Competition Rules January 31, 2013 I. Eligibility: The contest is open to all non-Chinese students under the age of 35 from colleges and universities in Greater Cleveland area. 1st year and 2nd year undergraduates are eligible for the junior level contest, 3rd and 4th year undergraduate students and graduate students are eligible for the senior level contest. II. Contest Contents: 1. Chinese language proficiency - short speech. Time limit: 2 minutes for the junior level; 3 minutes for the senior level. Scripts are allowed for junior contestants only (senior level not allowed) while presenting the speech. Political issues should be excluded from the topics. 2. Chinese talent show - Contestants show their talents in Chinese arts and culture through performance (Chinese songs, dance, folk arts, playing musical instruments, calligraphy, painting, paper-cut and kung-fu, etc.) III. Criteria of Judgment (Subject to change): 1. Chinese speech: Total score is 100 points for each contestant. Language proficiency will be evaluated by expression (70%), literary talent (20%) and stage manner (10%). 2. Chinese talent show: The total score is 100 points for each contestant. Evaluation is based on the completeness (50%) and artistry of the performance (30%) and the degree of difficulty (20%). 3. Final Score: The judge will give a 0-100 scale score using a weighted method, 70% for speech and 30% for the talent show. Example: contestant A gets 90 for the speech and 85 for the talent show, his final score should be Note: The criteria may be adjusted. Final criteria will be announced on the day of the contest. IV. Notes: 1. Only one performance is allowed for each contestant in the Chinese talent show section. Contestants, who need musical accompaniments, please e-mail the musical accompaniments to in MP3 format one week before the competition. Please bring a CD copy of the accompaniments on the day of competition. 2. Please prepare your own equipments or instruments for your performance, such as paper, brush and ink stone for Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting, etc. 3. Contestants should dress formally, in their own national costumes or in traditional Chinese costumes. 4. Contestants are required to e-mail both Chinese and English version of their speech scripts to by February 13, 2013. V. Prize and Awards: 1. The competition will set 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. Top 3 contestants will have the opportunity to apply for Confucius Institute Scholarship to study in China (for a period of six to twelve months). 2. Top 3 Winners of the competition will represent Cleveland State University to participate the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for East USA College Students in New York City in March 17, 2013. CI at CSU will cover the flight tickets and one-night hotel expenses in NYC. Information provided by CI at CSU Fellows. 第一届克利夫兰地区“汉语桥”大学生中文比赛 比赛规则及注意事项 一、参赛资格 俄亥俄州克利夫兰地区所有在校大学生(非华裔,年龄 35 岁以下)。大学中 文一至二年级学生将参加低年级组比赛,大学中文三年级以上(含研究生)学生 将参加高年级组比赛。 二、比赛流程 1.汉语语言能力比赛——自拟题目演讲(内容不涉及政治话题)。低年级组 限时两分钟,允许看稿;高年级组限时三分钟,不允许看稿。 2.中华才艺比赛——选手自选一个展示自身中华才艺修养的节目(如:中文 歌曲、舞蹈、曲艺、器乐、书法、绘画、剪纸、武术等)。 三、评分规则 1.演讲部分: 最高分 100,评委根据选手的语言表达(70%)、文采(20%)、台风(10%) 三方面评分。规定时间结束前十秒,工作人员举牌示意,提醒选手尽快结束演讲; 十秒之后,主持人讲打断演讲,评委酌情扣分。 2. 才艺部分: 最高分 100,评委根据节目的完整性(50%)、艺术性(30%)和节目的表演 难度(20%)三方面评分。 3. 最终得分计算方法: 每位评委将根据选手表现进行评分,演讲部分占 70%,才艺部分占 30%,两 部分总分均为 100 分。 举例:选手 A 演讲部分得分 90,才艺部分得分 85,其最后得分为: 五位评委分别评分,去掉一个最高分与一个最低分,选手最终得分为剩余评 委分数的总和。 注:以上评分规则可能会有适当调整,请以比赛当天宣布的为准。 四、注意事项 1. 才艺表演每人限一个节目,形式与内容自选。比赛一周前,请将需要的伴奏 音乐(MP3 格式)用电邮(Email)发送到 ,并确认收到。 另请选手在参赛当天带好伴奏音乐(CD 碟)备用。 2. 比赛当天,请选手自备才艺表演所需道具或用具,如书法、绘画所需要的纸、 墨、笔、砚;表演乐器等。 3. 需穿正装、本民族服装或中华民族服装。 4. 所有参赛选手需提供中、英文演讲稿各一份,并于 2013 年 2 月 13 日前用电 子邮件发送到 。 五、奖励办法 1.大赛将在每组设立一、二、三等奖,并为获奖选手颁发奖状、奖品。每组前三 名选手都可申请留学中国的奖学金(赴中国学习半年至一年)。 2.我们将挑选 3 位优胜者代表克利夫兰州立大学孔子学院赴纽约参加 2013 年 3 月 17 日举行的“汉语桥”美东地区大学生中文比赛决赛。克利夫兰州立大学孔 子学院将负责这 3 名优胜者赴纽约的机票和一个晚上的住宿费用。 克利夫兰州立大学孔子学院 二〇一三年一月三十一日