Tex4ts Tech University The Faculty Senate 3-G Holden Hall Lubb ck, Texas 79409/(806) 742-3656 D cember 3, 1986 Members of the TO: acuity Senate FROM: Gerald Skoog, P esident Agenda for meet ng #84, Dec mber 10, 1986 3:30 p.m. Sena e Room, Uni ersity Center RE: AGENDA I. Approval of the mi utes of the November 12, 1986 meeting II. III. IV. Report by Bill Ha twell, Sena e Vice-President, on recent meetings of the Academic Council Report from a re resentative of the Office of Academic Affairs and Research Committee Reports A. B. C. ad hoc co ittee - Fl ancial Exigency Policy Report fr m Student S nate representative Other Sen te Committe reports V. New Business A. B. C. Considera Committee Resolutio tiered sy distribut Other Bus ion of the (see attach concerning tern of high d at the Se ness ecommendations of the Enrollment Procedures ent for these recommendations) Larry Templer's proposal to create a four education in Texas (This resolution wiLl be ate meeting.) VI. Adjournment Announcements I. The proposed oper members was ref err committee was ask January. Members and Jerry Stockto sent to one of th ing policy oncerning performance evaluation of facul_ty d to the Fa ulty Status and Welfare Committee. The to have a roposed policy ready for the Senate meeting in f this comm ttee are James Lawrence, Ben Newcomb, James Brink, . Recommend tions for changes in the present proposal should be e individua Ls. "An Equal Oportunity/Affirmative Action Institution" 1.1 ftendA item V., A. REPORT TO THE FACULTY SENATE JO NT FACULTY ENATE/ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 0 REVIEW ST DENT ENROLLMENT PROCEDURES Pa ze Kiel, mm Chairman The Joint Faculty enate/Admin stration Commttee to Review Student Enrollment Procedures has met regularly s nce December, 1985 to review student enr llment procedures. The c mmittee sub its the following recommendations: 1. Develop an implement comprehensive university degree audit after a fe sibility St dy is conducted within several departmen 2. Shorten th preregistr tion period to one week duration after Fall of 19 6, pending utcome of current registration. 3. All condi onally admi ted students entering Texas Tech Universi ty for the fi St time du ng the Fall, Spring, or Summer semester shall be quired to ke and complete twelve hours of course W rk from thei degree pro ram and earn at least a 2.00 grade point average. ntering freshmen shall be required to take the firs English a • math cour es in their required degree program, unl students cademic rec rds indicate a need for leveling work: that even , English 1 00 and appropriate math courses in the s dents' major fie d must be t ken during the first enrollment. 4. Any time he student' current GPA falls below 2.0 the student be placed on scholastic probation. 5. A study s of pre-pr would hou meet tran majors. 6. Have disc ssion secti ns for core courses (i.e. History, Polit cal Science, tc.) listed as "arranged" times in the class schedul 7. A committ e should be appointed to determine which scholarship will be used t waive out- f state tuition. 8. Offer a 1 gitimate sc edule of classes that truly distributes ourse offerings throughout he day and week. 9. Enrollmen projection should be based on prior year numbers w th all its set at maximum class capacity. Over ides section e rollment should be permitted o ly by the Dean. ill ould be mad of a "modified university college°, Divi Ion fessional s udies or some other administrative unit hich e students ho: are given conditional admission, do not fer requir ents to another college, or have undecid he office s ace (work area) of the Academic Faciliti s Manager. 10. Increase 11. Increase support sho ld be given to the Office of New Studenti Relations in the re ruitment of top-quality students especially minoriti s and junior c lege transf rs. 12. In the a funding a of Testin and Counseling the P.A.S.S. service ne s more this servi e is used extensively by students. -213. Class standing should be iven more weight in determining the admi sion status of an ntering stu ent. 14. The total reg stration p cess appears to be functioning efficien since this co ittee bega its study, however registration by pho mail should b made avail ble to students, particularly, commuter graduate, and part-time s udents. y or 15. Terminals sho ld be place in all departments. 16. The class sch dule should be in place on the computer before up-c ing advisement b ins. 17. An advisemen handbook sh uld be developed by all colleges. 18. Advisement s •uld be give 19. The statemen of the miss on of the University should be included in the faculty ndbook. 20. Fee payments in the regis ration process should be adjacent to re istration. 21. Recruitment f high quali y 22. There is a n ed for more ppropriate timing of class rolls. appropriate recognition by the Univers- graduate students should be increased y.