250 -0.38 -0.30 -0.13 0.71 -0.73 -1.26 300 400 0.20 0.85 -2.07 -1.17 500 600 0.49 0.11 0.29 -2.84 700 800 -0.11 -0.25 -7.23 -21.7 0.38 0.72 1.16 1.85 1.89 -0.40 -2.42 -1.89 0 -0.31 -1.22 -0.15 0.23 -4.08 0.37 0.19 0.23 -2.54 -1.71 -1.95 -1.97 -2.74 -1.49 -3.74 -2.77 -5.99 16.2 -1.21 -1.89 -2.56 -4.06 -3.34 -0.90 -3.51 13.4 46 N -0.89 -1.90 -0.27 0.22 0.16 -0.41 -1.00 0.14 -0.31 0.79 5.42 -0.24 0.01 -1.14 1.54 -1.18 1.28 0.30 0.43 -0.35 -1.34 0.15 -0.44 -2.42 -1.55 -0.24 -4.00 -8.92 -23.0 0.17 -0.75 -2.68 -2.99 1.08 -2.84 -5.87 -12.9 -1.14 -0.92 1.54 -0.35 1.33 0.23 -0.69 1.18 1.47 2.26 4.66 31c ( top) 31 100 ~ [ir -0.41 -0.42 -0.64 150 200 -0.32 -0.13 0.25 -0.73 -1.26 -2.07 0.51 250 1.05 -1.17 0.64 0.29 -2.84 1.59 -2.60 0.39 0.08 -0.42 -0.60 -2.17 -1.49 -0.89 -1.90 I -1.04 I -5.01 300 400 500 600 700 800 0.14 -0.15 -0.32 [ 0.71 -7.23 -21.7 1.25 2.21 All unis ex.epf prefsafes are JlmensionlO Figures 31a,b,c,d -171- s. 0.26 -0.30 0.23 0.16 -0.04 0.09 0.35 0.49 -0.51 -1.23 0.19 -0.67 -0.39 1.07 1I 6.92 1.93 2.83 5.22 0.18 1.56 -1.34 -2.42 -1.55 -0.24 -4.00 -8.92 -2.75 -3.45 1.51 -2.46 -5.02 -!0.9 580N A B e) IIn 100 500 600 -1.91 -2.42 -1.89 1.07 -1.98 700 800 -0.11 -0.25 -3.59 10.69 -1.19 150 200 250 300 400 F; f) 11-_-- -0.31 -0.38 -0.30 -0.13 0.20 0.85 0.49 0.11 -2.62 2.44 -0.36 -0.67 -1.64 -0.19 0.80 0.59 0.73 0.53 0.29 0.01 0.44 1.10 1.88 -0.21 -1.65 -0.93 A -0.15 -0.93 0.11 0.09 0.01 -0.33 -1.62 -0.73 -1.62 -2.24 -2.84 -1.19 -0.21 0.39 -2.67 0.32 0.59 0.55 -0.23 1.45 2.67 2.67 2.64 -3.85 1.81 -1.32 -3.19 0.89 -0.89 -2.03 -3-31 -3.99 -4.92 -4.90 -1.35 -3.09 -5.84 -7.37 -4.31 5.66 5.63 -4.66 -2.44 31f (bf,) 1oo -0.24 -2.62 -0.47 -0.44 2.44 -0.82 -0.20 0.80 150 200 0.23 0.79 0.73 0.53 0.63 -1.15 0.16 0.22 0.29 -0.21 0.13 -1.03 -0.94 -0.89 -0.73 -1.62 -2.24 -2.84 0.01 -0.02 0.44 1.10 1.88 -0.09 250 -0.33 -0.36 -0.67 300 -0.08 -1.64 1.53 400 500 0.54 0.39 -1.91 -2.42 -1.38 600 0.07 -1.89 -1.50 700 -0.14 -0.27 -3.59 10.69 -1.14 800 B 0.81 1.71 0.59 -0.13 0.50 -2.89 -2.8 -2.84 -0.66 -3.85 -3.88 -0.12 0.17 1.81 0.54 -0.99 0.42 0.44 -0.36 1.01 2.43 2.55 2.53 -1.32 -2.03 -3.31 -3.99 -4.92 -4.90 -7.37 5.66 -1.39 -2.74 -5.38 -4.85 -2.60 -4.32 5.30 70N g) 100oo -. 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 700 800 31 -3.31 0.53 -1.11 -0.77 -1.14 -0.44 -0.38 -0.30 -o0.13 0.20 0.85 0.49 0.11 -0.11 -0.25 1.03 -1.88 -5.24 -29.3 F,3 31 . (b01 m). 0.34 -0.49 -0.52 -0.43 -0.23 -3.31 0.53 -1.11 -0.77 -1.14 400 0.38 -o.44 500 600 700 0.39 0.11 1.03 -1.88 -0.11 -0.26 -5.24 -2q9. 100 150 200 250 300 800 All un +s except pra rures 1.02 -0.20 -0.12 -0.00 -0.32 0.33 0.10 -0.50 -0.23 1.07 -1.98 -0.93 -1.12 -1.65 -1.19 -0.93 -1.45 -2.44 -0.37 0.50 -0.21 -0.04 -0.36 -0.95 -0.99 2.22 2.40 0.58 7.32 2.90 6.24 -1.13 -0.26 -6.71 -5-35 0.64 -0.51 0.08 0.60 -0.02 -0.09 -0.32 0.58 0.33 1.31 2.18 -0.86 -0.50 0.26 -0.93 -1.12 -0.17 0.40 -0.21 -1.47 -1.45 -1.24 -2.44 -0.99 -6.71 -0.99 -6.7 are dAmen~oleft~S Figures 31e,f,g,h -172- 0.58 7.62 -L I 7.62 -4.54 -1.20 -2.24 -3.64 -1.40 -1.07 -0.66 1.14 -1.33 -1.84 2.57 -1.89 -8.05 -36.7 5.29 0.30 -4.57 -23.1 -3.42 0.01 -0.01 -4.54 -1.20 -2.24 -9.09 -1.45 -1.67 -0.19 -0.66 -1.07 -0.66 1.14 -0.93 -1 .06 2.57 -1.89 3.93 -2.03 0.96 2.13 3.03 -8.05 6.64 I -36.7 -36.7 6.64 -1.95 -0.22 -1.06 0.03 -4.44 -22.4 -22.4