COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee February 19, 2013 Page 1 of 1 2013-14 #8 Department of Operations Management and Information Systems Course revision: Page 66, 2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog 661. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE APLICATIONS AND TOOLS (3) In-depth study of the major components used to create and manage information systems to support business decisions: the human decision-making process; data access and analysis; decision algorithms; and relevant hardware and software. Focus on development and use of decision support systems, expert systems, executive information systems, and group decision support systems. A student must earn a grade of C or better in an information systems concepts course prior to enrollment. This course will provide a foundation in the area of business intelligence (BI). Students will be introduced to various BI technologies such as Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and/or SAP Business Objects to analyze enterprise data. Students will use software tools to build an end-to-end BI solution. PRQ: OMIS 652 or consent of department. Rationale: The proposed course description change better reflects the current content being taught in the course.