PFC/JA-82-23 Three-Dimensional Theory of Waveguide-Plasma Coupling A. Bers, K.S. Theilhaber Plasma Fusion Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Tc/JF-2 -Z 3 THREE-DIMENSIONAL THEORY OF WAVEGUIDE-PLASMA COUPLING* A. BERS, K.S. THEILHABER Plasma Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America ABSTRACT. A general, linear theory of coupling electromagnetic fields from free-space waveguide arrays to an inhomogeneous plasma in a magnetic field is presented. In contrast to previous analyses, which assumed parallel-plate waveguides, waveguides having closed cross-sections of arbitrary shape are considered; full account is taken of all the waveguide modes. Far away from the coupling region, the plasma is assumed to be absorptive and the waveguides to propagate only their dominant modes. The formulation is geared to obtain the reflection coefficients in the waveguides and the excitation of waves in the plasma. The results are applicable to RF heating of plasmas whose size is large compared to the waveguide array, as would be the case in a fusion reactor, and valid for the frequency regimes of either ion-cyclotron (harmonic), or lower-hybrid, or electron-cyclotron (harmonic) heating. In what is generically known as 'RF heating and current generation' of plasmas, electromagnetic (EM) energy from high-power sources external to the plasma is used to excite electromagnetic fields that propagate into the plasma and eventually dissipate their energy and momentum on the charged particles of the plasma, thus achieving the desired heating and/or current generation. One important aspect of such interactions is the coupling of power from the EM sources in freespace to the EM fields in the plasma. In magnetically confined plasmas with appreciable bulk temperatures, which are of interest in achieving fusion temperatures in a quasi steady-state, coupling structures cannot be inserted into the plasma and such coupling must take place at the plasma edge. Under these circumstances, and for technological reasons which we shall not go into here, it is useful to consider EM sources at high frequencies whose energy can be brought conveniently to the plasma edge by waveguides. Specific heating and current generation schemes require that the excited fields have a prescribed spatial spectrum. This then requires that the waveguides be fed with specific relative amplitudes and phases, thus forming waveguide arrays. In this paper, we formulate a general linear theory to describe the coupling of EM power from waveguides to a plasma in a magnetic field. The coupling region (Fig. 1) is taken as the inhomogeneous plasma extending from the free-space- waveguide openings- in the-plasmawall to where the desired plasma modes are excited. The excited plasma modes are assumed to be dissipated beyond the coupling region, further into the plasma core. The plasma is taken to be of sufficiently large (reactor) size so that the limited extent of the coupling region can be modelled in slab geometry (Figs 2 and 3). For definiteness, the plasma in the coupling region is described by the cold-plasma model with inhomogeneous density and magnetic field in one direction, into the plasma. The walls of the plasma and waveguides are assumed perfectly conducting, and the waveguides are allowed to be of arbitrarycross-section; the medium in the waveguides is taken as free-space. Far from the plasma wall the waveguides are assumed to propagate only their dominant mode. Given the amplitudes and phases of the incident fields in each of the waveguides and the unperturbed characteristics of the plasma in the coupling region, we show how to determine the reflection coefficient in each of the waveguides and the excited fields and power flow into the plasma modes in and beyond the coupling region. The plasma modes amenable to waveguide excitation for heating a reactor-type plasma fall into three fre- * Work supported by DoE Contract DE-AC02-78ET-51013 and NSF Grant No.ENG 79-07047. quency ranges: (a) ion-cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF), from the ion-cyclotron frequency (2/27r) to 1. INTRODUCTION NUCLEAR FUSION, Vol.23, No.1 (1983) 41I BERS and THEILHABER PLASMA WALL WAVEGUIDE ARRAY CENTRAL PLASMA EM SOURCI ES EDGE PLASMA II n* ~TO COUPLING REGION FIG.1. Waveguide-plasma couplinggeometry. The coupling region extends from the plasma wall into the edge plasma; it does not include the hot, centralplasma where the excited waves are assumed to be dissipated. For a large plasma, the coupling region can be modelled in slab geometry. PERFECT CONDUCTOR WALL FREE -SPACE PLASMA -------- --- X yb FIG.2. Geometry used in the analysis of coupling from a single waveguide to a plasma. a few times (92i/27r); (b) lower-hybrid range of frequencies (LHRF) which is around and above the ion plasma frequency (copi/21r). (c) electron cyclotron range of frequencies (ECRF) from the the electron cyclotron frequency ( 2 e/27r) to a few times ( 2eI/27r). For magnetically confined fusion plasmas, in externally applied magnetic fields in the range of 4-6 T, the ICRF would involve waveguides whose cross-sectional dimensions would be comparable to a reactor plasma radius; for plasma densities in the range of 1020 - 1021 mn3 , the LHRF fall in the usual microwave regime and the 42 waveguide dimensions become smaller than a reactor plasma radius; finally, in the ECRF the waveguides are much smaller than the plasma radius. In all cases, the finite size of all the cross-sectional dimensions of the waveguide relative to the plasma dimensions must be accounted for in the coupling problem. Previous analyses of the waveguide-plasma coupling problem have concentrated on the LHRF [1-4]. All these analyses were carried out in detail in only two dimensions: the waveguides were assumed to be perfectly conducting parallel-plates of infinite extent in the direction perpendicular to the confining magnetic field B 0 , and the excited plasma modes were thus forced to have no variation in that direction. Most analyses were also concerned mainly with the dominant mode in the waveguides and neglected all of the higherorder modes that are required for a proper description of the fields at the plasma wall where the waveguide ends. In the present analysis, these restrictions are removed; full account is taken of the finite dimensions of the waveguides in both the direction along B0 and the direction perpendicular to Bo, and all the higherorder waveguide modes are accounted for in the vicinity of the waveguide opening in the plasma wall. In addition, we do not restrict ourselves to any particular frequency regime. Instead, the differential equations describing the fields in the inhomogeneous plasma, in the coupling region, are derived to apply to any of the frequency regimes. In general, these are four coupled first-order differential equations with nonconstant coefficients, and without further approximations their solutions must be arrived at by numerical techniques. Such numerical integrations are not carried out in this paper, but as a guide to work PERFECT CONDUCTOR WALL .----,----- ----------x ------1-- - ------X FREE-SPACE WEGUIDE vno,vBo /PLASMA FIG.3. Geometry used in the analysis of couplingfrom multiple waveguides - waveguide arrays - to a plasma. NUCLEAR FUSION, vol.23, No.1 (1983) WAVEGUIDE-PLASMA COUPLING in the future some approximate solutions are outli This together with the mode expansion for the fie in the waveguides is shown to lead to a complete solution of the linear coupling problem. Section 2 describes the mode expansion of the' guide fields. Section 3 describes the plasma fields their Fourier transforms in the two directions of assumed plasma homogeneity. Section 4 gives the solution of the coupling problem from a single wa guide. Section 5 generalizes the solution of the co problem to multiple waveguides (waveguide arrays independently fed in amplitude and phase. Sectio gives some approximate solutions relevant to the I Section 7 summarizes the results and discusses the limitations of the assumed model and analysis. The dominant mode is characterized by wavenumber kd = (27r/Xg), normalized transverse field patterns ed and hd, waveguide admittance Yd, incident-field amplitude V., (referenced to x =0, or any place an integer multiple of Xg/2 to the left of x = 0), and complex reflection coefficient R. The higher-order modes are all evanescent from x =0 toward x <0 with spatial decay rate aH and field amplitude KVH; the summation subscript H stands for all the TE and TM modes in this category [5]. 3. THE PLASMA FIELDS 2. THE WAVEGUIDE FIELDS We consider an arbitrary cylindrical waveguide, one which is uniform in the x-direction and of arbi closed cross-section transverse to x. Figure 2 illust a waveguide of rectangular cross-section, but our description is equally applicable to any other cross section, e.g. circular or elliptical. For simplicity, mA shall assume that the waveguide walls are perfectly conducting, and that the plasma does not penetrat, into the waveguide so that the medium enclosed b, waveguide walls is taken as free-space (eo, Ao). Th solution of Maxwell's equations in such cylindrical waveguides is well known [5 ]. The electromagneti, fields can be expressed as the superposition of an infinite set of orthogonal E (or TM) modes and H (or TE) modes which are complete. For our purpc we assume that, at the frequency of interest, the waveguide propagates only its dominant (lowest-or mode, and all other (higher-order) modes are belo cut-off. The transverse fields in the waveguide can then be written as follows: -W V. 0 E=+R + e ikdx + Re VH ea -ikdx) (1) H W w YdVo ( ikdx l+R \e + - -ikdx -Re X YHVH eaHxH(y, z) H NUCLEAR FUSION, vol.23, No.1 (1983) n KX d -Ydt ny-YKX 1 y (2) Y+ i ny nz / i X I-ZoXY O + 2 \ /oxZZo~ (3) dP = - n -KX --n, -i- ZK Y KL Zoy- i n nz ZoZ (4) d-- dZolz d ed (y,z) H(y, Z) In the coupling region, near the waveguide openings in the perfectly conducting wall (Figs 2 and 3), at a given radian frequency w, the plasma will be assumed to be described by its cold, inhomogeneous dielectric tensor. For simplicity, the inhomogeneity in the unperturbed density no and applied magnetic field Bo= iBo will be taken in the x-direction. The electromagnetic fields in the plasma can then be Fourieranalysed in y and z, and the complete solution for the fields, through Maxwell's equations, is determined by the solution of four coupled first-order, ordinary differential equations (o.d.e.'s) in x, representing the coupling of 'slow' and 'fast' waves [6, 7]: +i(n2-K =-innz _=i (n 2-Ki+ +±inynz&z- k- K_ KX (5) &y oy+-X-n oKi-yoCKn Iz (6) where we normalized co-ordinate distances to (c/o), e.g. (ox/c) =, and take the Fourier transform of the fieldsy and z: (Qnynz)- and A($,ny,nz)**l, where ny =(cky/w) and nz = (ckz/w) are the indices of refraction in y and z, respectively, and ky and kz are the wavenumbers in these directions. In the above 43 BERS and THEILHABER equations Ki, Kx and K11, the cold-plasma dielectric tensor elements, are functions of , and ZO=\/r0eO. These equations are all first-order and are well suited for a numerical treatment. The only singularity in the coefficients occurs when K_( - 0, which is simply the hybrid resonance (lower or upper hybrid). If we impose the values of &y and Fz at t =0, and require that only outgoing or evanescent waves exist as t -+ -, then these boundary conditions determine completely the solution of Eqs (3-6). Without further approximations, these equations must be solved numerically as follows. At the end of the coupling region into the plasma, the 'fast-'and 'slow'-wave fields will be assumed uncoupled and described by their WKB form. Furthermore, assuming that the plasma beyond the coupling region is absorptive, we can take the WKB form for each as outgoing waves of, say, unit amplitudes. The 'differential equations can then be integrated backwards in x to obtain &To - 9( =0, ky, k,) and tTo ;T ( =0, ky, k,) for all ky and kz of interest. The integration of the coupled differential equations for 9T and RT must be carried out with care so that resonant (absorptive) or cut-off (evanescent) regions are properly taken into account for each pair of ky and k,. Further details of this are discussed in Section 7. The integration of the coupled differential equations can be considered to determine the matrix (Q) that gives ( (7) ' where Yp= Yp,(,,ky, kz) is the plasma admittance matrix. The electromagnetic fields transverse to x in the plasma at x =0 are then obtained by computing the inverse Fourier transform of T(T = 0) = 9To and N'1(1=0) rT P 0>) -P HT(x= 0 )= (11) and (12) fT(x=0)= H (x=0) Using Eqs (1), (2), (8), (9), and (10), we can write expressions (11) and (12) as V+oe 2 dVkT HLVHeHJ (2ir) 2 + T e H w d -R I+R d +0 rT Toe H (13) - H Id 2 kT =* 2 S2i) I irT (14) poTo e where we note that w IR d 1 +-R Pw (15) d is the admittance of the plasma presented to the dominant mode of the waveguide. Equations (13) and (14) determine, in principle, this admittance (and hence R) as well as the amplitudes of the higher-order modes per unit of incident-field amplitude, i.e. (VH /V10 ) -VH . To write this out explicitly, we take the Fourier transform in y and z of Eq.(13) to obtain (16) eTo - V+o ed + YV-HFH H where ei= f d2rTei exp (- iST -?T) is the Fourier trans2 9T(x 9W(x=0)4(x=0) d kT2 - irT (2,T) gToe -r (8) form of to find 1, and substitute Eq.(16) into expression (14) 2 (21r)2 Toe (9)2 (9 Yd hd~ YHV-HhH H where kT = yky+ Ak and rT = yy + iz, and, using Eq.(7), Sj7TO - Yp( d2 kT 0)-&T =1Ypo - dT (10) (0) 4. THE WAVEGUIDE-PLASMA COUPLING For coupling with a single waveguide, as shown in Fig.2, the waveguide transverse electric and magnetic fields at x = 0 must match onto the plasma fields, i.e. 44 ( 2 -# po + 1 i -H H d+ I r r (17) H Now, using the orthogonality properties of the waveguide field patterns [5], and introducing the coupling admittances =kT r-dik (21r)2 YPp'j (18) NUCLEAR FUSION, Voi.23, No.1 (1983) WAVEGUIDE-PLASMA COUPLING Ni= f d2rThi exp (-ik rT) in the Fourier t ransform of hi, we extract from Eq.(17) where -o= V.0[, (25) Hf H (19) V+of~± Pw YdH H Ydd Yd 9-H + To H Y Y1 V.HEH} d YH -H (26) j H and (YHH'H +YH H)-H Using these we can then obtain the electromagnetic field spectra in the plasma as excited by the dominantmode incident-field amplitude (V. 0 ) in the waveguide, and the power flow into the plasma. YH'd H Equations (19) and (20) can be solved for the normalized higher-order mode field amplitudes K-H PW and Yd which by relation (12) determine the complex reflection coefficient R: R= ~PW I-$ To have more control on the excited spectrum of 1 +yPw (21) Yd where PW Pw_ Yd d - YW Note that Eq.(19) represents the coupling of the dominant mode to the higher-order modes, and Eq.(20) gives the coupling of the higher-order modes among -themselves. The importance of higher-order modes can be determined by solving various truncated forms of Eqs (19) and (20). If we ignore all the higher-order modes, then from Eq.(19) we simply have PW Yd = fields in the plasma it is common to use multiple waveguides appropriately phased, i.e. waveguide arrays, as shown for example in Fig.3. The coupling analysis of the preceding section is easily generalized to this case. The matching of the tangential rand H fields, Eqs (11) and (12), take on the more general form Yid Ydd -~ Yd V-H H V+ VPw lY ed , f d Y, w0 d VH H H To eikT-rT 1 (28) Po0&To e T2 -- 2 H w (22) dd If account is taken of one higher-order mode, say H = 1, Eqs (19) and (20) give a two-by-two matrix of equations which solves readily to give PW= Yd 5. COUPLING FROM WAVEGUIDE ARRAYS TO THE PLASMA where the summation over the superscript w is over all the waveguides in the array. The Fourier transform of Eq.(27) gives (23) -+y w [ and (29) Vw w H -Yd Y1 + Y11 (24) In general, Eqs (19) and (20) form a square matrix of equations of order equal to the number of higher-order modes plus one. For computational purposes proper ordering and truncation can be determined from estimates of expression (18) for different pairs of modes. Having determined Ydw and the V-H, Eqs (13) and (14) give NUCLEAR FUSION, Vol.23, No.1 (1983) where " (ky, kz) -+e (y, z) is a Fourier transform pair, and using expression (29) in Eq.(28) we obtain w ZPW W~W C_ W W _ H d2 kT 2 = (2r) w 4 po' W Vwe d+ w H ikTrT V.-H H e (30) 45 BERS and THEILHABER Let the waveguides be designated by superscripts w = a, ,-..., and the modes in each waveguide by the vertically aligned subscript (i, j)= d or H. Using the orthogonality properties [5] of the a-waveguide field patterns, and introducing the coupling admittances d2 kT (2ir)2 T yw U _.a where in (ky , k,) Yp -W (31) (1 3 - hi (y, z) is a Fourier transform pair, we find from Eq.(30): YPa waaaa Wa H wia H Sa (32) w wka guide. Note from (34) that the normalized, complex amplitudes V. contain the relative phasings in the incident dominant-mode fields of the various waveguides. Proceeding in similar manner to apply to Eq.(30) the orthogonality properties of the field patterns of the other waveguides 0, y, ... we obtain a set of Eqs (32) and (33) for each waveguide by simply replacing a with #, y, ... . The simultaneous solution of all these sets of equations gives the higher-order mode amplitudes and reflection coefficient (through Pw Yw and (21)) in each of the waveguides. Again, proper ordering and truncation of all these equations can be arrived at from estimates of the coupling admittances (31). Thus using the results in expression (29), we can finally also find the electromagnetic field spectra in the plasma, as excited by a given set of dominantmode incident-field, complex amplitudes (V0) in the waveguide array, and the power flow into the plasma. and ( -H 'H H H H -H 6. COUPLING AT LOWER-HYBRID FREQUENCIES WHa YHd (33) YH d +0 woa where the mode amplitudes have been normalized to the incident dominant mode amplitude of waveguide a, +0 +0 -H Va ;and VH_ +0 +0 (34) The first two terms on the left-hand sides of Eqs (32) and (33) and the first terms on their right-hand sides are, of course, the same as in Eqs (19) and (20), respectively, and represent the coupling of all the modes in waveguide a. The last term on the left-hand side of Eq.(32) represents the coupling of the dominant mode in waveguide a to the higher-order modes in all the other waveguides, and the last term on the left-hand side of Eq.(33) is due to the coupling of the higher-order modes in waveguide a to the higherorder modes in all the other waveguides. Finally, the second terms on the right-hand sides of Eqs (32) and (33) represent the driving by the incident dominantmode fields in all the other waveguides of, respectively, the dominant and higher-order modes in the a-wave46 The evaluation of the admittance matrix Ypo defined in Eq.(10), and which is essential in the calculation of the coupling admittances, (31), will in general require a numerical computation. However, in the lower-hybrid frequency range, an approximate decoupling of Eqs (3-6) can be made. The result is an analytic expression valid in most (but not all) of the Fourier space (ny, n,). For the fast wave, decoupling comes from assuming a shorted parallel electric field, &z= 0, and the resulting equation for Py is: d2&gF _ 2_ 2 +( +iKi n K nny-n n 2-Ki F= (35) so that we have: [&y, &z]F [F(), 01. For the slow wave, we assume the local polarization, &y5 [nynz/ (n -K)]&z, and we find: d2 .S 5 + dW2 (nK - K Ki-nK)nyPS= ) (36) with [Py,&zls= [&s,(nynz/(nz- K1 )) Ps]. Let us assume a linear density profile near the plasma edge, writing Kim 1, Ki= 1 -at, Kx= A where NUCLEAR FUSION, Vol.23, No.1 (1983) WAVEGUIDE-PLASMA COUPLING d dt 2 2 pe d t(=0 2 dt Pe,)/W2e) 6=0 and Eq.(36) can then be solved in terms of parabolic cylinder functions and Airy functions, respectively. The final result is: , + Yo igs(ny, nz) igF(ny,nz) f iF(yInznynz(- both cases, a TE mode is incident from the waveguide, the difference being in the waveguide aperture's orientation with respect to the static magnetic field. The main result is that because, in general, gS/gF ~ al/3 // 2 > 1, the incident polarization remains dominant in the waveguide and most of the energy is reflected in a TE mode. For the slow-wave excitation, Einc c iEz and we can estimate the resulting magnetic field at the plasma edge from expression (37). The result is Hy/Hz-gs/gF)> I and the polarization is approximately TE. The reflection coefficient is found as in Brambilla's theory, but with an additional geometrical factor accounting for the finite extent in y. Specifically, we calculate: + 2i) YOo= yz - zy (n-2] (37) fdnydnzigs(ny,nz) OJ (27)2 (n2 -1) (n n )12 2 ' (40) n-l and the reflection coefficient is R =(Yeo- Y where the admittance terms gs and gF are: 1/3 -iffI3 gs(nynz)=a e 1/3 (n -l) 1/2 2,/4 /(Yw + YE)- Ai'(0) Ai(0) (38) For the fast-wave excitation we find a similar result. The incident field is now E= fEy and the resulting polarization from expression (37) has Hz- Hy. However a small Ez component F(3/4 + a/2) Ez/Ey - 0 and (1-n 2 )2 __ ( 1- n with n z= ny + n . The expression (37) for can then be substituted into Eq.(31) for an evaluation of the Ya. The limitations on the use of this approximation arise because of the resonant denominators (nyz-- Iy' and (nZ-l)'. When Inyz-+1 or Inz-+l, the assumptions which led to Eqs (35) and (36) break down and Eqs (5) and (6) cannot be decoupled. Furthermore, the resonant terms cannot simply be ignored because they lead to a divergent integral in expression (31). Thus, expression (37) is useful only if the excitation spectrum has little energy near the lines nz= 1 and the circle ny+ n2 = 1 in the (ny, n,) space; then the singularities in the integral (31) can be avoided by setting the spectrum to zero at some arbitrary distance from the resonance. In effect, this limits the application of expression (37) to phased arrays which create a spectrum in nz which is well above nz= ±1. We now qualitatively consider excitations designed to couple predominantly to slow or fast waves. In NUCLEAR FUSION, vol.23, No.1 (1983) will cancel the Hz, with almost all the energy reflected in the TE mode. We find R = (Y00- Y4wE)/ oo+ YwE) where: Y dnvZn 2 )2 (27) igF(ny, nz) 2 -1 nyz-1' IC 2 TE(ny,nz)j (41) In both cases, scattering into the other polarization results in the excitation of a wave with amplitude g13 2 /a 3 < 1 that of the dominant wave. The finite extent in y results in the inclusion of the shape of the ny spectrum in the -calculation of Y00(the lez,yTE(ny,nz)I terms) and also possibly more evanescence (reactance) for large values of ny. 7. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION We have derived a general formalism for the treatment of waveguide coupling in any frequency range, provided the slab geometry adopted for the plasma edge is valid. In particular, coupling in the ICRF and ECRF frequency ranges as well as LHRF can be treated 47 BERS and THEILHABER by this method. Furthermore, the formalism accounts for finite waveguide dimensions both along and across B0, a feature neglected in all previous treatments of the problem, and allowance is made for the interaction of all possible waveguide modes. The plasma is characterized by four coupled firstorder differential equations which have to be solved for a complete spectrum of wavenumbers. In certain domains of wavenumber space, these equations can be uncoupled and solved analytically. This is illustrated in Section 6 for fast- and slow-wave coupling in the LHRF. In general, however, solutions must be found by numerical integration, and this was assumed in Sections 4 and 5. We can proceed as follows. First, we specify a density profile which joins smoothly to a region of constant density far from- the waveguides. In this region of constant density, plane waves propagate, and by choosing only outgoing waves we satisfy the radiation conditions. Starting with arbitrary amplitudes, we integrate back to the waveguides at x = 0. This yields linear transfer matrices for eT(x) and KT(x) in terms of the amplitudes of the plane waves at large x. Eliminating these amplitudes yields the admittance matrix Yp(x) defined in Eq.(7), and with this admittance known, the problem is reduced to solving a set of linear equations in the waveguide mode amplitudes, as outlined in Sections 4 and 5, respectively, Eqs (19) and (20) for a single waveguide and Eqs (32) and (33) for multiple waveguides, i.e. waveguide arrays. In general, the unknown waveguide mode amplitudes consist of the reflected wave of the dominant mode and all the higher-order modes. The coupling of these amplitudes in the linear equations, just mentioned, is given by expressions (18) and (31), respectively, for the single waveguide and the waveguide arrays. We note that the backward, numerical integration of the plasma equations (3-6) assumes that the resonance K1-O does not occur in the coupling region. This is so in the LHRF where the LHR is chosen to be in the central part of the plasma. However, in the ICRF it may be that K1 -0 in the edge plasma region, indicating that coupling can occur to the slow wave. In such cases Eqs (3-6) may have to be supplemented with thermal correction terms. Finally, we should like to point out two limitations of the model and analysis presented. The first relates to the assumption that the plasma does not extend into the waveguides. Waveguides containing a plasma in a magnetic field can have mode structures [7] very different from empty waveguides, and this may modify the linear coupling problem in an important way. Secondly, non-linear effects in the edge plasma, due to pondermotive forces [9], can modify the plasma dynamics and hence the coupling problem. Much attention has been given to this recently for coupling in the LHRF [10-13]. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by the US-DoE Contract DE-AC02-78ET-51013, and in part by the US-NSF Grant No.ENG 79-07047. The authors also wish to thank J. Freidberg and D. Hewett for several useful discussions. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] BRAMBILLA, M., Nucl. Fusion 16 (1976) 47. KRAPCHEV, V., BERS, A., Nucl. Fusion 18 (1978) 519. BRAMBILLA, M., Nucl. Fusion 19 (1979) 1343. THEILHABER, K., BERS, A., Nucl. Fusion 20 (1980) 547. MARCUVITZ, N., Waveguide Handbook, M.I.T. Radiation Laboratory Sciences, Vol.10, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York (1951); COLLIN, R.E., Field Theory of Guided Waves, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York (1960); HARRINGTON, R.F., Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York (1961). 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(Manuscript received 17 November 1981 Final manuscript received 5 October 1982) 48 NUCLEAR FUSION, Vol.23, No.1 (1983)