UNCLASSIFIED D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E 12 1350 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Iraq Status This briefing is classified UNCLASSIFIED Derived from: Multiple Sources UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Highlights D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P CPA Priorities: • Essential Services • Security • Governance • Economy • Strategic Communications CPA Intermediate Objectives: • Improve Healthcare • Provide Food Security • Support Development of Sustainable Political Parties and Associations • Build financial market structures • Prepare for 30 Jun transition Weekly Highlights: • Total number of attacks highest recorded since tracking began • Interagency Transition Planning Team led by AMB Ricciardone and LTG(Ret) Kicklighter are developing transition plan • Extensive activities continue in support of political transition and the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL) • Transfer of Ministry of Health and Ministry of Public Works responsibilities to full Iraqi control authority • 1,064,000 telephone subscribers – 28% above pre-war active subscribers • As of 28 Mar, estimated crude oil export revenue reached $3.7 billion for 2004 2 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Electricity Overview O F D E F E N S E Goal June 04: 6,000 MW Peak Production Capacity 6000 5000 4000 Megawatts D E P A R T M E N T 4153 4271 4148 4000 3978 3969 4130 4098 3896 3763 Production (MW) Goal Jun 04 3000 Goal Oct 03 2000 1000 0 30 Jan - 6-12 Feb 5 Feb 13-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 05 Mar - 12 Mar4 Mar 11 Mar 18 Mar 19 Mar25 Mar 26 Mar01 Apr 02 Apr08 Apr • Ambassador Bremer approved a new increase plan on 14 Jan to prevent current project delays from impacting the goal of 6,000 MW peak capacity and 120,000 MWH of production by 01 Jun • CPA Autumn Maintenance Program began in Oct 03, continued through the Winter, and transitioned into the Spring program in Feb 04. This has resulted in 1,907 MW in scheduled maintenance losses over the past week. Unscheduled generator maintenance continues with 410 MW out of service N/P Data as of 08 Apr 3 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Power Production O F Mega Watt Hour Production 140000 120000 100000 MWH 80000 60000 June Goal MWH 40000 MW Hrs Actual MW Hrs 7 Day Av. 20000 0 1Ja n 7Ja n 13 -J an 19 -J an 25 -J an 31 -J an 6Fe b 12 -F eb 18 -F eb 24 -F eb 1M ar 7M a 13 r -M ar 19 -M ar 25 -M ar 31 -M ar 6Ap r D E P A R T M E N T By Region MW 2500 2330 2350 2300 2100 D E F E N S E Pre-War 2000 1788 1700 Current 1500 1320 1200 1140 Oct 03 Goal Jun 04 Goal 1000 600 500 402 500 0 N/P Data as of 08 Apr North Central South 4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Hours of Power – Week of 01 Apr D E P A R T M E N T 90 MW 14 Hrs Arbil Naynawa 360 MW 15 Hrs D E F E N S E N/P 16 Hrs Tamim Sulaymaniyah 16 Hrs 134 MW 16 Hrs Percent Change (7 Day) Salah Ad Din 210 MW 15 Hrs Dyala 98 MW 15 Hrs Anbar O F Average Hours of Electricity Available to Governorate Per Day Over a 7 Day Period = 8 Hrs = Red 9 to 15 Hrs =Amber = 16 Hrs = Green Dahok 175 MW 15 Hrs Baghdad 1155 MW 17 Hrs Wasit Karbala Babil 84 MW 19 Hrs 86 MW 11 Hrs 100 MW 15 Hrs Qadisiyah Misan 60 MW 14 Hrs 64 MW 20 Hrs An Najaf Dhi Qar 88 MW 13 Hrs 103 MW 20 Hrs Muthanna 59 MW 10 Hrs 38 MW 18 Hrs 5 -6.0% Duhok -0.5% Naynawa -5.4% Tamim -4.5% Salah Ad Din -4.5% Anbar -5.3% Dyala -7.9% Babil -5.1% Karbala -0.8% Najaf -6.2% Qadisiyah Basrah Muthanna Baghdad 258 MW 24 Hrs 0.0% Wasit -3.2% Muthanna -9.0% Dhi Qar 3.5% Misan 1.8% Basrah 7.6% UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Crude Oil Production 3.00 O F D E F E N S E N/P Current Goal: 2.5 MBPD Millions of Barrels Per Day (MBPD) D E P A R T M E N T 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar 12-18 Mar Production 19-25 Mar 2-8 Apr Target Weekly Average of 2.480 MBPD Exceeds Target of 2.5 MBPD • Long Term Target (Dec 04): 2.8 - 3.0 MBPD (Pre-War Capacity) • Pre-War Peak: 2.5 MBPD in Mar 03 • Post-war Peak: 2.541 MBPD on 28 Feb 04 • Weekly average of crude exports: 1.603 MBPD 6 26 Mar - 1 Apr UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Diesel Production O F D E F E N S E N/P 25.0 Current Goal: 19.5 M Liters Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar Production 12-18 Mar Import 19-25 Mar 26 Mar - 1 Apr 2-8 Apr Target • This week’s average production and imports are 110% of goal • Goal changed from 18ML to 19.5 ML 7 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Kerosene Production O F D E F E N S E N/P 20.0 18.0 Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 Current Goal: 6.0 M Liters 2.0 0.0 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar Production 12-18 Mar Import 19-25 Mar 26 Mar - 1 Apr 2-8 Apr Target • This week’s average production and imports are 100% of goal • Goal changed from 18ML to 6ML 8 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Gasoline / Benzene Production 25.0 Current Goal: 21.0 M Liters Millions of Liters Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 20.0 15.0 10.0 O F 5.0 D E F E N S E 0.0 12-19 Feb N/P 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar Production 12-18 Mar Import 19-25 Mar 26 Mar - 1 Apr 2-8 Apr Target • This week’s average production and imports are 78% of goal • Goal changed from 18ML to 21ML 9 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Liquefied Petroleum Gas Production 7000 Current Goal: 4,800 Tons 6000 Tons Per Day D E P A R T M E N T 5000 4000 3000 2000 O F D E F E N S E N/P 1000 0 12-19 Feb 20-26 Feb 27 Feb - 4 Mar 5-11 Mar Production 12-18 Mar Import 19-25 Mar 26 Mar - 1 Apr 2-8 Apr Target • This week’s average production and imports are 77% of goal • Goal changed from 6,000 to 4,800 tons 10 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Essential Services - Education D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • The Ministry of Education (MoE) launched its Education Management Information System, which will help rebuild comprehensive school and student data – Records were destroyed after the fall of the past regime. – This system will be a critical tool for MoH decision-making • The Education Minister hosted the Second National Conference on Curriculum Reform 30 - 31 Mar – Attended by over 250 leaders representing the education, business, civic, religious and political sectors of Iraqi society – Conference produced a framework and process for curriculum reform that will be implemented over the next two to three years CPA Education Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Education • Reorganize and staff the Ministry of Education • Rehabilitate school buildings and build new schools • Advance national dialog on curriculum reform • Continue and expand teacher training 11 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Education Schools Rehabilitated by USAID O F D E F E N S E 902 Number of Schools D E P A R T M E N T Current Activities 1000 900 800 • School Renovation status: 700 600 – USAID rehabilitated 2,350 500 schools 400 300 – CPA refurbished 105 schools 200 100 – 11,939 schools require repairs 0 North Baghdad South Central South – 4,500 new schools are necessary – US Supplemental funds will rehabilitate at least 1,047 schools – World Bank may commit to rehabilitate another 1,000 schools • Trained 32,000 secondary school teachers and administrative staff 562 490 396 CPA Education Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Education • Reorganize and staff the Ministry of Education • Rehabilitate school buildings and build new schools • Advance national dialog on curriculum reform • Continue and expand teacher training N/P As of 13 Apr UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Essential Services – Healthcare O F • A 28 Mar ceremony transferring authority to the Ministry of Health (MoH), marked a milestone on the path toward Iraqi sovereignty • Renovated 52 primary healthcare clinics and re-equipping 600 more to provide essential primary healthcare services – By the end of Apr, 50,000 residents in An Najaf City will have access to a newly rehabilitated primary healthcare clinic that includes an emergency ward and delivery room • On 28 Mar, the MoH began a pilot for a disease surveillance system in Baghdad – This is part of a broader effort by CPA and USAID to build the capacity of the MoH to improve Iraq’s healthcare services D E F E N S E CPA Health Care Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Health Care • Develop health care organizations, management, and infrastructure • Train health care professionals • Pharmaceutical logistics support • Secure system • Public health D E P A R T M E N T N/P 13 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Health Care Current Activities • Ministry of Health (MoH) assumed full Iraq authority on 28 Mar • USAID continues primary health care training of trainers program which will reach 2,500 primary health care providers throughout Iraq – Program has helped 700 doctors to provide better primary and preventive care, especially for women and children • Renovated 52 primary healthcare clinics and re-equipping 600 more to provide essential primary healthcare services • On 28 Mar, the Ministry of Health began a pilot for a disease O surveillance system in Baghdad F – Part of a broader effort by CPA and USAID to build the capacity of the MoH to improve Iraq’s healthcare services D D E P A R T M E N T E F E N S E CPA Health Objective: Improve Quality and Access to Health Care • Develop health care organizations, management, and infrastructure • Train health care professionals • Pharmaceuticals logistic support • Secure system • Public health N/P As of 13 Apr 14 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Essential Services – Water D E P A R T M E N T • Ministry of Public Works transferred to full Iraqi control on 05 Apr • The Kerkh Wastewater Treatment plan, one of three in Baghdad, will begin operating at the end of Apr – will have a significant effect on health of children downstream • Civil cleanup work at An Najaf water and wastewater treatment plants is nearly complete, other work to follow – will benefit 563,000 residents when completed in Aug 04 O F • Work is continuing on Baghdad’s three major wastewater treatment plants--Rustimiyah North, Rustimiyah South, and Kerkh wastewater treatment plant D E F E N S E CPA Water Objective: Provide Water Supply, Sewerage & Municipal Services; Improve Water Resource Management Create viable organization to deliver water/sewerage/municipal services (WSMS) • Expand WSMS to meet national needs • Develop full range of municipal services & inclusive delivery mechanism • Improve Ministry processes in preparation for Iraq’s sovereignty • Infrastructure improvements to water resource system • Facilities improvements & capacity building within Ministry N/P 15 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Essential Services – Food Security PDS Stocks as a Percentage of Total Requirements from APR - JUL 1, 2004 (including 3 month buffer) 160.0% 140.0% 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% D E F E N S E N/P De ter ge nt To tal So ap Mi lk Te a Inf Sa an lt tF W o r ea mu nin g C la ere als new procurements and accelerated delivery schedules Na tio na l Fo Whe rei at gn W he at O • CPA projects no shortages in the coming months given F Pu lse s Gh ee /O il Su ga r 0.0% a three month buffer Ri ce D • Chart shows current stocks E and scheduled arrivals for P goods that Iraqis receive under the Public Distribution A System as a % of estimated R requirements on hand until T 01 Jul M E • Having 100% of each commodity ensures sufficient N stock through 01 Jul, plus T Opening Stocks New Procurements MOT Scheduled Arrivals Under Existing Contracts (OFF) New Procurements WFP Planned Arrivals MOT/CPA Procurement OFF Unconfirmed Contracts CPA Food Security Objective: Provide Food Security for all Iraqis Enhance capacity of Ministry of Agriculture • Assure supply of inputs • Strengthen research system • Ensure adequate stocks for Public Distribution System (PDS) • Monitor food security • Hand over administration of system in the North • Initiate reform of rations basket • Environmental Initiatives 16 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Essential Services – Telecommunications D E P A R T M E N T • Total number of telephone subscribers is now over 1,064,000 (321,000 cell phone subscribers)—28 % above active subscribers pre-war • There are 743,000 active landline telephone subscribers in Iraq (833,000 pre-war)--2.8 % of population • The following chart shows percentage of operational landline telephone subscribers compared to the number of active subscribers in Apr 03 • Interim First Responder Network regulatory team preparing formal application to Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for .IQ country code top level domain Percentage of Operational Telephone Subscribers (Baseline April 03) Source: CPA Senior Advisor to Minister of Comm. & Iraqi Telephone & Postal Company (ITPC) 100% O F 80% 100% 100% 96% 96% 60% 98% 98% 81% 81% 40% 20% D E F E N S E N/P 0% North Baghdad South Central South % Operational (compared to APR 03 subscribers) CPA Objectives: Reconstruct Communications & Postal Systems Build Iraq’s first responder network • Establish independent regulatory agency • Upgrade Iraqi Telephone and Postal Company (ITPC) network for interoperability • Build transmission component data network for Iraq, including international gateways • Restructure ITPC and its business operations • Upgrade and modernize postal systems • Upgrade ITPC outside plant for increased subscriber capacity and use 17 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Essential Services – Transportation D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Reconstruction of three key bridges (Al Mat, Khazir, and Tikrit): – Al Mat bridge complete and open for traffic between Baghdad and Jordan (3,000 trucks daily) – Last major work to be completed for the Khazir bridge is paving of road surface – critical for flow of fuel and agriculture to the north – Tikrit bridge reconstruction experiencing delays due to flooding • Preparing Baghdad International Airport (BIAP) for commercial operations: – Airport electrical generational capacity increasing to 23 MW – Representatives of Ministry of Transport met with Air Traffic Cell head to discuss the aviation transition plan during BIAP drawdown • Iraq / Syria border closed affecting rail transportation – Weekly passenger train from Aleppo was turned back at the border – Freight trains, some with diesel fuel, were briefly delayed at Rabiya, Syria, to verify clearance authorization CPA Objectives: Restore Economically Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Enable Iraqi civil aviation to prepare for international commercial aviation and cargo service • Enable Iraqi Port Authority to administer a port of call with intermodal capabilities and inland container distribution • Enable Iraqi Republic Railways to provide domestic and international passenger and freight capabilities • Reform civil service at Ministry of Transportation 18 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Iraqi Security Forces Training Summary D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E On Duty Academy Trained Total On Duty In Academy Training In TIP Training Total On Duty & In Training Required Untrained TIP Trained Iraqi Police Service 75,000 56,448 13,286 2,865 72,599 1,828 1,417 75,844 Dept of Border Enforcement 25,727 9,957 9,177 0 19,134 279 0 19,413 Required On Duty In-Training TOTAL Iraqi Armed Forces (IAF) 40,000 3,930 2,099 6,029 Iraqi Civil Defense Corps 40,000 32,451 (OJT Continuous) 326 32,777 Required On Duty In-Training TOTAL 55,000 73,992 0 73,992 Facilities Protection Service (Ministries & MSCs) Total Required: 235,727 N/P Data as of 09 Apr Total on Duty and in Training: 208,055 19 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS AMMO / Explosives / Weapons Captured (Weekly) D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E 15 - 21 Mar 56 881 4 9,092 47 300 305 Captured AMMO & Explosives Assembled IED RPG rounds, Grenades MANPAD rounds Mortar, Artillery, Rocket Rounds Mines Pounds of Explosives Anti-Aircraft rounds 22 - 28 29 Mar - 05 - 11 Mar 04 Apr Apr 56 54 62 1,204 442 425 412 38 1 2,909 2,691 918 35 63 22 0 0 0 410 2,554 334 Captured Weapons RPG Launchers MANPAD Launchers Small Arms Crew Served Weapons N/P Data from CJTF-7 as of 11 Apr 57 1 313 7 20 92 8 228 8 49 37 151 13 21 4 173 17 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Stability Contributors-OIF D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E P Countries with forces in Iraq 33 Albania Australia Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Rep Denmark Dom Rep El Salvador Estonia Honduras Hungary Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Latvia Countries considering decision to provide forces for Iraq TOTAL ~24K Lithuania Macedonia Moldova Mongolia Netherlands New Zealand Norway Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Singapore Slovakia Spain Thailand Ukraine UK 5 TOTAL TBD 38 Countries Potentially Supporting Iraqi Stability and Humanitarian Relief Data as of 09 Apr 21 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Governance – National Transition D 2004 E P A R T M E N T 2005 O F 08 Mar Early-May Annex to TAL released describing selection process and powers of Interim Government (approximate date) End-May Establishment of Election Commission (approximate date) End-May Selection of Interim Government (approximate date) N/P Phase I (Interim Government) 30 Jun Iraqi Interim Government takes power 31 Jan Elections for the National Assembly complete: NLT 31 Jan 05 (31 Dec 04 if possible) Early ’05 D E F E N S E Transitional Administrative Law signed Iraqi Transitional Government takes power Phase II (Elected Government) 15 Aug National Assembly completes draft of permanent constitution 15 Oct Referendum for constitution 15 Dec Elections for permanent government completed 31 Dec Permanent government assumes office 22 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Governance (cont) D • Two teams from the United Nations arrived in Iraq on 26 Mar to E assist in the transition to sovereignty. P – By 29 Jun, the electoral team must establish an independent A electoral commission, draft election law, political parties law, R and a law addressing media treatment of elections T M – The second team, led by Ambassador Brahimi, will work to E assemble an interim government N T • Process to select Baghdad’s Mayor continues with list of suitable candidates reduced to 28 O F • Leader of the Iraqi Democratic Conference, organized a conference for 192 political parties and movements, civil society organizations and unions, 27 - 29 Mar in Baghdad D E F E N S E N/P UNCLASSIFIED 23 UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Economics D E P A R T M E N T Building Financial Markets • North Bank, the first new private bank chartered since the liberation, held its grand opening at its new headquarters in Baghdad • The Trade Bank of Iraq has issued 132 letters of credit, totaling $519 million, covering imports from 24 countries • CPA has issued more than 1,800 loans totaling $3.5 million to micro and small enterprises throughout Iraq Other Developments O F • As of 02 Apr, the DFI balance was $9.3 billion (payments out of the DFI amounted to $7.6 billion) D E F E N S E • As of 28 Mar, estimated crude oil export revenue was $3.7 billion for 2004 • CPA has created nearly 400,000 jobs for Iraqis N/P As of 13 Apr 24 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Economy – Build Financial Management Structures D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Twelve of the eligible private banks signed up for the Visa payment system • North Bank, the first new private bank chartered since the liberation, held its grand opening at its new headquarters in Baghdad. It plans to open four branches in Kirkuk, Irbil, Suli, and Dahouk in the near future • Planning has begun for a Private Bankers Association to be established by mid April. It will be limited to private banks and act as a compliment to the Iraqi Bankers Association • The Trade Bank of Iraq has issued 132 letters of credit, totaling $519 million, covering imports from 24 countries • CPA has issued more than 1,800 loans totaling $3.5 million to micro and small enterprises throughout Iraq • The New Iraq Dinar (NID) has been stable for the past two months at around 1,425 NID to the US Dollar CPA Economic Objective: Build Financial Market Structures • Modernize the Central Bank • Commercial Banking System • Re-establish Baghdad Stock Exchange • Restructure National Debt 25 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Economics – Other Developments D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • As of 03 Apr, the CPA Administrator had appointed Inspectors General (IG) in 23 of 26 Ministries • Development Fund for Iraq (DFI) balance was $9.3 billion (payments out of the DFI amounted to $7.6 billion) as of 02 Apr • Estimated crude oil export revenue reached $3.7 billion for 2004 on 28 Mar • Combined Joint Task Force 7 (CJTF-7) estimate that the CPA has created nearly 400,000 jobs for Iraqis (46 percent of the CJTF-7 target of 850,000) • A Nationwide Credit Demand Survey of 2,352 small to mediumsized enterprises was completed – Survey reveals there is limited experience with formal loans – Results will help microfinance institutions meet potential clients needs • Inauguration of the 5% Reconstruction Levy on imported commodities has been deferred until 15 Apr CPA Economic Objective: Pursue National Strategy for Human Resources Development 26 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Program Management Office (PMO) D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E 17 Trans/Comm 367 65 Ed/Human 371 205 Water 722 572 Security/Justice 749 177 Oil Construction Tasks Committed by 01 Jul 865 1347 Electric N/P Data as of 8 Apr 1993 0 500 1000 1500 2000 $ (Millions) Target Committed 27 PMO Web-site Portal: www.rebuilding-iraq.net UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Program Management Office (PMO) (cont) D E P A R T M E N T Roads/Bridges 64 86 Electric Priv Sector 15 131 72 139 Water 120 Trans/Com 23 247 0 325 341 Democracy N/P 458 118 Justice D E F E N S E NonConstruction Procurement by 01 Jul 234 Ed/Human Health O F 0 4 540 732 Oil 836 680 Security 0 500 2308 1000 1500 2000 $ (Millions) Target Data as of 8 Apr Actual Commitments 28 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED 12 1355 EST Apr 04 DRAFT WORKING PAPERS Program Management Office (PMO) (cont) D E P A R T M E N T O F Sector N/P Committed $M Obligated $M Security and Law Enforcement 3,243 2,483 1,222 496 Electricity Sector 5,560 1,708 1,412 1,191 Oil Infrastructure 1,701 1,600 908 455 Justice, Public Safety, and Civil Society (less Democracy) 1,018 526 149 37 Democracy 458 458 341 260 Education, Refugees, Human Rights, Governance 280 203 22 22 Roads, Bridges, and Construction 370 119 34 8 Health Care 793 330 31 0 Transportation and Telecommunications 500 165 137 22 4,332 496 277 41 184 70 15 0 TOTAL 18,439 8,158 4,548 2,532 CONSTRUCTION 12,611 3,950 2,383 1,490 5,370 4,280 1,824 782 458 458 341 260 18,439 8,158 4,548 2,532 Water Resources and Sanitation D E F E N S E Apportioned $M 2207 Report Private Sector Development NON-CONSTRUCTION DEMOCRACY Total Data as of 8 Apr 29 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED DRAFT WORKING PAPERS 12 1355 EST Apr 04 Strategic Communication D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N S E N/P • Extensive activities continue in support of political transition and the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL), including : – Distribution of booklets and leaflets on the TAL – Numerous focus groups, seminars, public forums, and town hall meetings across Iraq • Access to USAID project worksites in Fallujah and Salad ad Din Governorate has become limited – USAID is implementing or has completed almost 250 separate projects in flashpoint locations of Fallujah, Ramadi, Najaf, Salah ad Din, and the Baghdad neighborhood of Sadr City – Activites have ranged from rehabilitating water treatment centers and rebuilding schools, to creating centers for women and youth 30 UNCLASSIFIED