Laboratory Safety Survey Room: PI: Date: Sec. A 1 2 3 4 5 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C 1 2 D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 E 1 2 3 4 5 Area of Interest General Lab Safety Biohazard signs properly posted? Radiation signs properly posted? Do lab personnel know MSDS location? MSDS Available? Do lab personnel know location of safety plan? Is there disinfectant/absorbent materials available for spills? (spill kit) Y N N/A COS Personal Protection Is protective clothing available? Is protective clothing worn? Are gloves available? Are gloves worn while working? Are used gloves disposed or cleaned after removed? Is eye protection available? Is eye protection worn? Respirators used by approved individuals only? Y N N/A COS Housekeeping Are aisles free of slip, trip, and fall hazards? Are bench tops and work areas free of excess storage and clutter? Y N N/A COS Work Practices Y Does hand washing occur after removal of gloves and before leaving the laboratory? Are food, drink, medicine and cosmetics not stored or consumed in lab? Is proper lab attire worn? (no shorts, open-toed shoes or cloth shoes) Is mouth pipetting prohibited? Are work surfaces and equipment decontaminated after any spill or splash? Are appropriate disinfectants/neutralizers used for decontamination? Are ignition sources kept from where flammable chemicals are used or stored? Are pulleys, belts and other moving parts properly guarded? Are closed systems under heat or pressure contained behind a blast shield or in a fume hood with the sash closed? Are Dewar flasks and cold traps wrapped with screens, friction tape, or a metal jacket? Are needles kept from being recapped? Are sharps secured? Are the doors to the laboratory kept closed? N N/A COS Y N N/A COS Compressed Gases/DI Bottles Are cylinders Upright/Secured? Are Securing device in good Condition? When cylinder is not in use or stored, are the caps in place? Are main valves closed and the pressure regulators released when not in use? Are flammable gases present only where there is ongoing use? Are flammable gases separated from oxidizing agents?(20ft Seperation) F 1 2 3 N N/A COS N N/A COS Y N N/A COS Electrical Hazards Y Are electrical cords and plugs intact; not damaged or frayed and free of tape splices or repairs? No more than one item plugged into an individual receptacle? Are extension cords used on a temporary basis only, not as a permanent source of electricity? Do all electrical outlets within 6 ft of a water source have a GFCI? Are grounded or polarized plugs unaltered? N N/A COS Y N N/A COS Y N N/A COS Facilities If hand sinks are avalible are towels and soap present? Are laboratory floors easily cleaned? (Carpets and rugs are inappropriate) Bench tops impervious to water and are resistant to moderate heat and disinfectants? Y 4 Is lab furniture capable of supporting anticipated loading and uses? 5 6 7 Are spaces between benches, cabinet, and equipment accessible for cleaning? Chairs covered with easily cleaned (non-fabric) material? Are vacuum lines equipped with traps? Special Procedures for Carcinogens, Teratogens, and Other Highly Toxic Chemicals Y Are designated work areas for these compounds present and labeled? Have adequate written procedures been created for the use of these compounds? G 1 2 H 1 2 3 4 5 I 1 2 3 4 5 J 1 2 3 4 5 6 K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Emergency Equipment/Fire Safety Are safety showers/eyewashes clearly visible and unobstructed? Are fire extiguishers clearly visible and unobstructed? Does lab staff know the location of emergency equipment? Are exits and means of egress unlocked and unobstructed? Is an eighteen inch vertical clearance maintained from sprinkler heads? Waste Are all cultures, stocks, and other regulated wastes decontaminated before disposal by an approved decontamination method (i.e. autoclaving, chemical?) Are materials to be decontaminated outside of the immediate laboratory placed in a durable, leak proof container and closed for transport? Is broken glass/glass waste segregated from regular trash or other wastes? Are glass waste container not overfilled? Are only needles and other sharps disposed of in a sharps container? Are sharps containers not overfilled? Hazardous Waste Compliance Do all waste containers have the orange EH&S label? Are orange EH&S labels correctly filled out? Are waste containers in good condition? Are waste containers capped? Are funnels only used while filling waste container? Is chemical waste kept from being disposed down the sink or in regular waste bins? Are wastes properly segregated? Is waste generated in the laboratory kept in the laboratory until pick up from EH&S? Is waste generated by laboratory personell under the control of that laboratory personnel that generated the waste? Is there not excess storage of waste? L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M 1 2 3 4 5 N Hoods Y Are fume hoods used for volatile, flammable, and gaseous hazards? Are fume hoods free of excess storage? Are large pieces of equipment raised to allow air flow? Are items placed and procedures conducted at least 6" inside fume hood? Is there a visual indicator of fume hood flow? Is the fume hood sash lowered to optimum setting and closed when no one is actively working in the fume hood? Are operations using heated perchloric acid performed in a perchloric acid fume hood? N N/A COS Y N N/A COS Y N N/A COS BSCs Are BSC I/II used with non-hazardous chemical material? Is volatile chemical use limited in BSC? Are cabinets/hoods tagged with annual inspection data? Are laminar flow hoods used properly? Are laminar flow hoods tagged with annual inspection data? Chemical Handling and Storage Safety 1 Is there a current chemical inventory? 2 Has the inventory been entered in EH&S Assistant? Are chemical containers in good condition? Are original chemical container labels present and legible? Are all chemicals color-coded and segregated by hazard class? When present, are acids and bases stored separately by a vertical separation? Are secondary containers labeled properly? When present, are hydrofluoric, nitric, and perchloric acids stored properly? (secondary container) Are hydrofluoric (HF) safety procedures posted and observed? Is fresh calcium gluconate gel available where HF acid is present? Is picric acid stored hydrated at all times? Is an appropriate usage log maintained? Are all flammable/combustible chemicals stored in approved flammable chemical storage cabinets? Flammable/combustible chemicals are not stored in conventional refrigerators? Is the total flammable chemical storage limited to 8gal/100 ft 2 for sprinkled areas and 4gal/100ft 2 for unsprikled areas and total of 4gal/basement labs? Are chemicals stored away from intense light sources? Are large chemical containers stored near the floor? Are bottle carriers and/or transportation carts utilized when moving chemicals from one room to another? Are peroxide and peroxide-forming compounds labeled with receipt date, open date and/or expiration date? Are peroxide-forming compounds checked for peroxide formation one year from date of reciept and every 6 months thereafter? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 For Biosafety Level 2, the lab must meet the criteria of sections A-M and O. Y Does the lab have proper biohazard signs posted on all entrance doors to the work area? Lockable door provided for facilities that house restricted agents? Is TTU custodial staff not allowed to enter laboratory to remove trash and/or clean? Access to laboratory is limited when experiments are in progress? Does hand washing occur after handling viable material and before leaving the lab? If staff are potentially exposed to blood or bodily fluid, Bloodborne Pathogen Training is required. Have all lab workers had this training? Are proficiency levels of lab workers checked? How? Is there a medical surveillance program in place? Does the lab have access to a copy of the CDC's most current edition of Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories ? Does the lab have access to a copy of the NIH's most current edition of Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules ? Is there a laboratory-specific biosafety manual that includes written laboratory procedures and written emergency plan for the laboratory? Does lab equipment (refrigerator, incubator, cold rooms, freezers, storage cabinets, and biosafety cabinets) have proper biohazard signage? Are labeled, non-sharps biological waste containers available? Are there liquid biological waste disposal procedures in place? Are pathological waste procedures in place? Is the biological safety cabinet located away from doors, room ventilation and heavily traveled areas and other disruptive equipment so as to maintain undisturbed airflow? Are emergency phone numbers easily accessible? Is there routine decontamination of equipment? (Is there a log?) Is equipment decontaminated after a splash or spill? Is appropriate PPE worn while in the laboratory? Are gloves worn when hands may contact viable materials, contaminated surfaces, or equipment? N N/A COS Comments