UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences

Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences
Examination in
Inf 3410/4410 — Analog Microelectronics
Day of examination: 18. December, 2007
Examination hours:
9.00 – 12.00
This problem set consists of 2 pages.
Permitted aids:
All printed and written including calculator
Please make sure that your copy of the problem set is
complete before you attempt to answer anything.
Please explicitly state your assumptions when required for your solutions
and mark your answers with the question number. Read through all questions
All questions are weighted with an explecitely marked percentage
Figure 1: Simple amplifier
The amplifier in Figure 1 is composed of two stages as indicated by the
dotted line. The electrical properties of M1 and M2 are assumed to be similar.
Problem 1
What is the stage below the dotted line called?
(Continued on page 2.)
Examination in Inf 3410/4410, 18. December, 2007
Problem 2
Page 2
Make a small signal equivalent of the circuit below the dotted line suited for
low signal frequencies.
Problem 3
What is the circuit above the dotted line called?
Problem 4
Make a small signal equivalent of the circuit above the dotted line suited for
low signal frequencies.
Problem 5
By combining the small signal equivalents of the two sub-circuits, find an
expression for the gain of the circuit of Figure 1.
Problem 6
Explain how the body effect is affecting the gain of the circuit based on
analysis of the expression found above.
Problem 7
The upper sub-circuit is driven by the lower sub-circuit.
determine the input impedance of the upper sub-circuit.
Problem 8
By analysis
Determine the output impedance of the circuit in Figure 1.
Problem 9
Describe the useful qualities and functional properties of the proposed circuit.