Smooth rational surfaces of degree 11 and sectional genus 8 in P5 . Abdul Moeed Mohammad University of Oslo 7th June, 2010 Motivation Classification problem Given a numerical polynomial P(n) = a2 n2 + a1 n + a0 . (a2 6= 0) Does there exists a smooth projective surface with P(n) as its Hilbert polynomial? Hilbert polynomial depends upon a projective embedding of the surface. Let H be a very ample divisor on S such that |H| : S ֒→ Pdim |H| is an embedding. Then the Hilbert polynomial of S ⊂ Pdim |H| is 1 2 H2 2 n + H + 1 − πH n + χ(OS ). χ(OS (nH)) = 2 2 Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 2/1 Choice of invariants Let S ⊂ P5 be a smooth rational surface. We choose dS = 11 and πS = 8. Reason: Arrondo and Gross have classified rational surfaces of degree ≤ 10 contained in smooth quadrics. Our choice does not interfere with their classification. Main problem Does there exist a smooth linearly normal rational surface in P5 with n P(n) = 11 + 4n + 1 2 as its Hilbert polynomial? Answer: Yes. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 3/1 Adjunction theory I Suppose H is very ample divisor on S such that H 2 = 11 og pa (H) = 8. Can we find an explicit description of H? Key idea Consider H + KS . Sommese and Van de Ven prove that |H + KS | is basepoint free except when S ≃ P2 or S ≃ F0 or S ≃ F1 . Our case: May assume |H + KS | er basepoint free. Obtain a morphism ϕ : S → Pdim |H+KS | . Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 4/1 Adjunction theory II If |H + KS | is basepoint free, then Sommese has proved: (1). dim ϕ(S) = 0 ⇒ H ≡ −KS . (2). dim ϕ(S) = 1 ⇒ S is ruled in conics. (3). dim ϕ(S) = 2 ⇒ degϕ ∈ {1, 2}. Case dim ϕ(S) = 2 and deg ϕ = 2, Sommese and Van de ven, proved that S ≃ P̃2 (x1 , .., x7 ) or S ≃ P̃2 (x1 , .., x8 ). They describe H as well. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Input: H 2 and pa (H) Describe H by (1) and (2). Describe H when dim ϕ(S) = 2 and deg ϕ = 2. Case dim ϕ(S) = 2 and deg ϕ = 1: If possible, use earlier classifications. Else, run i. with input: (H + KS )2 and pa (H + KS ). Algorithm terminates when H 2 = 11 and pa (H) = 8. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 5/1 Possibly very ample divisors I Theorem Suppose there exists a smooth linearly normal rational surface S of degree 11 and sectional genus 8, with an embedding i : S ֒→ P5 . Let OS (H) ≃ i ∗ OP5 (1). At least one of the following holds: (1). |H + nKS | maps S to a curve, for some n ≥ 1. (2). |H + nKS | gives a 2 : 1 map of S to some surface, for some n > 1. (3). H linearly equivalent to at least one of: Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 6/1 Possibly very ample divisors II 6L − P2 i =1 5B + 5F − 2Ei − P9 i =1 P11 P19 j=3 2Ei − Ej P16 j=10 P17 i =1 2Ei − j=8 Ej P P P 9L − 6i =1 3Ei − 8j=7 2Ej − 16 k=9 Ek P5 P10 P15 9L − i =1 3Ei − j=6 2Ej − k=11 Ek P 8L − 13 i =1 2Ei − E14 P P 10L − 8i =1 3Ei − 12 j=9 2Ej − E13 P6 P9 P 12L − i =1 4Ei − j=7 3Ej − 11 k=10 2Ek P P P12 12L − 5i =1 4Ei − 10 3E − j j=6 k=11 2Ek P9 13L − i =1 4E1 − 3E10 − 2E11 − E12 P 14L − 5E1 − 11 i =2 4Ei P8 P 16L − 6E1 − i =2 5Ei − 4E9 − 11 j=10 3Ej P9 19L − i =1 6Ei − 5E10 − E11 P 25L − 9E1 − 8i =2 8Ei − 7E9 − 6E10 7L − Ej P15 8L − 3E1 − i =2 2Ei − j=12 Ej P P 10L − 4E1 − 8i =2 3Ei − 2E9 − 15 j=10 Ej P9 P14 10L − i =1 3Ei − 2E10 − k=11 Ek P P13 7B + 7F − 10 i =1 3Ei − 2E11 − j=12 Ej P 11L − 4E1 − 11 3E − 2E 12 i i =2 P P 13L − 5E1 − 8i =2 4E1 − 3E9 − 12 j=10 2Ej P P P 16L − 6E1 − 8j=2 5Ej − 10 4E − 12 k k=9 t=11 Et P5 P10 15L − i =1 5Ei − j=6 4Ej − 3E11 P 16L − 9i =1 5Ei − 4E10 − 2E11 P P 24L − 5i =1 8Ei − 10 j=6 7Ej P7 − Question: Does every divisor class above give an embedding S ֒→ P5 ? Answer: No, for 20 classes. Yes, for 1 class. Maybe, for 3 classes. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 7/1 Reducing the possibilities Curves on the latter slide satisfy h2 (OS (H)) = 0. Riemann-Roch: χ(OS (H)) = 12 H(H − KS ) + 1 = 5. h0 (OS (H)) = 6 if and only if the speciality h1 (OS (H)) = 1. Key idea Let S ≃ P̃2 (x1 , .., xr ). Speciality of rational surfaces "measures" how far x1 , .., xr are from being in general position. Example H ≡ ≡ P 11L − 4E1 − 11 i =2 3Ei − 2E12 10 10 X X Ei + 8L − 3E1 − 2Ei − 3E11 − 2E12 3L − | {zi =1 } A i =2 | {z B } A effective on S. Points x1 , .., x10 lie on a cubic. H not very ample. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 8/1 Possibly very ample divisors III Theorem Suppose there exists a smooth linearly normal rational surface S of degree 11 and sectional genus 8, with an embedding i : S ֒→ P5 . Let OS (H) ≃ i ∗ OP5 (1). At least one of the following holds: (1). |H + nKS | maps S to a curve, for some n ≥ 1. (2). |H + nKS | gives a 2 : 1 map of S to some surface, for some n > 1. (3). H linearly equivalent to at least one of: P2 P19 6L − i=1 2Ei − j=3 Ej . P7 P17 7L − i=1 2Ei − j=3 Ej . P6 P8 P16 9L − i=1 3Ei − j=7 2Ej − k=9 Ek . P15 P8 10L − 4E1 − i=2 3Ei − 2E9 − j=10 Ej . Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 9/1 Example: Lifting arguments H ≡ ≡ P P 10L − 4E1 − 8i =2 3Ei − 2E9 − 15 j=10 Ej 15 9 8 X X X Ej + 3L − 2Ei − Ei 7L − 3E1 − i =2 | {z A j=10 } | (1). Suppose h0 (OS (H)) = 6. Then A effective on S. {zi =1 } B (2). OA (H) ≃ ωA . (3). Suppose A is smooth on S. Then OA (B − KS ) ≃ OA . (4). Vanishing of H 1 (OS (B − KS − A)) and cohomology of 0 −→ OS (B − KS − A) −→ OS (B − KS ) −→ OA −→ 0 implies that B − KS is effective on S. But, H.(B − KS ) = 2 and pa (B − KS ) = 2 contradicts very ampleness of H. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 10 / 1 Drawback with last argument: Assumed A is smooth on S. Not found a way to work around the assumption. Indication of non-existence: P P 6L − 2i =1 2Ei − 19 E. P8 j=3 j P 10L − 4E1 − i =2 3Ei − 2E9 − 15 j=10 Ej . What about P P 7L − 7i =1 2Ei − 17 E. P6 P8j=3 j P 9L − i =1 3Ei − j=7 2Ej − 16 k=9 Ek . We believe 9L − P6 i =1 3Ei − Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) P8 j=7 2Ej − P16 k=9 Ek gives an embedding. June 2010 11 / 1 Constructing rational surfaces Main strategy: Obtain S by blowing up P2 in x1 , .., xr . Realizing x1 , .., xr on a complete intersection. Main problem Does there exist a smooth linearly normal rational surface in P5 with n P(n) = 11 + 4n + 1 2 as its Hilbert polynomial? Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 12 / 1 Answer to Main problem I Choose points x1 , .., x5 ∈ P2 . No 3 collinear. π1 : S1 −→ P2 (π1−1 (xi ) = Ei ) P General curve in ∆1 := |6L − P5i =1 2Ei | is smooth and irreducible. General curve in ∆2 := |4L − 5i =1 Ei | is smooth and irreducible. Fixate A1 ∈ ∆1 smooth and irreducible. Possible to choose B1 ∈ ∆2 smooth and irreducible, such that A1 ∩ B1 consists of y1 , y2 , y1′ , y2′ , z1 , .., z10 such that: (1). A1 and B1 share common tangent direction yi′ in yi . (2). A1 and B1 intersect transversally in zi . π2 : S −→ S1 Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) (π2−1 (yi ) = Fi , π2−1 (zi ) = Gi ) June 2010 13 / 1 Answer to Main problem II Obtain effective divisors on S P P P A ≡ 6L − 5i =1 2Ei − 2j=1 Fj − 10 G P5 P2 P10k=1 k B ≡ 4L − i =1 Ei − j=1 Fj − k=1 Gk H ≡ A + L − F1 − F2 | {z } C Tangent directions y1′ , y2′ ∈ S1 correspond to points on F1 , F2 ⊂ S. Obtain OA (B) ≃ OA (F1 + F2 ). This yields h0 (OS (A)) = 2 and h0 (OS (H)) = 6. For very ampleness we use Alexander-Bauer lemma Let H ≡ A + C be effective på S. If h0 (OS (A)) ≥ 2, the maps H 0 (OS (H)) → H 0 (OA (H)) and H 0 (OS (H)) → H 0 (OC (H)) are surjective, H|A very ample, H|C very ample. Then H very ample on S. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 14 / 1 Answer to Main problem III Since h0 (OS (H)) = 6 and H very ample Theorem There exists a smooth linearly normal rational surface in P5 with n P(n) = 11 + 4n + 1 2 as its Hilbert polynomial. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 15 / 1 End Thank you for listening. Abdul Moeed Mohammad (University of Oslo) June 2010 16 / 1