COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee April 22, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
April 22, 2014
2:00 p.m.
2013-14 #10
E. Towell, B. Cripe (for L. Matuszewski), J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, C. Petersen,
C. Pooler, A. Buhrow, M. Salmon
I. Ali
D. Docking, J. Hayes, U. Sullivan
Action on Minutes
The minutes from the Ninth Meeting, April 8, 2014, were approved as presented.
UG Learning Goal and
Objective Review
Project Plan
A. Buhrow presented a plan for reviewing the college undergraduate learning goals and
objectives. Members of the A-Team were invited to today’s meeting to share in the
discussion. The plan in part is a result of a recommendation included in the Accreditation
Review Team Report received this spring which stated “… The college should consider
reducing the number of learning objectives for undergraduate assurance of learning
(AOL). This would help focus assessment efforts in a few key areas. …” As outlined in
the plan, the College Curriculum Committee and the A-Team will take responsibility for
the review and for the changes to the curriculum it may require. New assessment
measures or revision of current measures to align with the learning goals and objectives
will be identified. To help achieve this undertaking, input will be collected from faculty,
alumni, advisory board members, and current and potential employers of our graduates.
The process is to be completed during the 2014-15 academic year. Both committees
unanimously endorsed the plan.
Certificate of
Undergraduate Study
in Retail Management
The new Certificate of Undergraduate Study in Retail Management submitted by the
Department of Marketing was approved by the College Curriculum Committee March 25,
2014. Because this certificate also relates to the Department of Management, catalog
copy to list it in their section of the Undergraduate Catalog was proposed and approved.
(See pages 1-2 of 2)
UBUS 201 Revision
A revision to UBUS 201 to provide more detail and clarification of the requirements for
Passport program completion was approved. (See page 1 of 2)
Catalog Copy Updates
The following editorial revisions to catalog copy were approved by the committee to
bring the language up-to-date:
 Limited Retention Requirement – delete the referral to four workshops for
UBUS 100, which is no longer the format for the course. (See page 1 of 2)
 Graduate Study in Business – add the newly approved M.S. in financial risk
management to the list of graduate degrees offered in the College of Business.
(See page 1 of 2)
UNIV 400, Internship
The committee discussed a new course proposal received from the Provost’s Office—
UNIV 400, Internship. The proposal includes a memo for verification of non-duplication
of course content. Because the College of Business has an internship available to each
major in business, the committee approved a motion stating the course does show
duplication, and our College of Business majors won’t be allowed to take UNIV 400
should it be approved. Further, part of the rationale for creating the course, according to
the proposal, is to provide an internship opportunity for undecided majors. The
committee strongly feels an internship needs oversight within a department and is not
appropriate for undecided majors who lack the knowledge base necessary for a productive
internship experience.
The meeting adjourned at 2:58 p.m.
Minutes approved: May 2, 2014
Charles Petersen, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary