WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere Application Server V7

Chapter 10 of WebSphere
Application Server V7
Administration and Configuration
Guide, SG24-7615
WebSphere Application Server V7:
Accessing EIS Applications from
The J2EE™ Connector architecture (JCA) defines a standard architecture for
connecting the J2EE platform to heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems
(EIS), for example, ERP, mainframe transaction processing, database systems,
and existing applications not written in the Java™ programming language. By
defining a set of scalable, secure, and transactional mechanisms, the JCA
enables the integration of EISs with application servers and enterprise
applications. WebSphere Application Server V7.0 provides a complete
implementation of the JCA 1.5 specification, including the features of the JCA 1.0
In this chapter, we discuss the various considerations for accessing EIS
applications from WebSphere®.
We cover the following topics:
“JCA resource adapters” on page 2
“Resource adapters” on page 4
“Configuring J2C connection factories” on page 9
“Resource authentication” on page 13
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2009. All rights reserved.
JCA resource adapters
The JCA Resource Adapter is a system-level software driver supplied by EIS
vendors or other third-party vendors. It provides the following functionality:
򐂰 Provides connectivity between J2EE components, such as an application
server or an application client and an EIS.
򐂰 Plugs into an application server.
򐂰 Collaborates with the application server to provide important services, such
as connection pooling, transaction, and security services.
JCA defines the following set of system-level contracts between an
application server and EIS:
– A connection management contract lets an application server pool connect
to an underlying EIS, and lets application components connect to an EIS.
This leads to a scalable application environment that can support a large
number of clients requiring access to EISs.
– A transaction management contract between the transaction manager and
an EIS supports transactional access to EIS resource managers. This
contract lets an application server use a transaction manager to manage
transactions across multiple resource managers. This contract also
supports transactions that are managed internally to an EIS resource
manager without the necessity of involving an external transaction
– A security contract enables a secure access to an EIS. This contract
provides support for a secure application environment, reducing security
threats to the EIS and protecting valuable information resources managed
by the EIS.
The resource adapter implements the EIS-side of these system-level
򐂰 Implements the Common Client Interface (CCI) for EIS access.
The CCI defines a standard client API through which a J2EE component
accesses the EIS. This simplifies writing code to connect to an EIS data store.
The resource adapter provides connectivity between the EIS, the application
server, and the enterprise application via the CCI.
򐂰 Implements the standard Service Provider Interface (SPI).
The SPI integrates the transaction, security, and connection management
facilities of an application server (JCA Connection Manager) with those of a
transactional resource manager.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
Multiple resource adapters (one resource adapter per type of EIS) are pluggable
into an application server. This capability enables application components
deployed on the application server to access the underlying EISs. This is shown
in Figure 1.
J2EE Server Runtime
Included with J2EE
Resource Adapter
for the EIS CICS
Resource Adapter
for the EIS Oracle
Resource Adapter
for the EIS IMS
Provided by EIS vendor
or Third Party vendor
Figure 1 Common Client Interface API
WebSphere Application Server JCA support
In WebSphere Application Server, two types of objects are configured for JCA
򐂰 Resource adapters
򐂰 Connection factories
The role of the WebSphere administrator is to:
򐂰 Install and define the resource adapter.
򐂰 Define one or more connection factories associated with the resource
From the application point of view, the application using the resource adapter
requests a connection from the connection factory through a JNDI lookup. The
connection factory connects the application to the resource adapter.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
Resource adapters
A WebSphere resource adapter administrative object represents the library that
supplies implementation code for connecting applications to a specific EIS, such
as CICS® or SAP®. Resource adapters are stored in a Resource Adapter
Archive (RAR) file, which is a Java archive (JAR) file used to package a resource
adapter for the connector architecture. The file has a standard file extension of
A RAR file can contain the following elements:
򐂰 EIS-supplied resource adapter implementation code in the form of JAR files
or other executables, such as DLLs
򐂰 Utility classes
򐂰 Static documents, such as HTML files for developer documentation, not used
for runtime
򐂰 J2C common client interfaces, such as cci.jar
򐂰 A mandatory deployment descriptor (ra.xml):
This deployment descriptor instructs the application server about how to use
the resource adapter in an application server environment. The deployment
descriptor contains information about the resource adapter, including security
and transactional capabilities, and the ManagedConnectionFactory class
The RAR file or JCA resource adapter is provided by your EIS vendor.
New in V7: Registering the resource adapter with the high availability
manager specifies that the high availability (HA) manager will manage the
lifecycle of a JCA 1.5 resource adapter in a cluster. This ensures that
applications using resource adapters for inbound communication remain
highly available. To that end, appropriate use of the HA capability options
enable you to set up an environment that will be able to implement failover for
inbound activity when a server goes down.
WebSphere provides two JCA resource adapters:
򐂰 The WebSphere Relational Resource Adapter, used to connect to relational
databases using JDBC™
򐂰 The SIB JMS Resource Adapter, used to connect to the default messaging
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
Connection factory
The WebSphere connection factory administrative object represents the
configuration of a specific connection to the EIS supported by the resource
adapter. The connection factory can be thought of as a holder of a list of
connection configuration properties.
Application components, such as CMP enterprise beans, have
cmpConnectionFactory descriptors that refer to a specific connection factory, not
to the resource adapter.
Installing and configuring resource adapters
To use a resource adapter, you need to install the resource adapter code and
create connection factories that use the adapter. The resource adapter
configuration is stored in the resources.xml file
There are two ways to make a resource adapter (.rar file) available to
applications. One way is to install the adapter into WebSphere Application
Server. The other way is to install the adapter in the application (embedded
adapter). For example, Rational® Application Developer embeds resource
adapters when you create a J2C application. This chapter describes installing
the adapter into WebSphere Application Server.
To install an adapter, do the following steps:
1. From the administrative console, expand Resources from the navigation tree
and click Resource Adapters and select a scope (Figure 2).
Note that you can see all the WebSphere built-in resources by selecting the
Show built-in resources preference.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
Figure 2 JCA resource adapters
2. Click Install RAR to install a new resource adapter.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
3. Enter the path to the RAR file supplied by your EIS vendor. It can reside
locally, on the same machine as the browser, or on any of the nodes in your
cell. See Figure 3.
Figure 3 RAR file location
Select the node where you want to install the RAR file. You have to install the
file on each node separately.
Click Next.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
4. The Configuration page for the resource adapter selected is displayed. This is
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 JCA resource adapter properties
In this example, you do not have to configure any properties. The defaults
combined with the information supplied in the RAR file provide all the
information needed. However, you have the option of configuring the following
– Name:
Create an administrative name for the resource adapter.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
– Description:
Create an optional description of the resource adapter, for your
administrative records.
– Archive path:
This field is the path where the RAR file is installed. If this property is not
specified, the archive will be extracted to the absolute path represented by
the ${CONNECTOR_INSTALL_ROOT} variable. The default is
– Class path:
A list of paths or JAR file names that together form the location for the
resource adapter classes. The resource adapter code base itself, the RAR
file, is automatically added to the classpath.
– Native path:
This is a list of paths that together form the location for the resource
adapter native libraries (.dll, and .so files).
5. Click OK.
6. Save the configuration and synchronize the nodes.
Configuring J2C connection factories
Note: The terms J2C and JCA both refer to J2EE Connector Architecture and
they are used here interchangeably.
A J2C connection factory represents a set of connection configuration values.
Application components such as EJBs have <resource-ref> descriptors that refer
to the connection factory, not the resource adapter. The connection factory is just
a holder of a list of connection configuration properties. In addition to the arbitrary
set of configuration properties defined by the vendor of the resource adapter,
there are several standard configuration properties that apply to the connection
factory. These standard properties are used by the connection pool manager in
the application server runtime and are not used by the vendor supplied resource
adapter code.
To create a J2C connection factory, do the following steps:
1. Select Resources → Resource Adapters → J2C connection factories.
You will see a list of J2C connection factories at the selected scope.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
2. Click New to create a new connection factory, or select an existing one to
modify the connection factory properties.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
The J2C Connection Factory Configuration page is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 J2C connection factory properties
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
The general properties are:
– Name:
Type an administrative name for the J2C connection factory.
– JNDI name:
This field is the connection factory name to be registered in the application
server’s name space, including any naming sub context.
When installing an application that contains modules with J2C resource
references, the resources defined by the deployment descriptor of the
module need to be bound to the JNDI name of the resource.
As a convention, use the value of the Name property prefixed with eis/, for
– Description:
This is an optional description of the J2C connection factory, for your
administrative records.
– Connection factory interface:
This field is the name of the connection factory interfaces supported by the
resource adapter.
– Category:
Specify a category that you can use to classify or group the connection
– Security settings:
You have multiple options when securing access to the J2C resource.
While component-managed might be faster in some instances, it is not the
best solution for security. Container-managed authentication is the
preferred method.
For more information, see “Resource authentication” on page 13.
3. Click Apply. The links under the Additional Properties section for connection
pool, advanced connection factory, and custom properties become active.
The connection pool properties can affect performance of your application.
You should monitor and adjust these settings to maximize performance.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
The advanced connection factory properties are shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Advanced connection factory properties
The J2EE programming model indicates that connections should always have
a transaction context. However, some applications do not have a context
associated with them. The Log missing transaction context option tells the
container to log the fact that there is a missing transaction context in the
activity log when the connection is obtained.
Resource authentication
Resources often require you to perform authentication and authorization before
an application can access them. You can configure the settings to determine how
this is done in a number of ways. This section discusses the configuration
settings and how to use them. However, before implementing any security, you
should review the information in WebSphere Application Server V7 Security
Handbook, SG24-7660.
The party responsible for the authentication and authorization is determined by
the res-auth setting found in the Web and EJB™ deployment descriptors. There
are two possible settings:
򐂰 res-auth=Container: WebSphere is responsible.
The authentication data is supplied by the application server.
򐂰 res-auth=Application: The application, or component, is responsible.
The authentication data is taken from the following elements, in order:
– The user ID and password that are passed to the getConnection method.
(This is not recommended for obvious reasons. This implies that the user
ID and password are coded in the application).
– The component-managed authentication alias in the connection factory or
the data source
– The custom properties user name and password in the data source
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
These settings can be configured during application assembly using Rational
Application Developer in the EJB or Web deployment descriptor. They can also
be set or overridden during application installation. See Table 1.
Table 1 Authentication settings
Authentication type
Setting at assembly
Authorization type
Setting during installation
Resource authorization
WebSphere managed:
Application (component) managed:
Per application
Container-managed authentication
Container-managed authentication removes the requirement that the component
programmatically supply the credentials for accessing the resource. Instead of
calling the getConnection() method with a ConnectionSpec object,
getConnection() is called with no arguments. The authentication credentials are
then supplied by the Web container, application container, or the EJB container,
depending on from where the resource is accessed. WebSphere Application
Server supports the JAAS specification, so the credentials can be mapped from
any of the configured JAAS authentication login modules, including any custom
JAAS authentication login module.
The default selection for the JAAS application login module (in the
mapping-configuration-alias field of the J2C connection factory),
DefaultPrincipleMapping, maps the user ID and password using a pre-configured
J2C authentication alias.
Container-managed authentication is the preferred method.
Component-managed authentication
In the case of component-managed authentication, the application component
accessing the resource or adapter is responsible for programmatically supplying
the credentials. WebSphere can also supply a default component-managed
authentication alias if available. After obtaining the connection factory for the
resource from JNDI, the application component creates a connection to the
resource using the create method on the connection factory supplying the
credentials. If no credentials are supplied when creating a connection and a
component-managed authentication alias has been specified on the J2C
connection factory, the credentials from the authentication alias will be used.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
Assuming that the credentials are valid, future requests using the same
connection will use the same credentials.
The application follows these basic steps:
1. Get the initial JNDI context.
2. Look up the connection factory for the resource adapter.
3. Create a ConnectionSpec object holding credentials.
4. Obtain a connection object from the connection factory by supplying the
ConnectionSpec object.
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere
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WebSphere Application Server V7: Accessing EIS Applications from WebSphere