COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee September 28, 2004 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
September 28, 2004
2:00 p.m.
2004-05 #3
W. Tallon (chair), D. Sinason, D. Docking, S. Marsh, C. DeMoranville, G. Aase, B.
Kregor, A. Farraj, L. Marcellus, M. Salmon
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the Second Meeting, dated September 14, 2004, were approved.
CAHA 492
Discussion continued from the last meeting regarding the proposal to offer a section of
CAHA 492, Learning Through Experience, for business students during Spring 2005. In
lieu of budget constraints, the committee felt it was not reasonable to commit to funding a
section at this time.
ELC Projects
The committee recommended creation of a new course with a UBUS designator to
accommodate undergraduate and graduate students’ enrollment in the ELC projects course,
as all majors participate in the projects. Discussion will continue at a future meeting.
MBA Study Abroad
Independent study credit earned through the MBA study abroad trip was discussed.
MGMT 468
A revision to the prerequisite/corequisite for MGMT 468 was approved. (See page 1 of 1)
MGMT Revision/New
A revision to the prerequisite for MGMT 437 as well as a new course proposal (MGMT
512) was introduced. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
FINA 320
A change to the prerequisite for FINA 320 was presented. Further discussion will continue
at the next meeting.
ECON 548
A request from the chair of Economics was received regarding a non-duplication issue for
ECON 548—a new game theory course being proposed by the Department of Economics.
The committee could see no duplication of material with any business course, and in fact
felt the course may be considered as an appropriate elective for graduate business majors.
MKTG Items
The committee discussed a proposal from Marketing to reopen admission to the Marketing
Minor, with restrictions. Also discussed was a revision to the Interactive Marketing area of
study. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Printing Fee
Question was raised whether the university planned to administer a fee to students for
printing materials in the computer labs. If this is the plan, faculty may need to rethink the
manner in which their courses are delivered. More details will be gathered on this topic.
The meeting adjourned at 3:08 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 12, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: October 12, 2004
Diane Docking, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of Admissions; Graduate Council
Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Community College Relations; University Archives; College
Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
September 28, 2004
Page 1 of 1
2004-05 #3
Department of Management
Course revision: Page 77, 2004-2005 Undergraduate Catalog
468. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (3) . . . PRQ: Senior standing (for all majors) and ACCY 331
(for ACCY majors); FINA 330, FINA 340, and FINA 350 (for FINA majors); MGMT 335 and
MGMT 355 (for MGMT and business administration majors); OMIS 340T (for OMIS majors); CRQ:
OMIS 498 (for OMIS majors); MKTG 495 (for MKTG majors); or consent of department.
Rationale: MGMT 468 is designed for students who have completed a substantial portion of course work in their major.
Addition of senior standing prerequisite and change of OMIS prerequisite will assure that students cannot enroll for
MGMT 468 until after their junior year.