Osmotic Pressure Measurements of Phase-Separating Protein Solutions by Arya Akmal S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1 989) Submitted to the Department of Physics in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology September 1990 Q Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990 Signature of Author Department of Physics June, 1990 Certified by _ George B. Benedek Professor of Physics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by , _. _ George F. Koster Chairman, Departmental Committee MAtISACH.LSEiTS INSTIUTE OFTECHNO0.OG Y SEP 111990 LIBRARIES ARCHIVES 1 Osmotic Pressure Measurements of Phase-Separating Protein Solutions by Arya Akmal Submitted to the Department of Physics on June 30th, 1990 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Physics Abstract Measurements of the osmotic pressure of aqueous solutions of Bovine y-crystallin and of chicken-egg-white lysozyme were made as a function of solute concentration at T=20+1 °C. The equation of state for solutions of each of these proteins, of the form fll=f(c,T), was thus traced along this isotherm for protein concentrations up to 225 mg/ml. Osmotic pressure measurements were performed using a dynamic osmometer of our own design, which eliminated the long equilibration times characteristic of static osmometry. Values for the osmotic compressibility, a/ac, of y-crystallin were determined via static light scattering. These measurements are compared to the n(c) data. The protein solutions were modeled as a gas of attracting rigid spheres. The osmotic pressure data are compared to the predictions 2 of a model which includes a rigid sphere interaction as well as an attractive interaction quadratic in protein volume fraction. Thesis Supervisor: Dr. George B. Benedek Title: Alfred H. Caspary Professor of physics and Biological Physics 3 Introduction When aqueous solutions of certain globular proteins are cooled below their coexistence curve two distinct liquid phases of different protein concentrations appear. The phenomenon of liquid-liquid phase separation in aqueous solutions of biological macromolecules has been the subject of growing interest in recent years. Liquid-liquid phase separation was observed in solutions of lysozyme by Ishimoto and Tanaka1 . This behavior was also noted in solutions of mammalian eye-lens yll-crystallins2 and subsequently implicated in the formation of cold-induced cataracts. The proposed mechanism for cold cataract formation is based on the fact that the different phases have different indeces of refraction. At the onset of phase separation, microscopic regions of different concentrations are present in solution. Light passing through regions with varying indeces of refraction is randomly scattered, the result is opacity of the solution 3 . Liquid-liquid phase separation is a consequence of the underlying microscopic interactions among solution components. Phase separation is a macroscopic manifestation of a net solutesolute interaction. A thorough understanding of the nature of solvent- 4 solvent, solvent-solute and solute-solute interactions is essential to an understanding of the macroscopic phenomenon of phase separation. Osmotic pressure measurements represent a simple and convenient means of investigating molecular interactions in solution. One early investigation of a biological macromolecule via osmometry was the study of aqueous solutions of haemoglobin by Adair 4 , 5. More recently, Prouty, Schecter and Parsegian6 performed osmotic pressure measurements on haemoglobin, and on the phaseseparating protein lysozyme. Osmotic pressure studies of calf-lens extracts, namely a-crystallins and phase-separating y-crystallins were carried out by Veretout, Delaye and Tardieu7 and by Veretout and Tardieu8 . Osmotic pressure measurements provide a direct means of characterizing a system in terms of an equation of state, =I-l(c,T). An ideal solution, made up of non-interacting components, is described by the van t'Hoff equation of state: H=RT (M)n where R is the gas constant, T is the temperature, <M> n is the number average molecular weight of the solute and c is the solute 5 concentration in units of solute mass over total volume. This description of a solution is analogous to the ideal gas description of a real gas, in that only entropic contributions to the osmotic pressure are accounted for. Although such a description is approximately valid for dilute solutions, real solutions exhibit deviations from ideal behavior due to energetic interactions. The deviations from ideality apparent in the equation of state of a system are therefore a direct measure of these interactions. In this paper we present a simple, yet accurate method to perform osmotic pressure measurements. We have performed a check on the validity of this method by comparing the measured values of [(c) for bovine yll-crystallin to corresponding values for aIl/ac determined via static light scattering. We have attempted to account for the observed deviations from ideal behavior, by introducing volume-exclusion and attractive interaction corrections to the van t'Hoff equation of state. 6 Materials and Methods Preparation of samples Samples of chicken-egg-white lysozyme protein were obtained from Sigma chemical corporation, St Louis, MO (Grade ill, lot # 65F-8220). The lysozyme samples were dissolved in phosphate buffer with a pH of 6.8 and ionic strength of 0.6M (0.1M sodium chloride, 0.5M sodium phosphate, 0.02% sodium azide). These buffer conditions were chosen to yield a critical temperature of 0 ° C for the protein solutions9. Dissolved 50ml samples were dialyzed twice against 4L volumes of phosphate-saline buffer to remove low molecular-weight contaminants. Dialysis tubing (Spectrapore Medical Industries, Los Angeles, CA) with a nominal molecular weight cutoff of 10,000 daltons was used in this process. The dialyzed samples were then centrifuged at approximately 30,000g and concentrated to the appropriate values in a stirred concentrator (model 8050, Amicon corp.,Danvers, MA) with a 5,000 dalton molecular-weight cutoff membrane (Amicon YM5 membrane). Bovine yll-crystallin samples were obtained from calf lenses as described by Bjork1 0 and by Thomson2 . The total monomeric proteins were separated from calf lens homogenate extract via size 7 exclusion chromatography. Crude yll-crystallin was then separated from the total y-crystallin via cation-exchange chromatography. The samples obtained in this manner were dialyzed exhaustively against a pH 7.05, 0.1 M phosphate buffer (with 0.02% sodium Azide to retard bacterial growth). These samples were then concentrated to the required values with a 10,000 molecular-weight cutoff membrane (Amicon YM10). Both the lysozyme and yll-crystallin samples were stored at room temperature to retard formation of protein crystals2 . Experimental procedure Osmotic pressures were determined by making a null measurement. A chamber containing the sample and a chamber containing pure solvent were separated by a membrane permeable only to the solvent. Under such conditions, solvent flows into the sample chamber due to the difference in the chemical potential of the solvent across the membrane. The measurement consists of detecting the solvent flow across the membrane and applying a hydrostatic pressure to the sample chamber in order to stop the flow. The applied hydrostatic pressure which stops the solvent flow is the osmotic pressure of the solution. We have employed two methods to detect solvent flow across 8 the membrane. One method to achieve this is to watch the rise or drop of fluid level in a thin transparent tube separated from the sample chamber by the membrane1 1 . The tube then acts as the solvent reservoir. A more accurate means of detecting flow is illustrated in figure 1. As indicated in the schematic, fluid flowing from the sample chamber into the solvent reservoir passes through a length of fine tubing 0.127mm in diameter and 150.4cm in length (Rainin corp, Woburn, MA). According to Poiseuille's law of fluid flow, a pressure developes between the ends of the tubing according to the following relationship: AP= Li 4"r4 where r is the radius of the tubing, L is the length of the tubing, r is the viscosity of the fluid, and I is the volume flux of the fluid. A pressure transducer (model PX160, Omega Engineering, Stamford, CT) placed between the two ends of tubing produces a voltage proportional to the Poisseuille pressure, which is in turn proportional to the flow of solvent through the tubing. This setup permitted detection of flows as little as 0.011l1/s. Measurements of osmotic pressure were made at 20+10°Cas follows: a measured volume of protein solution was placed in a 9 Amicon ultrafiltration cell. An equal volume of buffered solvent was placed in an identical cell connected to the first cell across a semipermeable membrane and a length of fine tubing. The level of fluids in the two chambers was carefully balanced. The balancing was achieved by first placing equal amounts of solvent alone, in the two chambers and adjusting the relative heights of fluids in the chambers such that no flow occured between them. All the solvent was then removed from one chamber and replaced with an identical volume of sample. This insured that a difference in fluid levels did not contribute to the hydrostatic pressure balancing the osmotic pressure across the membrane. The flow of solvent between the two chambers, indicated by the voltage across the transducer, was observed on a chart recorder. The sample chamber was then pressurized with nitrogen gas until this voltage matched the no-flow voltage(see fig.1). The transducer voltage output level corresponding to no flow past the membrane was repeatedly checked by isolating the transducer from the flow by means of valves located at its terminals. A cellulose membrane with a 5,000 dalton molecular weight cutoff (Amicon YM5) was used for the lysozyme osmotic pressure 10 measurements. The measurements of yll-crystallin osmotic pressure were carded out with a similar cellulose membrane with a 10,000 dalton molecular weight cuttoff (Amicon YM10). The sample concentrations were determined by measuring their ultraviolet absorbances, using a Hewlet Packard 8451A diode array spectrophotometer. Absorbances were determined by comparing the intensity of radiation of a given wavelength transmitted through a sample to the intensity of radiation transmitted through a reference solution. Three dilutions, typically of 5 gl of the sample in 3 ml buffer, were made at each concentration. The absorbance at 280nm of each dilution was measured, and the average of the three values was used to determine the concentration of the sample. The specific 0. 1%,lcm for lysozyme absorbtion coefficient, A28o is 2.6412. This number represents the absorbance at 280nm of a 1mg/ml solution, through a 1cm optical path. We have used a value of A2 80 0.1%lcm=2.4 for y1l-crystallin13. Reported values for this quantity, however, range from 2.010 to 2.814. Values of aIl/ac were determined at T=20.1+0.1°C via static light scattering from y-crystallin samples at concentrations of 40.2 mg/ml, 79.8 mg/ml and 104.9 mg/ml. These data were obtained on a 11 spectrometer based on the design by Haller, Destor and Cannell1 5. aruacis related to the Rayleigh ratio, R(6), at a scattering angle 0=0 via the following themodynamic relationship, valid for binary mixtures 1 6: all/ac= kB7T[4 2 n 2(dn/dc) 2 /X0 4 ]C[ 1/R(0)] where c is the concentration of protein in g/cm 3 , and R(0) is the Rayleigh ratio at scattering angle 0=0. The refractive index increment, dn/dc, was determined using a Bausch & Lomb Abbe-3L refractometer, by measuring the index of refraction of samples at a series of yll concentrations, and performing a linear least squares fit(see figure 2). dn/dc was found to be 2.4cm3 /g.The Rayleigh ratio can be calculated from the scattered light intensity in the following manner: R()= (|))/l -(-) 2Rref (!ref (o)/It) ref The experiment consisted of measurements of the ratio of scattered intensity to transmitted intensity from samples in 10mm diameter cylindrical cells. The ratio (Iscattered/transmitted)was measured at five scattering angles between 36.90 and 105.20. The measurement procedure, described by Chamberlin1 7 , reduced inaccuracies due to drifts in laser power and photomultiplier tube 12 response, corrected for sample turbidity, and provided dust discrimination. A vertically polarized argon-ion laser at X=488nm was employed as a light source. The water bath, with nref=1.333 and Rref=2.51x10-6 cm '1 , was used as the reference in determination of R(0)1 6 . R(e=0) was determined by averaging the measured R(O) values, as this quantity exhibited no 0 dependence. The accuracy of these measurements is supported by previous studies1 6 which showed no evidence of multiple scattering. 13 Results and Analysis We have made measurements of osmotic pressure as a function of solute concentration, for solutions of lysozyme yll-crystallin up to their critical concentrations (-244mg/ml). and These data, which appear in tables 1, 2 and 3 and in figure 3, show significant deviations from ideal behavior. The osmotic pressures we have measured are below the van t'Hoff law (see fig.7), revealing strong attractive interactions, which cause phase-separation. The osmotic pressure data for yll-crystallin are in good agreement with values of anlacwe have measured via static light scattering. Line segments representing these measured slopes have been superimposed on the osmotic pressure data in figure 3. The measured values of a/ac appear in table 4. The final value in this table, at a concentration of 244mg/ml, is taken from Schurtenberger et al.1 6 The value reported by Schurtenberger et al. assumed a value for dn/dc of 2.0cm3 /g. We have measured dn/dc to be 2.4cm3 /g. The al/ac quoted in table 4 has been recalculated using this new value for dn/dc. Osmotic pressure measurements are generally employed to determine solute molecular weight, or more specifically solute 14 number-average molecular weight, <M>n , by appliying the Van't Hoff to data in the dilute regime. The data presented is not particularly well suited for such analysis, as the majority of points lie in a concentration regime, where non-idealities are significant. The validity of the data can still be checked by this method, however. We have made least-square polynomial fits to IVc vs c plots, and taken the (rl)=o predicted by these fits to be the slope of 11(c) in the dilute regime. According to the van t'Hoff law, this sope is proportional to RT/<M>n. The number-average mulecular weights were thus determined using the following relationship: RT (rlc)c=o A second-order fit to the y1 data, appearing in fig.4, yields (/c)c=o = 1.185x106erg/g, which corresponds to a molecular weight of 20,550. A linear fit to data below 80mg/ml (fig.5) yields (c)c=O = 1.240x106 erg/g, corresponding to a molecular weight of 19,640. Both values are in good agreement with the accepted value of 20,00010. A second-order fit to lysozyme data below 100mg/ml (from Akmal, S.B.thesis) predicts a molecular weight of 14,390 , compared to a literature value of 14,40018. 15 A comparison of the inter-molecular interactions in solutions of these two proteins can be made by plotting both sets of data on molecular weight-independent axes, as in figure 7. In this figure, the horizontal axis represents volume fraction, = vsp c. Where the specific volume, vsp, was taken to be 0.703cm3/g for lysozyme 0.71cm3 /g for y 20 . calculated from the 19 and The specific volume of solute, vsp, can be solution density, p, using the following relationship: /p = (Vsp-Vsolvent)Wsolute+Vsolvent where vsolventis the reciprocal of the solvent density, and Wsoluteis the weight fraction of solute. The vertical axis in figure 7 represents a normalized, molecular weight-independent osmotic pressure, rIVhs/kT. Vhs in this equation is the 'hard-sphere volume' of an individual protein, defined as: Vhs V MW NA where vsp is the protein specific volume in cm3/g , MW is the protein molecular weight and NA is Avogadro's number. Vhs is calculated to be 1.68x10-20 cm 3 for lysozyme and 2.36x10-20 cm 3 for yll using the previously quoted values for specific volumes and the accepted molecular weights. Thus, with the dependence on molecular weight 16 removed, features of the data related to energetic interactions can be explicitly displayed. The van t'Hoff law appears as a line of slope one in these units: nv, kT= Non-idealties appear as deviations from the line of slope one. The two data'sets display surprisingly similar features on these axes. This implies very similar intermolecular interactions for solutions of proteins with significantly different isoelectric points, in different solvent environments. The critical temperature T c, and the critical concentration c c appear to be the important parameters which determine the behavior of these solutions. It is therefore significant that the two protein solutions studied here have the same critical concentration, and that their critical temperatures differ by only 5.50 C. The energetic interactions should exhibit dependence on T- T, solution temperature. The reduced temperature, T S is a useful, Tc-normalized quantity to consider in this analysis. The critical temperature of the lysozyme solutions is at T=O0°C 9, whereas the yll solutions have a critical temperature T=5.5 0 C 2. The lysozyme 17 solutions in this study were therefore at a slightly higher reduced temperature and should exhibit greater osmotic pressures. When plotted on the normalized axes of figure 7, the data do in fact display evidence of such a dependence on reduced temperature. A slight difference in the normalized osmotic pressures of lysozyme and ll-crystallin solutions is evident at protein volume fractions above 12%. As mentioned previously, appropriate corrections to the van t'Hoff equation of state can be made to account for the observed behavior of our solutions. Specifically, corrections can be made for the short-range repulsive interactions, due to the finite size of the solution components, and for the long-range attractive interactions which lead to phase separation. The system in question can be modeled as a gas of attractive rigid spheres. An accurate calculation of the first five virial coefficients of the (non-attracting) hard sphere interaction has been made by Ree and Hoover 2 1 : NkT 1 +4y+ 10y2 + 18.36y3 +28.2y 4 +39.2y 5 +... NkT where the volume fraction y is defined as .- F2(VV), V0 being the 18 volume occupied by the spheres when closely packed in a facecentered cubic lattice. The following closed form, developed by Carnahan and Starling2 2, reproduces the integer part of these virial coefficients when expanded in a Taylor series: PV 1+y+y2 _y3 (l-y) 3 NkT Working by analogy to a gas of attracting rigid spheres, the osmotic pressure can be expressed in terms of this non-attracting rigidsphere interaction plus an appropriate attractive potential: nVhs 1+(+02-D3 kT (1-03] -This to expression the is van off+law ...) to first-order in 2 equal[(c This expression is equal to the van t'Hoff law to first-order in added terms in powers of 4. The represent the attractive potential responsible for phase-separation. The gas volume fraction, y, defined above has been replaced in this expression, by the previously defined solute volume fraction, . The latter quantity is appropriate in a description of a system containing more than one species: namely a solution which contains both solute and solvent molecules. The simplest attractive potential of the form above is quadratic in protein volume fraction (cn=Ofor n>2). Values may be obtained for 19 c by applying the condition c2 , and for the critical volume fraction dJI, det as-V a- =' O at the critical point. The chemical potential of the solvent, s, is related to the osmotic pressure via specific volume of the solvent, and Vs=lgs-i-s0 , where Vs is the s ° is the solute concentration independent part of the chemical potential. A value of 10.60 is obtained for c 2 in this manner 2 3 . Tc A value of 9.98 is obtained for Tc 2 by making a fit to the y1l-crystallin data. The value predicted by the model is 10.08 for Tc=278.5K and T=293K. c2 . The best fit to the lysozyme data yields a value of 9.76 for The value predicted by the model is 9.88 for Tc=273 K and T=293. The one-parameter quadratic fits of the form: const. x , were made to the difference between the measured points and the noninteracting rigid-sphere potential, I-measured-excluded volume- The resulting fits to the yll -crystallin and lysozyme data appear in figures 8 and 9. 20 Conclusions Osmotic pressure measurements represent a straight-forward means of measuring microscopic interactions in solution. The simple osmometer described in this paper is a powerful tool for the investigation of these interactions.The validity of the results we present here is supported by the molecular weight predictions for yll-crystallin and lysozyme, which are in excellent agreement with the accepted values. The osmotic pressure measurements are also in very good agreement with values compressibility, alIc, obtained for the osmotic measured via light scattering. We have demonstrated that the phase behavior of solutions of each of the two proteins is well described by a simple attracting rigidsphere model. The success of this model in describing the behavior of these solutions indicates that these systems can be characterized using macroscopically measurable quantities such as the critical concentration and the critical temperature. Lysozyme and y-crystallin have significantly different microscopic properties. Under the conditions of this investigation, lysozyme carries a considerable net charge9 , whereas y"l-crystallin carries only a small net charge. Despite this difference, the same 21 equation of state succesfully describes both systems. Both proteins investigated here have the same critical concentration. The critical temperature, however, can be easily altered by changing solution conditions such as pH and ionic strength. Future work in this area should involve investigation of these proteins under a variety of solution conditons in order to test the universality of a simple equation of state of the type proposed, for phase-separating globular proteins. 22 Table 1 :Osmotic of pressure yll-crystallin solutions T=20± 1°C Concentration, [mg/ml] Osmotic Pressure, [ 104 dyne/cm2 ] 28.43±0.44 3.00±0.48 30.86±0.37 3.30 " 39.29±1.6 3.94 4.53 " " 58.57±0.38 72.29±0.47 75.86±0.49 108.57±0.66 132.57±0.89 142.29+0.75 151.57±0.17 159.29±3.84 5.22 " 6.48" 7.66 " 8.62" 9.23 " 9.49 9.65 " " 205.71±+3.13 10.1 218.29±4.46 11.2 " Table2: Osmotic pressure of lysozyme solutions T=20+ 1°C Concentration, [mg/ml] 23.14±0.20 46.86±0.49 71.86±0.59 74.29±0.64 117.29±2.44 135.57±2.20 146.14±0.15 188.57+ 1.22 OsmoticPressure, [10 4 dyne/cm2 ] 2.91 ±0.48 5.58 " 7.53 " 7.53 " 197.71±+0.45 15.4 " 17.7 " 225.00±2.30 10.9 12.3 " 13.1 16.1 23 Table 3: Osmotic pressure of lysozyme solutions from ref.[11] T=22.5± 1.5°C Concentration, [mg/ml] 7.36±0.03 Osmotic Pressure, [10 4dyne/cm2 ] 1.22±0.05 8.23 ±0.09 1.30±0.04 9.25±0.08 1.53±0.15 9.93±0.11 1.35±0.05 1.50±0.10 1.75 " 1.99 2.79 10.42±0.06 12.13±0.18 15.14±0.19 19.29±0.05 21.00±0.08 22.71 +0.13 23.14±0.25 27.71±0.18 29.00 ±0.33 31.14±0.20 33.29±0.64 40.00±0.25 41.00+0.32 45.29±1.46 50.71±0.36 58.57+0.59 2.91 3.06 3.18 3.59+0.20 3.52±0.10 3.54 " 4.03" 4.30 4.90±0.20 4.64±0.10 5.34±0.10 6.07±0.15 66.57±0.76 6.75±0.15 72.29± 0.24 6.82±0.15 7.09±0.10 73.71±+0.23 24 Table 4: Osmotic compressibility of yll-crystallin solutions T=20.0±0.1°C Conc., [mg/ml] 40.2 ±0.3 79.8 ±0.7 104.7±0.9 244 I(O)r,,/,(o)) (1.58 ± 0.04) x 10-3 (4.17 ± 0.04) x 10-4 (2.29 ± 0.07) x 10 ' 4 anl/ac, [1 0 5 cm 2 /s 2 ] 7.16 3.75 2.70 1.0* * Taken from Schurtenberger et al.1 6 , recalculated using new dn/dc 25 pressure release N2 V supply stirrer membrane solution Applied pressure readout 1, V supply pressure transducer rsuc output to chart recorder solvent flow Figure 1: It Schematic of experimental apparatus - fine tubing 26 index of refraction of gamma II solutions 1.355 a 1.350 o X 1.345 om 1.340 1.335 0 20 40 60 80 100 concentration [mg/ml] Figure 2: The index of refraction of yll-crystallin as a function of concentration. The linear fit yields a value of 2.4 for dn/dc. 27 Osmotic pressure of gamma II and lysozyme solutions ~~~~~~~~~~..........-,,,I,..... 27 0 150000 0· 0 0 2 100000 a. 0 00 E o _ 50000 O0 I . 0 . . I. 50 = * I . . . . 100 ... I , 150 . ... I . . . . 200 c (mg/ml) Figure 3: Filled circles- Lysozyme osmotic pressure, open circlesLysozyme osmotic pressure from ref.[1 1], filled squares- Yll osmotic pressure, line segments- an/ac data obtained via static light scattering. The line segments have been vertically positioned to permit easy comparison to osmotic pressure data. I 250 28 H/c vs c for gamma II _ I _ I - . - . . - - I . _ __ . . . . - - . I _ __ . . I . -I - _ __ . . 1200 1000 - C a 800 - 3i 600 0 - . - - 50 - . ... . - - I - . - - I- . -. 150 100 - . - - 200 -.. - -I - 250 c (mg/ml) Figure 4: Second-order fit to fl/c vs c for yal. Intercept yields a value of 20,550 for the molecular weight. 29 fl/c vs c for gamma II I I I ' I ' I ' I 1200 91000 C 800 600 I 0 . I 20 . I . I 60 40 . I 80 . I 100 c (mg/ml) Figure 5: Linear fit to i/c vs c for yll at concentrations< 80 mg/ml. Intercept yields a value of 19,640 for the molecular weight 30 Il/c vs c for lysozyme ___ I __ I __ I __ __ I 1600 cD E 1400 oU3 0. A. 1200 0 E 0 1000 0 I , 0 . . I 20 .. . I 40 c (mg/ml) . .- I . . 60 Figure 6: Second-order fit to fl/c vs c data for lysozyme at concentrations below 100 mg/ml. Intercept yields a value of 14,390 for the molecular weight. . 31 0.14 0.12 f 0 0.10 - o.08 o 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 volume fraction 0.15 Figure 7: Osmotic pressure of yll and lysozyme on normalized, molecular weight independent axes. Filled circles- lysozyme (Tc=0OC), filled squares- yll (T=5.5 0 C), Solid line- van t'Hoff law, valid for noninteracting solution components. Overlap of the two data sets indicates similar interactions in both systems 32 Osmotic pressure of gamma 11solutions -r I · -· 1 . * -· * .~~~~~~~~~ -- · I -- T -r . . ..L l -- 0.06 GE a 0. 0.04 P cu * 'g '5.: 0.02 0.00 I I 0.00 0.05 0.10 volume fraction Figure 8: One-parameter fit to yl 1-crystallindata - 0.15 , 33 Osmotic pressure of lysozyme solutions _ 0.08 __ I I 1 I I . I · + 0.06 t- 0.04 - *o 0 K5 0.02 - 0.00 .... 0.00 .... I I 0.05 0.10 .. . 0.15 volume fraction Figure 9: One-parameter fit to lysozyme data. Open circles represent data taken from reference [11]. 34 References [1] Ishimoto, C. & Tanaka, T. Critical behavior of a binary mixture of protein and salt water. Phys. Rev. Lett. 39:474-477, 1977. [2] Thomson, J.A., Schurtenberger, P., Thurston G.M., & Benedek, G.B. Binary liquid phase separation and critical phenomena in a protein/water solution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:7079-7083, 1987. [3] Benedek, G.B. Theory of transparency of the eye. 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Jayanti Pande, Ian Shand-Kovach, Carolyn Berland, James Melhuish and Genevieve Sparagna have all been special friends, whose willingness to lend a sympathetic ear and occasional, all-too-necessary application of a kick in the pants is much appreciated. Ty Ogun deserves thanks for his efficient delivery of the large amounts of protein required for this experiment, as does Richard Chamberlin for his light-scattering apparatus. Finally, I would like to thank Professor George Benedek, generous financial support made it all possible. whose